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News of the Union.

Reports MUST—(I) Reach Editor by Bth of mouth. (2) Be written in Ink, on one side of tlir iruper only. (3) He short tuul to tlit* |>oint. NORTH AU KI.AM) DISTRICT. Ihirgwville.—April 21. Seven member* present. Mrs. H. T. Smith presided. Derided to invite North Auckland District Convention to me'** In Dargaville this year. Itinerary arranged for Miss McLay and plans mads for the Cradle Roll party. A few impressions of Convention were given by Miss van Resien, who also conveyed greetings from Miss Andrews of Mt. Albert, a former member of this branch. Mauiunikanunru.—April 15. At home of Secretary. Fair attendance. Mrs. Weir presided. Arrangements made for Miss MoLay's visit from sth to Bth May. Members in favour of buying rather than borrowing books from Dominion Library, and form own lending library; several books already given by members. Mrs. Dillingham gave report of Convention. Proceeds of Bring and Buy for N.Z. Fund. Mrs. Gillingham and Mrs. H Walker provided afternoon tea. Te K ipuru.—April 2#. Miss McLay gave a lantern lecture. April 30. —Mrs. Bickers presided. All stood in memory of departed sister, Mrs. Wordsworth, Senr, Miss McLay gave account of World’s Convention. She also gave valuable aid to reorganise Y's anal L.T.L. Mrs. J. Wi.Mrp made Cradle Roll Fupc.intendent. One new member. Afternoon tea AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Devoii|M>rt. —April 15. Mrs. Williams presided. Mrs. Day reported on the Dominion Convention. One new* member admitted. Arrangements made for conk Hig competition next month. Epsom.—April 15. Reports of Dominion Convention given by Mrs. Neal and Mrs. Carr. Great praise given to the Dominion officers for their part in conducting the Business Sessions, and the Auckland District Executive for the fine arrangements ninde for the social functions. Henderson.--April 15. Mrs. Platt presided. Fair attendance. Greeting received from Timarii C*nion, to which greetings were sent by Mrs. Arthur. Mrs. Williams, n foundation member, resigned from her position as Treasurer as she is leaving the district. Afternoon tea. Kolii-st. Hclier'**. —April 15. Good attendance. Great interest shown in the report of the Itominion Convention. Mrs. Kaspar gave an address on the evils following oni alcohol. Songs from Mesdames Williams and L. Kady. duet from Mrs. Phillips Senr., and Junr.. were much appreciated. Hostesses, Meadames Mills and Lor Phillips. f<eigli.—April. Well attended meet nig at Mrs. OCgg's Mrs. Grigg presided. Mrs. Yearbury read “The T’nknown Soldier.” cided that the Hall Committee be asked to make a rule to prevent smoking while darn - ing at the Hall socials. Animated discussion on gambling. Hostesses. Mrs. Grigg and Mrs. H. Torkington. Mt. Eden. —April 7. At Mrs. Pickering’s. Mrs. Brockleburst presided and at request of members agreed to reconsider her resignation, and was re-elected President. Mrs. Kasper gave interesting talk on origin of W.C.T.TJ. May 3.—At Mrs Pickering’s Mrs Brockiehurst presided. Mrs. Rattray gave much enjoyed solo. Mrs. J. Cook gave brief resume of how women of N.Z. won the franchise. Afternoon tea. Onchungit,—April 9 Very* small attendance. Vice-President in the chair. Reports of Convention Service. Resolutions reOamhllng and Y.P. Demonstration given. April 22—Well attended home meeting Mrs. Mount joy presided. Pastor Garner told of the missionary work in China, illustrating his talk by charts, pictures, etc. Song by Miss Laking. reading by Pastor Gamer. Very Interesting item. Each one present tnld of something for which she was thankful. The programme and afternoon tea was provided hv *he members of the Congrega-

tional Ladies’ Guild and greatly enjoyed by ail present. Otuhiihti.—April 16. Mrs Eccersall presided. Reports of Dominion Convention given by delegates, Mrs. W. Taylor and Mrs. Eccersall. sylvan Avenue, Mt. Kdru.—April. Attendance fair. Miss Pudney presided. Mrs. Wheeler gave temperance fact. Mrs. Harle a reading on Peace and Youth In the Churches. Mrs. Treacher reported on the District Executive. The President gave a rc port of the lkmiinion Convention. Four new subscriptions to the White Ribbon. Plans of work discussed. Afternoon tea and helpful talk. Warkwortii. March It attendance Mrs. Hamilton presided. Miss Joy Phillips, our delegate to convention, read an interesting report of same; discussion folk wed. