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News of the Union.

Report* MI ST—ip Retie li Editor bj Hth of month. (2> Ik* written in ink, on ime side of the paper uni). <3> Ik* short and to the |*oint. SOUTH AKKIA.M) DIVIKItT. Ihirgnv ille.—Sept. 10. Eleven members present. Mrs VV. S. Neal presided. Next meeting at Mrs Noble's home, also a "Biing and Uu>” for Hand of Hope funds. Agreed to buy extra copies of “M hite Kibbon to distribute. Decided to forward all fees due to Headquarters. Paper read on “Interest of Young Japan In World Peace.” Tr Kopuni.- Sept. 12. Mrs Taylor presided. letters read from School Committee re Bible in Schools and Mr Lee re Barnardo Fund. Mrs Taylor read “Wom«» in the Harden.” Afternoon tea. AUCKLAND lIhTKKT. — Sept. 10. Mrs Cook presided. Large attendance. Mrs Peart, from Dunedin, welcomed. Franchise Day celebrated. Donation passed for ixmiinion Treasury. B>mpatli> to relatives of the late Mis Pearce, one of our pioneer members, and a tribute paid to her long faithful service. Delegates appointed to District Convention. Very interesting travel talk given by Ensign Newton, relating her memorable experience of an Easter-tide spent In Jerusalem. Afternoon tea served. Auckland Keening Brunch. —4let. <• 1preseiit, Miss Jump in the chair. Mrs Brown led devotions. Mrs Tasker Brown gave an interesting report of District Convention. Mrs Baddington gave u most interesting address about her people, the Maoris, and asked her Pakeha sisters to do their best to give Maori children an early Christian training. They are crying out to be taught, but there is a lack ot teachers. When taught, they will be able to teach their own people. The speaker closed by asking for our prayers and sympathy. Mrs Baddington was thanked for her interesting address. The meeting cloned with tlie Benediction. Henderson.--Sept. IS. Mrs Platt presided, and gave report of Executive meeting. Itev. A. Me Bean gave an address to the school children, and presented prizes for essay on “The EfTect of Alcohol on the Brain” to Muriel Leman, Alfred Hartnell. M. Stokes, and R. Jacka. Recitations given by P. Chappie, C. Lowe, Joan Hare, Muriel Batiks; duet by June Wright and Muriel Leman. Motto blotters and lollies were distributed among the children, about 50 being present. Afternoon tea served. Ix.dii -*t HelicrV - DUm her present. Mrs Kasper gave an address. Franchise Day observed. Regret that the women had no representative m Parliament. Mi He (Tell was soloist, and Mesdames Mills and L. Eady hostesses. la'igh.—Oct 1. Hood attendance. At Mrs. < bggs. Temperance fact, Mrs. Morley. Mrs. Woodcock gave the flower u/otto. The Rev. Hickman gave a very interesting address on Statistics of the Liquor Traffic; much appreciated. Mrs. Morley gave a reading, “Alcohol und the Blood Test." A reading by Mrs. Wyatt, “Mrs. Orutidy.” A solo. Discussion on forming a Y branch in Leigh. Hostesses. Mrs. Ortgg and Miss Shepherd. Mount Eden.—Oct, 1. Mrs Rrockleliurst presided. Final arrangements for Cradle Roll party. Report of District Convention given. An “At Home” by Mrs Clark in aid of Fnion finals a great success Mrs A. Ktallworthy spoke, and a splendid programme of musical and vocal items was much appreciated. Collection, £2 t’>s 6d. (taieliiinga. -Sept. 12 Six remits lor District Convention fully discuss*d. and delegates instructed to vote. Four other remits to he sent from Onehunga Union. Mrs Ashby asked for names re sending “White Ribbon” to friends, as requested by our “W.R." Editor, and reported sending ten names already. f2 sent to Organising Fund. Report for Mrs Kasper re work on Five-Fold Plan rend and adopted. A Home meeting to be held September 25th. Otnluihu. —<Sept. 26. Mrs Eecersall pro sided. Mrs Williamson and Mrs Ashcroft

