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News of the Union.

.111 S (1) KftM'li |-:<|ilor by Hth of mouth. (2) Iki written ill ink, oil our hide 4.1 the paper only. (3) IW* short mid to the point. NOKTII A t t KI AM) DIM It It T. Dttrguville—Feb. 12. Mrs. \V. S. Neal presided. Good attendance. Decided to distribute literature in a systematic manner, members being asked to supply addresses. President suggested that each member try to secure one new member and so strengthen our ranks. Frances Willard Day, an interesting paper read by Mrs. Jolly. .W < kI,AM> DIVTItKT. Auckland. March a.—Large gathering of members. Willard l>uy observed and a collection taken for the World's Missionary Fund. An inspiring address on the Faithfulness of God by Mrs. Simpson. Remits for » (invention were discussed. Mr. Falkner gave an interesting address urging the members to use their personal influence and every effort to secure cotes for the Licensing Poll Afternoon tea served One new member revolved. Dev<Ml|tort. -March The President welcomed members and urged them to work hard during the coming months. Agenda drawn up and a great deal of business put through. Little W.lL's acre given their usual picnic on the beach on Saturday, about To children with their mothers attending; all went home well pleased with the good tilings which hud been provided. Two little ones were niadt members of the I. W l:, Mrs W illiams taking the service Mrs. Kasper, District Presided, addressed tlie mothers and said how fortunate Devonport was in having such an able Superintendent as Mrs W ra lx fot the LW It Ml I. W'lliiatns replied 01 behalf of the Devonport Fnion. K|»*»in. —Feb, 12. Mrs Neal presided. Good attendance, one new member gained. Helpful devotions by Mrs. Gilmour Extract read from Henry Van Dyke. "A Thought for the New Year.” Frances Willard Pay observed with a reading from "The March of Time,” showing the commencement and tib--ctjuent success of the W.C.T.F. in o many countries of the world to-day. Mrs. Bloodworth appointed delegate to the Dominion Convention in March. Collection for Missionary Fund. Benediction. Afternoon tea. koliimurunm. Feb. 20. Well attended meeting. Mrs Kasper presided. Mrs. Perkins gave an appealing devotional address. Frances Willard Day observed. The members urged to work for the abolition of the li«iu«<r trade at the forthcoming election. Mesdames Heffel, Wild and Lewis thanked for musical items. I.eiglt. Home meeting at Mrs. Griggs Good attendance. Discussion on the Organising Fund. The Cradle Roll now numbers 4ft. Temperance fact: Alcohol is a special danger in the development of adolescence of youth and the nervous system of women. Mrs. Horton gave the motto: "Heartsease is a flower which never grows in the world's garden." Mrs. J. Wyatt, hostess A very enjoyable picnic, organised by tlie* I.eigh W.C.T.F., was held on Horton’s beach on Thursday, Jan. 17th. The weather was perfect. There was •infte a largo attendance and all spent a good time. Mr. Morley kindly attended t•» the hot water. Swimming seemed to he very popular. Mt. Alb *rt. —Feb. 14. Fair attendance. Mrs. Laird, retiring President, welcomed Miss Fyfe back to the Branch. Miss Fyfe re-elected President. Plans of work discussed and a comprehensive syllabus drawn up Decided to hold a public rally one evening ■ luring May. Also a Garden Party for Cradle Roll mothers during March. It Is our earnest prayer ar.d hope that interest in the work of our Branch will he renewed. Otuhuhii. Ft h 21 Mrs 1 aided Roclal afternoon. Musical Item* »*v Mrs. Logan, Miss Edna Shepherd nnd Miss Poynton. Mrs. Kasper spoke of the life of our great leader, Frances Willard. Afternoon ten served. One new member. Onehiingu. Feh 14. Splendid attendance. President In chair. Mrs. I.ayhonrn tran<-

