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News of the Union.

IlcjHirts MVST I. Rearh the Editor by Htli of month. J. IU written in ink, on one tide of the l>uper only. 3. lie hlhml ami to the point. No. 1 REPORTS. A 1 TKLAND. —Aug. 11. Mrs Cook presided. A tribute paid to the work of Mins Anna (Jordon, whose death had occurred re<-vntly. Mrs Cook called attention to the World’s Women’s Annual Day of Prayer, which was started by a Korean woman. Delegates api>ointed to the District Convention. Very interesting address given by Rev. Stempson. who spoke of the national temptations of strong drink, gambling. and Sabbath-breaking, and the necessity of building battlements to protect the home. He said there was as much spent in England in eleven days on strong drink as all the world spent In a year on Protestant missions.

lIAI.I.AM’K. —Aug. Fourteen present, Mrs Rand cock In the chair. Mrs Holdaway read a paper on "The Effect of Alcohol on the Digestive Organs.’* A scientific fact was read. A Bring and Puy realised */-. Afternoon ten dispensed. HAINHAM. —August. Three present. We spoke on Temperance Farts. We do not seem to get any more members. When we get the mothers interested we will start a Cradle Roll.

BROOKLYN. —Aug. 26. Mrs Coring pres il**d. Pleasant afternoon, and good attendance. Mrs Outings read a paper on "18th Amendment/' U.S.A., which was both interesting and Instructive. Twelve members to visit Wellington Hospital during September. Letters to bereaved and sick members. Mrs Every, our District President, sent r cordial message of greeting and *»r co j rage merit. Mrs McMillan gave a splendid address on Palestine, receiving a hearty vote of thanks and a pretty Victorian posy. Delegate to attend District Convention. Baptist ladies were hostesses.

DEVON PORT.—Aug. 18. Delegates appointed to District Convention and to NZ. Alliance Conference. Seven new members. Little White Ttibboners* afternoon; 72 were present, with their mothers. (lames were played, and each child received

■••• handkerchief and a fancy box of sweets. •!rvat credit is due to the Superintendent, Mr? Wrack, w ho lias increased the membership from IS to 12<i in less than 12 months. ■'Splendid increase. Can't some* more Unions do the same.—Ed. “W.R.”) (.RHYTOWN.—At Presbyterian Manse. Seven present. Three apologies received. '•< legates to attend District Convention. Disarmament petition forms handed round atni signed.

(•ORE.—Aug. 25. Papers by members. Sympathy with Mrs Byars in bereavement. and with Mrs Beattie in her illness. Collection in aid of Blble-in-Schools League. Petition for World Disarmament circulated for signatures. I>ecided to ask Rev. Ann•drong to address an evening meeting In Sentember. One new member.

HASTINGS.—Aug. 27. Good attendance. Ensign Duggen gave an interesting talk on 'Gifts Brought to the Wise King” (Matt. 7, verse 8). Two home meetings held. Annual District Convention io be held September 30th in Hastings. Give and Buy table result, 4/5; collection tea, 4/8. Sympathy expressed with Mrs Moss and family. Mrs Paul read report of District Conference held in Hastings last week. Gne new* member. Resolution in connection with the Licensing Toll sent forward. Miss Blair tendered two sweet solos. Afternoon te?.

Hamilton.—Aug. i. Mrs Jones pr»v 'led. large attendance Fe d mg rof*>“* ' ui-e made to vhe passing of the World s CT.U. President, M<s* Anna Gordon, and :iIn«» to our Vlce-Presl lent In the serious dlness of her husband Mrs T. E. Taylor to be the principal sneaker at District Corvention. Rev. Hocking gave a helpful talk 1° member*, attention being called to the »ced of unremitting real m regard to plcDire posters. Pianoforte solos by Mrs Kln-

dair. Appeal on behaif of Welfare League most generous, good supply of provisions and vegetables being donated. Mesdamea .limes and l>avey hostesses. KAIAPOI. —-Aug. Bmall attendance. Decided to invite Mrs Diury to speak at next meeting. Members present all read a beautiful or instructive article culled from books or magazines.

