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News of the Union.

Reports MTNT 1. Kmrh the Editor by Ith of mouth. t. lie written in iak. on one ride of tbs (*iwr only. 3. lie si tort and to the point. No. 1 REPORTS. At ( hl.AM).—Kept. 13. Franchloe Day «elebrated; Mrs. Cook presided over a good attendance. Delegates appointed to District vent lon. Members requested to attend tin* Celebration Service of the Centenary of the Teinperano e Movement at the Tow n Hall on Friday. Mrs. Pierre, one of our Foundation Members, was presented with a bouquet, as she celebrated her 82nd Birthday to-day. She gave a recitation on “Never Growing Old.” Mrs. HrookJehurst gave an excellent paper on "How the Franchise Was Won.” Collection for the N.Z. Treasury. IiAI.IAM'K. Sept. 30. Twenty present; Mrs. Handrork presided. Miss Annie M< - Lay delivered a very Interesting address on "Centenary of Total Abstinence Movement and Formation of W.C.T.U. in New Zealand.” Educational work being done by Pnlons. Violin solo by Misa Kbbett. firing and Buy realised Iks Id. A dainty afternoon tea served. DAKti.W I 1.1. K. Sept 9. Fair attendance; President presided. Scientific fact given by Miss Van Benin. Paper on "Franchise !>a>” read by Mrs. White. Members brought garments to make up parrel for Willard Home. Pledge, Benediction, and afternoon tea. GOItK. Sept. 27. Miss Robertson presided; fair attendance. Notified that the Annual Meeting would be held on November 23rd. Annual Concert, in nid of the Willard Home, to he held about the end of October. Rev. C. D. Gardiner gave an address on ‘‘The Value of Temperance Work Amongst the Young.” Decided that next meeting be the Branch's Bring and Buy Hale, In aid of the Organising Fund. HRMIK.KkON. Sept. 15. Mrs Platt presided; small attendance; wet day. Mrs. Freeman appointed delegate to Convention. Sister Ivy Jones to s|s*ak on Maori Ik»y. Annual Bring nnd Buy to be held on October sth. h MkllllAl. Sept. 2k Good and appreciative attendance. Address by President. Report of Pi st ret Convention read and *».)thusiastlcnlly discussed. Decided to donate sfts to Willard Orphanage Afternoon IM I,AW HENCE.- Sept »>. Mrs Kdle presided Letter of sympathy to Mrs Clulee. Two members to take a Temperance lesson at Presb\terlan Sunday School, and Mrs Edlc to read a paper at Presbyterian Bible Class Mrs Edle read a paper on “The Seven Men of Preston.” and Mrs. King rend an extract on “Franchise Day.” lOH IB 111 I I in the chair; good attendance. An appeal received from the Willard Home, and members asked to bring gifts of cloth,ng. etc., to the October meeting. Resolution passed in favour of the Rihle-in-S«'hools Bill. Report of District Executive was read by Mrs Crawford, also a paper on “How We Won the Franchise." Reported f2 donated to Headquarters. October meeting being “Maori Day,” our President will speak on "Work Among the Maoris.” M AKOTI'KI’.- Oc t. 3 Home meeting at Mrs. Mlldon’a. Mrs Dally delegate to District Convention. Musical Item bv Mrs. Dally. Miss Mlldon gave a very nice reading. Daintv afternoon tea served. NFW PI.YMOI Til. —-Sept 2s Pay up Social: Mrs. X Jones presided. Beamen'a lb st reported 2'>2 visit" Miss Dougins gave most Interesting address on “Bird Life." Pianoforte so'lo by Mrs. Cooper: vocal solos by Mrs. McLennan Wilson and Mrs H Rulmer: recitations by Mrs Brown and Miss Gaustnd. Thanks to all performers. Afternoon tea served by Mrs. Will and Mrs. Loverld ge.

