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News of the Union.

Write in Ink; oo one Mr ef paper. Don't •«nd newspaper reports. Dost send reports t nunths old; they only go in waste paper basket. AUCKLAND.— May 12. A tribute paid to the splendid work In the interests of womanhood by Lady Stout, whose death had occurred In Wellington. The members stood in silence as a mark of respect to her memory. A very Inspiring address was given by Mrs. Inglis on the text, “Be of Good Cheer, it Is I, be not Afraid,” pointing to the true source of cheer In these depres sing times. The following resolution was passed by the meeting, copies behig sent to I‘remler and M.P. of District:—The members of the Auckland W.C.T.U. desire to protest against the Issue of a new Brewery License in the Auckland District, being of the opkiion that such brewery will increase facilities for obtaining intoxicating liquor, and nlso Increase the huge annual wastage of over £8.000,000 on intoxicants. It therefore urges the Government not to grant a license for such brewery, and immediately amend legislation in order to give merit more control over such licenses.’ Songs were contributed by Misses Hill and levies. Afternoon tea was dispensed. AMI BURTON .—Juns 2. Sale of cakes, produce, etc.. In aid of the Headquarters Fund. The Church Hall nicely arranged; good attendance. The Sale opened by Rev. \\r. Crigg, Wil.owby, who congratulated the l’nion on their work and wished them every success. Short, enjoyable programme contributed, and an address on "Temperance by Mrs. W. J. Thompson. A competition won by Miss C. Jackson. Three new members. In recognition of “White Ribbon l>ay. the lTesident referred to the able and self-sacrificing work of our esteemed Editor, Mrs. Peiynian, and made an earnest appeal tor new subscribers. Tea was served, and a social half-hour spent. Good business was done at the Stalls, presided over by the following ladies: —“Cake," Miss Watson, Mrs. Nich and Mrs. Church; "Sweets and Flowers," Mrs. Wear. Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Tinker; “Produce," Mrs. G. Tulloch. Hearty vote of thanks to speaker, performers, and nil who had assisted Wi any way. ItAIN HAM.—May 14. Mrs. Jamison gave a report of Convention; most interesting to all. Decided to meet fortnightly in members* homes, and make articles for Xmas Tree, in aid of Union funds. 11l RKENIIKAD. —May 7. Home meeting at Mrs. Hayman’s; Mrs. Todd in the chair, fifteen present. Mrs. Kasper gave a very descriptive report of Convention. A resolution was pnssed against a new Urewer> License at Ptdgeon Mountains, near Pakuratiga. the same to be sent to the Prime Minister, local Member of Parliament, etc. Next meeting to be Jn the /lon Hill School Hall. BROOKLYN. —May 30. Miss Sawdcn read Scientific fact. A duet, rendered by the Misses Sawden. LAB, and Turner, was much appreciated, as also was "My Prajer, sung by Mis* Turner. Members reminded of the Bring and Buy, June 11th, in aid of Headquarters Fund; several volunteered to assist. Mr*. Brewer to represent the Union at District Executive. Decided to donate ss. to World’s Missionary Fund, also to help Y W.C.A. with their Street Day Appeal on June 26th. The meeting unanimously endorsed tiie proposed Bible-in-Schoolß Bill: "That no grants be made to Private Schools for Religious purposes.” Mrs. Mowlein spoke on “Alcohol and the Human Body," illustrated with charts; most Interesting; good attendance. CARTERTON. —June 2. Very well attended meeting. A lengthy paper was read on "White Ribbon" Day. and was very much appreciated. Temperance fact read by our President. A very Interesting article was given. "Faith —Vision —Venture." Faith Is the giving substance to things hoped for. Hostesses for afternoon. Mrs. Wisely and Mrs. Rodgers. DEVON PORT. —May. Mrs. Kasper gave an interesting account of the recent Dominion Convention. Resolutions were sent to the Prime Minister and the Member for the District, protesting against the issue of a new Brewery License in the Auckland District.