kl MKI . —Aug Seven present. lx*tter reud from F>npi*r in reply to Mr Mason’s, M.P., letter on Wines Production Hill. Discussion regarding continuing our meeting, majority in favour of carrying on. Mra Martin appointed President. I.EK’II.—Aug. Meeting at Mrs A. E. Griggs. Xu mil attendance. Mrs D. A. Matbeson in the chair. Mrs Gozar reed art article entitled "Shetland, a Tov.-n Without a Pub lie-house.” Mrs Grigg read an extract from "God in the Slums.” Mrs Tork- • ngtou read of the aims and working of the W.C.T.U. throughout the world. Mrs Grigg kindly dispensed afternoon tea. World's Disarmament petition signed. LIN WOOD.—Aug. Scientific fact by Mrs Brewing. letters of condolence to Mrs Greens la tie and Mrs Grose. Decided to send delegate to District Convention. Mrs Richards reported on W.C.T.U. stall at Winter Show.

LAWRENCE.—Aug , 18. Good attendance. Mrs Edie in chair. One new member. Two new names cm Cradle Roll. Arrangement completed re Miss McLay’s visit on afternoon of 22nd. Paper on T. t. Taylor read by Mrs Clarke. LOWER HUTT. —Aug. 22 Good attendance. Dtlegate to District Convention appointed. Mrs Roberts to attend Area Council of N.Z.A. Mrs Tait gave report of District Executive meeting, and received hearty clap. Paper on "Objects and Aims of the W.C.T.U.” was given by Mrs Crawford, and a short talk on “Our Pledge: What Does It Mean to Is?"

MT. ALBERT.—Aug. Cradle Roll af ter noon. Good representation of mothers with their babies. The Superintendent of the Department (Mrs Brodie* presented each child with a gift. Mrs Morgan Richards addressed the gathering on the subject of tlie responsibility of mothers to their children. Music al items were interspersed, and afternoon tea was served, the hostesses being Mrs H-lliwell and M>ss Jones. NEW PLYMOUTH.—Aug. t>. A party of members taxied out to Hurworth, a country suburb, Imping to form a Union. Although then* were some 20 Jadies to receive us, and a cordial welcome and tea given us. there seemed no one willing to accept offices. However, after our President had stated facts regarding tlie* Union, four tiew member* were initiated and a number of babies put on the Cradle Roll. Interest was taken in our aims and work, and one member promised to distribute literature, Aug. £ti. S«*.mien's report read by Secretary. Papers hud been sent by sevoml. and also a donation of tea. Visits from sailors for month, 078. Arrangements made to take the caretaker's duties during iter fortnight's holiday. An appeal from our local Y'h for help at their social on the 14th was responded to by the ladies present. The President *ix>ke about the June Oonferi«tice held in Toronto, ami pictured ttie world's newly-appointed President, Mrs 19oole, who stepped into the i»ositioii from which our dear departed Anne. Gordon was taken. The Conference had heen an inspiring oci anion. NGARI AWAHlA.—President in the chair. A report of Cradle Roll showed a membership of 151. Very interesting paper read. NELSON.—Aug. 11. Social afternoon to Cradle Roll mothers. Very good attendance. lUv. W. A. Burley gave an address. Musical and elocutionary items. A tiny White Ribboner presented the President with a bouiiuet. OllAkt NE.—Aug. 13. Mrs Freeman in chair. Nine present. Interesting letter received from Mrs Lynn gi\ing an ai-count of her work in Talhape and other districts. Final arrangements made for DDtrlct Convention at Raetihi on September 2nd. One new member. Afternoon tea.

OTAHUHU.—Aug. 20 Mrs Eccersal) in the chair. Mrs Huttdersidd and Mrs Taylor uppo'i.ted delegates to the N.Z.A. (Ymferenoe. and Mrs Handerside and Mrs Burman to Die Auckland District Convention.

