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News of the Union.

Reports MIST,— (1) Itwli Editor by Htli of month. (2) He written in ink, on one side of the IMiper only. Rt> He short and to the |H»inl. A OUT 11 AKhIAMI lIIMKKT. DfemnUle. July 10: Mrs Wordsworth presided, and gave a very beautiful reading from the book, "Through Open Windows.’’ I ‘prided to carry on Hand of Hope. I k*legates to attend District Convention at Russell. Purge attendance. Very enjoyable meeting. Closed with afternoon tea. I<eigli. .lul> 2t>. Home meeting at Mrs Gngg's, President in the chair. Fuir attendance. Report of Executive meeting Mr* Neeley read “Zulu Manners and Customs,'' Mr* Horton read "Lord Snowden and the Liquor Question," Mrs Woodcock lead "Closed Courts.” Mottoes were read by member*. Mr* Pill read a poem. "Did You?" Mrs It. A. Matlieeon read "A Seotch Lady’* Recipe for Loiig Life." Mr* Torkington read "Temperanee according to I S.A. brewers." The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdanns Grigg and Torkington. ltussell (Hay of Islands).—July 10. Sin - ■ tssful Cradle Roll Rally held i<n tiic Hall. Nine members present, and 14 non-mem-bers and 2o < ltildren. Mr* Clow presided. The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer and S< rlpture reading. An excelh*nt entertainment was given by the children, w ho had been carefully trained bv the <'.lt. Superintendent, Mrs Ruinmins. Number oi names on the ltussell C.R., 27. Five new adult members enrolled. Al l kI.AM) DISTRICT. Auekland. July 10. Annual Pay-up social. Mrs Cook preside*!. Large gathering of members and friends. Mrs Skinner, an old member, wag/presented with a longservice badge. The following resolution wn* pa*s« d"At the meeting of the Auckland W.C.T.U., held on July 10th, the following resolution was passed: ‘Believing that righteousness exalteth a nation. an id in the interest* of the c hildren of the primary schools ol New Zealand, we urge upon the Government to give w hole-hearted support to the Kible-in-Sehools Enabling Bill.’" Copies of tin* resolution were sent to the Premier, Minister of Education, local M.P.'s, also to local papers. Mr Fa Ik tier ga\« a very forceful address on the Temperance outlook. A very pleasing programme of solos and recitations was contributed. Afternoon tea. l.rcy l.ynil.—July 12. President presided Devotions. Pledge repented and Temperance Fact given. One new member initiated, and warmly welcomed Memorial |*iiy observed. A scientific temperance address wa* given by Mr* Singleton on "The Use and Abuse of Alcohol." Pianoforte solo by Mrs A He* much appreciated. Mesdaines Hussey and Lewis served afternoon tea. Henderson. —July Piy-up social afternoon. Fair attendance. Mrs Platt in the chair. Report * »f Fair held at Airedale street, and thanks to members for contributions toward- same. letter to be «cnt to our Member (Mr II O. R. Mason) asking him to support the Btble-ln-Schools Hill i *»•• ;dcd to ask schoolmaster to allow Standards V. and VI to write essays as usual. Paper read on "How to Make <>ur Meeting* More Interesting." Discussion followed. Afternoon tea served by member*. Rift* on the table were all sold. Kohimaninin. July 1-V flood at Mrs C. Perkhis gave a devotional address. Resolution in support of the Bible-ln-Schools Enabling Bill was passed, and wires sent. Mrs Kasper gave an address on "Bridge Building." Mrs Lewi* tvt»d a i>oem of lier own composing, and Mrs Herick rendered a solo. Northrote. —July H* Mrs Hulbeft In chair. Mr* Kasper spoke of the import-

