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News of the Union.

It*-port* MVST 1, Ktfirli tli« Editor by Htli of month. •». IW written in ink, on one able of the l*i|>er only. ;|, lie slnui ium! to tin* point. No. 1 REPORTS. VRATAPI -TK KOIM'KI. i>< t. 15. Mi Godfrey presided. (iood attendance. Letter from Mr* T. E. Taylor expressing regret ttmt, owinK to ill ms*, she lihil been unable to keep her appointment and meet member* •>f the Branirli personally. Ruv. W. J. Knlieott delivered a ve.v Interesting addres.-, upon Id* experiero e*s a* a missionary in \frira, «<i d wa* accorded a hearty vote of thank*. \eraoon tea served by Mrs Andrew am. .Irs (Jrelg. Al f’KLAND. —Oct. 13. Maori Day v is observed. Mrs (took presided Miss Adams. iHiiuinion Supt., gave* a most interesting account of her reeent visit to the Maoris in the North, giving a graphic description of a Maori feast at which she was a guest. She had spent a most enjoyable time witli the Maori ehlldre.*n, whose natures were so I n aide. She urged the great need there was to give them Temperance teaching while they are young, and paid a tribute to tlit* fine work of Sisters Nichols and I*obble. Collection taken for Maori work. The delegates gave very interesting reports of tin* District Coni volition, which had proved most helpful. Mi's Cook urged tin* need of getting women into Parliament who understand \i omen’s problems. Afternoon tea served. |IAI.( I I I lIA sided. Well representative attenidanc*. Every one in tlie meeting alive to the fact tiiat we must unite as never liefore in tliis lent cause. llccided that the President (Mrs Clark) and four other ladies go down to Kuitangata to assist iu their meeting on Thursday, Hth. lIAI.MIA>I. -<»ct. Several Temperam « Pacts read. President moved a resolution re Licensing Poll. IMCYON POKT. Oct. Mrs Williams in the c hair. Intel« ding discussion o»n the work of the* Pnion. Maori Pay observed, and collection taken. Paper on work in Niue Island. DARKIKMM>KEKNDAI.K. —(>« t. 29 At Partleld. Mrs Cullc-n pres tied. 13 present. Maori Pay celebrated. Report of work it Nine Island read by President. Collection taken up for Maori Fund. District report read. Mrs Cullen reported having got 3*i -ignatures for world's disarmament petition. IM NEDIN < KNTICAI..—i * t Mrs II . tt pr. sided. Welcome* ac< orded to two tiieiuliers of the ftalrlutha I’niGu, Mrs Clark (tin* President) and Mrs McKinley Reported that Mr Aslin had given a lecture* on the underground railways in LondOM, and the proceeds to be given to Organising Fund. I*ec*ided to hold Jumble* Sale, etc., next week for same fund. Vote of appreciation passed to Balclutha I'iiion for admirable entertainment of District Convention, also for their work in forming Kaitangata Pnion Report of District »’(invention by delegates. Mrs iliett spoke of the |»ostpon«*im*iit of the Licensing Poll, and urged members not to slacken n the work of educating people on Temperance lines, especially the effects of acoliol on tiie liumun body. A debate on "Prohibition cersus Continuance,” Prohibition being taken by Mrs Hiett, Cont.nuaine by Mrs Garden and Mrs l»owning. Needless to say, tlie Continuance* party lost. Mu.-ii merriment was caused by tlie efforts of tin* Continuance debaters to make their ease Rood. Supper was handed round. A 'ote* of sympathy was passed to Mrs Taylor n her sudden illness. R.\lt(i.\> lI.LF, — <Nt 20. Fair attendance. Mrs Wordsworth presided. Letter lead from Dominion President, also one from Mins Adams, Maori Superintendent. Colei tion for Maori funds, 7/tt. Members adjourned to tlie Sunday School Hall, where they were the guests of ladies of St. Andrew's (iuild. for afternoon tea. PI TH AM. 4 let. .v Attendant .* of 1!*. hs Kxlev, District President, was present, did addresses! the* meeting oil tlie nece/sitv of unity and co-operation among members.

