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News of the Union.

|{«*|H>r4* MI'ST 1. Heart* ‘lip Editor by Htli of month. 2. IW written in ink, on one aide of tin* IHi |H*r only. ... IS** *liort nod to the point. ASHBL'RTOIN. —July 7. Good attendance, letters of sympathy to sick members. Cake and produce stall realised £lO. A;i helpers thanked. £l2 sent to H.Q. Fund. £1 to Competitions Prl2.e Fund. and 10/6 to Whi- , -low Prize Fund. Letter to Prime Minister supporting Bill for Religious Instruction In Primary Schools. White Ribbon Pay paper read by Miss Watson. One new member. AUCKLAND. —July 14. Mrs Cook presided. Replies received from the Premier and Mr \V. K. Parry, M.P., to the resolution sent by the Union in connection with the Bible-in-Schools Enabling Bill. The Secretary of the Mayoress’ War Memorial Library League notified a Bring and Buy Social afternoon to raise funds to help to carry on the splendid work in the back blocks and Isolated parts of the Dominion by sending parcels of books and magazines, which are so much appreciated and welcomed. Sister Grace gave an inspiring paper on the “Bible a.» a Boole of History, Literature, and a Buiidei of <’bameter.” Miss Bfennett rendered a piano solo; atternoon tea was served.

BALFOUR. —Jul 17. Fair attendance Mr* McDonald presided, and read a poem “They Followed Him.’* 10/- donated to Bible-in-Schools’ League. Children in local school to be asked to write T *mperanre essay, and prize to be given. Pound afternoon. In aid • VletWil i«M on August 21st. Rev ft J. Steward spoke on ‘‘Be Strong; Be of Good Courage." Hostess, Mrs McDonald. BIRKENHEAD —July 2. At Mrs Dlugley’s home; 14 present. Bhort prayer meeting. A very impressive address on “Economic Waste of Liquor Traffic’’ by Mrs Morgan Rl<hards. Next meeting at Mrs Jory's. lII.ENIIFIM.—JuIy 7. Splendid attendance. New members welcomed. Archdeacon Kimberley spoke; likened intemperance to an abscess, entailing work and patience to get rid of it. 200 unemployment cards given for distribution. Letters of congratulation to Mrs T. E. Taylor and Mrs Peryman on appointments to N.Z. P.P.W, Assn. Reported home meeting held at Mrs Girling’s, when President gave interesting address on ‘ Work, Aims amd Ideals of W.C.T.U." One n» w member’. Musica’ items and afternoon tea. BAIN HA >1. —July 9. Members’ rend fac«s from “White Ribbon." Reported that Social, with cake and sweet stall, held, and £1 13/- raised, which was sent to H.Q. Fund. DKVOmilltT.—July 15. Major Gordon *l*>ke of Christian spirit needed during present distressing times. Mrs Burnett hostess and Miss Wallis solo st. Dl NEDIJf.—July 7. Donatl’on of £3O to the Forward Movement. Mrs Hiett reported most inspiring meeting at Balclutha. Mrs lior.erll made Life Member. The Y. Branch o? rratuiated on the splendid manner In *1 ich they had conducted the newspaper correspondence on “Wine at Weddings.” Mrs Hiett spoi e on “Lo I am with You Mwaya’’ DARGAVII.LE.— July 17. At Mr. Marfn'lale’s. Aoroe. Misses Martind.aU* were bctHtesseai Mesdames P.eyniolds, White and Wordsworth spoke on work of W.C.T.U. •July 21. Good attendance; members of Te Kopuru Branc h present. Mrs. Hughes spoke °n Dominion Convention. Pledge rej>eated; afternoon tea, and subs, collected. EPsfMl.—July 23. Very wet; small attendar>< e at Miss Katterfeldt’s. Reports of work done at Temperance stall at Winter Show' Kiven by hostess and Secretary. Agreed hiat all energies be concentrated on the 'orning poll. Quota sent to H.Q. Fund. Mrs Ben fell nominated as District President. •'REYTOWN.—JuIy 29. Seven present. Miss Douglas spoke on ‘‘Evils of Alco icl,“ and urged that these be taught to our young poorde. £1 donated to Organising Fund. GERALDINE.—JuIy 7. Capt. Avenell In 'hair. Sympathy In bereavement to Mrs 'Valla ch and Mrs Hayes. Four new mem-

