News of the Union.
REPORTS MUST—(I) Reach Editor by Bth of month. (2) Be written in ink, on one side < the peper only. (3) Be short and to the point.
Itaetihi Maori Itnincli, —W.C.T.I'. friends will lie sorry to leurn of the dentil of our beloved Vice-President, Mrs. \\\ Tiwlia (Moewai) who passed away on the 12th of March, at Manunia. Our hearts were still sore from the sudden Home-call of Mr. Tuatina, just six weeks before. Our dear sister put up a brave fight, but the Lord saw best to take her to Himself, Our branch gave Mr. Trusttem a very happy farewell at the bend of Mrs. Angus Wright, und presented I im with n Maori, mat "plu piu” which was a thing he hud long coveted to possess, We feel his going too to be a great loss to our branch. Please continue more earnestly to remember us at the Throne of flraco. NORTH AK kl AMI DISTRICT. ItirkenheiMl. — March 3rd. t'radle Roll gathering at Zion Hill. Large number of Mothers and babies. Fine address by Mrs. (Tatman, afternoon tea served. Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Chappell gave little ones a right royal time, tables specially arranged for their tea and a small gift to each one. I>urga\ille. —March 8. Mrs. D. 11. Hay presided and conducted devotions. Miss G. Martin unanimously elected secretary. Brief report of North Auckland Executive meeting given by Mrs. Jolly. IVtails arranged for Annual Cradle Roll Party. Welcome to Mrs. C. Fitness, a new member. Initiation service. Henedlction. Munngakuniniea. --March. At Mrs. Allcock's home. Fair attendance. Devotional. Miss Walker. The president. Miss Weir, gave a brief report of Executive meeting. Decided !<• send representatives to political meetings held in the district. Mrs. Harnam of Birkenhead welcomed at the meeting Readings from “White Ribhon”. otulMilm. March rr Mra c presided. !>evotions. Mrs. Vercoe. Mrs. Gatnnn spoke on “God In Everything.” n very helpful ami uplifting address. Te Kopuru.— March 10. Mrs. Bickers presided Mrs. Hill Taylor gave the temperance fact ami a report on the Executive meeting at Whangarei. Letter front Mrs. Roberts. Wuitikii. —March 18. M'r J K. Hull presided, six present. Sympathy sent to Mesdamaa A. E. Hamilton, R. Hamilton, and Rasmussen In their illnesses. Frances Willard Day celebrated and the Medical Temperance Playlet “Weighed in the Balance” was read. The Temperance Fact, Mrs. C. Denize. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Kohl-St. Hellers. —-March 23 Fair attendance. Mrs Kasper gave report of Dominion Convention and told how she had related to Convention her experiences at World Convention. Mrs. Kasper thanked for Interesting address OneluingH. —March 10. C R Party managed by Miss C.R Supt. Happy afternoon much enjoyed by large number of mothers and little ones present. Competitions, races, games, afternoon tea. each i Mid received a paper cap. and balloon. March 23 Home Meeting at residence of Mrs. Fordyce. Musical programme and address hv Miss Livingstone. Missionary on furlough, about her work In India Very interesting afternoon. P -kekohe.—March. Mrs. Richards presided. Mrs Hugh Kasper spoke on School of Methods and on some of her experiences while abroad. 1 new member Ponsonby, —March 17. Mrs. E Keene presided Decided to hold a Cradle Roll partv on Saturday, the 2«th March. In the Western Park. Miss Mill, a returned missionary from Papua, spoke on the work that was being done by Christian Missionaries In those far ofT Islands. A very successful Cradle Roll Party. Miss L. M Read presided and extended a welcome to the mothers d