Regret was expressed that no vote will he* held cm the* liquor eiuestion this year. Onenew member. K|N(pl t —*t t. 22. Mrs Bciifell presided. Fine address by Miss Adams about tier visit to tlie* King Country, te-lling specially of the work being done among tlie Maori children. Mrs Neal described a visit paid by her to a large* factory iti Am kliend for tli*■ making of women’s clothing. Both ladies received hearty thanks. Next meeting to he a social afternoon, with reports of work for tin* year. (•KkVTOVVN. —cut. 27. 27/ii donated to Willard Home, and clothinng to he so it. Letter from Ikimlnion President on poll postponement. Annual meet \ig next month will consider question of disbanding. t.KR VI.DIN K.—< ►ct, H. Twenty-one pre-se-nt Mrs Coursey <-.i tlie chair. Mrs Hotlierway presented an interesting re|iort on District Convention. Mrs Borrell gave a sliort report on Hand of Hope work. i**cided to hold a Hrkig and Buy on November Afternoon tea dispensed l»y Meselaines McDonald, 1 *iklril 1, and t’llff. A letter of sympathy to l>e ser.t to Mrs Cross in her serious illness. Mrs (iale a< knowle-dgcd letter of sympatliy. HENDERSON. —0«t. Mrs Platt in the chair. Mr* Williams read tlie gciecitiflc Fact. Maori Day. Mina Adams gave a tii-e clear talk e*n her work among Maoris. Annual meeting to be* held next month. Bchovd essays promised for first Friday in November Collection taken for Maori fluids. Letter sent to all absent members who were In trouble or sorrow. A very pleasant afternoon was spent rei nll y in honour of Mrs McKay, our retiring Secretary. Mrs Mclvuy lias carried on for years, but of Jate he r health lias not been good, acid she* had to give up. Mrs Platt presented her. oil behalf of members, with a I took of daily readings Mrs Williams presented a mother of pearl bow. Miss Duncan with a bouquet. Songs, competitions, and roll call made a very enjoyable time, with afternoon tea serveel hy members K \| vi 01. Oct. Mrs Burnet n the ehair. Final arrangements made for closing social of tlie Hand of Hoik*. Decided to form a B rtbelay League, and Mrs Mouselot elected Trva*ur«*r. Tlie delegate to District Convention gave he*r report, and »• hearty vote of thanks was passed to her. hi MKI . —Oct. Mr. Davies |*i« led Miss Adams gave a much appreciated address on her work among tlie Maoris, touching on the* miss'unary, temperance, and social side of tlie work Vote of thanks to Miss Adams for the splendid work slit* Is doing among tin* Muons. i \ w k : m i I levotions. Reports heard from delegate.' to Hlth lutlm Convention. Discussion on items of interest. Interesting paper on Maori Day w is read by the President, Mrs Ldie. I.OW Kit 11l TT — Oct. Rood attendance President in the chair. Mrs Lopelell gave a very interesting address on the Maoi front the time of their first arrival in New /.inland to the present, showing tlie prcgies tliey had made from tin* wtr-like to the* peaceful. Appreciation shown by hearty acclamation. Mrs Aldersley sang a Maoii song, enjoyed by all. Report ot District < ‘(invention read by the delegate* and discussed. Decided to hold a coin afternoon for (irganisiiig Fund. Copper trail going on for genera' funds. Members reminded to bring hags and comforts for the seamen next month. MAI NLAKAKAMF.A. —<‘< t. At Mrs Dillingham's. Wet day. Few out, but very good meeting. la*ttei from Maori Supt. read ami discussed. Decided to help Vs at Tauraroa yvitli theii first birthday party, out Branch gi v ng the cake. Collection for Maori lmy, 4/3 letter read from Mrs T K. Taylor. Afternoon tea. NKIAON. —Oct. 13. Pay-up social. A good attendance. Mrs Ross gave a full report of District Convention. A letter read tmm Mrs Le*e Cowie. Final arrangements for Sale of Work, to he held on 2Xth of October. Musical items. Afternoon tea. OIIAKI NLi,—»>ct. X. Nine present. X visitor from (lonvllle. Mrs Freeman in chair. Interesting papers were read on '‘Kraneli se Day.” Decided to hold "Br*ig and Buy” afternoon on November sth. Vote of thanks to Mrs Lynn for splendid address at public Temperance meeting. Literature

given out for distribution. Afternoon tea diKpc-ieed. o\ li 11 Nt. A Oct | Very wpl afternoon. 2<i ladies present. Major Bordon. who was listened to with great attention, stressed the great need of Christianity and stronger family i*f«• in the home. Two songs hy Mrs Craig. ('diction for Maori kuiul. Money from Birthday League to be donated to Maori Fuad this year. Vote of thanks to Major Gordcu. Two new members. Afternoon tea.

