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News of the Union.

Ur porta MI ST I. Keucli the Editor l>> Hth of month. ?. IW written in inh. o«i one Hide of tlie |Ni|ier only. .'I. lie Nltort iuml to the point. No. 1 REPORTS. AKAMOHO.—Sept. 24. Very (rood attendance, A letter whs read and papers were sinned on "The World Disarmament Problem.” Mrs. Whiteside, our delegate to District Convention, submitted her report. A letter of sympathy to be sent to Mrs. T. E. Taylor. A minute's silence was also observed, in memory of Miss Gordon. A Bring and Huy held. Jubilee Home visited last month. Cradle Roll Afternoon for next meeting.

ItAI.IOI R. —Sept. 18. Annual and successful "Pound Afternoon,” In aid of Victoria Home, Invercargill. Good attendance; visitors from Invercargill and Lumslen. Sympathy with Mesdames McDonald. Cowie. George and Stevens. Solos by Mrs. l*ryde and Miss Rasamusaen. Recitations by Misses Humphries and Sligo. Addresses by Miss Mcl-ay ("Our Heritage") and Mrs. Fairbalrn (‘‘Work of Victoria Home.") Votes of thanks to all helpers. One new member.

DAMiANfR.—Sept. Mrs. Hamlcock pre sided over a good attendance, and Miss l*ouglas gave an Inspiring address on "Temperance, Faith, Work and Vision." Mrs. Sinclair, our eldest member, presented Miss Douglas with a beautiful bouquet. The Scientific fact, "Cocktails." Decided that Miss Gibson attend District Convention as delegate. Miss Douglas thanked for hei helpful address. Afternoon tea. BROOKLYN Bept. 22 Mrs. B&wden In the chair. Exceptionally good gathering and most inspiring meeting Our beloved President. Mrs. Snwden. was cordially welcomed hack after several months’ illness. Mrs Pickering read the report of two meetings called by Wellington Area Council re the Licensing Poll postponement. Mrs. D. R. Kennedy sang "There Were Ninety and Vine." Mrs. Brewer read Annual Report for District Convention Mrs Gilllngs delegate to District Convention Decided to send letter of appreciation to Mrs. Thompson. thanking her for the wonderful work done as Secretary since our branch started three years ago. Members to visit Mes.lames poney and Keehle, who are unable to attend the meetings. Mrs. Baudinet gave a splendid address on "Frances Dillard, her Life and Work for the \\ .C.T.F., and waa thanked. Presbyterian ladles were hostesses. BIRKF.NIIFAR. -Sept. 3. Meeting at Mrs. Berry’s; 19 present. Mrs. Ross, from California. in a short talk, told of the advantages of Prohibition In America. Next meeting to be in Zion Schoolroom. Mrs. Berry provided afternoon tea. Votes of thanks to speaker and hostess. BELFAST.—Sept. 9. Address by Miss llarband "The Man who Changed His Occupation." which was most Interesting 1 Prided to hold Church Rally last Sunda> in September, in Presbyterian Church. Next meeting Bring and Buy Sale and report of delegate to District Convention. HA! NH AM.— Sept. 10. The President read out of the "White Ribbon ahout Willard Children’s Home. The Vice-Prcsi-dejit gave a Temperance fact on "Alcohol.” Collection was taken up for the Millard Fund.

BKVO.M’ORi -Sept. Mrs. Williams presiding The members representing the t'nion at the District Convention gave very fine reports. Mrs Williams read a paper oxi the "Franchise.’* The hostess for the afternoon waa Mrs. Sherley.

EPSOM.—Sept. 24. Good attendance. Report of District Convention rend hv Miss Katterfeldt. also extracts from "What New Zealand Women Have Gained Since 1892. were given by the Secretary. The meeting proved verv helpful, and led to interesting discussion. A Bring nnd Buy Table added to the funds Next meeting, "Maori Day." FF.IITMNG. —Oct. 1. Combined Pay-up and Cradle Roll Social: good attendance of both adults and children. A paper dealing

with work among the Maoris, supplied by Miss Adams, read by Mrs. Spence. Mrs. Terry gave an address on the "Power of Prayer." Song* and recitations given by the children; each child received a balloon and bag of sweets.

