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News of the Union.

'll >T — (1) Kewoli Editor I*) Ktli of month. (2) Ik* written in ink, on oit: •*»«!«* of the |Ni|M‘r onl). (It) It#* short ami to the |M»int. NORTH AICKI.AM) lll'lKin Durguvillr.—Oet. X. At Mrs. Noble's. Good attendance. Mrs. W. S. Nea! presided. Business and social hour. Vocal solos by Mrs. Bonner and Mrs. Webster. Betty Dickson gave two recitations. Telegram competition won by Mrs. E. Jackson. Mrs. Jolly, Hind of Hope Superintendent, thanked ladies for their attendance and I»riefl\ explained the activities of the local Band of Hope. The trailing table brought in a satisfactory amount to help Hand of Hope funds. Two new members welcomed. Afternoon tea. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Noble. MHUiignitimdo.—Oct. 9. Mrs. II Mower presided. Seven present. Mrs. It. Civil, transferred from Warkworth Union, welcomed. Letter received from National Peace t'ouncil asking our Union to buck representations being made on behalf of peace and abolition of slavery in Abyssinia. Secretary instructed to write to Prime Minister. Discussion re distribution Temperance literature. Secretary instructed to procure leaflets, also to write re posters. Proposed to hold Mothers’ Day on November 27th. Secretary read report of North Auckland Convention. Tf koporii. Mrs. Godfrev presided. Letters read from N. Peace t'ouncil. and Mr. Murray. Mrs. Godfrey gave an account of l'istrlct Convention. AKkIANII DISTRICT. Auckland. —(Act. 8. Mrs. »'ook presided, barge gathering of members and visitors. Maori Day observed and collection taken for Dominion Maori Fund, Congratulation* extended to Mrs. Bridgcmun on celebrating her Diamond Jubilee wedding day. 17 members assisted in the Street Collection for St. John Ambulance. A very interesting address was given by Rev. St im peon on the “Signs of the Times.” Be referred to the present state of the world and quoted from the Old Testament prophesies, ami also from the New Testament to prove that wc are coming to the end of the present dispensation. Afternoon tea served. llevoii|»ort. —Oct. lli. Mrs. Williams presi led. letter received from the Natinmi' Peace Council of New Zealand re the ItalioXhysainlan crisis. Report of the District Convention given by Mrs. Brewer. Mrs. Williams spoke on Maori work Decided to 'till a public meeting in connection with the forthcoming poll. Kps«»m.—Kith Oct. Mrs. Ned nr»sidcd Pine report given by Miss Edger on the ri' ent proposals of the League of Nations in their desire to bring about a settlement of agreement between Italy and Abyssinia and so end this dreadful war. Letter read from Mrs. T. E. Taylor thank kig the Union for carrying on Peace work throughout the district. Jumble Sale for District funds on Bth November. Preliminary arrangements made for distributing literature for the coming poll. Contribution arranged for Maori Fund. Henderson.—Oct. 16. Mrs. Platt presided. M;.ori Day observed In prayer and reading on belialf of the Maoris. Collection to he forwarded .as n donation to the Maori Fund. Mrs. W. Lowe gave a very interesting report of District Convention. Members urged to do all in their power to influence the vote at coming election. Tea was served members. Kohi-St. Helier’s.—Oct 23 At Mrs. Lew Is Rady’s. Btormv day. Very fair attendance. Mrs. Rabbington, District Maori Supt.. gave ti verv flue and lucid address on the habits Ki! 1 customs of the Maori people from verv **arlv days, and also spoke of the reforms taking place at the Orakel settlement Afternoon tea served. Solos bv Mesdames and L. Eady. Maori Day o)|«rnrvAf|. 'll. Eden.—Oct. 3. Cradle RoM nartv iiarred bv a ver> wet afternoon. Those who braved the elements enjoved to the foil the "lining b* Mrs. Rattray, aiso the recitation* bv Mrs T. Clark. Mrs. Stallwortliv gave c •Mitring talk to the mothers. Each child

