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News of the Union.

Reports MV ST 1. Reach the Editor by Kill of month. 2. Be written in iult, on one tide of tb«* |M|N‘r only. 3. Il« sliort ami to the point. AMIIK KTON.—IHt. fi. Annual meeting, presided over by Sister Mildred. V.P. Vote." of sympathy in bereavement. Letters of (beer and sympathy scut to a large number of sick members. Congratulations were sent to Invercargill South Branch on op* ning of new hall. The Rally stmg. ‘Tin Line Shall Not I!reak Where 1 Stand.” \ sung by Mrs Holmes and Miss Osborn, all Joining in chorus. Tea was served and annual reports read and adopted. Treasurer’s report, which was received with acclamation. revealed a small tied it balance. Of. fleers elected: Pres., Mrs M. Altkenhead; Sec., Miss E. Trevurza; Asst. See., Mrs D. 8. Osborn; Treas., Mrs J. Tulloch; VicePres., Mesdames Petrie, Irvhie, Verco, Brown, IfcEwer, Robinson, Sis. Mildred, and Miss Jackson; Superintendents wen* reappointed, with exception of three hel«t over. Appreciation expressed of Mrs Richard’s visit in November. Left with Executive to arrange C.R. Harden Party late In January, and draw up syllabus for 1933. and to be sent out *re <nd of year. (Jifl bags were hard* I m, and results of “trading'' made know n. Also parcels for Willard Home. Tlie usual Xmas greetings directed to be sent out. A comprehensive \ote of thanks was passed to all. including the ITess. and the meetings closed until Feb ruary. A HAT API TK KOPI K( . N*% 1< s,*v*n present; Mrs. Taylor presided. A booklet, “The Seven Wise Men of Preston.” wa read. A Ifring and Buy Stall realized 11s fid. for the Willard Home. Mesd *mes Taylor and Wordsworth served afternoon tea. ItAI.I.ANf K.—Nov 25 Mi II■<» .: „ presided; fair attendance. Member.* packed a case of goods for the Willard Home. The school children were entertained to afternoon tea. and sports. Many of the children brought a small gft to pack in the Willard Home box. Decided to adjourn until March. BIRKENHEAD. Nov. \m ing Hearty welcome to Mrs. Brocklehur t. Donation sent to Willard Home. Elect •«•,* of Officers. Mrs. Hrocklehurst was e'e* ted President; all other Off Vers re-e’ed* *l. Regret at Mrs. T* dd’s retirement. “L :tl< White Ribbcners” Party to be held ou Decern tier 3rd. Mrs. Berr- *n make ornn ; ments. Mrs. Brocklehurst to speak to tie mothers. We meet again on 2nd M, rch, 1933 BAINHAM. seven present. President nail short article from “White Ribbon.” We w ish to e 1 press our appreciation of League of Natm* paper, and suggest all Unions rea*l it. Cradle Roll Pimir on December 13th, or first fine day after. Two new nan • ; fot Cradle Roll. BBOOKI\n Mrs. Bawden presided; good attend imo Miss D. Sawden. L A. 11.. gave p a noforte m*'<> and Mrs. Dennett sang “My Task.” Mr-. Oittings read Balance-Sheet, and w heartilv thanked for her work', a- v. ns al Mrs. Pearson. Mrs. Webster gave i••ad* g Arrangements for Cradle ’toll Party. (Officers elected;--Pres., Mrs. lfrewer; Vl* •* Pres., Mesdames Rawden, Baudinet.; > and Webster; Cor. S’ec , Mrs. (Hlllnc K* Sec., Mrs Stinson; Treas., Mr . C, *t"g Assistant, Mrs Cracknel!; ’W.R" Nvet’t Mrs. Pearson; Assistant. Mrs Picket ng Cradle Roll. Mrs Butler; Hospital Anxlliiu Representative, Mrs. Pearson: Bc**it fl*- Tei - perance, Mrs Webster. Bouquets pr** a nt* d to Officers by Mrs. Pickering

BEI.FAVT. —Nov. flood attendance; Annual Meeting. Officers elected:—Pres.. Mrs. McLean; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Mote; Sec., Mrs. Rogers; Tn at , Mrs. Tart; t ladle Roll, Mrs. Price; ■’W.R." Agent, Mrs. Clarke; ”Y.” riupt.. Mis. Weddell. Rand of Hope and ”Y.” members were present. Miss McLay gave an address, "The Effect of Alcohol on the Blood.” Reminded members of Service :n Belfast Methodist Church, when the North Canterbur> "V’s" Executive members would take charge, behig part of their forward movement. « lIKIsTCHI lt< ll.—Nov. 9. Miss Henderson presided; good attendance. Mrs Ptnller presented with pos> of roses, hi honour of her Nfitli birthday. Mr. Uler* presented with long-service badg . Miss McLay gave account of work among Y Unions. Nov. 23. Cradle Roll Social. Miss Henderson presided. Kister Agnes gave short address to mothers. Musical and elocut.onary items. Special Committee served afternoon tea. Balloons ami toys were given to the children. Annual meeting on December 14. DALKFIKLIL—Dec. 1. Annual meetirg. officers elected: Pres., Mrs Ordish; See., Mrs lleyder; Treas., Miss Knowles. Mrs Tyler gave an address. Union goes into recess until February. 11l NK.IMN CENTRAL. —De< fi. Annual meeting; Mrs Hiett presided. Reference made to the death of Miss Nichol, a pioneemeniher and veteran worker in the cause of TetupaiMnee. Vote of sympathy passed with bereaved relatives. Annual report presented showing membership of 290, with faithful work done in all departments. Little White R bboners Dept, most encouragi* g. members)' t» 293. with 57 new balnea enrolled n.c- > ear. Treasurer's report showed satisfactory hr lance. One new member. Election of ot/icers: Pres., Mr* Hiett; Vice-Pres, Mesdames Dick, hot, Alexander, Miss Powell; Cor. S*** - .. Sister Nora Roe. S»*< , Mrs A. Dotting; Trias., Miss Macra.idrew. DEVONPOKT Nov. Mrs. Williams presented with a bouquet of rows, sweet peas and maiden-lia r fern. I: -ports of Officers and Superintendents of iH-partments showed good work dtsne. Collection for Willard Koine. Arrangements for children's Picnic made. Retiring officers were re-elected. Nov. 25. Cradle Roll and the L.T.L. t onne, ted with the Ih* von port Union were entertained by the members on Cheltenham Beach. Over a hundred children, with theii parents, sat down to tea; each ch hi received a dainty packet of sweets, work of Mrs. Wrack, the Cradle Roll Superintendent. |! IHI \\ II I I Not I. A mg; Mrs. N. O. White presided; .air at- : *.nlauce. Reports of Officers, also Dt.anceRh* et, r» id and adopted, rhowing good w ork done during past year, especially amongst tin young people. Mrs. Wordsworth. Cradle Roll Snpt . reports 11H ’Little White Ribb >r;er •“ on the Roll. Mr.- Bradiv, “White R bhort" Agent, has ‘i9 subscribers; she also j»u s "W h.“ paper *:i Plunket Rest Room, : :i<l r. gularly puts fresh literature in the W C.T U. Box at the Railway Wnltlng-room. Band of Hope meetings have been well attended, ami instructive addresses given cm “The Effects of Alcohol on the Organs of the Body and general Health.” Election of Officers:— Pres, Mrs N. O. White; VicePl ©s.. Mrs. F. Word-worth: Bec., Mrs M rtin (Turiwiri); Treas., Miss R Van R trn: Cradle Roll Bupt., Mrs. F. Wordsworth; "W It.” Agent, Mrs. D. L. Bradly; Band of Hope S* «•., also Reporter to “White R'hliou.” Mrs. Noh’o; Notable Day, Mrs Si moil-; Maori Sup*.. Mrs. Bonner. Mrs. Nob:** read a paper on “Beware of Medicated Wines.” President thanked all Officers of Hip past yenr. Afternoon tea. and mceti: g concluded with Bring and Buy Stalk wh ch real'red 21s.

