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News of the Union.

Report' MTST,— (I) lUikli Kdltor by *th of month. (?) Be written in ink. on one *de of tlw paper only. (3) Ur short and to the point. \l ( KMM). March 6. flood., atteiniliiik.*. Mrn Cook preaided. Mrs Took and Mis*, Paul delegate* to Convention. Mr* blutcliinson. of Melbourne, received a heartV web ome to the meeting; she la l»ayLg *'visit to Auckland after five yearn ahKt .nce in Australia. She gave a very inter* at Mg account of hoiii* of the departincut.-, of work taken up by her Union In Melbourne. She is Superintendent of the .sum'llme, or relief work among the women b,tid children in the alum part# of the city. ■ •armeiita made from old stockings are sup--1 lied Pledged group* of women are enrolled. T*-in iterance and Bible Classes are ],tken up in connection with the ( tty Mission A free Kindergarten ha* been start«d by the W.C.T.U., to which the GuvetnL|«nt give* ass.Ht.ince. Three paid members are employed by the Union. Eighty Children attend, and good work la done. AHATAI'I -TK KOI*!'Ill —Feb. 8. Mrs Godfrey presided. Each member asked to 1 ting one or more saleable articles for Nai • i i Mias i MrfeW) asked to ac t as Supt. of L.T.L.s. Extracts read from ' Making tli»- Most of Life.” It.XI.LANt K. Feb. 28. Sevm members [present. Mrs Handcock occupied the chair, and read an interesting paper on the life land work of Frances E. Willard. Ways and means of helping the National Fair were discussed. A dainty afternoon tea was served. ItKOOKI.VN. Feb. 27. Mrs Brewer presided. Good attendance. Copper Trail cards are to be returned before Convention. Thanks tor parcel* sent to Timaru and New Plymouth Keainen’s Rests. Mrs Brewer delegate to Convention. Report of District Executive. Mrs Lynn spoke on the National Fair. Tea served by Presbyterian iladies. Bring and Ifuy well patronised. III.LMIKIXL—March fi. Mrs Smith presided. Forty present. Scientific Fact by Mrs Stewart, “Alcohol dulls and deadens; water purifies and strengthen*.” liecided that the Central liand of Hope he affiliated with our Union, and a committee of eight member* e as set up, to be responsible for tin first s x meetings. Splendid lot of artel-- brought in for Grand National Fair. Mrs Wood side read an inspiring paper on tlie life and work of Frames Willard. HALUI.I Til A.—March (5. Mrs Clark in the chair. "France* Willard lkcy.” Mrs • lark read very interesting paper, telling of France* Willard, w lien just a c hild, living with her p irc iits. Mrs McLean read portion from ‘ White Rihboii," also speaking of Franc-os Willard; how she led the fight for the home, for personal purity, for the rights of tin- children, for the uplift of women. Reported fl !£s kd copper trail money sent way; also good collection of articles for lln- National Fair. Feb. 13. Mrs Stone (Salvation Army) entertained at a farewell social. Splendid attendance, and a happy time spent with i 11 u s l l a I items and games. Mrs Stone had hoc n a willing worker, and always ready to ;m- <( in any way. Mrs Stone’s farewell me >;ige to friends was the text, "Keep yourselves in the love of <»od.” * \IM llM'ON.—March 7. (»c.od attendee. Mrs T\ ler presided. Mrs Butler " “i ccinfotting Scripture lesson. Mrs Shir- •• t lie* Temperance Fact. Mrs Porter then I; ivc interesting ad.iress on "British and foreign Bible Society.” Mrs Tyler delecaie for Convention. A dainty afternoon T " 1 s ' i\ccl hy the hostesses. < llltl'Tt ||| Kt 11. Feb. 13. Miss Hen'l"i s*»n presided. Miss Sargent appointed ladle Holl Supt. President paid tribute to '' '■ '’"lk of Miss Good child, who resigned to go into training for mission work. ' '*b is. Miss Henderson presided. ln--'t it on to 9th birthday of Styx I'tiion. •hibilee Home ten on March 29th arranged ■'•i Reported £l3 for copper trail. Mrs • L. Taylor gave address on "Mental DeReaolved: “That the Govern-