ferred to I’ Mrs. Mount joy gave reports of District Executive meeting, the reception to the Mlraes McLay, and the Maori Y Social evening. For the talents 4*ffort each member told how she had raised the money. Amount was £5/1/2. Grateful thanks to Mrs. Musket for securing £3/l/H from a long-ago bank account. £2 donated to Organising Fund. I’tMisoiihy. February 21. President, Miss Read, presided. Good attendance of members. Temperance fact by Mrs. Liragg. It being Frances Willard Day a talk was given by Mrs, Tasker Rrown on tin* life and work of Frances Willard. One new member. Keinuent. — Feh. 19. Large gathering at the President's home, Mrs. H. Kasper. Opportunity was taken to hid farewell to Mrs. Percy Wlnstone, who is going abroad. Mrs. Rarker brought greetings from the Whangarei Branch. The Rev. Blight gave an iddress on “Temperance Work.” Mrs. Z. Robertson rendered two s><Jos ami Miss Read gave an elocutionary item. »Itan Avenue, Mt. Fdeii. Feh. 2ft. President in ( hair. Attendance small. Two new members gained. Good temperaxice fad given by Mrs. Dyson, and short reading from "Peace —War—-Which” by Mrs. Trencher. Paper read on the life of Frances Willard and extracts from the life of Agnes Slack from Dominion Library at Headiiuarters. Afternoon tea. Collection for Willard fund. NOITII AKKLAND DIsTKHT. Hamilton. —March 7. 36th Anniversary. Mrs. Jones presided over a good attendance and gave a resume of the work of the Fnion since it was inaugurated by Mrs. Lee Cowie with 22 members. A tribute of praise was paid to many who had laboured so faithfully during the years and who had .‘nice I teen culled to higher service. After a dainty afternoon tea had been served a stirring address was given by the Rev. F. A. Parry, who was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Arrangements were made to hold the next meeting at Parana Park. ThaniM. —Man h r Very enjoyable meeting, taking the form of a Bring and Buy. Good attendanc e presided over by Mrs. Paul. Musical items rendered and an address on tiie work at Solomon Islands was given by the Rev. Dent. One new member. Afternoon tea. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Ila went. —Jan. 30. Small attendance. Mrs. Hayward in chair, and led devotions. Vi te of sympathy to relatives of late Mr.-. Lister; called home at age of *7 years. Delegates to District Convention, Mrs. Sharps and Mrs. Evans. I lav cm. -Fel>. 2*. Fair attendant •■. Mrs. Hay ward in chair. Congratulations extended to Mrs. Hartmann on her election to District office—that of Forresponding Secretary. Mrs. Sharpe gave report of Di-trict Foil vent lon. Decided to hold Garden Party in King Edward Park on Wednesday, March 13. New Ply h. Jan 3n 2ft present. Seamen's Rest it ported 166* visits for the previous two months. Quantities of books and papers were received. Fonvention on February 26th at Foresters' Hall. Stratford. Mrs. X. Jones and Mrs. Wood elected delegates. An appeal for larger circulation of WR. was received from Mrs. Perymati. Several members promised to take a copv for distribution. Financial membership cf 1 Tin on £6. Seaman’s Rest balance sheet showed a credit balance of £36. The r**. construct'on of the Seaman’s Rest Committee discussed and adjourned to next meeting. Afternoon tea served by the Committee. New I'D ms it 1 1 ’ observed Mrs. Field gave a report of District Convention. Other business was affiliation with the League of Nations and membership of the Seamen’s Rest Committee. M \NAW \TI DISTRICT. Fell ding.—Feh 7 Good attendance. President in chair Mrs. Spence gave a report of Executive meeting. Remits to Convetttio»i were discussed. Miss C. MeLav gave a very intere<ting account of the World’s Convention held at Stockholm. One new member joined. Mrs. Spente delegate to Ikmilninn Convention Feilding.—Mart h 7. Fair attendance. I'resident In chair. A hearty welcome was extended to Mrs. Page, transferred from