OTAIIIHI. —«ct 15. Mrs Freer sail in the chair. DapL.i Martlen. S.A., took the devotional part. Mrs Henfell. J.P., spoke u< the* work clone bv the WC.T.I . amongst out Maori people. Collection taken up for Maori work. (NO NAME). —Oct. 14. Fair attendance. Mrs Rylov, delegate to District Convention, gave a report of the gathering. Another member read an Instructive paper on the “Open Bilde.” exhorting all to see the duty and privilege of keeping it open and sharing the good news, NORTH.—Oct. 2 Miss Jamieson gave ientiflc Fact. bet tel ■ sear to Mrs Burrell and Mix Ritchie. Final arrangement* for ''Dickens even .Mg. Mis* Moore thanked for her report of District ('(invention. Hr.lf an hour la*fore* each meeting to be set aside for prayer. Discussion i-*:i how to increase Interest In and value of our meeting*. PI Kill I I A.—<bt. our numbers arc few-, hut all are keen. The Secretary, Mrs Mi Farlane. read a very interesting account of the Whangarei Convention. Discussion on V work. Mrs l-egarth. after i very full year of helpful work among the Vs. has handed the superititendeiicy oxer to Mrs Bramble. The Maori work was spoken about, especially the wonderful work under Sister Kic v.ior. done in tlie far North, and a collection taken up. Arrangements were made for Bring and Buy In November. Mrs Me Farlane was hostess. RliMl FRA. —<>■ t 20. Social afternoon Mrs Hugh Kasper presided. Miss Adams. Supt. for Maori Work, gave an address. Mrs Hinter reported on N.c,\\ . Mrs Daldy sing two beautiful songs, and the Misses Robinson rendered violin and pianoforte solos. Donation was passed foi Maori work. RICHMOND. —< *- t 20. Pax-Up social Those* present greatly enjoyed items given hy Mrs Cropp, Misses Lloyd and MccJlasheii. and Messrs Turkey and Lane*. A collection aided our finances. RHTARTON. —<Vt, Cradle Roll afternoon. held at Mrs W. 1* Lay ell Smith s. Good attendance. Musical and elocutionary items were g veil hy Mesdiinie* \ oiler, Lanwn, Windsor, and Watkins. M •-* Hutler was specially thanked for coming to our assist a nee as accompanist for some months past. Mis* Imr e gave ;*i addre s suitnh e to the ocean on. Literature distributed. Miss Mcharry is ars sting Mrs Ilarreli to collect "Wh'te Ribbon" subscription*. It IN AND A. Three nc-xx' members. President (Mrs Roc) in chair. Les on read l*v Vlrs Finch. Address read by Mrs Southward. Short «bs- < iissic,*.i followed. Temperance 1 xixology sung The hostesses for tic* month provided a splendid supper. NFDIMLV —« * t It Mr- Bella s. Four teen present. Mr* <’rocket gave a helpful talk on tlie 101 set Psalm, and *i quotation from June Carlyle. The Disarmament Petition lias l*c*-i well signed iti this district, our Secretary working diligently. Annual meeting next month. SPRKYIMLV—D* b Mrs Pirrett In the chair. Fairly good attendance. Rev. Jolm Miller gave a fine address on "The Influence of Women In the Home, in Civic Life, and in Wider Spheres." Home of his search ng questions gave us much food for thought. A vote of thank* carried with applause. Afternoon tea was dispensed hy Mcsdaines An«*all and Non Ice**. xTVX.—(let. Successful meeting. Two new members gained nt Cradle Roll afternoon. and five at home meeting. la-legate read report of (’invention. Letter* received from Prime* M ulster, ajso Member for district, in reply to protest against Art I'nion permits. Prayer meet ng held on Ttiesdaya 4th r«l in month). Temperance Fact read TIM ART.—Oct. 21 Maori Day. Large meeting. Musical items by .Mesdum-s

Tait, Mr A lister, and M« 1 tines, atul Misses M or Kit n a ml MacDonald. After afternoon tea. Miss Henderson, ii.A., J.P., gave an address on "Social Hygiene.” treating the subject i*n its different aspects, anil impressing on the women the part they must play in the moral and spiritual revolution of the future. Mrs I.»ow moved a comprehensive vote of thanks. M KLI.INUTON.'