ment he urged to establish psychological clinics, as provided by the Mental Itefec tlves Ametidiiient Act of 192*. Government he requested to establish homes for adult feeble-minded persons, as provided by Mental Infective* Amendment A< t, 1V28." Mrs Day and Miss Gordon delegates to Convention. 1)1 \ I DIN < EMK XI . —M b •. Fa i attendance. Mrs Hiett in chair. Mrs Didham, who is leaving for Hamilton, a brief message. Gifts brought for Otago Court at Jubilee Convention Delegates to Convention: Mesdame* Rain. Angus, and Hotting. Remits carried: (D Restoration of the 2/(5 to old age* pensions; (2) taxation of women of small fixed incomes; (3) urge Government to gra-nt no further permits for Art Unions; (4) alcohol and motor drivers; (5) prohibition of newspaper reports <.t criminal sex eases; (f) misleading statements in advertisement# of alcoholic liquor■; (7) alK>litir<n of Sunday excursion trams Illuminating address by Mrs Hilliker on "Liquor Question in the* United States. I m \ tVi day, ill I Road Methodist Hall, 2 pm. Pres. Mrs Aulcl. Tenterden Avenue, Mt. Eden; \t< e Pres.. Mesdames Clark. Fenton, and Hudson; Ret . Sec., Mrs Chappell, Grange Road; Cor Sec., Mrs Clark. 129 Balmoral Road, Mt Eeleii; Treas., Mrs Evans, 5<5 King Edward Street. Mt. Eden; “XV K ” Agent, Mrs O’Donne I. Grange Road, Mt. Eden. BARGAVILI.K.—Feb. 13. Sympathy sent to our loved President, Mrs N. O. White, absent through illness. Interest ng paper on “Temperance” read by Mrs Simmons. Interest taken In Jubilee Convention ant! Sale to he held at Wellington. Benediction. Afternoon tea. DALKCTKLD at Mrs Lir.ton's. Itegret expressed at un avoidable absence of our President (Mis Ordish). Members asked to attend meeting in Carterton on M.-rch Tt'i to mce*t Miss Me Lay and decide on a delegate to Jubilee Convention. Cheese* and other gifts to Ik* sent to the National Fair. RKYOM’ORT. Feh Mi W illiams pr* sided. Work for the year was drawn up President read a paper for Frances Willard I»ay. Afternoon tea provided. PEI I .DIM>. Feb. 1. Small attend m* c. President in chair. Mrs Spem »• appointed delegate to Convention. March 1. Very Interesting address hy Rev. E. O. Blamirea on B hie in School# Movement. Mrs Spem-e reported last Executive meeting held In Palmerston North letter from Mrs Lynn in connection with National Fair. Resolved to donate £1 Is to N.Z. Fund. I I N( <>l It I on Feh. 22. Mrs Bartlett presided at both meetings. The extra meeting took the form of a social afternoon, and item- were rendered by Miss Taylor and M ss F< ist. T' was also a sale of vegetables, fruit, etc. A u* money received to be sent to Wellingtc.M .or the forthcoming Convention. GUI LYNN.—I presided. Small attendance. The President was appointed delegate to the Jubilee Con vent I cm. Arrangements made to help with the Fair. Mrs Kasper gave a stirring address, fittingly commemorating Frances Willard Day. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Ijewis and Dickinson. UREYTOVIN. five present. Remits carefully gone through. Miss Oates and Mrs Morri*uxi to canvass for g'fts for National Fair. Mrs H. Morrison ejected delegate to Convention. Invitation to White Ribbon Day at Masterton accepted. < •( ME.Robertson presided. Mrs Hired, delegate to Jubilee Convention. was instructed to vote in favour of the issue* of £1 debenture* toward liquidat ng the debt on Headquancrs letters of thanks received from Willard Home and Sister Eleanor. Pound Day to be held in March for Victoria Home. Feb. 23. Mothers and children of the Cradle Roll entertained. Pleasant time spent m games ami amusements Rev. II C. Orchard gave a talk to the mothers. Afternoon tea served. U K ILIUM sided. Mrs Hotherway welcomed bar* af ter her recent illness. Mrs Captain Moore* welcomed to the Union. Mrs Borrell delegate to Jubilee ' 'onvention. and w ill take any gifts for South Canterbury stall at the