bers. Mrs. Prattley spoke on the “Need for ITayor," and C&pt. Avenell on “Blble-ln-Sohoola.’’ 25 present. lIAWEKA.—JuIy. Mrs Exley presided a*nd Mrs Irvine led devotions. Votes of sympathy to relatives of Mr Oorry, Mrs Cat ran, Mr Crabb, Miss Smith and Mrs McAra. Mrs Exley made feeling reference to our workarh of the past. Reports of canvassing satisfactory. Two new members. Article reed and discussion on Bible-In-Schools; two clauses objected to, and President and Secret.ay waited ui>on local M.P. re these clauses HENDERSON.—JuIy. Pay-up social; fair attendance. Mr Mason wrote promising to support Scripture Enabling Bill. Quota sent to HQ. Fund. Reported 300 pledges taken at W.C.T.U. stand at Exhibition. Next month clippings from “White Ribbon" read and discussed. Mrs Hutchins'"! and Mrs Wright sang, and Mrs Elcoat ga.e amusing reading. HASTINGS.—JuIy 24. Memorial Day celebrated. Mrs L. A. Baumgart gave suitable address, sticasing the fact that we should keep evergreen the memories of those who had gone before, having rendered service and sacrifice In the cauw of Temperance. During the month three home meetings had been held, and three new members gained. KAIAPOI.—JuIy 29. Decided to arrange a visit to Woodend to give a W.C.T.d. meeting there. Address by Mrs Major Suter, of Christchurch. Collection taken for N.Z. Fund. Next meeting individual Items. I. —July. Combined with Sydenham Union. Mrs J. K. Archer spoke on T. E. Taylor. Musical Items much appreciated. Resolved to protest against a lottery in aid of hospitals. One new member. Weekly prayer meeting to be held. Mrs Mackle appointed Press Reporter. LOWER 111 TT. —July 22. Good attendance. Mrs Roberts rejwrted on Area Council meeting. Mrs Taylor and Mrs Aldersley, delegates to I oca I Prohibition League, and Mrs Talt to District Executive. Mias Douglas reported 350 homes visited, and literature distributed. Rev. Lopdell spoke on “Prohibition Stalwarts,” and stressed the need for leaders. Vote of sympathy to parents of Mr. O. Ching. one of our L.T.L. workers. LAW HENCE.—JuIy 21. Good attendance. Mis Edie In Chair. Plans made re Miss McLay’s visit in August. Discussion re District Convention, to be held at BaJolutha In September. Convention report read by Miss Hendry. One new member. MT. ALBERT.—JuIy 9. Miss Camachan gave an address on “Women’s Work and the Children's Courts," which was much appreciated. Reported that the Jumble Sale held the week previously had provided the Branch with a credit balance Mesdames Olllon and HUB hostesses for the afternoon. MAI’NGATVROTO. —July 15. Secretary reported having collected sack of clothing and hoots for Jasper Calder and Mission, also having received permission from raliwav authorities to send same for half-rate. OAMAKU.—JuIy. Good attendance. Miss Me Lay, Dominion Organiser, addressed the meeting. “The Call to Women.” Ezekiel 22. gave a picture of a land in the grasp of evil. Woman was the custodian of the race. Alcohol was a racial poison. The call came to women to abolish that which destroyed the home and the race. Good collection. l>ainty afternoon tea. OXFORD. —July 22. Bmall attendance. Prayer circle and cottage meetings starteo first on August 5. President reminded members of dosing of roll, and urged them to enroll. Papers on T. E. Taylor by Mrs J. and Mrs Tritt. NELSON. —July. Memorial Day; very g«cd attendance. Greetings received from Sister Branch; Y‘s invitation to social accepter, posters exhibited In shop window, rented To* the occasion. Mrs Walker read a paper. “The Parable of the Sower.” Mrs Smith sang “Crossing the Bar,” also read a most interesting paper in memory of our past lenders. Next meeting Cradle Roll Day. OTA HI HU.—July 16. Mrs McArthur spoke on “Life of T. E. Taylor." Need of prayer was stressed, and meetings arranged. Hostesses, Mrs Venables amd Mrs Hall. ONE HUNG A.—July 9. Mothers' afternoon. Wet day, hut fair attendance. Mrs MountJoy presided, and arranged programme. Vocal duets. Mesdames Pilklngton and Kelsall; recitation. Miss Ryan; song and character sketch by Mrs Bissett. One new name for O.R.