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton. —May 7. Mrs. Stephenson Craig presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Walker appointed Secretary. A short devotional address, based on Deut. 6, and stressing Sabbath observance was given by the President. Arrangements made for co-operating with N.C.W, re public meeting on June 4th. to be addressed by Miss Lilian Edgar on Peace. An urgent appeal for securing new subscribers to White Ribbon was made. Mrs. Tidd and Mrs. Mitchell were hostesses. Thames.—May 6. Mrs. Paul presided Fairly good attendance. Plains of work a« suggested at I>ominion Convention were discussed, and decided to carry out some of them. Reopening of L.T.L. on Monday after a lapse of two years. Posters to be procured and placed in the various Sunday Schools. One new member initiated. Afternoon tea served. Short prayer lesson held. Te Awamutu.—April 16. President in the chair. Sympathy sent to District President in illness. A strong protest to be sent to Minister of Justice against granting of licenses in the King Country. An interesting report of Convention given by Mrs. 8. Craig. A Cradle Roll member, Rosalie Johnson, presented Mrs. Craig with a bouquet of rosea. Mrs. Pepperell gave two solos, much enjoyed. Afternoon tea served. Tuurunga.- April. Small attendance. Mrs Huliner In chair. A most heartening address was given by the Rev. Mr. Ralne, bidding us be of good courage, and not to grow fainthearted. Afternoon tea handed round. Business discussed. Tnuningn.—April 7.—Wmall attendance. Mrs. Christian presided. Sympathy with Mrs. Bulmer in her sad bereavement. Decided to hold a social afternoon shortly to raise funds. A o«rcular letter to be sent out to try and increase our membership. Mrs. Bulmer to represent us on the representative committee. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Kltluiiii.—Annual meeting. Officers elected:—Pres, Mrs. Williams; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Manners; Sec., Mrs. Mehrtens; Treas.. Mrs. Libeau; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Streeter. All present signed the Petition for Peace. Two new r members and Y member linked up with mother Cnlon. Ilnucm.— April Good attendance. The President, Mrs. Douglas, extended welcome to some members wlio were attending after a lapse of some time. Treasurer reported £l/4/- raised at recent Bring and Buy, Mrs Hartmann gave full and interesting report of Convention and received a hearty vote of thanks. Reported that at our next meeting. as District Executive w ould be meet nig In Hawera that day, some Executive members would be present. Afternoon ten. Benediction. Ilnucni.—April 28th. Good attendance. Seven members of District Executive present. Mrs. IYouglas in chair and welcomed visitors. Next meeting. Peace Day. and Day of Prayer to be observed; arrangements in band of Notable Day Superintendent. i*foresting address by Miss Drew. District President, on her Impressions of recent Do minion Convention. Vote of thanks to Miss Drew. Afternoon tea. Benediction. WANGANI I DISTRICT. Antinolio.—April 3ft. President in the chair. Motto bj Mrs Sleight. TUdi coll answered by quotations. Jubilee Home to be visited on May Bth. Members to bring old stockings to be made Into garments. Bnu-

quet to Airs. Hallam tor her Golden Wedding. Mrs. Day gave a very interesting report of Dominion Convention and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The competition, Worked Tea Towel—lst. Mrs, H. Good; 2nd, Mrs. Chesswas. Benediction. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Ansell and Wulker. Sale of 3d parcels towards funds. ILictilii (Maori). —May 6. At the home of Mrs. Angus Wright. Wet day. Fair attendance. ?*rs. Jenkins presided and gave report of Convention. Mrs. Godby spoke on Mothers’ Day. “All mothers, ye are the makers of men.” Mrs. Wright spoke briefly of her visit to Wanganui. She met Mrs. Duxfield, District President of W.C.T.F. Cradle Roll plans prepared. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Wanganui Central.—April. Good attendance. Mrs. Duxfield presided. Sympathy with Mrs. Hussey in bereavement. Personal greeting by Mrs. A. Wright, Raetlhl. Treasurer’s report showed small credit. Superintendents—Back Blocks. Nurse Liddle; Evangelisti and Notable Days, Mrs. J. Upton; Band of Hope and Press, Mrs. Grinatead; School of .Methods, Mrs. Duxfield; Flower Mission, Mrs. A. Morrison; White Ribbon. Mrs. Heatley. President gave account of visit to the Blind Institute. Delegate’s report at next meeting. Mesdames A. Morrison and Sutton were hostesses. HAWKE’S HAY DISTRICT. Hastings.