gave ,1 very tint* rei>ort «f the remit District Convention, very helpful and instructive. Rcmuent*. Sept. Mr* Hugh Kasper presided. Devotions by Sister Grace. Arrange .tents discussed for the coming Disriet Convention. Mrs Kobinson and Mrs Chllllps appointed delegates. Mrs Ready and Miss Ruud served afternoon tea. , Sylvan Avenue. —Sept. 18. Small attendance. Time of silent and vocal prayer. Inspiring poem read, entitled “To-day. Today.” Review of good Peace book, “The Mrunt of War,” read. Temperance Fact given. Members separated for part of the afternoon to canvass near-by streets, and met later for afternoon tea ami to report, hurl, worth.—Sept IS President, Mrs W. Hamilton, and Mrs Kasper* readings on “Purity.” firing and Buy. Child welfare meeting arranged for ]4th Waiiihu. Sept. 2i'i. Rome meeting at Mrs Cyrus Smith's, Kobe Kobe. Mrs Ballantinc presided, 20 present. Two recitations by Mrs Graham, much appreciated. Mrs tfmith read extracts from the “White Ribbon,” and Mr Graham gave am address on Temperance. An interesting report of tiie District Convention given by Mrs M< Evven. Afternoon tea served. SOUTH AI( kI.AM) DISTRICT. ('ambridge.—Sept. 25. The President. Mrs. W. Martin, presided. Fair attendance. Temperance hymns sung. Accounts passed lot payment. Orders given for prohibition leaflets for distribution. Sympathy sent to Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Gane ami relatives in tlie passing of Mr G. K. Clark. Te Awamotu- -Sept. 19. Mrs K M«Gechie presided. Reference wjis made to the European crisis, and the worthy efforts of the League of Nations in the interest of Peace. The President reminded the meeting of the fact that 42 years ago that day the Franchise wits granted to women. A duet by Mesdames E. Locke and Alexandci much enjoyed. District Convention at Hamilton on October 16th. Mr ,1. T Johnson gave a forceful addreas on “The Work of the W.C.T.U.,” aI • the “Bvlla of Alco hoi." Two magazine memliers gained. Afternoon tea served. Thames.—Oct. 2. A fairly w ell-attended meeting, presided over by Mrs Adams. Temperance Facts read by members were discussed. A paper was read. Afternoon tea served. Tuiininipt —Sept. Good attendance. President in chair. Mrs Christian appointed delegate to Hamilton Convention. Secretory desired to use health stamps. I tedded we hold a closing social in November, with a Bring and Buy stall. Afternoon tea dispensed. One new member. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Arumoho. —Sept. 20. Seventeen present. Vice-President in the chair. Motto for the month. ‘‘When you are up to your neck in hot water, open your mouth, and sing like tiie kettle.” The visit to the Jubilee Home \oted one of the most successful ever held Arrangements made for regular distribution of literature. Miss Marshall gave a splendid address on the “Five Keynotes of Happiness—Love, Obedience, Service, and Humility." Hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Mrs Chess was appointed delegate to District Convention. Colleetion taken in aid of the inmates of tiie Porlrua Mental Hospital. Competition, Mrs Richards first, Mrs Hamer second. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Read and Sanderson. (•onville.—lM. 2. Mrs Newton l President) in chair, and Mrs Britton acted as Secretary. Sympathy was expressed for the serious ilines* of Mr Hussey, and prayer was offered on his behalf. Mrs Ashworth read a Campaign Bulletin issued by the N.Z Alliance. Mrs Maslin read instances of cases of drunkenness among women, some as young as 16 years. Mrs Parker said a few words regarding Ashburton and the alteration of the electoral boundary. Discussion then took plaee in regard to the distribution of educational literature. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mesdames Brown. Ashworth, and Miss Jones. Ilaw «*ni. —Wept. 24. Twenty present. Mrs Hayward presided. Mrs Barron gave rejtort of recent visit to Stratford Union. Presentation to Mrs Spavin. leaving for

