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News of the Union.

|{e|>ortn MIST 1. Reach the Editor by Mb of mouth. 2. lie written in ink. on one side of the imiHT only. 3. lie short ami to the point. AMIItI KTOV May 17. “Peace Day.” Special meeting. Good attendance. Mix Robinson presided. Glowing tributes were paid by several to the excellent work done by Mrs Clara LIU, and it was decided to place on record the INiion’a loving appreciation of the devoted service rendered the organisation for many years by our departed comrade. Welcome extended to visiting members from other Pniotis, and greetings exchanged. President referred to “Peace Hay” and work of Disarmament Conference, and urged all to renewed prayer for National Peace and prosperity. Solo, greatly appreciated, by Miss Turker. Rev. G. It. Hinton delivered a very instructive address on “The Trade.” and the finding of the Koval Commission re liquor trade. Legislation suggested, and conclusions arrived at were ably dealt with. Hearty vote of thanks carried to speaker ami soloist. June 7. Mrs Aitkenhead presided. Moderate attendance. A vote of sympathy passed with Mrs A. Might and family in sudden bereavement. letters to be sent to sick members. Splendid Temperance Facts received. Hon. G. W. Forbes. P.M., and Mr J. Connelly, M.P., wrote acknowledging resolution forwarded requesting reconsideration of unemployment levy on women wugeeirners. Donated £1 Is to Achburton Competitions Prize Fund, and fl to N.Z. Fund. Mrs Peryman’s excellent little paper on "White Ribbon” Day was read by Miss A. K. Watson. All present urged to make June a memorable month in securing new subscribers. Henrty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Peryman and Miss Watson. A committee appointed to arrange tea at 6 p.m. at annual meeting of No-License Council on Jure Ifith. Tea was served. .VI <hl.A\!>.—Max 10. Mrs Cook presided A telegram and letter of protest lr»d been sent to the Prime Minister in connection with the unjust legislation in regard to the women's unemployment tax. Mrs c<*>k read a very interesting letter from Mary Harris Armor. A letter was received from our Editor thanking the Pnion for their letter of congratulation on reaching the 19th year of editorship of the "White R hbon." Miss ('aider gave* a most interesting address, ini her own original way, on the work ol Fton gn M ssiMM. sii.- ims »... longed to the* King's Workers for 40 years, and is full of enthusiasm and zeal in all foreign nissioti work. H VI I \ N( » 17 M presided. Fair attendance. Mrs Gibson read nn interesting paper on "The League of Nations.” Dainty afternoon tea served. Decided to have White Ribbon Day as an entertainment for the school children. ItItOOKIA N. —Max 24. Good attendance. Mrs Goring presided. Solo by Mrs Her nett Sympathy with Mrs Seddon in bereavement. Treasurer's report showed credit balance. Resolved to assist in preparing daily luncheon for unemployed seamen. Mrs Brewer gave report of District Executive. Interesting graph shown re brewers as employers, in -ontrast to other industries. Tea served by Vethodist ladies. ItIKKENHEAR.—May 5. At Mrs Havman's. 18 p-esent. Mrs Kaspar told us some appalling facts about the evil of the cabarets an< dam-e halls, and also gave a good report of Convention. She has promised to come to our next meeting at Mrs Dingley's, Haurnkl Street, on June 7th. RAINIIAM.—May 19. At Mrs Jeffries’, six present. President presided. Articles read by President and Secretary. Mrs Graham gave Temperance Fact from “Beacon.” Meeting closed with praver. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mrs Jeffries,

