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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT Auckland. v < pt I<> Mr- Stimp -<>n presided and s| ' The I aithful < rod " Lei «i I abinet Mm; ply to pi \\«i 11\ *• an lion considered \ » \\ Meeting M • ter talk Prohibition and \\ i miu n's W rk ill lli'l Avondale St j.t 12 im < Mrs \\ ed. I)< Mis Penman. Mr- I-.IK -l»<.kr "ii Sist<' - k Pledg< i< \ memh i Mes i i '< >\w cut Birkenhead. F 1" present I »|.t ninj i hi>i I .ict, MrHull.. ' • M K.ii ii- r •!< i« ention Each memlx ! to irwaj I'.t i,i dii I Birkenhead. lair attend m for Maori Fund Petitioi 5.2 Ml leali with Miss Kai nei gave n \ entioa Grey Lynn. Sepl Om \\r- 11 !r »yd spoke of he* \\'>rk among the Ma \ thanked \ften n Sept W 11-me meetii ride for Xmas part) Mam t n '»\ Mr- i x>k; prize Fund Supper I ■ Leiijh &pt Mrs Mr- Yearbury j>rt -n I*'i Om new member Petition was und act, Mrs Williams M »tt<• Mrs '. >zar Mr- Yearbur) an article entitled "Whisk) - Petrol." Telegram from Mr- • v President, Don in Wellington. Hostesses, Mr- I Wyatl and Mr- Gosur Otahuhu. &; t \>> Mr- \V Taylor ided Mr- I'.ti ■ .1 talk oa tin 'iu "i <'iir Beloved Leader, Frances \\ illard, an-' " White Ribbom we aft pn md <>t 1 m Onehunga. - i>t I_' Mr- St I presided District Convention Vgenda considered Arrangements made for various branches of Patriotic Work Reported proti -t sent it " W

r.iik <>n Plunk* I Work and Evil - >» Mc< >hol and ■ Papatoetoe.- v t pi 18 fi od Stti res dent, it I. Mil • Rl Hon P. ■ - l»\ Ri much » up >\ ed Mr- I hinham deh \ttcri)<>< m Takapuna. M< well attended Mr- Winstoni in rhaii Opi inn. lira' hi Richards 1 nllcn Reading all i . chieH) 'ii "I • Up da\ I >cl< gat< • ti< >ti Warkworth Sept 12 \t residi ■ 'residei excltis " \\ e! < anteens '* irom from \\ hite Ribbon " I decided t-. assist • SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Hamilton ' >< t :<1« nt in chair I >ev< >tion Vllen Kact, M rs f< »m - Ma< >ri I >a> observed Mr- \\ ■ to petit* 'ii I .ett< i t. i fnspi Polii i a-k • nt" illicit trading in Frankl m Opotiki- pi 12 ■', esident -I«I«'<1 I >r\ ' • 111) n tn I decided t< i pi « sent pi Temper*] next Band of Hop< il Cup for i -t points in c<>mpetitioni \r «im nt- made for Patriotic Shop ghted !•• have with us Mrs Christian, District President, who interesting addri is Solos l>\ Misi J Thompson and Mr- I. Sinclair Taumarunui. Se| I N I'au attend I »t motional reading " Thrt e Ti -' Pilot," based on Ephesians '• In Lettei received from Miss Kirk Ived t<> send L-itts to Nen !M\ mout •-' Rest. Paj I on the life < »l the lati T I Taj lor Tauranga -Oct 1 \ <r\ good tendai Mr- Christian presided it ions, Mr- I' >m ■- Held ■• -fl of prayer on the 26th Address by MrI »r Stenhouse on "Life in Tahiti," with special reference to the drink problem. Men member Report on Convention l>\ Mr- ELxiey. Invitation by Tc \w .1111111 ii for i ar*i i 'a invention Afternoon tea Benediction. TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera. Sept. President led d< lions. Fine addn u on Union motto

