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Held in Invercargill, March 15-22, 1933. A united Conun union Service was held in First Church, the ministers in the district taking part. Convention opened with reading Crusade Psalm and prayer, led by Mrs Hiett, Vice-President. Mrs lliett gave a greeting from our President. Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, March 16th, 1932, were read and confirmed. Greetings were received from Mrs Evans, Mrs Cook, Mrs Field, Auckland, Wellington, Ashburton, Nelson, Oumaru, Wellington Central, Dunedin Y, Greytown, New Plymouth, Waiuku, Napier, Christchurch Y, and Spreydon Unions. Appointments: Courtesies: Mrs Ott and Miss McCallum Lette '-Writer: Mrs Day. Reporters— Invercargill Dailies: Mrs Wood and Mrs Brown. “Outlook”: Miss Gray. “Baptist”: Mrs Keen. “War Cry”: Mrs Aitkenhead. “Methodist Times ’: Mrs Gihnour. “Kechabite”: Mrs Pirrett. “Southern Cross ”: Mrs Roy. Correspondence was received from: Mrs Lee-Cowie, Miss E. Gordon, Mrs Ella Boole, Bible-in-Schools League, British Commonwealth League, Six-Point League, Nationality of Married Women Pass the Bill Committee. Greetings out: Decided that greetings he sent to Mrs Taylor, Mrs Don, Mrs Evans, Mrs Bendeley, Mrs Ella Boole. Keconiiiiendatio s from the Executive: That if not Liken before, the Corresponding Secretary’s Report shall be taken after the President's Address. That Mrs Peryman open the discussion on Jubilee Plans of Work. That Mrs Wilson take the chan on Friday evening. That Mrs Lowery be timekeeper for the Speech Competitions. That Impromptu Speeches be limited to three minutes. That the Report of the Y Conference be taken after the “White Ribbon” Report, and that orders for Convention number lie not taken until after the resolution dealing with the printing of minutes has lieen dealt with. That the Y Conference he permitted to elect their own President, subject to the approval of the Dominion Executive, the terra of office not to exceed two Conferences. That Miss C. Mcl>ay s action in asking Miss Appleby to act tor this Conference be endorsed. That members of Convention and members of Unions meet at the Post Office for Church Parade at 6 p.nt. on Sunday, ai.d march to the Methodist Church, procession to be head* d by the S.A. Band.

That the invitation of the Borstal Superintendent for this evening lx* accepted. That Mrs McGregor take tin- chair for the President’s Address. ed by Miss Kirk, seconded b> Mrs Bennett. —Carried. Further Recommendation. That the sum of £IOO l>e transferred from the Maori Fund to the General Organising Fund. Moved by Mrs Pasley, seconded by M rs Lowery.—Curried. 1 teasurer’s Report. Miss Lovcll-Smith presented her report and balance-sheet, and moved their adoption. Seconded by Mrs Walker. — Carried. New Zealand Fund. The Treasurer then appealed lor donations to the New Zealand Fund. Noontide. Four verses of hymn 60 were sung and prayer offered. Notice of Motion. Miss Henderson moved the notice of motion standing in her name: “That, seeing that the Y In ions now have an established Conference of their ow n. the Senior Convention revert to its former practice of permitting women delegates only.” Seconded by Mrs Aitkenhead.— Carried. Meeting closed with the Benediction. Thursday Afternoon, March 16th. Devotions were led by Mrs Lowery. Thanks. The President expressed the thanks of the officers for the beautiful bouqu* ts presented to them at the Reception, and thanks also tor the excellently arranged Reception. Roll Call. The President drew attention to the eapital shop-window display arranged by the local Union. Minutes of morning session were read and confirmed. Resolution. MissC. McLay moved: “That the resolution carried this morning, that the Dominion Convention revert to its former practice of admitting women delegates only should not come 4 nto force until after the Jubilee celebrations of our Union next year.” Seconded by Mrs Wilson. —Carried. Greetings were received from: Mrs Duxfield, Mrs Every, Wanganui E., Devon port, Invercargill, and Balfour Unions, and the South P.A. Afternoon tea was served by the ladies of First Church. The President expressed the thanks of Convention for their hospitality. President's Address. Before giving her own address. Mrs Hiett read an address from our President, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Kasper. Adopted. Votes of Thanks. Mrs Peryman moved: ‘That a very hearty cote of thanks be sent to our Dominion President for the ringing note