(■KKI MOI Til. Sept. Small attendance. Mrs. Burrell read the inspiring Leadei. "Live Wires,” from t tie "White Ribbon.” Resolved to celebrate Maori Day next meeting, and to take up a collection for the Fund. Secretary to write Miss Adams for a pamphlet on "Maori Work." HRNDE RftON. Sept Xnnua I Huy; small attendance through sickness. Reports of delegates from District Convention received. Mrs. Williams spoke of first day’s proceed Infs, and Mis. Elroat gave a very Hue report of second day, and much interested discussion followed. Resolved to repeat Pledge at our meetings, also Temperance fact, to get all members to take part. A speaker to be asked for nur next meeting, Maori Pay. Afternoon tea.

BAWEKA. it 29 Mrs. sided; large gathering. Cradle Roll Day and Bring and Buy for Seamen's Mission. £2 raised. Mrs. Williams read a fine |>aper to mothers on "The Love for Little Children." Three new members. The Fnion most emphatlcalv denied having any part in postponing the Licensing Poll; indignation does not express its feeling The young folks gave recitations, violin solos and songs; all much appreciated by the mothers, A houquet was presented to Mrs. BfsohofT ns a token of appreciation for her long term of ofTlce as Superintendent of fr*>dlo Roll

HASTINGS.- Sept. 21. Well attended meeting; President in the chair. Miss Taylor gave an interesting address on "The Work of British ivnd Foreign Bible Society," especially pointing out how. when the power of the printed Word was felt in the heart and life of men and women, the power of alcohol was overthrown Spring flower posy presented to Mir* Tavlor. who stated it was the first *he ever remembered receiving Afternoon tea and musical Items contributed to a happy gathering. O n e new member.

KX IT \N(i \T A (Of ago). Sept 21 \ftornoon and evening meetings, which were falrlv well attended v >re held here to-day. when a visit was paid by Miss A. M. McT-av. Dominion Organiser. Tn the afternoon. Miss who was accompanied by Miss Tosh, of the Balelutha Branch, addressed a meeting of women on “The Aims and Ohlecfs of the XX* C.T.F.." nnn. after some discussion, it was decided that a branch he ’’ormed. Tn the evening. Miss VeLny again addressed a public meeting, at the dose of which ten members were initiated, ami the following officers appointed Pres.. Mrs Smith. "C.reonlen." Kaltangata: Pec., Mrs. McAllister. Eddvetone Street; Trees., Mrs. Brown. Eddystone Ptreet. Kl'MKl’.- Oct 1 At Mrs p Barnes'; even present. Welcome extended to Mrs Martin, nnd confidence expressed in her as President. Lengthv d!«ensslon rn\ the Pence anil Disarmament quest'ons nr.d editions s’gned. Afternoon tea. I.HVHFNf'F. Sept. 15 Good nttendanc* Devotions. Paper on "Franchise Pr.v,” read bv Mrs. King T’nion visited by Mbs MeLny during last month. She addressed Sunday Schools. Bible C’a«s and Women's Meet'-ng. nnd did District visiting. Delegate** annointpd to D strict Convention. LOWER IH'TT.—Ten present, many absent through sickness Renorted that the Disarmament Petition is being signed by manv of our Church people, r.apltntion fees passed for payment. Treasurer reported £4 12s Id. in hand. Members asked to remember the Sailors’ Rpst Homes, and to make hold-alls for Xmas. Feveral suggestions mad# for those of our members vho might be at the District Executive Meeting in Masterton next week Maori Dav to be held next month. Mrs T.opdel! to he the speaker.

NELSON. —Sept. 8. Vljutaut Brlddock gave a verv Interesting address on “Woman's Influence * Miss Cooke gave the Temperance fact, "A.cohol ns .a Poison." Delegates appointed te District Convention. A vote of sympathy passed to one of our late member* me«t'ug. Pay up Social. NfiARI'AW'AHIA. Sept Seven members present: President In the chair. Pending taken from "White Ribbon." Afternoon tea served.

