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News of the Union.

Kfporti MIST 1. Kmu-Ii the Editor b.r Dth ot month. 2. Re written in ink, on one elde ot the |Ni(ter only. 3. lie uliort mjm! te the point. No. 1 REPORTS. AUCKLAND.—June 14. Pay-Up Social, letter of congratulation to Sir William Hunt. Mrs. Laidlaw Hpoke of her visit to Russia—Soviet’s Iron Rule—Anti-God Movement—Breaking up of home-life and all family ties. Song, recitations, ami afternoon tea. ARATAPU-TE KOPtßU.—June f. Mesdnmes McLeod and Jackson delegates to District Convention. Mrs. Godfrey appointed Superintendent for Y.P’s. Miss A. M, McLay spoke on Dominion Convention, her visit to Maori branches, and our approaching Jubilee. BROOKLYN.—June. Mrs. Buudinet presided. Mrs. Gittings reported on work done in providing mid-day meal for two or three hundred seamen. Mesdames Gillings anal Webster to attend District Executive. Mrs. Webster read a paper on “World Centenary Congress '’ Mesdames Butler ami Gillings to attend meeting of Temperance Bodies to arrange fitting celebration for Centenary of first Pledge signed. Mrs. Preston spoke o% St. John's Ambuianc# work. Presbyterian ladies were hostesses. BIRKENHEAD.—June 3. At Mrs. I>ingley’s; 15 present. Mrs. Kasper explained Resolutions passed at Dominion Convention. COLLIN G WOOD, j S 4 It * pra son*; one new member. I>ecided to organize Band *of Hope. Mrs. Hill read reports of W.C.T.U. activities, culled from various newspapers. CHEY lOT.—June. Pair attendance; one new member. President read a paper on “Food Value of Barley." Bring and Buy for next month. DEVON PORT.—June 14 Helpers enlisted for W.C.T.U. Stall at Winter Show Mrs Hoverd nml Mrs. Brewer delegates to N.Z. Alliance Conference. Mrs. Williams to assist Hospital Auxiliary Collection. EPSOM.—June 23. “W.R.” • I>ay. Paper by Editor read, and much enjoyed. Rending on "Dangers of Home-brew.” Mrs. Neal spoke upon Temperance Exams. Ihdegates to N.Z. Alliance Conference and for Hospital Collection appointed. FKN’COI RT.—June. “W.R.’’ Day observed, and paper read. Various cuttings from “White Ribbons” were read. Two new members. I>ectded to subscribe for a copy of "White Ribbon” for Union, to be circulated among members unable at present to subscribe. letter to Mrs. Peryman, conveying good wishes of the Union, and to help and uplift her in her work. GORE.—June 28. Appointment of District Organiser discussed; further enquiries to be marie. Mrs. Harper's resignation accepted with regret. Miss Robertson elected President Resolved to ask Headmasters of schools if they would use Text-hooks for Temperance exams. "White Ribbon” day observed, and extract read from and about i m- paper GREYMOI Til.--June 14. Special meet tip to consider help for Mayor’s Unemployment Fund. June 28. Reported that £3l 3s fid. had been added to Mayor’s Fund by combined efforts of Women’s Societies. Secretary read extract from “Do Everything.” Collection for Willard Home next meeting. GREYTOWN.—June. At Mrs. Morrison's I/etter of love and sympathy to Mrs. Every In her illness, and of thanks to Mrs. McKenzie for report of District Executive. Donation 12s fid. to Willard Home. Articles from last "White Ribbon” read, discussed, and much enjoyed. Next meeting at Mrs. H. Morrlson’a. HASTINGS.—June 23. Gifts o* lam and material brought for Willard Home Ae an

