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News of the Union.

Report* MIST, — (1) lUiwh Editor by Htli of month. (2) lie written in ink, on one wide of the Imi| >e r Oil I * . (3) Ik- short it ml to the |x>int.

Mlltlll U( kI.A.Mi DhTKP T. Arutwpu-Te Kopum.—Six pres* nt, Me Taylor preaided. Meeting hold at Mm. D«-w----bury’s Coast residence, Gliuk’s Gull). An article written by the late Rev. K Chadwick was read. A telegram of good wishes sent to Mis. «a McLay. Afternoon tea was nerved Ihtrtraville. May 8. Mm. Wordsworth Kave a very tine interesting account of Convention Mrs. Hay was welcomed Tw o new mem hem Joined. Reported tliat Cradle Roll party wan a very enjoyable afternoon. Mrs Huberts presided and gave interesting talk. Pianoforte solos, Mra. Du ns ford asid lit 11 •- Bruce Wykta; Songs. Mrn. Hiiliain and Mrs Olson; Reading. Rev. Neal; Address. A mix chaplain Brownlee; Recitation, Mrs. Jolly Competition. Presentation of Certificates t». Mrs Wordsworth. Afternoon tea. small «Si I <!ren wearing paper hats. Bring and Ru stall proved a great surer*. Mannfatunito. —May 30 Seven present Report of Hommion Convention written b> Mrs Barker, Whangarei. read by Secretarx Secretary reported donation of tl to dele Kate's expenses Letters re N. A Convention at Russell In August White Ribbon paper read and discussed. M < Kl AM> DhTIIH T. l>exo*i|H»rt. —May 16. Mrs. Williams presided. Final arrangements were made fof Mothers’ l»ay. Mrs. Williams continued her talk on the welfare of the child. Paper* were road in connection with the White Ribbon and Peace Pay. Refresh ments were handed round. t.rry liin. Mi\ ?" Mrs. Singleton presided Flowers with texts wees received for the Prison Chaplain. Books were also brought for the Maori I>ept. Mrs Singleton presented a detailed report of the recent Jubilee Convention, and members discussed it with great interest. The Grey Lynn Itiion was proud to be the recipient of one of the Jubilee Blue Ribbons for increased uiemb. rsliip Afternoon tea nerved. lien demon Max. Mrs. uinit in the chair. Report given b> Mrs. Knagg* re Bund of Hope. Decided by members to col le*-t 2/6 per month towards helping Band of Hope pay hire of hall for their meeting-. Peace Day. Mrs. Hunter gave a most Interesting talk on the alms and work of th-» League of Nations, and everyone enjoveo the afternoon. Tea was served. I.r*gh.—M iv ?l At Mrs Grinr's. C.00.i attendance Mrs Crigg presided Mrs Mor lev read "The Christ of the Proudly Hoad." Mis* Shepherd a noetn ••Comfort." \Ti Origg read another portion of "Early II s torx- of the Temperance Movement in N’exx Zealand." Hostesses. Mr*. Greg and Ms> Shepherd Mra. Kasper’s meeting r*n Max lflth xx a- xx ell attended, and her address or the "Rarlv Temperanc® Movement in America” xvas well appreciated. Supper was provided hv the W.C.T.TT. members Mt. Albert. - May. Mrs. Turner presided A discussion on xvaxs and means of interesting non-attffiding members. Decided to make Memorial Pax- ljulvl a special "Gue«t Afternoon ” Mrs. Turner cave interesting extracts on Peace nnd Arh'trot on Mas Cunningham gave Temperance fact Mi«s cunnhightm read a xerx fine sermon entitled "House Building.’’ Kf k lr~ Mai 17 Mra Rroersal In the chair Peace Imv commemorated, also Peace praxer ofTered up. P.emita from the !>ominion Convention rend and discussed. Afternoon tea served. Oneh-ngtt.—May 10. Secretary reported on Maori Girls’ Y T’nion at Kura hum.. Mem Ik rs were as!—d to attend the Peace meeting on Max- 3ftth. M ; ss Campl*eli gave «n • ecount of the wonderful work done b' Kagawa the Japanese reformer, and stated that In Japan 63 towns had No License and two million people had JoHxed Temperance Societies. Discussion folloxved He itat given l»s- Mrs. Slbbln and Ml -•* Joan Mnent - and 1 'om entlM »anl ®l b nf tht W it distributed to visitor^

