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News of the Union.

Reports MUST—

(1) Reach Editor by Ktli of mouth. (2) He written ia ink, on one side cf the p*qH*r only. (.3) He sluirl ami to the point.

At ( hI.AMI hM l(l( T. Auckland. — Auk. 13. Very good gatheri nK. Mrs. Cook presided. Sympathy to Mrs. Hiett, our Dominion President, in her bereavement. Mrs. Adjutant Dirk received a hearty welcome. Presentation of si book made to Miss Paul, our late Recording Secretary, with Union's hearty thanks. A petition was sent in the name of tlie Union to tiie Cabinet urging that action be taken to prohibit the ssile of contraceptives to young people lender 18 or 20 years. Rev. J. Olphert gave a stirring address urging the necessity for all to help by prayer and effort to gain the victory in the coming licensing poll.

Auckland Cent nil Evening Brunch. Aug. 5. Miss Jump presided. 20 present. Mrs, Tasker Brown gave report of District Executive and stated 502 pledges obtained at Winter Show. Petition signed against sale of contraceptives to juveniles. Mrs. Cherry gave a very interesting Sid dress. Recitations by Mrs. Stallworthy and Miss Read; Vocal Solos, Mrs. Kasper anil Miss Armit; Piano Solo, Miss Pearl Wallace; Reading, Miss 1 i. Douglas. Supper. Two new members. —Aug. 21. Drawing room meeting at Mrs. Black wood's. Mrs. Williams presided. Mrs. Ha.vhr urged all women io cast their vote and stressed the need for Home Meetings and getting outsiders to attend. Votes of thanks to speaker and hostess. Kpsom. Aug. 21. Mrs. Neal presided. Pair attendance. Report of Town Hall meeting » nd Mrs. Clow’s adress given, also a reading about the White Rihbon paper Mrs. Bendeley sent letter of greeting and donation. Mrs. Gilniour and Mrs. Woodworth delegates to District Convention. Henderson Vug. Annual Rrlng and Bin. Mrs. Platt presided. Delegates appointed for IHstriet Convention. Arrangements for meeting of school children when prizes for essays will be awarded. betters sent to sick members. Afternoon tea. Knlii-M. Ilelier's. Aug 21. Pair number present. Resolution passed that tin* City Council be a iked to supervise til** taking of alcohol into dtvnce halls, as drink was greatly on tin* increase among the young people. Mesdames and l*arker appointed delegates to District Convention Mrs. Wild thanked for songs. Mesdames Lediard and Phillips hostesses. \it. Bin ' N Roskill and Mt. Eden combined with us. Good programme. Solos by Miss Brooks; duet by Misses Brooks and Mather, Mrs. Taylor and Miss Mann.* Mr. Faulknor gave many reasons why we should all lie on the alert and he up and doing. Sept. 3.—Numbers small. District Convention delegate appointed. In order to obtain funds. Executive asked Unions to endeavour to raise at least Cl. Arranged first meeting for Sept 2 4th, Mrs. T. Clark kindly giving her drawing room, supplying programme and speaker. Recitation hv Mrs Clark. Petition sent to Hon. Cohbe re contraceptives. Nnrthcote. —Third birthday of the Nnrthcote W.C.T.U. celebrated at Mrs. Grihhen’s. Pourteen present, including a Birkenhead contingent. Miss Piper presided. Mrs. Alleby sang “My Task.” Mrs Hugh Kasper gave an address on our Problems— Agnosticism, Gambling. Intemperance, Insanity, Impurity, Loneliness, and Economics. Xfternoon tea with birthday cake *grved. Mrs. Kasper presented with a bouquet. A petition for the abolition of poverty signed by those present. One new member. Mialmfin. k Ml 1 sided. Rev. T. R. B. Wooloxall spoke on Prayer and urged all to pray and put our faitli in God. Helpful and profitable address. Papakura. -Sept. Attendance small. A letter from Mrs. Hiett read. Temperance facts were read and discussed. Sylvan Avenue. —Aug. 21. Small attendance. Miss Pudney presided. Three boautl-

