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News of the Union.

K*l»orU MUST 1. Rmuli the Kill tor by Hth of month. 2. lie written in ink, oo one side of the only. 3. Ito short and to the point. No. 1 REPORTS. AK.ATA I'l -TK KOIM Kl'.—Fob D. Mm vV. Godfrey presided. An interesting reading on ‘The Life of Miss Fmnces Willard.“ given by Mrs. Dewberry. Discussion on continuing afternoon tea left to next meeting. It is generally felt that \isitors ami those coming from a distance should be given hospitality. Annual Bring and Buy for general funds next meeting. Afternoon tea supplied by Mesdames Dewberry ami Bickers. BAIN lIAM.—Feb. 19. Annual Meeting. Officers elected:—Pres, and Treos., Mrs. Tibbie; Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Granani; Sir., Mrs. K. 1,. James. Resolution passed ami sent *o local Constable re Sale of liquor after hours and liquor nt dances, and evil doings between sexes. DEVON PORT. —Feb. 17. Mrs. Williams presided. Frames Willard Day observed. President read an interesting paper on “Tin* Work of the W'.C.T.U.” Refreshments served. D VKG.Vt 11.1. K. -Feb. 111. Mrs. White presided; fair attendance. Day meeting altered to 2nd Tuesday. Mrs. White elected President. Cradle Roll Party to be held on April sth. Mrs. White elected delegate to Convention. Miss V'en. Renin read interesting paper on “Frances Willard.” Sympathy with relatives of Mrs. Sundberg. One new’ subscribers to “White Ribbon”; r iso decided to place a copy in Ihiblic Library’. ISLAND BAT. Fab. it Mi \ i presiding; 11 present. Mrs. Ireland appointaHl Treasurer, and Mrs. Tanner, Secretary. Mrs. Ashworth read extracts from “White Ribbon” and “Vanguard.” Solo by Mrs. White. Afternoon tea served by Baptist ladies. Next meeting March 16th, in Methodist Church. INVEK< AK<<ILL SOI TIL— Fob. 9. Refreshed after a month’s vacation; an encouraging number of members re-assembled to carry on the work allotted to their Departments. Mrs. Gilmour was In the chair, ami said a few words of welcome Mid cheer. Business left over from last year was settled, and the project of erecting a new Hall on the section in Grace Street, owned by the South Branch of W.C.T.U., was discussed in a somewhat decided manner. Mrs. Gilmour elected delegate to (invention. KAIAPOI.—Feb. The opining meeting; a very good attendance. Reports of the year's work were read by the Secretary and the different superintendent*, ami a programme of music was given. KOIII M ARAM A.—Feb. At a well attended gathering of the ladies of the Kt. Heller’s I ray. Kohimarama, and Mission Bay districts, at the residence of Mrs. Lewis Eady, on the 17th Inst., a new Branch of the W.C.T.U. was formally Inaugurated. This new local Union starts upon Its career with a membership of seventeen, its Officers being:—Mrs. Wooller. President (pro. tern ); Mrs. Court, Secretary; nnd Mrs. J. A. White, Treasurer. The President for the district. Mrs Hugh Kasper, organised the establishment of the Branch and initiated its members, assisted by Miss Read, Y r icePresident for the District, and Mrs. Carr, the District Secretary, Mrs. Kasper gave a most appealing address, descriptive of the wide scope of W C.T.U. activities, and drew a strong moral from an amusing experience gained during her travels abroad, when, upon meeting an c!d !ady who was wearing the famous White Ribbon, and claiming her as a fellow-member, was told that she was not a member at all, but that she (the old lady) always wore the White Ribbon "because It made her feel so respectable!” A vote of thanks was passed to the hostess Mrs. Lewis Eady, and a charming programme of music and recitation was provided by Miss Read, Mrs. Neave, Mrs Gray. Mrs. Eady. and Mrs. Fred Dnldy.