May 23. —Home meeting nt Mrs. Lavbourn's. Mrs. Moun’joy gave an interest mg description of her \ I tits to Parliament Hou.m . Dental Clinic, Mu.iiripal Milk |k-pt., and Women's Rest Room at Wellington. Miss Jean Mountjoy gaxe an account of the home life and early years of Mary Klessor. Re- Itatkai bx Mis. HoUder. read ug by Mrs. Stacey and some fancy work was passed round for inspection. Dainty mternoou tea was handed round by our lost ess and her daughter. Paisik m. June 5. Mrs. (,;irt|« k presided Part of the President's address st the Jubilee Convention read by Miss Cooper. Ponsottby . -Max 1" Mis* R- ad presided. Devotional talk bx Mrs. Christopher, two solos bx Mins Jem (Hack. Resolved “That this branch of W.C.T.tT. strongly protests against the action of the Metropol tan Milk Hoard increasing price of inijk to llv«-pence and urges them for the sake of the little < hildreii t<» come to a more reasonable price." Mrs Ta ker Hrown gave interesting talk on "The Historx of |li«- Jewish I ‘eople." Miss Head r* ■ ited "The Good Sam ritan." Rciuiicru. M.r IGood att- n-. .n< e. .MrKasper presided. Mrr. !*.d» uon reported on April National Council meeting. Biscussed renilts parsed at Dominion Convention. Sister Grace gave an address <»u prayer .Mias M oily l-Va r played pianoforte solos Two new subscribers for White Ribbon. •sylvan Axeiii.c. Mnx 23 Ms- Pudne\ presided and led devotions. The Temperance fact xvas read and subjects for future meeting- were discussed. A number of interesting extracts from "Fifty tlolden Years" were read. < hie n*»xx member initiated. Wniiiku.- May 25 Mrs. Ihillant'.ne presided. Elexen present Mis* Ho-king agreed to interview the Hi.urtay -tiool guperin'etidents about entries for the P< ieiititle Temperance Examinations Mrs Smith invited the member* to have the ,’ulv meeting »' her residence at Kohe Kobe, when members w II take part in reading a paper for White I! id.mi Day In the form of a dialogue. Oil'll IDhI.AMI. < nmliridice. V : Mrs. Martin presided, adults present and a numbs*' of children Cradle Roll afternoon. The children were presented with gifts from a prettilv decorated tree Kexeral ’children gave creditable musical and elocutionary items. A piano solo from Mrs. Kkellern. Mrs. Craig addres; ed the adults: verv helpful. Afternoon tea served. Reported that Mr* Seal had addressed a special evening meeting on Bel.'haz/.nr's impious feast. Musical It- ms were rendered. Hamilton. June 7 Fa r Mr Jones presided Convention Memorial S i vice read at devotions. Paper read om White Ribbon I lecfded to sent! for four dox<*n left over copi«s, members prom s m to distribute them. Vtn ;."s welcomed from I’nrtertosi nnd Taumaritnu! t T ::ions. The liostponed report of Convention wa* gixen A Dring and hu' did goo-l busin*"** 1 Te. rerx'ed. TnnrsngH. Jure Avers ire attend One nexv i',oinl*er. Presiileiit in chirr. Derided w«> g--t n bundle of spare copies of th< While Ftiiibon for distribution. Short address by Mra Christian on "Medical Turn p**ran e." Afternoon tea. Te Awamiil IT Mn P presided nnd spoke on "Pence and Arbitration” as dealt xvit!i at Convent on. Me*dames Hr gilt. Wilson and Alexander ah«* read extracts on the subject A letter re the visit of Miss Andrew xx a* read, it xxns decided to ln\itp her in conjunction xv it * i the Women’s Division. Other business xxathe film "Little Women." Mr. W. M 1 sang "Still, still xxith Thee" very pleasinglx Afternoon tea served. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Iluxveru. —Mav. Peace Dav celebrated Mrs. Exlev presided. Good attendance. Ad jutant Armstrong spoke of Peace in t*v Home Life and rece|\>ed a vote of thank* Posies and letter* to he sent to Mrs Squire and Mrs. Hill. Mrs. W Bjr.ipson8 j r.ipson aranging for a Bring and Buy nt June meeting in aid of See meai’s Rest in N»*xx Plvmouth. Afternoon tea served. Inch -Kid Mrs. Mackinder gnx-e report of Convention Pianoforte solo by Miss Nicholl*. solos bx Miss Fenwick. Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Max-kinder

