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News of the Union.

REPORTS MUST—(I) Reach Editor by Bth of month. (2) Be written in ink. or one side of the paper only. (3) Be short and to the point.

UTKI.ANP DISTKHT KXKA l TIVK. Aug. 3. School of Methods ht*Ul ( Mrs K isper presiding. Tin* member* of the p an* Study Circle enjoyed another Interesting talk by Miss Lilian Edger, and all regretted she is mo soon ti return to India. Executive followed. Miss Head presided oier an attendance of 2d members. TinMisses McLsty were present, and received a u trm welcome. Many fine testimonies were paid to the character and work of the late Mrs John Cook, President of the Auckland ; iiion and dominion Superintendent of our W.C.T.r. Bible in Schools Department. Kepi it of Temperance stall at recent Winter Show announced that 1 090 pledges had been t; ken front boys and girls, several adults si ninig also, and a writing competition had met with a good response. Beautiful posters were supplied by the V Branches, who n o decorated and took charge of the stall fur one afternoon and evening. Arrangements made for Jumble Kale to be held on Friday. 4th September, and for District ('invention towards the end of the month The subjects for the Y Speech Competition .tie: (l) “Narcotics and Mental Ineffiliency”; (2) “How Can Youth Help to Abolish the Custom of Drinking Wine at Weddings and Other Social Functions?” \OK 111 AK KI.AM) DISTRICT. tmlHpu-Tf Kopuru.—July 9. Mrs Bickers presided. Prayer was givem for liiissionarles, and all absent friends. Neh.. 4 1 Ii chapter, was read. Mrs H. Smith, of lurgaville, gave a wonderful address on the H iok of Nehemlah. Afternoon tea served. Ihn-moilie. Jul) 14 Mrs H T Bi pu sided. Good attendance. Visiting deleu 11 es present from Mangarata and Te Kopmu. Mrs W. J. Roberts and Miss Edmed i nducted the business on behalf of the North Auckland Executive. Arrangements mere made for the Annual Convention, which - to he held in Dargaville on August 14 and 1. Benediction and afternoon tea. I p|ter Kainm (Maori) Jul Eleanor presided. Attendance of 10. After devotions and mhiutes of pre\lous meet,i g, a Temperance Fact was given from one n Margaret Baker's books. Sister Eleanor r, 1,1 of some of the benefits that tile AV .('. T I', women had helped to get by their vote ;ind petitions. A talk was given on the w,»rk <>f the Methodist Church in the n.on Islands. Three new members. Alt kI AM) DISTRICT. Auckland Central (Eveuipg).—Jul>. At Vis Kasper's. Mrs Kasper in chaii tond 13 members present. Miss Head nad a very Interesting article on "T. E. Taylor,” asnl a message of ], \(• was received from Mrs Lee - * owie, who bis just celebrated her "fith birthday, effirs elected: Pres., Miss A. iHiiiglas; ViceIres., Mrs. Tasker Brown; Acting Secretary Vis* J. Arndt; Treas., Mrs. Paterson. Items v ,-re provided by Mrs. IV* Hill a and Misses Watson and Jump. Mrs. Kasper kindly proi ded supper, and also closed the meeting \ tb prayer and the Benediction. Auckland.—July 14. Sympathy expressed t Mrs Htimpsou in the deatti of her husband. F **v. A. Stlmpson. and also to the members « tlie family of the late Mrs Whltham. T -mpemnee Fact given by Mrs Ready. A t autlfnl message on '‘Comfort” was given I Mrs Stlmpson. Mrs M( I*ay gave a i »st interesting address on the work of mini- ry of women. Their stntus liad lieeii i ised hv Jesus Christ, and the great ref rms for tlie uplift of mankind had been t e result of praver and tears. Members d )m*l n#d at tlie W.C.T.U stall at the V inter Slow. Decided that next meeting tike tlie form of a Gift Pav for Headquart»is Fund. Afternoon tea served. lievo'iport.—Julv Mrs William* presid- * Good attendance. Visitors from Mt ‘ l»**rt ami Ponsonbv Unions Paper read f< r Memorial Day by Mrs Wreck. August