Mil.soN.— Sipl. 7. Kraut'him ibiy; good attendance. Mr*. \\ alkcr gave Temperance fait. Mist. Cooke, Mi«m Munson untl Mrs. Watson, read papers referring to “Fm nchise," it being 39 years since Women’s Franchise was (granted in New Zealand. A letter of appreciation and remembrance to l»e sent to Mrs. Lovell-Smlth for her help. Reports of District Convention given. One new member. OTOROIIANGA. Sept. Good attendance. Six members to attend District Convention. A parcel of Xmas gifts from November meeting to be sent on to Willard Home. Collections and gifts for October to go to Maori Day Fund. Dainty afternoon tea served. OAHAItI. Sept. 12 Miss Smyth In the • hair. Hring and Huy held. Miss Cowan and Mrs. Weston appointed delegates to District Conference. Rev. IlrlKi Kilroi gave an address. Final arrangements for the Conference were made (hie new member. Mrs. IlcWhlrter sang a solo. OIIAKINE. —Wept. 15. ('olxi Afternoon. In aid of Organising Fund, at Presbyterian Manse; 30 present. Inspiring addresses by Mr. Farr and Mrs. Lynn. Mesdames Beck and Purdon sang, and Miss Younger gave musical Items. Mis. Pearce and Miss Purr, winners of competitions. Parity afternoon tea Vote of thanks to hostess. OTAIII 111 . Sept. 15 Mis. Eccersall in the chair. A paper was read by Mrs. Eccersall on “How the Franchise Was Won.'* Members were urged to go In full number, with long streamers of white ribbon, to the Town Hall on Sunday afternoon. Meeting to celebrate the Centenary of the Temperance Movement. ONEHI N(i\. Sept. S. Good att**ndan< e; much business done. Favours.ble reply from Te Papapa Sc hool Committee re taking a referendum on teaching of Bible In tije School on the Nelson System; M'nisters are willing to ac t if referendum favourable; Mrs. Staeev to see Committee re re ferencium being put through soon as possible. Papers read on “Rible-ln-Sc bools;” “The Forming of Total Abstinence Society U*« years ago;” and "The Growth of Temperance:*’ several members tnking part. A resolution passed to support the Bihle-in-Sc hools Enabling Bill. A pianoforte duet and an action-song were given by two little girls, and a tenminutes’ community sing. I'l hi 111 I\. Sept. W» i doc I on. and have seasons of blessing, though our numbers are few. Devotions hv President: •‘The house was filled with the odour of the Ointment" —why not every woman’s life and influence All her home with sweetness Franchise Day remembered, and good article read from August "White Ribbon.” Decided to And out who Is responsible for Schoolboy Footballers when travelling to play other teams, because of complaints of liquor. Mrs. McFarlane, hoi-tes*. I’APANII. Sept. S. Mrs. Graham pr< sided; good attendance. Mrs. Hopper gave Temperance fact. Mrs. Grigg welcomed. Resolution passed in support of Bible-ln-Sc hools Bill. Mrs. Grigg to Judge the Temperance Fsnavs. Miss Sargent gave a very m "Mi "t W < men." A 'ternoon tea served.

KICCAICTOV Sept. Mrs. C. W. Barred pres* led: excellent attendance. Mrs. H Donaldscm provliled afternoon ten. Decided to support the Bible-in -Schools Bill. Mrs W, Mach'n gave an excellent address, and waa accorded a lieartv vote of thnnks. \ Gradle Afternoon to be given early hi October. Tmring the past month. 101 garments had been distributed at the Relief Depot., a total of 1.001 old and new garments given from the WCTd*. Depot. sPRKIININ. 20. Some interesting questions re increasing our membership were dealt with. Mrs Walker gave a very fine re port of the Distric t Convention doing*. The meeting closed with the Benediction. TI MARI’. ’ • b'-M at H'glif Id; fine attendance. Very busy month at the Bailors’ Rest, five overseas steamers visiting the Port, three Sunday teas and four Sunday Services had been gvc n. Long Se rvice Badges were presented to M'c-dames Norrle. Cave, ancl Arthur. Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Trott also to receive Badges- Cradle Roll Superintendent. Mrs Arthur Very inspiring address given by the Rev. H. C. Young. Unanimous vote recorded for the Bible-In-School* Bill.