Fair. Dine u.-sioti was held on the remits to come Ik*fore- OonvftMlon. Afternoon tea. HAW PICA. —Jan. 3t». Sixte en present. Mis Exlev 111 the * hair Mis* Douglas gave a most Inspir.Mg address for the New N ear, letter of thunks Horn Secretary of the Willard Home tor donation and parcel of goods for Christmas. Mrs Spavin and Mi* Sharpe delegates to Distric t sent to Seamen 8 Rest 111 New 1 Sy.uoutli. Discussed sending a delegate to We 11. Mg ton Jubilee Convention. Afternoon tea. iii \ iii K'i m. the- eliair Mr* Hannon read Temperance Sc ientific Fad, and was appointed Supt. oi that Department. Letter* of sympathy were sent to tour members. The Life of Frame* Willard was our subject for afternoon reading and disc ussion. Arrangement* were made to help with Jul„V> celebrations rext month. Money donation to he sent, also parcel of hooks and fruit were promised. Afternoon tea served. IIIRI HANOI. tug attendance, presided over by Mrs Hrierly. All present stood in silent sympathy in memory of the lata Mrs Drake. Item* hy Captain Gower. Miss Tuck, Mrs Foote. Mrs Keatings, and Mrs Fenney. Regret at losing Captain Gower expressed. Speec hes by the Rex. Thomas. Mrs Briefly, and Mrs Hawkins were suitably replied to by Captain Gower, who expressed her regret at leaving loyal friends in North Auckland. II |SI IN(— Ft ' meeting. opened by Mnc c ook with "Thoughts on Prayer.” Frances Willard pay was observed, and collection t awarded fot World Missionary Fund. Willard Home jam jars are to be returned full at March meeting Mesdames Hiekniott and Hudson elected as dc b-g itcs for Convention. Remits read, and delegates left free to vote. Two Home meetings reported, and nixie sick folk visited. Jnrden Party report rec-elved, and Iti voted to Jubilee Fair, and i 4 towards Organising Fund. After general discussion regarding Garden Parties and Hayaar* as mt la >-raising ventures, it wa* unanimously decided to try Direct Giving for 1934. a special Freewill Offering Day to he arranged towards etui i>l year. Treii surer congratulated on healthy 1933 hulaneesiieet; oxer £29 collected, and oxer £2B -.pent! (Congratulatitun*! Not economy, hut wise spending, is our slogan.—Ed. "W.R.”) II VMM I ON. versary was lie In in St. Pau ’* Church Purlour, Mrs J. M. Jones presiding. Kite asked »le me in her* to take as their w at itword 1 »r this year God’s message to Moses it ,he Keel Sea, “Speak to the children of Isruel, tiiat U)ey go forward.* Pianoforte solos were render* i by Miss Jones and vocal solos by Mrs Atkmson. ' ladle Roll picnic to he Held on the 10th. Lemits for Convention lead and discussed, and the delegate instructed how to vote. .Members were urged to M*.id m their donations for the National Fa.r. A dainty afternoon tc-i served. II \\ EK \ Mrs Exley preside cl. Two upoiogics Mr* Hartman delegate to Jubilee » onvention. and members reminded of Naticnal Fair. Remits to Convention discussed. Jk*lcgate s report on District ( onveiit on react, and enjoyed by aii. Afternoon tea served by Mrs Sharpe. Feb. 21. Frances Willard Day. About SO present at Mrs VV. G. Hinipsou’a, Mrs iluy ward spoke oil “Franc es Willard.” Afternoon tea was provided by the hostess. Songs by Mr* Buchanan; violin solos hy Miss Betty Pinson; songs. Miss Hetty Mets«»n; elocutionary items, Mrs C. It. Walker. Aci ompaninitxits by Mrs Hu< hauan and Miss G. Purser. ' 'roquet com pet i tons were held on the lawn. A produce stall did brisk busitiess. £3 11s being the result. Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Simpson for her generosity, and a Imuquet presented to her. also to Mrs. It. J Squire, one of our oldest active member.-. I* I.ANI) BAY. Feh 21. Mrs Mow U i presided. Very good attendance. Members enthusiastic over forthcoming Jubilee Convention. Mrs Brown delegate to Co*.ivention. Gifts for stalls for National Fair to be sent in as soon as possible. Solo by Miss Paulsen much appreciated. Speaker. Mr* Lynn, organiser National Fair, accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Presbyterian ladies were hostesses. INYKKf Xitel I I. CKNTRAI.—M Mr* It. It. McGregor, our new president,