appreciation of Miss C. M. McLa> * work. It was decided to pny to Organizing Fund on basis of 1930 membership, because 1931 showed a decrease. “White Ribbon” paper read, and an appeal made. One member ottered to canvas for new subs. Miss De Forges, Secretary for Jubilee Copper Trail IIA\ KLOCk N.—dune 24. W ell attended meeting. “White Ribbons” handed to members to distribute. “White Ribbon” Day observed; fuvounte quotations read from back numbers; also extract from English and Australian “White Ribbons.” KAlAl'Ol.—June. Decided to announce Temperance Examination at next Band of Hope. Mrs. Trousleiot read a most interesting paper on “Miss Kate Mursden,” and was heartily thanked. IaAWKKNCE.- -June 21. Good attendance. Decided to take extra copy of “White Ribbon" and sell at meeting. Date of meeting altered to first Tuesday. Very helpful address by Rev. H. H. Barton. LEVIN. —June 10. Decided to hold Social Afternoon July Ist, with Bring and Buy und Craft Competition, with prize for best article. Very interesting paper on "The White Ribbon,” read by Mrs. Raw son. Secretary to write to Headmaster re Scientific Temperance Charts for School. LIN WOOD.—June 28. Sympathy sent to relatives of two deceased members. Itcgrct expressed at removal of Mrs. Brewins, a most capable Officer, Mrs. Snell, Superintendent of Birthday League, and Mrs. Grigg, of Scientific Temperance. Interesting paper read on "What the W.R.’ Stands For,” by Mrs. J. Black. HAKOTEKE.—June. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs. E. Smith's. Decided to give afternoon to Or Roll and Band of Hope. Mrs. Dally gave reading on “White Ribbon Day.” Miss Mildon read an article, “Who Is the Criminal?” MT. ALBERT. -June. “White Ribbon” Afternoon. Extracts from different issues of the paper read and discussed, providing a most interesting and profitable afternoon. Mrs. Karlsin sang. Mrs. Knight Miss McKibbin were hostesses. M. NGATI ROTO. June 28. Miss A. M. McLay s(>oke of her travels in the North; special mention of Sister Eleanor Dobbie and her work among the Maoris. Also gave a report of Ik. linion Convention. President thanked Miss McLay. NEW BRIGHTON.—June 16. •'White Ribbon” Day; an appeal for new subs< ribers and copies distributed. Mrs. Hall thanked all who had helped make 21. 1 d Birthday Social such a succes- Mrs. Ashford gave intensely Interesting address on “The White Slave Traffic.” NORTH BKHmITON.—June 21 Decided to hold Prayer Meeting first Friday every month Opawa I'nion. having disbanded, leclded on their request to enrol their children on our Cradle Roll. Miss B. M. Harband. J.P., gave interesting address on "India,” relating wonderful personal experiences. NEW PLYMOUTH. June “White RibIron” Imy observed. Sailors’ Rest Mart to be hel»l on August 26 th. The Report showed 1.930 visits of seamen from April 18th to June 18th. Report on work done for unemployed. Reading by Mrs. Sedgwick rm “The Imps in Editor's OfTlre.” Appeal for new subscribers. Copper Trail laid. N. INVERCARGILL.—June 21. "White Ribbon" Pay. Two new subscriber*. Inspiring Devotional Service try Mrs. Holmes. Votes of sympathy to sick members. Two solos bv Mrs. Mills. NAPIF.It.—J une. Mrs. Oliver gave report of District Executive Meeting. Committee to form a District Memorial Roll of Honour Reported that Union had been organised at Napier South. Reported that Miss C. M. McLay had done splendid work nmong voung people Paper on “White Ribbon Day” read, and a few words spoken by Mrs. Vfkiahles. N.F.. VAIJ.FY. —June. Memorial Service to Mr*. Beggs. Miss Gray. Mrs. Penrt and Mrs. Elliott, all stroke of good qualities and faithful service of our departed Sister. T>ecided to send letter of sympathy, and a wreath, and to hold W.C.T.U, Funeral Service. Extracts from "White Ribbon” read. nnd a letter from Editor. Decided to take an extra dozen, and endeavour to sell them,