Opunake. Sincere appreciation of Mrs Spavin's service to the Union, particularly as “White Ribbon” Agent over a number of years. Bring ami Buy stall, proceeds in aid of District and Loral Funds. Afternoon tea served. Marion. —Sept. 26. Good attendance. Three visitors from Wanganui, Mrs Shute, Mrs Day, and the District President, Mrs Duxfield, rendered valuable assistance at tiie meeting. Mrs Duxfield gave the address on Temperance work, and a discussion followed on the business of *he District Convention. Mrs Devonport appointed Literature Supt. Afternoon tea. Mrulfunl. —Wept. Special Rally. Miss Drew, J.P. (District President), and Mrs Hayward (District Secretary) were present and addressed a fair attendance. Two new memliers enrolled and three lapsed members rejomed our ranks. Monthly hospital tea arranged for. New Plymouth. -Wept. 25. Annual pay up social. About 50 present. Miss Drew presided. Sailors' Rest r« ported 297 visits during tiie month. Hooks and paper* received. Vocal solos by Mrs U. J. Harris and Mrs R. Hawkins, Mrs Cooper accompanist. Mrs O. Blundell gave a splenetic! address or the privileges and responsibilities of the Franchise. Hearty votes of thanks to Mrs Blundell for tier stirring address, and to the performers. Afternoon tea served. Two new memliers. Mrs Valentine presented with long service badge, .15 years' service. Wanganui East.—Wept. Good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs Day occupied tiie c hair. Mrs Beck, transferred from Ohakuue, welcomed. Decided to hold the next prayer meeting on Friday, 27th inst., when Mrs Beck will lie the leader. tin October Hull tiie annual "pay-up” social will be held. Distributors of literature were appointed, and Mrs Duxfield made many suggestions regarding the Baud of Hope meetings. An excellent paper on the “League of Nations” by Dr. Staley was lead by Mrs Wickham, in which it was stated that many important positions were held by women. Muc h information was given of tiie past and present work of the League. “Franchise l>ny,” a paper, “Tin Enfranchisement of Women," by Mrs Upton. was read by the Secretary. IIAM RE’S It At DISTRICT. Hastings.—Wept. 25. Record attendance. President in chair. Presented District Convention report. Mrs. Paul’s report, Y's. Miss Md-ay gave very interesting account of World Conference. Members Invited to lante-n lecture on Friday evening. Report received of Mrs. Clow’s meeting. Havelock North.—Sept. 27. Thirteen memliers present, and three visitors. Dis trict President took devotions. Short talk on Jacob's life. Home meeting arranged for October 11th. Report from delegate to Dannevirke Convention. Most interesting and inspiring talk from Miss MrEay on Stockholm. Afternoon tea. 2/6 collected for Franchise Day. Napier.—Miss McLay’* visit very helpful on Sunday, September 29. Youth Rally in State Theatre. About 2»'o p resent t. Ministers on platform, and a most stirring challenge to youth. Oct. 1. Miss Me Lay addressed St. Paul's P.W.M.U. About 60 present. Most appreciative audience. Oct 2. Union meeting, over ion present. Address by Miss McLay, and musical and elocutionary items. Oct. 3. Miss McLay addressed Townswomen's Guild. All meeting.- most encouraging to local Union. MANAMATU DISTRICT. ! eliding.—«»« t. 1. Well-attended Little White Rlbhoners' social, presided over by Mrs Bpence. Mrs Hughes addressed the children, a number of whom gave Items. Sympathy sent to Mrs Terry, who is indi*posed. Report of District Convention was given by Mrs Spence. One* new member. 1.4-xiii. —Wept. Mrs A. C. Kennerley iu tiie chair. RoJI call, members responding with a text. District Convention to be held in Lev ill on September 25th and 26th, fully discussed. Delegate* elected. Me*dames Storey and Bott. Mrs Nye spoke strongly against type of picture screened for children. liechled to write to manager of the local theatre i\i the matter. Afternoon tea served.