ful poems read, followed by silent prayer. Report of District Executive. Petition asking for restrictions in sale of contraceptives he signed and sent to Hon. Cohbe. Representatives appointed for District Convention. Paper by President on Narcotics read, dealing with opium derivatives, tobacco and alcohol from scientific aspects. Afternoon tea. \X miik'i. \ Ug Ml sided. Eighteen present. An interesting address was giver, by Rev. Speer. Several members agreed to distribute literature before the licensing poll is held. Mrs. Cyrus Smith and Mrs. Mc-Ewen appointed delegates to the District Convention, one new member. NORTH Al( KI AM) DISTRICT. Dnrguville. Aug. 13. Mrs. W. S. Neal presided. 12 present. Delegates appointed to District Convention at Maungakaramea on August 28. Decided to hold a Bring and Buy in October to help Band of Hope funds. Paper outlining the work of the League of Nations read. I.eigli. —Aug. 29. Home meeting at Mrs. Griggs. Good attendance. Mrs. Grigg presiding. Mrs. H. Torkington read "Disbanding of Cadets’* Mrs. Woodcock sang. Mrs. I». A. Matheson read “Alcohol's influence on Motorists.” Flower motto given:— "Daffodils kindle the lamp and illuminate thu darkness." The temperance fact was a saving of Billy Sunday's:—"Temperance is tile wise use of the body for the benefit of the Spirit; 75 per cent of our idiots come from Intemperate parents, 80 per cent, of crime is committed under the influence of liquor." Mrs. Grigg read “Keep Stepping.” Mrs. Year bury "New Zealand Women Martyrs,” Miss Grigg. "Who's X our Banker?" Hostesses, Mesdames Grigg Rlld Horton. Te kopurti. Aug. 8. Mrs. Godfrey presided. Letter of sympathy sent to Mrs. Wordsworth, snr., in her sickness. Mrs. IT T. Smith of Dargaville gave a beautiful address. one new member enrolled. Afternoon tea served. SOI 111 AUCKLAND DISTRICT, Hamilton. -Sept. 5. Mrs. Jones presided Fair attendance. The neea wr*« stressed for earnest beieving pra>er for a peaceful settlement among the nations that war may be averted, and also for Hie success of the ciming poll, that the best men may he elected to power and that the trade might receive a setback. Appreciation was expressed that we were privileged to hear Mrs. Moffat Clow; her visit had been much enjoyed. Convention on October 141 th, x. Hamilton. Short leaflets on the effects of ahohol were discussed, members promising to distribute them. Thame*.— Sept. 4. 10th birthday party and Cradle Roll afternoon. Very enjoyable afternoon. Mrs, Paul welcomed the visitors, just over l## mother* and Little White R'bhcsners being present. Much appreciated musical Items were ren iered. The birthday cake, with Its IP candles, which were Idown out by a Little White Ribboner whose birthday it was. was cut and each present received a piece, Mrs. Paul gave a \er> fine address on the failure of tlie Repeal In U S.A.. and urged the mothers present to keep their promise and try to keep safe the paths of their little ones. Cradle Roli num hers 161; new this year, 35. Afternoon tea. Two new W.C.T.U. members. Te Awurnut u.— Aug. 15. Annual meeting Reports of tiie various departments were given, and balance sheet showed a credit. Electon of officers. President, Vice-Presi-dents, Secretary, Cradle Roll Kupt., and Pianist re-elected. Treas., Miss M. Rowman. White Ribbon Agent. Mist, A. Johnson; also an Evangelist Supt., Corresponding Scent ary and accompanist were elected. Mrs. 11. Barnett sang ".lust for To-day," which was much enjoyed. Afternoon tea dispensed. A successful Braig and Buy stall held. Tuurungu. Small it: ndam e. Mrs. Fo\croft in ciiair. Inspiring address bv Rev. Mr. Hunt. Afternoon tea handed round. Helled ict ion. TARANAKI DISTRICT. New Ply mouth. Auk Two Home Meetings have been held during the month b\ Mrs. X. Jones and Miss Drew, the numbers attending being between 50 and HO in the aggregate. Addresses were gives by Miss Drew on "The Menace of Alcohol <>n the