April 28.—Hearty meet inn. We * oi * t< \ ■ si tors. Portion* of L'oniiuiou l'i'eanl**iit’* address wort* read. I »ecldcd to hold further series of Sunday afternoon meetings to com monte on May J2th. Mias Wright gave a beautiful item "Mother” (Omitted lasi month.—'Ed. W.R.) New Ply mouth. May 1(0. Ml-s Drew r< elected an our representative on National Council. A letter was read from Mrs. Pery man re White Kibhon Campaign. 1 tedded to give a reading uni White Kihbon at n< \t meeting, nine members to take pert. Ad dress by Mrs. Ayckbourne on I’eace the subject. properly speaking, wss War on War An anti-war movement has been staffed ir. New Plymouth, and members of th W.C.T.U. were invited to a plildic meeting Vote of thanks to speaker. 11 VNt.AM I DInTHII I Anunolio. M»> .11. President in tin < li • r Very good attendance. A very cheerful ie i»ort of Hand of Hope w ns giv«*n. increased interest being shown in this department o( our work. K**veral members Attended Pe.-M . meeting and a splendid address was gix* n by Mrs. PurnelJ of Ihmolulu. Visit to be paid to Jubilee Home on June 14th. Ar rangements made to drnw up syllabus for another six months. Compet it ion for spong • ake: Mrs. II (»ood first; Mrs NichoFrem second. community singing enjoyed. Ai tertioon tea. IVnng'uniii I -.:«*t Max < '.«>«•. I tt' i m Secretary to writ** re Miss Andrew’s lecture on Pan-Pacific Conference. Members urg* • to attend Pem e Ihty meeting \i rangements made to celebrate White Ribbon Day Ex cellent paper on life of Frances Willard was repd. Mrs. H*> v\ reported favourable replies re organ!.* L.T.I* Sympathy with Mrs Franc 1 - Fu. <» 'in*-. F sided over by Mrs. Farr Mr. K Furr give interesting address on tumbling an t reeived hearty vote of thanks. Invitation accept* . to attend newly joined Hand of Hope Social evening. Afternoon tea. \1 lingiumi. Max 21. < hair o< ■* upieil bv Mrs. A. H. I Hixfleld, who stated that th* three alms of the W.C.T.l T . were Peace. Purity and Prohibition. A pianoforte solo whs rendered F»v Mrs. 'll. »'a\**, vocal sedo l*y Mbs M s'purdl**, ami a re«if.»t"in (>y Mb Kdim Watts. “War ami Pen-wa? tli suF*Je*-t of an address bv Mr Frank 1. Purnell, H.A., H.M.. pastor *• lnge*tre Stie**t <’hureh of i hrist. m \ v \u vrt i>iwi ki« , IVilding Jim. T Fa r itten a* . Mi lluglics iti chair. Adjutant Itad'-l iTe g ive very Interesting address on "Th* Women of India,” among whom she lias worked as a missionary. Mrs. Park made the usual White Kibblei Day appeal for new sub s libers I'uliiutua. .1 un.tli** chair. 11 present. Heckled to buy 100 Peace Prayer ‘‘arils Ai ranged to hold a Peace meeting at Mrs. Paterson’s on June 13th. The White Kibboli I>a> piper 'a read by Mrs. Paterson. Tiie Secretary reud an artich showing the estimated loss to New /••aland through tin* liquor traff < . V *i*-s o sympathy were passed with Mrs. Roberts iiial Mrs. Johnson. The White lllbbosi l>n-. collect‘on amounted to 7/1 Mrs. Rian and Miss Gardner hostesses. IV ii a i -l<*:> Nun I 1 noon. Miss Moore presided over i good attendance. Miss O. Clausen. President of th«* newly formed Y Branch, M as V. \Vil.**o*i, l»evotional Superintendent, and M s.< F. Hui i* r. S • cut fti Superintendent, were iutt-odu-ed tr tin* Pa***ting. eaeh speak ng :-. fex words. Two new members were Itiit'a ed Mesdimes Ritchie and Russell. Mesdames C. S. Matthews said Ram contribut d *ongHn*l Mrs. Chittenden recitation* Mrs. IV J T* ri \ spoke upon "(Mir Need .” Miss Moore expressed the appreciation of ; .’l pr sent to Miss Terry for her v* rx helpful address. lIAII l\E’ v BAA MM UKT llioliiig- Max *24 (loud nttendawPresident In the eliair IVvotions taken |.\ Mrs. A*lJt. Montgomery A. I, and sn address given by Rev. C. B. Ho eg i« or* tin Fife and w or * of the late (»en*'r 1 Wm Hcoth Decided to undertake dahgiie for June meeting »o celebrate White Ribbon DaReports received from Vs, Hk-k mid Visit-