of triumph running right through her address. Seconded by Mrs Kasper.— < Carried. Mrs Hi* tt began her address with a note of praise, and stressed the call to service. rihe asked that Union meniht rs take for their slogan the words, “The line shall not break where J stand, for w e keep the charge of the Lord our God.” Miss Henderson moved: “That Convention thanks Mrs Hiett for her address. and that it »>e printed in the ‘White Ribbon.’” She moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Keen. Carried. Resolution. “That we aim to inc rease oui membership by 2000 before next Convention.” Proposed by Mrs Lowery.—Carried. “The line shall not break where i stand" was sung my Mrs Donald, Mrs Woodward playing her accompaniment. Corresponding Secretary s Report. Miss Henderson read and moved the adoption of her report. Seconded by Mrs Pirrett. —Carried. Conv* ntion expressed its thanks to Miss Henderson. Mrs Lillico charmed Convention by singing “Give Me Youth and a Day,” end “You’ve Got Your Mother's Eyes" as an encore. Letters of greeting were sent to Miss Harband, Miss Powell, Miss Eurnshaw, Mi. FI vans, and Mrs Don; and letters ol sympathy to Mrs Helyer and Mrs Edmond. The I‘resident announced an Executive meeting for Fiiday morning at h 13, and a meeting of the Resolutions Committee on Saturday at ‘J am. Meeting closed with tile Benediction. Friday, March 17tli, 1933. Devotions led by the President, the keynote being Contentment through the indwelling of Christ. Roll Call showed that 70 delegates w* re attending Convention 23 making their first attendance This is exclusive of Y’s. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. li adqiiui ters Report was presented by Miss Kirk, who moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Pirrett. Financial Statement presented by Miss Lovell-Smith, who moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Walker. Decided that both reports be discussed together. Doth reports carried. \ *des of Thunks. Mrs Lowery moved: “That a very hearty vote of thanks be passed to Headquarters Committee.” Seconded by Mrs Alexander. —Carried. Vote of thanks to Mrs Ross, caretaker, was passed w ith musical honours. Headquarters Committee. “That the present Committee, consisting of Mesdames Peryman, Brewer, Porte. Priestley, Aldersley, Chisholm, Hull, Israel, and Misses A. and C. Kirk, lie re-elected, with power to add to their number.” Moved by Mrs Pirrett, seconded by Mrs Bambridge.— Carried.