meeting to he held at Mrs Green’s residence. Arrangements made for the illustrated Irav log in* to be held on August 25th In tin* Me thodist Hall at 7.3<*. Recitations given by Mrs Burnett and Miss Mary Fogarty Two competitions, won by Mrs Wrack. After noon tea. Kp-otn.—July 22. At Mrs \\ orsley s. Mrs Neal presided. Temperance ta< t Decided to continue our i’nlon advertisement in the “White Ribbon," and to try and increase tin* sale of the paper. Tlie Secretary reported that I<*9»* pledges had been signed by I toy's and girls at our Temperance stall at tlie Winter Show Members from lfi different Unions had assisted at tin* stall. kolii Nt. Ilelicr’s. —July V' d Eady's house. Fair attendance. Memorial Day. Mrs Kasper spoke on the pioneers who have blazed tin* trail and on their work. A duct by Mesdames Phillips. senr. and Junr., and a song by Mrs Lewis Eady. Afternoon tea ended a pleasant meeting. I.eigli. July. Fair attendance at Mrs Griggs. *vho presided. Mrs ii. lorkington read. ''Arming the Nations. I’aganir lit tlie Cause." Mrs Grigg pave the motto. "And where we love home, home that our feet may leave but not oilr hearts, tlw* chain may lengthen but it never parts.” Mrs. Morley read "it really happened.” The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames Woodcock and Grigg. Benediction. Nul l lo ot. i 20. Mrs Hulbert presided. Mrs Kasper gave an address on the origin of the W.C.T.U and upon her work as J.P. in the Mental Has pital. Mrs Allely a solo, and Miss Webb a pianoforte recital. Afternoon tea served, i »n«* initiation, also two babies on ('radii* Roll. fake competition Judged by Mrs A. Campbell, and prizes awarded by Mrs Allely to the following;— Mrs J. W Court, Ist for fruit cake, Mrs Turner. 2nd; Mrs J. W Hulbert, Ist prize, sponge cake; Mrs Graham. 2nd; walnut cake, prize Mrs Gribbeit: Mrs Martin, Ist and 2nd for scones. Sale nr cakes, donations and collection, tl *s. (Mnhnhti. —July 18. Mrs Kccersall pr* sided. Rev. Mathews spoke on “Crime and Punishment.” and gave all present something to think of as a hand of Christian wo men. Paper was read referring to Memorial Day. and the memorial prayer was read. Afternoon tea Ponsonhy.—July IB Mrs Williams pr. sided. I Wot ions by Mrs Christopher. “Memorial Day." A paper on the life and work of tlie late Mr T. K. Taylor was read 1»> Mrs Bragg. Reference was also made to the 1 irthconiing District Convention to be held In Auckland In September. Afternoon tea c.’osed a profitable meeting. Keimicra. —July 21. Good attendance. Mrs Hugh Kasper presided. Sister Grace gave a devotional address. Mrs Cardwell rendered pianoforte solos. Memorial Day observed. T.'ie President gave n brief address A resolution was carried protesting against an advertisement for gin appearing in “The New Idea.” Resolved to hold a competition for the best made d’oyley at August meeting. A report of the excellent work done at Winter Kliow ; over 1000 pledges were taken. sGian Avenue. Jul) II Friends' Meeting House. Auckland. Miss Pud,.*-\ '(resided. Three openings for addresses on Temperance and Purity in women's meetings reported, and arrangements made. After routine business was completed. Miss f McLay gave a most interesting address on her recent Journeys in tinFar North among our Maori sisters. Site spoke of tlie present position of the liquor laws in regard to tlie Maori population of New Zealand, and urged members to take every opportunity for making the real facts known. At the close, useful talk over, anil afternoon tea followed. Wnrk worth.— July 9 Meeting at Mrs Kasper's. Fair attendance. Mrs Kasper

