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News of the Union.

|{«-|M»rts MI'ST 1. Kwh the Editor »> Bth of month. 2. lie written in ink, on one Mile of the l»i»|H*r only. :t. lie slmrt nod to t lie |M»int. AHATAI t'-TE KOI*! HIT.- June 9 Reported re Peace Day meeting and W.C.T.I \ stall at Whanßarel Bhow. Secretary read White Ribbis.i Hay paper, and members realined. with pride, their world affiliation with 57 countries. Captain Stott .spoke on Parental Responsibility. Mrs Rearle and Mis It. Martin hostesses. AICKLANI).—June 7. Annual pay-up social. The Preaid out paid n tribute to tlie work of the late Mrs Dewar, one of the foundation members of the Auckland t’nion when If was organised in I*Bs hy Mary Clement Leavitt, World’s Missionary from America. She was the first Treasurer, avid later held the office of President for many years, till increasing age made it necessary to retire. The members stood in silence as ft mark of respect to her memory. In connection with the Bible-ln-fk-bools Building Kill, a resolution was passed by the meeting urging Government to pass the •needful legislation to entitle tlie children to have religious exercises during school hours. Miss Cook gave a most interesting talk on her recent visit to (Jreat Britain, the Continent, and America, and her personal impressions of the various places visited. A pleasing musical programme was provided. HALFtM R. —June 19. Ten present. Welcome to Mrs SVolde. Replies to letter re brewery license received from Horn. G. Conies and local M.P. Mrs Smith thanked for tine report of Convention. One new member. Hostess, Miss Liddell. Letter of sympathy to Mr and Mrs A G. Brown. BROOKLYN.—June 23. Mrs Baudinet in • hair. Miss Mi Lay gave u very inspiring address on organisation in general and on educative work in schools and Y branches. She spoke on evil of medicated wines. A bouquet and vote of thanks given to the speaker. Tea served by Methodist ladies. HA IT LI TII A.—June 9. B\ening meeting. Mr P. Mcßklintnhig in the chair. Large and representative gathering. Mrs Bedford gave rej>ort of Convention, much appreciated. Solos by Mrs Sinclair, Misses M. Murray and 1. Gray. Vole of thanks to speaker and performers. Decided to hold after-church rally on July sth. HI.I FF.— June 16. White Ribbon Day. Mrs Ikmaldson expressed pleasure at the goodly number present, and welcomed Mrs MacGregor, who gave a very file address, ami wni thanked. Solos rendered by Mrs J. Walker unul Miss Metzger. Afternoon tea. A very tine meeting. DKYONPOItT. —June. Mrs Glnssey read White Kibl>on Day |Mtper. Bring and Buy Sale very successful. Reported that L.W.R. Superintendent was doing good work. Mesdames Wrack and Tasker hostesses. D\ltGA \ ll.LE.—Jwie I*l. Very good attendance. Grant to Headquarters Fund made. Decided to send a donation to Whangarei for expenses of a stall at the last Winter Show. Mrs Taylor gave an address ou "Faith.” I> Alt PIELIM (KEEN DALE.—June 25 8e- • oml ii'tmunl meeting. Fair attendance. White Ribbon paper read by Mrs Glanville. Annual report stated that the work of the In ion had gone on steadily throughout the >ear. Balance-sheet satisfactory. Elector of officers: Pres., Mrs F. Cullen; VlceI’res., Mrs A. Russell; Sts-., Mrs R. Jamie*>n; Treas., Mrs Hutcheon; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs Glanville. KPsOM,—June 26. Good attendance ut the home of Airs Hemus. Mrs N»*al read Hie paper on “The White Ribbon,” most instructive. ami reflects credit on the Rditress. Re< -Ration, "The Leper,” by Mrs 'Mrr, Another drawing-room meeting to he held next month at the home of Miss Ratterfeldt. Good work done at the Bring Hl »d Bay table. Ways discussed of raising °Ur quota to Headquarters Fund, and of increasing our finances generally. M«K.—June 23, Kmall attendance. Mliite Ribbon Day paper read by President, mid Temperance facts and extracts from White Ribbon” read by memlters. Report Southland District meeting givim Al-