MlVO’l. Nov. 2 fi. Annual Meet * g, field at the home of Mrs. Carr, (»reenlnne; very well attended. Mrs. Neal presale. I, and welcomed Mis* C. M. M* Lav, who .* ft* rw ards gave a fin** a*-count of her visit to the King Country, and the gr*ntt peed of Temperance work among the voung people. Reports of all Departments of work were given, showing that steady interest !•< being maintained in these. Mrs. Kasper spoke of her L.T.L. work, and invited nil to the Xn.i- Tr*-i

Evening on Saturday, December 3rd. Arrangements made to have L.T.L. commenced in (Jrcenlaiie. The follow,*ng officers w r ere elected:—Pica., Mrs. Neal; Vice-Pros., Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Kasper, ami Mrs. Ben fell; See. and Cradle Roll, Mr*. Carr; Treas., Mrs. Armstrong; “Wh te Ribbon,” Miss Kattirfeldt; L.T.L., Mrs. Ka per; Room Steward, Mrs. Worsley; Birthday League—Sei ieta y to act for present. IKMOIIM’. —Nov. 17. Annual Meeting, Mrs. Bartlett presided. Election of Officers: —Pres., Mrs. Bartlett; Vice-Pres., Mesuames Lea and Murray; Sec., Mrs. Smipsyii; Treas., Mrs. W. Beer; Cradle Roll Bupt., Miss Rickaril, Assistant, Miss Voyle; “W.R." Agent, Mrs. Tyer (Organist also; Telephone Sec., Mrs. F. Turner; Auditor, Mrs. K. Feisst. Leaflets were given out, also free blotters for distribution among Maoris. A bunch of white roses was sent to Mrs. Northern, who supplies boiling water for afternoon tea. LKKWOWN. N ov. ’’9. Sevtu present. Letter of condolence to Mrs. Smith, of Masterton. Mias Oates reported on "White Ribbon.” Next meeting at Mrs. H. Morrison’s in February, 1933. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Anker; Sec., Mrs. H. Morrison; Treas., Mrs. A. liaigli; Evunge.iHtie, Mrs J. Alien; “W.R.” Agent, Miss Oates. 4»KEV lA.W -Nov. Spt<iul S« • ial Afternoon, in honour of the Cradle Roil babies and their mothers. Mrs. Skigleton (President) presided over a gathering of about fiO, and warmly welcomed the guests, stressing upon them the Union's deep interest in the children of the district. Solo, "Nearer my (Jod, to Thee,” b> Miss Edwards, and pianoforte solos by Mrs. Neal, Jnr., and Miss Elliott, and several items by children of the L.T.L. and Cradle Roll. Adjutant Sydney Bridge spoke most fittingly to the children and the mothers. Mrs. Neal is our Cradle Roll h’upt., through whore fu.thi'ul work this Department of our Union has grown from nil to over 30 during tin* year, presinted each child with a toy and a fancy balloon. The Hail was ga> with flowers and a stall of saleable artlck *. Afternoon Tea was served by Mesdames Lewis and Pearce. LUKE. N'uv. 22. Annual Meeting; M Robertson presided; fair attendance. Nine ordinary meetings ami three Ex*cutl\e meetings lia«l been held. The year opened a credit balance of 14 19.- 2d. Notable* Days hud been observed. Band of Hope Concert realised £4 S». for Willard Home. Mrs. T. Rhodes spoke of the wonderful career or* Francis Willard. Keporte I that Wyndhum and Wal taka Valley hi d started Bands of Hope. * Mi'icers elected: —Pres., .Miss Robertson; Vui-I’i**., Mesdamet !•' M B«*attie, K. C. Hi.utl , and T. Rhodes; Re.*. Sec., Mrs. J. A. liuldev; ('or. Sec., Mrt. A. McLachlai ; 'v. R.“ l|ml Ml T 111 son; Treas., Mrs It. McAsk 11; Cradle Roll Kupt , Mr*. I*l. C. .Smith; B lile- n-8* lio< - ('onvenor, Mrs. F. >l. lleatt e; Ch ganirt, Mrs. («. Johnston; Rxangeli *l* Supt.. Mrs. E. C. Smith. Early In the uir a (lift

Afternoon will be held in aid of Victoria Home.