LEVIN. —Feb. Frances Willard Day. A paper was read on “Her Life” by the Secretary, and supplemented by extracts. Sympathy was extended to Mrs. Ransom e in her sad bereavement. Mrs. Cummins appointed delegate to Convention. The Scientific fact was read by Mrs. Kennerley. Matters in connection with L.T.L. were considered. Pleasure at the satisfactory progress of Cradle Roll. Arrangements to be made for Heine meeting at Mrs. Redman's, and Pav-Up Social. Feb. 11. Social Afternoon. number of Cradle Roll members, with their mothers, were present. An address was given by Miss Kirk, Wellington. The President welcomed Miss K*rk, also the Mayoress. Mrs. Blenkhorn. A dainty posy was presented to Miss Kirk by one of the Cradle Roll members. Miss Kirk spoke of her work in Wellington in connection with the Society for the Protection of Women and Children, ami kindred Societies which, she reminded her hearers, were offshoots of the W.C.T.U. A hearty vote of thanks to the speaker for her able address. Mesdames Devine and Fletcher sang a duet, ami Mrs. Spencer a polo. Mrs. Mew was accompanist. Afternoon tea LOWER IIITT.— Feb. Mrs Spencer preaided. Mrs. Aldersley, delegate to Convention. Committee appointed to visit absentees. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll Party; also for Social Afternoon. Pastor Gibb spoke of the "Evils of lh-unkcntiess and Increase of Drinking among Young” A hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Solo byMrs. Spencer. Afternoon tea. N.E. VALLEY.— Feb. Miss Gray presided; fair attendance. Executive members conducted Devotions. President gave fine add!ess on “Life of Frances \\ (Hard, reported In another column. Work of the year arraugisl for. Executive to arrange an Afternoon for Cradle Roll toothers and babies. Sick members prayed for. and Utters of sympathy sent. NEW PLYMOUTH.— Feb. Letters from Miss Henderson re delegates’ fares, and from a sailor in appreciation of the Seamen's Rest. Delegates for Convention elected, ‘radle Roll mothers had been invited to hear Mias Me Lay speak. One new member. Afternoon tea. M l min Pel M < good attendance. Mrs. Downes gave the Temperance fact. U-tter from the local Unemployment Committee, asking for re- ! : . entatlxaa at Its next maatlMl jjf* Watson and M ss Cooke elected. Mrs Downes and Mian Cooke elected delegates io Convention. Decided that the Welfare League be given the use of the Unions Rooms in Burrough House fer Sunday afternoon meetings and tea. A m ecial letter of appreciation to be sent to Mrs. Edmonds for her long rervlce as Librarian; Mis. & ott appointed in her stead. Miss Pethsrick red 'the letter from the “White Ribbon appointed for the first meeting. Miss Cooke s]>oke on “Frances \N iHard. O \ M \KI . Feb. S. Miss Sniytli presided; good attendance. Miss Beeton. Devotions, and Miss Cowan lecture te i*i “Alcohol. Miss Wilson elected Treasurer, and Miss Smyth, delegate to Oonvei n. Miss Milligan read “Pioneers Ever” from “M hite Ribbon.” Decided to hold Concert March 3rd Congratulations to Mrs. Scott on het appointment as Child Welfare Officer. One new member. OH%Kt NE.— Feb. 11. Mrs. Freeman presided; six present. Several apologies received. Mrs. Freeman read from ' « lute Ribbon,” “New Year Activities" nml “Our Respite” Delegate for Dominion Convention. Miss Donald. Mrs. Beck sang a much appreciated solo. Afternoon tea served. T \HI HU. —Feb. IS. Social Afternoon; Mrs Eccersall in the chair. Mrs. Kaspor gave an address or “Responsibility of every White Ribboner.” Musical items by Misses Johnston (two), Misses Avis Clark wml Moffatt. Mrs. Eccersall gave a recitation. “Murdered by I>rink” Prayer was offered up for memory of our Great Leader, Frances Willard. Mrs. Eccersall. delegate to Convention. Afternoon tea. ON EH UNO A.— Feb. 11. M«s. Ashby presided. Pleasure expressed at her return, and that of two other meml>ern after long illness Mrs. Denise, delegate to Convention. Miss Ball, who Joined the W,< ,T.U.