July 22. Home meeting at Mrs Denise's. Musical items. Address on “Woman's Vote” by Mrs Benfell. Competition and afternoon tea

OTOKOHANGA.—JuIy 3. 11 present. Mrs Lynn gave a forceful address on Liquor Traffic. Literature purchased. Hostesses for tea, Mesdames Perrott and Cresby. POUT UHALMERN.—JuIy 9. M s. Brighton presided. Reported that £4 had been sent to H.Q. Fund. Miss McLay to be speaker at next meeting. Hand of Hope to be started next month. (Send along reports of B. of H. for Y.P. Hupp.—Ed. “W.R.") PI KEIII IA. —Nine present. Very happy time spent. Delight expressed at promised visit from Dominion President. Mrs McFarlane read piece sent by an old member now an invalid. Mrs Bramble read about the U.S.A.’s determination to keep Prohibition. Mrs Legatt spoke on “Alcohol —A Race Pcison.” Discussion followed. Mrs Bramble hostess. PETONE.—JuIy 7. 14 present. Regrot expresses! at removal of Band of Hope Superintendent. Reported enjoyable social a.ternoon held; Mesdames Jones and Jensen hostesses White Ribbon I>ay; 8/6 donate*! to W.R. Fund. Hongs by Meadamee Mlllward, A. Batters!))* and Wakelln; recitations by Mrs Matthews and Jensen. Mrs Murgatroyd read pai>or on “The White Ribbon," after which individual testimonies to its benefits were given. 11l NANGA.—May 5. Miss McLay, the I>ominion Organiser, addressed the first meeting of the Runanga Branch of the W.C. T.U. for the year in the Presbyterian Church. 8 new members enrolled, and 2 honorary members were present. The following officers were apiKMmted: Pree., Mrs Rae. Seddon Terrace; Trea., Mrs Robertson, Seddon Street, Runanga; Sec., Miss Elsie Finch, Runanga. June 4. Owing to bad weather only 5 members were present. The President In ’.lie chair. Subscriptions paid. July 2. In Presbyterian (’hurch; 8 members present. The lYesldent was in the chair. Papers of interest to members on the drink problem and “White Ribbon” were read by .Mrs Southward and Miss Fincli respectively. A general discussion followed. Solo by Miss Elsie Finch. RICHMOND. —Quite well-attended meeting. We departed from our usual order, as Mr Tuckey brought his gramophone and records and gave us a delightful afternoon with “The Messiah." SOUTH DUNEDIN.—Mra Adennan has given good report of Convention. Other members have attended National Council of Women, and other organisation* supporting No License, and given reports. Efforts made to augment Headquarters’ Fund by means of a Jumble sale. Mrs Ahum, also of Ht. Clair, gave one afternoon. Members took part in a musical and elocutionary programme, the hostee* and her daughter serving a very gtmeious afternoon tea. Resolutions passed; members otherwise showing interest In matters outside own sr.uill garden plot. The paper. “Com monsanae” taken, read ami distributed. The reading (and subsequently sending to local j>apers to rei>ort) of one fact bearing on necessity of No License, has been taken up. STYX.—JuIy. Weather bad; attendance sma’l. Reported two home meetings heio ami two Bring and Buy sales, also silver trial for H.Q. Fund, which paid our quota. Extracts from Life of T. E. Taylor read. Deputation to wait on School Committee re Bible-in-Schools. SUMNER.—JuIy 7. Miss McLay addressed a representative gathering from various women’s societies. She spoke of the need for women to rise In their might and sweep away the liquor traffic. Fine programme by Mesdames Heslop. Wilcox, langdal and Kerr. Dainty afternoon tea. SPUEYDON.—JuIy 14. A resolution of protest against the licensing of bookmakers was jiassed; remits to be sent to Parliament. A Bring and Buy effort realised 25/-. to go to the H.Q. Fund. Miss Harband gave an eloquent address on the late T. E. Taylor’s motto. “Make Life a Challenge and Not a Truce.” Mesdames Clark And Sim were hostesses. Tl’A MARINA.—JuIy 21. Twenty-one present. One new member. Band of Hope leader elected. Prayer Band formed to meet monthly. Address by Rev. Kings on T. E. Taylor; very interesting and illuminating.

