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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Maunt;.ikar.»ni«*<t x Mllions I'i il>lisli "\\ i imps I'i inn \1 il M.R, I \t (Hi nt in l»\ in< ml" Whantjarei Mrs ■ AUCKLAND DISTRICT Auckland St< ni|i \la< r .la\ • >bsei ie t.ilk on \\'-rk among \l;i. iris In S 'Hit ti"!i f( >r • • \\ , mps I >t 1. -|" 'Hiti ■ d Auckland i I x l°tll Mrs I MrKaj Mn Mel Van I hstricl > ■ , Birkenhead Ist. Fi- litrrti O|»en in i < Talk mii L.T.I l»\ Miss OnA an ! 'renin! ii> .Id L.T.I • ■ tings "ii first Wedncs month, romn i ist 7tb liction i.rf\ Lynn Mr•I« «1 I>« \i >t ii 'li-. \l rs ruses \l i - Pain an addri - al and l all In Vfternoon ■ liction Home M»t tin Two were held al Mrs Ii \\ is' and \! r npctitioi ikes —.«> 111 fund Chorusi Hendemon \ . St 'Kt I>. • lor th< month Report o\ a tin >-.t nit . "rk ,ini"' sent to Sail- it'-' Ri *l ha nediction <". Fund Mt. Eden —Atij lOtl Devoti uti>t crril Inspiring address l>\ Siftei \M.rk r]ucat< Ma- >ri r

■ nt Mt. Albert Pa> up 1 attends Mrs Turner ded ! h \ otii >ns I*l* •it.l K »ns 1»\ Mi*s II and solos 1»\ \l • i atl> ed Thank- I Sist< Idress IN 1. i"-mti il h i I h-trirt ('<>n\ t ntx it i \!rs I air'l. who is l»a\ing our districi rV as Presi dent ami helper Benediction Otahuhu. Vugust 15th v fter u ell to Mi 1 i iidenl Pres< n itiful 'li appn riati< >n ■»t her lo> ing sen i Rfmuera - Vl«| *l ."! : Mrs. I\ !»m >■ .ii pn sided !h \ i>ti<.n-. \lt - Knsell Mrs Rohin iri'in Mrs N ''-trail.i the \l,i Ie On««hunjja.— \itg n- t Pay-Up ted t<' I Nstrict ention Sympathy and a wri sent to Mr- Mushet in l<>--husband. Vddress on "The Child Mind Towards Religion" bj Rev. '• r.><•<»tt Vugust 28th Honu Mei I Pn -l>\ tt nan Orpanagt Miss I • -<>ti spoke "ii In i -i India " Takapuna. \i; I'rr-i<l« d M• - \\ iist('in Ver\ . tend anci Miss ( ullen Ud I levotions Mrs R lack well of Bays water, most interesting talk i>n a \ isit t-1 the Maoris of Kaikohe, which was much appreciated Collection for M Fund \\ e deeph of CM ir nil .st faithful nictii' Mrs Keane, who will Ik- -:t< 11 \ mis Warkworth. — \iiLMi-t Good attend Ih \. >tion. Tcmperanci I T« in i .|< n d n>r >tall at Patriotic Splendid addt l>\ \li-- S Taylor, for W> Missionary in India, and Indian curios and coins handed round Memorial Special Meeting \ and " Bring and I'm " \«i attendant i I »«-\ otions President re ported that " I *em< mstration and \\ itm ss " in aid • I I'air ■ itic Funds poned until ' \c\ »mpetiti : ling from \V l< Vftern< he purchased i i at SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Opotiki \i. ust s tl Prestdt nt i»r< I Arranged for next Band «»t 11,.|.. i■! I emperancc examina tiofi Decided to help with Patriotic \rtirk read n "Wi t I i