Tl A MARINA. —Bept. 20. Twenty-three present; Mrs. Kings presided. Miss ('. MeLay u in I Mrs. Wilson (District President) \ is.tors, presented with posies of Spring flowers. Mcsdame* Robinson and White appointed delegates to District Convention. Donations of £1 to Headquarters, and ss. to District Executive. Tu*» Marina and Kprnig Creek having combined "Break-up” after School Conceit, and Tea at Spring Creek on October 20th. Miss McLav charmed her hearers with a talk of immense value, and w-is heartily thacked. Duet by Mesdames King and Smith. \\ ill hi • •( pt 1 Tg • hr* present. Mrs. Htt lien tine presiding. Report of District Convention given by delegates. Resolutions In favour of Bible-ln-Bchools Hill sent to Premier ancl Hon. Masters, and Mr. Massey. Bring and Huy rnlaed fl 10s 9d. for t lie Willard Home. W A.M> AN I I EAST. Sept. 14 Mr Dux field presided. Decided to form a W.C.T.U. Birthday League; Mrs. Henderson appointed Superintendent. Mrs. Ogier, Cradle Roll Superintendent, reported three new members' names added to the roll, which had at present a total of 31 names. Mrs. Dixon gave a very full and Interesting re|»ort of the recent Convention, for which she was cordially thanked. Madam Kdnumson sang, “In an Old-fashioned House” and "Coming Home.” Franchise Day. A paper, "What has been Accomplished,” was read by the Secretary. Next meeting Annual “Pay-up" Social. A collection in aid of the N.Z. Fund. Two new members. Two new subscribers to the "White Ribbon." Good business done at the Bring and Buy Stall. Afternoon tea. No. 2 REPORTS. ARATAI’I TE hOPI Kl . Se pt, s Twelve present: Mrs Godfrey presided. Franchise Day. Mrs. Dewberrv read article from “White Ribbon.” Mrs. M'T*eod recited, and *ongs rendered by Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Me Ijccml. Mesdames Dewberry asnl M< ls*od served afternoon tea. Asllltl ItTO.V n. t. 1. Fair attendance, pres*(led over by Mrs. Aitker.bend Votes of -ympathy with Mrs. Harris. Stir., and Mrs. Robinson In bereavement. Willard Home contributions to be handed in at November meeting Mrs. Oshom and Mrs. Nish to represent Union at No License Pound' Meeting re celebrating Temperance Centenary. Mesdames Church, Nish and Thornton, appointed in charge of Rest Tent at “A A- P.” Show on November 3rd. A Committee appointed to assist Mrs. Wear in arranging Garden Party on “LA ,11 s. Day, during November. Invitation received to vsit Mavfleld Hpring Flower Show Transport arrangements left with President and Assistant Secretary. Ten was served, and excellent reports of Convention submitted hv Mrs. Aitkenhead and Mrs. G Holmes. Reference was r.uule to Maori Day. and Mr. O. W. Andrews. Hon. Member, irave an Interesting address on “Maori Life and Customs.’’ BROOKLYN Be|»t. Mrs Webster presiding; good attendanc e Mrs. Ttaine brought greeting* from Maungaturoto Union. Reports received: Mrs. Pickering on Sailors Rest Room; Mrs. Brewer on N.CW.; Mrs. Pearson on Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. (idling* submitted Annual Report. Mrs. Webster read a paper. “Pioneer Temperance Work In N.Z." Mrs. Baudinet gave tnspiit,idicm "A Won an Worker in India." Hearty thanks to speakers. Presbyterian ladies were hostesses. H\I.CM THA.—Oct. 4. Mrs Clark presided. Miss Tosh read rejairt of Convention held in Oamaru Decided to send £1 Is. to Willard Home. Arranged not to have Band of Hope Picnic, but to give the children a Tea at the beginning of tlm year. Pledge repeated. BLENHEIM. -Oc t 4 Good attendance; Mrs. G. K Stock well presided. Next meeting on Kth November. Mrs. F\ A. S. Stephens (Convention delegate) read a wonderfully comprehensive reqeort cm Convention, and was accorded a very warm vote of thanks. Miss McLav gave a iiH*st Interesting resume of the work amongst the Maoris at Opotlki. and gave a brief outline of wonderful progress made during last two vears. Hearty vote of thanks. letter of