—April 23. Attendance Fair. Convention report presented by Mrs. Mitchell, who did Justice to her subject. 24 new Cradle Roll members reported by Superintendent. Havelock North.—April 24. Fair attendance. Scientific fact given. Alcohol and the effect on the body. Apologies from five members. Mrs. Mitchell, Hastings delegate, gave an excellent report of Dominion Convention. Devotional meeting arranged for Hth May. Napier.—May 6. 32 present. Mrs Lewis. President, in the chair, welcomed visitors Roll call answered with scientific fact. Members asked to cultivate the habit of noon-tide hour. Decided to send £1 to District funds and £1 to Bund of Hope funds. Mrs. Hull gave an Interesting talk on "The White Ribbon.” Arrangements made for a box containing literature to be placed in waiting room at Napier station. Mrs. Precise of India gave an Instructive talk on temperance work in India. The programme for various functions to be held during the coming months was submitted. <>iu* new member initiated. MANAW AIT DISTRIC T. l-evin.— April 17. Mrs. Kennerly in the chair. Letter received from Prime Minister stating that native housing is being looked mito. Scientific fact read by Mrs. Bolt. Mav Ist to he special meeting for Peace Prayer Day. Convention reports given by Mrs. Bishop. Afternoon tea served by Mesdumes Bishop and Nye. I’ulnierston North. —May I Mrs. A. K Collins presided. Mrs. Hulhord and Mrs. IVnipsey were welcomed, the former giving a greeting from the Northeote branch, Bo*ng by Mrs. Cullock and recitations bv Miss Whittaker, much appreciated. Miss Hindle. Y'.W.C.A. Secretary, gave an address based on A. A. Milne's book. Peace with Honour Mrs. Hodder voiced the appreciation of those present to Miss Hindle for her most into*esting address and thanks were then expressed by acclamation. Miss Moor* 1 closed the meeting with nrayer. The tea hostesses were Mesdames KHig and \Y A. Boniface. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—April 28. Mrs. Brewer presided. Members asked to pray for Peace, our Y branches, children's work. Superintendents, and for more circulation for the White Ribbon. Mrs. Pearson reported on Women’s Hospital taxillary, ud Ifn Brewer n N.C.W. meetings. Mrs. CTesswell cordially welcomed. Members asked to attend the District Executive at Petone Mrs. Mrevvei spoke on “Peace and Arbitration,” and a vote of thunks was accorded her. A dainty tea wh* dispensed by the Methodist ladles. DaleieM. iprll S 0 \ happj of members and friends at Mrs. Knowle’s home. The Treasurer reported a credit balance. Unanimously decided to send 5/- to

the Dominion Treasurer for the Headquarters Fund. An Invitation was extended to members to have next meeting at Mrs. Linton's. A Note of thanks was passed to the hostess. Island Huj April 111. Mrs. Milner presided. Welcome extended to Mrs. I’m tor, an old member absent for a long time owing to ill-health; also to Mrs. Memer, our lute President. Comprehensive report of Convention given by Mrs. Mcßride, cradle lioli party to be held on May 19th in Methodist I, All. Benediction. Salvation Army ladies hostesses. l/owei llntt.—April. President in the • hair. Arrangements made for re-union of old members next meeting. Mrs. Mcßride gave a splendid report of the recent Convention, and listening to it, you could almost imagine you were there. A very heart> vote of thunks was accorded her. Tin* lio*tesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Lnpdt-1! and Mrs. Kaigcnt. I |>per llntt. —April 23. Splendid attendance. Very encouraging. Short talk on 'Possessing tile Land.’* Incident from Lionel Fletcher’s “Might) Moments" unread and a solo followed that was mentioned in the .-tory. Hearty welcome extended to Sister Edith who replied and sin expressed pleasure with the spirit of the meeting. Our guest of honour was Mrs. Roberts. 