M anganui. Mrs. Spence read a paper on the white slave traffic and the work of the IseaKue of Nations tn dealing w ith this evil. A farewell message was received front Mrs Blamires. ierta. Fab I. \\ .-n . ( rt. nd< i. Mi■ Kmnerley presided and extended to all a very cordial welcome. Roll call was introduced, each member answering her name with a text. Mrs. Bishop read the tempernnce fact. Decided to hold a Cradle Roll party on March 15th. A very interesting paper on tin* life of Frances Willard read by Mrs. Mew. Mesdatnes Nye and Sims served afternoon tea. Otuki. —Feb. At Mrs. Cockrell’s. Mrs. K inner ley presided. law ot ions by Mrs. Nye. Decided to hold meetings at convenient dates. Officers elected: —Pres., Mrs. J. It. Nelson; Sec., Miss Grant; Treas., Mrs. 11. Cockrell. Thanks to hostess for hospitality, also to visitors. I*al nirrMoii North.- I-Vb. 2. Miss Moore preaided. Small attendance. Decided to hold a public meeting on Friday Bth, Miss Mi-Lay the speaker. Agreed to celebrate Frames Willard Day next month by an evening meeting with musical items and a >peaker. Mrs. Doreen delegate to iKmiinion Convention. Remits for Convention were considered. Palmerston North. March 1 Miss Moore presided. Small attendance. Adjutant of the Salvation Army and Mrs. Morrison of Wanganui welcomed, also Mrs Gill again after her illness. Motions of sympathy pi s.-.; with those bereaved. Miss V. Wilson elected Treasurer and Mrs. Dorset Cradle Roll Superintendent. I decided to hold a concert this month, a small ommittee being set up to arrange for same. Afternoon tea served. ll\\VKi:> BAY DISTRICT. Mnkot ukn. 21 Mi- D ! Mrs. E. Smith's. Mrs. Dally spoke feelingly of the passing on of our members, Mrs. Fothergill, who had been President for so long a period. A motion of condolence was passed to Mr. Fothergill and family. Next meeting March 12th, at Mis. Meldon’s. Band of Hope and Cradle Roll picnic in the Domain second Saturday in March. Napier. Feb ! rd Day, paper read by i'ox. Sympathetic referee,<( made to the continued Illness of Mrs. <;. *V. Venables, and the name of the late Mrs, Lnscelles was placed on record, ax a i ne in her for over 10 years. The President, Mrs. Dew x. appointed delegate to Convention. Song contributed by Mrs. Shaw. New member enrolled, and members asked to bring suggestions for campaign work to next meeting. \> nipuk rim Feb 7. The President. Mrs S’nales. presided. Average attendance. New officers were wehomed and a paper read on the life of Frances Willard. March 7. Fair attendance. Designs brought for a banner for our Branch. De- < ded to start Band of Hope meeting first Thursday in April. Mrs. MeKaiti and Mrs. in’cs. Superintendents. Ik*rlded to e.-.n the roM in future, and Secretary send • lotices to new members and members who .ton*t attend regularly. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Brown and Sherry. M tNb.iM l lIPTIIirT. Animolwi. —Jail. 71. President in chair Good attendance. Decided to unite with othpr women's organ! «*ntlr.ns re Day of Braver. Delegate to Convention left in hands of President. Annual picnic to he held February 1 oth. Competition won by Mrs Richards for plain scones, and Mrs. Oilmour for Xmas cake. Afternoon tea served 1 y Mesdanies An**ell and Rish. Arumoho. —Feb. 2«. Pres dent m the chao\ flood attendance. Report of successful picnic given. Remits read and agreed with. No delegate rent to Convention. Report. Handbook, and six extra copies of "White Ribbon” to be purchased. District White Ribbon Banner on view and much admired hv members. Mrtto read bv Mrs. Sleight. All members urged to attend Women’s Day of Prayer on March Bth. Mrs. Dowsett gave a splendid address and was accorded a vote of thanks. Competition won by Mrs. Sleight with Mrs. Ansell second Paints prize donated bv Mr« Benbrook. Afternoon ten served by Mesdames Clarke and C’liesswas. Wanganui Fust F* h. Mrs Duxfleld occupied the chair. Hood attendance. Correspondence from Mesdamea Peryman, Kasper, and Barking. Miss Henderson. Mr. Malton

