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News of the Union.

NORTH \|('Hl\M> DISTRICT. l>urKH\ ille. 1«| M Jallj • .1 adiiivMs on thi work of tli« w i ■ T Mi- Hawl all HririK and Be] tabk brought Two new meml MI \uv Short bu : <» 11<iw . < 1 l tv M \ |.| .-l.\ 111 t lie e\ ellitlg, V. \ a lantern lecturi enjoyed i>y adult* and i blldi en I aisned I M Thorn Maimxttkanimca. Kufuat U i'-i! attend 'A ,-ir pi e*idt*d l>rvot,ona, \l Wall pleb) 'i visit an inged t"i , , HI | 111 ll OW IIIH to 111, ■ I. - i | Ided I » opl. - a i . Ribbon" for distribution I denouejh. Duet. Mr.- \\. ii \i w ~ . i \ ternoon • 11 .: \i Bint I'likclinin. — \uy Wi ireee \erv Idea* , to u ,-i< ■ Apph by »■> our i nion foi i '"• Bret tlm< M and | | V. ».l|! met ;ii i he bom. - M Appleb) i thi tV.CT.I ' oui work foi • in. .i in* el Pain • North Praj >■> foi oui a "i i ''"" v ' en n \l < ki Wit BfSTRM i Am Uioml \ < ;..,,.i att< led find <lllc i . : \ i. r fOI wort Union, riving an imp'. iddreee on \n e\ I ■ d <>f t be Tempera) IVvll." which had i n liven b) Hi Hod*. in appeal I h, audlenci to -itn t to- !>]«-• ■ i .-n fin and 70 i ame foi i and sad tare Temperance >ka had ' • to 1* Clt) Sunday s« hoole uikii Bunda) ehould be held quarter!) ; ap point, d to 1 nou Septan i.« i I < lood M Stun; the tt.Htti of atrn Gam • • nn.t who area > life member of th? \ n i x i am lae I >aj ohwei \ ed h»j Mi - tohnaoi - 11 • • w the \\*. I'll! II \\ Ol b> the i : 11 .- v '. of A dhbui I oi 9\ praj • t be com mi; I "I i. ■ nd foi ■a ■ T I lark land (Kvearine Ibnuaeb). Aege i 11 : ded. 1 •> \■■•• rn Temporal i M M R ; , Roll '..i ii.-! M an, Suj.t 11 • i n - ' If ri K ..i the \v I aahlni (on" I \t- i ti n ii i hail i ■■ lire. I*. I Tern | nd Mil nvontfon ; • .lit Itirkeiiliitii! Kt \ Iti Han nan A" i ■ k< ' ■,. lent road 1 6 \ \ I. Anothi ■ ii \iiti I I in Novembei \\ R. Doxoloa! Ura * nam kindl) ■ervod aftornoee I lleiidt-rMMi. August l" Mi- P iti pre atdod, i:""<i attondanoa eaa new mombei from paper read dee Has <rltb m-

REPORTS MUST—(I) Reach Editor by Bth of month. (2) Be written in ink, on one side of the paper only. (3) Be short and to the point.

in drinking afi • llclfillaj t ■<! thai IT oi- t toured \' nthjr, are tota nd it<<n *mnl • I >ei. fat< KoSIVSt. 11.1 i.-r... \n Ml addreaaod i!i«- memben -i i oppoi t n pli ta i\H" a 11 ■• evile (, -in i ••* r. • 11< •• and ' ''•' iio nd up health) men and women Hn ■ liipa ai i ids Mt. labert Hog—l i! Paj ap (iood attendan >' - > '. NP i m onderful talk "ii \\ •' T i \sm k w bom .i • lielpera In ooi i ■ , ■ ftei Sort beote, iugv ■nl blrtbtl in <ii i' M •poke "ii \iini\ •i - Mi \ Don Hutti. iki made a n<i donated i>> Mi it by M \ I.> ~ i 111 ill R'.CI.l i awaaaasja. m Ml .' ii and I" lin appoint! d delegat . vention. Mum Progi iii aiiL'. i \i ■ Meti hell i I'M' Went* ort Ii i (oi nd In t x > I M.llililill \ .'.'o t 1 y \t i I I•. Perc3 Cooki »p«>ke i'i ' I lie \ OUn| 111 tin I an-.' ~' I • ' i '"ii\ enl lon, Meed imei \ ilol I l*oiisiHii»> . \ui m-i i n afn i ui, .i i 'c\ ol i.iii-. Mr-* <in latopher. i •<■■ . i.i mil, Ml .i in! M Mi unvi on Ifethoda Depart men I K.-miK-ni iegeal ktra Kaapei «•■ coined M ■ lent on the Inn latoi \ Ben \\ r.T.I R( wh • d Tk t( the h tion of tto- io hour v^eel greati> Ini t< I b> m. .nis."i ii.-iit \s aste of warn-- and -u mhood - i,i bomei and fami Ilea Ii i \o\ ernment to ; • • in,i the cloaing nf all bat, aaoi M ~' \i - - i'i en< h delea«t« to li i ;,u\ ention Mm < ?anl well and MI - Vfartnroaeb. lagael tt the re ..; \h~ \ Rok< Pledf. ' 'on p. 11| IM \ \ '• ' ' ■ "i I Wiiini a . • It. m ' M 1.1. Mded ' Hlmore ~i that I children out of If arhe tion on \ M I■• ~i || i,,ti !,■ v\ bite Rlhbonere on 11' K\i ra ?be White R ' ■ . Mra Fttnot vOI Til \l <KI \M» IllsiKU I 1> lenaenuta. Vuauel II Annua lag ame arell attended Mr* T M oi eetded I'ledge n peated i' Lieutenant Pi "■ 'oi I "i- I 1.,,\ <•. h) \t- - ■ i'i"■»"»'il and Fred -. nretai > '■ I ktra iloxaad, v.•;,!,•.. • end profn - roil numbei i rhlldren on •'■ • I 1011, and PJ ' AV •* Ribbon i The Baai le i -'