Health and Morals of the. People,” and la Mrs. O. Blundell on "Using our Influent' .'* Musical Items were interspersed and afternoon tea served. W AND AN II DINT ItICT. Antinolio. —Aug. 29. Good attendun «». Vice-President in tiie chair. Sympathy s« nt to our President in her continued ill-ilea 1 tli. Jubilee Home to be visited on September 12. Mrs. Wickham gave a most Interesting address and received a hearty vote of thanks. Competition resulted: Mrs. Rh-harda Hist, Mrs. Hamer second, interesting sale of small parcels held. Membera invited to join with Townswomen’s Guild in a welcome to Mrs. Moffatt Clow. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Tlzard and Todman. Dhwkune. Aug. 22. Mis. Freeman pr. sided. Small attendance. Sympathy scut to Mrs. Hiett in the death of her husb iml. Mrs. D. Kingston appointed Cradle lb>n Superintendent. Miss Donald read an account of "Public Life of tiie late Mrs. McCombs." Benediction. Afternoon tea. 1\ MfTMMfI B*al .—A Mrs. 1 presided. Sympathy with Mrs. Hiett In her bereavement. Arrangements for Mrs. Moffatt (’low’s meetings were announced. Memorial Day. Rev. John Patterson gn\c graphic account of the work of pioneers of temperance movement. Afternoon tea. Mrs. < hlsholm presented with bouquet of viobM on her departure for Nelson after 2»» years' service as a member of tills Union. HAWKE** BAX DISTRICT. Havelock North.—Aug. 23. Good attendance. Mr# De'adis spoke on War ant, Liquor. Devotions. Several members led ill pr lyer. The subjects, “Come Ye Apart" and "Two Golden i>.iys," taken by visitor. Scientific fact given, "Alcohol and Good Conduct.” Mrs. Haggett delegate to Daiinevirke Convention, September B*. 1 setter riad from Mr. McCombs thanking Union for congratulations. Napier. -Sept. Combined Church Guilds met to hear Mrs Moffat Clow. Five members enrolled. Union donated 12 to Inn material, which lias been made into garments foi Maori children in poor district. Interest in Temperance work is increasing MAN AW ATI DISTRICT. Feililing. Sept. 5. Good attendance. Pr dent in ciiair. Mrs. Spence gave a report of Executive meeting, also of Mrs. Moffa*t Clow's address given in Palmerston. Wc, come extended to Mrs. Martin cri her return after several years absence. Mrs. Spence appointed delegate to District Convention Next meeting Cradle Roll Social, line new member. Pul men, toil North.—Aug. 9 Welcome t<> Miss M< Lay. Miss Moore pi v .titled. Go d attendance. Mrs. Young contributed a so'n Tiie Mayoress (Mrs. Hansford) welcomed Miss VloLay to the city amd introduced her to tiie meeting Tiie speaker gave a tun t interesting address on her visit to Stockholm and also put some very telling fa< *s on the drink question before the gathering Mrs. Doreen presented tiie Mayoress irl Miss Me Lay with very dainty bouquet*. Three new members initiated. Miss King irave pianoforte solo. Afternoon tea was served. \\ ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn. Aug. 27 Mrs. Baudinet presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Pickering report- I on N'Z Alliance Annual Meeting. Mrs. Brewer on N.C.W. meeting, and Mr Baudinet spoke on the appalling living c<* ■- ditions and housing in (lie city. Hospital visitors reported. Memorial DftV ol»serv> 1 Palters on Frniu-es Willard by Me. W* ' ster; Mrs A. Hat bin son by Mrs. Padmsn: Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Judson bv Mrs. Butler Votes of thanks to speakers Afternoon tea bv Methodist ladies. Closed with “Sigil” prayer. Ihiletielil—Aug. 29. Fair attendar. Mrs. Ordish presided. A i«i|<er on "Pea< • and Goodwill" was read G»»ods collected during the month were sent by rail to the Fielden Taylor Mission. Happy sis-ial hour was spent l»y those present. Next meeting September 26th. l-lund Hay.—Aug 13. Mrs. Brown presided. Fair attendanee. Motion of sympathy with Mrs. Hiett oni desth of her husband. letter of sympathy to Mrs. Mercer. Welcome extended, to Mrs. T