children. Mrs. J. Williams spok> a few words of welcome also to tlie r.a. -is ami children. Mrs. H. Kae-par gave a brief talk to tlie mothers whilst Miss Warren entertained the children with games, races, etc., anil each child received a paper cap and a toy. Afternoon tea provided by W.t'.T.U, members. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton. April 7. Mrs. Burnett, the new president in chair. Fair attendance. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Ollerenshaw a former member In her illness. First instillment of delegates repo, t on ' (invention, preceded by a musical item by Mrs. Wliatu and daughter. Two dozen convention number of White Ribbon ordered. Te Auomiitu.—March 17. Memorial Servile tor our late beloved President, nltb. B McGechie. Mrs. S. Bryant occupied chair. Fair attendance of members nnd friends. Mesdamps Bryant and Alexander spoke of Christian life of Mrs. McGechie nnd the example and help she had been, truly of her was true, "She did what she could.” Letters of sympathy were read front Mrs. Locke formerly our t'radle Roll Superintendent hut now resident nt Takapunn. Two beautiful duets were rendered by Mesdames (Tuirksliunk and Middlehrook. Is-votlonal led by Mrs. Parklmnn. Henedlction Afternoon tea. Tiuiningit.—April 5. (Joed attendance. Mrs. Christian presiding. A Youth Temperance committee formed In connection with the Band of Hope, representative of the different Churches. Members rend Temperance extracts. Mrs Christian gave a short lllustrnted address on Moderate drinking means Moderate Intoxication.” Afternoon tea. Benediction. TARANAKI DISTRICT. New PI wiM».it h.—March 29. President in Chair. Temperance Fact. Apologies. Letters of sympathy. Minutes. Peace hymn and Glory Song. Mrs. Wood presented delegates report of Dominion Convention. President moved that resolutions he confirmed, carried. Discussion on plan of work. Benediction. Afternoon tpn, Mesdnmes Bailey and Loverldge. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Animoho.— March 31. President in chair. Devotions. Mrs. Greig. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Todmnn. Reports given of Miss Courtney's visit and also Women's Day of Praver. Corres|»ondence read from Mayors of Napier and Wanganui. Vote of sympathy to relatives of those bereaved in the rpeent railway di-aster A very fine report of the recent Convention was given by Mrs. Greig. Vote of thanks carried by acclamation Mrs. I.vnn of Rnetlhl, welcomed to our meeting. Afternoon tea served by Mrs. Chesswas Wanganui (eat nil. —Anril 4. Good Interesting meeting Scientific Fact. Several reports given of departmental work. One new White Ribbon Subscriber. Mrs. Blake, Y. Sup. urged all members to take an inteiest In the Y.P. and endeavour to secure new members for the newlv formed hranch which now numbers 23. Mrs Laird, gave n comprehensiie report of Convention nn«l a hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. Bring and Buv Stall did good business Mesdames L. Wilson and Duxfleld hostesses for May meeting. Wangiutul —March 10. Mrs. T>ay presided. Verv good attendance. Devotions. Mrs. Ogler. Rf ported exi client meeting of Band of Hope and I*nntern Lecture by Miss Applebv. 2 new members In'tlsted. Miss McT/ean, a mbsionprv on ftirlourh from fTilnn. gave an account of w->rk done there and was heartily thanked. Bring and Buy. Benediction
HAHKES BAY. llnot■iik*' —Mar. 24. Good attendance. llejHirt of Convention received. Several visiters present. Arrangements made fur Mis* Blenkiusop's meeting, also Jumble sale. MAN AW ATI DISTKIIT. I eliding. —Devotions, Mrs Wright. Mrs. Spence reported on the Band of Hope t’omnilttee meeting. Derided to have a "bring and Huy" sale In June to help the N.Z. fund. ltemits brought up for discussion. Mrs- Hack, delegate. April. 13 present. Mrs. Wright led devotions. Scientific fact on racial menace of Alcohol. Thanks from Mrs. Norrie, Timaru Sailors' Rest for money received. Mrs. Spence reported on tlie Hand of Hope meeting Mrs. Pack gave a very fine report of i 'oil vent ion, and a vote of thanks wav accorded her. Benediction. levin. — March 11 Mrs. Dennis presided, lievotions, Mrs. Trean. Scientific fort and interesting reading on life of late Mrs. Melonibs. Cradle Holl afternoon finalised. Pal mermen North. —April 4. Pres, in *'hair. Prayer am: responsive reading, Mrs. Holland. Scientific Fact. Miss Sutherland. Presentation of long service badge to Mrs. Ferguson, former President of Union, by Mrs. T. R. Hodder. She's an Excellent Lady was sung. Miss Jan lesoi, representative to N.C. of Women. Rej»ort of <V»nveiitle»i presented by Miss Sutherland, very interesting and fully comprehensive- Thanks and appreciation expressed by acclamation Afternoon Tea hostesses: Mesdames A. and J Boniface. Benediction. W EI.I.INGTON DISTRICT. Ilr<s»kl)ii. —Mrs. Reid in ('hair. Devotions, Mrs. Sawdui. Mrs. Butler, t'.R. Supt , presented Union with banner, von for second consecutive year, by Brooklyn Union for largest C.R. of Union with adult membership of under 30. Fine re|*ort of Annual Convention given by Mrs. Field. Resolutions to lw? dealt with at next meeting Decided to get copy of “Ashes of Victory" for production. Blgll prayer, and Benediction. Presbyterian ladies dispensed afternoon tea. Ihilefield.