48 years ajro. recommended for Ixjmg Service Badge. Regret expressed at the death of Mrs. Gilbert, Caper on ‘•Frances Willard" read by Mrs. Mushet, and artWlc fn»m "White Ribbon" by President. FIKEIIIIA. —Feb. At the residence of Mrs. Clotworthy. Small, but helpful meeting. Liust year's Officers re-elected. Literature to be distributed. All felt the need to press forward, and rejoiced to be co-workers with Him. HItX'ARTON. —Feb. Good attendance. Temperance fact, showing hnnnful effect of alcohol to nursing mothers. Motion of sympathy with bereaved members. Members agTeed to help Mrs. Newth and Mrs. liarrell with Band of Hope work this year, two lodies to be appointed at each meeting Mrs. Swallow, in charge of Prison and Reformatory Department. reported that help had been given to a mother with three little ones; literature and clothes to Addington Women’s Reformatory; donation to Men’s Prison Gamp. Records, literature and clothes needed. Mrs. McLean welcomed back to meetings. Decided to have Sewing Circle at each meeting, Mesdames White, W. H. Barrell and Swanston, in charge. Garments to be given to Relief Depot. Urgent appeal made for new “White Ribbon” subscribers, several members having cancelled their subscriptions. A great surprise was sprung on Mrs. C. W. Harrell. Mrs. Newth, on behalf of the members, in a happy speech, thanked her for consistent work during a nine years’ Presidency, and asking her acceptance of a beautiful Kaiapoi Rug as a tangible expression of their love and esteem. Meeting closed with renewed hope and confidence for a successful year. 1(1.Ml UK A. I>. IC. \n excellent meeting; Mrs. Hrg i Kasper In the Chair. Frances Winuid Day was observed with reverence, and a collection taken in aid of our World Missionary Fund. Mrs. Kasper emphasised the evils of the spreading habit of introducing so-called "Home Brew” Into our homes, and pointed out that, whereas 2J per cent, alcohol is allowed by law In non-intoxicating liquors for sale to the public, it Is a fact that, in many instances, the percentage of alcohol ini "Home Brew” reaches 13 per cent. Mrs. Fred. Daldy elected delegate to Convention. STYX.- I'el). Fair attendance. Result of Garden Party, £7 18e. Seventh Birthday of Union next meeting; to be celebrated with Social, to which ex-members and friends are to be invited. Votes of thanks to helpers at Garden Party. SPREYDON. —Feb. 5* \tt*»ndance, 30; Mrs. Pirrett presided. Items of interest about work in all lands, read bv members. Hostesses, Mesdames Petrie and McCracken. (hie new member.

TAI ItANGA. —Feb. Garden Party nt ‘‘Fairllght, M the l>eautifu) home of our President; good attendance. Greetings fron Hamilton. Afternoon tea on tlio lawn. Business discussed. Hearty vote of thanks to our Hostess. Mrs. York appointed Secretary. TIMA lII’. Feb. 23. Frances Willard Dav. Pay-Up Social. Sympathy with Mrs. A. Copland and the relatives of the late Mrs. Palleson. Letter received from the Secretary of the Rechabites, suggesting the working together of the two organizations. Two hundred blotters handed out for distribution among children. Copies for 15#32 Hyllabus given out to members. Mrs. Arthur appointed Secretary. Good work being done nt the Rest. Many unemployed passing through receive bed and meals. Mrs. Norrie extended a hearty welcome to a number of sailors, to the *‘Y.” girls, and to Miss Jackson, a visitor from Ashburton. Solo by Mrs. Butcher; Mrs. Fiebig, accompanist. Supper and Social Hour. No. 2 REPORTS. AUCKLAND. —Mar. 1. Mrs. Cook presided, and her New Year message to the members was, “Hold Fast toi Prayer, have Faith in God.” The keynote of the helpful address, given by Mrs. Stlmson. our Evangelistic Superintendent, was "Praise for our many Temporal aud Spiritual Blessings.” Praise changes things! Frances Willard Ihiv was observed, ami a collection was

taken for the World’s Missionary Fund. Sister Margaret gave a most interesting account of her recent visit to Canada. Britain, and the Continent. She visited the home where David Livingstone was born, in Scotland, which has been renovated and made into a National Memorial to him. Delegates were appointed to the Dominion Convention.