Imports. Anti-Gambling: Mrs Pirrett moved the adoption of her Report. Seconded by Mrs McKechnte. —Carried. Backblocks: Mrs Moyes moved the adoption of her Report. Seconded by Mrs Lowery.—Carried. Bible-in-Schools: Mrs Swan moved the adoption of this Rej>ort. Seconded by Mrs Bennett. —Carried. Rands of Mercy: Adoption moved by Mrs Keen, seconded by Mrs lledford - Carried. Birthday League: Mrs Cilmour moved the adoption of this Report, seconded by Mrs Pirrett.—Carried. Bulletin: Mrs Kasper moved the adoption of this Report, seconded by Mrs Wilson.—Carried. Dominion Library: Miss Henderson moved the adoption of the Report, seconded by Mrs Moyes.—Carried. Educational Bureau: Mrs Alexander moved the adoption of the Report, seconded by Mrs Moses. —Carried. Evangelistic: Adoption moved by Mrs Swan, seconded by Mrs Gilmour. —Carried. Flower and Philanthropic Work: Miss Kirk moved the adoption of this Report, seconded by Nurse Griffiths. —Carried. Hostels. Rest Rooms, and Refreshment Booths: Adoption moved by Mrs Peryman. seconded by Mrs Aburn. —Carried. Noontide. The Noontide Hymn was sung, and prayer followed. Reports Continued. Literature: Miss Lovell-Smith presented the Report of the Literature Department. and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Pirrett. —Carried. Meeting closed with Benediction. Friday Afternoon, March 17th. Devotions led by Mrs Paterson. Minutes of morning session read and confirmed. Greetings received from Gonville, Blenheim. Aramoho, N. Invercargill and Levin Unions, and Mr Pirrett, Mrs Jones, Mrs Neal, the Dominion Executive of the National Council of Women, and the Wellington Branch of the National Council of Women. Reports Continued. Organiser’s Report: Miss McLay presented her Report, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Mcses. —Carried. Greetings received from Y Conference. Miss Henderson moved: "That greetings be sent to the Y Conference, and onr expression of thankfulness tlu’.t no more serious injuries befell the young men who were travelling by car.” —Carried. Mrs Alexander moved: 'That a letter be sent to Mr Clements, who, through injury to his head, is obliged to remain in Dunedin.” Seconded by Mrs Burrell. - Carried Re|>olls. Notable Days: Mis Bedford moved the adoption of the Report, seconded by Mrs l iu mhridge.—Carried.

Sabbath Observance: Adoption of Report moved by Mrs Swan, seconded by Mrs Keen. —Carried. Afternoon tea was served by the Methodist ladies, to whom a very hearty vote of thanks was passed. Greetings. The President extended a very hearty greeting to the Y delegates who had come in for afternoon tea. Plans of W ork. The President asked for Plans of Work. Miss Henderson made the following suggestions: That each member find out what is being and will be done in her own Church in Temperance work. That every effort be made to intensify Temperance teaching in Bible Classes and Sunday Schools. To prosecute with vigour the work of Bands of Hope, and make every effort to establish Bands ot Hope or L.T.L.’s. Mrs Roy suggested taking names from the telephone book and getting into conversation with those who may, or may not, be interested in our work. She had got ten new members in a week n that way. Reports. Good Citizenship: Miss Gtay moved the adoption of her Report seconded by Mrs Aburn. —Carried. Home and Mothers’ Meetings: Mrs Chisholm moved the adoption of her Report, seconded by Mrs Tanner. —Carried Legal and Parliamentary: Miss Henderson moved the adoption of her Report.—Carried. Maori Work. Mrs Kasper moved the adoption of the Report, seconded by Mrs Walker. —(’arried. International Correspondence Bureau: Adoption moved by Mrs Wilson, seconded by Mrs Moses. —Carried. Press: Adoption moved by Mrs Altkenliead, seconded by Miss Watson. —Carried. Mrs Pirrett moved that a letter of greeting be sent to Miss Trevu za. Press Superintendent.—Carried. Meeting closed with Benediction Friday Evening, March 17th, 1933. Chair taken by Mrs Wilson. Devotions led by the Chairwoman Minutes of afternoon session read and confirmed. A short time was spent in singing favourite hymns. The Y Speech Competition was then taken. Subject, "Alternatives to Prohibition.” Speakers in following order: Mr S. Guthrie. Mr Cliff Deans, Miss Gertie Buck, Mr Churlie Booth. Mr B. Curie. The judge, Mr McAllister, gave decision that the three following be recalled on Saturday evening:—Messrs Curie, Deans and Booth. Vote of thanks: Mr Guthrie moved that a very hearty vote of thanks be passed to Mr McAllister.— Carried. Plans of Work for Jubilee Convention. Subject introduced by Mrs Peryman, who made the following suggestions:— That we try to have a Vice-Regal Reception. That one evening there be a spectacular demonstration