b) k". I, -• ckwell (. I • «i Collection for N.Z I New Plymouth & pt i ternoon < lood atten Musical i titribute< Mesdat Hawkins, \\<r\ Warringti m Benedicti >n Vftei Stratford. Si pt President led ittendam i Pa) I foi Petition from Klliance discussed Decided U \\ itli l<>,-;d ministers ' nnmix i ItCttOfl HAWKES BAY DISTRICT Havelock North Si pt Mll ting Thi n memb< i - adult-, 1 junior. Speaker, I rai I »a\ a paper read b) Mr- H I • anchisi I 'a\ donate : Waipaw a < om enti< >n ' ' \! i - \u l-.iti Hastings, t k t 2A M« « tn | tended I > \\ address, I 'sa -\ ol the Union hrated \ i<« ' i• udents hon ii ti le to MesdanM - Paul. M War; \\ ( ••■ k !<( p<>rtt d that Fi I in conjunct spman-1 tnd i musical mme uapire I »a\ o( r i had been held. I '< to hold next meeting i m < lct< I n thi Bishop o x R \ Bennett, would give thi add' Napier. —Sept 17 Most sue moon ludd w!'»n Hastini l>ir-. led b) Mr- \\ ilson, oh 11 the programme Scientifi musical items given. Mrthanked the Ilastings ladies ' i I in the programme M;nian Ta) lor, of Havelock Wort woum n wh< i had blazed tl mentioning E lizabeth l>\. S) l\ hurst, Edith Cavell and Lad] diction Wairoa. Sept Id Mr- ( fa Missionary from Palestine i ; t cr ' esting talk of W.CT.U acti> Palestine and of Seamen's Ri ' at Port Said t iitt- and ca-h PtO New Plymouth Seamen's Rest \' rx Md kmald, d< legate lo I \ ention. Hand of I lope Concert McDonald to arrange. (> nt member Waipawa. Sept Mr- Ford I lev* itions, Bible reading, minutes read and confirmed, attendance Franchise Day obserfli

Bibrj read on citizenship, i ' • md pledi al arranj i rrents onvention. Benediction.


Brooklyn. Sept. 34 29 present I,\ Mr- Ineson Mesdames m II tad Jaquery, Sear . del* gates i onvention. ats , „. -unip ipokc Mrs Lovell-Smith, a pioneer IT membcf Report Join H Ived Sigil waver Pi-

.lefield. ft Home meeting Mri I inton'i Dis on V • ice \u\i1iarv S 3 distributed to n • ! forms t<» members to Mini" ! Strict NeXt TtirrtitlL' ruber 28th

Lower Hutt. Sept - ,; 13 present ••( lod*i Mu b) sunt Monthly thought, M« Vrrangements ma r for Band ot Hope, al» i few at District Conventioa Pipers * \\Y \\ on ilu Francl ism " Canteens in Ei i', n.ii..11 .t old membei Id ii • ber

Johnsonville September 17 !ti ring of friends Mid member a \cr\ fine address b] Mrs ii. Ikm Viet Pi • lident Mrs • ! list Pres . presided I' l >sies • ! to M< and Brewer. Solos, Mra Tamer and Mrs Franchise I >ay reading by Mrs \ / Mtiance petition Iby all Kccompanist, Mrs Solly. N*»d!ini?ton Central. Sept IS. The Mhaace tsked for help in tures to their petition placing re • i on the udc of liquor irere obtained it the meeting. Noel told of the help and guidi quiet time with God each daj < h i her meeting to be a "Bring ami ■<\ " G I report of the Band • ■.» Two birthday iprays pre> I Members invited to League ot • - Union meeting. M< mbers were ded that their inbscriptions were Solo: "'» Rest hi the Lord" Turner.


v Uon. Sept. 10. Franchise Day. < 'jookt prepared I ijerief of quel and IMWen (Ml tlir ml •x part, wliiih caused much Papen read Helt ted lo ihe District Co* mtkxi llisi I."\ (II Stnitli i : i lented


Levin. Sept 13 Mrs Kennerlcy lions, Mm I tennis R< porl of I district ' ventton bj Mrs Burnham Bring and Buj StmH and Caki Stall di business Mrs Detmii won butterless sponge D unpetition ; Mrs M< Kain >mpet:tion won I>> Miss Betty Stoi \" 11 >n tea Palmertton. Oct 1 Miss I ;innpn lided Wills >n d< otions. Temperana Fact, Mrs. Collins One new member Sympath) with relatives hi' Mri Plimmer and Mri Barrell. Vrrangements for C R party Mn i ry interest '"tit of h< ith W < T I' w rk in tustralia while on • • visit there. Thanks lo Mr- Sc< >tt