NELSON.—June. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Knapp and Miss Cooke, reAd papers on “White Ribbon Work." Mrs. Downes read the Editor's "White Ribbon Day” paper. Letter from Mrs. Smith, telling of her travels in Egypt and Holy Land. Letter to be sent to Ministers’ Association, asking for special prayers for all who are working for relief of needy and for the needy. tlf> donated to Organizing Fund, and £5 to Mayor’s Unemployment Fund. OXFORD.—June 15. Appeal for help for Relief Camps. "W.R.” Superintendent retorted 34 subscribers. Four free copies distributed in Oxford, one to Springfield and two to Maori helpers ir. N. Island —41 copies in all. (Well done, Oxford. —Eel., “W.R.”) Ikfcided to send one guinea to Willard Home. OA MARl'.—June 13. Good attendance. “White Ribbon” Ihiy held over until July. Nurse Robertson gave interesting address on “Her Experiences while Labouring In the East.” Decid?d to express gratitude to Lord and Lady Bledisloe for gift of historic site of Wait&ngi. Mrs. Nicholson sang’ a solo. OTAHL’HIJune 16. “White Ribbon" Day. Papers by Mrs. Gatnian, Mrs. Eccersall and Mrs. West. Collection taken up. and two new subs. gained. ON Ell INGA. —June 9. “White Ribbon” l>ay. Mrs. Craig reported the formation of W.C.T.U. I’hoir. Appeal for hooks and magazines for women prisoners. Programme in liands of “W.R.” Agent. Mrs. Fetched. Songs by Mrs. Gilmore; address by Rev. Thomley. One new member. June 22. "At Home.” Community singing; recitation. Mrs. A>ngus; songs by Mrs. Craig; address, pastor Garner. Mrs. Kasper spoke on work of W.C.T.U. One new member. OIIAKINK.—June 16. “White Ribbon” Day, and interesting extracts read from paper. Sympathy with Mrs. Lynn in bereavement. 1 decided to send vegetables to Women’s Unemployment Committee Hi Wellington. OB AKA. —June 8. Leaflet re "White Ribbon” read and commented on. Paper by Mrs. V. right on “Our Motto,” much enjoyed. FORT CHALMERS.—June 9 Decided to distribute Y.P. Supplements. Report of Hand of Hope received. Mrs. Mir&nis in the chair. FAPANLT.—June 9. Invitation to 21st Birthday of New Brighton Union. Next meeting. Arts and drafts Afternoon. Men,hers to bring articles of clothing for Relief Depot. Fresident explained Found Scheme, and several offered to canvass. RE. MI ERA.—June 21. “White Ribbon” 1 *ny observed. Mrs. Carr read fine paper, written by Mrs. Peryman. Report of Concert given at Hospital by Union. Reported on fine programme gi\>n b" L.T.L’s. of Remuera and Kohimarama. Mrs. Percy Wlnstone provided musical programme. One new member and one new subscriber to “White Ribbon.” KYAL Bl’Sll.—June 20. Home meeting at Mrs. Ogren’s. President gave account of District Quarterly Meeting. Resolved to serai donation to Willard Home. Reported Band of Hope commenced. Congratulations sent to a member lately married. k\i \ ALLEY. Juna 21 IftMto m “White Ribbon” Day read. One new subscriber nnd one new member. Decided to hold Bring and Buy in August to raise funds for delegates to District Convention. Mrs. Page, who is leaving district, was presented with n book hv Union, and a small silver dish from "Vs." nnd all spoke of her willing service. Mrs. Page returned thanks. Recitations, songs, nnd a competi tion. Afternoon tea. RICTARTON. —June 9 Combined Sprevdon and Rlccarton Branches. Delightful music bv Mesdames Simmondß and Mathieson. and recitation by Mrs. McKenzie. Editor’s “White Ribbon" leaflet read, and an appeal made for new subs. Reported 4 8 garments sent to Relief Depot. Oie new member, two new subs. Reported visit to Jubilee Home, and inmates entertained bv musical nnd elocutionary Items and supper. Also. Riccarton bad visited Sydenham and conducted their meeting All article*. Including Devotions and Temperance farts, were taken from the "White Ribbon.”