presided, and was accorded a cordial welcome by Mrs Walker on behalf of the Union. Social afternoon. chits for Baby Stall for National Fair. Wellington, received. Solos were sung by Mesdames I*. J. Wesne-y, Bobbie. .1. T Macdonald. Blue, and Misses Simon and <'ockbum. Miss Edna Kerra contributed a pianoforte solo. Mesdames Walker and Stevens delegates to Convention. Afternoon tea. KAIKOKAI.—Feb. 20. Devotions, pledge, business. Cradle Roll social, mothers and children taking part. Items were given by Mesdames Sutherland, Gilchrist, McKenzie, and McMurray, a song b> Pat. Adcock, a, c recitation by little June Hill, and Scotc and Irish dances by Jim Flett and Nancy Mathieson. M r s Dougin? Smith gave a very lielpfui address on "Mothers,” and how they haa to stoop to do humiliating and back-achhig jobs, l»ut were amply repaid when the little ones said, "Munimie, I love you.” So Christ stooped to save. It Is by stooping we become great. Votes of thanks to performers, and a l*>uquet to the speaker. Afternoon tea. KOHI >1 AKA HA-ST. IIKI.I Kit’S.—Feb 21 At Mrs Lewis Early's. Mrs Kasper presided. Address given on "The Life of Frances Willard" amd of the progress the W.C.T.U. had made during the 60 years of its existence. Remits for the Jubilee Convention submitted and discussed, also the questions with regard to the new |K)licy of the N.Z. Alliance. Members promised articles for the National Fair. Two new members enrolled, and one subscriber for the "White Ribbon.” A delight fill programme was rendered by Mrs C. Williams, Mrs Warburton, Mrs Lewis Cady, and Miss Statham. KAIAI'OI. -Feb. 2K. Good attendance, presided over by .*’r Carter and Mrs Vickery. Secretary rc|»orttu tiiat Mrs Stocking had con: nted to become President. Eleven new members proposed. Mrs Rinaldi delegate to Convention. amd a good display of articles donated for National Fair was shown. Reports were read by the off jeers. K Alt OK I.—Feb. 6. Mrs Wood presided. Good attendance. Full arrangements made for entertaining District Executive following day. Cradle Roll afternoon arranged. Appropriate New Year's message read by on * of the members. Afternoon tea. Two new members. I,E\ IN.—Feb. 9. Mrs Sorensen presided. Decided that the Band of Hope commence its session on April 6th, meeting fortnightly from six to seven in the evening. 1.1 Ml OOD.—Fel Mrs F. Greenwood in the chair. Arrangements made for the Cradle Roll picnic on March 3. Mrs C. R. A, Mackie ami MiWoods appointed delegates to Jubilee Convention. Mrs Mackie kindly offered the use of her home for a Garden Party, this being accepted. Mrs F. J. T. Grigg gave an address on "Alcoholic Menace to New Zca’..inu." and accorded a vote o' thanks. Afternoon tea served low I K in I I Pres dent in the chair. Mrs Rout ley delegate to Jubilee iV.ivent on. The remits were gone through, ami in mo t cas-s our Union was favourable to them, also to the debenture scheme. S.x members were appointed to help with morning tea o:i Man h 21st. Offers for six homes for delegates rcreived. Members were urged to make the Jubilee Fair a success by each helping and getting friends to help also, noth ng too snuill, nothing too large—all acceptable Motions of sympathy were passed to Mrs Aldcrsley on the Illness of her husband and " Jf.™ B r o * n ‘etter of thanks from the \\ (Hard Home. Afternoon tea served and Mrs Attwood expressed the hope we would come rtgam some tune MANTERTON.-Ma, presided. Good attendance. General disappointment was felt when our President announced that Miss c. M. lie Lay. who was to speak that afternoon, was unable to come on account of illness a pamphlet was re<ei\ed from M ss Henderson, dealing with the probable demands of the Trade, with a view to practicable \ orking for next licensing poll. Mesdatm-N McGregor and Morlce were hoste ses for the afternoon NORTH BRIGHTON Moranee presided. Good attendance Mi Harbands resignation was accepted with sincere regret. Mrs Mahan reported that a ihing und Ifuy held at her residence had proved a great success. Mrs Parker re-