Palmerston North. —Sept. 6. Miss M presided. Mrs Hodges, of Auckland, we|coined. Thanks to Mrs and Miss /,. King for assistance rendered in connection with Mrs Moffat Clow’s meeting. Annual Bis trict Convention. Mrs Penketli appointed delegate. Members volunteered to assist tiie Alliance in Prohibition work. Mis. Moore gave a brief account of the last meeting of N.C.W. tme new member Prayers were offered on behalf of tiie Prohibition cause. Palmerston North.—Oct. 4. Miss Moot, presided. Good attendance. Mr*. Sherman, late of Woodvllle, welcomed as a member of PN. Union. Mis. Penketli gave report of District Convention and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. Doreen gave a short report on tier weekly visit to the Hospital. Sympathy was passed to MrWoodley in the death of her daughter (Mrs Kernel), members standing for a moment in silence. Miss King appointed pianist Decided to have Cradle Roll party at the Esplanade later in the* month. Afternoon tea. INihiutiiii. -Oc t. 2. Fourteen pit -hi Mrs H. Paterson Jn the chair. Miss S, Gardner, delegate, gave a report of the* |* trict Convention, and a vote of thanks wax passed to her. Mrs Paterson lead a pri/.« essay on Temperance written by lan Sneddon. of Hy ml land Secondary School. Mrs Pate hett and Miss Gardner hostesses. At ANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central.—Oct. 3. Good attc a attce. Distric t President took the- chair and reported having visited Castle-cliff, where :i meeting of women was held, and it vvadecided to organise two Rands of Hope, one at Westbourne end and the other in the Public Hall at Port end. The opening meeting to he held on October 16. Four adult members initiated and Joined our ranks and others are to follow. Mrs. Bert Grlnstcad delegate* to District Convention. An Invito 1 ion from Gonvllle for their next meeting Offering* taken up on behalf of Maori work and the Mental Hospital at Porlrua. Maor Day was celebrated ami Sister Holland gnvi a most interesting account of her work amongst the natives at Rataua. v here 4d*i c bildren are taught in school and all have* to apeak English, much to the* grief of the elderly natives. The November meeting Pay-up Social, and Mrs. Lynch will display and give a talk on her beautiful art needle work. Hring and Huy stall did good bus' ness, and Mesdames Voycc and Heat ley Were appointed hostesses for next month. W ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn—Sept. 24. Mrs Brewer presided. Splendid attendance. Mrs Ashworth. from 8.W.T.A., welcomed. Reported that Brooklyn candidates came 4th and 7th in Temperance examinations. Mrs Gilling* It eg t< to District ('»>n\ ration. Mr Denton gave talk on canvassing and distributing literature. Mrs Singleton spoke cw "HHcntlfle Temperance.” Annual report read by Mrs Stinson. Presbyterian ladies hostesses. Dole-held. —■Kept. 26. At Mrs Linton’s. Six member* and several friends present Agreed to take* car load of members to Annual District <‘olive-ntion at Masterton on October 3rd. Suggested flint we hold "ur next meeting over until November. The President gave us an outline of Mrs Moffat (‘low's address in Masterton, which was much appreciated. Grey low in- Sept. 24. Five present. Mi Anker in the chair. Delegates appointed to District Convention; 5/- donation to the funds much appreciated. Union bravely holding on, and hoping for better times Lam llult.—At the residence of MrLopdedl. Social and coin afternoon. Committee* formed to make 1 arrangements in connection with the forthcoming pollDelegate appointed to District Con vent tan Songs rendered hy Mrs Liehexett, recitation by Mrs Lopdell, pianoforte solos by Mr* Smith and Mrs Clark. Competitions won, by Mr.- Smith and Mrs Licherzelt. Clan tides were much enjoyed by all present, and it dainty afternoon tea brought the meeting to a close. Mnsterton.—Sept Held on the e\« ** Mil Clow’s visit. Preliminary arrange meats were put in hand for tiie District Convention. The weekly prayer hour continues to he of highest value and »> spiral lon The Temperance Fact " ft*