That there be a Praise Meeting, with short speeches. That there be a Festival of Memory afternoon. That there be a March on ’’arliament —one speaker on "Racial Poison.' That there be an evening display by Vs and L.T.L.’s. Members were asked to consider these suggestions, with a view to discussion later. Meeting closed with Benediction. Saturday, March IHtli, 1933. Devotions, led by Mrs McGregor. Roll Call. Minutes of Friday evening's meeting read and confirmed. Greetings received from Mrs Nome, Mrs Speight. Church of Christ Women's Auxiliary, Southland Methodist Young Women’s Bible Class Union. Palmerston North W.C.T.U. Greeting out: Decided that a greeting e sent to Mrs Norrie. Resolutions. “That a vigorous protest be made against the loan of £BOOO from Unemployment Fund to assist in rebuilding a Napier hotel.” Mover, Mrs Aburn; seconder. Mrs Kasper.—Carried. ‘That the attention of Government be drawn to the iniquitous handicap imposed upon women of small incomes by requiring the pa> rnent of employment tux upon incomes of over £2O, and that an exemption of £52 be suggested.” Mover, Mrs Bedford; seconder, Mrs Aitkenhead. —Carried. “That the Government be urged to restore the 2/6 per week w hich is being deducted from the Old Age Pension.” Mover, Miss Gray; seconder, Mrs Stephens.—Carried. "That the Education Department be urged to include Temperance lessons in the School Journal.” Mover, Miss Macandrew ; seconder, Mrs Adcock. —Carried. "That the 1/6 required from Unions to keep the Organising Fund financial become a levy on the Unions, instead of a voluntary contribution.” Mover, Mrs Harrell; seconder, Mrs Lowery. Amendment—Mrs Peryman moved as an amendment: ‘That Convention urges Unions to realise their responsibility to the Organising Fund, and that no Union raise funds for any outside object until it has fulfilled its obligation to this Fund. ' Seconder, Mrs Walker. —Carried. "That where some definite issue in connection w*th our movement is before the Dominion, an active house-to-house canvassing campaign be inaugurated by the W.C.T.U., in order to revive enthusiasm in the movement for the abolition of the sale and use of alcoholic liquors.” Mover, Mrs Gilmour; seconder, Miss Henderson.—Carried. “That steps be taken to re-introduce the Local Option vote.” Mover, Miss Henderson; seconder, Mrs Peryman (both pro forma). —Thrown out. "That Convention re-affirms the necessity for establishing Public Boards of Control in connection with Mental Hospitals.” Mover, Mrs Bennett: seconder, Mrs Kasper—Carried.

Noontide Hymn and Prayer. Letters received from Mrs Taylor, Miss Slack, Mrs Polmeur (President S. Africa), Mrs Ella Hoole, Mrs Ida 13. Wise Smith, Miss Campbell (World’s Evangelistic Superintendent). Mrs Pirret* jave a greeting from Mrs I'athenne Gerrard (World Anti-Gamb-ling Superintendent). Meeting closed with the Benediction. Monday, March 20tli, 19313. Devotions conducted by Y delegates. Addiess by Miss C. McLay. Keynote, "Fear not.” Star of Honour. After Devotions, the President presented Mr Bruce Curie, President of North Christchurch Y's, with a Star of Honour. Roll Call. Minutes of Saturday's meeting read and confirmed. The President asked Mrs J. Walker, who is a veteran worker of over 32 years’ standing, to come to the platform. Mrs Walker was heartily received, and stated that the Bluff Union would shortly celebrate the 32nd birthday of its Band of Hope, which has been conducted by the W.C.T.U. for the w hole of that time. Greetings were received from Hawke’s Bay District and Inglewood Unions. “White Ribbon" Report and BalanceSheet presented by the Editor, who moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs A burn. —Carried. Y'ote of Thanks—Mrs Barrell moved: “That a very hearty vote of thanks lie passed to Mrs Peryman." Seconded )y Miss Watson. —Carried. Editor of “W.R.”—Mrs Keen moved: “That Mrs Peryman be appointed Editor of “W.R." Seconded by Mrs Moyes —Carried. Business Manager—’That Mrs Peryman be appointed Business Manager." Mover, Miss Kirk; seconder, Mrs Barnbridge.—Carried. Grants to “W.R.”—Mrs Robinson moved: “That the sum of £35, and £5 telephone allowance, be paid from the N.Z. Fund. ’ Seconded by Mrs Pirrett. —Carried. Mrs Gilmour moved: “That a grant of £2O be paid from ‘W.R.’ Fund." Seconded by Nurse Griffiths. —Carried. Y Conference Report, presented by Miss C. McLay. Miss Henderson moved: “That the Report be received." Seconded by Mrs Wilson. —Carried. Y Organising Report, presented by Miss C. McLay, who moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Moses. —Carried. Noontide Hymn and Prayer. Y.P.C.T.U. (Y’s) report, presented by Miss C. McLay, w ho moved its adoption. Seconded by Mrs Pirrett. —Carried. Letter of Thanks. Miss McLay moved: “That a special letter of thanks be sent to Miss E. Matherson, who had made a very generous contribution in embroidering and crocheting the quilt."—Carried. Vote of Thank*. Mrs Lowery moved: “That a very hearty vote of thanks and appreciation