AMIIH KTON.—Mar. 1. A Sale of cakes and produce, in aid of funds of the Union. President presided over a large attendance. Votes of sympathy were passed with Mrs. W. A. Lamb and family, and relatives of Mrs. C. Holland in bereavement. Mrs. W. H. Robinson submitted s rciort of Executive Meeting held in T>n rr . and referred to Dominion Convention, which opens on March 10th. An interesting programme was enjoyed by all present. Tea was served, after which good business was done at the various stalls, the sum of over £6 being taken. A hearty vrte of thanks to the performers. BA 14 IA I'HA. —Feb. 2). Mrs. Clark In chair. Syllabus for the year discussed and adopted. Mar. 1. Mrs. Clark presided. Pay-Up Social. One new member. After business put through, social hour and musical programme. BROOKLYN. —Feb. Fair attendance; Mrs. Bawden presided. Solo by Miss Turner. Sympathy with relatives in the passing of Mrs. Keeble, a Foundation Member of the Union. Mrs. Pearson, our representative on Auxiliary of Hospital. I>ecided to send clothing to Willard Home. Mrs. Goring, of New Brighton Union, spoke on "Evils of Drink.” Methodist ladies were hostesses. Mrs. Butler, delegate to Convention. BELFAST. -Feb. Very good attendance. Two ’Ws." present, asked for help In arranging a Concert. Report of District Executive received. Next meeting, each member bring fancy work, and non-sewers to supply reading matter dealing with W.C. T.U. work. BLENHEIM. Mar. 1. Mr . W. M Smith presided; g«s>d attendance. Syllabus for year discussed and decided upon. Letter of thanks to Tua Marina Union for generous donation. £1 10s. towards delegate's expenses, and 10s. to District Fund. Decided to have usual annual Stall on April 22nd. Mrs. Stewart anti Mrs. Madill mad very interesting and inspiring papers on “The Lives of Frames Willard and Elizabeth Fry,” respectively. Much appreciated, and the speakers accorded a hearty vote of thanks. CARTERTON. Mar. 2. Good attendance; Mrs. Every in chair. Pledge repeated. Mrs. Porter gave short talk on "British and Foreign Bible Society.” Mrs. Every gave a very earnest and impressive talk on “Purity”; all present were deeply Interested. D| M IB N < EN rKAI II Hiett (►resided. Reported a successful Jumble Sale. Mrs. Downing and Miss Macamlrew represented Ifrnnch at Citizens’ Day Nurser> Annual Meeting. Arrangement to entertain Cradle Roll mothers and babies. Officers appointed:—Representatives o*n Band of Hope Union, Mesdames Anderson, Gain ami Sharp; Membership Sis*., Miss Young; Bible-in-S' hools. Mrs. Alexander and Mi's. Sharp; Press Reporter, Miss Avlson. EP s OM. Feb. 25. Mrs. Neal in the chair. Reference made to Frances Willard Day, and collection for the World's Missionary Fund. Convention matters well discussed — Miss Kattcrfeldt appointed as delegate. Suggestions received for making the meetings of more interest. Much praise given to Mrs. Kasper for her fine work in the L.T.L. i lepnrtPiont. FEII.DIN'G.—Mar. 3. Good attendance; President in chair. Mrs. Spence appointed delegate to Convention. We regret to report the death of one of our members, Mrs. Phillips. <Wue new member. An account of the District Executive Meeting given by Mrs. tfpenco. who also read an interesting article on “Home-life in Russia.” and extracts from an article o<n the Disarmament question. Mrs. Gibson spoke on "The Evil of Young People Drinking at Dances.” GREYTOWN.—Feb District President in the chair; nine present. Sympathy with Mrs. Taylor in her illness. Mrs. J. Allen and Mrs. H. Morrison, Visitors to Hospital,

Mrs. Ivy gave a most interesting paper on "Frail' es Willard.” Next meeting at Mr.*. ’l. Morrison’s residence.

(•KItAI.DINE. Feb. Very successful Cradle Roll Garden Party; about 30 adults and 3] children. Bring and Buy stall realised tl 8s Bd. Various competitions held, and games indulged in to please the little one*. Rev. Lawry addressed the mothers on "Morals, ” which was splendidly received. Afternoon tea was dispensed. Our best thanks are due to Mr. and Mrs. Coombs for the use of their beautiful grounds, and to Mr. McKenzie for ho kindly conveying mothers aiut children to the grounds.