ance of keeping up mu small brandies of our Union, and the work they could do. She had recently visited hotel* in the ' ity with a Salvation Army lass, and sold ' War *'rys" with her. She *aw a lot of drinking amongst women, and urged that this matter be given attention; also tiie conditions of same. Afternoon tea served. Ot.iliiilin.—July 11). Mrs Eccersall in tiie chair. A paper on "The Life and Work of Our Pioneers in the »’au«e of Temperance" read, and tiie Memorial Prayer repeated. Alteinoon tea served. Hostess, Mrs Hall. OnrliuiiKu. —July 24. A well-attended Home meeting at Mrs Yockney's. Mrs Mountjoy occupied tiie chair. Songs given by .Ucsdaiues Si urges* avid Pearson. A duet by Mrs Angus and Mrs Smith, recitations by Mrs ilodder and Miss Cornish, und i reading by Mrs Perritt. Mrs Stacey gave a short talk ou "Malays und Their Customs.” A dainty tea was served, and a competition won by Mrs Perritt. Votes oi lb.inks i assed to all who had taken part and to our hostess I'ihimnili). —July llr Miss Head presided. Good attendance. Devotional talk by Mrs Christopher. Solo, "He Shall Feed His Flock," by Mrs Lewis. Being "in Meniori&m 1 *ay," tiie Rev. G. 1. Laurensoti spoke on tla- life and work of tiie late Rev. John Dawson; also dealt on tiie evils of alcohol from the scientific standpoint. A telegram was also sent to the Prime Minister re the support of the Potisonby Hiaiub to the Hible-in-Schools Enabling B)ii. Ueniucm.—July 17. Good attendance. Mrs Kas|**r presided. Mrs Gilmore, formerly ol * hristcliurch, was welcomed, and gave greetings. A report upon N.C.W. was given by Mrs Robinson. Arrangements for members to take a day at tiie Winter Show to help at W.C.T.U. stall were made. A resolution supporting ihbh-in-Schoois Enabling Bill was passed, wire* to be forwarded. The President brought booklets to form a library, ami other members offered to donate books. Sister Grace and the President gave short addresses. Mrs H. Kasper congratulated on her election as President of Auckland branch of N.C.W. >y l\an Avenue. July. Noteworthy for the number of plans proposed, und suggestions made for various departments of the work. Mi** Pudney i*n the chair, reported on the work of the District Executive. Mias Jennie street exhibited curios from Asiatic and European countries, and told of Teni(>erance work and the need for it m tiie lands from which they came, and, as a visitor, expressed admiration for tiie way in which tiie meeting had been prepared for, with an arresting anti-ulcoholic poster outside, ami within a good display of Temperance literature, the five-fold campaign diagram on view, and a boldly written Temperance fact on the blackboard. Murk worth.—July 12. Fair attendance. Mrs F. F. Thompson gave an interesting address, comparing the works of Tennyson, which arc read and appreciated to-day, with those of W. T. Stead, which were for his own pel n*< of time only. Each member to bring Temperance item for next meeting. Mil 111 Alt KI.AM) DISTRICT. Hamilton—July 2. Mr* J. M. Jones presided. Large attendance. Feeling reference was made to the loss the Union had sustained it. the death of Miss S. Atnbury. Tin- members stood in silence as a mark of respect. Letter of condolence sent, and a wreath. Members had attended the servle in tlie chapel and at the graveside. The President announced that arrangements were being made for tiie District Convention, to he held at Cambridge on September 11th. Mrs T. E. Taylor, Dominion President, aid Mrs Bennett, of Wellington, a delegate to the Pan Pacific Conference at Honolulu, would be present. Rev. H. G. Gilbert and Mrs Gilbert gave three delightful musical items, and Rev. Gilbert gave a most inspiring address. Afternoon tea. TiMirungu. -Aug. Good attendance. Committee formed to work up a Bring and Buy afternoon, to be held on our usual date next month. Decided we try and arrange for a Rlble Class Rally on the 2fith. Afternoon tea.