81iwas presented with one of Mr. Morton' hooks, a little speech of thanks and many good wishes. Tea session; chat on the work. Benediction. \\ elliiiglon -April IT.. Presided over bv Mrs Barrow and later hv Mrs. Peryman. Mesdames Empson. Cullen and Miss In son were appointed a Committee to make arrangements for forming an L.T.L. Mesilames Turner, Weldon and Miss Dyson ottered to help in collecting W bite Ribbon subscribers. Soloist, Mrs, Turner. Speaker Mrs. J. c. Webb—a very Interesting report of Convention was given. Afternoon tea served by Mrs. Hoult ami her helpers. Temperance fact from White Ribbon re Toast <>f Royal Welsh Agricultural Society having been drunk in milk. The speaker and soloist were warmly thanked. Wellington. Ma\ 7. Ten Very small attendance. Miss Kirk presided Correspondence read and discussed. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Rowe and Perry. Miss Kirk read out the most important resolutions passed by the recent Convention, and these were discussed. Arranged to have a Jumble Sale about July in aid of the funds of our Union, and later on a Bring and Buy stall. Benediction. NEIXIN DISTRICT. Nelson. -April 14. President in the chair, flood attendance. Temperance fact by Mrs. Moyes from the International Record. Mrs. Houghton sang a solo. Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Kraghan, delegates to Convention gave very interesting reports. Arrangements made for Jumble Sale. May 1. —Special Peace prayer meeting. A number of papers relating to Peace read by members. MARIJtORDI 4*ll DISTRICT. Blenheim—May 5. Mrs. J. Stewart presided. Splendid attendance. Half hour was *l>«it in prayer for world peace and the extension of our W.C.T.U. work. Mrs. Girling gave an inspiring talk on the Oxford Group Movement. 1 hiring a recent visit to England Mrs Girling spent three weeks in Oxford. attending the house parties, and meeting the founder of the Movement. Dr Ruchman, and many members of the Group, and so was aide to supply most Interesting facts. The speaker was warmly thanked for ier remarks. Springlands April 21. Mrs. \V. M. Smith presided. Several visitors welcomed. Dc hied to order two copies of White Ribbon to circulate among members. Mrs. Percy Stephens presented a very interesting ant instructive report of Convention, enjoyed ay ,11. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Stephens. NORTH CANTERHI RV DISTRICT. Christchurch. — April IS. Miss Henderson presided. Major Baker, of S. A . welcomed ( .<i a visit from Pvdnev. Comprehensive nd interesting report of Dominion Convcnon given by Mrs. Adkins MP-' Henderson dso spoke on Convention and both ladies

were presented with bouquets. Enjoyable musical items l>v Mrs. Gallop and Miss Gibbs. OrvciKlitle-lhirtield,—April 30. 15 present. Miss 3. Rudd presided. Mrs. W. Black well’s report on a meeting of Christchurch Executive meeting was read. The report of tile 51st Annual Convention was read. Litter of sympatli) sent to our President, Mrs. Cullen, in the loss ustained by her in the sudden passing of tier father. Collection amounted to 11/6, Meeting closed with prayer. North Brighton.—April. Mrs. Florance presided and welcomed good attendance of members and throe visitors. Mrs. Pepperell. Cradle Roll Superintendent, initiated two new babies. Mrs. Gubb, delegate to Convention, gave interesting report. Band of Hope meetings will commence in May. Oxford. April 15. Good attendance. Vocal luet by Misses T. and E. Rossiter, for which they were thanked. Welcome to Mrs. H. Rinaldi from Kaiapoi. Mrs. G. Jones gave a most interesting re|>ort of Convention. The Secretary and Mrs. 0. Morris were appointed to represent the W.C.T.U. on the No-license Committee. Decided to send a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Powell expre -nug mist wishes for their future happiness. Rev. H. F. Ault asked to give an address on World Peace at next meeting. «>ne new member. Mrs. H. Rinaldi thanked the Union, with greetings from the Kaiapoi Union. Papaiiiii.— April 22. Mrs. Graham presided. Mrs. Frampton road a temperance fact. Decided to send a letter of congratulation to Mrs. Mitchell on her appointment as Dominion <'or. Sec. Arrangements made for a Bring anil Buy next meeting and an addrors to be given on Peace and Arbitration. Mrs. Elliott gave a comprehensive report of Convention. Afternoon tea served. Riccnrtofi. —April 9. Attendance 18. Hon. Parry replied to letter sent re gambling Decided to hold a prayer meeting to precede Peace meeting in May. Mesdames Ryan. Hayes, White and Gainsford appointed Band of Hope helpers for May. Appeal made for old clothing, boots, etc., for needy cases iti the dlatrkt Mrs. White gave an inter."