CAMBRIDGE. May. Mn* Martin presided, seven present. Stormy day. Article read from “White Ribbon by Mrs Itandell. Coiumnity sing. and solo by Mrs Randell. Mrs Skellern played solo. Mrs Richards invited members to parsonage for afternoon tea. lIAI.KHKM). dime 4 Fair attendance. Mrs Ordish in chair. Several members brought stockings to be made into garments for the needy. Next meeting at Mrs Linton's. 1)1 NEIMN, June •>. Very good attendance. Mrs Hiett presided, and welcomed visitors from the Oumaru and Rnlciutha Unions. Short encouraging messages were given by Mrs Hiett, who based heT remark" on verses in Matthew 10th. Piano solo by Mrs Clark. Mrs Blakeley read Mrs ivry man’s article specially written for White Ribbon Day, and Mrs DownK.g a very fine article from the May,,number of the “White Ribbon. ’* Mrs Alexander read a newspaper article on a Temperance campaign in Ireland. Refreshments handed round. Br«ig and Huy social. DARGAVILIA May 10 President, Ml White, presided. Arrangements made for Miss M (Lay's visit next month. Mrs White gave a very interesting account ef Dominion Convention. Ten shillings sent to Whangarei Branch to help their stall at the Winter Show. HKVONPDRT. —May. Peace L>ay. Mrs Williams presided, and led special devotions. Mrs Millar gave splendid addres cm “Peace.” Afternoon tea. Kl’MLW.—May 26. Mrs Nea] presided over an encouraging attendance. Mrs Remus gave most interesting talk on her work as President and founder of tile '•Mothers' Thought Guild." She showed how love, patii c, and gentleness should l»e the chief elements in tlie rearing of the child, teach ti.g him to control himself, rather than to lie forced to do so by authority. Good collection taken up, and arrangements made for White Ribbon Day. Afternoon tea served. Mrs Neal and Mrs lien fell to represent Epsom Union on the National Council of Women. (iKKAIJ)I>'K.—May. 28 present. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mesdames Dean, Ihivis, Cliff, and Coombs. Miss Stevens gave one of her very interesting addresses on “Sowing the Seed in the Every-day Walk of Life," emphasising tiiat it is a work we all can do. Benediction closed good meeting. May 3. Mrs Wallach presided, ami read the Convention sermon, much enjoyed by all. Reported that several members had given report of Convention at Temuka Union. Afternoon tea by Mesdames Coursey, fouling, and ifruntun. (iERYMOITH. i 11 ported meeting of Unemployment Committee. at wild h Misses Moffutt and Oliver represented W.C.T. U. All members promised help. Resolved to make special effort for White Ribbon Day at next meet-i-.ig, June 28th. GREEN MEADOW*, lll*.—May 19. New Union organised by Miss C. M. Me Day. Address on "World-wide Work of W.C.T.U. and the Alcohol Problem.” Officers: Pres., Mrs Carter; Sec., Mrs Waterhouse; Tress., Mrs Finnieinore; L.W.R. Supt., Miss o. Carter. HRNIMSKMQN. May Mrs Platt pn ed. Good attendance. Telegram reeeived from Prime Minister, and letter from our M.P., Mr R. Mason, in answer to our protest re tin* unemployment tax on women. Each promised it ilieir earnest consideration. Temperance Facts ami extracts from “White Ribbon" read by Mrs Platt. Rev. (I*. Jordan gave a most interesting address on “Peace and Disarmament." Much interest was aroused, and a good discussion followed. Afternoon tea. HAMILTON. : . | Mi Jones i.i. sided. Good attendance. Report given of recent meeting of N.Z. Alliance at Rotorua. White Ribbon Iky observed. Suitable readings given. Decided our next meeting to invite a speaker, and present long service badges. One new member initiated, and subscriber to “White Ribbon.” Afternoon tea dis|>ensed. HASTINGS - May 26. Social afternoon. <«ood attendance. Mrs Hickmott (Presj•lent) in the chair. Miss Mitchell appointed Treasurer. Miss C. M. McLay gave very interesting address Miss Helen gave as a solo The Holy Ci y." Appeal made