presided. Mrs Sanderson read interesting paper, “How to increase Membership." Mrs Kasper read a bright sketch of tin* life nt Mrs Kagaws and tier work In the slums nt Japan. Mil 111 xm kland dimkici. Cambridge. July 23. Mrs G. Cartel pic sided. Good attendance. Temperance hymns sum*. Each member t<> give an item or pay a tine of sixpence. Readings by Mesdames Keltnaley, Melville, Simpson, Arnold, G. Carter, and Adjutant Hurtle. Hongs by M'-sdrunes Mlssen and Baker and Lieut. Mann. Duet. Mesdames Oxbrow and Kelmsley. Aecompnnists, Adjutant Barth* and Mrs Riley. < hie member preferred to pay the tine. HaaHiMk — tut Pri dent n chair. Good attendance. Very tine scientific temperance address by Mi's Seal, who traced tin* working of alcohol from its reception In tlie stomach through various internal organs until it reaches the nervous system and brain, through the latter attacking the moral qualities, and lessening the power of resistance to e\ il. Mrs Seal stressed a difference between drunkenness and intoxloatii.'.i. Tin* President reported haying written a letter of greeting, with photographs enclosed, to Mrs Head, of Niue Island. An interesting reading and afternoon tea concluded an enjoyable meeting. Tliniiie*. —Aug. 5. Fairly good attendance, presided over by Mrs Paul, who gave a talk on tlie Maori work. 'hie dozen posters have been pro< ured to put In the local Sunday Schools. die neyv member received. Afternoon tea served. Te An iimiitii. -.lull 18. President In tin* chair. An expression of sympathy was passed with (Mrs) Rev. Wills, of Blenheim, in tin* loss of her parents, also Mrs Pepperell in bereavement of relative. Mrs Prh e gave as the devotional message some helpful thoughts (sn tin* “Power of Womanhood.” Decided to order hymn books. Mrs Berry sang “Arise. O Soul,” as an encore “My Task.” Mrs Price contributed a paper on "Mi-siotiHi-y Work In Central Africa,’’ very interesting. Afternoon tea. Tiiiiruiiiru. July. Good attendance. Annual meeting. President in chair. Greetings were received from a sister branch In Nnrthcote. Correspondency attended to. and much business discussed Decided that .ill office-bearers continue as heretofore. Reports read and adopted. New member Initiated and welcomed. Afternoon ten. I tern-diction, TAR ANAKI DIM lil< I . Kltluini. July 18. At Mis Jenkins', who presided. Attendance, 11, including Miss Drew, President Taranaki District. Miss Drew gave very interesting address on good work being done by various women’s organisations throughout tin* Dominion. Her address much appreciated. \ fterniM.M tea. Benediction. New I’ly iiHCith. July 2:< Mis Jemison presided. Miss Drew unfolded the plan for a Seamen's Rest mart, to in- held on August Jxtli, always a great success in the past, and solicited tin- help of all members and friends with donations of cake*. etc. Benediction. Afternoon tea. M \N \M \ l l IIIM IIK I’. I'Vilding.—Aim B Good attendance Mrs Spence in chair. Musical items by Mrs Werne and Miss Green, elocutionary by Mrs Pack and Mrs Hesketh, all being much enjoyed. A stall in aid of Headquarters Fund was well patronised, everything be Wig sold. A small charge was also made for afternoon tea. Report of Executive meeting given by Vlrs Spence. Foitoii. July 14 Meeting at Mrs Bui lard’s. Miss Dee took the chair, and opened the meeting with Bible reading, a short talk on Wt. Peter, stressing his two leading characteristics as fear and faith Report of Convemtlon was kindly supplied by Feilding. Most lucid, well expressed account of Convention, and of the Immense amount of business that was put through. Members were impressed with the mam activities of tin* Union. It was agreed that as manymembers as possible attend the District Cnmention Hi Palmerston in September. I .exin July 10 Mrs Kennerley in chair. Temperance Fact, “Alcohol and Motor Transport," read hi Mrs Rott. Pamphlet entitled “Gambling—What’s the Harm?" read by the President Drinking at dances discussed. Follow in* resolution is to be sent to the Prime Minister and to the local