<"ERAIJ)INE,— Nov. 29. Special meeting. Collection of money and gifts for the Willard Home. Mesdames Cliff and Smith were hostesses. Mrs Douglas gave a very interesting talk on the doings of last Convention. Mrs W&llach gave a short report on tne Executive meeting held in Tiniaru.

Lh*c. ft. Annual meeting. Mrs ('oursey Ki • hair. Officers elected: Mrs Wallach. Pres.; Mrs < 'oursey, Mrs Fouling and S.A. Officer, Vice-Pres.; Mrs Prattley, W.R. Agent and Reporter; Mrs (’oursey, Evang. Supt.; Mrs McKenzie, Cradle Roll Supt. Decided to hold Garden Party for Cradle Roll on last Saturday In January, 1933 at Mrs Scott's Hostesses Mere Mosdames William*, Srott and South.

HA\EI.(M'R. —Nov. 25. Good attendance at annual meeting. Mrs Speight presided. Reports of various departments read a<nd adopted. Scientific fact, “Alcohol Not a Food.” President urged all to take "White Ribbon,” it being so useful and interesting One new member gamed. Donation for Willard Home. Cradle Roll Party arranged for December 2nd. All officers were reelected. A dainty afternoon tea was enjoyed. Season’s greetings to all by President.

Deo. 2. Pretty floivers decorated the room for Cradle Roll Party, which was very well attended. President carried out a well arranged programme. Recitations given by the chil ren and games played. The Supt. of Cradle Roll made a beautiful birthday cake for the Little White Ribboners, and each enjoyed a piece. A beginning was made with the Jubilee Copper Trail. Each child received a small bag of sweets. 11 \ Wl-'.lt A.—Nov. 29. Annual meeting; good attendance. Secretary presided. Reports read. A vote of thanks accorded the office-bearers. Several bouquets were presented. Officers elected; Pres, held over; Sec., Mrs Hartmann; Treas., Mrs R. Squire; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Exley and Hill; W R Agent, M;s Spavin; Cradle Roll Supt. ar.l Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Hischoff; Notable Days Supt., Mrs Evans; RefreMimemts, Mrs Sharpe; Philanthropic, Mrs Hounslow; Pres* Reporter, Mrs E. J. Ye.aibnrv. Request to lie sent to District Executive Tor a visit from Miss McLay to llnvi.rn early in the yenr Afternoon tea. HENDERSON.—Nov. Annual Meeting; Mrs Platt in the chair. Miss McLay gave a very interesting talk on her work and travels through the Ikmiinion. Some of her exper eaces quite put new heart into us. Much regret was expressed that the Hible-in-S< bools' Hill was not passed. Secretary's report showed good work had been done during the year, and all Notable Days observed Treasurer’s report showed a small credit balance. C.R. Superintendent reported mi»* Increase of members! lp. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Platt; Vice-Pres., Mrs McKay, Miss Duncan; Sec., Mrs Barton; Treas., Mrs Williams C.R. Sunt Mrs Elcoai; W.R. Agent, Mrs Grainger, Mturges Road; Reporter, Mrs Williams. HAMILTON. Dec. 1. Annual Meeting. Mrs. Jones ", presided. The reports showed ♦' year had commenced with i Gar' rty; 10 meetings had been held, also <>r the little White Ribboners and thei dhers. The meetings had been mostly educative. A urging that the Bible be read In all schools was sent to Parliament, and a protest against a local Art Union, A copper trail had been started. 100 Y.P. Supplements were listrlbuted monthly between three Sunday Schools. Copies of the “W.R.” were sent to the Library, Plutiket and Rest Rooms every month. 127 packages of literature had been sent to the baekhlocks during the year. sft new members had been gained for the Cradle Roll, while 50 bad a’tained the age limit. Total on roll 4ft6. Ejection of officers: Pres., Mrs K. G. Johnson; Vice-Pres , Mrs Jones and Mrs Robertson; Se<\, Mrs Seal; Troua., Mrs Davey; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Mitchell ami Mrs Matbeson; Press Reporter. Mrs Jones; Literature, Miss Parry. Mrs Bradley presented a very beautiful bouquet, and Mrs Robertson a handsome hand-bag to Mrs Jones, who heartily thanked the members for their love and appreciation. Miss Ambury also received a bouquet and book, as she is giving up the Cradle Roll. A bou-