T r \wiuniitu.—July If. Good attendance. Tin* business included the visits of Mrs T. E. Taylor and Miss Andrew, the !I • i fereiiee, also the Matter of the District Convention. Mrs J. M. Jones, District President, addressed the meeting on "Child Welfare." Mrs Berry s rendering of "My Task" and “In My Garden” was much enjoyed. Afternoon tea served. Thame**.—‘Aug. 1 Well-attended meeting, presided over by Mrs Paul. Attention to the purchasing by children of sweets containing alcohol. Mrs Jones gave a very interesting talk and report of Convention. A solo by a member from Auckland was much ippreciated. Afternoon tea served. One new member. I VKANAkI DhTKKT. I law era.—July 31. Fair attendance. Mrs Hayward in chair. Mr Dickie, our M.P., wrote that he agreed entirely with the remits forwarded. Resolved to send tl ltts t<» Seamen's Heat, New Plymouth, from Bring and Buy held in June. Vote of sympathy to relatives of tin* late Mrs Irvine, one of our oldest members. Our President attended a “Welome” afternoon held in tin* Women's Club for Miss Jeavi Batten, and presented her with a posy from tlie members. Mrs Hayward brought greetings from several Union meetings attended by her in Auckland. Mrs Barron elected Treasurer. Nguere. July 19. At Mrs Tarrant's. Executive meeting held in the morning, when there were present visitors from New Plymouth, Inglewood, Stratford, Eltham, and Havvera. In the afternoon usual monthly meeting. Good attendance. Mrs Mackinder and Miss Drew were the speakci -. One new member initiated. Afternoon tea served. MVNAWATI DIVIItMT. I-Yildiiig.—Aug 2. Mrs Spence presided. Moderate attendance. Mrs Terry, delegate to District Convention. Mrs Spence to represent Union on B'ble-in-Hehools League. An interesting article from tic "Outlook," entitled "What We Is* Not Hear from America,” was rend by the President. Next meeting to be combined pay up and Cradle ltoll social. I Ft .i gathering of members and friends. Mrs S' rensen referred to it being T K. Taylor Day. Solo-', sung by Mesd.iriles Vincent and Allen, much appreciated, u-companDt M -s !\ 1%. Dialogue, written for White Kildton Dii>, was presented by Mesdatues Kennerley, Bott, Sorensen, Ainlricksen. Young, Nye, and Sims. A knitting com* petition created considerable interest. I*T /i s won t v M» dart V's Mew and Barrie first, and M»s Tomlinson second. A Bring and HUy, 'ti charge of Mesd:tries Bawson an-■ Ny“, disposed of a good supply of pro<lu e. s ientifh Da t !•> Mr- Bott. -Vfternoon tea. Pulmendon North.—Ju • Mrs Rodder pr* sided. Betters of sympathy to Miss Moore ami Mrs Kit'hie in their illness, better of congratulation to Mrs H Paterson, of Paluatua, on being re-elected Presidi*.:t of AA omen's I•>st it utes. Mrs Doreen an<l M'ss AVard gave brief reports of tlreir respective departments. Afternoon tea was served l>y Mesfiairtes ltam and K. Allen. A dialogue, referring to the paper “AVhite Hibbon,” was presented by Mesdames Randi»M and Mullon and Misses Willson, Jamie •"I Hard sty. Ward, Hunter, and Nancy H.c idall. PnlmerstOii North. — Aug 4. Mrs Hoddcr presided. Congratulations extended to M< dani's Collins anil Hitcliie on their recovery from illness. Mrs H. L. Richards sang two songs, much enjoyed. Afternoou tea Air T K. Hodder gave an address on the B Me iti Schools quest <>n, and stated it was now 57 years since religious exercises Duel been conducted in primary schools, though such < xercises were conducted in secondary schools and colleges. Religious training would only occupy two hours per wick, and would at least give some recognition to the Almighty. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr llodder.