member: —“That hh the drinking at dances has hecoine a serious social evil, the Government is urged to adopt measure to prevent such drinking in daiho halls and cars outside.” Afternoon tea nerved by Miss Peek. Benediction. 1.4*1 in.—Aug. 7. Mn Kennet h y in the eliair. ltev. Dennis gave a most helpful and interesting address, suitable to Memorial Day. Mrs Hazelwood gave short address. item it passed strongly protesting against the action of Travel Association in regarding sale of liquor in tourist houses. Afternoon tea. I'alio. I-I m Nwi h. tu 111 Ho presided. Fair attendance. Letter of thanks for having assisted at Juinhle Sale. Resolution re drinking in dance halls and cars, to he forwarded to the Government. District Convention to be held in Palmer ston North on September 4th. Public- meeting to be held at 3 Rev. A. Blakelliore gave an address on tin- Prohibition movement, stressing tlie work of faith of tinlate T. K. Taylor, and urged them not to give Up the Struggle. Benediction. Afternoon tea. IIA\IM:> B\\ D|s||t|( |. Gisborne.—July 2S. Good meeting. Mrs Reynolds presided. Fair attendance. Members answered to the roll call by reading a Seientith Fact. Correspondence proved of Interest, and caused most members to take hart in discussion. An interesting paper on “Pioneer Women Police" was read. Mrs F. K. Wallen was appointed as our representative to the National Council. cradle Roll flourishes under Mrs Stock man’s ran-. Copper Trail and Pantry Stall provide modest funds. Afternoon tea brought a bright and cheery ineeti-g to a close. 110-ting-Resignation of Miss Mitchell as Secretary received with regret. Competition, entitled “Can Vou Answer This?" H || answers to he found in the Bible, was won by Mrs lli< knmtt Ist. Mrs Turner 2nd. Decided to hold social afternoon in August. Greetings sent to Mrs Darby with flowers. Memorial Day observed. Resolution passed re motorists and alcohol, to he sent to Hon. R Semple. Reports of V, L.T.L., and Cradle Roll received. Ilu\clock North July 27. F i at*, ml anee. Prayc-rs for s|>ecial members and frit-ndz for the month. Scientific Fact. "Alcohol and Good Conduct." I*evotlonal meeting arranged for August 11th. Delegate to District Convention at Hastings. September 15th. Mrs Waugh speaker for afternoon, on “India," divided into three divisions: Evangelisation, Medical Work, and Education. Tea provided. MWmWw. Jul> ii it 11 senr. Attendance fair. Extract from “White Ribbon” read bv Mrs Dally. Resolved to forward a letter to the General Secretary of the Women's Division of the Farmers' T’nion, expressing appreciation of flu-ir action regarding drinking at dances. I'aintv afternoon tea served by hostess. N.11 >icc \ \I I over a fair attendance, and welcomed members from Havelock I’nion. Devotions taken by Mrs Carter. A vote of thanks to those who had arranged the ping-pong tournament. Aery enjoyable items were con tribute.! I>\ Mrs Let ha m and Miss Colllster. Mrs Me Heath give a stirring talk c»n the rc-sponsil.iliti»-s of marriage. Ml ■ideal, and took devotions. Treasurer reported I/- to World Fund. 4/- to Maori I-mid, X/- to District Treasurer, proceeds of a Bring and Buy. latter sent to Napier l nion thanking for khidness shown to mem her in their hospital. Prayer for sh-k members. Benedict ion. W \\l. \\| | DIMTtirT. \i-,m".1... i i etiair. Memorial Day celebrated. Temperance Pact by Mrs Hamer. Letter of thanks from Matron of the Jubilee Home for mir visits to the old people* during the* winter months Arrangements made for a special effort for Headquarters Fund on September 22nd. and a committee formed to organise same. Tin* speaker for the day told many Interesting and humorous stories of some of the workers for Temperance hi the early (lavs of Wanganui. Comp -tlthm : Mrs Good. Ist; Mrs Gilligan, 2nd. Hostesses. Mo.-dames Read and Gilligan.

