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News of the Union.

l(i»|Mrrts >ll ST—(l) llmrh Editor by Htli of month. (2v Do written in ink, on one side cf the paper only. (3) lie short mid to the point. NORTH AII KI AM) DISTRICT. Mtiuinrut nrolo. —March 2Mh. Quarterly i.u-eting, six members present. Mrs. H. Flower presided. Treasurer's balance sheet ami adopted. Letters received from \lr- Roberts, N.A. President, expressing vsidly interest and hopniK to he able to .i»!t us, also announcing holding of N.A Convention at Maungakaramea in August. Circular front Mrs. Peryinan a“* *OS for wi«l**r circulation of W.R. Plans discussed to g t more memhers. Birthday League refornted, Mrs. Wearne, Superintendent. Sliort ,ap«*r by Mrs. Parley. Aratapu-Tr K »puru. —F**h. 21. Mrs. Godfir.v presided. letters received from Mrs. Roberts, District President, Mrs. McLeod, England. Mrs. Kasper re School of Methods, M: s Henderson re Convention. Afternoon . served. IhirgHvlll*.—March 12. Mrs. F. Words- , ortlt pr< sidt d. Nine present. Correspon* ~. e from Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Pery--1 ati re gain :ig more W.R. suhserihers. me.its discussed for Cradle Roll party ro be held <n April 9th. Band of Hope to oi 11] on March 20th. \l < KLAND DISTRICT. Ik-von port.—March 25. Social afternoon. President welcomed large number of visitors ar.d members. Splendid programme of musiai and elocutionary Items. Mrs. Wilcox Ilf Honolulu told facts relating to prohibition m U.8.1J. Competition won by Misses English and Maliabond. Four new members. \fternoon tea. Henderson. March 21. Mrs. Platt In t .■hair. Frances Willard Day observed. Mrs Kasper to he asked for report of Convention in April. Day of meeting changed to 3rd Wednesday. Syllabus arranged and effort to be made to secure new members. Onelii.ngii.— March 27. Home meeting, presided over by Mrs. Ashby. Sacred song* by Mrs. Hepwell and Miss I>oris King. Mrs. si rivin, who lias spent many years as 0. 1 . -sionarv In New Guinea, told of some 0 the lives changed by the power of the o pel. Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Hodder hostesses. (Miiliuh'i.—March 28. Mrs. Eceersall pr- - (I. I. (’apt. Creighton spoke «ii "A Bird’'* Eve View of the Salvation Army.” Afternoon tea. P.ipuknni.—March. M;s. Ablis in 11 1 »* •hair. Discussion on plans of work and temperance facts read. Vvlviut Avenue. —March 20. G<»od attendance. President In the chair. Back nuinlitrs of White Ribbon to be obtained for distribution to likely members. Decided to enquire the extent of .temperance teaching n our schools. Study upon “Alcohol in Relation to Human Body." Wahikit.—March 29. Mrs. ITaUnntlnp presided. Ten present. Copper Trail started for 1936 Convention funid. Superintendent of Mt. Eden gaol wrote thanking members for e sack of literature sent to the prisoners Epsom.—-April 3. Mrs. Neal presided and cave* a short reading from "Alcohol, a Cell Po on.” A very full report by Mrs. Bloodworth of Dominion Convention. Site had item appointed Reporter to the Evening Star,” and found her time very fully occu--11.. ,1. Mrs. Bloodworth received hearty ami »>ll deserved thanks. <ire\ I.ynn.—March 14. Mrs. Singleton "it i led. Fair attendance. Devotions. Pledge nfflrnied. Temperance fact given. Letter of thanks from Sister Jessie for pnrel of old clothes for the Maoris. Discussion took place upon how to increase the sale of the White Ribbon In the district. Decide I to open a shop for a few days, as a means of augmenting the funds. Arranged to make the April meeting an evening <aie and a reunion of old memhers in the district. Mrs. Tasker Brown gave an address upon the work of Miss Frances M illard. Afternoon tea.