HAWKE'S HAY DISTRICT. Hustings.—July 25. Good attisidance, President ill the chair. The Bishop of Aoteroa, Rev. F. E. Bennett, gave an inspiring address, reported elsewhere. Maori Day was celebrated, as in October the Bishop cannot be present. Mrs A. B. Mi lkmaid sang "Thank God for a Garden." Reports received from V Nupt. and from Home and Visiting Voinmittees. Sewing meet ng conducted. Protest re films and poster- cut to Borough Council and M.P. Havelock North. July 30. Fa r attendance. President presided. Scientific Fact given. Story of “Two Wheatstack Lumpers." Speakers, Rev. Millar, on ’Temperance, and a\ i t aw Raid For." Mrs AA’ibon, District Prescient, spoke on much the same lines. Donation of 3/- to “AA'liitc Ribbon. ’* Devotional meeting August loth. Literature given away at meetiMg, also by post by member*. Paper signed by members re Bible-in-Schools, to lc sent to Parliament. Wnipiiktiniu.—Aug. 3. A’erv good attendance. Scientific Fact in future to be written on tm* blackboard. President gave a report of recent District Executive, and resolutions were fully discussed. Mrs T. E. 1 . ' while J*n Hawke’s Bay. Mrs Cahill to act as supervisor at the Band of Hope examination. Mrs Brown and Miss King hostesses. THilm —July 10 111 Wheal n aang “The City Four Square.” Decided to send telegram to M.P. re Bible-ln-Keliools. Temperance Fact was comparing the amount spent on drink In New Zealand with the Railway Department, and hospitals, charitable aid aMd mental hospitals. Community chorus, "Let Ail the Beauty of Jesus Ik* Seen ill Me." Afternoon tea served by Mesdames lin who n and Galbraith. Tlie gift table added 7/« to the funds. \A AN4.ANI I DISTRICT. Anunolio.- —July 2*». President in the chair. Good attendance. Regret at removal from tlie District of Mrs McKay, a helper. Mrs Gilinour appointed Cradle Roll Supt. Members stood in silence out of respect to the memory' of Mrs LovellSuiith, and Secretary to convey our sympathy to the relatives. Mrs Hamer appointed Secretary and Treasurer for the autographed tray cloth. Decided to send for six eopies of the booklet “Cocktails for the Union. Mrs Duxfteld spoke of Tempera in e w ork 111 the early days In New Zealand. and of the wonderful work wrought by both men and women, and was a< corded a hearty vote «>f thanks. Competition resulted in Mrs Nicholson first, Mrs Whit* second. After singing "For All Thy Saints," the meeting closed with Benediction. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Ansel. 1 and Withers. ohakune July It. Mrs Parr prea Nine present. Captain Elliott, S.A . gave an interesting and inspiring address on our White Ribbon motto, “For God and Home and Humanity." A vote of thanks to the speaker. Afternoon tea served. \\ iingUMiii I ;i*>t Ml Duxfiehl in the chair. Feeling reference wis made to the passing of Mrs Francis Brown, members standing in silence in respectful sympathy. Resolutions passed: (1) “We the members of tlie AVanganui Hast AV.c.T.U. are decidedly in favour oi tin* community-owned wireless being freed from all the present restrictions which prevent it being used to tlie fullest extent for the education of tlie people of the Dominion through a critical two-sided treatment of the vital social questions of tlie hour.” (2) "That the Wanganui East AA'.c.T D fgrees that the present allocation of rel ef money is quite inadequate. But finds it cannot support any scheme which deals o»,il> with tlie effect and neglects tlie cause of unemployment." Arrangements made in connection with the 21st birthday of the Union, to be held on August 9th. Mr< Ogier reported 100 names on the Cradle Roll. The President reported on the formation of Band of Hope. Pastor Fred Purnell, B. A., 8.D.. gave a very helpful avid inspiring address on "The Christian Woman of the Hour.’’