Knc-tihi (Maon) —Aug. 5. At Mrs Angus Wright's, Ohnkune Road. Prayer, Mrs William Tiwha. Bible- reading by Mrs Jenkins, and explanation!. Minutes and "White Ribbon" report. Mrs Angus Wright read out a pice from the paper. Nurse t’avail’s last words before her execution, "Patriotism is not enough; I must have hatred to none in my heart, hut love to all.” Solo, Eunice Gray, “Take my life- and let it be*.’’ One new member. Doxology. Afternoon tea. \\ uugiimii East.—July. .Mrs Pay in tile c hair, and reported that the Band of Hope members would enter for the next Temperance examination. Mrs Kliutt- reported on financial matters. iH-cided to hold a social afternoon in September, members of other I nions to he invited. Miss Wallace to arrange a musical programme, and Mezdatnes Walker amd Physacklea to have charge of a stall for cooking competition—plate of sc ones, plate of short bread, and plate of eggless fruit cake. Tlie Band of Mope progtaiiinie for July 2Mh to he given by Methodist girls. Rev. Burley to be (lie speaker Memorial Pay. Articles on the lives and work of Mrs * 'c»lc- and Mrs Atkinson read, i Mie new member received. \\ I I I i.ngton dp i kilt. bmer Details of the arrangements made* for the Peace Prayer Meeting were- reported, Mrs Lopdc-ll placing on record the deep appreciation of members for the willing co-operation of the nihiisters of the churches. Sympathy extended to the* relatives of our late beloved member, Mrs Joseph. Tlu- Secretary reported upon tinletter from the I ’resident, and flowers from the members, which were* sent to Mrs Joseph on tlie occasion of her 80th birthday a fortnight before her death. Mrs Birreil gave tin* thought. “True happiness, if understood. consists alone* in doing good.” Ways and means for augmenting Headquarters Fund were fully discussc*d. A Bring and Buy stall for next meeting, and a Jumble Sale were arranged. Letters sent to and reeeived from Sergeant of Police re lager beer r.tul -to”' being sold in grocery stores, were* read. The matter has now been referred to Dominion officers for action. Mrs F. ('lark*- and Mrs N. t’lurkc were ho* te.KHCH. I pper lloff. Jul) 23 \ very « i meet ing Devotional talk on “Tin- Friendship of Jesus wit)i Women." Arranged for attendance nt tin- District Executive on the - ■*t h; also a -mall Hale to augment funds. \ very Interesting reading on the Aral are men's organisation. that mentio-.ied the women of the Bible and their various talents. It was pleasing to note that when the "White Ribbon” wns mentioned members at once commented on the "leader." although it had only arrived by post that niornixig. It is encouraging to know that our paper is read so thoroughly by the- members. Afternoon tea and a cheerful chat com dueled o»n meeting. U cilingtoii.- - \ug President .... uple d flu* chair. “Pav-up” social. Good number of members attended Mrs Murrav gave helpful little address. Mrs Chisholm gave a report of the recent District Executive. Dismission on helping the Headquarters I'uml. Mis Porte reported that tin* Jumble Sale had brought In £5. Afternoon tea. S«»lo by Mrs H. J. Rowe, and community singing condn-ted by Mr» Mowlem. Mrs HarrP reported on what was being done by our rnio-n ill hospital visiting. Members were asked to help the temperance cause by sending out some of tlie literature in hand Benedict inn. ni:i>on district. \cLom jui v n Innual pay qi I ■ 'i-ii* .a tin ebair. \’i i v good attendnice. Mrs Moves gave the Temperance Sympathy to sick members Solos l.v Mcsdumes Robinson a*ml N Watson; recitation by Mrs Godman. Mrs Walker gave a very interesting account of ln-r trip to Australia. Dm- member rejoined, and one on transfer. Jumble Bale to be held on the 2!*i Ii Afternoon tea. Richmond, NHnm. 1 Roll call answered with Interesting verses. Miss Dyson reported on LT L. meeting, and was appointed Superintendent. Mis Godman delighted the met ting w ith her recitation. closed with prayer sigl] and Benedict ion.

MVIt I ItORIII Dll ItMlilt I .