\ii. Purdli be* ed !' .:. .till Hit I 11. i i Young the eoi m ... I b; 1 i ■ . .- |ien< • I .<!.•: N Otlßf w i: Km u •' . Tii. ll.- Rol N Parklnaon; Young I Ml'l a\\.iU«'ln-.l ! . I \HW \KI DIBTBK I ~1. tai •■ • • • lb .ii hi l|i given In ;, •" ,1,,n ~i, i liildn M . I - ' nit- t 1 i | »tud formed; \|l,|llO..|. •• • H) Hlli I-- \, i'Uiimmiili ' • : path) with • ■ i. n. |» i \i ' ■ ■ ..i nml • Hon. \\ \\l. \M I Di*«l Bit I V i.,»ll<> V 111 T< IIIDI . to 1..- i entM n p with Y.W.C.A ,n Jul! I '' 11. . i- • ' tppeal to be made nt ! Ikei to < '..llV«'llt|.<ll .< ' |tld .itt'll I- '''' ''■ N '' [,.i,i jht. I. . I. ln IUKUHI ■ (invention to be belt! hen I row, l - ' I oui I Mel I Small Ba) toward! our fund*, a bl< h M MMTMII i » ...-I I - "-' 1 1 MM n i attei dam i FU i-">i. d that A i li a • ocrabfc to Tem -\mpath\ to r< ■ , v. i,t ..ii Mn i »J repoi • Andrews' Horti Indrew and aalunore. \\ uigantii I rut ml. lugut ■« Bn terou* • attendan ■ Mm h entl i. Wtleon road the , | , • tak.-n from ' Wl M Wilson , ■ 1 „,• ..n Bept v M < \ ..ii.-. tlon In A Tempera) \. • month ' " ~,.. m an and Duni.i nasi hi. - ■ II »mUTB BAI I»MM1(T lla-till*... AMLMIst '"' n i ,i t,. hold an At Fund* to celebrati iM-ial afti m I '• mil i arc la* ■ - • | .1. legal . Convention M rllng* tarnoon Napier. V.iiiht II Mi- I • , " 1 ... |;, |I. J. 4 t.1.'1l addressed th. plratlon to iro foi ward • th, , omtnti .1." ti..n in .i ponfldeni i now inn ' | "' "nal laaaa te ae '" i made to bav< \i. . • : in "uti> mp ill '' ; ,r, " r ~ ,| i taita have »aaa MM la