sympathy to he sent to Mrs. Chuck, in Hospital. COLLIN'GW (Mil). Sept. 3»>. Nine present; Mrs. Hill presided. Birthday League formed, with eight members. Decided to spend money to make up goods for Willard Home. Mrs. lid) read an account of the Centenary of Temperance Movement In Auckland. Mrs. Hill thanked for providing afternoon tea. CAMBRIDGE. Sept R. Mrs. Martin presided; small meeting. Sympathy with Mrs. James in her long illness. Donation voted to Willard Home. Mrs. Palmer, delegate to District Convention. CHK\ IDT. Sept. K. Very small meeting. President read extracts from "White Ribbon," and Presbyterian Minister gave a very interesting address on ‘Rev. ('. H. Spurgeon’s Views on Drink Question." lie emphasised the need to educate the young o.i Its evils. CIIKI'Tt 111 IH ll.—Sept. 2K. Miss Henderson presided; good attendance. One new member reported by Superintendent of (Kitlving Districts. Franchise Day; Mrs. N. H. Dixon gave an address, expressing gratification at what W.l'.T U. bad done to gain Woman’s Fran hise in N.Z. Next meeting, report of District Convention and presentation of Long Service Badges. DALEITEID.—Oc t. Fair attendance. Paper by Mrs. Ordish. Garments brought hv members for the W llaril Home. IH NEDIN CENTRAL Oc t I Mrs II • 11 presided, and, with mem tiers, extended a very cordial and loving welcome to Mrs Evans, M.A.. who was present at the meet ing Members stood in silence while votes of sympathy were passed to two members who had he«*n bereaved. Long discussion tc>ok place on an article which had appeared In the “Mirror” on the use of unemployment funds. Dec ided to leave the mattci for discuss on at next meeting. wli«ai more information would be received. Decided to •-•end parcels of clothing to Willard Home. Resolution of protest parsed on Gaming Amendment Bill. Mrs. Hotting read a most interest 'ng and comprehensive report of District Convention. Mrs. Tyrrell sang. "V hatever is is Best." and was afterwards rec eived as a member. Afternoon tea served. EDEN DALE. (M r,. Annual Meeting; good attendance, presided over b> Mrs. M< - Ewan. Secretary read report of year's work, and Mrs. Nl\cn presented a BalanceSheet. showing a credit of 9s 3d. A duet bv Mrs. Long and Mrs. Cate, accompanied by Mrs. Niven. Social hour and afternoon tea. EPSOM.—Sept. 29 Mrs. Neal presided; fair attendance. Reports of recent Convention given by Mrs. Worsley and Mrs. Heniu*. supplemented with special items by others. All agreed it was the best w e had ever held. The Pageant was greatly praised, ancl all were pleased to know it wc.uld he repeated. Miss Adams to sj»eak of her Maroi work at next meeting EEII.DING. Oct. (i. Good attendance. President in chair. Miss Lee, of Otaki, gave an address *>n "Her Work Among the Maoris.’’ Report of the District Convention given by the delegate, Mrs. Tremahi. Jnr. Opportunity was taken to farewell Mrs. Tremaln, Snr., who is going to Lower Huti. (Lower Hutt will give her » hearty welcome.—'Ed., "W.R.”) GERALDINE. Sept. Social Afternoon, each member to bring a friend; 2S present. Mrs. Cowley and Mrs. Allott winners of competitions. Pianoforte selections by Miss Bell; solo* by Miss Moncur and Mesdames Barrell, Coursey, Burrell and Prattle); recitation by Mrs. Allott. Mts. Neutae, a former President, spoke a few weirds. Hostesses. Mesdames McDonald. McKenwn am'. Prattley. IIAYKIOTK NORTH. Kept. 9 Devotional meeting; subject: "The Kingdom of Heaven.’’ Kept 23. Devot ; oiml talk cm “Service.” based on Luke 10th. Mrs. Webb appointed delegate to District Convention. Jam, China, Ac., sent to Wairoa. Scientific Temperance facts given. Address by President on “How the Franchise was Won. ancl w bat we have done with it.” II AWEItA. Kept . Mr . Squire ill the chair. A very interesting paper raid on ‘ Women's Franchise.” letters of sympathy to Mrs. Lees ami Mrs. Riddle. A collection