\\ ELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.- July 31. At the residence < Mrs AVebster. Good attendance. Mrs Brewer presided. Mrs Tanner thank'd members for message of sympathy’. Mis dames Brewer and Pickering represented the Union at the recent demonstration to tin* Prime Minister. Decided to ask our M.P. to support Bible in Schools Bill. Report of District Executive given by delegate. Mrs (fillings. Rev. Mr Takle spoke from tile text. "I bear in my body the marks of the Ix»rd Jesus," going on to tlie "marks" of the tribes of India, whose people are labeled everywhere with coloured marks and marks of heathen gods on their foreheads. Thanks accorded to Mr Takle for Instructive address, and to Mrs AVebster. Afternoon tea. Carterton. —Aug. 1. Mrs Tyler presided. 1 4 pr* •sent. Reluctantly decided to cancel Miss Andrews’ address, the dav and tine arranged being considered unsuitable. District Convention to meet In Carterton on our regular meeting day, September 6th. Mrs Butler's afternoon arranged for Tue--day. August 14th. in Methodist Schoolroom. Mn Shirley hostess for afternoon. .1 dmiionrlllr J uly Mrs Rodila’s. Miss Kirk, of Wellington, gave hm interesting address on tlie work o' the Society for the Protection of AA'onicn and Children. AA’itli some musical items, competitions, and afternoon tea, a pleasant time was spent. JoliriMMiville.--Birthday celebrations < July 19. Good attendance of members and friends. Mesdames Turner, Barrow and Mart n aang, and Maureen Cook recited. Mrs Odell gave a very interesting address cm her work in the East of London Mission. The birthday cake was made and <ut by Mrs Johnson. Afternoon tea enjoyed by all. Mr Martin proposed a vote of thanks for address and items. lower Hiitt. —July. Fair attendant President in the chair. Two mem tiers welcomed to our Union, Mrs Cooper Masterton) and Mrs AA’ilson (AVanganui), brin - in ~ greetings. A very interest dig letter from Niue Island AA'.C.T.U., telling of tlie work done by tlie members, who visit tin sick and help each other. Campaign to in- < reuse the consumption of liquor noted, also attention drawn to number of cocktail parties being held. Monthly thought, "To have faith is to create; to have hope is to call down bless'iig." Duets by Mesdames Aldersiey and Taylor. Mrs Lopdell gave :>ll interesting account of her recent visit to the Maori Mission Field carried on by Sister Jessie. Maaterton. —July. Fair attendance Miss E. Jones in chair. Final arrangements made for Paddy market on 3rd August. Decided to send 10/- for work among seamen. Miss Jones gave a report of tlie District Executive meeting. Miss V. Jackson, just returned from Australia, welcomed, and gave a brief talk o*a the AA C. T.l\ work in Australia. Greetings from Ballarat and Queensland Unions. Mr* (’o*bl ngton was hostess. Successful Paddy's Market on 3rd August, when some articles from the Jubilee Bazaar were disposed of. also stalls of produce, cakes and sweets. Afternoon tea did goi»l business. Tlie proceeds will help with 11i ** local 1 nion. Plfm inert on—July. Mrs Cummins gave an address <■* i the late T. K. Taylor. An article on the menace of alcohol to tlie adolescent girl was read and discussed. A favourable report of the work of the Band of Hope, under the charge of Mrs Hooper, was received. Decided to entertain the members of t lie Band of Hope to afternoon tea at the August AV.C.T.U. meeting, when a Bring and Ifuy stall is also to be held Several visitors were welcomed, and Mrs AA’allace. of Palmerston North, gave a tnesage of c.icouragement. l pper ll ft. July tl A'- ry toe atten ance once again. Hhort, article read "AVee Folk Under the Rock.'* and another. “Be n Brick.” Comments upon these, suggesting courage when meeting a disappointment. (AVe bad one. too!) All were interested ill the report of District Executive. ami members were urged to attend ii'iiv of our District meetings, as an edu<" tion for our work. Short musical pro*