M \\ \u \i l IMBTKI4 i I . \ in 1 I. M' - I : ' I ' i ■ - I ' I taken. Resign I .Mtii much i h< i lout; and faithful J . . . . • to i ■. ■ . i b) ! membi v '" l urged ' "' 11 ■ idoxh ! • . n. tlon. I'lihiur-toii North. Bepti mbi lent hi . hah '' " t her land Tin held In -•"" and explained ' which it \\.< '" , "' l, ' the « " •' sl " M M nitii: on. Bympath) m ~, loea ..f hi ' huaband Bonn* nd M I ttion hald. Afti moon much enjoyed Iti \\ II I IM.IMN DIBTBICT. iKll.liild \ \|, - I M ~ Idl .1 I- : "" n .-tit to i Reliel tun,l \\ ■ ' laiiKiim • !l " •tlilllK to ... si .1 in Tn ■' 4 I ~,,,,, hoolchildren Next mi • 1 thank* lo Mra. Know lea, who -" kindlj |„urr Itutt. Avl tat I >'■ v : dulfad in. -*>!.. ifr lluli > ,\ hu < M ~ ,| U( Mr* l"'i ■■" i •' Imnmi • ..iil- !1 1 WHliaajtaa] ■ K Irk led I ■• ! hal "»" I, not to woi rj :i».-.ut the '• I- torj o new i *pt. of T. ,tn) s. hool* i Bui ' i. on- • Ex< foi item*. \i,, Qardim I • ' : niaoklja MiK'-i-t Mri R i.. L. ndan« i i U rei reported tl Convention Kun.i for old ond ' ■ prion Si Poll Campi i t-a rhtful \. r% Intel ' h> M _ -., ii Hon a ho apoki ol Ti ul J I all .. Em • -I othei • . Kurort. Ml " ,,: " leetlng. Devotlow made for Dlrtrl I Convi ~ held In Karort O lobar ■» Membera I ~, distribute leaflet* xl th. held. the om ' i " onvi Bei - • rnoot, • M..-t . • ' Ml ded .rreai •'• Two n. a member* web omed w*« CRiiinalirn reported on; further plani R and Bi '■-' '"' Adoption ■." i-hineai rhlltl b! Union R rM , : . •,!■ Wildeni dapartan lo im . • Bi nedi< I PHane Bepterolx Mi- D« •• l»n .... i new m- „,,„... „r work for mil dlat I itHrature xiven Owl aaaj «ri»afoinafi< „o*ter* further effoita »«reed ui»ii ivtoher meetlnf to be hold oa October 5. lo alll(U ~ attend WaUi< I OoßTontlon.

M \ki lioittn DDTBIt I I n.i llawlag U Mi ■ ■ i : " K '' w •• T f Bow r>n. Itlenliriin r, l n « ield m . ..ilium Hon with next meet t i'i Km \hllim. \■- -t-' v ' •- ruber, « Ith ■ BI Rrn stall for Hi - fx]lu] A if i". « a ring th< i \ •• port n| itlve bj Mi '■' ' '""" opriiithtnds " 1..1 u the lata Mi tunitj of Hl* lifted won i H< MUtrii CMMtmWmVKt di^ikht. Voiih HriK»»t<ni. \iiuii-i I I Bl Im 'l"' Ml " Goldman prenided. of the newl> foriue. Hhlrley-Ri« hmond [Talon Mi v N■■ nan I j ii Mcllraitn M« iSuiHiiiii tujruet 21 ih? with ~ the iii ■ '"' lllls ' m and I to P , d U • ■ sl " ,rt talk °" . ndeil whili ' M,,M,r v ,i nB J ~,,,, B U y aale to amiwal fwJawa iiannl I. uminni. Km «>■ " ,: ' i.-,I an.! led Devol M , r>i*tr i i itlve. • it.-.i on ;: iMiiu.-m.nts , Bible 'le hurch v tribution were handed oul Prellminai ;i '- *','"" ■ ok to to* held ' Parted that ag »hown at • ~w „„. WOUM » spreydon. Mi Am 1 ~ Mn Pol :.ll IllUatratOd * to ~.,„; olutiona t.» Dtatrtct . on\.i proteetlnl I '»"• "«5 K « r "*■*•?", f ,„e Elunday mJdnlfbi ~' ", m" 7rlp"Ln,l ng. Two new »< »•( Khi.kl.ull .~„ ,-., ; . r.ood attenoaaeo o« adult* met to bet e* l^" l.v Sinter A " r JJ; Fain to 10 We were able to **nd a donation t« M sion of Lai rUv, decided to ~„,,, I Bring nd Buj shortly to enable uh to aend donat HeadQuartan Beeftaat luguel I. Bp< ~., u . Mr* Tl iimpaon | i London and ?, t and tmong voani ' -?' " ~T.- «...! chlldrei Th :lk "' ternoon lea. J m ,;..,,.,.„ -m>t li Attendance small ~."... M Miller ..ort- of mental work Parrel of - lotliii - i,, t , i r«, dirtribjatlon Sought Reported sli n. delasate to Diacrtd OonYaaUon. n«.-teaaaa, MfMlame* White and Oundj