quet was rJho presented to Mrs Mitchell. Votes of thanks to all workers; the Season’s greetings; afternoon tea. ISLAND BAY. —Nov. Ift. Mrs Mowlen presided, good attendance. Annual meeting, all officers re-elected. A very successful year: gained 12 new members at last three meetings. Owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Mowlem for her support. Rev. C. Hogg s gave an Interesting talk on "The Life Story of Frederick Charrington,” and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Baptist ladies were hostesses. Two new members. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Mowlem; Sec., Mrs Tanner; Treas., Mrs Ireland. JOHNSONY I LLK. —IVc. 3. Cradle Roll afternoon, about 30 or 40 children with their mothers attending. The proceedings opened with the children singing a hymn anil repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Temperance recitations and songs were given by the children. Miss Moore, Miss Harris and MisEmbury, Kindergarten teachers, entertained the children with games. A short talk was given to the children by Mrs Halllday, and a short scientific address was given to the mothers by Mrs Peryman. Mrs Embury, our Cradle Roll Supt , entertained the children to afternoon tea. Cakes, lollies, soft drinks, then paper caps and balloons were given to the children. The Union entertained the mothers. KAIAPOI. —Nov. 30. Annual meeting Election of officers: Pres.. Mis Rinaldi; Cor Sec., Mrs Blackwell: Tree., Miss Evans Cradle Roll, Miss Rinaldi; Evang. Supt., Mrs Barnard; Band of Hope, Mrs Stocking. Mrs Keetlev; Birthday league, Mrs Trouselot; Hall Supt., Mrs Rinaldi; Scientific Supt., Mrs Stanton; Outlying District Supt., Mrs Stocking. Decided to hold a Cradle Roll picnic early in the New Year. Mrs Burnett read a paper on the Maori’s need for Christian help and sympathy. I.K.Hill.—Annual meeting at Mrs Arigg'* home, fair attendance. The officers reelected as follows; Pres., Mrs Grigg; Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs flozar; Vice-Pres. and L.T.L. Supt., Mrs D. A. Mat heron; W.R. Aent, Mrs Woodcock; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Morley; Press Reporter. Mrs Tor klngton. The Secretary read the balancesheet and a report of work done during the year. Mrs Grigg gave the motto: "Live for something, have a purpose. And that purpose keep in view; Drifting like a helpless vessel, Thou’st ne’er to life be t _ ue. Half the wrecks that strew the ocean. If some star had been their guide. Might have long been riding safely. But they drifted with the tide.” I.INWOOD.— Dec. Annual meeting. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports read ami adopted. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs F Greenwood; V'ce-Pres., Mesdames Francis. Griggs, Mackie, Turner and Woods; Secretary. Mrs Black; Treas., Mrs Roberts; Evang Supt.. Miss G Buchanan and Mrs Mackie; Musical Director. Miss Snell; Good Citizenship, Mrs Grigg: Notable Ihiys, Mis.-; A. Buchanan; Visiting Committee. Misses A. and O. Buchanan, Mesdames Fuller and Grigg. Sorin' Committee, Mesdames Campbell, Nelson and Sumner: "White Ribbon" Sec., Mrs Ne son. A presentation was made to the retiring President. Mrs J. Richards. A very enjoyable garden party at home of Mr and Mrs C. R. N. Mackie. Afternoon tea served. Musical and elocutionary items b> Misses Newton. Schumacher and Snell Birthday cake, made by Mrs Black, cut in honour of Unions sth birthday. Thanks to host and hostess. LEVIN. —Nov. 12. Mrs Cummins presided; good attendance. Mrs Sorensen presented Mrs Cummins and Mrs J. W. Gibson with long-serice badges. Mrs Cummins pr« sented Mrs Meyers with a lovely crystal rose bowl and bouquet of roses In appreciation of the good work done by her. Nov. 25. A most enjoyable afternoon at Mrs Logan's. Mrs Birdsall gave a very interesting talk on the Willard Home since its inception some years ago. Musical programme by 2YA much enjoyed by all. Afternoon tea served by the members of the Union. Good business done at Bring and Buy stall. Proceeds given to Willard Home. LOWER HI'TT —Nov. Sixteen presmt, President in the chair. The annual reoort shower, that all officers had carried on their duties faithfully. All Notable Days

were kept, two social afternoons and a (Yadle Roll afternoon were much enjoyed. At the Cradle Roll afterneon 50 adults and 30 children were present. Number on roll this year 161, with IS new babies tins year. Treasurer reported receipts for year 114 2s. balance in hand 13 4s 2d. 12 from coin afternoon for Headquarters Fund. We have lost two members by death, one by removal from the district, und gained one by transfer from Feildmg Union Syllabus drawn up for 1933, to he considered at next meeting. Mrs Heyes occupied the chair during the elect on of officers, which resulted r.s follows: Pres. Mrs Lopdeil; Vue-Pres.. Mesdames Koutlev, lieyes, Haliantvne and Crawford; Hec., Mrs Alders ley; Cor. Sec., Mrs Crawford; Trea., Mias Page; W.R. Agent, Mrs Iftiigent; Librarian, Mrs Green; Cradle Roll b’upt.. Mrs Taylor. MAKOTt’Kl’.— Dec. ft Annual meeting fair attendance. Mrs Todd, of Birkenhead, presided. Mrs Dally gave an interesting report on District Convention Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Fotherglll; Sec., Miss Million; Treas., Mrs Ch rlat offer sen; Cradle Roll, Mrs Dally; W.R. Agent, Mrs Fotliergill; Band of Hope. Mrs Dally and Miss Million; VicePres., Mrs Mann. MOSfllKl*—Nov. Annual meeting; fait attendance. Mrs Bedford presided. Reports of departments read and adopted, and showed satisfactory progress. Officers reelected. Musical items by Misses McGregor and Melrose. Mrs Adair and boy. Mrs Peart gave Interesting and address. Supper. Recess until February. M AUNGATI ROTO.—Nov. 30. Vcrv sucessful Mothers' Day held In connection with C rad It Roll. Good attendance of mothers and children. Musical programme rendered by Mrs Knlghtbridge, Miss Cullen. Mrs Flower and Mrs Paslev. Adjournment was then made to Manse grounds, where afternoon tea was enjoyed by all. especially t lie young i>eople. Races were held, ami fruit distributed among the children. Four new babies added to Cradle Roll. Next meeting February, 1933. MOTLKKA. —Nov. 30. Good attendance; two visitors. Received greetings from Tinwald Union. I>onated 25/- to the Organising Fund. Collection for the Willard Home, 13/6, Arwiual meeting. AIJ officers reelected. Social to mothers of the Cradle Roll. MiSR Cresswell in the chair, and wel coined the visitors. Mesdames Herrick and Boyce contributed solos. Miss Patrick gave a very interesting account of an all-night visit to the East End of London, in company with Mrs Cecil Chesterton; she also told of a visit she had made to a Clinic in the Swiss Alps. Afternoon tea. \ 1 \\ BRIGHTON ing well attended; Mrs H. M Hall presided. The President thanked offi-ers and members who hnd co-operated with her In makinng the year’s work of the Branch a sm cess. "The Line Must Not Break Where 1 Stand” was sung ns a duet by Mesdames Cain and Campbell, The Secretary's ret' rt showed thn» there were ftS members, ft." on CYadk Roil nd If ■ \\ b te i: bl • mb scribei’s. Two members were on the local School Committee, seven had a ted as collectors for the Pound Scheme, four on the Relief Committee, and five on the Gris Unemployment Committee. Ten n. notes devoted at each meeting to a Scientific Temperance fact. AH Notable Days fittingly observed, and numerous protests and resolutions forwarded to Parliamentary members. All reports of departments were adopted Miss C. Henderson took the chair. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs H. M. Hall; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Duncan, Ellis and Mo-es; See, Mrs F, M. Mitchell; Treas., Mrs N. C. Frn er; W.R. Agent, Mrs W. Langley; Cradle Roll, Mrs F. Good; Legal and Parliamentary. Mrs F. M Mitchell; flood Cjt z.enshlp. Mrs Moses; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs Mcllroy; Notable Days. Mrs I.orvelh ; Scientific Temperance, Mrs Moses; Devotions, Mrs Bailey; Press, Mrs Mitchell. NORTH BRIGHTON.—Nov. 15 Annual meeting. Miss .? M. Harband, J.P. presided; good attendance. Sympathy expressed with Mrs Clarke In the loss of h‘*r father. Mrs R. Parker gave the sclent fle fact Secretary’s report adopted. Mrs J. F. Karnes gave the financial report; highly satisfactory. Mrs Goldman reported on the work of the Band of Hope. Nine meetings had