(IM AKA.— tug. 12. Ten members pre- • nt. New syllabus arranges! for ensuing year. Keen interest shown.

ON El! I NGA. —Aug. 13. Pay-up aocal. Splendid attendance of members and friends. Mesdavies Denise, Lomond, and Mountjoy appointed delegate? to District Convention. Members taking "White Ribbon” to give children’s page to Cradle Roll Rupt. for distribution when sending birthday cards. Pastor Gamer gave an inspiring talk on the influence ~f women in the home, on the children, and through them to the nation. A programme of music, songs, and recitations arranged by Mrs Mushet. who, with the artists, received a hearty vote of thanks. OXFORD. -\ug. 5. Cottage meeting at Mrs (’. Mores’. Articles from "White Ribbon" rend bv President. Mrs Trltt spoke, and a discussion on harmful effects of patent medicines. Aug. 19. Miss Watennan delegate to District Convention. Franchise I>ny next meeting; 38 years since Franchise granted, and Liquor l’artv stdl going strong. Miss Gainsford gave short address. IT’kK.lll lA.—At our August meeting the President. Mrs Roberts, spoke on the great ••hear it brought to our hearts when we realised “the Master is come.” Mrs M<Farlane rand that wonderful letter written hv Miss Jessie Mackay to the Premier. An article was also read on "World Peace.” ! H***l<h*d to send for literature for distribution. We an* looking forward to the visit of our NZ President, Mrs T. E. Taylor. Mrs McLean was hostess. HANGIORA.—Aug 28. Small meeting Decided to mmd a nrotest against the postponement of Licensing Poll to the Prime Minister. Mrs McKechnie appointed s delegate to District Convention Members asked to sign the World’s Disarmament Petition. RVAI. Bt'*H. —Aug. 19. Joint meeting of the W.C.T.r. and P.W.M.TT. of Ryal Bush and Wallacetown. Mrs Wilson presided. Good attendance. Miss MoLay addressed the rneethig on "The Problem of the Liquor Traffic ami Missions.” A scientific talk on "Th e Racial Poison Alcohol and Race IJegenernry,” was listened to with much interefft. Two new member? initiated. A solo from Mrs I truce was much appreciated. Afternoon ten served. It If'CARTON.—Aug. 13. Large gathering. Interesting fact. that the human Inert lieats 75 times per minute, or 100,00(1 times every 21 hours; each heat lifts 4oz. to -IJoz. of blood. After taking 2oz. of alcohol the heart increases ItR heats 8000 times In 24 hours, e;ual to PfDng 15 tons 1 foot. Interesting sketch of the World's W.cvt.t*. fVnvenUon held in Toronto, Canada, riven. Stall attendants were appointed for on* dav at the Winter Show, and delegate elected for the Dominion Oonvi nUe*-i. Dalntv afternoon ten provided b»- Mrs Jack, and with votes of thanks and the Benediction a happy and Interest im? afiefnoon came *n a c'o^e. MMTH INVERCAKGII.I Aug Devotional address hv Mrs McKinnon on the words. "Go, work in Mv vineyard. *’ A very able address on "Temperance Education” b> Rev. O. Penrn. outlining a scheme for sivh education. for which lip was warmlv thanked BRlUMlN.—August meeting at Mrs Idley’s home. Wet afternoon. Ten members and friends present. Decided to have lantern evening for Hand of Hope children during school holiilays. An article by Miss Isabel Me("orkindale. “The Responsibilities of a New Idfe.” was -ead, and much appreciated. NPHFYDON.—Aug. 11. Evening meeting. Mrs Pirrett .presided, flftv present. Miss M. K Lovell-Flrn'th, President of the Christ* hurch brar h of the National f*ouncil of Women, g.*\e a moat absorbing and Illuminating talk on her trip to the World’s Convention of that body at Vienna. From n W.C.T.U. point of view, the fact that more coffee and water, in preference to beer and wine, ara drunk in public restaurants In Austria stood out. Elocutionary and musical Items were enjoyed. Supper served by Mrs Fehsenfeld and Miss White. Votes of thanks were nnssed. <TY'X.—Aug 10. Fair attendance. One ■new honorary member. Motion of ay input hv with relatives of late Miss Anna Gordon. FVcJded to combine with Papanul and hold a meeting at Harewood; also an-

other home meeting this month. Adjutant Coombs, of the S.A.. gave a very fc.'nictive address on tier work among women.