(•ORE.—Feb. 22. Evening meeting in the Gaiety Hall, Mrs. Harper presiding over a large attendance. Miss Wilson gave a recitation. Treasurer rej>orted that our number of members the same as last year, though eleven new ones had joined. Mrs. Rolan Adair gave an address entitled, “Impressions of Palestine,” which was an Inspiration to us all. Mrs. Harper read extract, stating the expense of the drink traffic in Timaru, and how many of the unemployed would have steady work under No-License. Mrs. Siin sang a solo. Supper was served. (■KEY I.YNN.—Mar. 2. Bring and Buy Afternoon; Mrs. Singleton presided; splendid attendance. Items by Misses Goodenough. Verla Hynes and Mrs. Jury, were much appreciated. Interesting address on "Salvation Army Work in Slums of Melbourne and London,” given by Mi's. Hayes. Mrs. Kasper spoke. Two new members. Mrs. Hynes, delegate to Convention. Grey Lynn has been re-organised, and great interest is being taken in the work. (Welcome back to our columns. —Ed.. "W.R.") II iSTINGK. —Feb. Good attendance; President in the chair. Devotional paj»er by Mrs. R. Sutherland, "What the World Needs To-day—vlesus.” Fra tires Willard Day; paper read from Mrs. Similes. Report of Garden Party; net proceeds paid to Treasurer, £4 10s. Delegate ap|K>inted to attend Convention. Decided to assist Willard Home—new garments, Jam, etc. Flowers presented, with Birthday greetings to Late Secretary. Collection for World’s Missionai v Fund. HAMILTON.— Mar. 3. The first meeting for the year took the form of a Picnic at Parana Park There was a good attendance of members and friends. Croquet competitions were engaged In. During afternoon tea, Mrs. Jones (President) welcomed the lies, and explained the objects briefly for which the W.C.T.U. stood, ami urged all to join to fight against the evils that would wreck our homes. Prayers were asked fertile coming Convention. HAVELOCK NORTH.—Feb. 12. Sjwcial day of Prayer for World Disarmament observed; meeting well attended. One new member. Feb. 2i». Good attendance. Scientific lesson on "Alcohol.” I kttuition* to World's Missionary Fund and N.Z. Fund. Blotters ami Handbooks ordered. Paper read on "Life and Work of Frances Willard." Mrs Webb appointed delegate to iVmventiou. Two new "W.R,” subscribers gained. KAIKOKAL—Feb. 23. Cradle Roll Rall> ; good attendance. Mrs. Orr m the chair, ami spoke on “The Body." n living temple, to lie kept pure. Treasurer's re;K»rt read and adopted. Items rendered by Mesdaim Wilkinson, Black, and Orr, Misses Mather s<m and Hancock, and Mr. Gilchrist. Mi Saunders si Kike of early struggles in W.C. T.U. work. Apples and sweets for children. Tea for all. LINWOOD. ed. Interesting talk on "Frances Willard ' by Mrs. Straw. Vote of thanks to helpers at Cradle Roll Party. Mrs. Anderson, wlm is leaving for England, presented with n bouquet and n fountain |»en. Songs ami recitations. Afternoon ten. Cradle Roll Party in Rose Gardens; (<' present. Games, races, and dainty afternoon tea. Children given nuts, fruit, and homemade sweets. LEIGH.—Feb. At Mrs. Grigg’s; good at tendance; two visitors present; Mrs. Grigg presiding. Discussion on re-organising the Cradle Roll. Mrs. Oozar read a ref*ort of the last year’s work. One new member Afternoon tea dispensed. At the Annual Meeting, the Officers elected were as fo l -