received a gift; those not present will receive theirs by post or b.v calling on their Superintendent. Votes of thanks. Afternoon tea. Nov. 5. — Annual Meeting. Reports cl year’s work received. Arrangements made to help at Spring Fair and Jumble Sale. All officers re-elected with the exception ot President, this being held over till the first meeting in March, 183 ft. Mori licote. —Oct. 8. At Mrs. llulbert's. Miss Harley gang a solo. Temperance fact: Alcohol conducive to thirst. Miss Piper presided and read a paper upon the late District Convention, and also a paper on “Tim Vines and Wines" of the Bible. Mrs. Williams spoke a few words upon Cradle Roll and School of Methods work. Subs. paid. Collection, Sale of Work and Antique Show decided for r.?xt month. Afternoon tea served. A vote of thanks to Mrs. Hulbort for her hospitality. thieluingA,—Oct. 10. District President. Mrs. Kasper, led devotions. President stat» it a meeting arranged to start temperance campaign. Mrs. Kasper asked for some member to take churge of Royal Oak L.T.L Mrs. Tevendale and Mrs. Stm ey to represent I'nion on Health Stamp Committee. Jumble Sale on November Ktli. Mrs. Petchell gave report of District Convention. Oneliiingu.- Oct. 24. Home meeting Solon by Mrs. Tevendale and Miss V. Smith; rec'tations b.v Miss Greenmail. .. Accompanist. Mrs. Smith. Splendid address b> Rev James Worboys who described conditions in US A. in 1 f*24 and contrasted them with the different state when he was there In 11*34. Repeal has caused shocking demoralisation and drinking is now made easy; • omlitloiis worse than ever ’ efore. Thanks to speaker, performers anil hostess. i Malm Ini. -O t. 17. Mrs. Kecersall presided. A paper read in connection with our Maori Department, also the prn>**r was given out ol the Memorial Prayer Book. Very pleasant and profitable afternoon. Special collection 7/8. Papuknni.—No\. 5. Annual Meeting. Mrs. Ahhis presided and Mrs Yule conducted the devotional exercises. Reports from tli** Secretary and Treasurer were received. Decided to communicate with the local School Committee to ask that the Nelson system of Bible instruction be introduced Into the local school. Rev. Mr. Yule delivered un interesting address and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Afternoon tea served. My I vim Avsuae. ver\ good. Miss Pudney presided. Distr ct Convention reported on. “Peace \\ itli Honour, by A. A. Milne, recommended foi reading Noontide hymn sung as a solo b.v Mr- Mood much appreciated. Several member- undertook to make comfort bags for the woi among seamen. Temperance fact given. Interesting address given by Mr*. Habbingto:i on “The Maori of Yesterday and To-day.’ A short history of tin* early settlement of N.Z and present day influences and lulu t s gave those present a new* grasp of our responsibilities toward our Maori brothers and sisters. N itrkworth Mrs. Hamilton presided. Mrs. Kasper gave an outline of lecture by Mrs. Morris on Child Welfare. Afternoon tea. Parcel of clothing sent to Maoris. Oct. 1.1. —Temperance parade. Rev. Hickman invited L.T.L., Y and W.C.T.U. members to attend the Methodist morning service, sea:s being reserved for them. Rev Hickman preached a splendid sermon on Christian Temperance, taking Reehnh as hi? illustration of total abstinence. Waiukii. o sided. Ten members present. Donations towards temperance literature, also to Dominion Convention expenses. Decided to have a special collection for Willard Home at November meeting. MOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge.—Oct. 24 Annual Meeting. Mrs. A. W. Martin presided. Fair attendance. Accounts passed for payment. The officers elected: —Pres., Mrs G. Carter; A l< cPres., Mesdaiues Martin. Oxbrow and Palmer; Rec. Sec., Mrs. K. B. Kemsley; Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. Simpson: Trews., Mrs. W. Hooker: Evangelistic, Mrs. Missen. Heartv vote of thanks accorded to Mrs. A. W Martin, the retiring President, e ho had held the position for eleven years. Solo by Mrs.