Hance and W.C.T.IT. work for coining poll discussed. Resolution approving Bihlc-ln-Rchools Enabling Bill was passed. Motion of syftiputhy with relatives of Miss E. Smith. Decided that a letter of appreciating he sent to Mrs Isitmlels, founder and first President of Gore W.C.T.C., now gone to Christchurch. (•RKYMOITH.—June 23. Ten present. Gratitude expressed for Miss MeLay’s visit, and iiel|» afforded by Mead vines Burrell and Truiiitfr.i. Letter to Hon. G. Forbes re brewery licenses. Bible-in-8ch«ols Bill unanimously endorsed. HENDERSON.—June. White Ribbon 1 my. Siiihll attendance. Resolution to be sent to Member and Minister of Education re Bible-in-Scbools, asking them to support it. tViltection taken for Headquarters Fund. Gift stall of produce, etc,, for same. Subscriptions were taken for "White Ribbon.” an«l a paper was read dealing with the aims and objects of the paper, ami urging all members to have it In their homes and talk about it, then pass it on, so that it will become more widely known anti read. Pay-up social to he held next month. A lug effort to be made to get more members. HAVELOCK NORTH.—June 19. A successful ‘‘Brinig and Buy” afternoon at Mrs Speight's home. Proceeds to Headquarters Fund. June 2li. W'ell-attended meeting for White Ribbon Day. Lesson on "Alcohol and Young Life.” Handbooks ordered. Special paper read on “White Rib horn,” also u letter from Miss Mackay to the Premier from the "Outlook.”

Kl MKl.—June 10. Seven present. Mrs Martin in the chair. A paper was read |».v tlie Vice-President on “White Ribbon Day." Tlie disposal of the proceeds of our Bring ami Buy was dealt with. Blotters s«it round, to lie distributed among the children. KAIAPOI. —June. Question liox afternoon. Secretary reported two good meetings, Miss McLay as speaker; also Coke Sale in aid of Henquarters and local fuaids. Decided to arrange five Home meetings in September and October. LOW ER 111 TT.—June 24. Weather verybad. attendance fair. Delegates appointed to Area Council. Reported result of Shop Day, £7 12s (id to Headquarters Fund. IDs voted to Organising Fund. Mrs Spencer gave splendid report of District Executive. Mrs Per.vnian s|ioke on work of special organiser, of need of educating voters by voice and by literature, also of "White Rlblsm,” ami of tlie vast amount auved to State in hospitals, charitable aid, etc., if drink trade whs outlawed. I..A\%KEN<’E. —June 18. Fair attendance, Mr* Kdie presiding. lievotions. Correspondence. Extracts of interest read, also paper by Mrs McKinley on White Kihbon 1 my. Cradle Roll Superintendent reports 9 new names. Resolution against further brew ery license*. MAI XGAJKAKAMK \.—dune 18. A very successful “Bring ami Buy” at Mrs Weir's home for Headquarters Fund, realised 30/-. Ten present. Mrs W. G. Hill, of Manga pa i. ap|>oiiite<l Secretary. Mrs Kurt gave an interesting account of Sister Jessie's work at Opotiki in providing tea for footballers, so that tlie young men would not be obliged to go to the hotel. NELSON. —June. White Ribbon Day. Very good attendance. Mrs Walker gave the Ten i pern lice Fact, "Govt's Hedges and Defences,’* Mrs Downes read a puper on "White Ribbon,*' and what it stood for. Discussion on ways to advertise tlie coming poll. Derided to order 100 leaflets. also 10/- worth of blotters to distribute to schools. A Jumble Sale to be held next month. One new member. NORTH INVERCARGILL.—June 16. A mothers’ an f children's afternoon. Mrs Fnaser, (\R. Supt., extended a cordial welcome to the mothers, and gave each child a sumll book and apples. Fifty mothers anti children present. Address by Mrs Bryan. "Tlie Mother the Real Builder of the Home.” Speaker received thanks and a lovely bouquet. Solo by Mrs Lovatt, ami recitation by Miss 8011, well received. Four new members. Dainty afternoon tea served. Mrs Kissell ami Mrs Walker hostesses. NEW PLY MOI TlL—June 24. Twentynlx present. Special White Ribbon Day. Afternoon tea supplied, and address given by tlie President. Miss Drew. Hy special collection the required amount to complete our quota for Headquarters Fund was made up. An excellent