—Oct. 8. Mrs Mow lem presided. Small attendance. One member told of a direct axiswer to prayer, in which 150 *as uked for to carry on some good work, and received. A paper from the N.Z. Federation of Teacher** was read objecting to the proposed economy in educational facilities Members agreed that tills injustice should not be Inflicted on our children. Mrs l'erry and Mrs Mowlem delegates, read reports of District Convention. Reported that the second mortgage on Headquarters property had now been wiped off Tea was served. No. 2 REPORTS. ASHIU It I ON. <>ct. 20. Special meeting. Splendid address delivered by Miss C, Henderson, J.P ... Cor. Secretary N.Z. NV.C.T.U., on “Social Hygiene.” Mrs. W. H. Woods < Mayoress) presided over a large attendance. and extended to Miss Henderson a cordial welcome to Aahhurton. A hearty vote of thanks to speaker for her helpful and instructive address. Vote of thanks to the Mayoress presiding, and to the hostesses for the afternoon. Nov. 3. Dtrge attendance. Votes of sympathy passed with Mrs. Ixtng and family, Mrs. S 8. Chapman, Mrs. H. Chapman and Mrs. \V. Patterson, in bereavement. Secretary of Plunket Society wrote thanking the Union for valuable help rendered on Gala I>av. Urgent appeal received on behalf of Willard Home. Collection fl taken up, and donations of cash and clothing to be left with local Superintend,ent. Hearty congratulations to Mr. and al»s. MeEwon on attaining the Jubilee of their wedding, and warm appreciation expressed of Mrs. MoEwen's valuable services to the Union. Final arrangements made for Host Tent at A. &i P. Show. Decided to hold a Garden Party in Domain, Wi connection with Little White Ribboners’ Day on November 14th. Bring and Buy, tund a brief address bv Miss A. M. Me Lay. Tea served, and a warm welcome extended to Miss McLav on her visft to Ashburton. This was graciously acknow longed, and Miss McLay delivered an intensely interesting address on her work. A hearty vote of thanks to the speaker. One joined. lIAI.I.ANCK. -Oct. Mrs Handoock presided; good attendance. Miss Gilson read report of District Convention; afterwards discussed. l>edded next meeting a Gift Day for the Willard Home. Scientific fact, "Drinking the King’s Health.” Mrs. 1,. Moldaway, hostess. HLKNHEI >l.— l Oct. fi. Splendid attendance. Maori Day to be held next meeting. Requested that all "Y.” Supplements i»e brought to each meeting for distribution with Cradle Roll Birthday Cards Rev. G F. Stock well gave a most interesting address on "Gambling’’ and the “League of Nations"; accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. Hraddock (Convention delegate) was accorded a hearty vote of thanks, ami warmly congratulated on her very comprehensive and enjoyable report, which w'as appreciated by all present. Nov. 3. Fair attendance. Maori Day celebrated. Interesting paper on “The Work Among Maoris’’ was read. Several short pa|>ers, spiritual and Temperance, were read by members. Final arrangements made for a Ffring aivl Buv Afternoon on November 17th. Collection for Maori Fund, fl. ItAI.CI.I TIIA. Nov. 3. Annual Minting; well attended. Mrs Mclntyre presented an interesting report, showing steady progress ami an increase of five members. Our financial position Is healthy, and our Treasurer (Miss Tosh) Is deserving of praise. Officers for the ensuing year are:—lTes., Mrs. J. Clark; Vlce-Pres.. Mesdaines Stone. Fryer, MiIjSIWI, James: Rec. Sec., Mrs M. M' lntvre: Cor Sec., Mrs James; Trvas . Miss Tosh; "W.R.” Agent, Mrs. J Clark; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. A. McDonald: Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. Stone; Temperate e Facts, Mrs Armstrong; Social Com., Mrs.

Armstrong (Convenor), Meadames HurrLng, Swan, A. McLean. Fryer, Geggie, E. Mrlavui. Our Band of Ho|*\ under the able guidance of Rev. Hector Orchard (Methodist Minister) has made splendid progress during the year, show hi g a membership of 140, and an average attendance of 100 children. We would like to pay tribute to Mr. Orchard, and to his assistant and Secretary (Mian Reach), wlio has risen from the ranks of the Hand of Hope. Social hour and presentation to Mrs. Rutherford. who is leaving our district. < Mi;u m hi R( II Oct 14 M h. ilerson presided. Arrangements made for Maori Day. Miss Gordon and the Secretary empowered to make their yearly collection* towards Union funds. Secretary asked to send letter of sympathy to Mrs. Chisholm in her continued I’l-health. Maori I>ay held on O- tober 28th; Miss Henderson pre sided over a good attendance. Two Maori students spoke. giving an interesting account of the work ladng done among the Maoris by our Organisers and Church Missionaries. They also sang two sacred duets. The Secretary was asked to write a letter of sympathy to the friends of the late Mrs. J. Iloag |)| \ | |)|\ 4 I VI K\l tendance; Mrs. Hiett presided Encouraging reports on work of W.C.T.U. in other lands, showing movement against liquor traffic steadily progressing. Decided to hold a Concert at Ross Home early In New Year, also to send a Christmas parcel to Willard Home. Decided that first meeting in 1932 take the form of a Pay-Up Social. Reported £l2 sent to Organising Fund. FKIIJHNG. -Nov. 5. Anmual Meeting; small attendance; Mrs. Spence In chair. All reports of Departments rend and adopted. Resolved to help Women’s Division of the farmers’ Union hi the formation of a branch of the League of Nations Union Mrs. Kendall gave a most Interesting reis»rt of the District Convention. All former Officers re-elected, with Mrs. Pack as “White Ribbon" 'gent. GREVMOI’TH. —Oct. 28. Fair attendance. Mrs. Holloway, from Nelson, gave a very interesting iiddres;’ on “Work in Nelson City." Also, Miss Moffatt read a paper on the “Maori Work,” from Miss Adams; very interesting. Collection of 10s. for Maori work. Pay-Up meeting next month. GERALDINE. -Oct. Letters read from Mrs T. E. Taylor. Mrs Roy Miss M<I»ay. 1 >eeided to have M'ss McLay toward-' end of November, if suitable. A letter of appreciation for her work to be sent to Mrs. T. F. Tnvlor. Special i-olloction taken up for the WI Hard Home. GORE. —Oct. 27. Mrs. Harper presided; small attendance. A letter from Dominion President read. Donation received, to !»<• devoted to Educational and Cradle Roll work. Next meeting a "Pound l>ay.“ m aid of Victoria Home. Annual Bring and Buy Sale. The united Bands’ of Hope Concert. t*n aid of Willard Orphanage, was held in the Methodist Hall on October 28th. Large attendance, and a verv enjoyable programme was submitted. Rev. A. M Contain presided, anil conveyer! to Hand of Hope members the thasiks of Willard Home Authorities for help in pam years lI\A FLOCK NORTH,—Oct. 23 Interesting meeting; well attended; Mrs. Sfpetght presided. Maori Day observed, and our responsibility to our Maori brothers am' sisters spoken of In commotion w'ith on>* vote. Several members signed “World Disarmament Petition." Literature distributed. Interesting report of I»str»rt Convention given by delegate. Convention resolution* eadorned, a ropy to be sent to our M P Hr’-.g and Buy arranged for November 13th. HAMILTON.—Nov. I. Mrs Jones presides!; good attendance. Preside*; it st»oke on "The Drift from the Churches.” "liove of Pleasure," “No Fear of God before their Eves," "Scarcity of Work.” “Consequent Distress," "The Need to Pray for a Revival." A Bring and Buy Stall for Organising Fund*. Mrs. Henl gave an Vistructlve scientific address, for which she was warmly thank A d. Afternoon ten provided. HASTINGS. Oct. 29. Good attendance. Report of Conference read by Mrs. Paul, also Home meetings. Two new members. Miss Alice Clemancc. from India, gave a splendid account of life and work in the

Kalnupong School, conducted by hr Graham for Anglo-Indian children. Vote* of thanks. Tea, and a solo by Miss Bullet H AMILTON E AST.—Observed Maori I*, on October 15th, Mrs. Stephenson Craig presiding. Our faithful friend, Mrs. Whatu. was present, and spoke to us of the loyalty of the Maori members of the W.C.T.U., who never fail, not only to wear the Bow, but to draw attention to It and its significance. Mis* Mai.sie Whatu anil Miss Ada Renat* sang several tweet solos, which, with a duet by Mrs. Whatu and her daughter, added much to the enjoyment of the meeting. Collection taken for Maori Fund. Afternoon tea dispensed. ii \u mm \. 1 n t i’ri Mhin da) Tin Rev. R. E. Evans gave a very tine addrew. maintaining our greatest hope of Prohibition was in the Scientific teaching of the young, using the charts to show the illefTect, both on the human body as well a* plant-life, that alcohol had. Discussion re postponement of the Licensing Poll. I.KIGII. —Oct. At Mm. Grigg’s; se\en visitors. Resolved to arrange meeting of W.C.T.U. and L.T.L., to be addressed by Mrs. Kasper; to send parcel to Willard Home. letter from Dominion President. Paper by Mrs. Woodcock on “Havoc in Hunan Life," caused by drinking and gambling. A duet sang by Mesdames Grigg and Gozar. Mrs. Gozar read a paper, and Mr*. Grigg dispensed afternoon tea. LIN WOOD.