been held anti 42 pledges taken, making the total on the roll 102. Coin evening had been held for the Cradle Roll. Cradle Roll Supts. reported on their work. Miss Murhand thanked the officer* and member* for their work and support during the year, and congratulated the Secretary on her splendid report. Officers re-elected: Miss Harband, J.P., Prt*B.; Mrs Clarldge, See.; Mrs J. F. Eames, Treas. Afternoon tea served. N. INYEIU AROII.I..— Nov. Birthday Party. Mrs Martin In the chair; large attendance, including guest* from South and Centre Unions and North Y’a. Birthday greetings were received from absent member*. including one from the Unit President (Mr* llopkirk) and Vice-Resident (Mrs J. Collie). An interesting address on "The Entrance of the Children of Israel to the Promined Igind’ was given. Mrs Fairb&irn gave a short address on the "History of the Union." A splendid programme of inusi<and recitations was contributed by the Misses Waddell, Stewart, Holmes, Holland, Laythnn and Shirley King, and Messrs Taltt and Ballantyne. Accompanist, Mis. Jameson and Mr Ballantyne. All the Iteimwere heartily encored. The l. rthday cake, gift of Miss Langskaill, was cut and patted round by three of the first members of Union. Mrs Witting. Miss Dewar and Miss Hardie.

NELSON.—Nov 8. Fair attendance. Mi:, Watson in the roair. Mrs Moves gav** the Temperance fact. Arrangements made for the annunl sale of work, half the proceeds to go to the N.Z. Alliance Funds. Nov. 16. A very su vessful variety sale.

NEW PLY.MOt TH.—Annual meeting; f; ir attendance. Secretary's report read ami adopted. Decided to pay 1/6 per member to Organising Fund. Five new members for the year. Sailors Best: 6590 visit during the year. Donations’ received from N.P. Sax ings Hank, Harbour Board and other Unions. Services have been held whenever a ship has been in port, the various Churches taking the services. Maori: 68 homes visited regularly, and 200 pamphlets distributed. Notable Days: All notable days have been kept, and collections taken up as specified. A temperance fact is given at every meeting. Bible-in-Schools: The school authorities have been approached without success. "White Ribbon": 37 subscribers reported. Hospital Visitors: Hospital visiting is done frequently by two members. One representative on the National Council, and several members have assisted In the relief scheme. Addresses have been given on Notable Days, that on Maori Day by Bister RanginiarU, the local Maori Deaconess.

N.E. VALLEY'.—Nov. Annual meeting; good attendance. Miss A. Gray in the chair. Mrs Anstlce sang ‘‘The Line Shall Not Break Where I Stand," chorus being sung by all members. Mrs Don gave a most interesting address, speaking of enthusiasm displayed at the recent National Conference in U S.A. Hearty vote of thanks given to speaker Seven of the early members of the Union, Mesdames Hisjop, Williams, Braid. Sinclair, Coombs, Cooitibe and Birchell were presented with lovely bouquets of roses by two members of the Cradle Roll (Miss Heather Anstice and Master Peter MeLay). Election of officers (Mrs Don presiding): All officers were re-elected. Two new Supts. of Departments. viz., Good Citizenship, Mrs Peart and L.T.L., Mrs Summers. Miss Gray thanked the members and the Exei utivc for their assistance and attendance at the meetings. Three new members. Supper was served, and a social hour spent. OXFORD.— Nov. 16. Annual meeting. President presided. Report pi veil by the Secretary and Hupts. of Departments showed that work had been steadily carried on through the year. There were 63 names <si the Cradle Roll, 3f Band of Hope members, "White Ribbon 36 subscribers, and seven free copies, two of them goes to the Maori workers in the North Island. One new subscriber. Balance-sheet read and ndopted. A vote of thanks was passed to the Auditor, Mr L. Watson, the Press and all who helped in any way. Decided to send a letter to the Y Branch, expressing appreciation of their presmtatlon of the "Council of Nations." I>ecided to postpone the election of officers until after the New Year.

OIIAKI NK.—Nov. 17. Well attended meeting, Mrs Freeman presiding. All members pleased to meet Miss McLny last month, when rlu* gave an inspiring address on the "Work of Our Union." Gifts received for Christmas parcel to Willard Home. Annual meeting December 8. Afternoon tea served

OA>I.\KI‘. —Nov. Annual meeting- Very good attendance. Miss Smythe presided and thanked members for support during the year. Letter from local M I*, re unemployment tax. Annual reports adopted. Membership 87. Officers elected: Pros., Miss Smythe; Vice-Pies., Misses Cowan and Beaton, Mesdames Hall and Grooott; Rec. Sec., ard Treas. Mrs Bridgman; Cor. Sec., N. * tfvtt; VV.R. Agent and Press Reporter, Mrs Collett: Scientific Temperance, Miss C-owan; Evang., Mrs J. J. Clark; Cradle Roll, Mrs Simpson and Miss Becktngsale; Pianiste, Mrs Jackson; Sick Visitors, Miss Milligan and Mesdames Simpson and Mdlwraith, Hlaekgrove and Parker; Social Convenors, Mesdames Blnckgrove, Mdlwraith and Brown; Committee, Mesdames Black grove, Parker, Grcuott and Beattie; Flowers, Miss Milligan. Mrs Bridgman. ON EltINGA.—> fov. 11. Annual meeting. 78 members reported, and work done in C.R, Dept. Birthday League, Bible-in-Scliools, Maori Work. Resolution and protests sent to Minister nnd 17 M.P’a, and social work done. 31 subscribers to "White Ribbon, and 34 extra copies sold. Home meetings proved a great success. Te Tapapa School, by 5 to 1 majority, decided to adopt Nelson System. Mrs Craig reported on visit to Maori Girls’ Home. All meetings rej>orted In dally papers.