I>A RG A VII.LK. May 19. A Bring and Buy Afternoon to raise money for Headquarters Fund. Very fair attendance, although the weather was wet; 15s. taken. One new member initiated. An interesting competition, won by Mrs. Bonner. DUNEDIN. —June 2. Replies received from Hon. G. Forbes and Mr. Holland to letters scut to them, drawing attention to the dreadful waatß of £8,000,000 every year si>ent in drink. Mrs. Leech gave a most interesting and Instructive address on "Disarmament and Unemployment," allowing how disarmament could not happen hi a short time, but must come slow ly, giving a short definition of disarmament and showing how the immense sums spent in the manufacture of Implements of war, spent in other directions, would bring prosperity. EPSOM.—May 28. At home of Mrs. lienius; good attendance. Mrs. Benfell’s address on “Social Responsibility” was helpful and instructive, and enjoyed by all. Discussion followed on how to make our meetings more helpful. A Bring and Buy .Table added to the funds, this to be continued at each meeting. Afternoon tea and thanks to the hostess, who invited all to return next month. Good collection GIMIORNK.—May. Bright meeting; Business Temperance fact given. Mrs. Thomas led the meeting in prayer and reiding of Scripture. Report of Dominion National Council deliberations. Start “Cottage" Prayer Meetings second Tut each month. One new member enrolled. GREYTOWN. —May 26. Eight present. Decided to ask Bible Classes to include Temperance matter in SyllabUß. Decided to hold Shop Day in June for Headquarters Fund. Next meeting at Mrs. Anker's. Miss Oates donated 4s for Temperance literature. Mrs. McKenzie gave report of Convention. Bring and Buy, 4s 3d. IiOKE. —May Fair attendance. Rev. Paddison gave an address on "World Peace,” for wnich he was heartily thanked. His address was published in the local paper. Resolution against further brewers' liceiuies. Decided to send for five hundred school blotters. l>eclded to forward money in hand for Headquarters Fund, but to endeavour to raise more. Another worker welcomed to our Union. First Band of Hope meeting held on 27th; good attendance. HASTINGS.—May 28. President in the chair; attendance fair. Devotional paper by Mrs. R. Sutherland. Decided to institute Bring am Buy Table at each meeting, also to purchase literature w ith proceeds. # Arrangements made to celebrate “White Ribbon" Day. HAYEIAM K NORTH.—May 22 Good meeting. Subject for Devotions, "Tin* Atonement.” Cups and saucers, bought with earthquake donation, were distributed to members. Resolved to help Headquarters Fund by Bring and Buy. Special meeting arranged f or "White Ribbon” l>ay. INVERCARGILL NORTH.—May. Shot discourse uu “Faith," given by Mrs. McKinnon (E vangelistlc Supt.) Attendance depleted, as many members were engaged in the Tea Rooms at the Winter Show, the catering of which is conducted by the above branch. One of the objects of the meeting was to supply useful parcels for the loc tl nothing Flub, and a liberal response resulted. Ensign Montgomery gave an impressive address on "What manner of Person ought we to be?" from a social, moral, and spiritual aspect, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. INVERCARGILL.—June 1. Mrs. Lllllcrap presided. Devotions led by Mrs. M itheis on special praver on behalf of our President, who is very 111. A specially interesting address was given by Pastor Iretweil on "The Aims and Principles of the W.C.T.U." much appreciated, a*d he urged us on to greater service. Final arrangements made for Concert in aid of the Headquarters Fund, also collection. One new member welcomed. JOHNSONVIIJ.E. —May 21. Home meetings arranged for Miss McLay’s visit. Miss McLay addressed Home meetings at Glenside and New lauds. She also addressed a combined Rally of Preabvterian and Methodist Bible Classes on Sunday afternoon; about 60 present. A very fine address was much enjoyed by all present. KAIAPOI.—May. Good attendance. Decided to ask Mrs. T. E. Tayloi to address next meeting. Re Mlsa McLav's visit, decided to have a Temperance Rally In the afternoon, and a Young People’s Social in

the evening, all young people's organizations to be Invited to attend. An urtlelo read bv Mrs. .Stocking, showing that hotel bars were being closed in Auckland, owing to reduced expenditure on alcoholic di inks. LOWER HITT.—May 27 President in tlie chair. Final arrangements for local effort towards Headquarters, also carrying on witli Penny Trail. Home very Interesting notes on “Mother” were read by Mrs. Aldersley, and were muon appreciated. Some reports were given of sick members being visited, and apologies were received from several absent members.