OWAKA.- Sept. 9. Small attendance, owing to sickness and stormy day. Rev. A. L. Silcock gave a very fine address on "< Mir Responsibility— The Postponed Poll." stressing the need of strong, personal conviction and influence. President appointed delegate to District Convention. World Disarmament Petitions handed out for signatures. OTAHI lit . Sept. 17. A full report of District Convention was given by Mesdames Borman, Eccersnl! and Muir, w’lileh was much appreciated. Paper on ‘‘Woman’s Franchise" read by Mrs. K< < ersali. ONEHINGA.- Fept. IC. Small attendance; many members sick. Sliort prayers by members at opening devotions Report of District Convention, followed by discussion. We w Ished success to newlyformed 1.0.G.T. Lodge. Sept. 23. Home meeting at Mrs. Hunter’s; only seven present; many apologies on account of sickness. Discussion on some parts of our work and social hour. Dainty tea provided by our hostess. OTOItOII VNLA. —Sept. Eleven members present; Mrs Burton presided. An address was given by Rev. Silvester, and much cnJnved by ali. Afternoon tea. OIIAKI NK. Sept. 10. Attendance fair; weather wet. Report of District Convention rend by delegate. All members signed "World Disarmament Petition." "Franchise Drv” to be subject .’or next meeting. Hymn and prayer, and afternoon tea. OIIAf. —Sept. 11. Very good attendance; Mrs Balneaves presided. Franchise Dav meeting Social hour w*as spent. Letter vent to School Committee, requesting Bible Reading be Introduced into the School. S«.v.-n new* member*. Rev. Campbell spoke on Important position women held in world Movements of to-dav. and their ability to .ope with these conditions Congratulated t'nion on its work and its growth Mis* Raper sang "My Task" and "In a Garden Mr Lamb sang a well-known hymn. Rev. \shworth gave a short address, tracing the W.C.T.F. Movement and congratulating the workers of a great Cause. Mrs. Mart.n recited "The Master and the Bairns Supper was dispensed. I'ONMiMU •dried. Reports of the District <'em . enl. on given by Mrs. Young and Mrs. Turnbull. Being Franchise Day. a paper was read hv Miss Read on "How the Women of Now Zealand Won the Franchise. Bring and Hnv Kale and afternoon tea. id s \\<, \ trie- received from those absent. The President. Mrs. Rae. conducted the meeting, which opened with hymn and / ,Tia : praver Articles from "Whit# Rihbon lead hv Mrs. Southward. Extract from hook received from Nelson I.ihrnrv read. The Indies present supplied a dainty supper. kangior X ing- good attendance Mrs McKerliric L"ve a detailed and ve P - interesting report of the District Convention. Mrs. Ta'ior re,Milled that, up to date, the 1 nion had sent In 120 signatures to the World's Disarmament Petition Due new member. Mi a. "oev welcomed bo k after n lone 1 lno*s. «»T Y\ -Sept. Fair attendance A hined meeting was arranged, also Home meeting on October f»th. Sove-nl members have Disarmament Petition 1 Ol ' ' * Hard of Hope September 21st; So. ■ ' “ * -rg Six of our L.T.L. ohildr* entered for the S- ientlfl* Temnerarvc Exam Praver meetings arrange*’ for. SEPDON. —Sept. At Mrs Galnsford s. tot, present; Mrs. RMUv presided Mrs Schnrr appointed delegate to ‘ " T J r vent ion. Several members signified thel intention of attending Convention. Mrs Crockett prepared and read an paper entitled. "Onr Position in the World ?S!toy .. or Oo,v Thl. »•.** mu'h appreciated by all present. AftmTU VTFDRD - Sept. Mrs McCallum »n the chair Resolved that a letter be sent to our Mayor. Mr. P. Thompson, congratulating him on the stand he took at the meeting of the Borough Connell, against drinking in cars outside dance halls. \Hernonn tea for the Hospital for October was arranged. Mrs McCallum gave a Temperance fact. „ „ , , M'IIEYDON. —Fept. 3 Mr*. Petrie occupied the chair. Being Question Day. some interesting subject* were discussed. Literature on the "World's Disarmament Petition" was given out A social cup of tea wn*

enjoyed. Hostesses were Mrs. Erlkson and Mrs. Mtirray. Mrs .1. Voss closed the meeting with prayer and tlie Benediction. s. INVERC ARGILL. -Sept. 8. Joy and sadness intermingled at the news of the