Misseti and a duet by Mesdames Oxbrow/ and Kemsley. Afternoon tea. THiimuruimi. Nov. 7. Annual Meeting. Wet weather prevented good attendance. Annual reports read. All previous officers re-elected. Decided to write to Alliance re Prohibition literature for distribution. Subscriptions collected. Afternoon tea. 'lYiuningu -Oct. Large attendance of members and visitors. President hi chair. Fine address given by Miss Mcl*ay on "The Convention of Stockholm." Arranged several members of the W.C.T.U. act as hostesses at Bible Class Rally on Sunday next. Several matters passed for payment. Decided we send for 10/- worth of literature. Bring and Huy stall held. Afternoon tea. Thames. —Nov. t». Fairly well attended meeting presided over by Mrs. Paul. Report of South Auckland District Convention read. Arrangements made for a visit from Miss A. McLay. Distribution of literature. Decided to join with Ministers’ Association in a season of prayer before tin* election. With sorrow we report the death of one of our aged members, Mrs. Miller, Snr , who was a very regular attender while able, tfternocm tea. TAKAS VKI DISTRICT. Ilavvera < '■ 1 Hayward in chair. Reported Bril g and Hu;, realised £l/1/-. 10/- to be sent to District Funds. Pure ham* of literature—samples sent from Headquarters- to he left in hands of Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. Blundell gave Interesting and stirring address on “Influence." Vote of thanks to speaker. In view of coming elei tions, and asking God’H guidance to tin* women of N.Z., a prayer circle was formed to meet once a week. Afternoon tea Benediction. Illglev wtL sided. Wet day. Mrs. Blundell spoke oil “Women's Inftueii e’’ and was h artily appreciated and warmly thankid Afternoon tea and business attended to. .Stratford. —Oct. 2T>. Large attendance, nil the delegates from the District Executive being present. Mrs. Phillips in the chair. Mrs. Jenkins, Elthain, tool, the devotions, after which Mrs. Lllley, Secretary, read the minutes, and business conducted. Hospital t.-a arranged for November. Mrs. Blundell, New Plymouth, then spoke on "Influence," n most interesting subject. Afternoon tea was served, bringing a very happy and profltnlde day to a close. MAN A WAT I DISTRICT. IViUlS'g.—Nov. 7. Annual Meeting. Sum!’, attendance. Mrs. l*a< k in chair. Resolved to order 200 leaflets for distribution. Ail former officer* re-elected, with tne addition of Mrs. Reeve as Vice-President. Votes of thanks to the officers for the past years work were carried. Icv in. • I Mrs. Kei nei . pn hh d Reports of District ('oiiv ent ion given by Mesdames Storey and Mott. Interesting talk on the work among the Maoris l»v Mis Groves. Decided to write to the Minister of Justice urging that the sale of contraceptives tc Juveniles l»e prohibited. A lett»r also to '•** ent to the locnl M.P. on the matter. Afternoon tea served bv Mesdames Ar her an<l Thomson. I’-.ilrm i -101 l Noi I h.—N presided. Letter from the National Council of Peace advocating an appeal d* the Prin •• Minister to support economic organisation to prevent violence ill the Italo Abyssinian crisis. Decided that as violence had alread; been resorted to, nothing could l»e done bv members except to pray about it \ ote of thanks to Mesdames Dm et and Peiiketl) and all others who had contributed to the enjoyment of tin* children at the rec«nt party given at the Esplanade for the children or the Cradle Roll. A Bring and Buy stall in charge of Mrs. Penkcth. Afternoon tea served. Mesdames J. O. and W. Boniface hostesses. HAWKE* BAY DISTRICT. Gisborne. Though small in nunibcimeetings are held every month, we expect great thing of each other; those with a tendency to talk about the “good old davs” are gently but firmly reminded of tin* present need. We are making full use of literature issued by Alliance. These leaflet?