Mt. Kden, —April 2.—Mrs. Brocklehurst presided. Next meeting Mrs. Bloodworth to give a report of Convention. By bpecial request Mrs. Broekjehurst gave a short “Travel Talk," taking the members in fan* y to Albany und Cape Town. Votes of thanks and afternoon tea. Resignation of Miss 1 layman accepted with regtet. Nortlioote. —March 12. Rough. Few attended. Miss Piper presided and read a chapter of Dr. B. W. Richardson’s Temperance Lesson Book, re alcohol as a food. Mrs. Martin (Mayoress) also made a few remarks referring to alcohol and its action on the blood. Four Little White Rihboners now form a nucleus for a branch here. Afternoon tea served. Collection. sol Til AICKI.AND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—April 4. Garden party held at Parana Park. Very good attendance in spite cf rather blustery weather. Competitions were enjoyed, and a Bring and Buy table was soon cleared. Rev. H. T. Feat gave a very helpful address. A bountiful afternoon tea was enjoyed by all. Thames. —April 3. Fairly well attended meeting presided over by Mrs. Paul. Temperance facts were read and discussed. Questions were naked about the Ingredients of home brew and a discussion followed. It was thought admlssable that a warn ng should be given, especially to parents, against the making and drinking <»f it. Tinmiign. -April. Fair attendance. Mrs Christian in chair. Mrs Taylor presented with Victorian posy by Mrs. Christian 011 the eve of her departure to To Atolm, and carrying with her the good wishes of all present. Animated discussion on several points. Afternoon tea. Cambridge.—March 23. Garden Party at Mrs. Martin Butler’s. Mrs. Seal presided. Temperance hymns were sung and addresses gi-ven by Mrs. Seal. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Craig. Solos by Mrs. Aitkinson and Mrs. Hooper; recitation by Miss Joyce Martin and a violin solo by Mrs. Chatfiehl. Mrs. Skellern nt the piano. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Butler for loan of her lovely grounds. TARANAKI DISTRICT. II aw era.—March 26. Small attendance. Mrs. 11 1 yward in chair and gave very interesting and detailed report of Dominion Convention. Secretary to write to Mrs. Hiett < congratulating her on her election to Dominion President and assuring her of our continued loyalty and prayers. n,u Plymouth. Mai h M presided. Miss Drew, our representative on N.C.W. Sailors’ Rest, 1146 visits during tin* month Papers received. Pioneer meeting arranged for April. Decided to support the District Nurses Association in a remit to N.C.W. calling attention to the Inequality of sentences given for .1 conviction for assault on a youig child and for forgerj. HAWKE* HAY DISTRICT. Mukotuku. —March 12. Mrs. W Mddon's All members present. Decided that members make peggy squares. Afternoon tea served by the hostess. Next meeting at Miss Webb’s, Ormondville Hastings.—Feh. Mrs. Hickmott presided. Reports of Y Branch and Sick Visiting bv Mrs. Paul. Greetings sent t<> Convention. Remits for Convcmtlon read and discussed. Appointments made: —Asst. Bee., Mrs J Banks: Social Supt.. Mrs. D. Osborne- Literature, Mrs Cameron; Badges, Mrs. S*nnley. Mrs. Hudson presented financial statement. showing credit balance and 12fltmncial members. Mrs. J. Wilson spoke of Frances Willarn and the inauguration of World’s W.C.T.U. in 1884. Two new members. (Inadvertedly omitted last month. Ed W. rt.) March ?B.—Good attendance. Reports of Visit'ng Committee given hy Mrs. Hae. Young people’s work by Mrs. Paul, who stated that the Y's had received membership banner. Mrs. Bbumgart spoke on need for "re-consecrated womanhood.” Deoitio.i write Ministers re Mothers’ Day, also to submit questionnaire to Councillors seeking election. Hostess thanked. One now member. . Napier.—April 3. 24 members present to hear a very realistic report of Convention C iven bv our President. Mrs. Lewis. Me hope for great activity this year. Reported that the Cradle Roll party had been a great