by Secretary for Willard Home. Afternoon ten served. Flowers presented to Mrs Paul, who was wished bon voyage and a safe return; also to Miss McLay. HAW ERA. May 31. Mrs Exley presided. Fair attendance. Thanks from Secretary of Willard Home for parcels of c'othing. Mrs L. J. Williams elected Supt. of Maori Work. Collection taktsi up for Missions. Several members read papers on the Autobiography of Frances Willurd, which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Tea dispensed by Mesdames Hurrell and Curtis. HAVKLOTK >.— M i > 17 Good attend ance at Mrs Webb’s. Mrs Speight presided. and Miss Catherine McLay led the devotions. taking for her subject “Perseverance in Prayer.” She also gave a very interesting and brief account of the work being done by the Y branches in Hawke’s Bay. Scientific Fact. “Alcohol ami the Brain." Appeal made for new ”W.R.” subscrlWrs. Blotters distributed. “A “Bring and Buy" Sale held after the meeting. Afternoon tea enjoyed. I*I.AN I* ItAY. —May 18. Mrs Mow lem presided. Mrs Priestley gave an interesting talk on the Dominion Uonvtntion, greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs Glensor rendered a delightful solo. Afternoon tea dispensed by Baptist ladies. Next meeting to be an educational one. INVERCARGILL SOUTH.—May. Evening meeting. Well attended. Mrs Gi 1mour welcomed visitors. Mrs McGregor opened meeting. Solos. Mrs Simon and Mrs Martin; duet Mrs Martin and Miss Williamson; recitation. Miss Thomas; solo, Mr Schroeder. Rev. C. J. Tucker gave fine address on “Ancient Mohammedanism," ami spoke of open door now for our missionaries. Supper Mid votes of thanks to speaker and performers. kOIIIMAKAM.I.—June 1. Attendance, 70 per cent, of membership. Mrs Frank WoolJer (President) in the chair. Add Tess on “Bible in Schools” by Mrs C. E. Perkins. Decided to confine work to relief of destitute unemployed women. Mrs Frank WooJler spoke on the sweetness of working for Dove, and not from a sense of duty alone. Resolutions re intoxicated drivers in charge of vehicles causing accidents passed, to be forwarded to District Executive meeting. Resolution passed that local School Committees be asked to obtain a plebiscite in regard to introduction of Nelson System in the schools of the district. Mrs Lewis Endv and Mrs Johnson served afternoon tea. Mrs Frank Wooller and Mrs Warburton provided musical programme. "White R bbon” meeting arranged for June 15. LIN WOOD May. Mrs J. Richards oii upeil the chair. Annual Peace Day was observed, very interesting pap* rs on aspects of the Peace Movement being contributed by Mesdames C. R. N. Mackie and IT. H. Low, M.A., of Timaru. Cl « latter paper being read by Mrs Perrett. A committee to assist relief work Hn the district was ret up. comprising Mesdames Black, Grlftg, Mackie, and Nelson. An invitation to the birthday celebrations of the Central Brighton Union was accepted. A hearty vote of thanks to tlie writers of the papers carried. Afternoon tea. LOWER HI TT.—May. Fifteen members present. President in the chair. Mrs Aldersley gave a brief report of the District Executive meeting. The Rev. Sharp spoke on “The Present Crisis and the World’s Greater Need.” Our only hope is to apply Christian principles to every phase ef modern life; the need of unity of pur]K>se to stand firm and be loyal to Christ, to realise the presence of Christ everywhere. Vote of thanks for very helpful address. Members knitting scarves for those needing them. LEVIN. —May 13. President read Corinthians 1:13, and commented on It. Mrs Kennedy read several articles on Disarmament and Peace from “White Ribbon" bulletin, and Geneva Conference. laetgue of Nations literature distributed. Resolution passed by District Executive re unemployed women and relief read. LAW RENTE.—-May 17. Mrs Edie presided. Fair attendance. Arrangements made to have addresses from the ministers of the town during the year. Mrs J. Me* Klnlay read an interesting paper on “Frances Willard."