TAI RAX ClA.—July. Fair atteudanoe. Explained impossible to hold social this month, liut hope to have Jt in August. Parcel of hooks collected for Pakatoa Island. Afternoon tea dispensed. TK Kl'lTl.—July. Good attendance, ('apt. Packer elected President, axnl gave a concise address on our duty to the young generation. the youth, and older people of community. Mrs Lynn invited for August meeting—Mothers' Day. Resolved “That tiiis meeting expresses Its strongest protest against the action of those responsible for allowing Sabbath Desecration in Te Kuitl, as it is detrimental to the moral training of the children in our Sunday Schools.” W ARK WORTH.—JuIy 9. Weather rough; attendance small. Good meeting. 12 6b. went to H.Q. Fund. Mrs Verry and Mrs Phillips to carry on V. Branch. Resolution in favour of Religious Instruction In Schools Bill unanimously carried. Secretary to forward same to Prime Minister and the local M.P. Late Reports. ASHBURTON,—JuIy 23. Remembrance Day. Drawing room meeting at Mrs J. Thomp son's; large attendance. Vocal, instrumental ami elocutionary items much appreciated. Mrs Petrie spoke on "Remembrance and Memory—Two of God’3 Wonderful Gifts to Man." Thanks to speaker, hostess and performers. Aug. 4. Seaman’s Day; large attendance. Letters of cheer to sick and bereaved members. £lO voted to Organising Fund, ami £l/2/6 to District Fund. Y's to he entertained on August 15tli Rev. G. D. Verco s|>oke on ‘‘Seamen ur. ' Dome and Training." Enjoyable prog.utiuue. Collection 12/-. Gift hairs received. BLENHEIM,— July 28 T. E. Taylor I»a>; splendid attendance. Rev. H. S. Kings gave splendid address on life of late T. E. Taylor, and wns heartily thanked. Pianoforte solos by Mrs Mills and Miss Turner; song. Miss M. Mills; recitations by Miss G. Gane; all much appreciated. Aug. 4. Good attendance; District Convention. Sept. 24th. l>ecided to send for 200 blotters. Impromptu speeches by members. ItAI.I.ANCE.—JuIy 31. Six present. Touching reference was made by Miss Gibson to the life and work of the late T. E. Taylor. Scientific iwiper read, also N.Z. Drink Hill for 1929. I>eclded to have a Bring and Buy next month. Afternoon tea dispensed. BROOKLYN.—JuIy 28. Large attendance. Mrs Uercus welcomed. Two recitations by Miss Hyde much appreciated. Mrs Drury spoke on Fellowship of Reconcillation. Mrs Brewer gave report of District Executive and Bring and Buy evening £1 went to Organising Fund, 13/4 to N.Z. Fund (capitation), 10/- for advt. Presbyterian ladies hostesses. ( lIRISTCIH 1«< ll.—July 8 Mayor wrote thanking Fnirsa for loan of crockery and cutlerv for Women's Unemployment Committee. Members to assist in street collections for orphanages. Decided to continue Bring anti Buy and Copper Trail. July 21. T. E. Taylor Day. Adjt. <'oomlis gave interesting address of work at Magistrate’s Courts, prisons and rescue homes. Former workers spoken of, and votes of sympathy to their memory.

CARTERTON’.—Aug. 5. A very well attended meeting. Scientific lecturette by Miss (Tatlierwood. Paper read by the Secretary on membership. Mesdames Tankersly and Ffaildon hostesses.

DUNEDIN.—Aug. 4. Good attendance. Votes of condolence to two members who lost a sister. Mrs Duff to be sick visitor. Mrs Hislop, a very old member, is in hospital; a vote of sympathy passed to her. Mrs Garden appointed Devotional Superintendent. Correspondence from Sir Charles Htatham promising support for the Bible-in-Schoolw Enabling Bill. Reply from Mr. Cobhe hi answer to resolution sent In support of Mr Fraser’s Judicial Bill for the regulation of reports, which is now* before Parliament. Miss Gray, District Secretary, wrote asking for reports, remits, and names of delegates for the District Convention. Miss Mdsiy gave a very’ stirring address on “There Came a Woman."