ported having sent 12 ditty hags and a donation of 5/- to Seamens’ Rest, Timaru. Letter asking members to contribute to the Grand National Fair. Decided to send articles to Mrs Ularidge by March sth, who will forward them to Wellington. Mrs Ularidge delegate to the Jubilee tConvention. Mrs A. Florance was elected President, and Miss B. M. Harband. J.IV, ami Mrs D. Goldman Vice-Presidents. NAPIER. —Fch. 14. Welcome given to 29 present by President, Mrs Lewis. Mrs Venables took devotions, stressing the fact that "true membership’' did not lie In merely paying i« subscription, but in tlit* joining in tlie* active work of the Union. Madame Mercer delighted the audience with her rendering of Scotch songs, and Mrs Mac&lister gave reminiscences of Frances Willard. An address was ghe*n by Mrs Goffin (Salvation Army) on he - experiences as a young officer in Dublin NEW BRIGHTON.—Mrs It. M Hall presided. Scientific Fact by Mrs Moses «>,: "The Wines of Scriptures ” The Treasurer's annual balance-sheet showed a voc.,’ credit bal&m e. Mrs Fraser thanked, and report adopted. Mrs J. Dum-an elected delegate to Uonventioi, Arrangements made to hold a conversazione nr> March Ist, and the annual picnic in the grounds at the President’s residence on February 22nd. Mrs J. A. Watkins was listened to wnth intense interest as she gave a graphic description of a recent trip to England. A hearty vote of thanks accorded the speaker. NEOON Fi President In the chair. Stall-holders appointed for Jumble Sale o>n the 21st. Mrs Kraghan and Mrs Andrews delegates to Convention. Final preepara ttionh for collection of goods to he s< nt to Jubilee Fair. March <>. Mrs (’lark appointed Librarian, Mrs Walker "White Ribbon” Agent. Votes of sympathy pasted. N’.E. VAI.LEY. Fair attendance. MistGray presided. Remits for Convention discussed. Deep regret expressed at the removal of Mrs Miller, and high appreciation of her services expressed. Mrs Miller r - plied, and expressed her enjoyment of the association with tin- Union. Donation to N.Z. Fund. MA\ I’l A MOITII.—Feb. Frances Wil laid Day. Fairly good attendance. A paper o*n the life of Frances Willard g.ven by Mrs Malcolm; an appreciation of the great work of a noble woman, who was so honoured by her countrymen as to he the first woman to have her statue erected in the Hall of Fame in the Capital City. A concise report of the District Convention was read by Mrs W A. Browni. Waitara received spei ial mention for its good work during tin* year. Attention was directed to the Jub'lee Convention and Fair to be held this year and arrangements made for sending Ira ni | roduets and photographs. Remits to Convention were read and approv'd. Dee ded to send letter of congratulation to Mrs fhatterton, the oldest memlter of the Union, on attaining her 91st brthday. Afternoon tea terved, a*.id a collection taken up. OAMAKI . Feb. If. Mi Smyth presided. Fair attendance. Reference made to the death of Mrs Hut» bison, a valued member. Mrs Rr dgman submitted a report on the Cradle Roll Garden Party. Miss Smyth and Mrs T. C. Armstrong were appointed delegates to the Jubilee Conference. OW \KA.—Feb 7. Mrs James presided Ten present. Correspondence re Jubilee Bazaar dealt with. Mrs Keelty, on furlough from Sudan, spoke on the drinking habits and beer-making of the Sudanese Food meeting O' niKl)—Feb. 21. Frances Willard Day celebrated. Sacred solo by Miss Jean Comvns. Brief sketches of the life and work of pioneers of the W.C.T.U. given by members, the subjects taken being Mi-.-Willard, Mm Thompson (first President of the W.C.T.U.), and Miss Agnes Slack. ) N*cided to send a delegate to Convention. IX*cided to forward a donation of home-made cakes to National Fair. Cradle Roll rally jsvstponed on account of sickness among th-.* children. President expressed good wishes aid thanks t<* Adjutant aim Mrs FJintoff for help In the Band of Hope. One new member

ON Ell I N’t • A.— Feb. 8. Mrs Stacey prettied. Vrs St ace v elected Secretary. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Mount Joy; ' Cradle