ftre widely and widely used. Instant members in Tr.konmru Bay and Whangara are supplied; we also send nut spare "White Rlbboais." 40 Cradle Roll homes are receiving per post literature of interest. Miss Mil«ay's visit was helpful; only wish there had been time for some organising, this would materially help to strengthen. It is four or five years sinee Miss MeLay visited Gisborne. l/«*t us he up and doing. Hustings—Oct. 31. President In the ehair. Pair attendanee. Reports received of V work. Address given by Mr. Friday Tomoana, it being Maori Pay. Me dealt with early missionary and temperam e work among the Maoris. The first Pakeha ladies’ meeting lie had ever addressed. Miss Mitchell. Hon. Secretary, welcomed home. Napier--Oct. Interesting talk given by Mrs. Htorkcy on the life of 1 »r. Kweitxv. 1 met by Mrs. and Miss McGregor. Work for Poll stressed by President, who reported that shop display of posters, etc., was to he used, also house to house distribution of literature. 31 ladies present; three new members enrolled. Wuipnvvu.—o< t. 30. Members and friends met at Mrs. T. Carson’s. Pay-ut i sociftl. Community singing. Good programme. Mrs. Kibhy gave fine talk upon "Temperance and its Aims." Very much enjoyed hy all. Painty afternoon tea served by hostess, who leeched very hearty vote of thanks, one enthusiastic friend giving tier thanks hi Gaelic for the most enjoyable afternoon. WANG ANI I IHVI’KIT. Antnudto.—Oct. 31. Vice-President in the chair. Mrs. Fori! returned tliienks for expressions of sympathy, ltoll call responded to vvitli limitations. Perilled to send to NX. Alliance for tl worth of suitable literature for distribution before the election. Mrs. Chessvvas gave report of District Convention and was accorded a vote of thanks. Moneys were passed for payment. XrrangcniHntft madi for help on pollitii: day. Heiie diction. Afternoon tea served ’»> Mesdames Height and Suddaby. Competition won bv Mesdames Hamer Ist. Hichards 2nd. Gomille. — Nov ♦». Mrs. Newton presiaed. Period of prayer. Sick ones specially remembered. Mrs. Puxtield spoke on aleoho! as a racial poison and t lie need of educating youth to this fact. Mrs. Ashworth told of failure of State Control in Canada. Afternoon tea. Social i hat. Benediction. Olittkiine. (let. 2i. Fail attendance. Greetings received from District Convention, then in session at Mart on. Mrs. l..y*!in, delegate to Convention, gave interesting report of meetings. Decided to hold Cradle Roll party next month when Mrs. Puxtield. District Organiser, visits our Knion. Afternoon tea.

Wanganui O' t. I‘ay-up social Mt~ I >ay presided. Good ittttntlaiK'f. Manner for largest Increase in W.R. subscribers presented to tin* President. Mrs. Kliute read rejMirt of District ('invention. Mrs. Plii/.ai klea reported Tl on Cradle Hull, increase of 21 for year. Annual meeting of < ladle Roll November 23. ('anon Williams spoke on the Influence of the Pakeha on the spiritual life of the Maori. Vote of thanks. Two new members. Collection for Maori K*und. \\ KI I IM.TON DISTRICT. Brooklyn Oct 29. Mrs. Brewer presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Head received on transfer from New Plymouth. Members answered roll call witli a favourite text, verse or quotation. Mrs. Brewer reported progress on the canvassing of the Inst riot and stated that Mrs. Baudinet had already completed her work in a thorough manner. Members undertook to distribute 500 leaflets donated by Mrs. Saw den. Mrs. < liUings spoke on the District Convention, also the public meeting, ami wa«* accorded a vote of thanks. Annual ‘gift” afternoon, and the articles donated to be forwarded to tin* Willard Home and to Mrs. In»ii for missioM* in India. Meeting closed with Sigil prayer and Benediction. The Baptist ladies served afternoon tea.

Wellington Out nil.—Mrs. Barrow presided. Devotions. Interesting and helpful report by Mrs. Cullen of District Convention. District Executive invited for next meeting Final arrangements made for the f*llver Jubilee. Brine nnd Ru> at November meet-

ing. Temperance fact. That the ‘VHlchko I tally New a" hatl said that it would not accept any more liquor advertisements owlna to the results—shu e Repeal—being so sho«kiti K

I i*|M‘ r llntt.—Ort. 24. Small meeting--BUk*ieaa depleted «ur numbers for several months. Talk by President on lotting our principles la* known to others an a help for I»oll. Reported that blotters had been well received at the schools tnd decided to purchase more of these blotter* so that more schools Hill be mpplieil. Literature has been distributed. Message* sent to our sirk friends. l»ia< usaion on using tin* White Ribbon to beat advantage, articles of interest being (|UoteJ.

ni:i>on kmkkt. Nelson. -Oct. H. President hi tin chair. Very kikhl attendance. Mix. Hansen, from Kiinlaiid, spoke oil the tempera tn-e work in lict district and nave a very tine recitation Mrs. Krag)ion and Mrs. Knapp, detonates to * on \ ention. Kavt' very interest inn reports. Oct. 1 tith. —Miss < M- Lay presented the « mlit years' certificates to las children. Her address which followed was much appreciated. Refreshments served to all.