be passed to Miss C. McLay." Seconded by Mrs Stephens.—Carried. Printing ot Minutes. Miss Kirk moved: “That we revert to the practice of printing the Minutes of Convention in the ‘White Ribbon.’ ” Seconded by Mrs Tanner. Discussion adjourned until after lunch. Meeting closed with Benediction. Monday Afternoon, March 20th, 1933. In the absence of Mrs Hiett, the chair was taken by Mrs Peryman. Devotions led by Mrs Peryman, and a message from Dr. Mary Armor was read. Minutes of morning meeting read and confirmed. Discussion re printing of Minutes resumed. —Resolution carried. Corresponding Secretary’s Report— Miss Kirk moved: “That Miss Henderson’s Report be printed both in the Handlxiok and ‘White Ribbon.’ ’’ Seconded by Mrs Pirrett. —Gained. Convention Numbers —Mrs Peryman asked for orders for Convention Numbers of the “White Ribbon. ’ Report of Maori Work —Discussion held over from Friday afternoon resumed, and the resolution carried. Peace and Arbitration—Adoption of Report moved by Mrs Moses, seconded by Mrs Donald. Discussion adjourned until after afternoon tea, which was served by the ladies of St. Paul’s Church. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to these ladies. Invitation—Convention was invited by the South Union to visit their Hail at the close of the session. Song—A song, entitled “Spirit Flower," was sung by Mrs Wilcox. A recitation, “What We Need," was given by Miss Holland, who gave us an encore "Something Good.” Both received the thanks of Convention.

Discussion on Report resumed. Members expressed their thanks to Mrs Low'. Report adopted. "Little White Ribboners" Report— Adoption moved by Mrs E. C. Smith, seconded by Mrs Bedford. —Adopted. Bands of Hope and L.T.L.’s —Miss Henderson moved the adoption of these two reports, seconded by Mrs Moyes.— Adopted. Prison and Reformatory—Miss Gray moved the adoption of her Report, seconded by Mrs Bedford. —Carried. School of Methods —Mrs Pirrett moved the adoption of this Report, seconded by Mrs Donald. —Carried. Scientific and Medical Temperance— Mrs Kasper moved the adoption of this Report, seconded by Mrs Swan. —Adopted. Vote of Thanks—Mrs Wood moved: “That a vote of thanks be passed to Miss Drew, who acted as examiner.— Carried. Report of Sunday’s Sermon —Mrs Pirrett moved: “That the sermon given on Sunday night be printed in one of the newspapers, and that Miss Jamieson be appointed to ask Mr Olds to prepare the notes for the printer.” Seconded by Mrs Pasley.—Carried.

Work Among Seamen —Mrs Keen moved the adoption of the Report, seconded by Mrs Robinson. —Carried. Greetings—Nurse Griffiths moved: ‘That greetings l>e sent to Dr. Mary Armor, " seconded by Mrs Rhodes. —Carried. Meeting closed with singing of Temperance Do oology and the Benediction. Tuesday, March 21st, 1933. Devotions led by Miss McLay, the keynote being Peace with God. Roil Call. Minutes of previous session read and confirmed. Greetings received from Mrs Bendeley, Mrs Bathgate, Te Kuiti, Island Bay, and Gisborne Uni ns. Letters of thanks received from Mrs Don and Miss Powell.