Roll Supt., Mrs Bbkle; Home Meetings, Mrs Lavbourne. Syllabus adopted. An afternoon teacloth for autographs, beautifully inscribed by Mrs Hunter, to raise funds. Mrs Mountjoj we* elected delegate to the Jubi *e Conventual. Members asked to send gifts for the National Fair. A letter was read from Dr. Jeannie Craig telling of her aim a in Sydney. Recitation by Miss J. Mountjoy. OTAIItill .—Feb. 15. President (Mrs Kccersall) in tlie chair. Social afternoon. Musical and e’oeution items were given. Mr White, a blind man. sisike from the 16th chapter of St. Luke s Gospel, also Rev. J A Dagliah helped in musical part. Mrs \V. Taylor delegate to Convention. OHAKI NE.—Feb. 15. Mrs Farr presided Good attendance of members and two visitors. Mrs E. Karr gave an inspiring ad-dre.-s on the "Love of God.” Sister Marion. Auckland, gave an interesting talk übout missionary work amongst women and children in Mexico. Afternoon lea. PONSONBY. —Feb. 22 Miss Read pre sided A social afternoon, and a welcome was extended to Miss 8. I'yie. on a visit from Honolulu. She brought greetings from the friends in Honolulu, and also spoke of the work of tße W.C.T.U. there. Gifts were brought by members for the forthcoming National Fair. Mis-. Read elected delegate to Convention. Mrs Kasper gave a short talk. A sole* sung by Mrs Lew s, entitled "Thanks be to God.” Aiternoon tea. Pi.l MM EKTO.V Mrs Hooper In the chair Miss A. M. McLay was introduced, and pre sented with a bouquet. Her forceful and interest mg address was much appreciated, and at Me close sht* was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The day for meet luff was changed to the first Monday of each month. Mrs c Uimnins delegate to Convention. PATAKI ILt. Fi b Mi Garlick pres d ed. Mrs Mi gave a most instructive and inspiring address. Plans for the drawing up of the syllabus were discussed with Miss McLay, who was cordially thanked for her address and assistance. New member. Mar.-It. Mrs Garlick presided. Mrs Baulf contributed a solo. "The Stranger of Galilee," which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs Yule read an rrtic-le which dealt with tire value of ,\ omen’s influence. A paper taken from an article by Mrs la-e-Uowie on ’The Wines of Scripture" was read by Miss Cooper. I*l KEKOIIE. — Feb. «. Fourteen present. Mrs Esc-ot piesided. just returned from Eng land. Sympathy with her in the loss of her daughter there. She gave us a mo.-t interesting talk on hei trip. IMIJIEIMON NORTH. Feb. Miss Moore presided. Fair attendance. Afternoon tea s>*r\ed by Mesdames Thompson and Hardisty. Miss McLay spoke on "Who wants the child?” It was a splendid address, and while appreciated bv those present, was worthv ot a much larger gather mg. Vote of thanks accorded the speaker. REMI ERA. Feb. 20. Ver> good attendance*. The President, Mrs H. Ka pel*, welcomed the guest of honour, Ml s Susie* Pyle, of Honolulu, who gave an address. Arrangement' made for the Jubilee Convention. 16/- was voted to the National Fa r to buy goods for the Auckland court. Mrs Wright read a paper on "Frances Willard." Remits for Convention discussed, and the proposed new policy of the N.Z Alliance. Items were rendered by Mrs Percy Winstone, Sister Grace, and Miss Read. One new member and one subscriber to "White Ribbon." KHTAHTOX.—Feb. 8. Mrs C. W. Harrell presided. Small attendance. Correspomlen.* re g.fts for National Fair. Members asked to supply parcels. Mrs White delegate to Convention. Mss Dempsey reported having collected £7 5s Id for Jubilee Copper Trail. Mrs Woodlward rendered two vocal solos. Invitation to Sydenham Union to visit Riccarton Union in near future. Hand of Hope opened. March 2 Arrangements made for two members to dispense afternoon tea fci future. Two new "W.R." subscribers gained. Being Frances Willard i>a>'. President gave a short but interesting review of the life of Dr. Elsie InglD. Mrs Snowball dispensed afternoon tea. K\» YAI.I.EY. Feb. 17. Mrs M Neal preside*,l. Headquarters asked members to contribute towards the Fair at the Jubilee Convention Agreed i* send a box. Mrs Williams delegate to Convention.