—March 31. Hood attendance. Mrs. Ordlsh presided. An inspiring talk by Mr White, who took as his text “No question is Settled till it’s Settled right." Minutes of last executive meeting, in Ueh., a' Lower Butt read. A discussion whs held ns to the advisabilit.v of distributing leaflets to s« hool children for another term or handing the money to headquarters Tea served. Thanks to Mr. White for his address. harori.- —April 5. Mrs. Lankshear presided. Devotions. Minutes. Mrs. (Irigg, delegate to Napier Convention gave a splendid report, full and comprehensive. The packet of flower seed brought hack by Mis. Kasper from America to each Union was re- • elved with special interest. All members appreciated the card of Frances Willmd Memorial. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Maaterton.—April 7. Mrs Speight presiding over a good attendance. First halfhour devoted to prayer. Miss McGregor gave a short address on Praise, Prayer and Preparation, stressing the need foi praise hn well as praver. Report on Paddy's market satisfactory. Letter to he sent to managers of Knox Church expressing regret at Pm* of Hall. Decided to Interview all old members for details of early activities as our records were lost in the Knox Hall Arc. Benediction. Miramar.—March 2. Mrs. Havnian presided over fair attendance. Mrs. Mowletn cave a very good scientific talk on Temperin' » w ork. Mrs. MacMillan led the devotions. Afternoon tea Benediction. UellinrtiNi. —April 7. President In chair. In leading I'k‘votlons Miss Kirk emphasised he need of kindliness going hand in hand with generosity, whether of thought, deed or time. Diligence and loyalty, deep and unswerving, must he our watchwords. Mrs. Barotner gave strikingly clear and interesting Convention Rej»ort. Seamen's Rests fit ussed, how to help. Tea Benediction. Wellington Uentnil. —Chair, (Pres.) Mrs Israel. The union is to meet in the Educ»«- ♦ bnal Institute this year. A Welcome was given to Mrs. Turner and Miss Thompson who have returned to Wellington. Mrs. Wehh, Pres, of the I.adles Hospital Auxiliary
spoke of the work. Mrs. Cullen appointed a delegate, Good report of District executive sent by Mrs. Sirett. Temperance Fact. Beautiful solo, Child, u< < ompuwiat Mrs. J'urner. Hostesses served afternoon tea. NELSON DIM Kiri. Nelson. March 6. A good meeting. Miss Cooke in chair. Devotions b> Mrs. field, 'iuaiiks accorded Mrs. Uubb tor secretariat work. Decided to hold mot nets Day m .day. Mrs. Mo>es gave temperance fuel ilvUi World v omeiem e held ill Poland, sept., IV3 I . Appreciative reference was made to Bishop Bennett s address in regard to the Maori and Drink Problems. MAKLBOKOI Dll DIM KUT. Blenheim —April 5. Mrs. Girling prestueu. 23 present. Devotions, Mrs. Kimbeirey. inspiring report of bum. Convention by Mrs. timing. Invitations were sent to various womens organisations to participate witn us in a day of prayer, on April 29th, prior to tlie Borough elections. Also to Join us at our next meeting, oil May 3rd., when the Rev. Mr. M< Arthui will give an instructive talk on the effect of alculiol on the human body. A very tull ami interesting meeting. springlands. March 13. Mrs. V. Underhill in tne chair. Hood attendance. Devotions Mis. Cunningham. Address by Mr. 11. Oldham on the Methodist Conference. The president thanked the speaker fur his inspiring address. (nolle Roll Picnic. March 26. Beautiful sunny weather. Picnic held at “Waterloo Park", tiood attendance of Mothers and children. A happy time was spent with