snler of Port Chalmers, and greeting* sent from our Union. Secretary to represent I'nion at a meeting arranged by the mum—ti s of tiie district in view of tin* forthcoming i m*l I. Captain I.asky gave an mi - teresting talk on "The Power of Go«r’ and received a hearty vote of thanks. Salvation Army ladies hostesses. bovver llutt. —Aug 2V President in the chair. Visitors present from Whangarei and Wellington South; hearty welcome given them. One new member. Mrs. linllantyne stressed the need for earnest prayer for tie- League of Nations at the present time. Literature distributed to members. Hostesses, Mesdanies Hallantyne and Baigent. Hcing members afternoon, a number of helpful thoughts and ideas were given by various members. A coin afternoosi was arranged for next month. Mnstertoii.—-Sept. 5. M iss Jon* > presided. Good attendance. Arrangements < ompleted for the meetings by Mrs Moffat (Mow ; meetings for women’s organisathms, for workers and those interested, for the combined Bilde Classes, and a large public meeting in the Cosy Theatre on Sunday. Arrangements m ide for the iMstrlet Convention to be held in Masterton cm Ootolier 3rd and 4th, in Knox Primary Hail. A large and representative gathering of women listened to an inspiring address from Mrs Moffat Clow in tlu V.M.C.A. Hall. Wellington.—Aug. Cradle Holl party. All the children on the Cradle Roll and their mothers were invited ami a large number were present. Mrs. Murray presided ami led the devotional period. Short time devoted to important business A programme of musical and elocutionary items given by the children, viz.:—Joan Gledhill. Vetia Stewart, Alisa Church, ‘Mare Janes. Ken Boss, and Eric Haylock. A new member was received in the usual way. Arritigetl that next meeting should be a Payup Social Afternoon. The children reci ived paper hats, toys and sweets, as well as a vary nice afternoon tea and cakes, which was served by the ladies. (James were played and ail looked very happy. The Benediction was pronounced and a pleasant time closed. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim. —Sept 4. Small attendance. Chair taken b> Mrs. Wilson. Several apologies. Devotions by Mrs. Wills. Motion of sympathy to Mr. Pike and family through the death of Mrs. Pike, one time W.U. Agent. Paper on ’’How we won the Franchise in New Zealand.” Invitation to attend Women’s Hally at Salvation Army. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Picton. Aug 13. Mrs. Milieu presided. Fair attendance. Mrs. Milieu and Mrs. Wells reported on District Executive meeting. I >ecided to w rite to tin* Presbyterian and Anglican Ladies’ Guild to enquire if they would allow a speaker to tell them of the aims and objeets of the W.C.T.D. An interesting letter was read from our Ik»minion President. Letters have been sent to local churches asking them to hold a Temperance Service. "pringlaml*.—Mrs. V. Underhill in < hair. Mr-. A. M. (Jnscoinge elected Treasurer and Mrs. .1. Wells W.U. Agent Resolution of sympathy with Mr. W. D. Pike and family - the passing of Mrs. Pike, a worker for many years m our movement. Rei*ort of <iu utterly District Executive meeting predated. Resolved that all endeavour to h t\e new voters enrolled on electoral ru!!. Members • contributed “Stray Leaves,” the subjects being “How to Kill an Orgatisatmi," "Lady Astor," and "Pacifli Problems at Pnn-Paciflc Assii. Conference." NKIXIN lIDTKKT. Nelson. —Aug. 13. Good attendance. Preaide»,t in the chair. Sympathy was extended to Mrs. Iliett in the loss of her husband. also to relatives of two of our obi and faithful workers, Mrs. Barnett and Miss Plummer. Further plans made for the lubilee’’ Tea. Delegatee appointed io District Convention. Mrs. Rosa read n paper by A. McLay on “Citixenshlp.” A very successful Jumble Sale held. Bring and Buv and Copper Trail at each meeting. NORTH ( AM dllil KV DISTRICT. 1 .ishmerc. AUg Annual flpi < al and Bring and Buy Sale. St. James' hoolrootn was ga; ly decorated with flowi ing shrubs and spring flowers. Visitors