KKKJTUN. —Feb. 13. Ton present. Mrs Human, newly-elected President, in tlie ■ hair. Oorrespondcin e read in connection with the VationaJ Fair. Decided to send a parcel. Afternoon tea served by Mrs Willis. KAKAIA. —Feb. v Good attendance. President presided. I’ledKe and Temperance Fa* t. Roll called. Three bricks sold. A letter of thanks and appreciation from Secretary Willard Home Mrs Lynn wrote asking for help for National Fair. Decided to send £1 donation and a parcel of gifts. Report of Executive by Secretary. Treasurer’s report showed a credit balance of £1 17s Id, with 21 paid-up members. <’ladle Roll Supt. reported having 4 mem hers. ’ W.R." Agent reported II subscriber*. Decided to ask Rev. and Mrs Morrison to speak at the March meeting. Miss S. (>ukle\ and Mrs A. Wilson deh gates to Jubilee <’onvention. Mrs Hoax; and Mrs Saunders presented Mrs A. Wilson, who has been recently married, with a beautiful hand-painted cushion and fruit bowl. Mrs Wilson su tably responded. One new member. Afternoon tea. s-|'V\. Feb. Mrs Donald appointed delegate to Jubilee Convention. Members asked to make an article for Jubilee Fair. The ‘Jth birthday social to he held on March 7th. First Hand of Hope to be held in May. sVDF.NIIAM. —March I. Good atto.nlan< e. Mrs Woodwood presided. Mrs Davns appointed delegate to Convention. Mrs Davies gave a talk on Temperance work, riong •> a member. Afternoon tea served, firing and Huy Sale April sth. >KFI’ON. —Feb. Mrs Thorne presided. Decided to send a delegate to the Jubilee Convention. and to send contr butions to the Grand Fair. Mrs Ford served a dalntv afternoon tea, during which a dis« us-.ion on preserving fruit and tomatoes whs very much enjoyed by members. Collection in aid of the Frances Willard Fund. s| KE\DOV—Fel>. 13. Good attend an* e, Mrs Pirrett in the chair. Mrs Lowry gave a very licait.-carching talk on "Purity,” and appealed to the mothers to wi.selv enlighten their children as to the fact* of life. The National Fair appeal was discussed, and promises of help given. One new member. s\ I 1 AS A\ EM E. At i \t li first ordinary meeting of the ucw ly-formed Sylvan Avenue Branch of the Womens Christian Temperance Union, held in the Friends’ Meeting House, Mt. Eden, on -Mb February, the chair was taken by Mr. Hugh Kasper, District president. .Miss Pudney, President of the brunch, led the* devotions. Miss M Jennie Street, of imndon, was the guest of honour, and gave an inspiring address on the international work of the W.C. T. E. The speaker stressed the importance of bringing In new members and enlisting the young from the cradle up. She spoke of the need for continued education in Temperance. and urged each Enion represented that afternoon to attempt even more than they were doing. Among those present were Miss Read (District Vice-President). Mr** ciarke (DPtr! t Treasurer), Mrs Neal il**minion Supt. for Scientific Temperance), and representatives from eight local brandies, who had come to encourage the new l’nion. (\\ elconie to our new branch. May it grow ami prosper.—Ed. "W.R ") ">1 MNKR.— March 6 Mrs Mulcock presided, and the Rev. Martin gave a talk on The Principles of Psychological Suggestion" and tlie use that could he made of it by l nioM.s of workers, specially those wort - ing for Christian aims. Me dailies Kilnci and Gates were farewelled. Two new* members. Miss Kilner read an amusing sketch. A Bring and Buy tea real sed £5 for the National Fair. TKMI KA. —Feh. 1. Garden Sale at the home of Mrs Elder. Interesting address l> Mrs Aitktnhead. Good results from the stalls, which were arranged In various parts of the garden. Appreciative thanks to our ho -teas for the use of her grounds. Feb. 9. m* s Hew son presided, 12 members present. Jubilee Fair discussed. Report of Executive meet'ng Afternoon tea provided by Mrs Hevvsoii and Mrs Buck. March 2. Mis Hew son presided, 14 members present. Mrs Hewson delegate to t 'invention. Cradle Roll afternoon to be

