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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Dargaville. Nov. 14. At Mrs. Noble’s in the evening. 13 present. Miss Edmed presided. Mrs. Smith ga\ e very interesting talk about the women of Ishmael. Reports from different departments showed satisfactory work done. Rand of Hope children were given a sit-down tea at their final meeting for the year. \ttcndance prizes were given out. Six pledges signed. Maungakaramea. Nov. \nnual meeting. hair attendance. One new member President, Secretary and Ireasurer re-elected. All departmental reports encouraging, especially the evangelistic, which reported that the study and prayer circle was proving a great help. Sub-committee appoint 1 to make arrangements for cradle-rail picnic.

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.— Nov. 14. Annual meeting- Mrs. Stiinpson presided and gave an impressive address. Sympatln \vas expressed to Mrs. Heard in her serious illness. Mrs. Taylor gave an interesting and comprehensive report o the year’s work, showing progress in the \ arious departments. A satisfactory balance-sheet was presented by the Treasurer, Mrs. Swan. Encouraging reports were presented by the Superintendents of the following department*: Loyal Temperance Legion, Cradle Roll, Bible in Schools, W.C.T.U. committee of the War Memorial Library League. The officers were reelected: Pres., Mrs. Stimpson; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Taylor; Cor. Sec, Miss N. Dewar; Treas, Mrs. Swan; Vice-Pres, Mesdames Ready, Heard, Ross, Misses Paul, Mears and Dewar. A donation W as passed for the Dominion Stall at the Centennial Exhibition. Replies received from the Acting-Trime Minister and Minister of Defence to the resolution sent re the wet canteens in military camps. Avondale. -Nov. Annual meeting, Mrs. Warring presided. Officers elected: Pres, Mrs. Warring; VicePres, Mrs. Young; Sec, Mrs. Davison; Treas, Mrs. Elderton; Evang, Mrs. Penman. Miss Read gave an interesting address entitled “Retrospect, and a recitation. Solos hv Mrs. Wild much enjoyed.

Grey Lynn —Nov. Annual meet ig Mrs. McGlenaghan presided. Annual report showed splendid work had been done, and Mrs. Cook was congratulated on her very fine report. Treasurer’s repo r t was given by Mrs. Lewis. Supts. all gave very good report * \!rv Neal, Little White Ribboner*’ Superintendent, ha* to be congratulated, 1M babies on her roll. Officers elected: President, Mrs. McGlenaghan; Secretary, Mrs. R. Cook; Treas., MrLewis; A ice-Pres., Mrs. Adj. Moore; Maori, MBs Lovett; AV.R., Mrs. Gaddis; L.AA.R., Mrs. Neal. Scientific Pact, Mrs. Holcroyd; L.T.L., Mrs. R. Cook. Henderson. -Nov. 15. Annual meeting. Devotions. Scientific fact. Last year’s officers re-elected. Satisfactory reports of year’s work given. Benedict i mi. Afternoon tea served. Kohi-St. Helier’s.—Nov. 22. Election of officers: Mrs. Phillips, Pres.; Mr>. H. Ka>per, Yice-Pres.; L. Eady, Sec. and Reporter, being re-elected. Mrs. Biddle, Treas.; Mrs. Earr. Evangelist; Mrs. C. Kasper, Cradle Roll. The Xmas afternoon for the Cradle Roll children on Dec. 15th. Hostess, Mrs. Hunter. Onehunga. Nov. 11th. Annual mating. Reports from Supts. of all departments, and in each case dio\u excellent progress, giving much 'athfaction. Officers elected: President. Mrs. Mountjoy; Rec. Sec., Mr> Wadman; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Stacey; lrca> Mrs. Eordyce; al*o Supts and Committees in all depts. Nov. 2 1 /th. Special meeting to a>'K in liquidating the debt on Headquarter Bui g, arranged by Mrs. Mountj".' at her residence. Mr. Fortune an excellent travel talk, illustrated beaut, ful moving picture*, enjoyed ' all. I lie lioste** wa* heartily tliankv Otahuhu.- Nov. If). Annual meeting Mrs. Eccersall presided. Annual u port and balance-sheet read an adopted. Reports of departments rea and adopted. Officers elected. l’ re> - Mrs. Eccersall; Yice-Pres., Mesdame» Taylor, West and Cooke; Sec. ain: Acting Treas., Mrs. W. la)l° r Evangelistic, Mrs. A ercoe; . *^ r AA’est; 1-lower and Philanthropic, Williams; L.W.R., Mrs. Ashcrott; T. Convener, Mrs. Muir; -V nt Gambling, Mrs. Eccersall. Papatoetoe. —Nov. Annil.n Mrs. Long presided. Secretary I 1 sented excellent report tor 1 u Treasurer’s report showed a