* ing report of Convention. Bring and Huy stall in charge of Mesdames Campion and Ferguson. One new member. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Gainsford and Ryan. Keel ton I 14 It Mn T 1 ompsoi Mrs. Thompson, President, in the chair. Members then talked over the aims of the W.C.T.U. Hostesses, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Willis. Benediction. Styx.—April. Mrs. Donald presided. Good attendance. Sympathy passed with the relatives of late Mr. McJarrow. Ivmonat rat ion In cane work given by Mrs. Richards. who received hearty vote of thanks. Sumner. —May 5. Miss Killner presided. Tea hostesses. Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Hay. Rev. Martin gave an inspiring address on ’ Who is my Neighbour?” The address was much enjoyed by the members. Mpreydon. tpril SI Mn I very comprehensive report of Convention. Our imaginations are stirred afresh when we realise to what a splendid organisation we do belong. Temperance fact, pledge, devoti«*ns, minutes and correspondence were all given their respective places. Benediction. H eetpart. fcprll 14. Mi chair. Small attendance. Speeches read from the White Ribbon, also some real facts discussed on drink. Solo by Mrs, White: cornet solo by Ron Worthington, both beautifully rendered. Papers distributed for the signing of world peace. Very profitable a fternoon. s<)( TH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—May 5. Sister Mildred presided. Fair attendance. Sympathy with the 'datives of the following in bereavement Mrs. A. Bramley, Mrs. A. A. Long. Mrs. W. .1. Taylor iml Mr. J. Watson, Hon. Member, and Mrs. T. Crooks. Letters of cheer and sympathy sent to sick members. Mrs. F. Silcock was admitted Into membership on transfer from Y branch and cordially wetcoined. \ warm welcome extended to Mrs. \ Mi-Bean, late of Auckland Union, now resident in Xsh : »urton, and to Mrs. W. Grigg. Christchurch. A very hearty \ote of thanks was accortUd Mrs. J. A. Tinker for wreaths HR made during the month Tea served

and a splendid report of the recent Convention was read. Hearty appreciation expressed of the kindly hospitality extended, tlie visiting delegates by the entertaining Unions. Secretary to write gratefully acknowledging report received. Decided to meet for prayer and supplication on Tuesday. May 19th, in connection with the Peace movement. Successful Bring and Buy and Pay-up Social. Benediction. * Teiutikn. — April 29, Mrs. Hewson presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Douglas gave a helpful talk on the “Pei* of God.” Sympathy With Mrs. Butler ill the Joss of her father. Two Invercaigill members welcomed and greetings exchanged. Bund of Hope on 15th May, W.C.T.U, to give th* first programme. Mrs. Brown of Timurv gave a very interesting report of Convention and was accorded a heart) vote of thanks. Afternoon tea. (IT AGO DISTRICT. htiikami.—April 29. Very good attendance. Mrs. Bedford’s report on the work of Convention was listened to with interest and will doubtless* have the desired effect. A bouquet was handed to Mrs. Bedford. Two new members initiated. Afternoon tea North-East Valley.— An evening meeting in order to allow younger members to attend. Miss Gray presided. Attendance good. Two members appointed to attend next meeting of L.T.L. All others urged to attend meetings when possible. Convention reports received. Salient features noted for future discussion. Solos rendered by Mrs. Batchelor and Miss Macdonald. thinmrii.—April. Mrs. Bridgman presided. Miss Cunningham, of Auckland, welcomed back to Oamaru. Mrs. Hlett reported she would be un*b|e to visit us and give a talk on Convention. Mrs. Mclllwraith reported on Peace Petition. Mrs. Martyn rendered a pleasing solo anil Mrs. Duggan a much appreciated monologue entitled ‘‘Comfort.*’ with Mrs. Tonkin accompanying. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill.—Mrs. R. It. McGregor presided. Good attendance. Temperance fact read by Mrs. Watson. Conference remits were discussed. Miss Gray’s rendering of two solos much enjoyed. Four members helped on Poppy Day, street collection amount £4/15/-. One new member. A cup of tea enjoyed.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 488, 18 May 1936, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 488, 18 May 1936, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 488, 18 May 1936, Page 8

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