M Altl.ltOKOl (.11 DISTKM T. Itleiiheiin. -Oct. 5. Annual MeetiliK. 30 in**nil.**rM present. Mrs. J. Stewart pi'eiidci!. iiooil reports from all officers, showing a vi ry helpful and encouraging year. A change in election of officers Ing Mrs. \V. M Smith to position of Uerordiiift Secretary. I.egret was expressed at Mrs. Stephen's resignation from the above position, and appreciation of her valuable work recorded. A very profitable afternoon closed with hymn and benediction. CatlYliatown.—4Vt. 2ii. <'mod attendance. Mrs. Wm. Murray presided. Arrangements for District t'onv cation to he held at <’anvastowii in 193(1. Ar ranged tor distribution of leaflets before election.

"prim; lands. <>< t. 15. Mrs. \V. M Smith I>i esided. Hood a tti-mlame. I’resiileiit read an extract dealing with tin- status of women over a period of some ad or i><> years and tin* characters of some of our leaders. Short article on tin* League of Nations read h> Mrs. I ndeiiiill. Mrs. CunniUKhuiu elected KvittiKclistic Superintendent. Mrs. Sinitii ported on the District Executive meeting. Tint Marina. —Oct. la. Mrs. presided. Fair atten<iauee. Annual reports read and continued. He port of Cradle ltoll Harden I‘arty very satisfactory. Large nuinlo r of mothers and i hildren entertained. Stall realised 29/-. Eleeticm of off leers: — l’res., Mrs. Harris; Ile« . Sec., Mrs. Knight; ■‘White Hilthon” Agent, Mrs. Burroughs; Cradle ltoll Supt., Mrs. Oardnier, Setir.; all other offieers re-elected. On* new inemher. Interesting report of District convention hy Mrs. Robinson. Afternoon tea served. NOItTH ( A. MK.It IH lt\ llhi ltll i.

Christt'lmncli. —Out. 10. Mina Henderaon presided. A letter of thank* him! appreciation to members for their willing and cili« '*«nt assistance towards the Major's 11»*lief of l>istres« received from C'liairnian of the Women'* Auxiliary. A summary of the Mihle in School* Hill dlatrihuted to members. To celebrate Maori I >ay the Kev. I. I loners leave an intercut inn address on the traditions and habits of tin* Maoris and pointed out the ifreat need for temperance work ainonif them.

Oct. 23.- MiHenderson presided. Miss Hlnck well reported f\o successful Home Meetilifts held and two more Arranged. Mrs. Ki< Imrds reported on the Conference of N'.o.w. Literature taken for distribution.

<H«*hniere. k. Mrs. Low r> presided and eoinlurtod devotion*. Maori I>ay observed and Mina Heni Te Telra, a Maori stu dint from Deai-onoaa House, addressed the meeting on the drink evil in the Knur I’oim try. Afternoon tea dispensed l»y Mrs. J. B. li. tfmith.

kuiti|M»i. —O't. (ioixl nttHiulnni'C. !>*•- eided to have monster temperance mee* - in if for women on November 22m1. Ik* «■ i«I •■ ■ I to lie respontdlde for disti >t»ut in*a of one set of pamphlet*. Mins Evan* wave a few thouithtH from tlit* life of Brother l.awieme and urweil all member* to keep the noontide hour and pray for temperance cause New Briithtoii. —Oet. Mrs. J. S. I>um an presided. Several vlaltor* welcomed. Arrangements made for third distribution of

literature in the Borough t<> louo home. ••a«'h month. Home meeting arranged. On» new member. Deeided to hold Sunday afternoon |iuldic meeting. and the I lev. (Sardtier Miller the speaker. Mrs. J. Itlehard* gave a wonderful demonstration of .Art '"rafts. This included Marquetry, Harliolu Leather, Papier Ntache, Stencilling, t’roeliet and Tatting; also an outline of the methci of doing each of these beautiful works. Members intensely interested, grateful lor such a charming display and the instruct ivi* talk by Mrs. Richards. North Brighton. Oct. IMr». Klorati presided. Financial statement presented liv Treasurer' was most satisfactory. to hold a public meeting oil the Xo-Licei... <|Uestioti on November 7th. Tin* Mayor to be asked to preside, and Mr. l«ea\er. .I.l*. and Ilev. Gardiner Miller to speak. A and Han.l of Hope members to provide the programme*.