paper was read hy Mrs Howry, our “W.R.” Agent. Tlie Secretary for tlie Sen men’s Rest spoke on work among tlie seamen and how, by visits to Hospital and at the Bunda) servbes, strong evidence of spiritual awakening resulted. A new member. Mr Sedgwick, spoke a few winds on her life in Queensland. OMARI NK.—June 11. Ten prese *. Mrs Freeman, Vice-President, in tlie chair. White Ribbon Day celebrated, and a circular on ‘‘Prohibition in Ashburton” was read and discussed. Mrs Shilton (Mauku) gave nil interesting account of tile report of the Temisrauce Committee of tin* General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, recentl> held ini Wellington. Afternoon ten. OTAIII 111 .—June 18. Good attendant < Mrs Gutman spoke of work done at Victoria Home. Invercargill, in a most Interesting manner. Grant of 38/- to Headquarters Fund. Bible-ln-Schools Kill discussed. Afternoon tea. OXFORD.—June 24. Fair attendant- . Interesting srul inspiring add reus by Miss Mi Lav. June 25. Gootl attendance of C. R. mothers and friends. C.K. Supt. reported <>o names on roll. Musical items b> Misses Rumsfeld and Roi and Mrs Johnson. Captain Abbot spoke on "Mottier's Infill ence,” mill Miss McLay cm scientific reasons for abstinence. One new member. Afternoon tea, ami fruit for children. OAMAItI. —June. A gravid meeting Mims Smyth presided, and gave a splendid resume of tlie different departments of W.c.T.l’., en i pluuiiiting tlie necessity for Headquarters. An etijoyahli programme rendered hy Mesdnmes Tweed and Moss, duet; vocal solo, Mrs Me W tiirter; Mrs Bridgman, recitation. Mrs Forrester (Mayoress) gave a very interesting and instructive travelogue on Switzerland. Bring and Buy Sale realised over £B. Two new members. rAI Ml li'Miv NORTH, n i: plies re brewery license received from Him (1. Forbes ami Mr Nash, M.P. Street stall on June 25 for Headquarters, and a tmvelogue by Miss Mjoore for Headquarters. Mi Miller's report of Convention mu< ii apple dated, also a most interesting devotional talk on difference of meaning tietween trespasses and debts as used in Lord’s Prayer. I*l KEHI I A.—June IK. BinaJl but hearty meeting. Mrs Roberts gave a little talk from “God in tlie Blums,” and how God honours simple faith. Letters were read from our Member and tlie Minister ot Customs in answer to our protest agaixist lime* beer brewery. A fine paper was rea a "Tile White Ribbon,” and a collei - tior. was taken up for Headquarter*! Fund. Mrs was hostess. Four of our members were at tlie last Y social, when thirty young people attended, and enjoyed tlie evening. RI (’CARTON* —June 18 Members of Presbyterian and Methodist Guilds were past* id W.C.T.U. tO liciii Mi.-- \ M M. I.4i> on tlie "Economic Aspect of Prohibition,” which was interesting and instructive. Items by Mrs W. H. Barrel] and Misses Hill and Annitage. President stressed fact that it was White Rildion Day, and appealed to members to take greater interest in their own paiier. (hie new member. "W.R." Agent urgently needed. KANGIOKA.—June 19. Good attendance. Decided to send quota for Headquarters Fund as soon as possible. Miss Me Lav guve a very instructive address oni "Economic Problems." dealing with tlie home, tinindividual, and tlie nation, and w its heart I witli great interest.