lows:- Pres.. Mrs. Grigg; Vice-Weft., Mrs. D. y Uliitliemn; Bw. ami Treaa., Mrs. Gosmr; •W.K.” Agent. Mrw. Woodcock; Reporter, .Mrs. J. Torkiugton. MAbTKRTON. —Mar. 3. Mis. Blamires presided. Reported £7 received from sale of £oods. Mias Jones, delegate to Convention. Vote of sympathy to Mrs IlusHell. Miss Jackson asked for help in L.T.L. work. Two new members, Gcaitri billion* on “Work of league of Nations” by .several member*. and Mrs. Blamires urged all members to support heague of Nations Union. HAKOTt'KI . -Feb. 5. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs. Golly'*; Mrs. T. Fotliergill presided. Prayer meeting. Vote of sympßmy with Mrs. Maim in her bereavement. Mrs. tfftllv elected delegate to Convention. I gadded to prepare a list of w here meetings ne to be held. Miss Alice Webb gave an interesting address on "Frances M illard. Dainty afternoon tea dispensed by hostess. \|AI'NGATI KOTO. Feb. 2i tines 1 attendance; Mrs. Pasley in the chair. Treasurer's report read ami adopted. All Off era re-elected, except election of President, deferred till next meeting, to bi held at Mrs. Grice*. and matter of Home meet,iiks to be discuased. Effort* to be made to make meetings more interesting, and to obtain new members.

NORTH BRIGHTON.- Feb. 16. Mrs R. Parker presided; good attendance. Two new members. Three children dedicated to the I'radle Roll. Decided to postpone the Cradle Roll Picnic, owing to the prevalence of whooping cough. Miss Harband wel- . omed Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Hayes. Mr. Graham gave a most interesting address on “Pioneer Women,’’ and received a very hearty vote of thanks. Afternoon tea served.

NAPIER. -Feb. Mrs. Milner preaided. Blister Devotions led by Mis. Venables. Mrs. Alexander was appointed delegatt to Convent'on. Incidents from tin 1 histoi > ol the ‘'Women's Crusade” were read. Resolved to send greetings to Preston Temperance Society, who celebrate theii Centenary of the signing of the first Total Abstinence Pledge In England this year. Decide t to do more this year in visiting t!ip Ho: .ita and our sick members. OXFORD. Feh. 17. President In chair. Mr*. Corny ns. delegate to Convention. Hiter* sting paper on “Life and Work ol Frances Willard,” read by Mrs. Dcwe. Mrs. Havke rei>ortcd on Home meetings at Methodist Parsonage. Mrs. Malcolm gave n very fine address on “First Things First. PETONK.—Mar. 1. " xteen present Report of IMstrlrt J.x s utive read. Mrs. Hkttersby, delegate to Convention. Mrs Carter to be Superintendent of Cradle Roll and Literature. Reported Socia. Afternoon at Mrs. Corner’s. Mrs. Franklyn *j>oKe on "Notable Women.” Items by llesdnmes McConvelJe. Battersby, Piper and Franklyn Votes of thanks to hostess, speaker and performers. PORI' CHALMERS. —Feb. 11. Mrs. Brighton In chair. Officers elected for year:— Pres, Mrs. Brighton; Vlce-Pre*.. Mesdames Tait, Mi rums. McKenzie, and Flower; Treas Mrs. Smlllie; Rec. Sec., Mrs Tresidder; Cor. Sec., Mrs. McPherson; "W.K." Agent, Mrs. Parquharson; i*radle Roll Supt., Mis. Miruins. Mrs. Minims elected Pianiste for year. Mrs. Flower was transferred from Maungaturoto. PORT ALBERT. —Feb. 16. Fair attendance; Mrs. J. E. Thompson in the chair. Prances Willard's favourite Psalm was read, after which the President read a most interesting and Inspiring paper on The I-lfc of the Late Mr. T. E. Taylor.” Decided to once again have a Indies Rest Tent at the Wellsford Bhow on 2nd February. Collection amounting to 10s. for W orld Missionary' Fund. KWGIORA. Feb. 20. Good attendance; interesting meeting. Votes of s\mpnth> n hcreavement were passed to Miss Turner and Mrs. Purvis. Mrs. Smith welcomed from Teinuka. Two new members initiated Ni xt meeting to he third Friday in Mar* h, it which ea«h member is to give an item. Mrs. McKee hnie read some interesting ex'ruts from "The Life of Frances Willard.' RFVNFLK Feb 9. Officers elected: Pros. Mrs Mitchell: Vice-Prcs.. M«"-damos Mundy and Armitage; Sec.. Mrs. Russell; Treas. Mrs. Armitage; ”W.R” Supt.. Mrs. Me Minn; Cradle Roll, Mrs Draper lairing 1931. a Band of Hope was inaugurated.