resignation of our beloved President, Mrs. Paaley, who has accepted the position of Superintendent of and the responsibility of re-organising the "Y. M Branch. Mrs. Oilmore (recently returned from Christchurch) elected President. An address on "Characteristics’* was given by Mrs. Reidy. TK AWAMITC.— B»pt. 17. Mrs T. N, Olson presided; good attendance. Delegates appoint (Ml to District Convention Miss Young, Organising Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, gave an Interesting address on "The Aims and Objects of t iio Society.” Over 7,000 Bibles are now phi'-ed in the bedrooms of boarding houses and hotels for the use of the travelling public. Vote of thanks to Mil)' Young. Afternoosi tea. . _ TF KriTl. —Sept. Fair attendance. Decided to have Bring and Buy Afternoon in October for Headquarters’ Fund. A very Instructive address was given by Adjutant Jenkins. Two delegates appointed to District Convention. Decided to get signatures to Disarmament Petition. Sympathy with several members who were Indisposed. Welcomed one new member. Afternoon tea klndlv provided by Mrs. J. Nlchons. Tl X MARINA. —Pept 15. Methodist uarsonpgc Franchise Day; Mrs Thirrougbs r resided; fair attendance. Mrs. Robinson unpointed delegate to District Convention. Decided to hold Social Afternoon at the borne of Mrs Wood, w'th Bring and Buy next month. Motion to forward letter t.. Head of Police Force. Blenheim, drawing attention to flag—"t breaches of the I-aw in the conduct < ml hotel, unanimously carried Add- by Rev. Keen, of Plctom. on "The Winning of the Franchise and Its Results:” much appreciated Afternoon ten onloved. XYAII KU. Fep» 25. Mrs Anderson presided; six present Next meeting to be a sr.eeird effort for Maori work. and at residence of Mrs. M«-Fwen Delegate’s report held over for a fuller meeting XYXNGXNFI CENTRAL—Oct. 1 Mrs. Page In the chair: good meeting: attendance fair. Secretary reported having informed the new Minister of Education, our Fnion’s wishes. retrardWig Rlhle-tn-Schnols. Members were a*»ked to stipport the local effort re "ending Xma« gifts to pntients In Mental Hospital Secretary to write to Hon. Mr. Masters, asking that the Scientific Temperance Besson be more filllv stressed in our State Schools P»rthdnv League formed. Mrs. Connyheer. Tunr.. Superintendent. f 4 10s. sent to Organizing Fund. Paper read cal’ed "Live Wires" Fact rend. ''There Is ns much room for sand In a machine, as for alcohol tn the human system." Franchise paper read: collection taken for N.Z. Fund" Educational facts rei*orted from ’’W.TI. Bulletin’’ for local paper reports. No. 2 REPORTS. AMUR ETON.- Sent 29 S‘ster Mildred presided. Good attendance. Votes of svmpathv passed with bereaved friends. Decided to assist Plunket Socletv with . T.LC. on Tiabour Day. and committee set up Arrangements were made for a meeting to be addressed bv M'ss Henderson. .! p.. on October 20. other organisations to be invited to be present: also for a visit from Miss Mr Lay, Organiser. Interesting reports of Temuka Convention given bv delegates Congratulations extended to Mrs Robinson on being elected President of S.C.D Union: a'so to Hon. P. .Tones, as Minister of Agriculture. Mrs Stone and Mrs Aitkenhead to take chargp of Rest Tent on Show Dav. Reference made to Maori Dav, and collection taken. f2 voted to SC. District funds. BIRKENHEAD.—Oct. 1. Mrs Todd gave a short report of District Donvention. At our next meeting a cotleetlon Is to be taken up for Wellington Headquarters Election of officers, the only alterations being Mrs Avery, the Parsonage, Prea'dent, and Mesilanies Todd nnd .Tory as Vice-Presidents. Next meeting to be at Mrs Todd’s. Afternoon tea served by Miss Jorv. CHRISTCHFRCH.—Sept. 9 Mrs Adkins presided. Decided to place on record the

IViion's appreciation of the fine stand taken by Mr J. McCombs, M P.. In championing the women's viewpoint in the recent debate in Parliament on the Licensing Poll Postponement Bill. Franchise Day. Mrs J. MK’onibs gave a brief outline of her experience and work on the City Council and Hospital Hoard. She also stressed the need for women of higli ideals and broad views to stand for election on local and public Roards. A special training was needed, and It was suggested that the study of ’■Clvirs” be Included in the syllabus of the Y Brandies.