success, and we congratulate the Superintendent, Mrs. l»omiell>. Wuiroa 12 Pr ••• d**nt Address by Captain McKinnon. To ra'se funds for literature a Bring and Buy table and programme of songs, duets, and recitation b> Mesdames Macdonald, Carey, Warrington, Bryant, and five Band of Hope girls. Good attendance. Successful meeting Band of Hope to start in Aurll. Afternoon tea served. MAN AW ATI DISTRICT. |,e\in. —Mrs Kennerley presided. Fair attendance. Members stood in respect to memory of Rev. Cocker. Cradle Roll party next week, Mrs. Nye, President. Drive for new C.R. members to be made. One new member. Mrs. Nye and Mi*s Sims hostesses iVtln.u 11. —April 4. Mrs. A. Roberts in the chair. 13 present. All apology from President, Mrs. 11. Paterson. Mrs. Roberts read extracts from district reports at Convention. Arrangements made to commence the Band of Hope in May. One member by transfer, and one new member welcomed. Mr**. J. 1». Wilson was hostess. Palmerston North. presided. Fair, Lo.ig Service badges presented to Mesdames Hodder. Burrell. Ritchie, Dorreen and WiJson in recognition of their faithful work of 3»t years and over. Decided to send a letter of sympathy and appreciation to Mrs. T. E Taylor. Also a letter of congratulation to Mrs. Hlett. Dominion President. Mrs. Clau«<*n, delegate, was heartily thanked by the meeting for her bright and interesting report of Convention. Palmerston North was fortunate in securing the highest number of members. Mrs. Clausen presented each officer with a small gift brought from Dunedin, a very action duly acknow ledged by the recipients. Mesdames Allan an<l Mullon b ostessea. WANGAMI DISTRICT. AmmoTio. —March 28. President in the chair. Good attendance. Full report of Dominion Convention given by Mrs. Duxfield. Competition won by Mrs. Sleight (1) mid Mrs. Ni. liolson (2). Afternoon tea ser\ - ed by Mesdames Dempster and Ford. Ohaktmr M h 21. Mr*- - . Anderson presided. Owing to removals our numbers are reduced, but all are doing their best. Officers elected: —Pres., Mrs. A. Anderso* ; Vlce-Pres., Mesdames Freermvn and Parr; Fee. and Treaa., Miss Ikmftld: C.R Supt.. Mrs. W. Berk. \\ angia • East pathy with Mrs. Bramwell Scott and with Mrs. Cave in her illness. Greetings—Romans viii. 31—were sent to Convention sitting in Dunedin. Report of Executive meeting and on the I>av of Praver. Mrs. Phi/aidea. *'radle Roll Superintendent, displaced a table cloth she had prepared on which subscribers may have their autographs worked in aid of the Cradle Roll work. The support of members was assured. Decided that the Secretary write a letter of annreciat’on to the M 1 ' or nml Councillors that they have decided to open the Council meetings with praver. Ai 1 Saints’ Pundav R**hool v il provide the pro rrammd for next Ran ’ 01 Hope meeting on 26th inst., and tha Ar 1 deneon Young would give the address. Bring and Buy Stall d<d good business. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Lower IP-tt. —March. At Mrs. Lopdell’s. a social afternoon. Solos. readings nr.rt competitions Mrs Liberselt « rt ng two solos and won a competition. Mrs. Clark played a pianoforte solo. Mrs. LopdeU gave a rending. Afternoon tea I pixr March 28 Excellent meeting. 100 per cent, attendance. Member took part In devotions. Another, providing two piano selections. Strong plea for White Ribbon Decided that Fnion pav sub. for a copv each month to a lady, who will see that it Is used to full advantage. Ask'ng for n delegate to come and give us Convention report. Sectlm of ‘‘Mrs. Wlrgs" was enjoyed. Small *a!e realised 13/2 Cash for locnl funds. Afternoon tea nfforded social period, and a warm welcome extended to our visitor. Mrs. Routley. who was one of the early members many years ago. Brook h n.- March 26. Mrs. S > wden presided. Report from Hospital Visitors received. Paper on “Alcohol as a Med'Hne and in Medical Practice" read by Mrs Web-