ing Committee and Home Meetings Stipsrin tendents. Peace I>a> celebrated. Ilnieloi-k North. June 1. Re nrd attend ;:n*-e, 1?* members, 1 visitor. 1 new member. !‘‘ legate gave -plesnlid rej»oi t of Convention Devotional meeting lield. Scientific fact vixen. Bring and Buy f**r Jum* meeting; also White Ribbon F>uy, memliers to **a*-li .i id -omi tlung of interest from the papei Napier. June 8. c,**od attendance of me n hers. Mrs. Owers, a I’hristi burch visitor, welcomed. Definitely dei-ldeil to carry cm Hand of Hope activities, and a I’oniniltte** was s**t up to carry on the work. Any Union rea.lng this, which has Hand of Hope material to spare, the Napier Union would I*** thankful for Its use. llttipaxxu. May 21 Mill attended. Mis J Hihli) took tlie eliair. Miss T. Johnson's r* -ignation accepted with regret, and Mrs Itibby paid glowing tribute to her wund**rful work as Recording Secretary for the past 25 years. Mrs. R. A. Pepperell appointed He* eniing Secretary. Mrs. Hibby read si-ien-t fl* ft t* ami extracts from tiie “Outlook,” ns xv ** 11 ns extracts pertair mg to Peace Afternoon tea served. Hostess, Miss A Hibby. Usi|i kii ran. .1 nm* 7. Fair attendance ' hit* Ribbon I •;«>-, tiie paper on the <»rg n was read by Mrs. Dixon. and one new ••'ill eriber was gained. Copies given 1 1* lembi't xx tio are not subscribers. Ifiind of Hop** xvor'x discuss*-1. Afternoon tea aerxed t*\ Mi--= Hunlett and Mrs. (Iroom. Wniciai lI.H. Mav S. Presided over bxMrs. Macdonald. Memliers stood m silence a- a mark of respect for their beloved Vice-President, Mrs. Pompet. The Presi-<i*->jt read report of School of Methods held it: H.i tings. Briny end Huy to he held at next meeting Afternoon tea serxed b> Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Stewart. V\ KLLINt.TON T. Ftn.oklx’i. Ma> 29 Mrs. Btewei preside*! Mrs. Webster read a paper on “Scripture* Temperance Lesson tireeting! *\ *.*re r**«-« i\ i'll fro mi Mrs. Sawiie- at Rotorua. Mrs. Nee xx rote re t h** annual * nations. Decided to s**inl cakes, produce, • . towards stock mg the shop in aid of V.W •’A. funds, also to assist during tli«* dax. Mrs. I‘u kering reported on Hible in Schoolp *neeting. Mrs. Hrew **r on the N.C.W. meeting. Mrs Hauilnt't gave a very encouraging talk on “Christ in the Homo,” showing that home liitU-s w ere not dlsp'sod by our Saviour. \ft or noon tea served Fiy Presbyterian ladies I hill ii* Id U || ■ Lli ton’s. F*' , air attendan*-c. r>**<-ide«l to forward 5/- to 1 »istr et Union to lielf* to make up a defl* <t in balance sFi**et. Members re iu»*sted to attend White Ribbon l>ay in Masferton on June 7tFi. Ter served an*l a vote of thumbs to Mrs Linton. (ireitown. M - 29. President In tiie chad Referee *• made to loss sustained through “pa sing on” of th»* late Mrs L tJrecthecd x ho was a foundation member, all present • t mding iu silence In niemorx of lu*r Re cr.-'t " iis expressed of ti <• serious illness of • • S* r**tar.. Mrs 'lorr son. Aet-ng **•■ re t rx • '.v*rneted to writ** letter <*f s'-mpath*-and encouragement. I ►*•< ided to forward 5.'- to Jubilee Convention funds Congratulatory letter to be sent to Miss Kirk on her appointment as N / President of N.C of Women Next Meeting at President’* home l-dunil Huy.- May Id Attendamce fair. 1 1< !*b-d to assist Hritish Sailors' Society at Street Day. Max- list. Mrx. Spencer gave fiei-ghtful talk. “A Woman's (lift.’’ Accord **<i h'-arty xote of thanks. One new ni**m1. r Preshvterlan ladi**s hostesses. lu*n«siin\ill** Ntax 10 Coin afternoon at tlie r.