tl-< > i >n• di triii" •\i 11 l>\ Stuart Thame*.— \ fist. < radle R' ■ •i.lid at' li-.tli in. ' inl tlnl Items l>\ children much ei ,ii|-11 ■ Sli< • hirtl tk< handed to the child and d I .uimarunui \ USI Istl Ml M id.IK (i -ii presided 11\ inn, I N Reading, I mperant tain Middleton i talk b •lu text in Th) House, 1 tlu in flu Tauranija. — v < Hi lulu i Jrd attendance I >t\ Dtions, Mr- I i - W'holi da pi • v . : i. ■ ' last Tl da\ ) sent n i Hav \i!.'' md N'ntnii • Mrs Faulktn r Vft ated Penedicti TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera. Vtlglist Mrs i lai I presided I )cv< itions M liiiitrRxley, our President irs, , i omed ilk t id Items \in l'\ m Replu - from Prime Minister and M P it "\\ i i I'anti ni- \" • liction Report of Dist iti\t l)j v ' Stratford. \ . ust 22nd Pi in rliair I>t \ i itii ti-. Adjutant Si Mrs P< ! t \tti ndano ui >'»d pi titi« 'ii pr .it -! "\\ t t I tit ii-" in Territorial Camps \\ placed in Churches, the Mini notif) ing tl'i n, and pleased to n i"»rl .i mi 11 ii| lion was tlu result Two ol members al-.. made a house-to Ii ram ass I>■ mat ion i S< aim i WANGANUI PISTRICT Raetihi. M: presided •ii-. Mr- Brown Mrs W v T"\\ . ill Ki adings from W l< with discuss I'i■ .ti -i -i nt to Priini Ministi "\\\ t < auto ii-'* in camp .it W'.p Short i ■ I. a I'.i nedictii>n MANAWATU DISTRICT Levin. August 'MI Mr- \i il | sided. I»i v'ti'.n-. Mrs Mea I attt ndam ' i Mrs Spenci on " Vlcoh<»l in 0 t hun I Paradi l< i •>» ..n \nuiist 11th

Palmertton North. S( |>t< ml • n combined \\ ith I »i-n : I •ii \l rs. presidi <l. with 'ln Mayor, Re\ Fiebi Miss i - 'ii 11\ inn Mil 1 m Welo M Jamieson Mrs i < plied Recitatii »ns bj Mrs iman. and I - l>\ I i a -' < liMir The speaker for tin not »n \\ i- Ri Kiebig Ih- -nl> "R< I tengei the n ■ i tin W.( II theti aim an.l live u;h all i implied in adjectn c "< Tiristian," which* m< ! and all tl led Religion ital Id, yet inosl dangerou* • tisdirected The greatest dai i elision Spencc thanked the sjw al Xntlifin Fienedicti< >n \i\ tea II' istesses, Mesdanu - I .11,1 Rid HAWKES BAY DISTRICT I'mnevirke. \ . n-1. Special Miss I "»k< o( her work in Thibet for Central Mission. She told of the for helpers, ii 34 million ii Central \-ia to-da). and than 150 M working in c mnection with all Ml urged to pra) to send more hel| • WELLINGTON DISTRICT Br.>,klyn. Vugust 27th Mrs K i H vot* 'ii-. Mrs Rain< h. idle> Thanks to Prime Minis M P linst anteens" £1 ■■ ■ Sick, i.I and I >istn ss Fund R< | trie! Executive by Mrs Jordan • thanks to helpers in secui res i" p< tition Fine address l»\ lones. \n< UK...ii i. a I't.i\ cr 1 m Hutt. \ Bth Presi the chair I>< lotions, MrMonthl) thought, Mr- Ka ments mad< fi»i *upp< r n>r H( b) k, i lull ands," much .in! item • Benediction NELSON DISTRICT ■ 13th Paj in. S ke i>m tided Mn I< ar »pok< Man urtth the W'ithere I Soul " In Keel.l, and Mrs and Miss I>< cnii d ' n-t ■ ens" in Ten itorial < amps essful Jumble Sale