Oxford. «»«t. Hi President ni tin* Hmir. I h*vot ioiml xerviee, Nurw Price. s«iiik i• v Maatei P. I<«w. Sympathy with Mix. i: Pomyns in 1 1 *«* death of her winter. Mix. R Par la in. Members were reminded of tlie sale day afternoon tea. and of tin* i'liurdi Parade. Adjutant Moore spoke on behalt ot the newly formed Alliance Committee mid naked the eo-operatlon of the Oxford I uion.

Nov. 3. At tin* cvminK ser\ i< at St. Andrew's Church 21 members of tlie W.C.T I', and Y’s Attended. The Vicnr, lt«*v. 11. K Ault gave a most inspirint; and Itelpful Address mi nntahle women, his spe ( ' suliji’i t was KlizaMli Pry. We find th • Church parade very inspiring to nil <-«>tied in the work of temperance. Iteeftoii.—-(»« t. 1 Kiurht member* answci ed the roll enll. Also present, Itev. Kairlie Kvans. Itev. Itickeiipand Captain Armstrong. Itev. Kvans ih-< upied the chair. iH-rhleil that memhers endeavour to pet donation towards sending out leaflets dealing with tin drink uuestinn, re the coining election. 11 ost esses for the afternoon Mrs. Willis in I Mrs. Switzer.

Itieeiirloti. <*.t. io. Attvmlat)<o 27. I’icm <l**ii t stressed need for a Rood attendant at th<> Poll meeting to be liehl on Oil her 12th. Arrangements made for visiting .1 ul>i l< ■ Home r.t ail early date. Mesdames Kdgin ton and Ferguson to \ isit four patients in Mental Hospital. Invitation to attend parade at Trinity Congregational Chur* h on N'ovemher 17th. Kand of Hope helper* for next month t<* !»«* Mewlimra White, 0«l«‘ll, <fUnd\ and M< la-an. I*eeided to ln»hl a shoe prayer meetiiiß before earh monthly meeting. Next month Hr ing an*l Huy aftep.ioon. Mesdames White and Ferguson in i hari; . Mrs. Mcla*an nave a brief ami Interestin'report of Distrlet Convention. It was r< solved to send a letter to Mr. Kyle, M.P.. en< losing ropy of resolutions passed at A*l hurto*a, ami also to write to tin* Hon. J C. Cohhe re resolution passed of eonstalde* in uniform oseorting prisoners to the Borstal'. Mrs. Hu< kl<*\ and Miss liempsey hostess*

•Minuter. Nov. .*>. <'radle Roll serial aft* •noon. Mis* Kilner presided. The room lia l been Iteautifullx decorated hj Jo> Whit**. I’eKKV ami Sltirlev t'onuxeve. An uttrm ti' programme of solos, duets, dance*. ami ret tat ions x\ as Kiven hy the youmf people, tl performer* heinu PejfKV and Shirley Contcreve. Hazel Ford, Mavis I lay. Sympathy with the relative* of the late Mr*. Haim'. Mr*. L. (I. t’arter, hostew. presented bool;’ and Kdfts to ea* h meinlier tr.i the roll. Mi Walker wax tea hostess.

Sydenham. No\. T. t’radle Poll day Mi Arrher presided. Home MeetitiK arranto for at Mra. • 'ailmaii'x, Xo\»mlifr 21st. Combined I'luin h Peiade, Sunday, Novetnhei 17th. at Trinit > Church. I>erided to ask tlie local minister for use of vestry on pnliiiiK day. to he used for a time of prayer. Mrs. Filer, Supt. of Cradle Roll, entortaiu* her members with tfood things, and a hupp' time was spent. IMalogue rendered hy Ruin Mutton and Noellne Britten entitled "I mils Tea Party.*’ Four now members welcomed Sympathy with Mt». W'hltham and Mrs. I nvison. Letters to be sent to MrAnderson and Mrs. Krnest Rogera.