SPHEY’lkON.—June 9. A good attendance. Mrs Pirrett presided. Mrs J. K. Archer's address on “Sacrifice" was n searching one. A resolution supporting tlie policy of the Bible in State Schools League was passed, and sent to Parliament. Tlie hostesses were Mrs J. Watson ami Mix Hul* ton. STYX.—J une. Good attendance. Reporta of departments showed good work. Mrs lit' hards addressed tlie meeting on "Peace, Purity mal Prohibition.'’ Bring uiui Buy Sale in aid of Headquarters. MrRichards made am appeal for "White Ribbon" subscribers. Two Home meetings are Being held this month. Temperance Fact showing tlie effect of alcohol on the brain. KKDIMIN. —June. At Mrs Bell’s. Fair attendance. White Ribbon Day paper read. Four new subscribers. Decided to order 50 conies of Y.P. Supuplenient for Band Of

Hope. * “White Ribbons” to take home have been Riven to children at Band of Hope.

Tl'A MARINA-—June 16. A full and enthusiastic meeting at the residence of Mrs A. Burroughs to celebrate White Ribbon Ihiy. Thirty present, and six new members initiated. Addresses by the Revs. Kings and Parsons much appreciated. Song by Mrs E. Smith, and recitation by Mrs Knight. Short. earnest address by our President. Mrs Robinson read the paper, “White Ribbon Day,” which was very fine, fakes and produce sold realised over £2. WANGANUI K.—Small meeting. One new member. Scientific Fact wu read. “Cigarettes and Alcohol.” White Ribbon Day observed, a paper from our Editress being read. All were urged to try and gain new subscribers. The sum of 15/va• passed for District capitation. Mr S. M. Dixon promised to give the report of N. Alliance annual meeting next month. Much regret was expressed at the continued absence, through illness, of our esteemed officers, Mesdajnes Andrew and FrancD Brown. W ARK WORTH.—June 11. White Ribbon Day. Mrs Verry read White Ribbon leaflet. and received some new subscriptions. Decided to send fo*r literature for distribution. Five members offered to support the league of Nations work. Mrs Phillips, President, gave a model blackboard lesson suitable for Y’s or L.T.L. WAJVKU.—June 26. Ten present. Sympathy expressed with Mrs Otto, now In hospital. Need for prayer emphasised. White Ribbon Day paper read. Bring and Buy held. Late Reports. AKA MOIIO.—June 26. Commenced witli fair attendance. District Levy Fund passed at 2*l per member. White Ribbon paper read Fifty Supplements to be sent for flor L.T.L. Apologies read from absent me...bets. KALIAN VR.—June. Small meeting. Mrs Handcock presided, and gave on address on White Ribbon Day. Vote of sympathy for relatives of the late Mrs Herman, fl voted to Organising Fund. Scientific Fla t read. BELFAST.—June 0. Special meeting. Attendance good. Miss McLay speaker. One new member. Evening meeting combined witth Y.P. Branch, Miss McLay speaker. BAINIIAM.—June 11. Three members present. Sickness and holiday accounted for absentees. President read White Riblon paper. Vice-President gave Temperance Fact, “Effects of alcohol on the mind in cases of accident/’ lieclded to hold so'■■i. I evening on June 26th in aid of Headquarters Fund. < ARTKRTON. Well-attended meeting. Mrs Every, District President, gave a very interesting outline of Executive meeting. Decided that our Union support the resolution wi favour of Bible in Schools Bill. Mrs Tyler read as the Scientific Fact “Water.” Resolved to support the motion that hotels should < lose half-day a week and on public holidays, in other words, to be brought in line with other business by-laws. Hostesses for afternoon. Mesdames Ca<ne and Sayers. COI.I.IN'GW OOD.—June. Eight present. Small presentation to Mrs Jamieson, who is leaving district. Mrs Jamieson thanked all present, a*id spoke of the great need for all to do their best in the Temperance cause. CHEVIOT.—June. A well-attended meeting. “Peace I>ay.” A paper on “The league of Nations” read by the President. One new member. A “Brkng and Buy" Sale in aid of funds for Headquarters. Resolution to Parliament with reference to the insufficient taxation on liquor kn comparison witli the poverty and distress caused by it. DALEFIFI.IL— JuIy 2. Meeting at Mrs Tunnlcllffe’s. 12 present. An interesting P»l*er on the “Life of F*ra»ces Willard” read by the President. Mrs Heyder elected .Secretary. One new member. Beveral items were given, and a dainty afternoon teu was served. Next meeting at Mrs H cyder’s.