Blenheim.—Aug. I. Mis J. Stewart - .-blent) in the chair, 20 members pre nt Mrs Braddock expressed her thinks p M several anonymous donations of money >n<| stamps tor her Cradle Roll work. Rev <; Darker gave a most interesting addr. „. some of Ids experiences over a nuiiihet ~( years as a missioner in the slums and |,rj. sons of England. ID- tol.l liow hi tin- IS , of practically every prisoner his downfall could he traced to strong drink. Hearty vote ol t luniks to speaker. Afternoon t. t Cllllvastowii. July 11. Attendance Mrs Murray presided, and led devotion.- ,(>. sist«*d hv Rev. A. T. Milgn-w. Mrs .Stephens presented report of Convention; very good report, delivered pleasingly, and much appreciated, under three heads, Devotional, Business, and Social. Aftcrnoo*.! tea \ Bring ami Buy produced 35/- toward- the travelling expenses of tin* Branch. MrHtephens received vote of thanks, also \|r~ W. M. Smith, of Blenheim, for transport of party from Blenheim, including Mrs Stephens. '-qiringliiiid*. July D>. Mrs \\ M. s it); presided. S’phridid attendance. Sev-ral visitors welcomed. Mrs W. J. Girling i i\> i most interesting talk on her visit to Oxford, England, last year, and her experienceat the Oxford Group Movement meetingheld there, also explaining the Movetmiit Mrs Smith expressed the appreciation of those present to Mrs Girling for her addn - Five new members initiated. Four copies of "White Ribboti" sold. Taa Wirftm —July IS. President (Mr* Harris) in the chair. The Rev. Ftting, present by Invitation. led in devotions. Fair attendance. M-s Ftting welcomed bach to her place again. Hick members rein, inhered. Birthday congratulations and spin to Mcsdames lla-tilow and Tturrou-h« Good report of Band of Hope work. Aildress In the Rev. Ftt‘nig on tin* life ;«ml work of the Rev. C. F. Andrews, whose -oldress«*s have been heard over the wireless inst recently. Hearty vote of thanks to tin speaker. Benediction. Afternoon tea N<*R |II < Wil ltltl in DISTRICT. 4 hrislclinreli. Miss He-.nhrsoii picMembers to help with Orphanage appeal on August Clothing sent to District Nurses and comfort bags and socks to Sailors' R.-st, Memorial Day. Miss Henderson read ivtrants re tlu* early history of Prohibition movement in New Zealand and great work o| many men am! women. Reininisccii' - by members were of great interest. l!i -.lg ami Buy in aid of funds. Nor | b Kliglito'i. M I loran< . (P dent) jit chair. * rood attendance of inein-l-ers and li\i* visitors. Two new im-ml.. rs Mrs Lawson gave tlie Temper ance Fot Surprise parties had visited I os of Mrs Goring and Mrs Clnridge. Mrs S. Mit- hell sang two solos, much appreciated. Roll .all answered with ti-.i interesting Fact. August a Bring and Buy for Headquarters Fund Benediction. New Brighton I ; M l 8 ! can prodded. Fair attendance. Tlie w rlof reorganising the Band of Hope was iseussed. A social had het*n given, ami in ay children promised, and have since signed the pledge. Tlu* members of the I'niou ire carrying on the good work. Mrs J. s. Ran- - -mi and Mi - ii m (4'aptain • Read npo on visits paid t«* some of the inmates at the Mental Hospital. Afternoon tea. Oxford. July 15 l*n '.but in Hi Sacred solo by Miss J. Comvtis. Brie! rports of work by Superintendents of 1 *•- part nu-nts. Short sk(*tch»*s of life amt w- rk of Mr T. K. Taylor, Revs. F. \V. Isitt an ' i 1 Munro. Mrs Cole, Miss Roberts, and other pioneers of our movement r**ad by nieinl" rSympathy w ith Mrs Coinyns in bereavement. Two White Hil.l.oners assist in Bible tea hIng in Oxford school. I**l |»i« "ill . —July 22 Ml ed. Fair attendance. Sympathy to Mrs Watson in Illness. Members to aft. nd music-ib- on August 7th. Homes were offered for delegates. Mrs F. J. Carr gnv ■' talk on her visit to Rarntonga. Aftern-'on tea. Benediction. Itee ft oil. Julv 14. Mrs Absalom in i hair. Devotional exercises. Mrs Svvi ? '-‘ r rei. d report from M : ss Blackw ell re Executive meeting. All members showed tln-ir ii-'.r-est In the report. Hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs Ikt Harm and Mrs Gllm -ur B* - llctlon.