St)\, —<Vt. Annual <’rn<Me Roll afternoon Mrs. In»hhl<l »ak In the i-hair. Mias Henderson addressed the mothers ami ehlldren Karh ehlld wax presented with a balloon iiml pm ket nf sweets. Afternoon ten serve'!,

Jej’Ul'tfil a Baiui of Hope u h.n liflii on rdneatlay evening. Item* viere given by ii*- i hilitren. Mr. Clarke whs the *peaker. 'riiuls from the Marshland Methodist hunt’ll gave a dialogue. Vote of thank* to peaker and entertainer*. Westport.—Oet. s. Home nieetinK at .Mrs. Vorthington’*. Mih. Parfitt presided. 7 recent. Afternoon ten. Hymn. Devotion* v Sister Turner, if.A. Pianoforte solo by Hiss L. Koae. I Mscourse by President on iftlthy bodies and clean minds. XHTII <ANTKKItI KY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—(><t. 2D. Mrs. Rohiti*oii preluled. The President feelingly referral to tlie passim; of Mrs. Itaker, a foundation number and officer of tlu* I’nion ml Jin active worker in every Rood «-auae thile health and strength perniltted. ] >«■- lib'd to nlTiliute with Christchurch branch l 1., of N. I'nion. and Matron Watt appoint - 1 local representative. Final arrangenietits made for Itest Tent at A. and P. Show on S'«i\. 7. Paper oil Anti-Uainhllng read. Ten its served and Maori Day honoured Mrs. (*. tt'. Andrews spoke on the eustoms and habits of the finest native ra<e in the world. Musiil and instrumental items were contributed v Mrs. (». Holmes, Mrs. I>. S. Osborne, and Messrs. (». and It. Holmes (guitar duets). I'olleetlon taken up and parcels of clothing anded in for Maoris. Hearty vote of tlianks H'oriled ajl who luid contributed to success of the afternoon. (•enildine -Oct. A very eiijoyaldi afterooti under the ausnh-es of the W.C.T.F, l»e\otinns l«*d b> Mrs. Coursey. Items were avcii l»> Miss Hughes. Miss liewson mid Mrs. Onursey. A beaut i In! afternoon tea i.i- liandcd around. Two competitions provI interesting. Several ladies ciunc along \ invitation. A special eollertlon was taken up to augment the funds of the I'nion. Lkixolngy, and < upturn Woolfonl led ii prayer. Titmirti. **« t. Well attended meeting. Ki\e new members warmly welcomed l>\ the President. < Tadle Roll r*-porte«| five new names. Sailors' Itest report stated that «n over-sea* steamers —S.S. Iteinuera and M. It. Xealanilh —had viaited the port and fifty visits hail been paid by the seamen. I’apers had been received from friends, also starve* and socks. Mrs. Norrie reported that a meeting hail been held in the Baptist liui'i li, resulting in six new members ami three names for tin- Cradle Itoll. Mao**| Hay. Kxtraets about Maori work at npotiki read. Temiikii. —Oet. !bi. Mis. Henson presidoil. • food atiendaine. Sympathy with Mrs. Wright in the loss of her husband, ('hurcli parade at the Methoiijst Church on Novein'•'i 2 Hli. Coiml report of tin- Hand of Hope -c inns givs; by Mrs. Smith, who was presented with a small gift ill appreciation of her services. Afternoon ten. Ol Vt.O DIM lIKT, Hnlehitlni. —Nov. 5. Annual Meeting. Mrs. lark presided. Hood attendance. Crusade Psalm read. Mrs. Mclntyre and Mrs. M< - lean gav* interesting reports of District Convention, and Mrs. Clark spoke on re* l*oi t. Special meeting for prayer to be held at Mrs. Hrigor's. Annua) report read. 15 on Cradle Roll anil 7b Hand of Hope memt»ers. Flection of Officers:—Pres., Mrs. Hark; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Davis, Mrs. McIntyre, and Mrs. McLean; Kee. Sec., Mrs. M- Lean; Cor. See., Mrs. Reggie; Treas., Mrs. Fryer; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Fiver; Duck•»l " ks Supt., Mrs. Moodie. hiinedin Out nil.— Nov. Fair atteiulanee. Mm. Hiett, hi chair, contlueted devotions. I-kiy of prayer for Poll announced for NoI'emtier 7th. Decided to spend £2 on literature and 111/- to be spent on advertising by means of “aeattereis” in the d*il\ papers. Mi Downing ha 1 prepared some excellent -•n* and Sister Nora donated 10/- towards •> urtlier week'* adv rtising. Arrangements made for Poll, and voting of invalid*, shutms. etc. haikomi. —Oet. 29. Mrs. J. D. Smith in the chair. Mrs. Flet gave a detailed »<•- aunt of the work done at tin- District Convention, which was in every way satisfactory. Literature vv ..- distributed among tin* members and districts were mapped out with a view to leaving literature hi the different home*. Afternoon ten.