wai taken up for the New Zealand Fund. Reported that Social Evening had re a lined £1 3a. for local funds, amt «ai enjoyed by all present. Afternoon tea nerved by Mr*. Meredith and Mrs. Hobbs. |sl<AM) IlAY.—Sept. 21. Good attendance; Mir. Mowleni presided. Wives of Relief workers in district Invited to be present. Duets by Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth. Rev. Armstrong spoke on “The Huildinß I'p of t’hararter,” and was heartily thanked. Eight new members. Methodist ladies were hostesses. Next meeting In Presbyterian Church Hall, October 19th. KOIII M ARA VIA. Kept. Mrs. Hasp* i pr< sided. Apprer iation expressed of Rev. Perkins’ valuable assistance re Bible-in-8< hool». Mrs. L. Hady gave concise report of District Convention, and was heartily thanked. Efforts being made to abolish the publishing of ceitain papers now circulating in the city. Solo by Mrs. Warburton. I.KIGH.—Sept. At Mrs. Grigg s. A pai<cl of clothing to he sent to Willard Home. Letter from Secretary of Hall Committee re drink being taken into Hall on dance nights. Mrs. Morley and Mrs. Torkington read articles on “The Temperance Centenary,” and of "First W.tXT.II. In U.S.A." Mrs. Woodcock spoke of L.T.L. meeting she attended in Auekland. Afternoon tea. Ili \ l.\. Sept. 9. Good attendance; Mi . Cummins presided. Solos hv Mrs. Mew ami Miss Chalk; recitations by Miss Vance ami Beryl Green. Very helpful and inspiring talk by Mis* Mcl.iv. Mrs. Fate appointed Evangelistic Hupt. Sept. 30. Special meeting; fair attendance. Miss gave tine talk about her work among the Maoris. Mrs. Logan gave report of District Convention. Bring and Buy next meeting. Mrs. Paterson, District President, to he pres«*nt. MAI NGATI ROTO. Sept. 2*. Fair attendance; Mrs. H. Flower presided. Secretary instructed to write to local M.P. and Minister of Education, conveying resolution iii favour of Bihle-in-Schools Enabling Bill. Readings by Mrs. H. Flower and Mrs. Pasley. Sept. \ttendance good; Mi Bedford presided Mrs. Barker, our dele gate, gave us a splendid account of the District Convention; very much enjoyed by all. VIA^TERTON.—Oi t. g. Mrs. Blamires presided; good att««ndince. Motions of sym pathv to Mrs. Priestley in bereavement, and to Mrs. Every in illness. £2 donated to <>rgani»in* Fuml, and £1 to Willard Home, t ki<* new member. President pinned tlif Isuig Service Badge on Mrs. N. Miller, v bo bad given over 3o years’ service to the j’nion. Conies of “Seven Men of Pnsatun f,M to be distributed to the ”Y’».” unit the L.T.L. Mrs Blamires gave a verv interest - Wig report on the District *on vent ion. Hostesses, Mesdames Ross and Freeman. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mis. Blamires for her most interesting report. NEW BRIGHTON. Kept. Mrs Hall in the chair. Votes of sympathy with relatives of late Miss Croskell and Mesdamee Toombs and Fraser. Bring and Buy to he held hi Oidotier. Ikdegates gave comprehensive reports of District Convention, and were accorded votes of thanks. NORTIICOTE. Oct. «. Mrs Halbert presided; a fair attendance. Miss Read spoke of District Convention ami Temperance Centenary: also gave an Interesting demonstration. by lengths of ribbon, of tlif cost In millions, of necessities. Missions and the excessive rost of nb-ohol consume! in Great Britain. Two Pledges taken. Afternoon tea served. A vote of sympathy to Mrs Todd (President of Birkenhead W’.C T I T .I in the recent loss of her husbam (A hearty welcome to our youngest Vnlon —Ed., "W.TI. 1 N.F. WHEY. Sept Mis- Gray presided. and expressed pleasure at n« : so many mongers of League of Mothers pre sent and honed exchange of these two Organisations would ront nm. Mrs Anstlce gave interesting report of D*trict Convention, and was thanked. Miss Hlltditrh the Matron, st.oke on 1 Reason for the Inauguration of the Kar ane gocictv" A most interesting talk, and speaker asked to continue the talk at a fiitmv meeting. Four new members OXFORD- Sent 21 Rev. N. Finch gave n verv instructive address nm Persona! Work for the Temperance F*use d 1 donated to Willard Home. Podded to