Sept. 23. Miss Henderson presided. Report of the recent Provincial Convention, held at Temuka, was read by Mrs Day. The Convention whs successful in every wr attended by thirty-nine delegates. The functions and meetings were a success, and Temuka may be congratulated on its first attempt of entertaining n Convention.

CARTERTON.—Hept. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Jones hi her sad bereavement. Decided to send f2 and a box of clothing to Willard Home. Mrs Shirly gave a reading, "Be Prepared.” Miss Waterson gave excellent report on Convention. Thanks received from Miss Kirk for vegetables sent. A tribute was paid to the passing of Anna A. Gordon. A reunion of old members, in form of a social afternoon, to be held. Mrs Jones and Mrs King were hostesses for afternoon

FOXTON.—Sept. 16. Mrs Rosa presided Good attendance. Cradle Roll afternoon, a fair number of mothers and little White liibboners present. Elocutionary items given by the children, and a short address by Mrs Ross. Dainty afternoon tea provided by the members, after which Mrs lluiitly took some snaps of the children and mothers. A happy afternoon was brought to a close by the Benediction.

GORE.—Sept. 30. Good attendance. The President presided. Solo by Miss Wylie, recitation Mrs Rose, instrumental trio Mrs Blackniore. Misses White and Tayles. Band of Hope concert In aid of Willard Home to be held at end of October, and Annual Bring mid Buy Sale at next meeting. Mrs Harper delegate to District Convention. Rev. Armstrong spoke on "I-et her alone* sin- hath done what she could.” One new member. Supper <iis!>ensed. KARORL—Oct. 6. Well-attended meeting. Report of the Convention was read and discussed. Mrs Brigadier Glover gave a splendid talk mi her wmrk. Afternoon tea handed around. UNMODh.—Sept. 29 Good attendance Mrs J. Richards presided. Mrs Straw rend scientific fact on "Alcohol and Education. ’’ A splendid report of Temuka Convention given by Mra Roberts, who was congratulated on her work. Decided to hold payup social on 17th November. Afternoon tea dispensed. I.EY IN.—Sept. 11. Mrs Cummins presided. Good attendance. Decided to ask Miss lH>uglas to visit Levin for a week, and address the combined Bible Clusses, and to hold two Home Meetings. Arrangements for the forthcoming Convention were discussed. Scientific facts read. I.F.IGII.—Sept. At Mrs Grigg’s. Fair attendance. Mrs I). A. Matheson in the chair Mrs YVoodcock read an account of the Women's Teetotal Enthusiasts’ Maymeet ing at Euston Road. London. Mrs Grigg read of the programme of the Christian Endeavour Jubilee in London. Mrs Torkingtmi read an article, entitled "Live Wires.” Mrs Grigg served afternoon tea. XIAt'NGATI'ROTO. —Sept. 30. Good attendance. Pledge repeated. Secretary read report of N.A Convention. Special mention made of three Maori delegates from Far North. Secretary reported rancellhig of meeting to meet Mrs Taylor, owing to illness. letter of tliankß from City Mission for second parcel of clothing. Temperance fact rend. Decided to hold meetings on 4th Wedniesday in future. MAKOTI’KI'.—Oct. 2. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs J. T. Daily’s. Mrs T. Fothergill presided. Prayer meeting Y’ote of sympathy with Mrs Mann in her bereavement. Miss Mildon elected Secretary, pro tern Captain Weston gave a very Interesting address on experlance of her work with the drink. A dainty afternoon tea dispensed by the hostess.

NFXX BRIGHTON.—Sept. The annual "pay-up” social. Miss B. M. Harband spoke on the k-*en disappointment felt b> W.c.T.U. member* at the postponement of tlie Licensing Pol,. A successful Home meeting had been held at Mrs Weaver’s home, South Brighton, tin third held Hi tliat district during the v.-tnter. The Hex S. Bailey, in his very intertsting address on "Attempting the Impossible." likened the members of the W.C.T.U. 10 u "force possessed of amazing possibilities.” A short musical programme, and afternoon tea. NEW PLYXHH'TH.—Sept 30. Twenty six prpsent. Reported tha\ the Union had helped the X’s In their social held this month; also that tlie Seamen's Rest had resulted in the sum of over f3O being handed *o tlie Committee. Visits to the Rest had be«n 506. Mrs Philips, District President, ga\*e an interesting address on Franchise and tlie much needed alms of noble-minded women. During 40 years of Franchise what had our 8000 W.c.T.U.'s done with the vote they had won? Finland. a Prohibition country, was almost the only one to show a credit balance. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the speaker. Afternoon tea was nerved.