Nov. 26. Concert in aid of W.C'.T.U. iunds. The programme was given by the Orpheus Club. l»r. Jeannie Craig presided, and conducted the Orpheus Choir. The Juveniles supplied the first part of tlie programme, those taking part were: Misses Kathleen and Nancy Brown, Joyce and Violet Bollings, la* tty and Ruby Harlick. Natalie Stephens, Masters Gibson, Petchell and Arthur 11 oil wig*. The Orpheus Choir rendered several part-songs. Solos were given hv Mesdames Fetched and Hollings, Misses Hames. Toyer, Clark, McCulloch, Tye ami (‘happed. Duet by Misses Bailey end Clark. Pianoforte solos by Miss Marjorie Bilkey. Mrs Y. E. Green was the choir pianist. The various Items were enthusiastically received. The performers were accord“d a vote of thanks.

Nov. 23. Home meeting at Mrs Rodder’s; splendid attendance. I»r. Jeannie Craig presided. Pastor Garner gave a spendid addr «on the "Position in America.’’ Musical tents were given by Mrs Hodder and Miss Hames. Dr. Craig accompanied. Dainty afternoon tea. One new member. OTALT AIJ* No> B on fare wed to Mrs Rowan* President voiced regret at our loss, but glad that the move meant promotion. Presentation of cup, saucer and plate. Next meeting our Annual imp.

OTOKOIIANGA f iJov. 4 Annual meeting. Letter from our M.P. re Bible-in-gchools Bid. Box of handkerchiefs sent to Mrs Falrbrother in appreciation of her faithful work. Xmas pai el for Willard Home. Bs. for Maori Fund. Beautiful birthday cake, gift of the Pre>idi*nt, with five candles —our age, Mrs Bell cut the cake. Officers: Pres.. Mrs Tozer; Vice-Pres., Mrs Burton and Mrs Rogers; Sec.. Mrs Fairbrother; Treas., Mrs; VV.R. Agent, Mrs Bell. OTA HI HI .—Nov. 17. Good attendance. Mrs Eccersall In the chair. Secretary’s report and balance-sheet read and adopted. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Eccersall; VicoI’res.. Mrs McArthur: Sec., Mrs Taylor; Treas.. Mrs Had; W.R. Agent, Mrs West; r.H., Mrs Handeside; Notable Days, Mrs Burmati; Anti-Gambling, Mrs Eccersall; Home Meetings, Mrs Muir; Evangelistic. Mrs M« Arthur; Birthday Le .gue, Mrs Redshnxv: Afternoon Tea Ciwivenor, Mrs Hollo way. Next meeting 3rd Thursday in February.

PON’SDNBY. —Nov 17. Annual meeting. Miss Adams presided, and also gave a short address on her work among the Maori*. Member* were sorry to hear of Mr* Furrand’s illness The eleetion of officers re-

suited in the return of the President, Secretary and Treasurer to office, with Mr* Young as Evangelist le Supt. instead of Mrs Turnbull, who is still unable to attend owing to illness. PAIIIATI A. —Nov.- Annual meeting. Mill. Paterson in the chair; 12 present, lte ports: General, Mrs H. Paterson; Treasurer s, Mrs I>. Johnson; Treasurer Band of Hope, Mrs A. P. Fox; Cradle Rod, with 45 on roll, Mrs Hansen; "White Ribbon.” with it; subscribers, Mrs Ryan. Officers elected; Pres., Mrs H. Paterson; Sec., Miss H. Ross; Treas., Mrs O. Johnson; Cradle Rod, Mrs Hansen; W.R. Agent, Mr* Ryan, Tararua St. A Band of Hope Committee elected. On behalf of members. Mrs J. D. Wilson, presented a bouquet of roses to the President, Mr* H. Paterson. Votes of thanks were passed to the Press, and to the Presbyterian Management. Afternoon tea was served. Decided to deal with picture theatre programmes at the first meeting next year. Members to bring paper cuttings, etc. I*l Kl.lll lA. —Nov. 24. Combined adult HVing and Buy Social. Number of outsiders present. President gave an outline of the activities of the world-wide W.CT.I’. Great interest caused by a dialogue "Grannie Goes Visiting," when In a quaint way the dangers of alcohol were shown. The Home Missionary and Mrs Legarth gave songs and duets, and Mr Cox a recitation. Miss Bramble, the Y President, cut the birthday cake, presented to the Y’s on their second birthday nnd handed it round. The Mh-h Legarths played a duet. 6d parcel caused a lot of amusement.

PALMERSTON NORTH.— Dei. 7. Annual meeting. Election of officers: Miss M. Moore, Pres.; Miss Jamieson, Sec.; Devotional and Science I>ept. Fupt., Mrs Ritchie. Older members present spoke of personal reminiscences of fellowship and xvotk with Mrs Lee-Cowfe Work and plans con sidered for the coining year.

PAPANI I.—Nov. 10. Large number of mother* and children present at the annual Cradle Roll Day. The children were supplied with paper hats, balloons and sweets Mrs presided. Mrs Grigg gave an address on "The Bringing Up of Children,” ar.J emphasised the Importance of patience, perseve*ance, anil love in the moulding of character. Recitation by Mrs Merrin. Articles of clothing were b-ought bv member* to be forwarded to the Willard Home Mr W. Baynes appointed Auditor. The mothers were entertained nt afternoon ' i. KAKAIA.— Nov. 10. Miss Beck, ot Christchurch, presided. Apologv from Mr* Boag. Reports of District Executive and Provincial Convention given by Miss A G Oakley. Bring and Buy raised 17s. for Willard Home, also parcel of clothing. Afternoon te served, hostesses Mesdames Blackley atm Weaver.

Nov. 13. Church Parade held jn Presby tcrlan Church; fair attendance of ladies and ' • members. Service conducted by Rev. A H Morrison, who gave an address on "The Modern Temperam e Movement."