TAtRANUA.—Good attendance. President In chair. Successful firing and Buy. Afternoon toa dispensed. TK Kl’lTl.—Aug. Very large attendance. Mrs Lynn gave a very interesting and telling address. The testimonies of the Superintendent of the Auckland Gaol and of the chief social worker of the Methodist Mission were very telling, and should be broadcasted in leaflet form. Mrs Dobson sang “Killarney.” Members provided afternoon tea. A hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Lynn. TV A MARINA. —Aug. 18. At the home of Mrs Hkunders, Spring Greek. Mrs Burroughs in the chair. Very good meeting, 23 present. Rev. Saunders spoke on “Christian Temperance,” and explained the use and meaning of the word "wine” as found In the Bcriptures, and v/as heartily thanked for his instructive aduroab. Afternoon tea.

TKMI KA.—Aug. 28. Mrs Hewson presided. Devotions, pledge, and minutes. Church parade at Anglican Church September 13th. Mrs Whitehead delegate for Provincial Convention. Final arrangements made for Convention. Five new members Initiated. Afternoon tea served. Twenty-seven members presen*.

During the month a Church Parade was held, 22 members, including Y's and Blind of Hope members, attending the Methodist Church. Rev. Brookes preached an appropriate sermon.

UPPER HlTT.— Social afternoon. Splendid attendance. Vocal Items *iy Mrs E. Bennett and M Whiteman; pLanoforte solos by Mrs Whiteman. Rev. G. W. Hunt spoke on aims and objects of W.C.T.U. Rev. Blanchard spoke on Prohibition under three aspects: (1) Economic, (2) Christian. (3 Relation to Child Welfare. Votes of thanks to speakers and performers. VARK WORTH. —Aug. 13. Special meeting. President in chair. Good attendance. Mrs H. I. Phillips gave a talk on “The Work and Aims of the W.C.T.U.,” outlining varied activities. Mrs Roy Civil spoke on “Peace and Arbitration” and the work of league of Nations. Miss (trimmer contiihuted an auto luirp solo. Mrs Grice sang “Keep On Hoping.” Afternoon tea, mid Bring and Buy. No. 2 REPORTS. ASIIBVKTON.—fTept. 1. Attendance was not large. Mrs Grigg presided. Votes of sympathy passed with relatives of Mrs McItonald, and feeling reference made to passing of Miss Anna Gordon. Decided to assist with petitions to World's Disarmament Conference at Geneva, and ordered more forms; also live books of “stickers” from Invercargill. Encouraging report of S.C.D. Executive by Mrs Grigg. Decided to write thanking T Branch for donation to Organising Fund, and to present a Temperance wall sheet to Willowby School. Mrs W. Jewell, Mrs A. Thornton, and the President delegates to Provincial Convention. Reference to Franchise I>ay was made, and collection taken.

lIAU’LITHA.—Sept. 1. Mrs Clark presided. A well-attended meeting. One new member. Final arrangements were made for the forthcoming Conference to be held here on the 17th September. We are looking forward to an Inspiring time. It LACK BA Ll.,—Sept. 3. Poor attendance. Wet weather. President presided, and gave short ♦ •»!!: on “Gipsy Smith’s Work.” Forms for signatures to the petition for presentation to the Disarmament Confer -re at '.Jeneva were distributed. Afternpc i tea handed round. It 1,1 NHKIM.—Sept. 1. Splendid attendance. Mrs W. M. Smith presided. Mrs Rogerson appointed “Whit* Ribbon" Agent. Mr* Braddoek delegate to Convention. Paper on “Women * F anchise” by Mrs Smith much appreciated. Reported home meeting held at Mrs Thompson’s. Mrs Smith gave a short comprehensive address on Ideals and work of Union. Musical items by Mrs A. M. Mills, Mrs Thompson, and Mrs Smith, much appreciated. Two new members. A hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Thompson.