Springlands. M i pn sided I >< \ "ti. hi. M rs. i unninghain Roll-call well responded t<> Sum with Mrs Wilson in the deatl husltand. Travel talk l>\ Mrs Cun niiii . la Memlx • minded ol Vnnual Convention s month, hoi Tua Marina. M rs Ri »bins« >n I I district 11' m • 1 i .ii. ( lippin i i In meml>ers Rirth<la\ spray* presen'ed • dicti< 'ii NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Christchurch. \ Ii I i able talk l.\ Miss Glanville. Distrkl to l>< .1 "II ments mentions I departmental \\<>rk Mr- Hall, 'in senior member, thanked meml • tin Linwood. Miun-' -nit lit .If<| I). \. itions, Mi - Madill I \l rs I Turner Mrs Mai • ided I »tl. k< s, Mat kit . Black and Roberts Mr Barrell \ »r\ instructs e addn • irly his •In \\ I hristi I (mental \\<>rk One that 176 I to tin V New Brighton \UgUSI 1-t attendance Mrs 11 M Hall sided. Scientific m< mds. I u \> >ti \! rs II- iwer, Antiques and run"- brought h) memi much interest ( ta< new member "Bring and Buj Mental Hospital pal Cuttings from »us papers and ! b) members. I discussion as t-1 the best method <>t helping in patriotic \\<>rk was let" nil nexl m< i I i North Brighton. Vttgust 3>t!i MjVoonan presided Devotions, Mrs Mc llraitli Fact, Mt- \ Rep* »i 1 • it M \ '-itu Mr- • Oxford.- Vtlgtisl il-t Good at!. ance President in chair I >ev< Ah >ns, \l rs Trill \: - m ment's decisis >n a ;ain t "\\ < teens' ii Miss I K Vddn Liquor and the War,* 1 Ret \ Fowles Mr- Tritt, delegat< to District Convention Prizes offered to school children for Tempei am i Mr,u' em< nt- for I'irtli-

llmihi Fim airmen I dicti Papanui Ml - i i rah an I -nit .I ' I attendance. ' • lions \l ■ I ■ \l rs < Irchat d x mpath \ w\th be ed im inl»t r 11 uas decided t< i mak< up n pai clothing, mem the articles next and Bu> Sale. \UgUSt Mtli 111 l'rr-!>\ 9 niiinlnr- t >r» President, Mrs II . in tin lir, led il< talk- on Mcohol a W'a-tt r." and '* Vlcohol aMi dicii rlymn ■ lirtn in Rer'fton. V -ii-t Mr- Tln-iiiji -i .ii »11. .ii-, I .irut \itkt n Kt ! m Miss Blackwell read pa'l \ in illin- spershott and \\ i- cr\ ion Riccarton N \ttrnd, lutions ■ \ * \\ i'i|. ,il-., (an M"i illi I district I- \ti mn c "i W.C.T.I pro n-t " W't t ( ant< i mps Letter sent to \l I' ft »r ili• him to give his intment o( \\ . >men r |in--iiiu \\iled in "' iuild " \li Mael >' f the ( ripiilt «l ( hildren's Societ) I interesting talk on W'urk " St. Albans " v r >r<l I i attendance Devotions, Mrs Lord. Mi - Slat tt ■ iveti bj Miss I Mnlm \ Educative and spiritual!) helpful talk l»\ M Marshall Mesdames Parkin and l»i inn .' t.. I >i-t i Spreydon. Vugust Major ll' S\ , wa- the speaker Mrs \i I'•! ant\ and appn »| ir watchword " ; ; an 1 Ilutm and Humanity" stressed in ;t rloquent talk I >c\..ti »ns \>\ V ( u mint II I district 11 nut- approved Mrs ap)K>inti <l deh .it- G Musical programmi h> Mesdames Middleton, Mclvor, Vncall Miss I HidiitA \ 11 .ink- Bent ti< »n Sydenham. S< pt( ml -it ; tli \\ m .i|\\ an! \f rI >;i\ ies I Hstri< n< mini 1 M-trift I i .n\ i iitu .n. Mi - dames Ihivies and Seivers T%elve l"n " in Im pla