—Oct. 27. Mrs Richards presiding. Arrangements made for Social Evening on the 17th. Mrs. Roberts read tin Scientific fact A lettdr was received from Mrs T. E. Taylor, explaining the attitude of the W.C.T.U. in regard to the postponement of the licensing Poll. Mrs. L. Grigg gave a very interesting talk on the "Pioneer Missionary Work Amongst the Maoris." A fternoon tea dispensed. MOSGIEL. —Oct. Fair attendance; Mrs Bedford presided. Reports from delegates to District Convention. Each delegate ga\e us a splendid and detailed account of tinvarious Items of the day, well worth hearing. Next meeting a Pay-Up Social. MAKOTIKU. — Nov. 5. Drawing-noon meeting at Mrs. Hutching’*; Mrs. T. Foth«*rgiil presided; good attendance. Prayer meeting; n paper on “Live Wires’* read by Mrs. J. T Dally, and on ’Maori” by members. An article ot "The Life of our late President, Anna Annins Gordon,” given b\ Miss Gwen Burnett Dainty afternoon tea served bv hostess. ~ M.ACNGATI’HOTi). —Oct. 28. At the Manse; small attendance. Paper on "Maori Day" read, also letter from Maori Superintendent. explaining use* to which Maori Fund was put; r >*. donated to Fund Circular from Mrs. T. E. Taylor, deploring postponement of Licensing Poll. Letter from I*ominion 'Demurer, asking for fu*;al 1 tended to send dotation to Organ’aln* Fund. Annual appen 1 from Willard Home Endeavour to be made to get signatures t«> Disarmament lVtit'on. Mothers’ Day on ith Wednesday No\ember. M ASTKRTON. Nov. 5. Good attendant • Annual Meeting: Mrs. Blamires presiding Set ret.try’s anil I •epartnients 1 report* show ed stoady progress, nnd interest in meeting he ng well sustained. Election of Officer* resulted as follows:—Pres., Mrs. E. C. Blam:res; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Cocker, Roms, Campbell and Ikivie: Secs. (Cor.) Mrs. A. Freeman: (Minute) Mrs G. Morice; Treas., Mrs. M. McGregor; Supt. of L.T.I. Miss Jackson; Supt. of "Y’s." Mist- N Miller; Pre*. of "Y's,” Miss Fl. Jones; Supt of Cradle Roll, Mrs. J. W. Bllnkhorne: “W.U." Agent, Mist, Tankerslev; Supt. of (lootl Citizenship. Mrs. Smith; Back-Block* Work. Mesdames N. Miller and 1). Dona hi: Sot-al Convenor, Mrs. W. White; Hospital Visitor, Miss Wingate; Distribution of Literature (Town). Mr*. J. Miller. Decided to send amount due to Organising Fund Immediately. Feeling reference made b\ members tc the pasting away of Mir*. Skinner who. for many years, was a most faithful member of the Union. Afternoon tea served bv Social Committee. NKW BRIGHTON. -Oct. Well attended Officers and members of Llnwood Branch conducted nieethig; Mrs Richards presiding Devotions, Mrs. Greenwood: Temperance fact. Mrs Brewlns. An excellent report of the Canterbury Convention given bv Mrs Roberts, who was thanked. Solos bv Mrs Donald. President of the Stvx Branch, and a recitation by Mrs. Richards. Afternomi

t*a mi veil by New Brighton oflicerH. Tie Se\% Brighton President, Mr*. Mall, thank**'! tli« I,inwood Brunch for conducting a mom enjoyable meeting. 0, t. 11. A very sucee.saful function held. An excellent Concert programme, followed l,y a “Cobweb” Social, when all ticket holder. m received n gift off the Gob w eb. Tho.Mi contributing items were: Mesdames Olds, Stewart, Chapman, Hawker and Harris; Miss Khona HIP. and Mr. E. B chambers. The I’nion's fumls will he we'l augmented by this effort. NORTH EAST VALLEY.—Oct. Vote of sympathy with Mr*. Coulter, who has lout lu>r husband. The President referred to the mining Election, and urged members to i iake their vote tor M.P's. a matter of earnest prayer. Address h> Mr. item! Potatiui reported elsewhere, for which the President thanked the speaker ami wished uni God-speed in his work among his own people. NAPIER. —Nov. 4. At Mrs. Dunstall's; Mrs Milner presided. Greetings were revived from Mrs. Brock'ehurst, our late President, who left last month for her new home in l»apiitoetoe; before leaving, several members spoke appreciatively of her work a* Secretary and, for a short time, as President of cur Pnion. and wished her God-speed in her new sphere. Decided to send donation to Willard Home. An S.O.R fi >m the N ./. Treasurer re Organising and General Fund to be attended to next meeting. Bedded to semi the following resolutions. passed at the M B. District ( erven ti >n, to our local Member ami Minister o: Interna! AfTairs;—(l ) “That this Convention urges the Government to discourage :ind discountenance the raising of fimds for i haritable and l>€*nevolent purpose* by public art unions": (2) "That this Convention urx» s upon the Minister of Transport the need for issuhig. with the license of motorists, a warning in regard to the danger arising from the use of alcohol, thereby reducing the liability to motor accidents and fatalities." Annual Meeting to be In Trinity Church NGARUAWAHIA.