••Kindliness and courtesy* are two things -lint cannot be maintained on alcohol." IVtone. —Sept. 3. Eleven present. Mrs Jensen oresided. W.C.T.U. to provide meals for temperance workers at the poll, Mis Carter to supervise. Literature to he distributed. Sept. IS. Franchise l>ay. Solo* b> Mrs Vipine and Mrs Glo\er, Mrs Maud accompanist. Recitation by Miss Flaytor. Miss Kirk, J.F., gave an address, pleading for all to assist at the poll to abolish the Liquor Traffic. Votes of thanks, and afternoon tea. Oct. 1. Mrs Carter presided, 11 present. Decided to co-operate with N.Z. Alliance in distributing literature. Wellington Central. -Sept. Mrs. Harrow presided and welcomed visitors, Miss Mcba> being one. Mrs. Hoult provided afternoon teu. Two posies presented to her as s n mark of love and appreciation of her services as Tea Superintendent. Mrs. Cullen delegate to District Convention. Temperance fact —Mr. M< Adam Eccles, the noted London surgeon, when passing through Honolulu had said that "All psyslologists now count alcohol as a pure narcotic drug, not n dimulant.” Two pianoforte solos by Mrs. Young. Song by Mrs. Child. Notice of Mrs. Moffat (’low’s meeting in St. John's Church on October 14th at 7.30. Silver Jubilee to bt celebrated on October 23rd. Cradle Roll party arrangements made. Literature bought to give to parents. Wellington.—-Sept. 1. Social afternoon. Mrs H. J. Rowe presided. Good numbei ul members and friends present. Arrangements made for the evening celebration this month of tin* "Golden Jubilee’ of this I’nioti, which promises to be a great success. Songs and recitations given b> Mesdames Stewart, Thomson and Motn rieff, all being encored. A tine address by Mrs Mow lein on the "Evils of the Drink Traffic." with facta and figures to prove it. Tea » - ~*d by Mesdames Forte and Harris 'i anks to performers. NEIXIN IMSTKHT. Nelson.—Hept. 1". Franchise Day. Fit salent in the chair. Good attendance. Sympathy passe*l to relatives of Mrs Far kinson and Mrs Jamison. Several members read extracts from Icaliet, "How \\ c Won the Franchise.” Final arrangements for Jubilee Tea and District Convention. The "Prayer Sigil" repeated at cadi meeting. Richmond. —Fay-up social held Sept. 17th. •Juito an encouraging attendance. Dcvothuns led by Mrs Cropp. Musical programme by Misses TutTnell, Fapps and B. Hyson. Miss Tarrant told us about Nel••.oii's Jubilee, ami we all enjoyed a taste of th*‘ Jubilee cuke. Proposed to have a roll '.ill each month, ind election of officers n.xt month. Prayer Figil and Benediction. MAItIKOKOI <>ll DhTIIHT. Itlenlieini. —Oct. 1. Mrs \N It. W ilson presided. Fair attendance. Meaditnies Wilson and A. Duncan kindly donated a book each for the Band of Hope prizes. Payment passed for the usual Dominion allocations. Decided to hold a “Bring and Buy" in November. Members were asked to begin working at once for this effort. Mrs Braddock, delegate, gave a most interesting report of the District Convention. <am*»otown.—-Hept. Mrs Murray presided Mrs E. L. Ireland to represent Canvastown Branch on the Health Stamps Campaign Committee. Decided to hold se<did church parade on October 13th. Sectv tary authorised to write for fourteen dozen leaflets for distribution. Secretary requested to get jn touch with certain >l'Uiig people with a view to forming a Y Branch. One new member enrolled. Ral Valley.—Sept. Mrs. Neat presided, flood attendance. Decided to affiliate with N Z. Film Institute. 10/- voted to Health t’t-iiipaign. Mrs Tvvidle elected Correspondence Secretary. Reported that £O/7/91 had betn raised at Faddy’s Market. Mrs. Neal gave report of District Convention. Posj Presented to Mrs. liny, a foundation member. Three new members. Afternoon ten. 'pringhimls.—Mrs. W. M. Smith presided, flood attendance. Miss C. Md*ay gave a "Idend'd address on “Training for Citizen - Ship." Discussion re liquor advertisements and ways and means by which the Unions could advertise. Special prayer for peace