press w illitiKiiesa to help the Bible-ln-School League. ONFHINGA Kept. 2t>. Home meeting at Mrs. Hunter’s. A Garden Afternoon; splendid (taper on "Riches from the Garden,” read by Mrs. Hunter. Two rongn on “Gardena” by Mrs. Parker. Recitation* by Men*'.nines liodder and Angus. Flo we* < Vmipetition won by Mrs. Ik-nize. Room decorated with flowers, and instead of usual collection, a Kale of plants and seeds. Mrs Ashby started Autograph Quilt. Dainty afternoon tea served by hostess. Votes ol thanks to hostess and helpers for the mi usual programme. PAHIATI A. -(H 5. Mi ■B. H. Paterson presided* Ik present. Arrangements mad* for a Gift Shop on October 29th, to mis* funds for the Willard Home, and for tli ♦ General Fund. Report of tin* Aren Con vent lon in Palmerston North by Miss H Ross. Miss A. M McLay gave an address, dealing malnl> with Total Abstinence. Mrs. A. I*. Fox and Mrs. W. R. Richardson hostesses. I'AIAIFRsTON NORTH,—-Oct. 7 Twentv eight present; increasing Interest shown Two new members. Miss Moore in tin chair. Knngs, with Auto Harp a<*« ompaniment, by Mrs. Gourlay; recitations by Mrs. Chittenden. Being Maori Dav, Mrs. G. T. Brown gave a lucid description) of a visit paid through Rua's country, Maungapohutu. and on to Ruatahurui, and spoke of the hasp table and lovable nature of the Maori people in tlieir own environment. Afternoon tea served, and a vote of thanks to all taking part. PORT CHALMERS. B»pt. * Fiir attend ance; Mrs. Tait presided. Mrs. Mirams reported that Headmaster was quite willing to have Temperance lessons in the School. Letter re Birthdav league. Mrs. Talt read a paper on “What Our Styorts Say About Alcohol.” PETONE. Sept 27. Social Afternoon; excellent attendance. I/ong Service Badges presented to M**edames MurgtCrnyri. Corner and Rnttersby, by Mrs. pervm j n. Songs bv Mes«lames Millward. Franklyn. Caldwell, and recitation bv Mrs. Jensen. Mrs. Pervui’in spoke on “The Work of the W.CT.I'." (Vt. 4. Business meeting, presided over bv Mrs. Plavter: 20 present. Report of the District Convention given hv Mrs. Carter. Decided to hold a Stall at Salvation Arm' Kiiir on I»th to 21st October. Letter of congratulations received from Miss Hendervm, ivmiininn Secretary, on our three Long Service members. Cradle Roll I**iy. Octolnu 25th. Rl Ml I RA. presided over hv Mrs. Hugh Kas|*er. who gave an address on “How the Women Won tile Franchise, iind what Fse they have made of It.” RINGIOKA. -Sept. 30 b.nd attendance; presided over »y Mrs McKechnle, who gave an interesting report of District ' on*

vention. Decided to have Bring and Bu> Afternoon for Willard Home at next meeting Collection, 7a., to be sent to N.Z. Fund. The Secretary was instructed to write to Mias Adams for paper on “Maori I ►»>*.” si MM;K. sbt. | Mrs. Robertson presiding. Nine new members enrolled to celebrate Mrs. T. E. Taylor’s Birthday, Resolution sent to M.P’s., urging their assistance for Bihle-in-Bchools Humbling Bill. Report of District Convention by Mesilaines Carter and Hutchinson. Tea served by Meadames Whitlield, Don and lleslop. TAI'RANG Sept. Annual Meeting. Reeleetlon of former Officers. Miss Harlow to send in record of new members, and to attend to Temperance Birthday league. Report and Balance-Sheet were adopted. Address from the Rev. Wllna ('onstahle, keenly appreciated. Messages of sympathy sent to Mr*. T. E. Taylor ami Mrs. Carlton Smith Afternoon tea. VAIPAWA. Bepl 111 ! ded; good attendance. Delegates appointed to District Convention and to Area Conference. Resolution ini favour of Btble-lu-fk-hools Enabling Bill. Mrs. Bibhy gave a line paper on “Woman’s Franchise,” and received hearty vote of thanks. Afternoon tea. W KI.IJNGTON. C. t 0 Mrs Mow leni presided. Cradle Roll Day; good attendance of mothers and their children. The programme was provided by the little ones. Songs, recitations and piano solos, were given, nnd one small hoy of seven. Donald Ross, was even able to play solos, sing, recite, and accompany on the piano, one of the hymns sung. Mrs. Mowleni gave a short address on "The Joy fend Responsibility of Bringing up Children.” Afternoon tea served, and paper hats, sweets, etc., were given to each child.

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White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 447, 18 October 1932, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 447, 18 October 1932, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 38, Issue 447, 18 October 1932, Page 7

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