EDFN.—June 17. Members to assist at Winter Show and street collection for Hospital Auxiliary. White Ribbon Day paper read. One new subscriber. Strong re-

solution hi favour of Hible in State Schools. One new member. PHI I.DlNti.—July 2. Good attendance. A letter from the Bible in Schools League created a considerable amount of discussion. Secretary instructed to reply to letter. Mrs Spence read several Interesting sketches on the life of T. E. Taylor, written by Mrs i ockor and Rev L. M. laitt. Resolved that next meeting he Willard Home Day, and that an invitation be sent to the Palmerston North Union to be present. GBKYTOWN.—June 30. At Mrs Anker’s. Sixteen present. .Mi's McKenzie spoke on the work of tlie W.C.T.U., and explained many branches of the work, and urged all to work for success at the coming election. Reported that Bring and Buy realised £6 2s 6d. Mrs Morgan sung a solo. HAMILTON.—JuIy 2. Fifteen ladies present. £7 8s sent to Headquarters. Resolved that a very strong protest be sent to the Government urging them to pass legislation to prohibit the cruel sport of slaughtering live pigeons by Gun Clubs, 2000 tame birds at the present time being killed for sport on the Kuakura Farm. Mrs Jones reported very strong pleas had been made for the Bible in Schools Bill. Collection taken for literature for distribution. Decided to ask Church Guilds to have ten minute "temperance talks at each meeting till the election. Next meeting a pay-up so ial, and also a pound day for the needy. IMiLKW ODD.—June 24. Bring and Buy afternoon. Large attendance of visitors. Songs, musical items, and competitions. Aftenr.oon tea. Proceeds in aid of Headquarters Fund. LAWRENCE.—Mrs Edie presided. Fair attendance. Paper on Frances Willard read by Mrs Edie. LEVIN.—June 12. Good attendance. President read extract from “White Ribbon” and circular letter from Dommion President. White Ribbon Day. Members read extracts from “White Ribbon.” District Convention invited, and September 26th suggested date. Mrs Bishop, senr, thonged for “Unemployment” cards for distribution. MOMtIKL.—June. Mrs Rrown gave address. Mrs Wilson read replies from M P.*s re Bible in Schools. Reported 18 raised for Hcndquarteres Fund by special elTort. Band of Hope to start July 3rd. MAMTERTON.—JuIy. Good attendance. Resolutions forwarded to local M.P re Bible in Schools and other matters. Decided to invite District Convention, also to ask Miss Ikiuglas to visit us next month. Reported £4 12s result of canvass for Headq-uerters Fund. Splendid address by Mrs 11. H Every on effect of alcohol on character, public conduct, and home and social life. Hcurty vote of thanks to speaker and liosto ;-es. MAI N(.ATI ROTO.—June 17. Fay-tip social at Manse. Decided to ask members to give 1/- to Headquarters Fund. Rel»orte,l “White Ribbons” and literau ,,, »j sent to Whangnrei Show. Letter of protest re brewery license to Minister. Eighty per cent, of parents vote for Bible in Action!*. Musical items by Mrs F. Cullen, Mrs knight bridge, Miss E. Cullen, and reading by Mrs Pasley. MATAKANA.—June 25. Mrs E. Roke presided. Interesting reading given by Mrs Medltuid, M. Roke, and A. Roke. Recitation by J. Trotter. Resolution passed in favour of the Bible in Schools, MAKOTI KlJmie. At Mrs Mildon’s. Mrs Speight, District President, presided. White Ribbon Day paper read. Collection for Headquarters Fund. Afternoon tea served by host»*ss. N API Hit.—June. Most enjoyable meeting White Ribbon Day, at Mrs Brocklehurat’s. About 26 present. The President spoke about the “White Ribbon,” and read the extract on the drink bill of New Zealand. Members urged to take the paper. Stress laid on the need of members waking up to the needs of the times, and one and all do the work of two. Decided to hold meetings in homes for this year. tVmipetit.ion, Mrs Dc Lisle winner. Bring and Buy resulted in about 11/- for Maori Fund. The ■next meeting to be at Mrs Freeman’s, Latham street. N.E. A ALLEY.—June. Prime Minister’s and Mr Coates’ replies to remits read. Paper on Bible in Schools. White Ribbon Day paper read by M.*s Gray. Invitations to Y P. Branch and to Green Island accepted.