in school ' I r* I ».n ies. Patriotic Kntliem sui WooUton. Mrs Ramsa) presided Mr> Busing led Devotions, and MrPalmer gav< Temperance Fact The announccmenl thai the Government decided then w be no "W< i n Territori nps \\at'ulU n members \ a< li iiumiilmv ;ukl an item gi\ en li\ Mrs Md ab< made .1 pleasant afternoon SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Ashburton. Mrs Watson presided Devotions, Sister Mildred. Thanks Mr- Nome and Mi parcels . it Timam Rest >n <>i District Executi n by Mrs Robins* i Miss I- I W delegate to Provincial Convention. Minutes •■• passed to \V;»tt for her help and in-' ti'.n given t<> the Union Resolution lo Miss Watt and ■< corded in minutes—August Bth. MijS S ( >ak ttendance 1 H >n, Mr- Mien S>mpathy to Mi--Rosina Thick Cheer to Mr- Saunders ! )cK ppointed for ( < >n> ent Mr- S R Wilson Address b> Eli Samworth, "The Wort \rniy in V* nks One new member I ; Mesdatm - Mc t'lnrl* rTimaru. Vugust 27th. Mrs ' - Mrs Vrmstr Pope in th( mother, Mr- Millar Cheering Mi-- l"\ fe >lder lx r- I-• k< and the younger members to fit themselves •In work which the i>ld< will e up. Thanks Wcl- ! ; ;< |\< for special effort for -Mldirr- • - ITtspital \isit<>i » radlc r< 'II supt ask< d siipj • i•- in getting new l>al»n - on roll. I.T.L- bus) Fourteen i! < i nt exan v i-u i \daui- -• inter- and insti ucti> e addi - Eg) i>t M i--Head, Com ention OTAGO DISTRICT Dunedin Central. September 2nd ■d meetinu \ < i 11 Tyler gavt t address on " Faith/' I.a> \ <>i:r burden on the Lord and leave it there Preparation foi District Con- \ < nti< >n ' me n< \\ member Kaikurai Vugust .'"tli President I devotions, Mr- < >i r I Itstricl

ention di W K ai -nh-rri' lea I tenedict Lawrence. August Ulli Mrs M< \'» ;ll\ presided. Small attendance • to kfintstl " \V< t < !anteens in 'Yt »iial ("ami l\- ;d, receh ed Li' ters t" two members absent through sickness \»i i ;tl children stud l\ iiipt ram c examination Oamaru- Vugusi 12th Mr- Parkei ided Devotions, Mrs Scott. De cided to have "Bring and Buy" in appreciation ol Govern mint'- action prohibiting Ikj u< >r in Territorial Camps Temperance Miss t Wan Solo, Mr- Bartlett Re l>«»rt- on C.R. and L.T.L •">' 'rk. Owaka. Owing to illin ngst some of mir members, and the absence i>i i »thers, a < a ere n< I hold meetingi till Jul) July 15th Five members present, from Miss < rraj re "Wet Canteens' 1 in Territorial Camps. '. to protest to r of Det'( nt • m Mi-- Kirk in regard t'> helping to pa> off debt ol Head quarters Secretary to forward a list of iiann residents likel) t" help. Seas< m I er \tt( rn<mhi tea South Dunedin Vugust 22nd. Mrs Pelling presided I >c\<>ti<>ns. spondem • n I ilitary (an teen District Conference Decided to pursue gamblini \-k the '"n i men! to follow Kustralian lead and ban intoxicants from all Milit imps Franchise Da) cutting on sanu Temla< i Arranged next be held week earlier and paper "I '• i . i I delegates for I district Mei artli\. \f r- Ripl>in SOUTHLAND DISTRICT South Invercargill. \UgUSt 13th Miss VfcCallum presided. Devotions, Mi - Richards Fact, Mr- Reid) Protest sent to Government against "Wit i anteens " in Territorial Camps \ er) inspiring address b) Rev Graham His text think without confusion clearly, Let n- love '>ur fellowmen sincerely, Lei n- act from honest motives purely, I< • us tru-t m <,- m| and Hta\ en securely." Winton. August 20th. President in Nfational Vnthem, followed by minute's silent prayer Devotions, Mrs. I 11 Wilson Solo, Mr- Younf Two m w members mit at 'Travel Talk" i\\ Mr- S \. Thomson. Special ■ »Hecti< 'ii. 27 for \ ictoria Home

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White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 537, 18 September 1940, Page 6

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 537, 18 September 1940, Page 6

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 537, 18 September 1940, Page 6

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