. Kurarloti. Jul> S. Aiteiulniiri* -•>. Tein ranee Kart kiu'H, Tim- Fruits t»i Iti'lical. n id ell t web oni« il Ale (lames J> iiiei and lo >d». Mrs F( mu oil appointed S ek Vmi,i f»r next month. Invitation from Sydenai i I nion to attend soelal a/teiioon on ,11. ust Mli. Mrs W atson reported vi. itiim J.i til II spit id and Womens I{eloinuttor\. UI .uiKeineiits made lor holding concert, irtnightly it the Reformatory. Distrii t laliietition to In* held at Klee, rtiwi on | tenihei* 15th and Kith. An "after onii" to In* held at residence of Mrs W lute n August 11th to raise fi/.nls for t’oiiven .hi expenses. Mi Roig gave an iiitcic-l----,u review of the hook, "I’eiiee with Honour, v A. A. Milne. Mesdames Melnrri and ward di-pensed afternoon tea. - deiiluun.—.i ni\ _ lira ki I. Hood attendance. Ilispirlng address veM hy Mrs Major lluestiwi. "Home r- ting" to Im* held on July 1 titli i t the re;d<dire of Mrs Rogers. I'sual monthly leetillg to In* a ;oeial afternoon, to which , Iticearton. S|»re> don, and New Brighton mhes are invited. Meinhers t’ tatl* ••till a solo Ct* st Thy I linden' ) given b> Sir Woodward, ; ltd a reep *»ti»M 4"One 1 >av t i Time") h\ Mrs Mbl'lldon. sunnier.—Aug. I Miss Kilim - ' in eha i ho-tesses. Mesdames t 'oopel , 1 *i«• U -«»II Murdoch. and Williams. Mrs h. <5 Carter eh gate t'» Convention. Addle s l>\ llev. >ll house on tin* prospects for the League Nations, t' ported elsewhere. spre> tlon. July II I' < I ittendan* «?. Ha l to welcome our President hack amongst j, after leave »>f ahseiiee. l»eeii|ed to send visitor t<» Mental Hospital with some i**lieae> for patients. Mrs Lowry gave an Idresn on the forward nioveni *nt among-t , young people, a League that will study - ntific Temp* ranee Pints with the aim of uparting same to others in whools and *unlay selioids and Hands of Hope, •*te. Mi dames Clark and Sim were hostesses. • • (‘diction Westport. -July. Coin aft«rnoon at the ome of Mrs Parfitt, President. Tea pro,l, .(|. pevotions I»v Major Samson. B.A. in new member. The Pres dent addressed ( ndiers an the aims and work of the A\ <’. I . also mill Canon Petrie* address. >OI I II ( AVI I PHI 111 UPTKH I'. Ashlmrloti, July 21. Remembrance l*uy. 'siei* Mildred presid**d ov»*r a large attentii e. National Anthem, and prayer by Mrs v (Jiigg. Thankfulness was expressed over io safetv of our be love* I King recently, •cins: Vocal Solos —Misses M. Ilrown and M. Palmer, duet - Mesdames A. Vb He in and S. Osborne. A dainty nfteruoon tea set vI and collection 1 1» /#». Mrs. Virtue spoke » her recent trip to llritain, Kurope and An -ri( a. Prom London tin* speaker took i hearers a<tosh the Continent to Oberam•rgnu, and v iv idly port raved to those present c production of that greatest tragedy of lie Ages -Scenes ill the life of the Master, ith His trial and Crucifixion- known as k* “Passion Play”. Hearty vote of thanks • Mrs Virtue and to tin* performers. Views **i • banded round for Inspection. Aug. i Seamen's lhiv. Mrs. 'l*. P. Hryiu "••-President. presided. flood attend* Mrs Altkenhond’s resignation was reived with regret. Decided to place u record the I’nion’s thanks and appreeia- • u for faithful service rendered during the isr three v ears and v it li he-t wishes for a •!••-. «lv recovery. Mrs. P. S. 4 »sl» rne and 'h E. J. Tin ker to n ake ariangetnents for " annual visit to Tinwald. Interesting I rt on "League of Nations” contributed Peace Superintend *nt. Mrs I*. S Os"tim* and Mrs E. Tilley delegates to ’>irict Convention. Rev. L. I*. Bryan '•tiered a helpful and inspiring adre s, basing hi* remarks on Epheu s ti: 10. Much appreciated items •i eotitrihuted l»y Misses 11. Johnston. Gardiner. and ir Browti. Hearty vote hanks to speaker and perform* i s. Tea I (•(!. • Hie new II eluber enrolled. Ctll- > ion taken for Sailors' Rest, Tlmnru, and Viral searfs handed hi. (••raldine. July. 8m al I attendance. Wall i< h presid'd. Lett«*r <>f sympathy '"l i Temtika in loss of Treasurer. Mrs lik Ii asked that stocking tops he rol--1 d for missionary work. The Secretary h tided members of parrel for Sailors’ ciirlftmas gifts. Social afternoon Mrs Uoutberwny, 10th August. Wnllarh read a pamphlet In " l ‘‘ i• I to the good work of W.OVT.If., and