from other Unions were present and a musical programme was given by members of the Sydenham Union. Mn. Virtue gave a travelogue, her impressions of her \!sit to America after the repeal of the !Xth Amend meiit, which was very informative. Afteinoon tea dispensed by the (’aalinure ladies and a very enjoyable social hour spent. Bring and Buy sale proved most satisfactory. Christchurch. Aug Two meetings held. Miss Henderson presided. Two new members. Members to sell tickets of Peace Play. Mrs. Moffatt (Mow to be in Christchurch on October *Hh and 7th. Two delegatee appointed to District Convention. Congratulations to 1.0. R. on attaining their centenary. Thanks to Mr. Murphy for gif* of material to be made up for children at the Fresh Vir Home. Grey moat h. Aug. 22. Bpe< ini meeting. S’x present. Letters were received from Messrs. Cottrell and Lovell, Solicitors, Westport, and from Hon. (’ J. Carrington, M.L.C., on tin* subject of tlu* Powell bequest. After a discussion it was resolved that tlu* opinion of the meeting was "While deploring the fact that no interest could be roused .'ll Westport on behalf of a Sailors’ Rest. w«recognised that this may be due to tin* fact that one would not he sufficiently useful if started. At the same time we think that the money should he spent on Sailors' Rests elsewhere as more in keeping with the testator’s wishes, rather than on a Women’s Rost Room however worthy of support tlu* latter may be." Resolved to consult a solicitor with regard to putting in a claim on behalf of the Grey mouth Sailors' Rest. Ruiuinii. Aug 2S. Fair attendant c. Sympathy expressed w itti Mesdatnes Keetely, Stanton and Phillips. Temperance fact: Eternal vigilance is the price of safety. Decided that each member get two Items for the October Band of Hope, the closing meeting of the session. New Brighton—Aug. Mrs. J. S. Du man presided. Very good attendance. Sympathy with Mrs. Spedding in the loss of her mother. Reported 14 raised at Shop Day. Reported that the leaflets were ready for distribution and members offered to do this. Mrs. Duncan delegate to District Convention. Adjutant Smith gave a most interesting talk on the women of China and received a vote of thaxiks. Oxford. —Aug. 21. Mrs. Oomyns in the chair. Sympathy with Mrs. Hiett in the death of her husband. Miss Waterman was appointed delegate to District Convention. Small committee formed to arrange a meeting at the Terrace. Sacred solo by Mrs. C. Morris. Members read clipping:from different papers. Competition for the best paper: Mrs. Jones first; Mrs. Ik*w first for readinig. Letters sent to sick members, and they were remembered in our prayers. Ihipaiiui.—Aug. 2x. Mrs. Grigg presided Good attendance. Sympathy passed with Mrs. Iliett in her bereavement. Invitation to reception to Mrs. Moffatt (Mow accepted. Mrs. Grigg to act as judge for the temperance essays from pupils of the local schools. Vocal and elocutionary items were given. Mrs. Grigg gave a short talk on the Prohibition question in America. A cake stall did good business and added to the funds of the Union. Next Hand of Hoj>e programme to be given by children from Harcwood. Kiccarlon. —Aug. «. Attendance 20. Temperance fact given by President. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Hiett in her illness. letter of thanks to members of St. Janies' Guild for many pan-els of clothing sent to local Relief IVpot. All afte:noon tea to he given at Rallantyne's; speaker. Mrs. Moffat Clow. Hand of Hope helpers for September Mesdanies Ryan. Griffiths a«nd White. Mrs. White reported that 62 families were receiving relief. Clothing depot had been open six weeks and 595 garments had been distributed. Literature distributed and White Ribbons sold. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mesdanies Allen and Watt. Keefton. —Aug. 13. Ten present. Mrs. Waddell occupied the chair. Lieut. Slattery sjiokc o . "Life In the poorer quarters of London." *nd stressed the great work being carried out by the Salvation Arinv anion,: the men and women who spent their time Iti the hotel bars of that great city. Vote of thinks to speaker. Mrs Hnllarnxi and Mrs. Gilmour hostesses.