Murra\ and Mr. H. Dyson. Decided not to send a delegate to Convention. Annual report adopted and Secretary cordially thanked. Balance sheet slewed a credit. Mrs. slmti was complimented on her encouraging report and the very satisfactory credit balance. Mrs. Ogier reported 50 members’ names on the Cradle Roll, ami Miss Wallace reported 32 subscribers to White Ribbon, and six new membem hand'd In tneir names. Members pledged themselves to work for increased roll. Officers elected. —I’res., Mrs. Day; Cor. Sec., Mrs \V. J. Andrew; Rec. Sec., Mrs A. H. Duxfleld, Treas.. Mra. Shute; Vice-Pies., Mrs. Duxfleld, Mrs. Ogier, and Mis.a Wallace. The following ere appointed Superintendents of Departments:—Kvang., Mrs. Day; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Phizacklea; Notable Pays, Mrs. Hoare; Home Meetings, Mrs. Horsley; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs. Andrew ; White Rilihon Agent, Miss Wallace; Hand of Hope. Mrs. Duxfleld; Band of Hope Sec.. Mrs Horsley; Press, Mrs. Andrew; Rirthdny League, Mrs. Henderson. One new memlier initiated. Votes of thanks were recorded to the retiring officers. \\ F.l I.INGTCN DISTRICT. IlnMikhn.—K(*b. 2*l. Mrs. Rtewe* - presided. Good attendance. Tin- Wellington Hospital Hoard wrote thanking members for the valuable services rendered to the Institution. Mrs Butler delegate to the Dominion Convent on. Remits discussed. Mrs. Webster, Vice-President, gave ail interesting account of her visit to tile Centenary at Melbourne, where she attended the 42ml Annua] Convention of the W.C.T.I’., also the Jubilee Alliance dinner at Adelaide, where she visited Willard House. Mrs. Brewer conveyed greetings from Mrs. Nicholls. Adelaide, to our Fnion. Mrs. Brewer gave a report of District Executive. Decided to send letter of appreciation to Mr. Cracknell for printing Syllabus, and many acts of kindness. Convention choruses sung A bouquet (made by Mrs. Pickering) was presented to Mrs. Brewer. Methodist Indies hostesses. A •omttion of £1 sent to N.Z. Fund. Ihdetield. Fel>. 2v At Mrs. Heyder’s. 11 present. Reading by President. Proposed to have a social evening to help Mrs. K. Brnzendale. Vote of sympathy with Mrs. Linton and hope for a speedy recovery. Next meeting at Mrs, Knowles’ home on the 2Kth March. Grey town —Fell. 25. Decided to meet monthly and to trv and get new members. Mrs. Anker, President, urged all to get busy. Carterton delegate to be asked to represent us at Convention. Secretary to write to Mrs. Tavlor. a member removed to Stewart Island. Home meetings to be arranged and Bring and Buy held at our meetings. Island Bii> . Feb. 12 Mrs. Peryman presided. Good attendance. Decided not to -end delegate to Convention, but would join with JohnsonvtHe Fnion. Mr-*. Tait delighted us with a solo. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs. Mercer; Sec.. M r s. Tanner: Treas. Mrs. Ireland. Two view members, six new subscribers for White Ribbon. Baptist lad es hostesses. Ktirori. —Feb. 13. Mrs Wood presided. Good attendance. Graph showing the decline of alcoholic consumption In the last forty years in the city of Glasgow. Better of thanks from the British Seamen’s Society for comfort bags Full arrangements for cradle Roll afternoon. Remits for Cornerfori read and discussed Dover IPdt.- Jan 3ft Presided hi the chair 13 present. A thought for the New Year was. ”!>et us prav our way through our set f—consciousness ;o our sufficiency, whic h is of God.” Arrangements made for Cradle Roll afternoon, Feb. 20th. Deckled not to send a delegate to Convention. A committee set up to arrange for plans of work for this year. Received resignation of our Secretary, Mrs Aldersley, who is lenvnr for a trip to England. Slie has been a loval and conscientious worker, one It will he very hard to replace. Hostesses for the afternoon Mpsdanies I.opdell and Clark. leaver fluff. Feb. 27. President in the choir Good attendance Monthly thought: "When duty calls we have nothing to d<* with hindrances. It Is ours only to obev own when obedience seems Impossible.” Syllabus for the year’s work adopted unanimously. Mrs. Joseph welcomed back. Mrs. Tavlor elected Seer -tarv, Mrs. Wright Cradle Roll Collection for the World’s Mlssionan Fund. The opportunity was takpn dur'ng afternoon tea to present Mrs. Aldersley, who