ster. Report of N.C.XY. givwi by Mr«. Brewer. Mrs. Butler gave excellent report of I >oniinio» Convention, and brought decoration for star number of new White Ribbon subscribers, which was pinned or Mrs. Pickering. iKildield. —March 28. At Mrs. Knowles home. Good attendance and happy time spent. IteiKirted a social afternoon given by Mrs. K. Brassendale. Paper read by Mrs ordish. Pleasant social hour and vote of thanks to hostess. Musterton.- April. Good attendance. M sJones presided. Rev. Jamieson gave a farewell message of cheer and optimism. Missc. Jones ami Jackson wished Rev. and Mrs. Jamison good cheer in their new sphere of work. Hostess. Miss Jackson. Mi»i"t',nlion».igh.—April 4. Annual m cling. Miss A. M. McKay to visit our t'nion. officers electedProa., Mrs. N. .1. Martin; See., Mrs. Tyler; Treat., Mrs. M. M. Hardie; Ciadle Roll, Mrs. Kuniley; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Findley. Annual sale to be held on May Pith. Wellington. April. Mrs. Murray presided Miss McKay to be in Wellington. Members’ attention was called to the fact that the lotion's buildings had been re-roofed and chimney re-built. The account was passed for payment. Some talk on the distribution of suitable literature took place and Mrs. Harris was appointed Secretary for same. Mrs. Porte gave a concise report of the Convention. Mrs. Perry (assisted by Mrs. Chisholm) agreed to gi\e a Home Meeting In her house. Ten was served by Mrs. Rowe and Miss Clifford. M.XHI.BOKOI t.H DISTRICT. Blenheim.— March 6. Mrs. J. Stewart gave a short address on the life and work of Frances Willard, and on behalf of the members spoke a few words of farewell to Mrs. Girling, keen member and Treasurer for eight years, and presented her with a token of high esteem in which she was held by all. and wishes both Mr. and Mrs. Girling a happy voyage and a safe return. Mrs. Girling suitably replied. (aiivustowit. —March 9. Mrs. Murray pic sided. Mrs. Leov gave interseting ami stimulating address on Local Option. Resolved t«» write to Mrs. Peryman re same. Collection D/ti. Mrs. Knight to he our delegate. Accompanists Mrs. Flower and Mrs. Hailey. | n,| Xlnrmu. M Mi Hut-roughs presided. Decided to incorporate the Hand of Hope with Children's Happy Hour. Decided to hold Cradle Roll picnic with Xmas Tice in late Spring. A thrilling recital of the life and missionary efforts of Miss Maty Klessor given by Mrs. Utting. Afternoon tea served. Blenheim.— April 2. Mrs. J. Stewart presided. Full attendance. Mrs. A. M. Mills gave an Interesting ai l detailed report of Convention, which was an inspiration to all present. itai VaMqr. M rch 27 in Carluke Church. Fair attendance. Decided (1) to co-operate wit*- the local branch of the W.D.F.F. to artange itinerary for Miss Violet McMillan's visit; (2) to hold a roadside stall on April 11th in aid of funds for the Union; CD that a letter of congratulati<*n be sent to the parents of the Canadian (luintupletn, and to the Dunedin (tuadruplets and badges to be enclosed for the babies themselves; (4) that this Union affiliate with the P.P.W.A. Mrs. Young, I*. W.R Superintendent, reported that a successful garden party had been held in February, when Miss McKay attended and addressed the mothers and children. Mrs. Mcßae fnrewelled and bouquet unseated. One new member. XKIXIN DISTRICT. Nelson. —March 12. Mrs. Knapp in the chair. Mrs. Andrews gave a report of the Jumble Sale, also an account of the Garden Party at Richmond. Decided to bold the annual Mothers* Day Social on the Ist May. Greetings seat to Convention. Richmond. —March *>. Verv pleasant Garden Party at “Althorpc,’* about 50 visitors enjoyed walking about the pretty grounds living to solve garden competitions. An ait gallery caused a great deal of amusement, and the Bring and Buy stall did good busier. All enjoyed a bountiful afternoon ten.