EDEN.—.JuIy 16. Well attendee! meeting The District President (Mrs Morgan Richards) gave nn Inspiring talk on the high nnd noble ideals of our organisation, which was now operating in 57 countries of the

world. The speaker suggested helpful methods of work, along which lines it was wise to concentrate. I decided that next meeting take the form of a social, including a Bring and Buy effort. One new nietnl>er. FOXTON.—JuIy 16. Fair Attendance. Min J. Ross presided. Correspondence read and discussed. A paper on “The White Ribbon’’ was rend by the Secretary, Mrs Thomson. Afternoon tea. EEILDIXG.—Aug. 6. Willard Home Pay. Good attendance. Visitors from Palmerston North a*nd Levin. Motion of sympathy with Mesdames Ferguson and Birdsall In their re< t«nt bereavements. Mrs Kendall, delegate to District Convention. Read veil to hold fortnightly prayer meetings until after the poll, the first at Mrs Spence’s home. Mrs Collins gave a very interesting address on Willard Home. GERALDINE.—Auir. 4. 17 present. Sympathy with members in bereavements. Arrangements made icr afternoon tea at District Convention. Oapt. Avenell gave a very interesting talk on “Alcohol as a Stimulant and Narcotic,” which was attentively ILb. ened to. (iIMM)RN K.—- July. Devotions by Deaconess Brand, who afterwards delivered an address on ‘‘Temperance” in Its wider and broader meaning. The lVaconem mentioned the value of restraint in all things, and paid a high tribute to the Plunket method of training children from birth in regularity and restraint. A particularly bright meeting. Mrs Morris l*eing the hostess; all enjoyed the "home-made" afternoon tea. "Cottage Prayer” meetings are proving a means of inspiration. (•ORE.—July 28. Good attendance. T. E. Taylor Day observed. Several members read extracts. Sympathy sent to bereaved. £5 donation to H.Q. Fund. Blotters distributed. HAVELOCK.—JuIy 24. Snuill attendance; stormy weather. President read interesting article taken from the book, “The V.-ry Heart of China,” written b> Miss Jessie Payne. Temperance fact show in:-: "Alcohol, a Habit-forming Drug." Resolution passed in favour of Blble-in-Schools Enabling Bill. Prayer meeting August J 4th.

LEVIS’.—July. Ihstrict Convention invited. Sympathy to Mrs Bishop, Senr. Scientific fact and pledge. July 31. T. E. Taylor l>ay at Mrs. Gibson's; 40 present. Mrs Sorensen welcomed all. Pianoforte solo. Miss Faulkner; duets by Mrs Spencer and Miss Peck; solo, Mrs Vincent. Rev. Slade gave fine address. Thanks to speaker, performers and hostess. LEICII. July. At Mrs Grigg's residence Small attendance. Mrs M&theeon read Miss Jessie Mackay’s splendid letter to the Premier re the economic crisis. Mrs Woodcock an l Mrs Matheson a duet. Mrs Torkington read "The Pope and the Fight Against Alcoholism.” Mrs. Horton exhibited a tea cloth, beautifully worked, made from i flour bag. Mrs Grigg provided afternoon tea. MOMiIKI*-—July. Attendance good. Miss McLay visited Mosgiel Woollen Mill, and received a good hearing, also gave a most Interesting address at the W.C.T.U. meeting on the drink question and its evils. MAKOTI Kl\ —Aug. 4. Drawing room meeting at the home of Mrs T. Fotherglll, who preaided. Unusually wet afternoon. Short prayer meeting. Miss Alice Webb gav* an interesting aiul instructive address on the benefits of No-License in Oamaru. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mrs Fcthergill gave opi>ortunity for general conversation. HA s TEHTON.—Aug 7. Good attendance. Decided to extend support to united meeting for Bible-in-Bchools BUI. President reported on District Executive meeting. Arrangements for District Convention left with Executive officers, also plan of work for Organiser. Protest to M.P. sent re Increased facilities for sale of N.Z. wine. Very fine address by Mrs T. R. Barren. M.A., on “The Truth About War. and What Women I'an I>o to Prevent It." Mrs Cocker hostess. NAPlEß.—August. Splendid meeting. Decided to continue with home meetings. Regret expressed at departure of Cor. Secretary. and Mrs Oliver elected. Duet by Mesdames McGregor and Goodall. Decided to start home praver meetings Rev. Olds spoke on work of W.C.T.U. Drink the greatest hindrance to work among Maoris. A