is taking a trip to England, with a very nuo handbag as a token of our appreciation of the work done h>- her during her many years as Secretary of our Fnion. Our good wishes go with her, and we are looking forward to the time when she will be with us once more. Mr. J. Malton Murray gave us a splendid address on facts and figures in connection with drink and ; inhibition. A hearty vote of thanks wav accorded him. Hostesses, Mia. Lopdell and Mrs. Diligent. \1 eKington. V Mill i findings of the last Executive were given and endorsed unanimously. Mrs. Murrav gave the report of District Convention. Mrs. Porte delegate to Convention. 14 remits were read and discussed and instructions given as to how to vote. Report of last area meeting given. Decided there to ask Church Congregations to club together to get literature to put into the homes of electors this year, the first poll in seven y« ars for no-license. One new member. Tea provided by Mrs. Porte. Arrangements made for a Jumble Sale in aid of our funds. MAR I.ItOHOI (.11 DISTRICT. Blenheim.—d-'eb. 5. A good attendant Mrs. J. Stuart presided. Syllabus for tin* coming year arranged Delegate to Convention elected. Reading by Mrs. Madill and our President said a few words on the inspiration, and ideals and aims of our motto for “God, Home and Humanity.” Mrs Stuart spoke *>f the faithful work done ly Mrs \\*. M. Smith. Fresh Unit for the past eight years, and presented her with a beautiful gold-mesh evening hag and a dainty brooch, as a token of tlie love and esteem the members held for her. Mrs. Smith suitably replied, and voiced her appreciation of the loving help and encouragement she had always received from the members. Feb. 15.—A very successful afternoon was held. Large audience to meet Miss a.. M< - lay. Mrs. J. Stuart in the chair, and in - troduced M McLay, who gave a very in terestlng talk on the World’s Convention It was an inspiration to all present and wavery educative and much appreciated. Musicai items contributed by Mrs Madill, Misses Stuart. Madill, aim C*. Mills. Recitation hv Mrs. Forbes. < hie new member. Afternoon tea served. ILd Valley. Mis Neal presided. flood attendance. Decided to sign the petition sent l»v the ‘‘No More War Movement” So ciety. Arrangements made for holding the L.W.R. picnic mi Feb. 9th. Miss McLay to be present. Decided to introduce « Roll Fall at the meetings. Four members will keep W.i’.T.F. plot in Memorial grounds weeded T’ai Marina Feb. 19. 15 present. Mi Burroughs presided. Mrs. Smith. District President, and five other ladies from Blenheim Union, also Miss Annie McLay, were welcomed by the President. Miss McLav gave an intensely Interesting and thrilling address based on the World Conference a»’.' experiences In Scotland and England. V I were encouraged. NKIX>N DISTRICT. Nelson, —Feb 13. President in the chair Good Attendance. Sympathy was extended to the famllv of tlie late Mrs Norriss, who has been a faithful worker for many venrs. and to Mrs. H. Wood in the loss of her husband. Interesting papers were given b' Mesdanies Ross, Teletiius, Moves, Watson, Petherlck, and Field, Hi memory of Frances Willard. Mrs. Moyes and Mrs. (’ookc ap minted delegates to Convention. Miss Petlierlck elected Librarian. Jumble Sale to be held 2711 i February. Bring and Buy nn.l Copper Trail at each meeting. Richmond Feb. 19. Fair muster. Social afternoon with tea and items by Mrs. Hunter, Mrs Chittenden and Miss Papps. Remits discussed. Treasurer’s reixirt shows over £1 b hud Vote '■ i thanks to Mi Watt lip erintendent of Y's. Vote of sympathy to Mr and Mrs. Price in their Illness. Decided to hold a Garden Dirty at Mrs. Dysons residence on March, having Bring and Huy stall. NORTH CXNTFRIURY DISTRICT. Cashmere —Feb 12. Mrs. Lowrv presided Fair attendance. Spec ial prayer referring to Frances Willard Day was made Vrs Lowry appointed delegate to Dominion Conference at Dunedin. The Treasurer gave an encouraging report. Remits were discussed After noon tea was dispensed