offered. Fay-up day. One new member. Social time spent. Afternoo.. tea. I nu Marina, fcpi ’ Rl BurroU presided, eiglit present. District Convention in St. Andrew's Hall, Blenheim, on the 21th. Decided to hold Cradle Roll afternoon for members and mothers mi October 12th, at tlie residence of Mrs S. White, ('indie ltoll Superintendent, combined Bands of Hope of Spring Creek and Tua Marina to be invited. Mr Utting gave interesting and enlightening talk on the work of the League of Nations. V CAN TERRI DDTKItT. Cashmere. Sept. Mrs Lowry presided. Franchise Day observed. An article was read dealing with the progress of feminism amongst the people of Turkey and tin* 3n changes in the lives of Islamic women. Afternoon tea dispensed. Christchurch.—Sept. Miss Henderson presided. Sympathy with sick and bereaved members. Invitation from District to attend social afternoon. Committee appsilttd to arrange Home Me* tings Mrs Adkins and Miss Gordon delegates, gave reports of Provincial Convention. Two new members Decided to celebrate Maori Day on October 11. Rev. Rogere to gi\e an address. (•rcynioutli.—Sept. 3. Fail attendance. Afternoon tea. Miss Perkins gave a very interesting address on her visits to ports in New Guinea and Manilla, much appreciated. Sympathy with tlie relatives of tin* late Mrs Annie Parkinson. A Bring and Gu> Sale held, proceeds for Organising Fund. Grey mouth. —Sept. 24. Small attendant*. Letter received from Mrs. Spencer re Flower and Philanthropic work. Mrs. Burrell read several extracts from t lie White Ribbort. Mr. Patterson, solicitor, reported that land had been purchased in Westport tor a Sailors' Rest there. Resolution passed that a letter be sent thanking him for his services. Tlie prayer sigil was read. l\ttiti|H»i. —-Hept. 25. Mrs Stocking pr* sided. Excellent attendance of members; ilie> were addressed by Rev. L. C. Horwood. who eudea\oured to rouse up tlie enthusiasm of those present, and deplored the feeling of futility among the supporters of the Temperance cause The Temperance F;»< t given by Mrs Stanuui- One new member. North Brighton Sept 17. Mrs presided. Very good attendance. Sympathy with Mrs. Mahan in ii ness of her mother. Letter of love und sympathy to Mrs. Felton in her illness, lnvitat on received to Mrs. Moffat ('low's meeting m October 7th. Mrs. Aston to take charge of Copper Trail. Strong protest entered against raffling picture, "The laird's Supper,” in Queen Carnival. Bring and Buy. Oxford. -Sept. 24th birthday party. Spring flowers and bright tire gave a welcome, i'resident in the chair. Interesting address by Adjt. Moore. Vocal and Instrumental items by Misses N. Waterman, J. Conivns. and M. ltoi. Mandoline duet, Adjt. and Mrs. Moore. Mr. L. Watson wished Union success in future work. Afternoon tea and decorated cake given by Mrs. Comyns. Bouquets of violets presented to Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Hawke and Miss Caverhill. foundation members. Two new- members. One new subscriber to White Ribbon. Faptuuii.—Sept. 25. Mrs Graham presided, and was welcomed back after her long absence through illness. Secretary authorised to purchase literature for distribution. Annual Cradle Roll Day observed at next meeting, at Mrs Carr’s. Afternoon tea served. Reef Urn. -Sept. 10. Mrs Waddell presided. Six members answered tlie roll call. Mrs Smith was presented with a hiiihll token in remembrance of her work for tin* W.C.T.U. while in Reefton. A Bring and Buy realised the sum of 13/3. Hostesses, Mrs Waddell and Miss Lawn. Kicmrton. Sept. 12. Attendance 21 Letter received from Sister Eleanor Dobby asking for books, periodicals, etc., to help her Maori Fund. Sympathy sent to Mrs McAllister on her daughter’s Illness. President reminded members that annual subscriptions also 'Whit# Ribbon anboeviptions, were now due, and also stressed the need for Home Meetings in preparation for the Foil. Band of Hope helpers, Mesdames Gundy, Oainsford. and Hayes. Arrangements made for holding Cradle Hull afternoon on October 29th. Mrs McLean appointed delegate to District Convention.