RAI \ ALLEY.—Nov. 30. In Carluki Church; sever members present. Reported that a parcel lum been despatched to Willard Home, and another one was being made up. Members agreed to donate hooks to hr sent to the Relief Camp on Rai Hill. Letter of sympathy to Mrs G. Wratt in her illne.H. Resolved that the other Unions in tin- Nelson Province he written to, asking if they will join in raising funds, to be devoted to tlie expenses of a woman candidate to be nominated by Unions at the next General Election. Decided to meet 4th Wednesday in every other month.

HEMI ERA, —Nov. 15. Annual meeting, Mrs Hugh Kasper presiding; good attendance. The Secretary, Mrs Wright, gave i. very full report of the year’s activities, ami 1 depart mental reports were given by t*uperintendents. The Treasurer's report show »sl that after donation* hail been given to *• Fund, Maori Work, (trganiskig Fund. I, r.b., and Willard dome, n credit balance was left. Oft leers elected: Pres.. Mrs II ugh Kasper; vice-Pres., Mesdames Knhiascu and Roberts; See., Mrs Wright; Treas., Mr* W Ready; W R Agent, Mrs Whisker Evang Supt. Mister Grace; Peace and Art ttration, Mrs Hunter; L.T.L., Mr* Kas|»er; Cradle

Itoll. Mist* Hotul. Tlu- President tiwini*l tlu- officers and members for ilicii loy«ilt\. RICH MONI».— Nov. Ipscltl meeting h U visitor* from NVlwn, and Hring and Bu\ lor Willard llonie, realising 12s. Our \ ■*?;- tors: Mrs Ross spoke about tin* linklriK up itt mattered member*, Mrs Walker urged ui« to start a Birthday Department for Ileadquarters l'und, and Miss Cooke rpnkc on women’s gatherings and why thej don’t attend W.t'.T.l'. Mrs Hunter gave a v»*r> dining recitation on “Why We Work.” Lloyd and McGiashon gave musical items, which all enjoyed, likewise the nfter•.:oon tea provided, by members. -(.I ill «s\ KIU ABtill 1..—1 Meeting. Hood gat her inn of members. Arrangements made !n co*.iti«*cti«»n with the forthcoming Hummer Show. Officers elect •d: Pies., M Mct'allum; Vice-Pros., M: - Harrett Mrs McGregor, and Mrs role, Trea Nurse Griffiths; He-;, and Pres Reporter, Mi - Keid.v; Kvang. Supt., Mrs Richards; Pradle Itoll, Mrs Prosier; Maori, Mrs Sharpe; \gent. Mrs Robbie; Notable Day**, Mrs Kohl* l’ian st, Mrs la*a. Long-service modal presented by tin* District President, Mrs Me Gregor, to Mrs Garrett, who has given 32 years of faithful service for Temperance. A mtahle res|>onsc was made by Mrs Garret*. Two new members, si RE YOON. being made to reorganise the Y's in the district. Adjutant Huston gave a tine audress on the vital reed of getting hold of the chiltfreM early and training them in ways of righteousness, and thus cheating courts and prisons of many tin** lives. STYX Nov. Good attendance, Mrs Donald presided. One guinea donated t•» Wll lard Home. Decided to form Birthday la-ague. Mrs M< Jar row appointed Supt. Ponds* and interesting report of District ’onvention gi\ca by Mrs McJanow. Final aramgementH made for annual Cradle Roll social and final Hand of Hope meeting, and L.T.L. social, which is being held on November 16th, afternoon ami evening. Sta'l holders appointed for Garden Ket»* on l>cc 10th. Members urged to attend Peace Parade. MYDEN HAM. —' h.chards oc* upied the chair Scientific Temperance fai t given by Mrs Grigg. Musi il items given by Lin wood members, ntd afternoon tea was served. Mi. Lowry iai** ■i very enjoyable address, and a hearty vote of thanks was given. A vote ot thinks to the Idnwood Union was carried by acclamation. I>*•(*. 1. .Annual meeting. Mrs Archer pr* shied; attendance 20. Annual reports read and adopted and proved satisfactory. A(tcrnouM ten served. Miss Henderson took the chair. Officers elected: Mrs Gilmoui. Pres.; Mrs Woodward, Sec.; Mrs Diowett, Treaa,; Mrs Davis, Kvang; Mesdame* Cooksley, Rogers, Archer. Davis, lloddinott and Partwright Smith. Vice-Pres.; Mrs Hammett, Pradle Roll; Mrs An«lerson, 8e entiflr Teni.; Mrs Here, W.R.; Mrs Bell, Good Citizenship; Mrs Filer and Weatherhcad, Musical; Mrs Hammett, Socjal Convenor; Mrs Anderson, i’ress Reporter. One new member. M M NEK.—Nov. Mrs McCombs presided. \nnual meeting. Rev. A. T. Kent spoke on the Youth Movement. Mrs McCombs Booth and Robertson spoke on the movement. Reports on the various departments were rend and adopted. Leaders weie thanked for the year’s work. Mrs MePombs was re-elected President; Vi*ePr.**!, Mrs Sherrard, I. Wilson. Wells. Topping. Heslop; Supts: Kvang, Mrs Smith; Temperance, Mrs Kobei*tsou; Cradle Roll, Mrs L. G. Carter; W.R. Miss Kilner; Social. Mrs i»ufT and M ss Gates; Citizenship, Mrs Henley; Anti-Gambling, Mrs Hutchinson; Tea Circle, Mrs IdJe; Trea*., Mrs Booth; -h***.. Mrs Hutchinson. Miss N. ]*uff sang Hi ere are 61 members and 65 mi Prndt* Roll. \ otc of thanks for the use of the Presbyterian Hall. II A MARINA. —N > \ 22nd Final nu tting for 1932; soda! afte, >oon. • Retiring President. Mrs Kings, welcomed those present. First meeting for 1933 to l*e held at • lie Parsonage. Letter to be sent to Mrs Spen. White in hospital. Enjoyable items: recitations, Mrs .Robinson, song Mrs Smith, competition. Miss Almira Botham Prlx** ••ssa.v by Spring Greek Band of Hope read by Mrs Wood. Bring and Buy realised