Styx.—Aug. At Mrs. Donalds, who was presented with a bouquet ot flowers on her birthday. Mrs. Koxhorough ap|s>lnted assistant Supt. of Band of Hope. la-legate appointed to District Convention. Social evening held during tile month to assist the relief in the district. Mrs. Marwick gave a temperance fact. Sefton.—Aug. 8. At Mrs. A. M. Topp's. ('hair taken by Mrs. F. H. Ford. Solo by the Rev. Ford of Woodend. A most Inspiring and helpful address given by Mrs. Ford on "Watch and Pray." Speaker thanked. Afternoon tea served. Meml»era and friends enjoyed inspecting the n**w house and all had taken plants for the garden. Mrs. Allington expressed thanks to Mrs. Topp. "prey don. All| I-' meeting. Fair attendance. Chair take,* by Secretary. SMiort musical programme rendered appreciated by all. Rev. K. N. (coring spoke on tin* necessity of the diffusion of the Spirit of Brotherhood in all departments of life as one of the sure foundations of a lasting peace. Thanks to speaker. Mesdanies Fehsenfeld and Woodcock hostesses. SOI TH ( ANTLRItI R\ DISTRICT. UhbsrtML Aitkenhead presided. Sympathy passed with Mrs. W. J. Moore and family and the relatives of the late Mr. T. Tilley. Permission to use Baring Square Church Hall for District Convention was granted, and final arrangements made. Mrs. S. J. Butcher and Miss K. Treverxa were appointed delegates to Convention. Arrangements made for visit of Mrs. Moffatt Clow on Kept. 13th, 14th and 15th, when successful meetings were anticipated, on the Friday afternoon for Women’s Organisations and a Public meeting at night. Reference was made to Franchise l>ay and collection taken up for N.Z. funds. Decided to write thasiking A. and I*. Committee on their decision not to allow sale of liquor at forthcoming A. and I*. Show. Hearty vote of thunks to Miss McLeod and hostesses. Geraldine. —Kept. 3. A small number present. Mrs. Coursey in the chair and led devotions. Decided to pay some small accounts. Mrs. Coursey to act as President for the remainder of year. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mesdatnes Broad and Boutherway. Mrs. Hlctt’s letter was read from White Ribbon. Otimuru. —Kept. 5. Mrs. Bridgman presided. Gocml attendance. Several members volunteered to help Kalvation Army with their Fair. Advice received that Mrs. Moffatt Clow would be visiting Oamaru in Keptember. District Conference to be- held in Dunedin. September 2‘lth. Recitation by Miss C. Clark. Temuka. —Aug. 2S. President presided. IK present. Mrs. Smith gave very interesting report of District Executive meeting. Mrs Smart appointed delegate to Provincial Convention. Invitation from Timaru members to attend Mrs. Moffat (’low’s address was sreppted Afternoon tea served. Tinvvald. —Aug. 14. Seaman's Day. Mrs. Jennings presided. Sympathy to our l>ominion President (Mrs. Hiett) in her sad bereavement, also to relatives of .Miss A. C. Lloyd and to Mrs. W. H. Robinson in her sickness. Mrs. Cooke gave an address on Dr. Grenfell's work among seamen. Collection of 10/- sc*nt to the Sailors' Rest. Timaru, for Sunday teas. Sept. 4.—Franchise Day. Mrs. Robinson presided. Prayers for peace as League of Nations is now sitting. Delegate appointed to District Convention. Acting Secretary congratulated on her coming marriage. OTAGO DISTRICT. Dunedin Central. —Sept Fair attendance. Miss Powell in chair. President (Mrs Iliett) absent through illness. Relegates appointed for District Convention. Articles read fr**m White Ribbon:—(l) "Watch and Pray": (2) An article written by Dr. Snleeby on the menace to the race caused by cigarette smoking mothers. Kuikorui. —Aug 27. Oonii ? District Convention discussed. Mrs. T lett and Mrs. Grade eheted delegates. Mrs. Adcock read a paper on "Education and Temperance .’’ One new member. Afternoon tea. Mnsgiel. N Bedford presided. Mrs. Kennedy read paper on evils of alcohol. Mrs. White read various letters and reports. Decided fn send two delegates to N.E. Valley Keen