*yiden*-e of Mrs. Davies. An interesting address given bv Mrs. Mow loin o*n the aini--of tli*- Union, and one new member was n-t (••«] Afternoon tea. some competition and a recitation w er<* much enjoyed. I>owrr H**tt. Mrs. Hallatitx ne presided b':i r attendance, fi spo|ogi*-s received. Mrs Haig nt read a*M interesting news Item, and arrangements were made for a re union of oid members. Several accounts parsed for payment. Regret expressed that Mrs. Chis holm was unable to bp present. Mrs Humphries sul*)e t, ’’flirls ” a talk of help lid Inspiration, with brief mention of tli*Court of domestic relations and divorce in \tn«*r : *--i 'ii the oi*eriii'g remarks. Mrs Pa**'* voiced the warn- thanks and appreciation of tiie members Hostesses, Mrs Hnigent and Mr'. Teasdill. Plirmuerton. May 22. Fair attendance S*\er < 1 x (us* Band of Hope arranged to

be held fortnightly. An instructive addr*Kixen on “The Uses of Alcohol.” Upper llutt. June 24. <»oo*l atti-ndai Cliarai'ter study, Mary, the Mother of Jean suitable reference being made to Motlu-i-Day. Letter from our District Treasurer at*ont the *lebit balance of Jubilee Converi tion. Decided to send a donation at on< > As our Union was not represented at the recent District Executive, tiie report -«*nt Ii Mrs Peryman was verx much appre«-iat** by all. The dialogue. Past- -Present —Futunis to I** taken at tin next meeting, in prop*, form by the members. Owing to the refer •*n<** in District Executive report to the Niu Island Bisters, more information was asked for, and there was a request for a leeturt-c* on the work Hi the Island. This will 1 prepared for the July meeting. Wellington. June 7 Mrs. Mui ray pres ed. Tiie resignation of Mrs. Chl-holui is President on account of 111 health was accepted with regret. Mrs. Murray, Vice-Pres d*ait, xvns appointed until the end of tinpresent year. A report of the D strict Ar* t of the Alliance gi.en by Mrs. Murrav. As ; was White Ribbon Day, a paper hi tinform of a dialogue, written by Mrs. Peryman, was given by five ladies, and prov**<l very interesting One new member and another on transfer trom Tiinaru wel*-oni*. Tea served. Wrllingtn fcntrul. Miss Kik presid* 25 present. Our la*.igue of Kiitloiia Soviet* representative, Mrs. Israel, ga\«* an interesting report on its work and made a plea for more* League uiendiera from 1/- to 1 guinea a year. Miss Kirk spoke of the Oonvention resolutions, xxhili showed tli good work done. An All* k|-iiid \ isitor M - Chaplin sa*:ig beautifuljx^-. Mrs llaidd a’<l her helpers serveil afternoon tea. lN»\otioi: Mrs. Harry. NFI>ON IIhTHKT 4'ollinuxxiMMl May 10. Hex* n pre-sen Pai***r read from Mr** F eld giving a*-ount «»f Convention. A s|>e*-ial efTort to be im<l to collect funds for Willard Home. ID to b** sent to Headquarter.*-. Fund. Afternoon tea. MARI HOROI fill DISTRICT. Itlenlieim. Jun«* 5 Mrs. Hnitth in tFn- • hair. 12 pres«*nt. Scientific fact for the day, “The j leverage use of alcohol is not really necessary to the highest exercise of individual and social life.” Mrs Htewart read an imp ring paper on our White Rib bon Bow. and an interesting dialogue on our W.R paper was given bv 11 memberBoth it* s greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Madi! thanked tlio-i* x\ho had taken part. Itb-nliei in. Max 15 Mothers of Little White Tlibboners esitertained, about 7b pr<--sent. A very liai>pv evening speid, game eoiiiniunit> singing, competitions songs an I recitations, under direction of Mrs A. M Mills. Mrs. Sinitii welcome*! tb** guestMrs. Hraddixk reported 650 children o Cradle Roll. Dainty supper provided b I’niisi members, and im*etitig close«l wifi “Auld Lang Syne” and “C.o*l Have tb** King.” T a Mu '-i n M * 1 M Smitli spoke *»f the work of W.t’T.U. and xoutli work. Mrs. Rodg»-rson on ways and means of getting new subscribers for our paper, the White Ribbon. One new member. D-iintv afternoon t f *a Relief parcel* opened ami mam useful articles distribute'! NORTH 4 Wililtltlin DISTRICT. f'brl«*tclif*rcl». Max- 9 Peace !>nv. Mi** Henderson presided. \ erv good attendani • Mr*. 11. It I.ow g ive a most inter* stintaddress, mu> h appreciated. 