OAAIARI.—Hept. "Pay-up” social. MisSmyth* presided. Miss Cowan read the lecturette on "Alcohol.” Mush al Items and supper.

OXFORD.—Sept. 23. Twentieth birthday party*. Good attendance of members, and several Y’s. Mrs Malcolm regretted that the Presidt-nt was not well enough to attend. but were glad to welcome Mrs llawkc once more. Mrs Hawke thanked members for their kindness and attention during her stay in hospital. Mrs Abbot gave an Hi terestlng and instructive address bused on 11. Kings iv. A sacred solo by Miss N Waterman was much appreciated. Afternoon tea, including* a handsome birthday rake, made and decorated by Mrs T. Gainsford. At an Executive meeting letters were read from the International Society of Fellowship of Reconciliation. Decided to ask for further particulars. I'KTONE. -Oct. 6. Twenty-two members present. Mrs Garter presided. President gave report on tlie District Convention. A vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Taylor on her illness, and we hope she will soon be restored to health. A vote of appreciation was passed to Mrs Carter tor her valuable work among the children of the Band of Hope. In replying, Mrs Carter coupled the names of Mesdames Chalmers ami Pack wood with her own. Hostesses next meeting. Mrs Woolford and Miss Collie. Garden Party nt Mrs Corner’s on November IHth. One new member.

RKEFrON. —Oct. 6. Nine present. Mrs Thompson presided. Decided to place a Bible in the school here. Letters of sympathy to Mesdames Parsons and ]<adner in their illness Paper rend. Reported papers by Miss Hatband read in school here. and blotters distributed to school children. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Bone and Smith.

HEM! ERA.—Sept. 4 Mrs Hugh Kasper presided. Mewlames Wright, Hunter, anil RobWmon gave full and comprehensive reports of Auckland District Convention. Mrs Carr congratulated on her appointmert as District Corresponding Secretary. Mrs Hunter appointed Peace and Arbitration Supt. Arrangements made for Jumble Sale and drawing-room meeting. Franchise Day observed. Collection sent to N.Z. Fund

Sf .MNKK.—<Oct. fi. Mrs McCombs presided. Miss Kilners gave report on Temuka Convention in breezy, humorous style, and dead very compreliensively with the various activities of that Conference. Members felt almost ns if they had all been there themselves. Presbyterian ladles scrx’ed tea.

TIMA Hl.—Sept. 29. Franchise Pay. Meeting at Highfleld. iuxrge attendance Mrs Norrie spoke on the gaining of the franchise and what had been accomplished l*y the W.C.T.U. slni*e 1 893. Arrangements made for musical afternoon on Octobe21st, when Miss Henderson Is to give an address on "Social Hygiene. ’ Mrs XX’. Trott gave a splendid report of District Convention. Mrs Norrie and Mrs Low added details. Mrs Norrie congratulatitng Mr> Arthur, Y President, on taking gut 16 glrla

u, the Y Hally av Convention. Two new members enrolled. Tt Ml KA. —o<t. 2. Mrs Hew sou pr< snlnl, -*> present. CMie new member. l>e- . ideil to ask Mlk McLay to visit the country plates, with the Idea of forming small Unions. Arrangements made for Henderson to speak on ‘b'ocial Hjr«iene” on October 22nd, and to invite all other orgauiwtioiu to be present. Splendid report of Convention given by Mrs White1, e ad. Thanks to helpers during Convention. Afternoon tea served. VI All AKA. -Sept. IS. Mix* l»rew gave very Interesting and instructive address the Worlu W.O.T.U. Convention lieUi in Toronto, Canada. Forms for signature for world disarmament were called in. A ollectiou for Seamen’s Rest, New Plymouth. 6/6. One ne*v member transferred from Stratford. Next meeting October 1 ♦»11 1, when volunteer items can be given.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 435, 18 October 1931, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 435, 18 October 1931, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 435, 18 October 1931, Page 7

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