Notice of Motion. “That Article 11. of the Constitution for District Union be amended by addition, after the words ‘ex-officio Vice-Presi-dents,' etc., of the words 'and one other member of the Union.’ ’’ Moved by Mrs Barrell.

Resolutions. "That the Government be urged to open a register for unemployed women.’ Moved by Mrs Bedford, seconded by Mrs Aburn.—Carried. “That the W.C.T.U. undertake an investigation of cinema picture programmes, and prepare data, with a view to bringing about an improvement in the tone of the moving pictures exhibited in New Zealand." Mover, Mrs Paterson; seconder, Mrs Pirrett.—Carried. Miss Henderson moved: “That Wellington Central Union be asked to set up a Committee of Investigation of Films." Seconded by Mrs Paterson. —Carried. “That the Education Department be urged to take steps to prevent school children from being used as agents in promoting raffles.” Moved by Mrs Balneves, seconded by Mrs Pirrett. —Carried. Election of Officers. Appointment of Tellers: Proposed that Miss McLay and Miss C. McLay act as Te 1 lers. —Ca rried. Dominion President: Mrs Taylor (unanimously elected). Vice-President: Mrs Hiett (unanimously elected). Corresponding Secretary: Miss Henderson (unanimously elected, with musical honours). Recording Secretary: Miss C. Kirk (unanimously elected). Treasurer: Miss M. B. Lovel 1-Smith (unanimously elected). Kesolut ions ( out in tied. “That the Council of Christian Congregations be asked to press the claims of the W.C.T.U. upon the women of their Churches.” Moved by Mrs Kasper, seconded by Mrs Keen.—Carried. I hat the District Unions he instructed to arrange that the above resolution relating to Christian Councils be carried out, and also that they should urge all Unions to wait upon the ministers and women’s organisations of their various congregations, and bring before them

the elaints of the W.C.T.U," Moved by Mrs Lowery, seconded by Mrs Keen. — Carried. * where work is being done by a I'r.i n, and there is no Superintendent for unit department appointed, the Secretary '>e asked to report on tl.e work.” Moved by Mrs Kasper, seconded by M**s I ’irrett. —Carried. Meeting closed with Benediction. Tuesday Afternoon, March 21st, 19113. Devotions led by Mrs Wilson. Minutes of morning session read and confirmed. Greeting received from Mrs Judson. Resolution re Censorship of Pictures Mrs Lowery moved: “That the Board of Censors- should consist of five persons, two chosen by the Minister of Internal Affairs, two by the Minister of Education, and one by the Film Industry.’ Seconded by Mrs Swan. Mrs Lowery was granted leave to withdraw her resolution, and move the following:—“This Convention urges that a Board should be set up to censor Picture Films, some of the members of such Board to be women, who shall be approved by the National Council ot Women.” —Carried. Presentation of Banners South Invercargill Y's. Increase 86 iB6O per cent.). Membership Banners—Actual increase, Nelson, 35; percentage, Dargaville, 69 per cent. Congratulation—Mrs Wood moved: “That a letter of congratulation be sent to Dargaville Union.’ —Carried. Afternoon tea was served by the ladies of the Baptist and North Invercargill Presbyterian Churches, who were heartily thanked by Convention. Presentation of Banners (continued) L.T.L., Nelson, increase 36. Cradle Roll, largest roll Nelson, 770. Band of Hope. North Brighton, largest number cf pledged members, 102. Thanks —A letter was received from Mr Clements, member of Y delegation who was left in Dunedin, thanking Convention for greeting. A duet by Mesdames I.ea and Cooke was much appreciated. School of Methods <>n Con titution was conducted by Miss Henderson. Vote of Thanks —A very hearty vote of thanks was passed to Miss Henderson. Meeting closed with singing of hymn 50 and prayer. Tuesday Evening, March 21st, 1933. Devotions led by Mrs Hiett. Minutes of afternoon meeting read and confirmed. “Progress Toward Prohibit ion.” Round table discussion. In the unavoidable absence of Mrs Peryman, Mrs Hiett opened the discussion. She was ably supported by Miss Henderson. Questions were asked, and much valuable information given. Session closed with hymn “All Hound the World,” and the Benediction. Wednesday Morning, March 27m1. 1933. Devotions led by Mrs Peryman. Keynote, “The necessity for usefulness.” Roll Call.