11 present Joined tin* League of Nations Union Mi'V 21. Mrs. Richards presided Mi--* Musgroxe wrote asking for help in th*Hand o r Hope work. Mesdatues Richard n*nd Wood' appointed delegates to Hand of Hope Unton Miss Have Far gave a hr ** : outline of tiie general scheme of work linx being I ni l >»d on F>y tin* Uneinjdoyed Dept Also thanked tin* Christchurch member who attend cvcrx- xx****k to Fielp with th sewing and sorting of < lot lies. (ire> iMouth. Max 29 Small attendan* * Interest Cn. letter from Dlstrb-t Secretar' npo>n c,*nv* ntlon. Wli-te R*bbon Itay pape' Past. Present, Future, was read l»> the He* retarv, ami commented o*i w'th much int«*i e«t t.y members. Resolved to see that pnpe.« w er** loft at Rail wav Station waitin'' roor in future Mrs Parkinson, w itli regret. transferred to Nelson. Next meeting

White Ribbon I);ty. KeHihttl to hold some Hidings at the H a dors' Rest thin year. kampoi.—May. Good uttcuilun «*. Presi.teiit *.i the chair. Temperance fact, "Alcohol « rcatM a craving for itself tliat can t»c satisfied by taking inert alcohol.” lit* temporal)' ** exam: Decided tc» call for ,ntrio.-, Mrs. Blackwell and Mrs. ll.nalilt give the necessary instruction. Address ■ y t aptain Allott reporteil elsewhere. Oxford. May la. Good at tcmlam *•. Wr hit. 1 weather, Intercessions for world peace Farewell to Mrs. Gainsford, for oxer 2»» ears a most loyal unul helpful member. Many tentitled to her willing help in all Inanchea ol our woik. Mrs. Gainsford in reply told of her love for tlie work. Solos li\ M’ss J Whyte and Mrs. Park. Afterti tea. Mims Vest.) Waterman appoint).i S> retary. Temperance fact by Miss I’avorlull. H 2s donated to 1 Branches and uual donations to Organising and N.Z. Funds. ra|Hinui. May b. Combined Peace mcetiii. with Belfast and Styx. Mrs Griiham presided. Mrs. I«ove gave a very intorestum uhlrese on League of Nations. Items b Miss Peggy Borgfell, M* ."dames Le Brun and Donald. Reef I on. —May S. Mrs. Thomson preside) Mi Waddell read a hymn. Miss WatsoM prayed and Mrs. Thomson read a portion nf Sc ripture, mid Miss Swil/.ei served aftei noon tea. Kicmrtoti June 1. lJeliglitful afternoon ,it the residence of Mrs. C. W. Barrel!. Our 40 present. An Interesting and in *tn. live report from National Council of Wi.inen given by the President. President spiikc of the unemployment and appealed for donations towards ltelief Depot. A tnusiprogramme arranged b] Min Iwm \l* hurry was given by Misses Joan O'Neil and Irene Mi harry, pianoforte duet: Mrs. W. II Mirrell. piano solos; Mrs T Commons and M>- Dorothy Handers, vocal solos; Miss 1 Mih.irry, a.iompnnist. President thanked tin- pci formers. League of Nations liters tui■ - and White Ribbon distributed. Heart: vote of thanks to hostess. s«*fton.—May. Mrs. Thorne in tin* elm r. ■Miss Ashworth at the organ. Mrs. Wills, late of Blackball, welcomed. Very good attendance. Mrs. A. Ashworth gave seasonal • I ne remedies (colds, ’flue, etc., taken from < leaflet from Literature lH*pt). Mr. and Nit-- Mackie gave very interesting talk oil iv-n «• and Disarmaments; iiiurh enjoyed and .1 vote of thanks passed. Mrs. Rosevearc pp aled for suitable literature. White Ribbons ami such like, for distribution in a 11 le back block mining settlement. After ’inin tea served by Mrs. Rolllnson. "preydon.— ?*ay. Fail attendance. lb v J Robertson gave n talk on Peace, and all us felt our responsibility In the duty of ' ultivating a spirit of peace in all our relationships at Home and abroad. Miss Muirhead was hostess. drn hum. May 3. Social afternoon. President welcomed visitors. Invitations -1 \ • n to attend Mrs. Low’s meeting on May Huh and to \is t cashmere t’nion on May -'.nd . An address to be given by Mr. R. M Laing, M.A. Afternoon tea served. Com petitions won by Mesdames McKenzie and Lanyon. Vocal solos given by Mrs. Roger, and R. E. Voller. and elocutionary Items bv Mrs Windsor and Mrs. Hutton. Hearty vote thanks to performers and organisers. \\ ext |H»rt . May • preooat Mr.