LEIGH.- May. At Mrs. A. E. Grigg’s; fair attendance. Mrs. I>. A. Matheson in the chair. Resolved to send a donation to Headquarters Fund. Mrs. Gozai read report of Convention. Mesdame* Grigg and Woodcock contributed a vocal duet, much appreciated. Mrs. D. A. Matheson read an extract entitled. "Is Alcohol Beneficial as a Stimulant." Reading by Mrs. Woodcock on "Unemployment and the Drink Traffic. One new member. LAWRENCE. — May 2H. Mrs. Edie presided; eight present. Devotions Is taken by Prvsideiit. Reference made to death of Mrs. Haworth s sinter, and meeting adjourned as a mark of sympathy. MT. ALBERT. May 14. Motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Lady Stout passed. Mrs. Cook gave an interesting talk on "The Dominion Convention.” A Jumble Sale was decided upon. The first of the Drawing-room Meetings is to be held at the home of the President, Miss Fyfe, Belmont Road, on 28th May. The hostesses (Mrs. Brodle and Miss i umningham) served afternoon tea, and Mrs. Harvey sang. MASTEBTON. —May Good attendance, letter of sympathy to Mrs. Judd, Senr., who lias suffered bereavement. Decided to raise Union's quota toward* reducing Headquarte 's second mortgage by each member being levied at 2*. per head. Recommended that member* make moro use of Dominic-*. Library, and tell others of good reading available. Decided to hold ,r V\ hlte Ribbon Day in July, Mrs. Every, of Carterton, to be asked to speak. Mrs. T. R. Barrer to address the August meeting on "League of Nations." „ . MOSGIEL. —May 20. Arrangements finalised for Sale for Dominion Headquarters Funds. The Sale took place on the 27tli. and was fairly successful. The proceeds to be banded to Dominion Treasurer. NEW BRIGHTON.—May. Mrs. 8. Iftiilev offered a special Prayer for Peace. Mcs,lames Moses, Mcllroy and Bellamy, wetc congratulated on being re-elected to the School Committee. Arrangements made to hold a Jumble Sale in June, to pay our quota towards the Headquarters bund. Miss A McLay visiting Brighton district tor three days in June. A Drawing-room meeting to lie arranged, also a young neople .< gathering. Mr. Mackie, of the League or Nations Union, gave an exceptionally cm. I address. Bring and Buy Stall at close «*i meeting. s ELMON. Ma> 1 ; i Walker gave two very Interest mg rYniperance fnets. Decided to send £3O to Heud-

quarters Fund, also 15 towards distress in the district. Me. tu.g arranKed for Peace Day. Jundde Sale to he held on 2kth May. I >eeided to huy Posters, Convention Numbers of "White Ribbon” taken to Is* distributed. Members stood for one minute, silent sympathy on the loss of one of our members. One new member joined. M U PLIMOI 111 I If A i n tended Prayer and Peace meeting. Mr. Goldshury gave a comprehensive addre.-s on the "Peace Quest.o>n.” He laid stress on the coming Conference to be held by the 1/e.igue of Nations in Geneva in February next, wiu*ii over 2,000 delegates will represent the GO leading Nations of the world, lie hoped that the Petition farms would soon be broadcast in New Zealand; fllß million was spent each year on armaments. Mr. C. K. bellringer. President of tlie local Alliance league, apiiealed to the T nion for titelr much-needed help in view of the coining Pol] and Flection. Two delegates wore appointed to eonfer with the Taranaki Executive.

May 27. Bring and Buy, in aid of the Dominion Headquarters Fund —a well attended afternoon; £ll 10s. was taken. Songs were sung by Mesdamps Hawkins and Me(Vmald and Mias Coniuil. Afternoon tea was well patronised. OA.MAKI .- May. Reported that local Branch was under responsibility to Headquarters for £lO. Decided to usk members, w here possible, to contribute 25., or else donate goods for Bring and BMy Sale to raise the necessary money. Miss Cowan read Scientific facts against the use of alcohol in cases of sickness. Letter of thanks from Hastings W.C.T.F. for clothing forwarded to sufferers from earthquake. Mrs. Scott spoke f “Mothers’ Day," and its inaugurat'O?' 1>; A. Jarvis. Oll.lKl Mi. May 14. Ten pre ent. Pleasure expressed that Mrs. T. K. Taylor will attend District Convention. Resolved to send protest against License being granted I Aigcr Breweries. N.Z., Ltd. \ “Coin Afternoon" was held; elocutionary items given by Mrs. Morgan and Miss Parr; amusing competitions and a dainty afternoon tea.

ONT’.III XG\.— May It. Short prayers by tlie members at the opening exercises. Reported by a member, the lesson mi "Effect of Alcohol on the Itody,” had been taught in a splendid manner to the class her sou was in, at the Te Papapa School. Bring and Buy Stile to be held in conjunction with "White Ribbon" day, proceeds for Headquarters Fund. Duct by Mrs. Craig ami Mrs. Kasper, followed by report of Dominion Cfflivcntlon by Mrs. Kasper. Protest against the issue of a Brewery License at Pakurnngn, and attention to the need of amending the law providing for the same la- sent to M.P’s and Minister of Internal Alfa ir«.