vote of tluuiks to s|M>aker. Next meetm*B at Mrs Milner’s. Bring and Buy a sucre* R NEW plyM<HTlL—July 29 Annual Pi] I up Social; over 70 present. Miss Drew j D I the chair. Resolved to j»ostpone the pro-B posed Seamen's Rest Mart until September Miss Andrews addressed meeting on ”li n . pressions from the Pun-Pacific Conference." A hearty vote of thanks moved by Mt« Hughes. 'lnitiation Service for two new members. Soda! half-hour over afternoon tea. N.K. VALLEY.—JuIy 27. Good attendance Mrs Peart spoke on “Faith That C«.n Re. move Mountains." Sympathy with sick arut bereaved members. Executive to deal with matters for District Convention. Miss McL&y gave encouraging address, and was listened to with interest, Mr Hilliker gave short adit res.s. OTtIROHANCiA.—Aug. 1. Poor attendance, I wet weather. Methodist Maori Entertainer* gnve several items, much appreciated by all. Dainty afternoon tea provided by Mesdames Hudson and Bell. Next meeting to he one week earlier. PA 111 AT LA.—Aug. t>. 13 present. Mrs Paterson read extracts from sj»eeches by Members of the British House of Commons on the Alcoholic Liiiuor Bill. The letter sent to Mr G. W. Forbes from the W.C. T. U. was read. The scientific fact dealt with alcoholic deaths in New Zealand Mrs H. Paterson anil Mrs J. I>. Wilson to represent the Union at the District Convention T. B. Taylor Day collection was 9/-. Mrs Harland ami Miss Clifford hostesses PKTONE.—JuIy 7. 14 present. £6 donated to H.Q. Fund. July 15. Bring and Buy at Mrs. Playtor's; 22 present. Gramophone record*, organ solo by Miss Playtor, and recitations by Mrs. Jensen and Mrs Matthews. Impromptu speeches by all present. Vote of thanks to hostess and performers; 30/- result. Aug. 4. Mrs Ashby gave short address. Decided to buy 6/- worth of literature. Memorial Day to be at Mrs Stanford's. papanii. July I Good attendance T 1 ■■ President stressed the need tliat all young people 21 years old should be enrolled. The Treasurer reported £3/10/- sent to H.Q. Fund. IVcided next meeting a Bring and Iluv effort. PONSONBY.—JuIy lfi. Miss Read reported that the Annual District Convention would be held in Auckland ir. September next. Miss Neal. Dominion Supt. for Medical Temperance. gave a tajk on the “Harmful Effect of Alcohol on tlie Human Body." Reported that nuite a number of ladles helped at the W.C.T.U. .“tall at the Winter Show. A solo was rendered by Mrs. De Silva. REEFTON.— Aug 4. Mrs Thompson (President) presided. 11 present. Literature distributed to pass on around district. Proceeds £1 from Bring and Buy sent to H.Q. Fund. Mesdames Thompson and Willis and M'sh Watson hostesses. BEMI ERA.—Julv 8. Drawing room meeting at Mrs White's. Mrs Kasper reported on Dominion Convention. Musical items bv Mrs P. Winstone and Mrs C. Grav; recitation by Mrs Carr. Two new members; one "W.R." subscriber. July 21. Good attendance. Report of N.C.U. and work at Winter Show. 193 pledges taken In one day. IVcided to send wire when Religious Instruction Bill Is before the House. Mrs McKuny appointed "W.R.' Agent. RAN’GIORA.—JuIv 31. Small, hut verv Interesting. meeting Mrs McKeclinie gave a reading on the life of T. E. Taylor. Decided that next month's collection be sent to the Seamen’s Rest Fund. Decided to have home meetings, and get a speaker for same. Itf’NANGA.— Aug. 6. Thirteen present. The Rev. Win. Beaumont (Anglican Vicar) delivered an interesting lecture relntlng his exper ern es ini The London Slums. which shoved us more clearly the results achieved by the Temperance Union. Rev. Beaumont said he bad always taken an interest in the Temperance Movement Wi the Old Country, and hoped it would spread its good work in our small town where, he was pleased to '’now, there were no hotels. He expressed the wish to help us nil he could. Mrs Rne thanked Rev. Beaumont for his interesting address, and she said she thought it was the w’sh of all our members to have him at our meeting at some future date. Mrs. and Miss Elsie Finch rendered a pleasing duet. Supper was provided by the ladles. The