- P ded. Tw o new members. ('apt. Baunwer • -h\c educational address «>n "Five Moral Evils—Drink. Gambling, Darning. Theatre nd Sabbath Sports." Mrs. Parfltt elected President and Mrs. Saunders Evangelistic Superintendent. 10/- to travelling exes. "(M ill l ANTERHI K\ DISTRICT. Vshbrton. —June 5. Good attendance <>n White Ribbon Day, presided over by the P strict President. Sympathy with Mr .1 M t-on and family in bereavement, letter'd cheer sent to sick members. Decided to •■lrib tie with other organisations in arrangng a meeting for Miss E. Andrews. Pres - 'ent W.T.A., on her return from Honolulu Mr: F Johnston. President Mid-Canterbur v Kxei utive of W.D.F.I’., spoke oni the work tig done by their organisation. Tea wa--••rved and a delightful little programme "as submitted by the following:—Solos M \| Lewis; Recitations. Misses L Robin •it and c. Hopkins; a three ad play, P; it Present —Future” of W.R . by Mes •ii •• ■ Rubiiisoii, Watson, Tullo«’k. (k-born.

Holmes, Sister Mildred, and Misses L. Rob iMson ami B. Corbett. A successful appeal was made by W.R. Agent for new subscribers, and with a very hearty vote of tbanks to all who had contributed toward, the success of W.R. Day, the meeting dosed with Benediction by Sister Mildred. Leruldiue June 5. Mrs. Borrel! preside' Mrs. Pratt ley led devotions. Decided to semi letters of sympathy to those in trouble. AfteriuuKi tea provided by Mesdames Alley. Coursey and Couling. Discussion ensued on trying to get fresh interest in our meetings. Decided to have a social afternoon, when every member will be invited, and also have the privilege of bringing a friend. Will hold a small Bring and Buy stall as well to help replenish funds. Mrs. Borrell read interesting extracts from the W.C.T.I’. Handbook lekila M Cronne presided. Sympathy to be sent to Mrs. Breach in her illness. Miss Edith Ken ward appointed Band of Hope Secretary. Rev. W. 15. Moore gave a very interesting address on his work among the Maoris at Otakou and was heartily thanked. Afternoon tea lice teases, Mesdames Breach, Blackley and Kapley. One new W.R. subscriber. Tnmika June ti. Fairly well attended. President presided. Mrs. Smith gave report of Dbtrict Executive. Temuka members to visit Pleasant Point Union at an early date. Mrs. Adjutant Brown gave a much appreciat cd address on “Home,” basing her remarks on the hitter verses of 11th eh. of St. Luke. Afternoon ten provided by Mrs. Black more. Timnr.i. May.- At Sailors' Rest. A good meeting. One new member. Vote of sym palhy to Mrs. McDonald in the death *>f her on All an gem wit s made for tin* ban<|Uc : The convention report was presented by Mrs Cave. The Sailors’ Rest report showed that two over-aits steamers and the ‘Diomede*” visited the port during the month, and 5o visitors paid 200 visits. Books were received from Mrs. Brine and Miss Gilliugh. in and two records from Mlrs Turnbull. June. —At Sailors’ Rest. Recommendations from District Executive were received. Report of recent banquet showed a wonderful success. Peace Day. Mrs. B. H Low. M.A., gave interesting and educative address on present developments of the League of Nations, and was accorded a very hearty reception, {teamans' report showed 250 seamen paying 750 visits, two Sunday teas and three services were held. Mothers' Day service being given by Salvation Army officers, and white flowers and Mothers’ Day curds given to each seaman. Papers and book-, were received from several member*. OTAGO DISTRICT. Bab bit b;i. June 5 President n the chair. Letters of sympathy to two members who have lost relatives. White Ribbon Day observed, and paper read by Mr. Davis, aiso report of District meeting, and discussion followed re alcohol in chocolates. Roll call answered by a temperance fact. Talk re Band of Hope programme and forthcoming Temperance exam. Decided to take lh copies of W.R. for free distribution, hoping thereby to extend interest and gin new subscribers. Afternoon tea. One new member. Dunedin Central.