SE DlKlN'.—June. At Mrs. Watsons; 13 present; Mrs. Reilly presided. Miss Berry to be Treasurer until Mrs. Hannnond can again take office. An article from "Grit" read by Miss Cameron. SUMNER. —June 7. Mrs. Pirett, proxy delegate to March Convention, outlined the work done, and dealt with chief points of reports and various remits. The Wanganui Union and residents gave them a great reception. Itelegates were up to usual strength and enthusiasm as great as ever. The able summary was enjoyed by a good meeting. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Walker and Mrs. C. Sherrand, and items were given by Mesdames H estop, Robinson, and Webb. S. IH NKDIN.—J une. Three new members. Mrs. Aburn read report of N.C.XV. Mrs. Aderman read paper for "White Ribbon" Day. Sister Ha/el spoke on "Temperance,” and was warmly thanked. STYX.—June. Final arrangements for Baud of Hope meeting. "White Ribbon” Day celebrated, and Editor’s paper read. Heart to heart talk on "Faith and Courage.” MFItEYDON.-—June 14. Very fine address on “Disarmament," read by President. Replies received to protest against grunt to Racing Clubs. Nothing promised. TEA MARINA.—June 21. Eighteen present. Faper for “White Ribbon” Day read, nnd members urged to carefully consider before cancelling their subs. Address by Rev. Saunders. TI.M ARE.—J une 28. Musical programme. Faper for "White Ribbon” Day read, and strong appeal made by Mrs. Low. TE AW AMITE.—June 16. Rev. Raine gave brief address on '‘Faithfulness.” “White Ribbon” Day paper read by Mrs. Wilson. and discussion followed. Three “W.R.” subs., one member, and two Cradle I toll children. Mrs. Ilaine sang “The American Battle Song;” much enjoyed. TE.MIKA.—June 9. Solo by Mrs. Hambridge. Sympathy with Mrs. Norrie. Report of District Executive Meeting given. Short prayers for weaker Unions. Lecturette by Mrs. Roberts on “Home-brew.” Faper on “White Ribbon Day” read. TKMI'KJL—JuIy 1. Twenty present. Sympathy with Mrs. Edwards in bereavement. Solos by Mesdames Hawkins and Barnbridge. Arrangements for Memorial Day made. Reported that Union Prayer Meeting* were well attended. Mrs Roberts gave le* lurette on “Booze." UPPER HITT.-June 23. Regret expressed at the removal of the Treasurer. Mrs. Dickson, to Wniiganu'. and President spoke in appreciation of tier work, ami presented her with a supper set. Rev. Hunt also spoke in appreciation of Mrs. Dickson's work at Band of Hope. WELLINGTON CENTRAL—June 21. 'White Ribbon" Dai celebrated Fresident read paper on “Imp at the Editor’s Table." Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Colbeck sang. Three members took extra copy of “White Ribljon” to sell. Report given of the work of seven members in helping at Seamen’s Mission to provide mid-day meal for seamen out of work. Resolved to tak« fourth Thursday; Fresident to write to different Church guilds, leagues of Mothers and kindred Societies, and invite them to our Union meetings. Mrs. lloult to look after Copper Trail. WANGANE4 KA S T.—JutH' 8. Successful meeting to celebrate “White Ribbon” Da> ; Mrs Duxfleld presided. Mrs Ogier reported twenty-seven names on newly-organised Cradle Roll. Ten shillings voted to obtain literature Arrangements made for spec'al meeting on “Memorial Day.” Secretary read paper hv Mrs. Peryman. A short programme of musical and eUv utionary items. One now subscriber. WAIEKIL—June 24. Ten present; one new member Decided to ask Miss McLay to address our next meeting. “White Ribbon" l>av paper read. WAI MATE.—.June 8. "White Ribbon" Day. Paper supplied by Mrs. Peryman read hv four members as a "Play-Reading.” Musical items and a recitation much enjoyed. Mrs. OfT'rer was appointed Superintendent of “Y.” Branch. Votes of sympathy were passed to bereaved members.