enjoyable mwtlnK we have had At fctlier meat log*, it is proposed to invite the I’resbyterian and Methodist Mimaters to be Present. L F J)lH>N. —Monthly meetinir liebl at the Vicarage; average attendance. A short discussion on t lie forthcoming poll took place. The Hand of Hope is being well attended. SI'.MNKR. —Aug. 4. Good meeting. Address li\ Rev. Kent. Half memorial members to bite Mrs McAra enrolled, /leasing musical items by Mrs C. W. Henderson and Mrs hangdale. IK'H KA. —July 24. Special meeting Memorial Dnv. Brief prayers. Mrs lH>ug)as jrgve an inspiring address on the lives of the late T. E. Taylor, the late ltev. Munro. ami the late Rev. Isitt. Aug. 7. Short prayer meeting. Mm Hew* son, delegate to Executive meeting. Mrs Ensign resid enjoyable i*aper on the “Water Mill ’ Mrs la*e recited “Not Understood much appreciated. Arrangements for District Convention. Motio*!) of sympathy with M.« \\ right in bereavement. 2H members liresent. Bring and Buy realise*! fl. TAi MAUI M l.—Aug. 6. iArgc ami interested gathering at Cradle Roll Rally. Very pl«*!ishig to see so many mothers and babies present. In a few words the Prcsiilent well omeil the visitors. Then followed a delightful article on ‘The Penny." Afternoon tea was served. Children sang a number of their school songs. Mrs Brterly read a paper from the “Vanguard." TIMA Hl.—July 28. Memorial Day. Special reference made to pawing of Anna Gordon, and vote of Sympathy with relatives of late Mrs Liownv* rd. Mrs Butcher Ming Miss F. Willard's Memorial Hymn. Donations received far literature, and arrangements made for distribution. Cheque received from Mayor of town in appreciation of g<s><l work done by Union, and front Borougli Council for Sailors* Rest funds. Picture received from Mrs Bruce, and donation of sweetH from Mrs. Brewer, letter realised 10/- for H.Q. Fund. Three new members. THAMES.—Aug. 5. A well-attended m«*etir>g. 200 unemployment cards have been distribut*‘<i. Members helped in a big drive for clothes, etc., for the needy. Interesting address on "Signs and Signals" given by Mrs lilvernedge. Arrangements for Cradle Roll afternoon. Three new members. Thirteen new names for Cradle Roll. WKII.INGTON.—Aug. fi. Very fine gathering of members for a "Pay-up" social afternoon A very Interesting address was given by Mrs Watson on hpr experiences of Medical Work in the East End slums of London some years ago. Musical avid elocutionary items were given by Miss Sutherland. Mee•Uunes McKenzie and t/lirtstian, and much appreciated. Some discussion took place re the Bible-ln-Fchools, and a majority vote was taken in favour of the Scriptures betaig r ead in our schools. Tea served by Mrs Rowe and Miss Harrison. The next meeting Cradle Roll afternoon. 11AIIK1.—.July 31. Mrs Anderson preside*l; eight members present Literature conerning the BibJe-ln-S« bools’ movement was rend. The gifts on the Bring and Buy table were sold. IVAKEFIFIJL—Aug. 5. Small, hut interesting, meeting Much sickness among families of our members, and on July 22nd, Mr. Telenlua, the husband of our faithful and esteemed President, passed away. Our Union sent a beautiful wreath. Wakefield, although having a “trial season," still keeps the flag flvlng. WANGANUI CENTRAL.— Aug. «. Shop ba\ effort for District fund* fairly good. Headquarters had accepted Wanganui s offer to l«*nd them f3oft, terms as arranged. Itistrict Convention at Raetihl on September 2ml, Delegate arranged for. Mrs Page to arrange vith District Officers tlie day to set apart for special prayer. Scientifbfact— that petroi is perilous, when alcohol i* at the wheel. Rev. Page gave inspiring address; said help was needed urgenew this foiling year. One new member. W AIM ATE. —July 8. Annual Pay-up social; Rood attendance. Mrs Roy asked members to Htand in silence ns a mark of esteem nnd respect towards an old pioneer member of district. Mr. T. Dayman, an early worker for Temperance Cause. Good programme great- •>' apprei*iated. Afternoon tea.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 433, 18 August 1931, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 433, 18 August 1931, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 433, 18 August 1931, Page 7

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