Springlands. Hom< 'i< < ' Mr> i ;as< with Mrs Welti on the death of her husband. I discussion on mori al work, and opportune time after Church mi lion to drive home the need of Temperance work. Readings b) m< ml Mrs Underbill from life ludson Ta) Jved all future meetings be held in homes Bene • 111-tH'M

Vua Marina.— Sept 14 pr< Mri Harris presided. Thanks for pai sent to Timaru n's Rest Mrs. js spok< oi past Temperance worki rs; T 1 Taj lot best known to nt, \ spra) present! 'I to speaker Prayers for those in danger in Homeland


ChrUtchurch. Sepl Two meet held. Members took petition to gain ttures. Reports of Provincial l \inll.»ii l»\ Mr- Brown and Miss Thomas. R< pnl of help given to Lad) < ialwa) Fund. 1 decided to hold Maori Da) and Pay-up Soda! and to : Bring and Buy and sale of Xmas gifts in November ' »re< tings to Miss Whyte in hospital Linwood. -d attendance Mrs Mackic presided I i tions, Mr- r\nstice. Welcome to new members and sick ones returned. I'* - to Band of Hope Mrs. Stokes reported "ti District Convention. Papei on isibilities of Youth." N Z MKance petition received Resolution re restriction of importation of petrol and increased allocation ol sterling for importation of whisky MtemOOU tci. Votes ■ >f thanks t< i hostt ss<

North Brighton. Sepl 24. Mri D (...ldinan presided. 1 tarottaaa, Mi Young, Fact, Mrs \ Noonan l-'man-

cial statement b) Treasurer R Provincial Convention b) the Pi i > (ioldinan. Benediction.

New Brighton. Ik\ ■' Mri Hall presided. Report of Executive meetInvitation recen ed and an appeal. al e\ enii and Bi y, to be held Report oi Provincial Convention b) Mesdamei Marks and Ellis • ulations to d tes fr< nn Mrs Mitchell.

Oxford.— Sept President in chair Devotions, Mrs. Tritt Bible ing, Choruses, Business discus--i d and ( i irrespondem e Vrrai ts made for our Birthda) Social on < October \ Mr I. Pratt gave an interesting reading on milk bars in Australia Benediction Supper. Oxford. Sept - ); The 29th birthday. 50 members and friends present >tiom Temperance fad read by Mrs Pachnati Vddr< 11 by Mr- L tacall, a former member Greetings from absent members and friends Rev. Kirkland, President oi Minisl Association, and Mr. Watson both spoke briefly. S 1»\ Mrs. N I telle) and Miss Phyllis Waterman, and • trio by the Rossiter and fane Birthday cake cut b) Mri Avncall and di buted. Temperance doxoloj Papanui. Sept 27 Mr- d-aham od attendance Devotions, Mr- Elliott. Temperance Fact, Mrs. I decided to hold Annual Cradle Roll Meeting on November 2 Km ments made for the final meeting for tin- \ t arto be held in ' October, Parcel collected for Lad) ( iahraj Guild Riccarton. Sept 1- ( ■ 1 meeting. Devotions bj Mr- Dawson Sympath) to relatives of Mrs, Campbell, also to Mrs. Donaldson. funeral petition from N / Alliance distributed. 10/donation to Band oi Hope Union. Mental hospital visited. Several parci h handed in t I ad] ( ..dw.r. I ruild. Mrs Ferguson to help pack Xmas parcels for soldiers. Mesdames Gundy and M. I i .in deh gates to I Kstricl I vention. Vocal solos by Mesdames \\ rward and Henderson Miss Glanvillc reviewed book, "The Queen's Book oi the \\i(\ Ci

Reefton. Sept 10 Mrs. Thompson presided. G 1 attendance. Reading fn>m "\\ liite Ribbon" paper I>\ Lieutenant \itken. Sympathy sent to Mrs. Sara wishing her a speed) recover) to health again Mrs, Norwell closed the meeting with prayer.