games, tacts, etc., each child receiving a packet of sweets, also fruit and a small gift. Mrs. Underhill addressed the children explaining the meaning of the Cradle Roll and the Baud of Hope. Afternoon tea was served by members of the social committee under the leadership of Mrs. K. Leslie, the Cradle Roll Supt. A treasure hunt for Mothers caused a good deal of amusement and was won by Mrs. J. May. Tuu Marina. March 22. At Mrs. White's. Devotions, Mrs. Robinson. Band of Hope reopen, April 3. Cradle Roll picnic on March 26. Presentation to Mrs. Citing, leaving for Motucka. Competition won by Mrs. Mathews. Monologue b> Mrs. Knight, lecitation, Mrs. Robinson, song. Mrs White. Temperance imxology. Prayer. Afternoon Tuu Huritiu. March It 1 R Garden Party, at Mrs. White s. Large gathering of parents and children. Competitions for adults Trunin Hunt foi chlMrna. Bring and Buy stall. Bountiful afternoon tea provided b> W.C.T.U. member* Mr. Oldham gave talk to parents on need of educating children in total abstinence. Gift given t<> each child ou the Cradle Roll. NORTH (AN TER It I KY DISTRICT. Christchurch.— March 9. Miss Blackwell presided. Mrs Mackay gave interesting address on her work on the Hospital Hoard. March 22. Literature sent to camps and gifts to Maori Mission. A beautiful spray of crimson roses presented to Mis*: Renderson as a token of ti e Union's love and appreciation of their President. Miss Henderson gave report of l>omlnion Convention and Miss Lovell-Smith on the Y Conference. Bring and Buy sale In May. Numerous suggestions for Home Meetings. North Brighton.—March 15. Mrs. I». Goldman presided. Mrs. A. Noonan, Scientific Temperance Fact; Mrs. S Young, devotions. Mental hospital visiting report, Mrs. L. Peppered. Mrs. E. A. Felton appointed Copper Trail Treasurer. Benediction. Oxford. Mat'll If Mra O W Tu t presided. Sacred solo by Mrs. L. Jones. Telegram of greeting received from the president attending convention. Sympathy with Mis. D. Hawke In the Illness of her husband. A small committee to make arrangements for the bring and buy afternoon. Thanks to Rev. A and Mrs. for their willing help during their stay in Oxford. The executive to meet on president’s return to arrange for catering for the show. Papanui.—March. Good attendance. Mrs Graham presiding. Sympathy in bereavement to Mrs. Read and family and to Mrs. Dow. and In Illness to Mrs. Corbett. Inter-
esting report on Convention by Mrs. Faulkner. Best wishes for a happy holiday to Mrs. Graham. Afternoon tea.
Kangiom.—March 25. Spenul meeting. Large attendance ol members and visitors, over 90 present. Ball beautifully decorated. Mrs. 11. Ryan presided and welcomed all visitors. Devotions, Mrs. C. 8. Ayers. Welcome to Mrs. Biett and shoulder spray presented to her The retiring president, Mra Thwaltes was presented with a shower bouquet und Mrs. Hiett pinned on her breast a long set vice badge, items by Mrs. Woodwarti and Mra Middleton, of Christchurch and Miss E. Hamilton, all greatly enjoyed. Afternoon tea. Inspiring and Instructive address by Mra Hiett. Major Hansom voiced the thanks of the meeting to Mrs. Hiett. Benediction.
March 30. — Mrs. Ryan presided and led devotions. Good attendance. Mrs. H. R) an was elected I’resident,Mi s. 8 Watkins Badge Agent; Mir. C. It. Thwaltes, delegate to Executive of District. Meeting day changed to last Wednesday. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll afternoon in April. Decided t*. purchase 2 elides from N.Z. Alliance, to be shown at Picture Theatre. Donations received towards cost of screening. The attention of the meeting was drawn to the raffling <tf cases of whiskey each week, and the excessive drinking at dances in aid ot one of the Queens at the Queen Carnival for R.B.A. Decided to send a protest to tla police and urge them to supervise more strictly. Mrs. James gave a very comprehensive and interesting report of I*om. Convention, at Napier. Mrs. James distributed among the members the seeds which she had brought from Convention, which had come from Michigan, U.B.A. Several members s|K)ke In appreciation of tlie report. Benediction.