ton balance-sheet. Report of recent district convention was given and disrated. Election of Officers: Mrs. M. Lon.;. President; Mrs. Dunham, \ ic*- 1 - I'rr-'ident; Miss Kimpton, Secretary; Mr' Bartlett, Treasurer; Miss Millar, L.T.L.; Miss Fronde, Temperance Facts. Afternoon tea and benediction. Takapuna.- Nov. Annual meeting well attended and presided over by Mr' \\ instone. Devotions: Mrs. Mowday. Reading: Mrs. Win*tonc. Cradle roll picnic decided for t'lr"t Thursday in Feb. Election of Officers. Afternoon tea and Benediction. Titirangi.—Nov. 14. Several visitors welcomed. Mr. A. Colvin gave a talk (in Prophecy. Annual meeting. Officers re-elected: Pres., Miss A. M. McLay; Sec. and Treas., Miss C. M. McLay. Rev. J. If. Boyd gave an interesting and inspiring address based on Daniel 10:7, “There is need for Vision in our work. Before anything constructive is possible we must have the Vision. Daniel fasted and prayed for three weeks. Possibly that was why lie saw the Vision.” Miss C. M. McLay elected delegate to Convention. Votes of thanks to speakers and hostesses. Afternoon tea. Warkworth. Nov. 9. Annual meeting. Mrs. Hugh Kasper, Dist. President. was welcomed. A fact was read by Mrs. Kasper, and roll call was “Do I believe in gambling?” At precisely 3 o’cl ck a prayer was offered lip for ha»i*. This was arranged with other l ni 'ii' to form a prayer chain on the 2nd Tl mrsday. Mrs. Kasper read her Presidential Address to Convention. Cdlection to go to Centennial funds, officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Roke; s «*c., Mrs. E. V. Phillips; Treas., Mrs. Rout; Cradle Roll, Miss (irimmer. 1 *ne new member. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Frankton.—Nov. 14. Annual meet,n S- Speaker, Mrs. Jones. Subject, Hirth of W.C.T.U. in Lumber Camp ,n Hamilton. Thanked Heartily; and 1 member initiated. The Officers fleeted Pres., Mrs. Bartlett; Vice- - Ire s. tsdames Paley, Parker and van. Supt., Mrs. Wait; White I'Tlioii, Irs. Rogers; Cradle Roll, Mrs. 'ates; Sec., Mrs. Hayward; Treas., Hrs. Green. •p fcumarunui.—Nov. 16. Annual meeting. Mrs. Middleton in chair. Apologies. Welcome to rs - Graham. Reports adopted.

Election of officers: Pres., Mrs. Middleton; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Peterson and Graham and Sister Alison; Sec., Miss Dempsey; Treas., Mrs. Crawford; W.R., Mrs. Coulson; Organist, Mrs. Crawford. Mr. Caldevvood asked to act as auditor. Rev. J. Graham gave an interesting talk on State Control during war, and tile nation’s greatest enemy, drink. Bring and Buy resulted in 10/- for Headquarters Fund. Waihi. Nov. Closed successful year’s work. 9 meetings, 5 new members (IK). Pres., Treas., Sec. and Fact Collector re-elected. 6 Band of Hope meetings; 35 pledges taken. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.— Nov. 2K. Annual meeting. Secretary’s report and Treasurer’s balance sheet were read and adopted, and showed good work done. Bring-and-Buy Stall for local funds did good business. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Hartman; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Hurrell, Squire, Burrell; Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Barron; W.R., Mrs. Barker; C.R. and Legal, Mrs. BischofT; Notable Days, Mrs. Evans; T. Hostess, Mrs. Collins. Stratford. —Nov. Annual meeting. Fair attendance. Reports from depts. read show ing much useful work done during the yiar. Officers elected: Pres., Mr*'. I Alley; Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. Aitkcn; Sec., Mr*. Davis; Treas., Mr'. Wcndlebourne; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Lilley; White Ribbon, Mrs. Davis; Hospital Visitor, Mrs. Major; Backblocks, Mrs. A. R. Davis. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Aramoho Nov Small attendance owing to illness. Reports of Secretary and Treasurer and other departments showed steady work done and finances in healthy condition. Election of officers resulted in nearly all being reelected. Allocation of Hinds completed and the year’s work finished. Next meeting to be held at Mrs. Hallam’s residence on Jan. 27th, 1940. Wanganui East. —Nov. 16. Correspondence received from Hons. LeeMartin and Jones, and Mr. Cotterill, M.P. Final arrangements made for Cradle Roll Party on Saturday. Mrs. McLeod offered to do sewing for the Red Cross. The Secretary gave a comprehensive report of the year’s work and was heartily thanked for another year’s services. A letter of sympathy is to he sent to Mrs. Black. A committee was set up to arrange for the