Mosgicl. -Oct. lb. Mrs. Bedford presided. Arrangement made about giving Hand of 11 »pe an evening and supper on tlnal night for thin year. Delegates gave very interesting and good reports of District Convention. Mrs. Iliett one afternoon gave an address which was very mudi appreciated. s .1.. \ alley . Oct 14 V Fair attendance. Report* encouraging re literature distribution. November 7fh set apart for Day of Prayer bv District I'nion. Mrs. Nicholson gave most interesting address on alcohol as a hindrance to missionary work. Strong protest to City Council upon removing the ban on Sunday Concerts. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll party. Oamurii. Oet. Mrs. Bridgman presided. Rood attendance. Hearty welcome extended to the members, who linked up at Mrs. Moffat Clow's meeting. Reported that Mrs. Moffat Clow s meeting* had been very successful. Mrs. Dodds and NLss Smyth gav>a full report of District Conference. soi l lII.ANI> IMSTRUT. Bluff. Nov. 1. Rood attendance. Mrs. Jack Walker presided. Rev. A. E. Waite anil Mr. K. Nlchoi came as deputies on behalf of tin- Health Stamp Campaign and we?'** accorded a welcome. Mr. Waite addressed the meeting. Agreed to hold a street Day mi November 15t1 1 to raise funds for this cause. From tin* proceeds of the Hand of Hope concert on October lKth tile Treasurer was able to hand the Mayor £2 towards the I’nemployed Relief Fund. Imre. Oet. 22. Fair attendance. Mr*. K. • Smith in the chair. Various aspects of tile temperou-e question discussed. Members reminded that given restoration i'.ul open bar* nothing rou'il be changed again until National Prohibition was carried. Tin importance of temperance education on a scientific basis was stressed. What is needed to-day is a eunHtruet i\e policy vv bel ch*. Youth i ail lie instructed as to the nature ami effects of alcohol in tin- human body. Fruit, flowers and magazines were received for hospital. Next meeting, annual one. liiiemtrgill Central.—Nov. R. The M>t Annual Meeting was well attended. Reports of various officers received and considered most satisfactory. Officers elected:—Pres., Mrs. R. It. Mcßregor; Viie-Pres., Mrs. Walker; ller. Sec., Mrs. Coulter; Treas., Mrs, Stevens; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs. Brass: • 'radle Roll Supts., Mesdame* Millard and lUllHtone. Votes of thanks to retiring officers. Matron Brinkworth gave a talk on the work of Victoria Home. Meedames Lillii rap. Brass ami Ay son delegates to District Convention. Mrs. It. It. Mrßregor delegate for Doiuitiitm Conference. Collection for Victoria Home. Afternoon tea. Invercargill "south.—Oct. Miss M<('allum presided. Major Schroeder Jed devotion*. President told how at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society’s luncheon the toasts were drunk in milk. A letter from Nurse in Hospital at Adis Ababa was read stating that sevioi missionaries and 100 patients are in the hospital in the war zone. Mrs. Reidy gave address on "Appreciation" and was warmly thanked.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 482, 18 November 1935, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 482, 18 November 1935, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 482, 18 November 1935, Page 11

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