also a happy welcoming speech by P-.iatoi Millsop. . March 19.—Monthly meeting fair attendance. K.T.K. tea and Haloes' Day f uni t ion discus <ed. Miss < ‘ooke. District President, to be asked to report Convention at our April meeting. NORTH (ANTKKUIKX DISTRICT. Belfast. Man ii ii Mm Mattel sided. Reply from the ll*m. Masters in connection with resolution sent forward r* the British Nationality ami status of Aliens iii NY/. Hill. Decided to change day cl meeting from 2nd to 3rd Thursday. Report of North Canterbury Kxeeutivc given h> Presiden*. Afternoon tea served. March 2 ( *. Well attended meeting. A very homely and practical add res- gi\e» by Sister No.-th of the Church Army on ' Home Influence." Several bright and beautiful choruses wore snug. I.imvoml (Chrstciiurch). March -jc. Mrs. Mackic presided. Address by Miss K. J. M Cardale of the Sf.P.W.C. was a revelation of conditions existing in our midst, and she was given a hearty vote of thanks. Afternoon tea served. April 1.--Special meeting at Mrs. Mackii's residence to hear report of Dominion Convolition from our delegate, Mrs. Wood-'. Thanks to Mrs. Mai kie and Mrs. W oods. The Union lias been given grant of ff» from Knsoin Trust for books to promote Know 1edge of affairs and world peace. North Brighton.—Mart'll 19. Mrs. Floi - am o presided. Good attendance. Letter of thanks to autlituis. Next meeting a social afternoon, when report of 1 >oiuinioai Convention will he given. Presentation to Secretary, Mrs. Claridge. Mrs. Lawson reported on X meeting. Adjutant Smith gave interesting address on Chinese Customs and Home Life. Oxford. March D». Mrs. (1. Kydc in the chair. Saereil solo by Mrs. J. Whyte. Sympathy to Miss Waterman in her illness. Regret expressed at 11 1 *■ departure of tile Rex. A. unci Mrs. Ashcroft. 1 refilled io arced* to request to enter for A. and P. Show and arrangements made. llccftoii,--Mar* h 12 8 Present. Mr.*. Waddell in the chair. Rev. A. 1\ Doirian gave an interesting address on work uniting y cling people. Mrs. Waddell atid Miss Lawn were hostesses. N> drill hi in. M.'.cli 7. Good attendance. Mrs. Woodward presided Mrs. Klfnnl spoke oil Us. 90. Mrs. Diewett sung. Mrs. liavies delegate to Convention. Two new members. preyiloit.- March 12. Mrs. Pctr.e in the chair. Greetings sent to Convention. Rev. A. Simiuonds spoke on tlie importance of stressing the spiritual in our dealings with others. Duet by Mesdanies Fletcher and Ancall. Refreshments served by Mesdame* Goring and Petrie. My x. —March 10. Birthday Social. Mrs Donald presided and was presented with n bouquet. Birthday greetings from Ricearton, Papanui, and N'ortii Brighton Unions. Short speeches by Rev. Peters and Farrar. One new member. Musical it* ms. Afternoon tea. Ikcaflsi. II it • 1 i I Attendance 29 Mrs. H. Ryan presided. Band of Hope helpers for April, Mesdanies White, Odell and Ryan. Miss Kathleen Moore, VicePresident of the Women’s Auxiliary, Canterbury Manufacturers' Association, gave an interesting address on “Women in Industry,’’ and urged those present to “Buy N.Z. made goods." Mesdanieis Hitt and Hartley Smith dispensed afternooni tea. Sytlrnlwni.—Report in pencil so faint it was impossible to read it. Please send reports in ink.—Kd. W.R. Stunner,- —April 2. A good meeting took the form of a social to do honour to the new Treasurer. Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Hherrand presided. Songs were sung by Miss Gates anil a humorous reading by Miss Kilner. A party of young folk put on a play each taking the part of one of the organs o* the human body and showing tlie effect of alcohol on each The child performers were Norma Fee. Barbara Whittle, Douglas ntnd Graham Whittle and Wray Fee. Miss Kilner thanked them for their presentation :.n«l handed them a basket of autumn fruit.*-. Mrs. Dale was ten hostess.