Mre Peart spoke on “l>rink Hill and its enormous economic waste.” NEW BRIGHTON.—Meries of special meetings, with Miss A. M. McLay at speaker. June 12. At Mrs Shaw’s, Mayoress. Ont new member. Hostess thanked. June 12. Evening rally for Y.P.’s, wh# listened to Miss McLay with eager Interest. Musical programme arranged by Miss Hull. June 14. Miss McLay spoke to combined Bible Classes, June 15. Home meeting at Mrs Campbell’s Address and musical prognuiuntarranged by hostess. June 18. Visitors from Kindergarten As sociatiuii welcomed. Address by Mrs T. I\ Taylor on “The (Tiild and the State.” ONE H INGA.—June 11. White Ribbon 1 >ay. Bible *n Schools resolution passed; < opy sent to local M.P. Decided to get 406 “Drink and Unemployment” leaflets. Mrs Ashby ("W.R.” Agent) gave report of Home Meetings and “W.R.” report. Solo, Mrs Dudley; reading, Mrs Ashby. “Bring and Buy" Sale hi aid of Headquarters Fund realised 13 5s 6d. June 24. Home meeting at Mrs Yockney’s. Mrs presided, aud read an excellent paper on “Unemployment.” After discussion umd music, an interesting competition w as won by Mrs Davis. I'AJllATUA.—Monthly meeting held on July 2nd. Eleven present. Short discussion oil the Bible in Schools question. Satisfaction expressed that the Nelson system is in operation here. Mrs Paterson read extracts from a report of the Toronto World’s W.C.T.U. Conference. Mrs Ryan and Miss Gardner were hostesses. June 25. Peace meeting. An evening meeting at Mrs H. Paterson’s. Eighteen present. Miss Ross read an extract from a speech of President Wilson's, and Mrs H. Paterson read a number of passuges from a League of Nations booklet concerning tin* sicial isrvite work of the League. Mrs Ryan sung. Dainty supper* Thamks to h'<>'t ess. PORT 4 11ALMERS.—June il. Docked that the first cottage meeting be held at Mrs Smillie’s, and second at Mrs Talt'a. Mrs Bnii 11 ie distributed to cli.’Jieu temper uce blotters. Decided to hod a Brng aud Buy Sale for Headquarters Fund. PON SON BY.—June 18. White Ribbon Day paper read by Miss Read. A strong resolution was passed in favour of the Religious Instruction in Schools Esutbling Bill. Mrs Hayr gave a talk on “Home ami Mothers Meetings,’’ and how much could be accomplished through them. Helpers volunteered for the Winter Show, also for the Hospital Auxiliary street collection. FLEAM ANT POINT.—June 24. Good attendance. Literature received, and to be distributed. White Ribbon Day paper read. Resolution supporting Bible in State Schools. Reported that L-T.L. members visited Tent uk i Legion and supplied musical items. REE Fr (IN'*—June 30. Ten present. Temperance Fact read. Decided to hold HritiK H'.xi Huy next meeting (August) to help Headquarters funds. Hostesses, Mi-s----dames Burn and Gilmore. One new member. ItKHIEKA.—June 16. Social afternoon. President, Mrs Kasper, presided. A paper on "The White Ribbon” read. Decided to place “White Ribbon” for another year in Public Library. £2 voted to Headquarter* Fund. Resolution pawed strongly support ing the Religious instruction In Schools Enabling Bill. Musi cal items by liesduuies Carl and liugli Kasper, and Mrs Gordon Nicholson. and a recitation by Miss Rea*! Mr Williams, mlsctioner for the Down and Out Mission, addressed the meeting. Two new membera. STRATFORD.—JuIy 2. Social and splendid gathering to commemorate White Ribbon l>ay. Stirring addresa by Dr. I>ori* Gordon on "Temperance and Its Effect on Pregnant Women and Unborn Children." Hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Song* and musical items were much appreciated. THAMES.—JuIy 1. Well-attended meeting. Two hundred unemployment cards procured and distributed. Shop to be opened for sale of clothes. Members to help tile Didies' Benevolent Society by altering garments. Paper, "The Moral Scourge of the Drink Traffic," was read. One new member.