Kicetirloii. March 9 Attendance 17 Sympathy .sent to Mrs. Newth in her Illness. Reports on visits to Mental Hospital, and Sydenham and Opawa Unions. President reminded members of ‘‘Copper Trail" as funds for Mental Hospital work are low Posters are being put in Clarence Road and Pt. Ninian’s Sunday Schools. Mesdames White. Pitt and Donaldson presented a Banner to the Union, a letter of thanks to he sent to the donors. Mrs. Bushley appointed Cradle Roll Superintendent. I flscU!ision took place on the class of item given by the children at Band of Hope and 1* was resolved to write to Supt. of Sunday Schools in the district asking for two delegates to he sent to meet Band of Hop** Committee and discuss means of furthering the Tem|>eranre Movement among children. Miss Havelaar, President of the N.C.W., gave nn Interesting talk on "The Housing Question.” Hostesses Mesdames Doig and Ferguson.
vj dciilumi March 3. Mrs. J. K. Archer presided. The Temperance Fart by Mrs. Weatherliead. Mrs. Drewett reported on Mental Hospital visiting. Remits of IHstrh t Executive studied. Mrs. Archer appointed delegate. Demonstration of arts and crafts given by Mrs. Richards, were very Interesting and Instructive. Mrs. Richards was warmly thanked.
Hydenhum. April 7. Mrs. J. K Archer preshied, Mrs. Davies, devotions, and Mrs. Weatherliead scientific temperance fact Mrs. Woodward reported on visits to patients In the Mental Hosp: al. Solo by Mrs. Filer. Member*' expressed their appreciation of tlie admirable preparation of the banner recently acquired by them. Mrs. J. K. Archer, delegate, gave an interesting and comprehensive report of •’ 1 r>oniinion Convention. Two new members.
Spreydon.—March 8. Miss Ancall presided. Fair attendance. Sympathy for the bereaved relations of Mrs. Erikson foundation member. Mis. Gorins gave a favourable report on Mental Hospital visiting. A position had been found In a Christian home for a patient for whom the union had been responsible. Roll Call discussion, each member pledging herself to try and get one more member, Next Meeting bring and buy. Hostesses, Mrs. Murray and Mrs, Hulston.
Sumner.—April 5 Go* d attendance. Miss A. E. Henderson presided, and expressed her pleasure that so many had attended the Church parade. Sympathy with Mrs. Hur-
rel passed. Mis* Kilnei gave an interesting travel talk—Beeing Rural England—arranr**munta made for Peace L>ay. Mesdainea Morton and Carter hostesses.
WoolM»n. March 28. President presiding. Full attendance, Mrs. French, devotions, Mrs. Lawson, Temperance Fact. Miss Henderson gave very interesting paper on Frances Willard. A very comprehensive report was given by the sec. Mrs. Rowse on the convention held at Napier. Decided to hold monthl> prayer meetings and to proceed with the Poster Hoards. Arrangements were made for our Ist Birthday Social, on April 28. MOUTH < A.NTKJtIH KY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—March. Mias Jackson presided. Very fair attendance. Sympathy to the relatives of the late Mrs. Hopkins. Miss Watt, Matron of the Public Hospital, gave a short, but interesting account of an address given at Tim&ru, by Miss Courtney. Miss A. Watson and Mrs. Hucliler pave a very full and comprehensive report of the Dominion Convention. Afternoon tea. Prayer and Benediction. Teinuka. -March 30. President presided. 22 members present. Sympathy with Mesdames Levens ami Buck, in the loss of relatives. letter of cheer to Mrs. Airav, a foundation member. Decided to be resj>onsible for the Band of Hope meetings. Aii members to assist with first programme. Two new members. Prayer. March 10.—Annual Cradle Roll Gathering at Mrs. Elder's. Large gathering of mothers and children. Mrs. Norrle’s beautiful talk on, “A Mother's influence in the home, and the Training of her children”, was an inspiration to all present. Four new members initiated. Party hats were distributed to the children. Afternoon tea, games and rares. Each child was given a hag of sweets ami nuts. Mrs. Hew son thanked Mrs. Elder for the use of her gaiden and for all she had done towards making the afternoon so successful.