Mrs W hite reported H9t> garments given out to itate at Relief Depot. Annual meet•ag to lie held second Thursday in November. Mrs lienitT, Inspector of Factories, gave an interesting talk on different laws governing work among women and girls in shops and factories. Mesdames Brighting and Harrell dispensed afternoon tea. Npn* a «don, —Sept. 13. Mrs Firrett presided. Fair attendance. Mesdames Ancell and Fehsenfekl reported on tlie home meetings held at their respective residences in July and August. These gatherings were helpful and educative. Adjutant Huston tiirti addressed the members. Reminiscences of a full and varied life held our attention on tip-toe, and carried to our minds tlie deep vital necessity of carrying on our W.C.T.U. work. Styx.—4Jept. Mrs Donald presided. Garden Party to be held last Saturday in November. ('radle Roll, October 15. Two new members. S> den hum. —Oct. 3. Good attendance. Maori Day. Interesting address on Maori Mission work by Mrs. Miller. Arrangements made for another Home Meeting, 16th October, and the church Parade at St. David's, Sunday, October 6th, and reception to Mrs. Moffat Clow, October 7tb Report of District Convention given by Mrs. Woodward very interesting. Afternoon tea served and a monologue by Mrs. Middleton. Collection taken for Maori Fund. \\ cst |M»n. Bepl 10. Small att< Major Hansom gave an interesting talk on her experience oil tlie Island for Inebriates. A lie noon tea. CAM EKIil in HDI Klf l. Ashburton. -Oct. J. Mrs Robinson presided. Good attendance. Votes of sympathy for bereavement. Letters of cheer to sick members. Members appoint! w to take charge of W.C.T.I'. Rest Tent at A tml F Show, and arrangements made for Maori Da> on November sth. Treasurer's quarterly statement satisfactory, and Severn' sums passed for payment in connection with the recent Convention, and balance of quo'a to Organising Fund, £3 Os 2d. Tea was sered, and Mrs S. J. Buchler and Miss E. Trevurza submitted comprehensive reports of Convention. Mrs Robinson referred to the recent visit of Mrs Moffat (’low, vho had enrolled six new members, and extended to those present a very cordial welcome to our ranks. Also, to thus* who hav'* been enrolled since. Greetings were received from Waipukurau and Durgaville, and good wishes for tlie coming Poll. Decided to thank Trustees of Baring Square Church for use of buildings for Convention, to hostesses of visiting dele gates, and a'l who had contributed to success of Convention. Thanks to hostesses. Geraldine.—Hept. Eight present. Mrs Coursey presided. A letter of recognition of her services to he sent to Mrs Wallach. late Piesident. Afternoon tea provided b> Mesdames Broad and Borrell. Decided t«> hold a social afternoon in a fortnight’s time, other women’s societies to be asked; also hold a Bring and Buy stall. One new member. Tiiimm. —Sept. 10. Good attendance. Bring and Huy sale Votes of sympathy passed to bereaved ones. Parcels of scarves ami donations were received from the Ashburton and Fedding Unions, scarves from Mrs Stephens, of Nelson Union, and Bibles from tlie British and Foreign Kible Society. Further arrangements were made for the Visit of Mis ('low. Decided to send two delegates to the District Convention. Mrs Cave reported her appointment as Vice-President of tlie same. Mrs Keinan, late of Halelutha, welcomed, and oue new member initiated. Sept. 24. Held at Hightleld in conjunction with tlie St. Paul's P.V.M.U. Mrs Cave spoke of the meeting exiled by the Ministers' Association, to which she had been invited, dealing witli the menace of drinking at dancing functions, in speakiug to the report of the Sailors' Rest, Mrs Norrie stressed the need of wonun police. Mrs Head reported that a Band of Hope had been formed to be known as the Timaru Central Band of Hope, ana that she and Rev. Russell Grave would he Superintendents. Mrs Brown gave a very comprehensive report of the District Convention. Mrs Raw son reported an increasing number of names on the Cradle Roll, and asked for more co-operation. Mrs Norrie gave h