TAI >IARUNUL—JuIy 2. Good attendance. T. E. Taylor Pny At the residence

„f our President, Mrs Murray, daughter of tiie late Mr T. E. Taylor. Extracts from l,er father'* life were read by the President, , n ,l to uJI it was more than interesting. Litter recalved from Mrs Lynn, who proposes visiting here. I’i; KIITI. —June. Very goo<l attendMrs H. I>aker appointed Cradle Roll Supt . and Mrs Bowick Treasurer. Decided | D >St . n (l 10/- to Willard Home. Mrs W. J. Xicholls read Mrs Peryman’s paper on White Ribbon Day." which was well writt»ii, and enjoyed. Collection, 5/10. Two tl «w members. TAKA PUNA. —July 2. Mrs Johnston presideil Arrangements to assist at forth- , oming Winter Bhow completed. Mrs Mil--1,1 gave an interesting talk on the “Ideal Wav." I KMI KA.—July 3. Church Parade at fcilvation Army on July 12th. Representative to Women’s Institute. Tuesday—Mrs Prattley spoke on “Cultivate Waste Places. ’’ Twenty-five members present. One new member. Mrs Douglas to speak next meeting A beautiful banner presented to the l„ion by Mrs Elder, much appreciated. IK AW AMI TU.—June IX. White RibiKin Day. Pair attendance. Paper read. M ss Gladys Olren recited “The White Hibi,(»n Bow." Sketch of Uudyarcl Kipltag’s lif,. bj Mrs Bright-Wilson, and recited ••If." Ifiing and Buy for Headquarters Fund, most successful. July 2. Good attendance. Mrs Lynn nave tine adiiress on "Evils of Alcohol,’’ < »u< ludiltg with: "It may be that God will use present distress to bring about abolition of an evil trade which causes so much distress." Mis Dann sang "There’s a work for each of us." TIMAKI . —June at). White Ribbon Day. Drawing-room afternoon at Sailors’ Rest. Wry large* attendance. Decided to offer co-operation witlil Ministers' Association in connection wjth Bible in Schools Bill. White Ribbon paper read. Unemployment ■ arils intributed. with instructions how to best g< l them into circulation. Short programme. Rev. r. W. Puncumb gave a stirring address on campaign work, and appealed to members for their hearty cooperation. Votes of thanks. Two new members. WAIT AKA.—July 3. Successful Bring and Buy social raised our quota to Headquarters Fund. Reading by Captain I)rumiiiond. Soeig by Lieut. Lavis, and pianoforte items by Miss Shlemaii. Large attendance. WELLINGTON.—JuIy 2. Fair attendauee. Campaign Committee appointed. Mrs Mowlem gave an address on "SHentlflc Temperance.” illustrated by charts. Mrs Porte lioetess. Ke|)orted £6 raised for Headquarters Fund by special efforts. Pay-up social next month. WAiri KI RAU.—July 2. Splendid attendance. Mrs Luca* was elected Treasurer. Mrs Griffiths sang "Lead Tliou Me.” A nice lot of gifts were brought fo r the Willard Home. WANGANUI CENTRAL. —JuIy 2. Good meeting. Voted 25 fact cards to Cradle Roll Supedntesident. to put with birthday cards she sends out. Vote of grateful thanks passed to Mr James Grant for j Mist services. Scientific Fact read by Mis Morrison. Rev. Page asked to address next meeting. Celebrated T. E. Taylor bay by Mrs Goodey giving an essay on the book entitled “Temperance In New Zealand.” when a thrillhig tale was told. Collection taken up for Sailors’ Rest Fund.

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White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 432, 18 July 1931, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 432, 18 July 1931, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 432, 18 July 1931, Page 7

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