LEIGH.—May 2ft. Meeting at Mrs Grigg's. Good attendance. President in the chair. Secretary read minutes of District iExecutive meeting. Poetry reading by members was much enjoyed. Scriptural readings next meeting on the wines of the Bible. Mrs Morley gave a report on Cradle Roll work. M AI NG ATI ROTO.— May 25. Ver> suc - cessful pay-up social. Good attendance. Mrs Mollard welcomed. June meeting arranged to suit Mias McLay’* visit. Blotters to be presented to local school children. Musical item* by Mrs Mollard. Mrs K nightbridge, and Miss I). Cullen. Readings by Mrs Flower and Mrs Pasley. Mrs F. Cullen read extract re "Improvement in Vlasterton Owing to No-License.” MASTERTON.—June 2. Mrs Hlnmires presided. larrge attendance. Solo by Miss Jones. Rev. J Davie s|»oke on “The Age of Social Questions.” in regard to present day problems of unemployment, lie said: “I am deeply thankful that in these days of stress we have no public-houses in Masterton to add to our problem*." He was heartily thanked. Afternoon tea served by Mrs Miller ami Miss Tankersley. N’.K. % ALLEY.—May. Fail attendance. Miss A. Gray presided. Rev. Lhijlaston gave an address, helpful and interesting. Ins subject being “Solomon’s Treasures." He was heartily thanked. Member* urged to attend meeting for women by Rev. Lionel Fletcher. Next meeting "W.R.” Day, members to contribute **xtra< ts from tin* paper (any date). NEI.SON. —Miu. President in tin* chair. Good attendance. Mrs Moves gave a very interesting report of Y Convention, held at Wanganui; also re|>ort*d on L.T.D. work. Peace Day. Fair attendance. Miss Cooke read extracts from Mrs laiw's paper on Peace and Arbitration. Several members led in prayer. Mrs Downes snng a solo. Miss Every gave a recitation. May 25. A very successful Jumble Sale. NAPIER. —May. Mrs Milner pres ded. Meeting for Young People arranged for May 20. and women's meeting at Greeiuneadows. Sympathy to Mrs Kmales. Greetings from Wanganui conveyed by Mrs DunstaJi. Miss Taylor spoke on “Work of British and Foreign Bible Society,* showing samples in different languages, and stating that New Zealand branch distributed over 33,ftfto copies of Scriptures m 25 languages. NEW PLYMOUTH. —May 16. Peace Day. Mrs Gcldsbury, President of Lea gut of Nations Union, gave interesting reports from Geneva Conference, showing uni versa I longing for Peace, and difficulties in the way of disarmament. Strong disapproval of the present generation being "fodder for cannon." May 25. Bring and Buy afternoon. Good attendance, and business brisk. Miss Drew and Mrs Chapman representatives on Unemployment Committee. Pianoforte solo byMrs Deprose; songs. Mrs Carey; recitations by Mrs Warrington. ©W AKA. —May 11. Nine members p~esent. Mrs Ryley in the chair. Members received by transfer from Clutha Branch. A very fine paper read by Mrs Flnlayson, “Women and Their Indifference to Worldwide Problems.” OTAHI 111 .—May 19. Mrs Eceersajl in the chair. Pledge repeated by members. Mrs Eccersall gave resolutions passed at the recent Dominion Convention. Afternoon tea. Very pleasant and profitable afternoon. OAMARI . —May 8. Very wet day. hut good attendance. Miss Smyth presided. Mrs lerrier spoke on "We are Ambassadors for Christ." Miss Smyth completed her report of «'onv«*ntion, very interesting and enjoyable. Vote of sympathy to sick members. ON’LHt N’C»A. —May 12. Wire letter sent to Prune Minister re women’s unemployment tax. Mrs Stacey reported on meeting re unemployment. Decided to collect gilts from time to time and send to the Central I>epot from the AV.C.T.U., and Miss Taylor our representative on the General Committee meeting. Sympathy sent to two members bereaved. Mrs H. Harper. District President, spoke on the resolutions brought »>efore Convention: The School of Methods in Auckland, the danger of home brew, and the need for our menilier* to have nothing

to do with guessing competitions and raft lon, etc. A Bring and Huy stall realised £1 t>s. DN'KHI'MiA. — Mh> 25. Home meeting at Mrs H. Fetch ell'a. 29 present. Mrs Aalihy occupied ttie chair. Rev. I). L>. Scott read the lesson, amd prayer was offered by Pastor \V. Garner. Pastor Garner spoke on the position regarding liquor in U.8.A., and a very interestinK discussion followed. The Kev. Thornley also spoke briefly. A duet. “Hush! 'tis the Twilight," rendered by Mesdames H. Petchell and A. Jackson. A dainty afternoon tea served. Collection for the Delegates' Fund was taken up. Gifts of suKar and rice were received for the Onehunga I'nemployed Relief. Very hearty Note of thanks to the hostess and speakers.