CAMBRIDGE.—Aug. 26. Fair attendunce. Mnc Martin presided. Mrs RandeJl read a paper on reduced armaments, and reasons for petitioning hi favour of same. Discussion followed. Arramgein« fits re District Convention discussed.

CAKTKKTON.—Sept. 2. Good attendance, Mrs R. H. Every In the chair. Several essays written by school children on “The Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body” were rend. Closed with hymn and Beaiediction. Mrs Shirley hostess for the afternoon.

DAKGAYI I.l.E.—Aug. 18. Mrs Wordsworth presided. Usual business put through. Some members took paper to take around for signatures re World’s Disarmament. Prayer and repeating of pledge. FOX TON.—Aug. 17. Pay-up social. Good attendance. Decided to hold Cradle Roll afternoon next month. Mrs Ross read very interesting paper on “Temperance Work." Afternoon tea, and Benediction.

HAM ERA. —Aug. 25. Mrs Exley presided. Pledge repeated. General dissatisfaction was expressed at the action of Alliance Committee suggesting postponement of poll. Decided to celebrate ( radle Roll Day on last Tuesday in September; also to hold a "Bring and Buy” in aid of Seamen's Rest. New Plymouth. Motions of sympathy passed to Mrs Green and to Mrs Williams in bereavement.

HAVELOCK NORTH.—Aug 28, Interesting meeting. Mrs Speight presided. Subject for devotions, “God's in His Heaven.” World Disarmament Petition signed by members. Scientific fact given. Discussion re Licensing Poll. Resolution protesting against extension of tin e between the polls. Mrs Wiison gave a most interesting talk on “Purity." Literature distributed. Prayer meeting, September 11th. 'IAKOTLKI'. —B«*pt. 3. Drawing room meeting at Mrs Brown’a y lira T futhM gill presided. Prnver meeting. Vote of sympathy to Mrs (Jolly, who is sick in the hospital. An interesting paper on the conversion life of Frances Willard read by members and discussed. Dainty afternoon tea served bv hostess.

MATA KAN A.—Aug. 20. Mrs E. Roke presided. Business discussed. Meeting small, but interesting. The President gave a good reading. Afternoon tea served. MAIN GATE ROTO. —Aug. 19. latter received from Secretary Ministers’ Association. stating that Bible reading In local school.] would be started after holidays, letter of thanks from Rev. Jasper ('aider for clot lung, hoots, etc. I M sarin ament petitions received from Mrs Evans. Secretary to attend District Convention. Decided that Secretary interview officers Women’s Institute. Plumket Society, etc., re arranging combined meeting to meet Mrs Taylor, September 17 being an approximate date. Letter of svmpnthy to be sent to Mrs Grice in her double bereavement. Reported 15/sent to Headquarters Fund. MASTERTON.—Sept. 3. Smaller gathersag than usual. Mm E. O. J ami res In tlie chair. Tlu* President reported that Miss Douglas Lad, while in Masterton, done house to house visiting, and distributed literature wherever possible. The report was considered very satisfactory. Arrangements for the Annual District Coaivention to be held in Masterton Ist October fully discussed, and details left with Social Committee. Miss Jackson asked interest of members hi Musical and Elocutionary Competitions, to be held on 25th September in connection with the L.T.L., and many promises of hooks for prizes were received.

MOSGIEL,—Aug. Special meeting a* Mrs A. Wilson’s to consider delegates and distribution of literature. Mrs Logan, Johnstone. Bedford, and Wilson delegates to Convention. Afternoon tea. Vote of thanks to Mrs Wilson.