iiiten-M niailituiueii m liainl of liu|i<*. Chilli r**n attending very well, Literature to In* ilmtributeil this month. (, \u»j. 7. fc>< veil present. Mis. Gilbert m Hie riiair c’urre>|.omleii<e ilealt with an interest iniff letter from Sister TempleUm from tin* Leper Mission, Abysmnia was read. A meeting for mothers lilnnneil hi I i speaker to he arruiigeti tor at a late", date. One new member. I'm i i ilitf. Fair attend..n e |»ivm«!**«l over by Mrs. •vliiarns. Devilled !•> hold lan ill Ten per Mire Kxain. i!i l> to her. three silver medi Is having been donated for same. Derided t » iifivi inn e-enub* e:Ui ale l«> r lise fun’* for ps i/.es. A'.iiiuai Meeting held at Mrs. Mi rams’. Ail last \ears linkers re-elm ted with Miss Maw in an additional VicePresident. .Mrs. (illili, oile of l lulled in S oldest workers. gave interesting aeeount* ot Vv.t.T.f. work .11 tin* past, showing what enthusiasm and i*er*everanee had attained, and reee.ved \ ■.t«■ ot tin:*.;. President, Mrs. .M irains. ti -e; v»*d a beautiful bouquet, utld feeliiiK references were made to her enthusiast m work for tia* l nion AUernooa tea. i ton*. --Auk. -7. Fair attendance. Miss Robertson pri sided. Sympathy to Mrsdames Milne and Hnnkett. Mr*. Iliett wrote expressinK thank* for letu»r of sympathy. I’s* Kelt in aid of fund* to he held in September; arrangement* In the hands of E. Smith. D. McAskill, J. Gresham. Mr*. K. ('. Smith read extraets from the writings of Dr. Charles Mayo lan eminent surgeon), Hon. Philip Snowden (a .3ritish statesman). Evangeline Booth .World Commander of the Salvation Arinv) itid rpton Sinclair (American novelist), giving their condemnation of ahoholb* liquor. Cluirtiaii Endeavour member* to be asked to help us in the eampaign. Afternoon tea. Miss Robertson hostess. Invercargill (entnil. —Kept. 1 Mrs. McGregor presided. Fair attendance. Arrangement* in connection with the visit of Mrs. Moffatt Clow on the 27th were announced Mrs. Stephens, Treasurer, reported the result of the recent Bring and Buy sale. t> IDs fid. Mrs. Brass read a paper on “The

Franchise”; Mrs. McGregor on “Maori Work," and thev were accorded a hearty vote of thank*. Collection lor Maori work. I>nit>fflll Month, tug let ter from Nurse Templeton from Ethiopia (the seat of the pending Abyssinia war) on that country's national drink. Rev. V. Stafford gave fact* and figures ftoni medical professors and eminent men to prove there wa* little or no g.<od value in anj iMtoxlcating drinks, and also showed clearly that alcohol lias no value medicinally. Heart > \aie of thanks to speaker.

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White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 480, 18 September 1935, Page 12

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 480, 18 September 1935, Page 12

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 41, Issue 480, 18 September 1935, Page 12

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