OTOItOIIANGA. —June. Fair attendance. Mrs Tozer presided. Derided to liave Roll fall. ('hart to he presented to local school. Mrs RoKers read an article from the "Beacon.”

PONSONHY.—May 19. Miss Re<ul pre sided. Good attendance. Major Go? * >n Kave a very interesting talk on "Practical Christianity,” showing it was the duty and privilege of the women to-day to live up to the ideals of Christian womanhood for the sake of the future generation. Letters received from the Prime Minister re protests .-•*nt from our I’nion against tin* cutting of salaries and pensions. PAIifATI A.—June 2 . Mrs H. Paterson in the chair, seven present. Mrs Pa ter? on gave a reading from the la-aguc of Nations journal, dealing with the religions of the nations tlint belong to the Iwague of Nations. Mrs Peryman's article on "White Ribbon Ihty" was read. The scientific fact for tile afternoon was "Tile Danger of Alcohol in Emergencies.” A Peace meeting at the home of the President was arranged for 24th June. Collection, 4s 3d. Mrs Fox ami Mrs Johnson were hostesses for the afternoon. PIPIT <’HAI.MKK.S- May 12. Meeting was well attended. Mrs Tait occupied the chair. Miss Grey, IHstiict Secretary, gave an interesting report of the Dominion Conventlon. The flrst meeting of Hand of Hope w hs held in < 'ongregatinnal Church on May 30th, with a story, illustrated with lantern slides shown by Rev. T. A. Tile story was read h> Mrs Mi rums, and very much enjoyed by a large number of children. A letter of sympathy was sent to Mr (took for the loss of liis wife, who was a member of our I'nion; also to Mrs Brighton in her illness RICCAKTON.—May 12. Large attendance. Mrs C. \V. Barrell presided lk*\ otional exercises led by Mrs Virtue, a foundation member of the Union. Temperance Fa.f given, subject being "Insurance Offices’ Life i Mil Death Statistics, comparing abstainers with non-abstainers." Large quantity of clothing brought Si for distribution among the needy. Arrangements made for visiting Sydenham Unon on June 2nd, also visiting Jubilee Home the following week. Rev. .lolln Allen gave an address on the ”<*ostliness of War." Letters to he sellt to tlie various organisations in Rlccarton re assisting distress in the district. RYAI, HI'SH. — May 4. Joint meeting of W.I’.T.U. avid P.W.M.F., 1H present. The President welcomed the visitors. Mrs McGregor gave us a very interesting and inspiring address on what was done at the Annual ('ovi vent ion. and received a hearty vote of thanks. Social cup of tea. Mrs McGregor invited members to the quarterly meeting at Gore on May 2 41li. Rl'SkKl.l. B. of Y’a.—May, 2..10 p in. Miss Midway gave very helpful address, niuen appreciated; two initiations. 7, B. of H.: Some amusing and instructive Items. Inspiring address by Miss Mi Lay, gave much pleasure to all. RKM I'KKA.—May 17. Mrs Hugh Kasper presided. Sister Grace gave an address on "Prayer." A very interesting discussion took place in regard to the Government’s action in grunting a remission of 135,000 in totalisator taxes to Racing flubs, while ei anomies were being made in oldage pensions and education. Miss Bond appointed t’radie Roll Superintendent, nnd Mrs W. Ready Treasuier. RICHMOND.—May 17. Babies’ Day. Quite a nice number present, and a very enjoyable afternoon spent. Mrs Arthv Hunter was responsible for the programme,