-—Oct. 15* Mr. Joins. J.P. of Hamilton, addressed the meeting seven members present, two visitors. Election of Officers:—Pres., Mrs. McDonnell; Sac., Mrs. Carthus: Treas., Mrs. Walsh; 'Tadle Roll Supt., Miss Routar. Afternoon tea nerved. OAMAKU. —Oct. 12 Miss Smyth** pi* sided; good attendance. Miss Cowan read «■ most interesting lecturette on "Alcohol.’ Mrs. Ifrian Ktlroy gave a comprehensive a<ldri*ss on "The League of Natlous. Annual Meeting to he held on the evening »f November 9th, also a Bring and Buy Sale. Afternoon tea serve* I OXFORD.—Oct. 20. Well attended m • etlng. Sympathy with Mrs W Jamison n the death of her mother, and to Mrs. J. Well a and Mrs. D. Clark in their illnesses. Miss Waterman gave an interesting account of District Convention, and was thanked A collection in aid of Maori Fund On the invitation of Mrs. 8. Magrath. Bexlev, it «hh armng**d to hold the next Home meeting at her residence. Decided to write to the Rev. A. Simmonds. thanking him for his ready help to tlie Cnion, and regretting Ins departure from the district. Nov. 4. Cottage meeting at Mrs. S Magrath's; attendance 20; Mrs. Hawke in liair. Rev. Malcolm gave an address; nuii'li appreciated. Mrs. .1. Whyte sang. ' v ne new member. OTOROHANGA. —Oct. Fair attendance; Mrs presiding. Reading of paper on "Liquor at Cabarets," also Mrs. Roll spoke «n "Closing of Distilleries in Scotland." A parcel and 10*. sent to Willard Home before Xmas. Annual Meeting at Methodist Oiurch. PLEASANT POINT.—Oct 21. Mrs. M* Naur presided: fair attendance. Miss M< l*a\ has visited quite a number of homes ami -eeured a few new members. She addressed nur nie«*ting. aval was much appreciated and heartily thanked. A number of our i'embers motored to Toiiiuka to hear Miss Henderson speak or "Social Hygiene. (> ur l’nion very dl»appolnte«l at not having an Election this year, and are surprised at the steps the Alliance took. An enjoyable Home meeting at Mis. Breen's to meet Miss Lay. Afternoon tea. PF.TONK.—Nov. 3. Twenty-two present; Mrs. Carter presided. Letter of appre*ia tlon to be sent to the Ministers’ Association for their work in the Schools. *»ardeii

Party to be held at Mrs. Corner's on November 18th. Annual Reports read, Secretary’s, Cradle Poll, Band of Hope ami "White Ribbon” Agent’s. Hostesses for next meeting are Mesdames Playtor and McCullum. PORT CHALMERS.—Oct. 8. Mrs. Brighton in ('ltair. Mrs. SniiUie read interesting report *n District Convention. Decided to • lost* Kind of Hope for the year, as there was a lot of sickness. November I.2th a Bring ami Buy S’aje, in aid of Willard Home. RKFFTO.V—Nov. .1. Annual Meeting; record attendance for 1921. Another, our oldest member, Mrs. Avery, called home. Message of sympathy to Mrs Morrison and Mrs. lfcivls on sad h*«s of Mr. Davis on "Kotiti” sailing vessel. All Officers reelected; Hostesses, Mesdames Parsonage and Hawthorne. KANGIOR A.—Oct. 30. Small. but interesting meeting. Mrs. Tiiwaites stated that, during the past three years, then* were 2,500 children In charge of State, in whose cases alcoholic liquor was a fac tor. Miss Lovell-Smith wrote, urging need of funds for our work, and asking for our assistance. S| MNKR Nov. Successful Cradle Roll Soc al. Mrs. W. G. Carter, olTiciat *ng, entertained members at a Birthday Tea, and gave gifts to each child. A tine musical programme arranged by Mrs His!op, Mrs. H. Ford and Mrs Kerr, and Miss Parsons recited. An address to mothers was given by Mr. Ford. Superintendent of Templars, who urged the co-operation of mothers with his w*ork for the young Mrs. McCombs welcomed the guests i t \ M min\. Oci m Social Afternoon; Mrs. Burroughs presided. Main item, report of Marlborough District Convention by delegate. Vote of sympathy passed with Mrs. Kings in the death of her father, 3ong by Mrs. Pike, arid recitation hv Mrs. Knight, also Competition arranged by Mrs. White. All much enjoyed. Afternoon tea n*nri social intercourse. rHAME* pri sided over by Mrs. Langford. A donation of £1 gratefully received from the Band of Hope < omnuttee. Sixteen new members added to the Cradle Roll. A paper was read. Nov. 4. Good attendance; Mrs. Langford in the chair. Donation of fl to be sent to Willard Home. Vote of sympathy to Mrs. Gleoson. Snr., bereaved of her husband. Captain Blaikie gave a very interesting ad dress about ’..ife im Pakatoa Island." Four new members for Cradle Roll. TK.XIITKA.