MH lit 4 AM KKItl RX RIM ItM T. A-Jib i t on. Xpril 2 Mrs. \ tic* presided. Good attendum c. Report o; K.W.R.’s pi* ni( on Mar*-h troth at lesirtein, of Mr. and Mrs. Aml row’s receive**, .m hearty vote of thanks accorded Mrs. Ra r . wood. Superintendent, and helpers for su, a successful gathering. Tea was served hi,,; excellent reports of Dunedin t'onventio. here glVHti by Mrs. J. A. Tucker and M K. A. Watson, ( inform**! by Mrs. \V. I! H<*h inson, who moved a hearty vote of thank to delegates. IVcideit to meet in future at 2.15 p.m. for 13 minutes of prayer for com mg poll. Pleasure expressed at Treasurer recovery. < erahlme Map h. Mrs. Walla* Ii prt sided. Afternoon tea. Mrs. Walliich lea,: a pa|M*r out of the W.R. and Mrs. Prattle* pad Mrs. McCombs' speech in tie llnu*, on uneniployinenit and malnutrition amoiii; children. A small Bring and Huy stall. April. Mrs. Wallaeh pi-**s?rte*t »\L-s NP lay then gave a splendid address on tln> World's Convention held at Stockholm, whole it was her pleasure to meet deleg q from many parts of the world who show*-,! enthusiasm in their work. She laid stres> *m the value of prayer and encouraged numbers to make first things first. Giiiiuir.i. Mai It. Mrs. Bridgman pres'd": Large attendance. Decided to hold next *'hur*-h parade at the Baptist Church. Mr Groeott read article from XX'. R.. "Alcohol and its detrimental. Influence **n children Mrs. llosking rendered a pleasing s«>lo. RiiknJu. March II Fair attendance pn sided over by President. Account for Cradi* Roll literature, 14/6, passed for payment. | •ecid**d to hold Church Parade in Presbyterian church on April 14th and to In\it* Y members to join us. Rev. E. Moon- gnu a very interesting address. Afternoon tea, Mrs. Ashford and Mrs. Blackley Timuni Man h. Presided over by Mi Cave. Impressions of the Conix-entlor !*evotional . ervices given hy Mrs. Mus< tisiiup. The Bailors’ Rest, txxo Sunday teas and -<r bes w ere held. A friend from Fan lie on tertained the sailor* with lantern view - of the South Ireland. The Hospital visitor reported and Mrs. Cave gave report of * **nvent ion. OTAGO Dl^ritHT. I -1 w relic**. March 5. Good ht t«*inlat.' *• Mrs. ,). M*-Kinlay in the chair. Mrs. J. M<Ki 11 In> and Mrs. J. Kdie appointed <l* •-• gates to Convention, lft/- donated t<» Conference expenses. I«etter of sympathy .*> bereaved member. President rea«l an article from the "Outlook.” Ihi'clcthu. —April 2. Mrs. Clark In the clmir. Members asked to remember every day tli*' Noon-tide Hour of Prayer. Mrs. Davidson fan old member) congratulated on reaching the age of 87 years. Band of Hope discussed, a prise to he given to the toy or girl v. ho bring the largest number of members to Hand of Hope. Mrs. Getig e and Mrs McLean read a »q letidld account of the Conv**ntion. Sympathy to a member who lost n relative.# D iie*lin Cent nil. —April 2. Good attendance. Mrs. Hiett in chair. Welcome extended to Miss K. M< I#ay and Mrs. Pirrett Deehled to help with sal of poppies on P pp> Day, and place a wreath on Cenotaph on Ansae Day. Mrs. Xlexnnder and Mrs. Downing gave a comprehensive report of Dominion Convention. Mrs. Pirrett ad-dre-sed the meeting. A welcome to Mrs l!ictt as Dominion President, and Mrs. Petci Dick presented her with a bouquet of flowers, corn vexing best wishes of T’nton Miiliett suitably replied. Afternoon tea Kit literal. Mai R President read a paper on "Tlie Xims and Object* of the \V C.T U." Programme: Ali-x Me Kernel*, Jimmie Dougal, June Still, June Burns, and Jean Dickson recited; Jean an*! Fima Kennedy a duet, and with Pat 'd* cock a x ery pleasing trio. Mrs. I>. Smith and Mrs. Orr each tohl a little story. Mrs Orff recited. Tea was handed round and a merry time followed. Each child re* eiveil all apple and a bag of hdlies-. Temperate•* leaflets dietrihute*) among the inotliers. who very much appreciated the tox *• and kindness and interest shown in their children.

Liwrence. —Mm. McKmlay presided. Meeting opened with devotions. President gave o interesting talk on the recent «. onvention an-! after dlscuwton tne meeting «| witn Benedict ion. m > tile). March Fail • • ' \jiSß Gray preaided. Mrs. Pirrett K»ve interesting address. Letter of congratulation Mrs. Iliett. Regret expressed at depar,ure of ftev. and Mra. Antice. who will be h inisa* d. Mra. Green and Mra < oulter .. aV e report* of Convention. Otago chorus „ a 8 muiik. composed by a member «t the I'ltion. MM THUM) DhTRHT. (Matt(mi. March 14. Attendance Cradle Itoll picnic to be held on Mai -r|, Band of Hope to commence oil April i;! Brin* and Buy added 15/3 to our "core.-March 23. Fair attendance.. Miss Uoherteon presided. Cradle Roll picnic-held public gardens, a great «u.rew. Oame*. greatly enjoyed. Each child received ;l tov. Afternoon tea served A hearty vote „f timnka was passed to Mrs MeAskell her splendid report of Convention, also f • iaintv afternoon tea which she provided Invercargill Ontml.— April. Mrs It. bMcGregor presided. Good attendance. Temperance Fa. t given. Mrs. Boyd gave a •minreiiensive report of • onvention. Bnui*reported on Th, White Rihbon. mi n,|>«il for more Mib«erllier» Thanks and appreciation extended dames Boyd and Brass.

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White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 475, 18 April 1935, Page 15

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 475, 18 April 1935, Page 15

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 475, 18 April 1935, Page 15

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