gramme of songs and pianoforte solos was enjoyed. The initiatory service conducted, n ,i our new member very warmjy welronied. Wellington Ontml. — Mrs Wood (Distil-t Tor. Sec.) presided, and welcomed visitors. \ Tauranga visitor told of a Bible < 'lass m . and tea they had arranged, at which ii were present. Thanks received from ilie British Sailors' Society for help on the Street I ►ay, also from District Executive i„r hospitality. interesting report given ~f 1> strict Executive and School of Method- by Mrs I‘eryman. Afternoon tea. tndrts Bans sweetly. ami Mr- King _n\, a fine recitation, "Inasmuch as ye i,g\r ilone it unto one of these, ye have ilono it unto Me,” Mrs (Moll told ol the work done at the East End London Metlio,list Mission, where she was a rist-*r »or four years. Her stories of ljueeii Mary's pit fulness, her homeliness and graeiouslU>!, ■_ the East End’s apprec at ion of In-; were listened to with great pleasure. \\, lltngton. luly. I’ • terroaii. Hostesses. Mescl nines Hirst ami llvioik Mrs Murray piesided. Songs by Mesdames Stuart and Free, ttli Jc Miss Kttig supplied the elocutionary loins. Some correspondence was read re tin- Bible in Schools demonstration in Town Hull this month, and tickets given out. In, ,ded to make a donation to the hospital for necessities. Arrangements were completed for the Cradle Hol| afternoon to 1., held on August 3(>th. A*n interesting mipetltion arranged by Mrs Forte was won by Mrs Ross. Tea was served. \KI>ON IiISTKIf T. Nelson. —July 17. Memorial Day. President in chair. Good attendance. Million; 1 .! notices of past notable woikeis vveie given by Miss Cooke (of T. E. Taylor), Mrs M ( Mrs T. Kirk), Mrs Watson (Miss Itutli Atkinson). Tin* President ga\e a short account of the first W.C.T.I’. meeting held here in D»f*s. when Mrs Nightingale mis elected President. Her photo, holds a place in our meeting room. Roll call ol all members passed away. \ <>te of sympathy passed to the relatives of Mrs \V bite, Mrs Tall, and Mr T Pettit. Bring and Huy and Copper Trail at each meeting. A yen impressive meeting. MAltl.ltHltOl (ill l»l>TKI( T. Blenheim. —July 17. Mrs Smith in the iha r, 20 present. Scientific i act, 1 In' u- of alcohol as a beverage sooner or lat.r dulls all the finer senses of the body.' .tgrecd that the W.C.T.U. offer help to the r. ri C.uides in their soup kitchen for needy , hildren. Decided to help the Salvation Aimy by providing for a table at then Jubilee Tea. Impromptu speeches by members. i:.n \ alley.—M- •i ng held In I ‘age i Ha Peer attendance, on account <»t sickness. Mr- Neal presided. Report of the 1 >iatri< t ,• , Noted t hat the D strict C<n veittion to be held at Tua Marina in September, Mrs Williams gave report of Convention, and presented to the I nion the blue ribbon won for the second highest in.reaso in membership. She was aeeorded a hearty vote of tlmnks for the efficient w \ she had carried out her duties. I. « Manna. Ju 17 M **»• °® ;tgi\ 25 present. President in the chan. Several letters sent to sick and bereaved numbers. Miss Fawcett gave a very inti i.sting address. Dainty afternoon tea. NORTH CANTKit HURT DISTRICT. Christeluircli.—July 11. Miss Henderson pr< ided. A letter of tlmnks was received fr-mi Central Relief Depot, and a pateel oi clothing sent by the I'nion. A. number oi i*' "lut ons were discussed, and the l’resi--1,-nt read a number of letters from minist- - in reference to resolutions sent from t 1 • Dominion Convention. The Secretary v asked to write to Mrs McCombs,, J.P.. nd the Hons. J. A. Young and J G. Cohbe, M P.'s, thanking them for the efforts they are making to place the Union s point ol view before Parliament. Members of the s , nhani and I,inwood branches to be invi- d to attend the T. E. Taylor Memorial Day. Darfield-lireemlule. —July 2*>. Mrs < ull<si Presided. Fair attendance. Memorial