Kain|M»i. —Fel>. -7. Mrs, IJ. Carter delecatr to Dominion » on vent ion. Report of viar'tf work read by the iset retary, together with the balance sheet for 19:?4. Readings were given by Mrs. Bright ing and Mrs. Bia« hw el), one of wlileh was an essay by an old Kaiapoi girl, Mrs. Campbell Raleigh, , m ('hrissy Taylor, for the women’s division. l/umtssl, Christ chur. n.-—(lood meeting. o\rr 20 present. Mrs. Turner gave s<ienHfl, fact about use of alcoho] in Polar exploration. Mrs. Wot ds delegate to Cr«nvention• Syllabus discussed. Mrs. Henderson ,r aV e a very informative talk on conditions jn America since the repeal of Prohibition, also reasons for its repeal, and was warmly thanked. Afternoon tea. Sew Brighton.—Feb. 21. The President, Mis. J. S. Duncan, in the chair. Mrs. Moses a very interesting pamphlet on what is being done for Prohibition in India. Arrangements were made to hold the annual picnic on February 28th. Mrs. C. Bills W.R. v gent. Treasurer's annual report and balii|). ,* sheet showed the Brandi to be ii a satisfactory financial position. Mesdames J. S Duncan and F. M Mitchell visitors for tiic coming month. Mrs. G. Kills delegate t<» Convention. A paper on the life's work of Frances Willard was given by Mrs. H. M Hall. One new member initiated and two fi.a\ White Ribbon subscribers were enrolled. North Brighton.—Fell. Mi . Florance presided. Good attendance. Gre* ting from Mi«s B. H. Harband. J.P. Treasurer’s annual report most satisfactory. Bfcnd of Hope and i t He Roll reports showed Ixitli departments to be in a flourishing condition. Mrs. It Mahan delegate to Convmtion. Hon. Masters wrote promising support to Nationality Bill. Betters of love and greeting sent to si«k members. Oxford. —Jan. hi. Good attendance. Kacicd 010 by Miss J. Coniyns. President and t*.lt. Superintendent to arrange for the <’.R. Rally. Mi-s Henderson thanked for helpful address. Members to l>i ing brief accounts of progress of W.U.T.IT. next meeting. Frances Wh'ard Day. Jan. 29. —Cradle Roll Rally. Y girls entertained children while mothers were ad dressed by Mr. H. D. Somerset. Afternoon tea under the trees. Oxford. —Feb. 20. Good attendance, Mrs. <’emvsis presided. Opening exercises, Mrs. I». Hawke. Decided that the President represent the Union at Dominion Convention. Invitation to members %o attend t meeting to discuss the Women's I >a\ of Prayer, all women welcome. Frances Wills id Day several members read brief papers >n the progress made in some of the man.' departments of the Union. Collection in aid of the World Missionary Fund. tapanui.—Mar. lit. Mrs. Graham presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Frampton read a temperance fact. Election of delegate deferred till later. Decided to hold the monthly meetings on the fourth Wednesday of eatli month instead of the second Thursday. Next meeting a social afternoon and cake stall combined tn raise funds. Collection was D ken up for the Maori Fund. Iteefton.—Feb. 19. Nine present. Mrs. Waddell in the chair. Pledge repeated. Roll rail. Better from Mrs. Peryman re White Ribbon subscriptions. Mrs. Day. agent, to send same. Mrs. llullaram and Mrs. Gilmout hostesses. Hi court on.—Feb. 14. Mrs. <’. W Barr. 11 presided. Attendance 20. Hon. K. Masters wrote re rigid to vote of women marrying aliens. Decided to order six cxti.i copies of White Ribbon for distribution at next meeting. W.R. badge presented to Mrs Campion. Arrangements made tot holding social evening at Mrs. White's on February 27th. Mrs. C. W Harrell delegate to convention. Miss Dempsey appointed Superintendent Y Union, with Mrs. Twose to assist. President gave report on N.< .V • meeting. Mesdames Griffiths and Gainsford hostesses. , Feb. 27. —Social evening held at Mrs <•. White’s Mesdames A. T. Newth and White acted as Joint hostesses. Delightful musical and elocutionary items rendered »>' Miss Melva Beswick. Misses Nola Ed gin ton and Merle Mcßeod. Mrs. Commons and Miss la- kson, Misses Musgrove and Od p H- M "* N I. Meharry serompanlst. Mrs. McCullough gave an Interesting talk on the homes and bools in Michigan. Votes of thanks passed to the speakers, performers and Hostesses. Sydenham. Feb. 7. Good attendance. Song by Mrs. Filer. Mrs. Davis delegate to