Tinumi.—March. Miss Fyfe presided, good attendance. Bring and Buy aftrcnoon. Splendid report of Dominion Convention by Mrs. Miniflc. Temperance fact by Mrs. Nelson. Sailors’ Rest report showed a busy time for the port. 87 seamen had made l!)y visits. Social evening held for the men in port on Monday. Musical programme contributed by Mesdames Young and Wheeler, Miss Audrey IToldgate and Mrs. lnglis Todd.
OTAGO DISTRICT. Dunedin Central. —March 1 Mrs Hlett presided over a fair attendance—delegate to Convention elected and instiucted —remit passed to be sent to National Council <<f Women. Splendid address by Mrs. Hie C.. Dunedin Central.—April 5. Mrs. Rotting presided over a fair attendance. Decided , v o allocate Birthday League money io Headquarters Debt Extinction, till ijMO. One new member. Delegate gave report of < ’nnventlon. Knikorai.—March 29 r evotions. Pledge affirmed. Small attends ice owing to counter attraction. Report >* Convention next meeting. Paper by Mrs. Flett and discussion. Afternoon ten
Lawrence. —March 1. Small meeting Devotions—arrangements made for Cradle Roll party In Ma> Offer received for a talk on the "coming poll” next month, by Mr O H. Bowie. Benediction.
Mosgiel.—March 23. Pleased to welcome Mrs. Bedford back. Attendance fair. Mrs. Bedford presided. Discussion re Cradle Roll garden party, on or about March 16. This was carried. Hymn and Prayer. South Ihinedin.—March 24. Mrs. I>onaldson presided. Mrs. Pelling opening service. Correspondence from Y.W.C.A. National Council, both referring to Miss Courtney’s visit. Pres, and Corr. Sec. to represent branch. Cottage meetings discussed and N.C.W. report read by President. Mrs Celling called attention to leader in "Star” “Prohibition in Ind showing that great tracts were under a prohibition law. and the possibility of an “All India” Prohibition law. (America take note).
'Li!mini. —March 21 A good attendance. Mrs. Maslin presided and led devotions. Miss V. Jamieson gave Convention report. Two new members. Mil TiII.AND DISTRICT. I Mend.tie. March 29. Report ol Dominion Convention given by Miss Walker. Mrs. Loan presided and led devotions and expressed tile thanks of the members to Mrs. Walker for her interesting and comprehensive report. Two new members were initiated. Decided to hold the next meeting on tile first Tuesday of May. Gore.-—March 22. Good attendance. Mrs. Smith presided. Special prayer by members. Decided to hold Cradle Roll picnic later in the year. Mrs. E. C. Smith told of being at the State Australian Convention, in Brisbane and meeting the •-'‘ate Officials and also told us of the doings of the W.C.T.U. Convention there. A pound Du> in Aid of Victoria Home was held and there was a lot of groceries, jam, vegetables and money sent.
North Invercargill. March 22. Evening meeting. Miss V. Jamieson presided. Good attendance; report of Convention given l>> .Miss H. Jamieson. Vocal solo bv Miss Worthington. Supper. South Invercargill.—March. Mrs. Richards spoke on “David rescuing the lamb from the lion.” Mrs. Walker took the chair. A ver> direct address on “Harmony” or ‘ Being m Tune” was given by Mrs. Keidy who received a very hearty vote of thanks. The so< lal committee dispensed afternoon tea.
\\ aianiwa.—March 24. At the Manse. President presided. Members stood in silem e as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Miss L. Young, one of our very active members. Mrs. Walker, president of Inverenrgill Executive, gave a Vcrj interesting and lengthy report of Dominion Convention. Members expressed appreciation and thanks. Hymn and benediction. Afternoon tea handed round by Mrs. Rodgers. \\ >milium. March 25. Mrs. Rankin presided. Fair attendance. Hymn, Scripture Reading and Prayer. Mrs. Walker, Invercargill, gave a very interesting address on Dominion Convention, and was thanked. A letter was read from Miss Jamieson, congratulating Wyndliam winning W.C.T.U. table-cover. Afternoon Tea.
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White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 510, 18 April 1938, Page 12
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3,876News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 510, 18 April 1938, Page 12
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