Minutes of Tuesday evening’s meeting read and confirmed. Resolutions. “That the W.C.T.U. strongly protests against Sunday excursion, mystery, and hiking trains.” Moved by Miss Henderson, seconded by Mrs Keen. —Carried. Birthday Cake. An interval was allowed, when members of Convention presented Mrs Peryman and Miss Henderson with a beautiful birthday cake to celebrai) the fact that they have completed 21 years of officersnip in the Union. After the candies had been lit and the cake cut, the little ceremony concluded with a verse of “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” Resolutions Continued. “That Convention is of the opinion that the gambling evil Is demoralising the community, .and it deplores the fact that the Government of the country is giving this evil every encouragement.” Mover, Miss Henderson; seconder, Mrs 1 ’irrett. —Carried. ‘That members of the W.C.T.U. and Y.P.CT.U. be strongly urged to refuse to take part in art unions, raffles, and guessing competitions, these all being forma of gambling.” Mover, Mrs Pirrett; seconder, Mrs Bedford. —Carried. Superintendents of Departments. The following were appointed:— Peace and Arbitration, Mrs Low— Moved by Miss Henderson, seconded by Mrs I‘irrett. Anti-Gambling, Mrs Pirrett—Moved b> Mrs Wilson, seconded by Mrs Angus. Bible-in-Schools, Sabbath Observance, Evangelistic, Mrs Cook —Moved by Mrs Swan, seconded by Mrs Moyes. Backblocks, Mrs Moyes —Moved by Mrs Pirrett, seconded by Mrs Moses. Birthday League, Mrs lirewins —Moved by Mrs Barrell, seconded by Mrs Donald. Educational Bureau, Miss Powell — Moved by Mrs Alexander, seconded by Mrs Walker. Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs Spencer Moved by Mrs Tanner, seconded by Mrs Bambridge. Home and Mothers' Meetings, Mrs Chisholm Moved by Miss Kirk,’ seconded by Mrs Moyes. Good Citizenship, Prison and R»formatory, Miss Gray—Moved by Miss Smyth, seconded by Mrs Bedford. Hostels, Rest, Refreshment Rooms, Mrs Upton—Moved by Mrs Peryman, seconded by Mrs Moses. Legal and Parliamentary, Miss Henderson—Moved by Mrs Walker, seconded by Mrs Keetley. Little White Kibboners, Mrs Smith — Moved by Mrs Peryman, seconded by Miss Tosh. Libraries and Librarian. Mrs Field — Moved by Mrs Robinson, seconded by Mrs Alexander. L.T.L. and Bands of Hope, Mrs Bathgat**—Moved by Mrs I’irrett, seconded by Mrs Moyes. V Work, Miss Me Lay—Moved by Mrs Wilson, seconded by Mrs Lowery. Maori Work, Miss Adams —Moved by Mrs Kasper, seconded by Mrs Bennett.