Dominion Convention. Mr.’ Lowery spoke on Worjtl Opportunities and was listened to with great Interest. Afternoon tea served. Styx.— Jan Ten members present. Next meeting to he the ’oth Anniversary Social, invitation to other Unions to attend. Later a rally to be held to get new .members. Mrs. Donald presided. *eft«n. —Feb. 21. Good attendance. Chair • aken by Mrs. F. H. Ford. Brief welcome and encouraging words for the new season. Urged all to do their utmost. Sympathy expressed with sick friends. Mrs. Chapman read extracts dealing with the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment in 11.5. A. Mrs. k. Taylor delegate to Convention. Mrs. Charles Allington served a delicious afternoon tea. S|,re\ d mi. Feb IS a warm irelct extended to our President on recovery from severe sickness. Miss Henderson gave an address on our work bristling with facts. Whole-hearted support given to tin* remit to Parliament re the passing «>f the Status of Women Married to A Hem's Bill in its original form. Solo bv Mrs. Aneall. Plans for the year's work drawn up. Afternoon tea served. dll I II CAM EKIUm I’M Kin - . \>!ii> ; rßiii. Ft b. I m i - v t ken head pn sided. Fair attendance. Motion of sympathy with Mrs. R. Ih-11 (a former President of Union), Mrs. (’. F. Frampton and Miss B Deat: also letters of cheer to sick members. Mrs. T. E. Taylor, Dominion President, to address meeting on March 6th, and arrangements were made. Mrs. Tinker and Miss E. A. Watson elected delegates. Remits f«>: Convention considered, and instructions issued. Report of Timaru Sailors’ Rest received. Decided to send letter of appreciation to caretakers, and congratulations to Mrs. Norrie for winning prize given by World's Superintendent for tin* third time. Committee appointed with Superintendent to arrange for L W.R picnic. Tea served and a welcome extended to Mrs. Major Huston and Miss It Wilkie, visitors from Christchurch Union. Frames Willard Day the speaker referred to the need of education against the temptations of to-day in connection with our Y.P. Collection In aid of W.M Funds. Vote of thanks to speaker and host esses. Ashburton. —Man n «. Barge and enthusiastic meeting. The Mayoress, Mrs W H Woods, occupied the chair. Mrs. Taylor, who was greeted with applause, based her remarks on "1 come that ye might ha»o life,” etc , a*nd spoke on the vital issues which make or mar life, made in the Divine Image. The physical, mental and moral degeneracy caused by drink, the results rtf the repeal of the 18th Amendment, and the necessity for women to use their vote at the coming Poll, were dealt with in a masterly and convincing manner. Vote o: thanks to Mrs. Taylor. Handsome posies presented to Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Taylor. Solos by Mrs. H R. Featherston and Miss I. Chapman. Tea was served. A collection taken. Two new members. Vote of thanks to Mayoress for presiding. Geraldine. —Feb Mrs. M r l ll aeh in ’he chair Devotions led by Mrs. Prattlcy. Betters of thanks to Mr., Mrs. and Miss Stott and Mr. and Mrs C. McKenzie for assistance at the Cradle Roll Garden Party. A delegate chosen for Convention. Mrs. Wallat li gave a report on the District Executive meeting. Afternoon tea provided hv Me* dames Rorrell and Broad. Decided to have a Tiring and Huy at our next meeting. Tinmni. -Feb Mrs Gave presided. Special mention made of Willard Day. Tile Sailors Rest report showed a busy month, teas and services being given. Two delegates elected t,» attend Convention. Mrs MlnniAe read a paper on the life of Frances Willard and extracts from the League of Nations was also read. Solos were rendered by Miss Milne a*nd Mrs. Symonds. Supper served. Temuka. —Feb. 27. Fair attendance. Solo hv Mrs. Cross. Mrs. Wilson read a scientific fact Mrs. Hew son delegate to Convention. Garden sale to be held early m April. One new member. Afternoon tea. <>T \GO DISTRICT. ■UrMT-i Fab I Mrs Hark. P ’ " i-n the chair. Miss Tosli read an Interesting nd helpful paper on the life of !• i am-s Willard Mrs Clark recommended members to read the book on the ’’Rife of Frances Willard’ Mrs. Clark read an article <m the “Mission Stocking Work” Members