which consisted chiefly of good items by children, many of whom are meinb rs of the L.T.L. A stall, filled with a variety of things brought by members, brought in nearly 30/-, and made us feel quite afflumit. RANGIORA. May 27. Small hut very interesting meeting. Mrs Pirret gave a comprehensive and very interestitig talk on Dominion Convention, aval was heurthy thanked. Mrs Thwaitea stressed the need of supporting the good work being done by our Organisers. son’ll DI NKDIN.—May 12. Mrs Donaldson presided, and gave account of visit to Abbotsford W.C.T.U. Invitation to debate to be conducted by Vs, "Is Gambling Morally Wrong?” accepted. Mrs Aderman gave synopsis of a hr»e paper printed in February "White Ribbon." "Why America Won Prohibition." A member contributed Percy Grainger’s piano piece, "Country Life.” Tea served. Invitation and Cradle Roll cards distributed to Superintendents. Members heartily agreed to the protest coining from National Council of Women, shall we take public action against an extension of the life of Parliament at so early a date? Good attendance, members taking keen Interest in proceedings throughout. SFKKYDO.V —May 10. Mrs Pirret (President) occupied the chair. Mrs Petrie gave the Temperance Fact, e.g., "The danger of expectant mothers indulging in alcohol becauM of Its svll affMta on tho unboui child." Mrs Pirrett reported on the deputation of women J.P.’s which is to wait on tlie male Justices to stress the need for women police. Sent by N.C.W. Some very frne quotations given in answer to the Roll Call. Hostesses, Mesdames i?ini and Murray. >1—May 10. Bring and Buy social for Willard Home netted fl 10s. Mrs McCombs, President, outlined the work of the Tramway conferences for the week, giving great praise to Bishop West-Watson for his patience and judgment as arbiter between the parties. Adjutant Ferguson led devotions. Mrs Heslop arranged the musical part. Mrs I>uff and Mrs Gallop sang. Mrs Webb recited. A novel competition arranged hv Miss Kihier on culinary lines, found a winner in Mrs McCombs. Cashmere's birthday invitation was accepted. It is imped that Mr Alley, of Shanghai, will address the July meet tag. SYDKNHAM. —June 2. Visit from Rlccarton Union. Mrs Harrell presided. Pledge was repeated. Musical and elocutionary items given, and several shoit papers re.ul on Whit* Ribbon work. Mis Harrell urged members who ».re not already subscribers to do so without delay. Afternoon tea was served. Hearty vote of thanks was accorded tin* vtsiting l nion. SEDIKIN.—May. At the Mans* attendance. Mrs Wilson. from Blenheim, gave a fine account of Convention. most interesting ami Instructive to members. Protest forwarded to the Minister in charge of employment re women paying 1/s in the t wages tax. One of our members elected to the School Committee. Il l MUMNA-Mi 1 T Ho at tin* Vicarage. Spring Creek. Mrs Kings presided, 21 present. Ten shillings donated to Seamen’s Rest. New Plymouth; also small donation to Executive funds annually. Resolution sent forward protesting against tax on women, in view of insufficient amount being allotted for women’s relief. Song by Miss Lane, rer-'tatlon by Mrs Arthur Cress well. Mr Oldham thanked for interesting address. Bing nnd Buy realised £1 8s Bd. Prtver circle to meet prior to each meeting. TEMI TvA. —May 17. Fence I'M... Home meeting at Mrs Hewson’s. Mrs Ismglns presided. Fair attendance. A vote of sympathy in bereavement to Mrs Elder and Mrs Templeton. Ensign Knight gave a very interesting address on "Pence ami Disarmament.” Follow tag lesolutlon to he forwarded to tlie District Secretary:—"That this Union favours tlie holding of the Provin* ial Conference in September." TAKAPI NA.—May. Held at Milford. Arrangements for Peace Day meeting in the city. Afte noon tea. June. W.iite Ribbon Day. A drive for new subscribers, six promising to take extra numbers to sell Arrangements made for help at W.C.T.U. stall at Winter Show. THAME*.—June 1. A well-attended meeting, presided over by Mrs Longford. A ; «tper for White Ribl*on Day was read anti discussed. A "White Ribbon’’ is to be put