resume of tlie founding of the W.C.T.U., tracing its varied activities up to the present time, and drawing special attention to the granting of the to women, a hoon that so many women in other countries craved, and begging the women to rise to their opportunities at the coining election. Teiiiuku.—to'ept. 25. Mrs Hew son presided over a fair number. Solo by Mrs Bambridge. Report of District Convention given by Mrs Smart. <’hut ch parade and open-air meeting proposed. One new mem* her initiated. Afternoon tea served b> .Hcsunmcs Air> and Hew sou. join. OTAGO IIMHId. Huh hit hu. Sept. 3. Mrs • lark presided. Arrangements made for social afternoon • u September 11th, Mrs Hu kerstaff, of Stil - ling, to give a Temperam e address. Mrs Mclntyre delegate to Ihfltru t » onvenlion. Meinhers urged to do every tiling possible to invite people to Mrs Moffat t’low s meeting. Afternown ten. Oct. 1. Mrs (’lark presided. (loud attendance. Decided to give tile Hand of Hope children a social and supper. Mrs (’lark and Mrs McLean read interesting papers dealing with work among the Maoris. Miss Keach read letter re Temperance examination. Decided that "Ten Simple Lessons on Alcohol" lie studied at meet mgs throughout the year. One new member. Dunedin Central. —Oct. Fuir attend mu e. Mrs. Hiett in chair. Arrangements made for concert and social afternoon for Organising Funds. Day of Prayer on November 7th. Short reports of District Convention by Mesdames Clark and Botting. The Union entered a strong protest against the action of the City Council In rescinding the ban on Sunday concerts, and stated jtg appreciation of the stand taken by those councillors who voted against the motion. President read article on gambling from "The Sport Without a Smile,” after which discussion took place deploring the Tart that the Mayors of N.Z. cities accepted money for relief funds from Art Unions. Cradle 801 l Superintendent asked to hand on to Union

names of those atla uing eight yean of age, such names to he forwarded to either Hands of Hope or Juvenile Lodge. Rnikor.ti.—Remits for District Convention were discussed, as was the general outlook with regard to the turning Poll. Afternoon tea. Istwrenre.—Sept. 3. Mrs Me Kin lay presided. Fair attendance. Decided to bu> more leaflets for distribution. An invitation is to be given to the District Executive to hold the Convention in latwrence next year. i telegate was appointed to go to Convention in Dunedin. 'l-w.giel.—Sept. 17. Mrs Bedford presided. Attendance small. Sympathy to relatives of Mrs Wylie, an old and es teemed member. Mrs Bedford read vcr> interesting portions and extracts from W.CT.IT. Bulletin showing what was being done in other parts of the world in connection with Temperance. Oumun.- Sept. Mrs. Bridgman presided over a fair attendance. Miss Smyth led members in a special prayer for peace. Reported that everything was in readiness for Mrs. Moffat Clow's meetings in Oamnru. Mrs. Dodds and Miss Smyth were appointed delegates to the Provincial Conference In Dunedin. Miss Smyth distributed literature. Ovvuku. —Sept. 4. Mrs Wright in the ‘hair. Fair number present. Mrs Hiett to address a meeting for mothers. Mrs (’low's visit to Balclutha to be announced in the churches. Proceeds from a .tree* stall helped funds considerably Mem!,era took literature to distribute. Oct. 2. Seven ladie* present. Mrs Gil bert presided. Meeting of mothers to tie held on November ti. Mrs Hiett to In asked to give address. Mrs James spoke on behalf of local Health Camp. Agreed to donate 12. MM 111 I.AND DISTRICT. (•ore - Kept. 23. Good attendance. Mis K. C. Smith presided. All arrangements are well in hand for a big meeting for Mrs Moffatt Clow. letters to be written to Mr E. c. Smith and lijs son expressing thanks and appreciation for the talk. "The East as I Haw It," illustrated by lantern slides; also tu Miss Peter for typing tlie tickets,

and to oiu President, Miss Robertson, expressing sympath) With her in tier trying time. Extracts were read telling of tin evils of the liquor traffic and the unr.jj. ability of many published statements relating thereto. ]>eclded to receive flownand nmgaxines for the Hospital at next meeting. One new subscriber for ”\N bit, K.bbon. ' livvemirgill Central.- Oct. t. Mrs R. |; McGregor presided. Greeting sent l»y MrMoflatt (’low. who was not able to u present. Annual reports were read b> tin Superintendents, and encouragement an<i go,ul progress was shown In all departments. Afternoon tea served. Invercargill '-outli. Sept. S<>< ini even mg. Good attendance. Devotional address bv Major Hi brooder, and talk on “Flowering Shrubs” by Mr P. B. Manstiilii <Superintend!*iit of Reserves), with mam beautiful examples on exhibition. Solos la Mrs McDonald and Misses McColl and Walker. Heart) votes of thanks to speaker and performers. Slipper by Mocinl < 'omm.ttee.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 481, 18 October 1935, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 481, 18 October 1935, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 481, 18 October 1935, Page 11

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