next year’s syllabus. Mrs. Scott reported on the Band of Hope work. Donations voted: Headquarters Fund £l/14/0, NZ Fund £l, Organising Fund 11, St. Alban's Trust Fund 10/-, St. Alban’s Guild 10/-. Election of Officers was held over till the February meeting. The President ex tended season’s greetings to all members. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Dannevirke. —Nov. 11. Annual report showed improvement in attendances; X meetings held with speakers for sof them. Sincere regret for loss by death of M esdames Willan and Crist. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. E. Paviour Smith; Sec., Mrs. Harper; Treas., Mrs. (i. Lee; W.R. Agent, Mrs. McLean. Votes of thanks to officers and helpers. Hastings.— Nov. 30tll. Good attendance. Annual meeting. Reports and balance *heet received being sati*factory. All Officer* and Superintendents re-elected, with Mrs. Adamson a* Cor. Sec. Resolution of sympathy with Mi*s Hill in the loss of her mother. Waipukurau.— Nov. \ very able address by Rev. Murray Gow. Annual meeting to he held Nov. 30th. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.— Nov. 10. Annual meeting. Reports and balance-sheet read and adopted. W.R. report by Mrs. McKain, and L.T.L. by Miss Dennis. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Kennerlcy; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Neal, Nye and McKain; Rec. Sec., Mr*. Storey; Coi Sec., Mrs. Andricksen; Treas., Miss Kelly; Evangelistic, Mrs. Dennis; Scientific F'act, Mrs. Neal; W.R, Mrs. McKain; C.R., Mrs. W. Ransom; L.T.L., Miss Dennis; Y Supt., Miss Bland; Tea Conveners, Mesdames Tomlinson and Burnham. Rev. Dennis thanked for taking chair, and thanks to all who had helped so loyally during the year. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn. —Nov. 2Kth. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Report of Di*t. Convention by Mrs. Pea ret. Report and balance sheet read and adopted. Supts.’ reports were read and showed steady progress, and the Supt'. were cordially thanked for their work. Tribute to Mrs. Cracknell for efforts at “trades table.” Officers re-elected. Votes of thanks to Press, speakers, artists, officers, and all who had assisted.

Wellington Central— Nov. 15. Annual meeting. Report ami balatue sheet read and adopted, and showed good work and steady progress. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Israel; Rec. Sec., Miss Thompson; Cor. Sec., Mrs. ( ullen; Treas., Mrs. Helyer. Songs by Mrs. Andrew and recitations by Mrs. Cullen were much enjoyed. Union goes into recess until hebruary. NELSON DISTRICT Nelson.— Nov. 14. Good attendance. Devotional reading by several members. Special prayers for our Union work and for peace. Good collection for help in Exhibition literature. Dominion President s letter of encouragement was much appreciated. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Springland*. —Nov. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Xmas meeting to be held in Mrs Doggett’s home. Election of officers: Pres.. Mrs. V. Underhill; Vice-Pres., Mcsdames Cunningham, Doggett and Gascoigne; Sec., Mrs. M. Gascoigne; Treas., Mrs. Mosekv , Evangelistic, Mesdames Cunningham and Doggett; W.R., Mrs. J. Wells; Flower and Philanthropic, Mesdames Green and Duncan; C.R, Mrs. E. Leslie. An interesting travel talk was gi\cti by a member who recently had visited Fiji. K nb tifck did V business. Tua Marina.— Nov. Mrs. Burroughs presided, and read several clippings. Mrs. Batcup recited. Vase presented to Miss Burroughs in appreciation of her floral work. Parcel of clothing to he left for Maori Missions. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. New Brighton. Nov. 2. Mental hospital visiting reported on. Final arrangements for “Cobweb” Social. Interesting paper on Life of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, read by Mrs. F. M. Mitchell. Nov. >2.—“Cobweb” Social. Miss Appleby welcomed. Record attendance. Mayoress welcomed. Vocal and elocutionary items, and supper. North Brighton N meeting. Reports by Supts. of Departments. Officers elected. f res., Mrs. D. Goldman; Sec. and Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs. J. H. Mcllraith; Band of Hope, Mrs. Noonan; Press, Mrs. H. Irwin. Annual Cradle Roll picnic at Mrs. L. Pepperell’s. l ather Christmas duly arrived, and presented each child with a small gift off heavily laden tree. Sweets, soft drinks and refreshments.