- June 5. Fa r attendance Sister Nora, Vice-President, took the chair Peace meeting. Mrs. Alexander conducted suitable devotions. Inspiring and instructiveaddress on lntc*rnational Peace delivered by Rev. E. L. Tuck well, for which a very heart \ vote of thanks was accorded. A resolution bearing on Disarmament and Traffic in Arms was carried unanimously. Decided to hold Jumble Sale in July’. kaikomt. May 29 Mr. Me Kinnon’s ad dress at Executive meeting was read and discussed. An article from the "Outlook." "Jubilee of a Great Movement.” was read Members were pleased to learn that eight of our young people are desirous of com pettng m the temperance essays. M<i»Ngiel.—May 15. Mrs. Bedford presided Attendance very small. A very tine address by a lady from Dunedin on the Liquor Trade* at Home Deputation of ministers received to see about us carrying on the Band of Hope this winter, which Mrs. Bedford and helpers agreed to do First meeting to le* on the Ktli inst. Pledge repeated. Vi:. \ alley. Ma v m Gray pres Rev. A Austins gave helpful editress from Proverbs. 2b chapter, verses 1 and 4, and was heartily thanked. Mrs. Sanders financial stnteinerit. Wry -at sta l>*i

Oaniurti. May 14 Large attendance. Miss Smyth presided. Ensign Hutchens took devict ims from St. Luke's Gospel, "Jesus Him--elf drew near and went with them." Miss ' ovvhii read le< turette on "The effect of Alcohol on the body temperatures.” Mrs. Souness rendered a song. Two new member initiated. Peac® Day. Miss Smyth read an iutc irstHiig report of a talk given by Mrs. B. 11. Low of Timaru. Owuku. May 2. Social afternoon, good number present. Secretary read "Facts ibout tin* W.C.T.U.” Musical items and afi'-riioon tou. One new member joined. I’oii r lialme-s. May 10. ,'i.nual Meeting. Mrs. Mirams presided. The annual report showed good progress for the year’s work, the* attendances hating improved and in - tere-t in temperance work being well maintained. Miss Gray, District President, presided over the election of officers. Pres., Mrs. Mirams; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Tait, Flower and Price; See., Mrs. Macpiiersoti; Tri»a*., Mrs. Smillie, assisted by Mrs. Price; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Farquharson; Cradle Roll Supts., Mesdames Mirams and Tresldder; Devotion’ll Leader, Miss Johnstone. Miss Gray gave a short tulk o»n Temperance work. "Ol IT!LANI» BIMTCIt T. liert’. —May 22. Miss Robertson presided. Peace Day observed. Prayers for World Peace. The President stated that where God raises up a man to do a special work in the world He* selects the parents and the home :n which tlie child shall be born. In the Bililc* are three outstanding illustrations, Samson, Samuel, and John tlie Baptist. In each case the parents feared and honoured God. These illustrations showed that scientific temperance was practised under Divine instructions long before it was discovered by the medical men to whom we owe so much hi these days. Next meeting White Ribbon Day. Invercargill Central.—June 5. President presided. Good attendance. Major Schroeder .eel the devotions. A paper for White Ribbon Day v. is read, those taking part were Mi.- Brass. Mi -es Birss and Sadlier. Solos were sung by Misses Ashley and Sadlier. Afternoon tea served, tl donated to White Ribbon fund.

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White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 465, 18 June 1934, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 465, 18 June 1934, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 465, 18 June 1934, Page 7

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