Aug. Attendance fair. Mrs Bedford presided. letters and pamphlets read. Rev. H. Graham delivered a most interesting and instructive address on “Proldbitlon in America.” *

NAPIER.—Sept. 2. Splendid meeting. Mrs Brocklehuret presided. Mrs Speight. District President, paid a surprise visit, and received a warm welcome. Mrs Bell, Gisborne. was also welcomed, her home to he In Napier for the time being. Decided to advertise for lost property commandeered

after the earthquake. Resolution of protest on any extension of time between the poll sent. Mrs Speight gave report of the District Executive meeting. Mrs Oliver delegate to District (Convention. Mrs Cox, 15 Nelson « 'rescent, invited members to her home for October meeting, accepted. We dud these Home meetings are much better attended than those in the lia.ll. A suggestion to establish a Memorial Roll of Honour was unanimously agreed to, the Treasurer to look up names of old members who had passed away, so that our Union might remember these faithful warriors on T. E. Taylor Day. NEW BRIGHTON.—Aug. Well attended. Mrs H. Rail presided. Motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late World President, Miss Anna Gordon. Temperance fact, “How the world fools itself,” was given “v Mrs Good. New Brighton Y Brunch disbanded, and donated credit batan e to the adult brantli. Reported hon«e meeting Lad been held, and arrangements made to hold another. Mrs Moses delegate to District Convention. Annual payup social next month. Mrs Moses (coni i #v. tii the help of Meedamee Pns Ellis, Hastings. Duncan, and Miss Lees, were appointed to manage the afternoon tearooms at the School's Annual Flower Show. A number of interesting newspaper '■uttings were read by the members, aaid elocutionary and vocal items were given by Mrs Bellby and Miss Lees.

N’.E. VALLEY.—Aug. Mrs Peart in the chair, and spoke on ‘God Our Help.” District officers nominated. Three delegates elected to District Convention. Several ren?its are to he brought up from the Union re drinking in cabarets, women police, ami Sunday trading. The feeling of the meeting was strongly opposed to the postponement of the Licensing Pol]. OAM.AIU. —Aug 10. Miss Sm. the presided. Good attendance. Miss ('owan gave educational lecturette on “Wines o:»d Spirits.” Miss Smythe a«ml Mias Ibiy appointed delegates to District Convent.on at Balclutlia, Mrs Corlett, “White Ribbon” Agent, explained the aims and ideal.*) of the "White Ribbon,” and impressed on the meeting the necessity for more subscribers owing to increased expenses. PORT CHALMERS.— Aug. 11. Good attendance. Mrs Brighton in the chair. Miss Me Lay addressed the meeting. Three new members initiated. Mis Minims Is working hard trailing children for Band of Hope. WAITOHI.—Aug 2«. Mrs McNeur presided. Good attendance. Mr Burnett, M.P., assured us that he would vote foi Bible Instruction ki School Bill. Providing afternoon tea on Thursday ut the District Convention held at Temuka. Mrs lirien delegate to the Convention. Distributed blotters among the children of I’leanaat Po nt. (>|>ilii. Sutherlands, and WiC told. Mm B. 11. la>w spoke on Disarmament, and enlightened us considerably on the sul*j« "t. Mrs Bishop sang a solo, much i | predated. Vote of thunks passed to Mrs la.,w. Afternoon tea.

PETON’K.—Hept. 1. Sixteen members present. Mrs Carter presided. Mrs Gibson warmly welcomed, transferred from New Brighton. Mrs Franklyn delegate to District Convt*ution. Lengthy discussion regarding tlie postponement of the Licensing Poll. Memorial Day held at Mrs E. Stanford’s. 22 present. Tlu* afternoon was spent hi reminiscences of the pioneer workers of tlie W.C.T.U., tlie speakers being Mesdames Murgatrovd, Jones, (’inter, and James. Vocal solo by Mrs ls*n Ihittershy and little Mamie Stanford. Vote of thank* passed to our hostess, KEMIERA.—Aug. iB. Meeting was held in Newmarket. Very good attendance. Mr Hasp.r presided. Mrs Fenfell addressed the meeting. Musical items by Mrs (’. M. Gray ami Mrs Percy Wins-one. One new member and one subscriber for “White Ribbon.” Mrs Hunter and Mrs Robinson were appointed delegates to District (Convention.