May 20. Home meeting at Mrs. MountJoy’s. Mrs. Ashby in charge of programme. Pianoforte solos and reritntiom by the daughters of our hostess, and songs by Mrs. Harvey. A line address from Mr. Lang on "Mothers and their Influence." One new member, and afternoon tea provided by Mrs. Mount joy's daughters. OTAHMH'.- May 21. President hi tie chair. Mrs. Muir took the Devotional part. Business was discussed re raising funds for Organising Fund and Headquarters. OTOROII W«. \ bers present; Mrs. Tozar presiding. A paper wa? read from tho Alliance re Breweries. A letter was sent, protesting agahist laager Hr* werics. P.ev. Burton gave a very inter* sting address, much appreciated by all. A dainty afternoon tea provided by Mesd.uues Btirton and Milward. P.H'AM'I. May 14. Mrs. Graham presiding; good attendance. A motion of sympathy with Mrs. Carr In the loss of her brother. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Hawker in her illness. The Secretary's action in wending a letter to the Minister of Customs, protesting agahist tin* issuing of anv more licenses to breweries, was endorsed. Arran gem; nts made to hold a Cake and Produce Stall for Headquarters Fund. Mead nines Kruse and Carr were appointed Convenor*. Next meeting Bring and Buy Afternoon.

I*l( TON. —May IJ. Se.le of produce and cake*. Bv this effort, coupled with donations from members, we were able to send our quota towards the Headquarters Fund. £2 l Gs.

PI.EASANT POINT.— May 27. Good attendance. V*it** of deepest sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs. Tilbrook, and with Temuka l'nion. Rejiort of Convention. writt**n by Mrs. B. H. l<ow, read by President, wnn very interesting. Bent for sample of le. lets and blotters. May. Mothers' and Children's Day held; large gathering. Musical items and recitations by L.T.L. members. Solos by Miss Andrew anil Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. Tilbrook ii.ldicssed both children and mothers. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Tilbrook for her loving messages and good advice. Afternoon tea. PORT 4 HADIKKS, —May. Well attended meeting. Mrs. Bedford read report of Convention. I Voided that a copy of resolution tie sent to the Prime Minister, leader of tho OpiMMition, the Leader of labour Party, and Mr. Ansell, local M l*., as to the expenditure of liquor traffic, amowiting to di,(>00,000 in New Zealand. Decided to hold Cottage meetings; Mrs. Miranis and Mm. Sutherland be Supervisors, ami that Mrs. Brighton, Mrs Bait and Mrs. Mirams repr nnt the W.C.T.F. at the Cottage meeting* held every fortnight. Mrs. Farquharwoa and Mrs. Price appointed "White Hit'bon” Agents, to work together. PAPA TOMTOK. May 21. Mrs. Leonard ltd Devotiims. District Vice-President, Mrs. Kasper, read report of District Convention licit! at Nelson. Mrs. Lon ’ was made “White Ribbon” Agent. / fternoon tea was served by members.

PI KEIII lA.—May. Nine present. Protect was sent re Lager Peer Brewery. Mrs. Samson read “The Master’s Touch.*’ and Mrs. Legarth "No-License in Mnsterton." The Pres dent told of experiences while on duty at the S*tall at the Whangarel Show. We had a happy, homely time. Mrs. Keane served afternoon tea.

RKM lliltA. May 19. Very wet dny. Convention report deferred; plat's of work discussed. IVdded to hold a Jumble Bile June sth, Home Meeting Week following. A letter or sympathy sent to the late Mrs. Ik-war's family. Strong protest sent to (Time Minister. Minister of Internal Affairs, against opening another brewery. ItAI VAI.I KY.--May 20. Fair attendance. Distr'et President’s visit to he postponed. Decided that a Stall he held, in alii of Headquarters, also on*> for the benefit of the PI mike t Society. Resolution to be forwarded to Miss Henderson, asking that the exorbitant charges of medical men for visits to country people be inquired into. Mrs. Leov gave a very interesting report of N» l*on Convention, and was heartH> t hanked. ItAlv \l V May. Twenty present. Devotional meeting, members of other Women’s Societies taking part. Miss Oakley gave a report of District Executive. Decided to «*'iid n 12s. for Headquarters Fund. Arrangement* made to assist June meeting of the Y.P.C’.T.F. branch. TVcfded to nsk (Mrs.) Captain Thompson to address June meeting RF.EBTON,— May 12. Miss Midway in the chair, a goad number of ladles being present. Temperance fact read. Letter of sympathy to M'ss Watson to be sent. After afternoon tea, served by members, Miss Mclay addressed the meeting, which was verv helpful and interesting to all present. Five new members gained. Vote of thanks to speaker. SKDIMiN. May. At the Manse; fair attendance of members and friends. Mrs. \V. M Smith gave an able report of Convention, much appreciated. A short discussion on various matters In the rejKirt followed. 1 Voided each member pay 2s. towards Headquarters Fund. Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Smith. d’KlAlklN.—May 12. Mrs. Pirrett in the chair. Mrs. Metson gave an uplifting talk on “The Rroail of Life.” The hostesses for the nfternonn. Mrs. Petrie and Miss Wsldner. MKVmillh. —May. The President brought a request from the Women’s Central Relief Committee, risking that the Fnlon members take charge of the I>epot. rm dates allotted, for tlie purpose of receiving food, clothes, etc., for women and children in need In tlie district. Decided that members -w-r-ede to their request. Hospital Tea arranged for June. Mrs McCallum gave a Temperance fact.