mi the Public Hospital each month. Due new subscriber. Tlie tirst meeting of the L.T.L. was lie]*l on May 30th. and i 2 children were present. A member lost her little hoy, ami sympathy is extended to our sister. TK AW.V'II Tl . —Ma> 5. l-arge attendance. Rev. Raymond Preston spoke on "Prohibition in America.” From the national, social, and economic viewpoint, the speaker said. Prohibition was tlie grainiest th.«ng that had come to America, notwithstanding tilt? persistent efforts of the "wets to propagate false reports regarding tlie scheme. Tens of thousands of young people had never seen a drunken man. The most convincing argument is the opinion of til*- America people as expressed in tlie last election, when 41 States out of 48 voted dry. Mr Preston’s rendering of "The Old Rugged Cross" was much enjoyed. \\ ARK WORTH May Di. Mrs Hamilton presided. Rev. Geo. Yule gave an interesting address on the work accomplished by the League of Nations m the interests of world peace. Mrs F. Thompson also spoke. Afternoon tea. W \N(. \NI I (IN I RA!.. n bra ted White Ribbon Day with social and Bring and Buy afternoon. Trinity Church Parlour looked bright and cheery, with its stances of autumn flowers. A very good programme of songs, duets, recitations, ami pianoforte solos was given, and much enjoyed by tin* members and friends present. Mrs Page (President) presided, and thanked tlie artists for tlie treat the/ had given. Afternoon tea served. One new member. WAIIkI. Ma> 27. Mrs Bailaiitine presided, seven present. Decided that an effort lie made to increase our membership by a special invitation being announced at tlie church services, asking for more members to join our W.C.T.U. at the next meeting. Mrs McEwen reported that tlie newly-formed L.T.L. had held one meeting. WELLINGTON CENTRA L. —Max 18. (loo*l attendance. Some of the resolutions from Convention were discussed. Special effort for next meeting. White Ribbon Day. Itepoi" of a successful combined evening meeting. Five members appointed to visit the Hospital for two weeks this month in connection with tlie Hospital Auxiliary. \\ ELLINGTON. —June 2. Miss Kirk, J.P-. presided. Mrs Murray leads devotions, always speaking a few encouraging words. Mrs Ross appointed Cradle Roll Supt. Mesdames Hirst and McKinnon were appointed to take charge of tlie "Bring and Huy” stall in July. As Jt was White Ribbon Iny, greetings were receive*! from Mrs Peryman, Editor of tlie paper. One new member and two new subscribers were received, and the copper trail continued. Miss Kirk read a paper by Mrs Peryman. It was agreed that a letter of appr wirtion be sent to the latter lady for all her work during past years. Tea was wived. II Ai MATE.—,luii«’ 'bad ’ittendanc* of members and friends, Mi< Roy presding. Motion of sympathy parsed with bereaved members. Mrs Officer appointed Superintendent o f Y Branch. White Ribbon” paper given in dialogue form by four members. A short programme of musical ami elocutions r> items was rendered.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 443, 18 June 1932, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 443, 18 June 1932, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 443, 18 June 1932, Page 7

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