how much good it stood for. Next meeting Bring and Huy. Mrs Horrell elected Treaurer. Afternoon tea. OTAGO lIM KHT. Bulcl Iha. —Aug. 4. * il atteinhtiK" Mrs Clark load a helpful paper on tiu* Apostle Peter. A new-comer welcomed. Reference made by Presidi lit to anniversary of (ireat War. Hring and Huy and social afternoon for September Ist, eaeli member to bring one or more friends. Afternoon tea. Dunedin Central.—July 7. Mrs Lotting f President) presided over a good attendance. Mrs Hiett spoke, urging all inemhers to subscribe to till* "White KihhiMl." Five new .vub'eril>ers were obtained. The results of the Jumble Sale were reported, the nett proceeds being 14 Hs 3d. D. nedin Ceideal.—Am I Mis Hotting presided. Fail lit tendance. Memorial I lay. A paper read on the life of the late Mrs McCombs, to w hich Mrs I •«*ii added • iiiiii* reminiscences of other pioneer women of the movement, particularly Mrs Atkin* nil and Mrs Cole. Decided to send letters to all Christian bodies mgiig them to unite in protesting to the City Coinicil against Sunday i oiteerta. Kuikorai. July 2!* tioiial exercises. President read a paper on "Martha and Mary," and the need for different types of character In the work of the v oral, the quiet worker as well as the active om*. Further arrangements were made v. itli regard to coming Convention. Afternoon tea. Lawrence. —July 7. Mis Edie presided. Business in regard to Conference to he held here soon. Relegate appointed. Letter to he sent to a sicK member. Paper oil ' Peace" read by Secretary. Benediction. VL. \ alley. July 2 7 Miss Gray pr» ed. Good attendance. Many apologies through sickness. Special gift evening. < iood collection. Speaker, Rev. J. K. Reid, who, in the course of a most instructive and forceful address, showed that the price of the drink traffic was the price of blood. Mi.-s It Ritchie rendered a solo, much appreciated. sided. As arranged. the Rrun« h commemorated White Ribbon I lay, and Mrs Norwood read a short paper written by Airs iVryman, "Women Pioneers," which showed very concisely exactly what the White Ribboners stand for. There was a fair attendance, ami several members bought rnplcv (f the "White Ribbon.” Reports were received from Mesdames Imnaldson and Polling, delegates respectively to till* N.I'.W. and the Itible-in Schools League. It appears the latter lias printed a large number of services suitable for use in schools. it vv i-- decided to invite the District Officers to our *.cm meeting on August 1:i (American tea). MM Til I.ANI) DISTRICT. (■ore.—July Fair attendance. Mrs E. 4*. Smith presided. Southland quarterly meeting (liscus'eil, also Bring and Buy Sabin connection with same. Redded to send ,Tti<jes, an I Mrs I‘. B. Stevenson, delegate, to n-sist on th stall. Reeided to send i iiigar.lneH ami hooks to Eglinton Valley < amp. Pay-up social on Augu-t 25th. evening meeting, good programme. Mr* K 4*. Smith read an interesting paper on "The 4500 d Neighbour.” Time of silent prayer. Boned ict ion. Invercargill Ontnil.—Aug. 1 Good at tendance. Mrs McGregor presided. Mrs Fairhairn led devotions. "Pay-up” social. A short mu-hal programme hy Mesdames Strathern. Macdonald, and Miss Kelly. Playreading. "Lantern Light,” was given by the Knox t'hurch ladies, inueb enjoyed by all. Afternoon tea. Inyen-tirgill South.—July II Memorial Lav. Rev. C. Wedderspoon referred to life .and work of late T. E. Taylor, and spoke of bis eloquence, fearlessness, and incomparable oratory. Dialogue, "Trees of t lie Forest," l>v Mesdames Reidv, Sliarfe. Parker. I *iil»*. and Misses Griffiths and MH'nllum. la-tter from Nurse Templeton, of Ethiopia Leper Hospital was read. Afternoon tea. Benediction. - ,*t The proprietors of the "Australian Women’s Weekly” have laid down a de finite policy of refusing- all alcoholic I leverage advertisements.

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White Ribbon, Volume 42, Issue 491, 18 August 1936, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 42, Issue 491, 18 August 1936, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 42, Issue 491, 18 August 1936, Page 7

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