ASHBURTON.—JuIy 5. lKn-i<W to \..ite to Mrs. T. E. Taylor, assuring her of t’.,e loving; sympathy and prayers of Union, and wishing her a si>eeily recovery. £5 voted to Fund. Derided to entertain ••V." Branch in August, to visit Tinwahl Union July 15th. and to commemorate Memorial Day on July 19th. Congratulations to C-apt. Thoni|i*si and Y.P's. on winning PC.7.. Shield for general progress and efficiency. I'. A I t'l l I II A.—July 5. Fair attendance. InterestKig paper on ‘‘Life and Work of iate T. K. Taylor.” Mrs. Clark reported on District Meeting. Regret at the removal to Dunedin of Mrs. Armstrong, an enthusiastic member. BLENHEIM.—June. Home meeting at Mrs. GirlHig's; splendid attendance. Decided to hold Sewing Circle to make clothes for needy cases. Musical Items by Mesdamea Underhill and Mills, and Misses J. Girling and M. Mills. Recitation by Mrs. N. Forbes. Afternoon tea and warm thanks to hostess. June 7, “White Ribbon” Day. l*apers, read by Mesdames I*. j\. Stephens and J. Stewart, were much enjoyed. I>ecided to order 100 copies of ‘Y.P. Supplement” to enclose w*th Cradle Roll Cards. Three members vi «h subscribed for extra copy of ‘‘White Ribbon.” Mi** Lahore, Secretary for R. ft F. Bible Society, spoke in appreciation of W.C.T.U, work July 5. Splendid .Meeting. Parcel of elothes sent to Willard Home. Mrs. B. Gosling presented with Long Service Badge; first in the iYilon. President reported one had been forwarded to Mrs. Roberts. Rev. Madill gave very inspiring address on “Home, and its Wide-spread Influence.” CHRISTCHURCH. —June *. Emouragmg reports from Superintendents’ of Departments; increase of Cradle Roll members. Garments sent to PYesh-Air Home, congratulations to Mrs. McKee on her 90th Birthday. Miss Wilkie promised to sell 5(» ‘‘White Ribbons.” June 22. Good attendance. Volunteers offered to help Y.W.C.A. in street collection. Mias Henderson and Mrs. Adkins to represent Union on Committee arranging Total Abstinence Centenary. Miss Henderson gave an Interesting talk on ‘‘U.S.A. Prohibition.” reading letter from Mrs. Boole World President. CARTERTON. —JuIy 6. Fair attendance. Vote of sympathy with Mrs. Every hi Illness. Address on ‘‘The Bible and an Enduring Empire” read, and much appreciated. Mesdames R. Madden and Durni were hostesses. DUNEDIN CENTRA I*—July 5 Good attendance. President urged members not to mark time, but to advance, and especially to train the young. Letter re Scientific Temperance Examination. Members to visit Broad Bay Union. Bring and Buy 'or Organising Fund. FEILDING.—June 2. Report of District Executive Meeting by Mrs. Spence; also read paper for “White Ribbon” I>ay. Sympathy in losa of her daughter went to Mrs. Flavell. July 7. Good attendance. Sympathy w ith Mrs. Hughes hi loss of a sister Interesting paper on "The Religion of the league of Nations." GERALDINE. —June. Eighteen present. Letters of sympathy to sick members. Mrs. Prattley read paper on “White Ribbon’ Day. l>ecided to have Bring a«nd Buy In August. Sewing and knitting to be done to alleviate distress. HAMILTON. —July 7. Combined meeting of the Hamilton Unions; \ery large attendance; Mrs. Jones. J.P., occupied the chair, ami heartily welcomed the visitors. Rev. H. O. Gilbert gave a most inspiring address on these words, ‘‘Every Plant. which My Heavenly Father hath not Planted, shall be Rooted up.” A very hearty vote of thanks accorded Mr Gilbert. Mrs. Stephenson • raig. District Secretary, presented Long Service Badges to the following ladies: Miss Amhury. 25 years’; Mrs. Jones. J.P . Mrs. J. Tldd. Mrs. 8 Meacharn. Mrs. G. Jack, each having completed 33 J years' of active service. A dainty afternoon tea. One new member. LEIGH. —June. At Mrs. Griggs; good at tendan o. Mrs. P. Morley gave report of