REFATON.—Sept. 1 Mrs Thompson presided. Ten ladies present. An excellent address was given by Rev. Ashwin. of Knox Church. Afternoon ten served by Miss lawn tend Mrs Ashwin. Benediction. STRATFORD.—Aug. Annual pav-up social. Mrs McOallum in the chair. Mrs Phillips urged that a greater spirit of unity

l, t . manifested amoiiK tlie Unions. An ad,l,Tss w»s Kiven by Mrs Mackinder, lnglevmmxl; subject, “Women Inebriates of Austniliii.” dealing with her experiences in the Salvation Army’s Home for Women Inebriates. Musical items were rendered, and afternoon tea served. One new member. THAMKS. —Sept. 2. Mrs Langford presided. Good attendance. Cradle Roll afternoon. A fair number of mothers and ■hitt.e White Ribboners” were present. Elocutionary items given by the children, did a very fine address to the mothers by Mrs Jones, District President. Two delegates to attend District Convention. AfternouM tea brought a very happy afternoon to a < ,'ose, TI.MAKIL —Aug. 25. Wet day. Attendance only fair. Disarmament petition forms distributed among members. Mrs Norrie reported on the distribution ( of •Common Sense” and “Unemployment” riirds, and on visiting the hospital. Mrs Irvine reported on work done by Timaru No-License Ixvigue, Mrs Cave on business done by National Council of Women, Mr Woodward on work done at the Sailors’ I test. Vote of thanks to Ashburton W.C. T.l\ for donation. Mrs Norrie and Mrs \V Trott appointed delegates to District Convention. Report to be given at September meeting at Highfield. Final arrangements made for Sailors' Rest and pint riot Nurse Street Day. TKMPI.KTON.—Aug. 6. Mrs H. Hall. Vice-President of the District, took the fiair, and conducted the meeting. Major Hardy, of the Melbourne Salvation Army, conducted the devotions, and spoke from the following text: “Render unto Caesar the tilings that are God’s.” A scientific fart (Temperance), ‘’Alcohol and the heart,” whs given by Mrs Mitchell. Mrs Hail expressed her pleasure at the good attendance. and impressed on everyone to do their utmost for the Prohibition cause. The following officers were elected:—Pres., Mrs P. Thornton; Vice-Pres., Mrs F. J. Musgrove; Sec., Mrs J. Y. Woods; Treas., Mrs P. Thornton; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs Ranusay; Cradle Roll Supt., Mi's Clinton; Organist, Mrs B. Hill. Decided to hold meetings 2nd Thursday in the month. Afternoon tea

TK AMAMITI . Aug. 20. Annual me* tng. Good attendance. Mrs T. N. Olson presided. Mrs Bteplim*on Craig. District Secretary, referred to the postponement ul the Licensing Poll at the forthcoming election. Mesdames Dann and Whitton sang 'The Old Rugged Cross.” Annual reports of the different departments and the balin< c-sheet were rpad and adopted. All showed satisfactory progress. The election of officer* resulted in nil the retiring officers being re-elected. WELLINGTON, —Sept. 3. Very good attendance for Cradle Roll Day. Maaiy mothers and their children present. Mrs Murray presided. Some remarks made te the postponement of the Licensing Poll for this year. Delegates asked for to atten I the District Convention in Masterton. A number of Items given by the boys and Kiris present, followed by games, made a 'ared programme. A nice tea was served •ir Mrs Free and lady helpers, and a plea■ant afternoon was brought to a close with Lie Benediction. MAll Kl’.—A ug. 28. Mrs Anderson pre'i'led. and ten present. A telegram was *«nt to our M.F. protesting against the iK>Htpoi)(‘inent of the Licensing Poll. The biKurnuuiient Petition was signed, and more signatures will be obtained at the church ser\e». The gifts on the “Bring and " u . v table were sold.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 434, 18 September 1931, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 434, 18 September 1931, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 434, 18 September 1931, Page 7

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