meeting on T. E. Taylor, Mrs (Jluuviilc lead article on 'The Sydenham Campaign,’' and what it led to, IXS7 to 1 >*!)'», by Hon. L. M. Isitt. Mrs Cullen read Seamen s report. Collection for Sailors ’ Rest. Bring and Buy next meeting. Vote of sympathy to the relative* of Mrs T W. Adams. Aftei'.ioon tea. (■reynio Hi. July 31. T. E. Tayloi vl- - moriai Day. Mrs Wilson spoae oi her memory of hearing a very moving sermon from Mr T. E. Taylor. A chapter was lend from ‘Temperance and Prohibition m New Zealand," where Mr Isitt speaks of ins association with Mi Taylor in the great work, lor Prohibition and Temperance. Kuiupoi.—July Mrs Hrighting pre-ided 1 Htcicled to hold September meeting as a social afternoon on the visit of Mrs Lowry, t .:e N.B. Organiser, each i.u inl-ci to bring .t friend. Members tliiu gave individual ■ teius, which were much enjoyed. I.iiiw o.d. —July 31. Good attendance. Mrs Woods in M»e chair Mrs Turner gave interesting K. iciitith Fait about cockta-ls. Mrs F. tirigg reported an attendance of ob'iut kU iit tlm Union’s Band of Hope, and that the i hildren were very interested. Miss c. li-nderson, II A., gave a very interesting address on the position, politically and otliciwise, oi the liquor question in New Zealand and America. Decided to send a letter to the M.P. for our district opposing the extension of Parliament’s term. Much appreciation was expressed of Miss Hendersons clear exposition of the liquor question. Afternoon tea served. New Brighton. Ml 11 1 presided, and welcomed several visitors. Arrangements completed for a public meeting on August 7th, when Mrs B. 11. Law, M A., would give an address on ' Disarmament.'' Satisfactory credit balance reported. Preliminary arrangements for the canterbury District Convention. Hospitality Committee, Mesitames Mitchell (Convenor), Ellis, Fraser, and Goldman (North Brighton). A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs J. Smith for her work in arranging the programme for the recently held Birthday Social. Social hour. Mrs Rondel the winner of an amusing competition. North Brighton. July 1 Fair atteni.uice. Mrs A. Florence presided. Letters of sympathy to members suffering from Vote of sympathy to the relatives ~i the late kfra K W Lo • bers standing in silence. An invitation from the New Brighton Union to a a Peace meeting on August 7th. when Mrs B. 11. laiw, M.A., would be the speaker. Mrs Florence reported that 12 members of the Union had attended the 23rd birthday party of the New Brighton Union. The Secretary to arrange for a speaker f->r the August meeting. The prayer meeting to be held at the residence of Mrs Warms k «*1 July 2t;th. Much appreciated vocal items were contributed by Miss Breen. Inftas, dull 11, Ml" W chair. Lieutenant Murray gave an address on the people of the Shetland Island. .Miss Watson thanked her for her interesting t;Uk. Mrs Davies hostess. '•preydon.—July. Mrs Pirrett was in the chair. Miss Reese, of the Sunlight League,” gave a talk on the "Health Camps” for children, containing *>me very interesting information, and was accorded the customary vote of thanks. Mesdames Watson and Hulston* dispensed afternoon tea. „ .. Styx.—July 10. Ten present. Mrs Donald presided. Reference was made to late T. E Taylor. Suggested to bring a pound of groceries for local unemployed at next meeting. Competition mocassinniakrtig to lie held. Next Band of Hopto be held last Wednesday in July. Musical items and afternoon tea. Sumner. —Aug. 7. Avar) heart) ing, presided over by Deputy President. Ensign Ward mode an earnest appeal for the value of wonnn’s influence and example in the home and outside in fostering all aspirations of the young towards higher things. At tlie September meeting it was decided to make it an invitation day for the Y's and their mothers or friends. A play was cleverly staged by Mesdames Walker, Clifford, Whittle, Booth, Idle, and

Barham. Tea hostesses, Mrs Norton anil Mrs Hutchinson. sy denlaun.- —Aug. 3. Hood attendance Mrs Woodward presided, and welcomed visitor- Adjutant HustOM's additss on "J> scoui agcinent’’ was very much enjoyed by Sons by Mrs Weatherln a-l. Afternoon tea. ■Mil 'l'll ( AM I.KHI IH DIVI RH T. Asbb.irtoii. —July 111. A very >i. ■ < s*ful "draw mg room afternoon,” “Remembram e Day,” was held at Mrs It. S. Watson’s. Mrs Robinson presided ovei a very bugattendance. A number of ’ records ’ and guitar solos by Miss M. Carter were greatly « njoyed, Captain Mrs N. E. Bicknell delivered a most interesting address on "The Life anil Work of Miss Frames Willard,” our o-*lo veil founder, w Im.-c outstanding elforts for God, Home and Humanity will never be forgotten. A dainty afternoon tea was served. Collectioai, 14/-. A very hearty vote of thanks to the speaker, performers, and hostess ( in 1 . . 