xTYX.—Mnv. Bring and Buy Aerial. In ■dd of N.Z. Fund. 1 Voided to concentrate on Bible-In-Schools and the Scientific Temperance Exam. Temperance fact, "Alcohol

most Powerful factor in spread of Cancer and Consumption." Mrs. Taylor gave interesting ad drew re “1 neniployment anil Liquor Trade.” Belfast friends present; good meeting. M MNiFß. —June 2. Good meeting. Rev. Himpson, 8.A., gave an instructive address on “The Remedy for l*neniployment would he the cutting out of the Liquor Traffic.” He knew Prohibition and License districts equally, and could assure them that only a few in the former would bother to face the difficulty and expense of bringing liquor into such a district. Vote of sympathy with Mrs. MeAra. Mur’cal items given by Mrs. Hewlop and Mrs. Robinson. TAIKANGA. —June. Good attendance. Arranged to hold a Social and Bring and Buy Afternoon combined, next month. Very interesting account read of ‘‘Life on Pnkatoa Island." TK AWAMl'TI'. —May 21. President in the chair; good attendance. A protest against granting a license for a new brewery at Pakuranga was passed. This lteing Pence Thxy, the Rev. Whltelaw, LL R, gave a most interesting address on “The League of Nations.” Mrs. Brlght-Wilson sang the “Hymn of Peace” very effectively. Light refreshments served. TIMAKI. May 6. Bring ami Buy Afternoon. Social intercourse end music. Result. £7 2s. May IS. Peace Day Prayer Meeting; small attendance. May 2G. Sympathy with late Mrs. Tilbrook’s relatives. Goods left over fiom Bring and Buy sold for Cl. Treasurer's. Hospital tend Seamen’s reports received, and arrangements made for carrying on. Next meeting Drawing-room Afternoon. Decided to invite Rev. (’. \V. Buncombe to speak on "Cainpalgri Work." Mrs. Low congratulated on being returned again to High School Board of Governors, also on representing N.Z. l’nion on Pan-Pacific Association. THAMES. —June 2 Fair Attendance; Mrs. Langford in the chair. A protest to be s«sit to Hon. \V. B. Taverner against the granting of a License for a new brewery near Auckland. letter to Member for this district. asking for his support of the Bible In Schools Bill. Paper for “White Ribbon" Ikiv read. One new subscriber and one new member. WAII’AW A. —May 6. Very pleasant Social Evening organised for Earthquake Relief, In spite of ram. there was n good gathering of members and friends, who brought n splendid collection of gifts of ('liiim mid glassware for earthquake sufferers in the country d strict North of Napier. Three rases were parked and sent off, and were most gratefully received. May 28. Mrs. Small, of Waipukurau. wns our guest, and gave a most interesting account of Convention. A vote of thnnks was heartily carried, and members all felt they had profited greatly by heat Wig Mrs. Smalt's well-selected resume of ihe proceedings of Convention. WAXGAMT CENTRAL. —June 4. Mrs. Bathgate presided; fnir attendance. Report on Miss McLhv's special meeting read. The Officers elected:—Pres., Mrs. Page V'ccPres., Meadame» Fpton and Bathgate; Rec. Sec., Mrs. A. Wila.m; Cor. Sec., Mrs. bavin: Tr-as., Mrs. lleatlev. Prayers and rppenl were made for "White Ribbon" Department. Resolution passed, that local Newspapers be asked to publish Mrs. Tavlor’s “White Ribbon” letter re the “N.Z. Drink Bill.” Members were asked to come to next meeting with suggestions for forwarding the Temperance Cause in prewmt polling voir. Deciiled to huv one hundred “Fact" Car ls for Temperance propaganda. Celebrated “White R bbon" Day by reading “White Ribbon” pamphlet: proved very Interesting Collection taken for local funds.

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White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 431, 18 June 1931, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 431, 18 June 1931, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 431, 18 June 1931, Page 7

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