held on the second Thursday in April. Hostesses for afternoon, Mrs Douglas and Mrs Cross. TEA MARINA.—Feb. 20. At the Parsonage, 19 present. Mrs Burroughs in the chair. Cradle Roll picnic report. Correspoudence re Convention read. Mrs Burroughs delegate to Convention. 10/- donated to General Fund. A collection for Willard Home resulted £1 Os t>d. Material for clothes for the needy soon found willing workers to make it up. Afternoon tea served. TAI RANG A.—At the President's. Very small attendume. Garden Party had been arranged for, hut could not be held owing to rain. Various matters d.s« usscd. Decide 1 cirt uiara be sent out re coining National Fair. Afternoon tea. ( PPER lII TT.—F, l>. 22. Very fine meeting. Mrs Spencer in chair. Gave five-minute chaiacter study of Miriam. RaImb to be tne next one. Report of District Executive. All interested in Jubilee Convention and National Fair. Mrs Sp<xi-<i-r delegate to Convention. Mrs Gellcn Supt. of Cradle Roll lH*pt. Miss A. MeLay gave a splendid address on the great advertising campaign in the Homeland and in New Zealand. A hearty vote of thanks given her. Good attendance. Afternoon tea served. WAIMATK. —Feb. 11. Mrs Roy presided. Small gathering. A beautiful address by Adjutant Scarlc whs much appreciated. M< inhere were asked to send a bumper parcel to the Comention. Mrs Palmer delegate to Jubilee Convention. Afternoon tea. Pianoforte polo bv Miss Gladys Palmer. W 111 IN(*1 <>\ 4 INI K XI Poryman presided. A message of love and sympathy to Mrs Evans in her illness. ( Tadic Roil Hupt. reported 50 extra on Cradle Roll. A number of letters of thanks from parents. A good recitation by Mrs l.«ong on "The woman who tries to make her home happy.” Miss A. McLay the speaker oni arrangements for hospitality for Convention. Women had been fearful sometimes in preparing for a Convention, hut what tlie funds needed had always been gathered in. If we draw ncßr to Cod. God will draw near to us. The Union is represent* d on the Hospitality and Jubilee Fair Committed, All members asked to send *i contribution to Headquarters or INiir. and help serve in Fair and make it known. M I.nTPOKT.—June 13. Mrs Parfltt (.resided, nine ladies present. Exhibition! of garments made from old stockings for babies in iic.-s on fields. Bright tajk by M;-s Saunders (Salvation Army officer) of two great ladies in the Salvatwm Army mission fields in Japan. One new member. H EIXINI .ton —Feb i Pn bv Mrs H. Chisholm. Final arrangements for the forthcoming Jubilee Convention made. Mrs Hirst elected delegate to Convention. Tlit* remits were read by the President, and agreed to by members, with one exception. Mrs Lynn spoke on the W.C. T.c. Fair to be held in the Blue Triangle Hall this month, and urged member: to do nlj m their powei to assist, as we needed more funds for the work. Every Union in New Zealand is contributing money or goods to .-ell, and there was need of many helpers for the stalls, etc. Maori members, sin said, were also assisting. Tea wns served by Mesdames Loashy ar.d Rowe. \\ INGANI I EAST Fi pathv with Mr and Mrs Larking. Pre jd*Mt, in weh om'Tig tin* members, expressed a hop** that the new year would be a specially mreeasful one. Cordial welcome given to Mr-; Irwin, who Rpoke of the “White R hbon" paper, and displayed a beautiful banner, which may he won hy the Union winning the greatest number of subscribers ■a 12 mouths. Garden Thirty to be held at Mr- L*. m il's residence on 6th March. Mrs Walker deleg.v.> to the I>nminion Conference. 5/- for the Copper Trail. One member Initiated. Resolved to meet on the second Thursday, instead of on the econd Wednesday, the next meeting to be held on the Bth March.

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White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 462, 18 March 1934, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 462, 18 March 1934, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 462, 18 March 1934, Page 7

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