were urged to save cast off stockings to he made into garments for the Mission. Members asked to pray for tin* Bible in Schools Bill. Next meeting to discuss ways and means of doing new work in connection with our W.C.T.U. Miss Tosli delegate to Convention. Kulcluth*. —March 5. Mrs. Clark presided. Miss Tosli, Treasurer for 17 years, resigned, leaving the district. Mrs. Fryer appointed Treasurer. One new member. Miss Brown takes charge of Hack -Blocks literature. Mrs. Clark recommended all who can possibly go to attend Convention meetings. Each member to try to get new White Ribbon xu bscri Iters. IMiitfdin *. c ntml. ance. Mrs. Hlett in chair conducted helpful devotions. New member initiated. Welcome extended to Miss Maclxoinie of Hamilton. Vote of spnipHthy to relatives of a late member. Treasurer presented very satisfactory balance sheet. Parcel <>t literature had been sent to Batchelor Maternity Hospital. Dominion Convention arrangements: resolutions, delegates, hospitality, etc. Dunedin < ml nal ante. Mrs. Hlett In chair. Special prayers for Convention and Dominion Officers. Welcome to visitors and Mis# McLay. Motion of sympathy passed with bereaved member. Congratulatory letter sent to Mrs Sparrow, an old member who had attained her 9»»tli birthday. Conventioai arrangements made and delegates appointed. Most interesting address by Miss McLay on the World Convention and W.C.T.U. work, in England and Scotland, and hearty vote of thanks accorded her. Knikonti. —-Feb. 2'> Remits wert studied and discussed. Decided to give tin* delegate a free hand in voting. Mrs. Flett elected delegate. Afternoon tea. Mo*git*l Ft b 18 \tt. ndan e fail Mr* Bedford presided. Reports of various activities received. Mrs. Bedford made special mention of the death of Mrs. Rennox. our Treasurer. Mrs. Bardsley elected Treasurer. A rranged to have a sate of goods to augment our quota for the Conference funds. Mrs. Johnstone, devotions. N | \ uiict. —Fel ded Sympathy to sick and bereaved members. President urged all members to secure votes for abolition of liquor trade. Mrs Green ant Mrs. coulter delegates to Convention. M ss \. M. McLay received a heart.' welcome and gave a most interesting ml dress u,ioii World Convention a*id other meetings attended. A very hearty vote <»f tnanks to the speaker. Omnium. Feb. large attendance. Mrs. Bridgman presided. Mrs. J. Mart'll elected Secretary. Mrs. Corlett was delegate to the Annual Convention. Miss Smyth read paper on "The work and sacrifices of Frances Willard in the cause of Temperance " t rtvnn read instructive paper on ’ The effect of alcohol on the brain and nervous system.” Two new members. Musical items and a recitation contributed, otut’.it F I in the chair. Good attendance. Rev. R'air addressed us on the work we had undertaken and gave a very interesting talk Members brought gifts which were sold to augment the funds. Afternoon tea served. xOITHI AN D DM UMT, Gore Fab. t Robertson presided. Mrs M> N'kill delegate to Convent ion. Decided to hold a • rad .«• Roll picnic fids nimitli Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Denton Leech for tin* interesting talk on what the League of Nations are doing for the welfare of \v onieti and children. Letter of thanks to he scut to the Temperance Hall trustee for donation received. Noelh l"\ 1 n■ ft i 1 meeting. Fair attendance. President. Miss Jamieson, presided. An appeal was mid.* for new subscribers to our White Ribbon. The President gave nn interesting address on "Pioneer Women.” outlining the lives of Frances Willard and Agnes Weston. Miss Jamieson delegate to Convention M’s** routributed a solo. Afternoon tea served b> the hostess. Mrs. Potts.

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White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 474, 18 March 1935, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 474, 18 March 1935, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 474, 18 March 1935, Page 7

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