N\«|rnh tin | IYiii|i. i;iii. .• I" ■ • ||| A . • im.i i do \ Mtini iioari tea. T*'m i t 101 l New Briffhtt ttthl) na—tlm lent in I i. it. b Imu • t iii- for tin i • • I pit t 111 •■ t li, ..! i , M ■ i mania i- the month, \\ in i ■ • fcuni .mi. fin i ■ .1 l I; •lll<i 111 fOl H. .1.. - I'lllhl. I 111 \ it. . lon i r«>in tin \l i r lnc mli. ■1 .1 Q .1 ' ' I M l aalo \ I : Oonventlon \ {. H ' lent* Tor tln W.C.T.I birtl t\ iiiMiii li. i roil) 111 it tec :i|.| tbe aeei MM in < \\ 11 iciti in iiMKH | OSUaaare. \1: If RU> ti» I-.. In 1.1 hcl. anil Cowan t bold concert earlj ii fund A b) tneml ■alatfaw— \- i: \i if.i <; m i . in aid o \ i ■ oovi ol lon. The bj ttn Worrit "Woi k ■ i miikit.— \ lan< • i' 1 ; Ml B I I ftinj pap< I her \ latti lo W.C.T.I i: • • boil • lay In S • W.C T ' pragraa n i Wuiuuttr. V • Mra Kippei \l \\ \t i ■ i died Hlatei Baraett, at Ti u \ \s bo had helpful addn - lan MraOM I I .nan -~ 411 i aolo \ Flrii n. adqoarti hTaj i thanked Pi Beaedlcttott «»r |flO DHUM I. Oamlf \ . mi it i lira \\ i .ei 11 the Preatdi at atri Bi >urb rei aalo, ai I jindi ■ iha vl mi v iweetlj Mi ii. t hinge thai th< 'i the tit time .ii .I the • uliiii i>n fin- iMimai: '•'l »hr a> ii. rm member Bern Daaaaaaa (1111*1, Beptembei Mi lii«'it preatfed - appointed for p .11 Poll Literature order* 1. 1 :haiU 1 North lej to rain new < h toll. I Kail, i'l-.i \i ~,, mi.ii 1;.-. fiintrl. rerj helpful talk on Prol

out ml $n iii,.'-. mho II ;i \ • n.i \ attej pi•l "\ > 1 11 - 11.. aubmitted lUthn. •li a - holm mm h H l MM II \\l» IMMKIi I in.y«M 'Hi'uni Hoot at.— Ihe • 11. in ln\. nt lug ahi an . 111 . !•> u w M . ~ 11.1 b ia 1 <-i ii...>n 1 » Mr* :,t oil . ft) iii|> .Ili \ -.111 111 111 I lill.l I |i| n. . I >llt' IK .. \ • 1 lo.on 1 1 , ' ion. In\« 1. aruill t t-utnil. Beptembei \i our, iJevotlouH \ 1 u.. ' 'li 11. l 1 . lull \l 1101. l I 'oii.ii.lHoi. and Mi Be ™ . ,_% IMI. INK IOKs \ I.KIIK I 'l"h« \iinin.ui Medical Association d tli* following 11 solution which has im . 1 I indcd: "\\ lx real W t i>< lici 1 thai the uto li ohol as .1 bevei age ii detrimental in tin huma ) 1 onomj and "\\ e in tin rapeutics ai a toniv. ur .1 stimulam has ii" h ientiuN basis, th< n be it "Ui t thi American Medi ■.ii \ tko-li-'l .1- a ' it farther "Resolved thai th< um • be din our 1 " Employed as Drug. 1 >r. (hii K s Mayo "M edit 11 - has reached -i i'*n "1 when alcohol is rarelj employed is a drug, being displaced l>\ Dr. Cabot "Alcohol is always .1 narcotic, nevei .1 stimulant and therefore has none -»f tin uses or dinarily attributed t" it The suppn valui »hol in medicine has I exploded long agr> In "iir host bos pitals such as niassachusets Gen tc." <kh r's Mo Vm \l< dicinc : "AI. ohol den d a i« lid bi t is »\nlis. .1 1:1 the bodyi bat the same »l morphine or caffeine. \lcohol shot:! I be more properly clai I flavour sul.stain e OS as a since the to* ts outweigh the I value." Dr. fosepfa L Miller. Professor of Medicine, Utuv< rsity ojf I lucago: "Snake bite. It is difficult to trace the origin of the I' lief thai ah ohol is of value in this condition. It is sufficient l) that \hcrt it no evidence that it in of tin- slightest value. I'lurc is little question that in some cases death has In* n at least hastened bj its a Would Settle Question. I>r Howard Kelly, one of the four distinguished physicians who cootri buted to the fame of John Hoplrim university, says: "If the

drunkards w hich ha n made i'h\ - pn n riptk>ns 1 ould marched to the next meeting ot \nit in an Medical I 1 «i, question wot ettled forevi Jfl oil ,•<-

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Bibliographic details

White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 515, 18 September 1938, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 515, 18 September 1938, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 515, 18 September 1938, Page 8

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