The first meeting took place on July >9th, when ID children were present; later, 22 children joined as pledged members. SUMNER.—Mar. 1. Good meeting; Mrs. McCombs pre-siding, gave a clear account of the movement to suppress the Licensing Poll of 1931. Often before, a similar attempt had been made on Parliament. Not till 1931 did they succeed, at a time w lien the huge Drink outlay of about eight million meant money lost to Industry. The ex; >riences of Benevolent Committees, the revelations made in Children's Court, go to show’ Drink leads to decay in the nation. Like many others, Mrs. McCombs had thought that drinking amour young people was made too much of. but. in talk with a specialist, she learnt recently to change her opinion. Songs sung by Mrs. Duff, and a recitation by Miss Parsons, were me n enjoyed. ''A Dl Ml LM. -Mai Ml i sided over attendance of 26 members. Decided to have a Pay-Up meeting in April, and Bring and Buy Side. Temperance i'a*t given by Mrs. Drewi't. Mrs. Wcatherhead sang a «i,!n. Pledge was repeated. Afternoon t*a served. Rev. Mllburn Stewart gave a sthring address. Three new members. STRATFORD. Fel>. Mrs Phillips pi s«l ing. I>eclded to meet every week anti new in icadinesvS for needy cases in winter. Hospital Tea arranged. Report of District Convention by Mrs. McCallum. TAI HA NO A. Mar. Gtssi attendance Gamed two new members. An Initiator; Service is being held for Miss Harlow, while Miss Fra ter joine*l by transfer. Miss Harlow gave a most interesting address on “Life Among the Maoris.” Decided to send delegate to '’onvention. THAMES. Mar. ?. First meeili of tin year, presided ovtr by Mrs. I.aigfonl; a

fairly good attendance. Discussion re organising an L.T.L. A branch to be formed if a suitable Leader can be got. TEMI KA.— Mar. 4 M’.s. Douglas in the ••hair. Vote of sympathy oassed with relatives of the late Mrs. King. An invitation was received from the local “Y." Branch, inviting them to a Social, to be held next month. Thanks passed for same. Decided to iielp with Geraldine's delegate’s expenses to Wanganui. Reminded of the postponed <lardcn Party at tft. I/Oonard s.

TAKAPUNA. Feh G i Hearty welcome to Mrs. Reynolds Address by Miss Henry; she spoke of "Spirit of Christian Fellowship existing among Wearers of White Bow.” Fervent prayers for Convention.

WELLINGTON. Mar. 3. Our new Presi dent, Miss C. E. Kirk, took the chair. Fiances Willard Day; reference was i.indc to the life and works of that wonderful woman in the cause of Temperance. Miss Kira gave a resume of the business transacted at the last District Executive. Mrs. Porte elected delegate to Convention. Arranged to hold a combined meeting of all the Wellington Unions early In April. R< - ports of Convention will be given, and It Is hoped for a large attendance. A paper on "The Life of Josephine Butler” (loaned by the Educational Bureau) was read, and proved most instructive. Tea was served. WHANGAREI. —Feh. 17. Willard Day at Mrs. Storey’s; 16 present. Mrs Vvle In the chair, and read an extract from “Miss Willard's Life." Pleased to welcome Mrs. Goodall after her long illness. Afternoon tea dispensed. Mar. 2. Fifteen present; Mrs. Vyle in the eh.,ir. At request "f District Executive, we decided to arrange a stall at the W hangarei Winter Show. Mrs. Vyle. delegate to Convention. Mrs. Ransom welcomed and spoke feelingly, and favoured us with a recitation. Mrs. Vvle gave a short address. WAIUKU. —Mar. 5. Seven present: Mrs. Ballentlne in the chair. Decided to ask for Organiser. Bring and Buy for O* gatiizing Fund at Mrs. Garland’s on April 29th.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 440, 18 March 1932, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 440, 18 March 1932, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 440, 18 March 1932, Page 7

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