1 sident occupied (li* chr.r. Mrs Bridgman recited “The Song of flic Sparrow.” Ik - < ided to provide and eond-net a stall I«> r the Salvation Army at their “Sunshine Fair.’ Mrs Armstrong appointed hospital sick visitor. Mias Smyth reported on School of Methods held in Dunedin. Being Memorial Day. Mrs Mahaffie spoke on the Life of T. E. Taylor, who lived a selfsacrificing life for the betterment of mankind. A successful "Bring and Buy.” i; akafta sided over by President. Arrangements made for Miss Andrews’ visit ill October. Decided to order one dozm copies of "Coclitails." Decided to hold Bring and Buyafternoon at August meeting, at which Mrs Robinson would be the speaker. Mrs Bicknell gave a very helpful spiritual address on "Home Builders. ” Vote of thanks passed to the speaker. Afternoon tea. Hostesses, Mesdames McGeorge and Palmer. Wat mate. —July II Mi Roy pr» i iood attendance. Enjoyable programme given by members of the Salvation Army. Home League, by Mrs Duckett, after which a brisk Bring and Buy stall was held. Afternoon ten. OTAGO DDIRICT. Kad oral. R Methods. Nationalisation of British women discussed. Dec ded to buy a dozen booklets cm "Cocktails,” also sft prayer cards. Mrs Smith gave an address on "Woman's lnfluene.” Afternoon tea. niigiri. ed, and gave a brief address, also read a paper on the power we women have to help bring "Peace” to the world. Collection. \ I \ .ill. V.—.i u y. Mias Reports from N.C.W. by Miss Begg and the Cradle Roll from Mrs Coulter were received. Satisfactory freewill offering taken up. Members reminded of District Convention on September 19th. Rev. (’ H. Olds spoke of past, present, and future work of the Temperance party, and was heartily Fort C’halmm.—July Mi Hided. Annual District Convention to be held at Mosgiel in September. Letters to be sent to Hon. J. A. Young and Mrs McCombs congratulating them on the stand they have taken in urging them to follow up the measures contained therein. Miss Farquharson elected \ ice-President. Mrs Miraius reported on Band of Hope w-irk. Decided to hold a local Temperance exainin tion in connection with the Band of Hope. Misses Farquharson and Johnstone kindly donated funds to purchase a medal as one prize. Mrs Mi rams donated material -or an autographed supper cloth, the proceeds to go towards the funds of the I'nion. t hanked. sol Till AND DISTRICT. Itl-ff.—Aug. 3. Presided over by Mrs Jack Walker. eight present. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Mrs James Walker, who was a sincere friend of the Union and a trustee of the Willard Hall. Discussion on how to get

in w infiniterM. AriatiKfnifiits Hindu ior tin- m xt iiik, ttt lif oi a social nature. Jul> 24. Fair attendance. Mips lioliertson presided. An interesting; paper wan read on “What Han Been Accompli sh - ed by the W.GT.U." A letter wan written to Mr D. MoDougall, M.P., asking for his support concerning the Bible-in -Schools Bill. Invercargill Central.— Auk. 7. Mm McGregor presided. Good attendance. Short business meeting, followed by a concert. Solos by Mesdames Tinnock and J. T. Macdonald. Play-reading given by Mesdames Armour, Campbell, I>uguid, and Miss (’ampbell, much enjoyed by all. Memlames We.ney and Ayson delegates to District meeting tin the l»>th August. Afternoon tea served. Invercargill South.—July. Mrs Richards gave devotional address, and Rev. A. G. Mackintosh Carter, 8.A., Rl>., spoke on the Brewers’ Advertising Campaign. and stressed the need for a ‘‘campaign of vigilance.’’ He was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Otuiituu.—July 12. Initiated three new members. A much keener interest is being taken In our work. The Band of Hope is not having a good session, for we are no sooner rid of measles than an epidemic of mumps has broken out, but we are Just doing our best.

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White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 467, 18 August 1934, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 467, 18 August 1934, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 40, Issue 467, 18 August 1934, Page 11

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