- -Oct. 22. Special meeting. Mrs. Hewson presided; large attendance. Miss Henderson, J.P., gave a very inspiring address on "Social Hvgiene.” A resolution was passed: "That this meeting express it*’, disapproval of the action of the Tennis i’lul> in approaching the Domain Board for permission to open the Courts for plav on Sunday, and expresses the hope that the Domain Board will discourage the proposal In the Interests of the young people, and of the observance of the Sabbath. Thanks to spe?iker. Solo hv Miss Olllver. Nov. «. Mrs. Hewson presided; 22 pre sent. Two new* members. ThankH passed to Mrs. for use of lawn-mower at Rest Rooms. I mnation sent to N.Z. Organizing bund. Vocal duet by Mesdames Gross and Smith. Address on "Temperance aid Righteousness" hy Ensign Smith, thoroughly appreciated. TAKAPENA. —Oct. Annual Meeting. Mrs G. Winstone presided during the election of Officers, which were as follows;—Pres.. Mrs. Morgan Richards; Vice-Pros., Mesdames Johnston and Collins; Rec. See. Mrs. Blackwell; Cor. Sec. Mrs. Sharpies; Treas.. Mrs. Blackwell; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. George Winstone: T-.TT,. Supt.. Mrs. E. J. Lewis; "W.R.” Agent. Mrs. Morgan. Appreciation of the work done hy the retiring Officers. • •specially to Mrs. Johnston, who so heartily stepped into the gap during the year. Also to Mrs. Winstone as Cradle Roll Superintendent. showing Ifis on the roll, and to Mrs Lewis, L.T.L. Superintendent during the past three years. The leaflet on “Postponement" enlightened many as to the present position. Mrs. Richards reported the meeting on District Executive. Afternoon tea WELLINGTON.—Nov. 5. Fairly good attendance; Mrs. Murray presiding. A Bring and Buy Afternoon, arranged for Headquarters Fund, to he held early In Peccni-

her. An appeal was made for funds for the Willard Home, and £1 I*. Is to be sent. Mrs. T. E. Taylor sent a letter, explaining her position re the postponing of tho Licensing Poll, of which she is not in favour. Two songs were sung by Mrs. Free. Our Annual Meeting to be held on 3rd December, and a good attendance is requested. Reports were received from the Superintendents of the different branches of work attached to the W.C.T.U, All had given faithful service. \\ II AXGAKF.I. Oct. Eighteen mem hers present; Mrs. Vyle in the chair. Twentyfifth Anniversary of the W.C.T.U. in \N hangarei. Several of the original members m ere present, and exchanged reminiscences of the earjy (lays. Sympathy expressed with our Secretary, Mrs Goodall, in her severe Uluses. A petition was passed round and signed hy all present, protesting against the passing round o f the claret cup at our Annual High School Ball. Decided to hold Maori Day on October 21st. Mrs. Courtney appointed "White Ribbon” Agent and Reporter. WAIMATR. —Oct. 7. Special meeting, presided over by the Mayoress (Mrs. Coo. Ikvsh). Good attendance of members mid friends to meet Miss Annie Midway. Enjoyable musical programme. All present wen* deeply interested In the Crusade story of the XV.C.T.r.. told so effectively b> Miss McLay. At the close, eight new member* were initiated. Oct. 14. Mrs. Roy presided. Delegate’s report of District Convention, amt a 1 **arty vote of thanks accorded her. Opportunity was taken to say good-bye to Mrs. Cocks, who Is shortly leaving on a trip to the Homeland, and to present her with a posy of flowers. Annual Meeting in December. XV All’ KV.—Oct. 30. At Mrs. McEwen’s; Mrs. Anderson presided; 15 present. Our delegate gave a report of the Auckland D'wtrict Convention, and a leaflet on "Maori Work" was read. A Hring and Buy resulted In £1 10* 9d. being raised for the Maori work. Afternoon tea provided.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 436, 18 November 1931, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 436, 18 November 1931, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 436, 18 November 1931, Page 7

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