Riccarton. —Nov. 9. Barrcll presided. Replies received from Anglican and Methodist Sunday Schools re temperance teaching, Final arrangements for assisting with tea and supper for soHiers on Dec. 2nd. Members asked to support Canterbury Band of Hope Union by attending their annual competitions. Mrs. Doig gave a most interesting review of tiie lK>ok. “Lady in Blue” by Mary Allen, 0.8. E., telling of the origin of women police in England and their assistance in connection with drug traffic, air raids, >pv work, and panics during the last war. Hostesses, Mesdames Donaldson and Laughlin. Reef ton.— Nov. 14 One new member. Address by Miss Appleby, both interesting and helpful. Afternoon tea. Collection. Sumner. —Nov. 7. Mrs. L. G. Carter presided. Devotions, Mrs. Haines. Sympathy with Miss A. F.. Henderson, who is indisposed. A “Y branch ha> been formed with a membership of 14. Mrs. Ford gave a very interesting report of the recent Convention. Spreydon— Nov. 14. Annual meeting. Mrs. Ancall presided. Good attendance. A warm welcome extended to Mrs. Pirrett, a former President. A beautiful bouquet of roses presented to Mrs. Petrie, one of the foundation members ot our branch. 1 he various reports were adopted, and revealed a healthy activity in all departments. Officers elected; Pres., Mrs. Ancall: Rec. Sec., Mrs. Woodcock; Cor. Sec.. Mrs. Walker; Treas., Miss Muirhead. All officers and superintendents heartily thanked for their work during the year. Decided to re-open on 2nd Tuesday in February. Mesdames Petrie and Lockwood hostesses. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Oamaru -Nov. 13th. Annual meeting. Mrs. Parker presided. Miss Cowan read annual report. Treasurer’s report by Mrs. Snell. Votes of thanks to Press and Mr. Grocott, Auditor, and to all who had helped during the year. Officers elt'ted: Pres., Mrs. R. Parker; Vice-Pres. Mesdames Bridgman and James, Misses Smythe and Tosh; Rec. Sec., Miss Cowan; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Mills; Treas., Mrs. Snell; W.R., Mrs. J. Clarke; Press, Mrs. Scott; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. Bridgman; Pianiste, Mrs. Martvn; CR, Mesdames Street ar.d Reeves; Sick Visitors, Mrs. Blackgrove and Miss Cowan; Social Convener, Mrs. Black

grove. A letter of appreciation sen to Archdeacon re his stand agaitM wet canteens in military camps. Wairrate.- Nov. rt. 35th annual meeting. Miss Dayman presided. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports read and adopted, also CR. and W.R. reports. Special thanks to Mrs. Simpson and Miss Tooley for work as treasurer and acting-secretary. Officers elected:— Pres., Miss H. Dayman; Vice-Ires., Mesdames Duckett, Farnshaw, Lunisden and Griffiths; Sec., Miss P. lo*dey; Treas., Mrs. Simpson; C.R, Mesdames Johns and Jelly; W.R, Mrs Tooley; Birthday League, Mrs. Hobbs; Tea Convener. Mrs. Lumsden. C.R party to be held on December bth. OTAGO DISTRICT. Dunedin Central. —Nov. Prayvr> t'*r righteous peace. Address on betting and Gambling.” Report of I district Convention. |)cc. —Devotional address on GmU power; prayer for peace, meeting, 217 members, 300 LAN. Uil> boners. Three Public Work- camp Rest Home, and railway station "Upplied with literature. Twelve mu members. Port Chalmers. N 1 • ’ ance. President read paper on advance of temperance in Egypt. Shon, instructive reading given by Mr>. Mathicson. Members decided help to sailors during Xmas at l’ 01 " Chalmers Sailors’ Rest. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. South Invercargill.— Nov. 14. anniversary day—seven years opent Pioneer rally combined. Good atten ance. Mrs. Holmes opened prayer. President read greeting troir. W.C.T.U. State Convention, V* South Wales, now meeting in Sydney Members urged to attend annual trict Convention on Friday, to help in Bring and Buy sa e. arrangements for lea and K» at Royal A. & P. Show in Mrs. Graham spoke on “Hon 111 ing.” Two new members. Winton. NOV 21st V ing. (rood attendance. Rep ,rt a balance dieet presented. Gard n ar for Cradle Roll and Band <»' I 'V • ( beheld »»» February. ReportJ’ 1 ' Conventioa given by Mrs 11,11 Flection Officers confirmed.

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White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 529, 18 December 1939, Page 8

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 529, 18 December 1939, Page 8

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 529, 18 December 1939, Page 8

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