Gradle Roll work. Report of District Executive Meeting by Secretary. Paper on "White Ribbon” Day read. Scriptural reading on “Good Wines of tho Bible." July 5. Mrs. Matheson took two car loads of visitors to Matakana to attend combined meeting. A splMided address by Miss A. M. \lcLay. Mrs. Hamilton spoke on ‘‘Frances Willard/' Mrs. Yule sang, and Matakana ladies provided afternoon tea. MOSGIEI..—.Juno. Fair ttend.".nee. Mr . Bedford read splendid address on ‘‘The Possibilities of Good in Us.” Very much appreciated. PETON'E.—JuIy 5 Fifteen present. President read a paper, ‘‘Pray und Watch.” “White Ribbon” Day held. Miss Moore spoke on "Early Da>x of White Ribbon,” and Rev. James on “World-wide Uprising of Women." Pianoforte solo by Miss Edwards; songs, Mesdames MeHardy and Wishnnskv; recitntion, Mrs. Holroyd. I’l hl.lll I\. .1 !i!\ < mi: pleasure cf a visit from Miss A. M. Mcl<ay. She gave report of Dominion Convention, and addressed fine gathering of young people. Two new members. Miss McLay gave Evangelical address at Oanuiru on Ss*un<lay evening. PAIIIATI A.—July 7. Eight present. Miss Lee to address Bepteml>er meeting on “Work Among the Maoris.” Mrs. Paterson gave reading from ‘‘Torch-Bearers.” Furtherextracts to be read at future meetings. Mrs. Patchett and Miss Gardner, hostesses. TAKAPI XA.—July 7. Report of the Auckland Area Convention of N.Z. Alliance was given by the President. Pianoforte solo by Miss Couper, and a I)i< kens Sketch very cleverly done by Mrs. Spiers. A Bring and Ruy for the Willard Home brought in 12. and a sac k of good clothing for tire children. Afternoon tea by the Officers. WAIROA.—June 14. Best meeting yet, and good attendan<*e. “White Ribbon” Day paper read and discussed. Mrs. Stacey suggested that each member aim to get one new subscriber. Mrs. Speer read article on “Finland and Prohibition.” Bring and Buy next meeting. Mrs. Alexander gave report of District Executive meeting. \t V ll’l l\ I It \ I I till! keenly Interested audience. "White RibIron” Day observed, and paper read by Mrs. Griffiths. June 8. At Mrs. Smales’, to meet Mias C, M. M'Lay, w*o spoke on “Work and Pioneers of W.C.T.U. Work." Three new members. July 7. (Joocl attendance. and keen interest. Discussion on Band of Hope; decided to observe July’s Reel Letter Day with a Rally. Decided to hold Homo meetings once a month. One new member. WELLINGTON. July : Mina Kirk J.P presided: good attendance. Bring and Buy Stall added nearly £1 to our funds. The President heartily welcomed Mrs. Peryman to our meeting Mesdames Murray and Webb were appointed to attend a meeting of the 1.0.0. T. to arrange a fitting celebration of Total Abstinence Centenary- The Alliance Secretary wrote, asking for volunteers to take delegates for a couple of days for the Convention. Afternoon tea and an Interesting c-o m pet it ion.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 444, 18 July 1932, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 444, 18 July 1932, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 444, 18 July 1932, Page 7

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