Medical and Scientific Temperance, Mrs Neal—Moved by Mrs Pirrett, seconded by Mrs Peryman. Press, Miss Trevurza — Moved by Mrs Robinson, seconded by Mrs Alexander. Work Among Seamen, Mrs Nome — Moved by Mrs Robinson, seconded by Mrs Day. Notable Days, Miss Webb—Moved by Mrs Peryman, seconded by Miss Smyth. Social and Moral Hygiene, Mrs Lowery—Moved by Miss Henderson, seconded by Mrs Pirrett. Literature, Mrs Wood —Moved by Mrs Peryman, seconded by Mrs Kasper. International Correspondence, Miss C«»\\ thorne —Moved by Miss Henderson, seconded by Mrs Moyes. “W.R.” Bulletin, Mrs Carr —Moved by Mrs Kasper, seconded by Mrs Bedford. School of Methods (n >minations two, Mrs Richards and Mrs Kasper). Election by ballot: Mrs Kasper, 36; Mrs Richards, 29. Mrs Kasper elected. Noontide Hymn and Prayer. Question Box. What are the duties of the Corresponding Secretary, especially in regard to handling of letters received? The Corresponding Secretary should write and receive all letters, and should read all letters received at the Executive meeting and the general meeting, if such correspondence concerns the full meeting. Should the Secretary of a local Union show (o the President a day or two liefore the meeting the correspondence that is to be read there? Not necessary, unless it is of particular importance. Is it permissible to allow dancing at, or following, any Y function? No. Are lapsed members, whose subscriptions are more than two years in arrears, entitled to wear the White Ribbon I »o w ? No; but very great tact must be used in approaching such person. It might lie best to ask her to come to your 1 ’nion. If delegates pay their own expenses to District Executives, is it regarded us a donation to the Union to which they belong? It can be so regarded, but Is not usually done. How long has the Cradle Roll been in existence? Exact time not known, but t is one of the oldest departments. How long can one Union go on winning. or keeping. Cradle Roll Banner? As long as it can fulfil the conditions. A second banner has been given, and the conditions governing its presentation will allow of its being won by small Unions. Is eight years of age too young to allow Band of Hope children to the pledge? No. if they clearly understand what they are doing. Session closed with the Benediction.

Wednesday Afternoon, March 22nd, 193 d

Devotions led by Miss C. Me Lay. Letters of thanks received from Miss Harhand and Mrs Norrie. Quest ions Continued. May a member of a V' Branch liecome a member of an adult Union and hold office as President of a Y Union? No. Should a V District Superintendent also be a local Superintendent? Nothing: to prevent. What should be the attitude of Unions toward assisting the N.Z. Alliance? When you have fulfilled your obligations toward your own and the Dominion Unions, do all you can for the Alliance. Minutes of morning meeting read and confirmed. Mrs Aitcheson sang “Nearer My God to Thee,* for which she was warmlythanked. Afternoon tea was served by the ladies of Knox Church and the Church of Christ. A hearty vote of thanks was passes! to them. Plans of Work. M iss C. McLay suggested that a Copper Trail would l>e useful. She fullyexplained tht best way of working same. Resolution: Miss Jamieson moved “That Convention adopt this plan." Mrs Kasper seconded.—Carried. Membership and Educational plans, as outlined in February “W.R..” recommended by the officers. Votes of Thanks. The President moved, “That a very hearty vote of thanks be passed to the Rev. C. H. Olds."—Carried. "That a special vote of thanks la* passed to Mrs. Pasley."—Carried. “That we warmly thank our Hosts and Hostesses."—Carried. “That our thanks be given to the entertaining Unions."—Carirod. "That our thanks be sent to the Managers of First Church”—Carried. "Thanks to the Letter-writer. Mistresses of Courtesies. Reports and all who have helped to make u> happy"— Carried. Southland District Union expressed the thanks of District to Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Roy lor the veryexcellent reports sent 10 the local papers. “That a very hearty vote of thanks l>e passed to the Rev. Mclntosh Carter tor arranging the Communion Service." —Can led. "That a he;*rtv vote of thanks he passed to th» Sunday School Superintendent. * —Carried. "That Convention thanks Mrs. Linnic lor her beautiful decorations, both ia Convention and at th** hall.** —Carried New Members. Three new members were initiated. Convention closed with the Service, page 109 in the Hymnal.

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White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 452, 18 April 1933, Page 2

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FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVENTION, White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 452, 18 April 1933, Page 2

FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVENTION, White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 452, 18 April 1933, Page 2

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