10*1. Article on the dangers of Repeal of Prohibition in America read by Mrs Knight. Afternoon tea. THAMES. — Di i*. 7. Mis Lang old prodded; good attendance. Annual meeting. Report •> of 11i«* year’s work read. a*.id some very fine musical and eiocut o .ary item* giv *n. Llcction of officers: Pros., Mrs Langford: See., Miss M. b’m tli; Treas., Mr* Iti« binotid; W.R. Agent, Mrs Biddle; < ra il»> Roll, Mrs Paul. A successful Bring and Buy sa*e closed our year's work. TE MIKA.— '*. Mrs Hi ed; 22 pr* sent. Report of Executive Meeting given by President. Dis use ou on relief wages, and resolution fnni to the Ministi i of Rniploynient Hoard. Aft* rnoon tea Solo hy Mrs Hanihridge. Annual reports received. A Christum* cake was presented to the President, and useful gifts to other officers. Election of officers: Pies., Mrs ilewson; Sec., Mrs Allanby; Vioe-Pre*., Mesdames Buck, Blackmore. Bamhridge and ' ross; Treas., Miss Greaves; W.R. Agent, Airs Cross; Press Reporter, Mrs Smith; Pradle Roll Supt.. Mrs R**id; Evang. Supt.., Mr: Douglas; Rest Room Supt., Mrs BlnrkniCie Birthday League, Mrs Llambrldge; Scientific Lecturer, Mrs Roberts; Band of Hope, Miss Butler. Vote of thanks to the Press. I PPKK lit TT. Nov. 21. Mrs I'erynian presided at our annual meeting. A gpod attendance. Reports read and officers ele*t**d: Pres., Mrs Spencer; Vice-Pies., Mrs J. Whiteman, Mrs O. W. Hunt; Sec., Mrs II Gorrie; Treas., Mrs Roberta; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Howe; W.R. Agent, Mrs White. Mrs Sheil .stressed the need for work among the young people, and plans were discussed for the incoming year. A vote of thu'.iks was accorded Mrs Sheil for her past assist a nee to the Union as President. Tea w as served. WAil Kl . —Nov. 25. Annual meeting, Mrs RaHatityne presided; 11 present. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Ballaiitync; VicePies.. Mrs Anderson and Mrs Smith; Rec. S’ec., Miss Jlosking; Cor. See.. Mrs Kingston Hull; Treas., Mrs Anderson; Flower M ssion and Philanthropic Work, Mrs McEwen am! Miss Hocking: Little White Ribboners, Mrs MeEwen; W.R. Ag**nt, Miss West. MemIters brought three-quarters of a sack of literature for the prisoners at Mt. Eden Gaol, and a sugar-bag full of clothing for the Maoris. W AIBGA.—J fleers elected: Pres., Mrs Macdonald; VicePres., Mr/ Ponifret; Evang. Supt., Mrs Spronle; Treas., Mrs Macdonald; Pradle Roll and Band of Hope, Mrs Macdonald; W.R. Agent, Mrs Edlhigton; See., Mrs T. Whelan. We have not yet succeeded in getting the Bible into local school, nor w olll**ll on th«* Committee. < kic new member. WAI.MATE.—Nov. !» Twenty-eighth annual meeting. Mrs Ray \> residing. The Secretary reported the past year's work, which was fairly satisfactory, the membership showing an increase. Mrs Ray again takes the Presidency; Vice-Presidents being Mes*lames Nichol and Duckett Miss Smart and Miss Dayman; Treas., Mis Simpson; Sec., Mrs Palmer; W.R. Agent, Mrs H. Buckingham. Afternoon tea. WAIT AHA. Mrs Lawrence presiding; good attendance. Reports showed s year of steady interest Officers elected. Miss J. F. Gaustud was welcomed and appointed Fupt. .»f Purity, Medical Temp, and Maori Work. Arrangements made for District Convention at NVaitsru. Mrs Lawrence to arrange hospitality. Union recess until February. W AI >1 AT K.— Dec. 7. Mrs Hoy presided over 10b members. Cradle Roll and mothers, it being the Annual Rally for the young people, each child receiving a gift. The Rev Nichol gave a very interesting address on “Home Influence.’’ Musical and Elocutionary items given, and each member asked t** help the unemployed by bringing east-off toys, and a cake to be distributed foi Christina*. Afternoon t**a was serxed to .1 very large party. WEI UNGTON.—Dec. 1. 4Ttli Annual Report. Annual meeting, Miss C. E. Kirk presiding. Tlu* Secretary (Mrs Webb) read the report of the year's work, which included eleven monthly meetings, at which addresses had been given. Appre< i&tion was expressed of the work done by the fol-

lowing Hupta: Evang., Mrs Murray; Cradle Roll, Hn Roms; Railway Boxes, Mr* Murray; Hospital Visiti’.K, Mcsdanios Porte, Hail" , !*n*l King; Pr*;«, Mrs Rowe; W.R., Mrs lVrry. The membership, wnfortunately. w. - not so lnrge as other year* but we all nalhtd that we were moving through difficult <li\s of economic reconst ruction. Tilt* balance-sheet showed a small credit balance, and the Reserve Fund was steadily incron slug. The following officers were ejected: Pres., Mrs Chisholm; Sec., Mrs Webb; Treas., Mrs Welib, pro tom., with Miss 1 nn As«t ; Vice-Pres., Men*lames Murray ami Perry. WAIHOA.—Nov■. It*. Annual meeting. Secretary read annual report and Treasurer ilie balance-sheet. Derided to make donatio*.i to Churches for use of elntricitx for W.P.T.U. and Band of Hop** meetings. W .R. Agent reported on** new member. B. of 11. picnic to be h**!d on lKiceniber 10th, in the R* creation Ground. Pradle Roll; 15(» children on roll. Officers elected: Mrs .Macdonald, Pres.; Mrs Ponifret, Vice-Pre*; Mrs Whealan, S«*«*.; Mrs Kdlington, W.R. Agent; Mrs SprouJe, Evang.; Mrs Macdonald. Treas. and Band of Hope Supt. Note ol thanks carried by acclamation to the retiring Secretary, Mrs Alexander. Mr Milner gave aa address, and was thanked.

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White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 449, 18 December 1932, Page 10

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 449, 18 December 1932, Page 10

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 449, 18 December 1932, Page 10

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