Runanga. 5 pt 11 present; 4 vitiPresident, Mrs. Densem, in chair, ted Devotions. Welcome to visit

Members expressed gratitude concerning non-establishment of ' \\ <t I teens" in Territorial Camps Extracts from "White Ribbon" Temperance ial Hour, Xttertioou Tea, Hymn and Benediction.

Spreydon. Sept. The Rev. W Maiax e illuminating talk on the lift John Bunyan Ver) interesting. The reported re lettei sympathy. Thankfulness expressed at exolusion of liquor from Territorial Camp. Members urged to attend Con \ention Gifts for Mental Hospital ed.

Sydenham. Oct 3 Maori Da) Interesting address on "The Maori Before the Advent ol Europeans" by Mrs W rward Mr-. 1 fammett R< ports ol Provincial Convention. Decided to offer prizes to children at tending primary schools in the district foe an essay on "Keeping Fit." Petition approved and signed


Athburton. Oct 2. Mr- Robinson presided. Good attendance. Sympathy with bereaved members. Treasurer reported satisfactory balance. Rakaia sent thanks for our \isit to them. Report of Provincial Convention by .. who \\a- heartily thanked. Sympath) with all bereaved by the war, and t<> all bearing strain and anxiety. Two new members. \rra menti for Real l ent at \ ft P. Show Timaru. Sepl 24 Franchise Da) remembered. Mrs. Armstrong, d< tions N/ Mliance petition received and all signed petition. Small amount >ent to soldiers' Xmas parcels. Thanks to Mr. Matheson for gift oi note paper Knj musical entertainment by W Hand Street Church Ladies Choir. Interesting talk h> Mrs. trmstronfl places visited en route to England. Thanks to performers and speaker \lim Sapwell congratulated on good erork preparing children for Tern] ante exam, in which Timaru £ot special mention.

Waimate Sept 11. Excellent attend ance Decided to have roll calk at all meetings. For October your favourite h\ inn, " roll call." Mai' >f All»( instructive address on Temper* ance.


Kaikorai. Sept. 2\. Mrs. Flett presided. Devotions, Mrs. Orr. N.Z Alliance petition discussed and I ministers to be asked to have same in vestibule for signatures. Mrv Muir

delegate for District Convention \ttenio!>n tea Benedicti »n.

Lawrence. Sept. 5. Mrs. McNeilly presided Fair attendance. Devotions. Mes ' thanks fn m two meml I >i strict Conference business dealt with. Resolution n smoking in ladies' waiting rooms at railway stations sent to Conference letter of appreciation to Prime Minister re wet canteens in Territorial camps Pledge recited and Benediction.

Oamaru. Sept. Evening meeting combined with Bring and Buy sale I progi .mime oi \ ocal and musical items Members of IT 1 helped I lapp\ e\ ening. <km >d result.


South Invercargill. Sept. 10. \nnual social evening Bj imitation members other Branches and friends nren the guests of the South Invercargill Union Mrs Holmes led Devotions, Rev. \V II Greenslade i an interesting address on "Moral Re ,tnir- \ p 1 c<'iiceit proime followed M r • rreenslade and artists heartily thanked. Supper. < ollern< n taken tor Ma« »ri w >rk

Winton. Sept. 17 R< Blamires wrote re "Bible m Schools." Replied that teachers dad> observances and ministers halt hour weekly. Mi--1 lugh < iiahain s|„,ke on Building llonirs Thought provoking and much enjo\ ( d S. ii, M is. I Inks l tation, Mrs Eastlake

*3* — J*- •."

It you can succeed 111 reducing the enormous expenditure of our population on strong drink, ever) trade in the country will benefit

Winst< 'ii t hiirchill

Lincoln's vision ol a countrj with OUt a drunkard is a noble one \ country where there is the minimum waste of human energy in dissipation will outstrip all oth< n iwth, l perity, power and everything which - to make up the sum total of national greatness Drink is our worst form of dissipation «>ur eluet waster ol human energy. The conclusion is ol)\ IOUs.

—Christian Science Monitor.

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White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 538, 18 October 1940, Page 10

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 538, 18 October 1940, Page 10

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 538, 18 October 1940, Page 10

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