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News of the Union.

Writ? in ink; on on*' sidr of paper. Don’t send newspaper ret»orts. Dou't send reports 2 months old: they only to in waste paper basket. Al < kl.AN'D.—April 2I At the gracious invitation of the Misses Hill, the Auckland Union hold their meeting at their beautiful hone In Kllerslle. Mesdnme* Cook and llenrd gave very Interesting reports of the Nelson Convention, which liad proved so successful and profitable. Mrs Cook also reported on the successful work In the interests of unemployment among women, which had been accomplished by the Conference of the National Council of Women at Wellington. Helpers were arranged for the Poppy Day colection. • A very dainty afternoon tea was served. Musical items and songs were contributed by Mrs Davies rend VfisH Hall. \SHlil KTOX.— May 5. A very large attendance. ”Pay-up social. Mrs W. Grlgg presided. Fifteen minutes spent In prayer and thanksgiving for the v otory won in coir action with the recent decision of the Privy Council that liquor licenses may not be granted in Ashburton. Community sing. “Count your many blessings." by special request, and items were contributed by the following:—Mesd&mes Barrett, t>sborn, Craighead, Pethick. Constable, Millar, and lftsses v Watt fed L ill K Ede. Mrs G. Homes gave interesting report of Area Conference of the N.Z. Alliance. Tea was served, and an opportunity afforded members of paying their dues. Hearty \ * of thanks accorded speakers and performers. HA! f.AXt K.—April. Fair attendance. Miss 1,. Holdaway read a report of Nelson Convention. A vote of sympathy for Mrs and Miss Ebbett, through the death of husband. Decided to have a Bring and Buy for Headquarters Fund. Scientific fact, "Cigarettes and Alcohol.” Hostesses, Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Holdavay. It \INHAM T 1 • Pn spoke on Temperance facts. Members read paper. Six present. HAl.l'tH It.—April 17. Begret expressed at death of Mrs Alexander, and sympathy to Mrs Church in bereavement. President read paper from “White Ribbon" about wearing the badge. Thanks received for gifts to Borstal and to Wniroa. Mrs Harper read paper on "Good Citizenship," unci whs thanked. Hostess, Mrs Stewart. BROOKLYN.— ApriI 28. Good attendance. Mrs Coventry recited Longfellow's "IValin of Life," and Mrs Bennett sang. Mrs Webster gave an interesting account of Convention, explaining the work carried on by the Union, enthusing .jur member.* to still * Mother J Minted 10s to Maori Fund, and 20s to Million Shilling Fund. Decided to help effort to raise fundi- for Headquarters, several ladies offering to donate fruit, flowers, jam, Dickies, etc., also home-mode cakes. One new member. During May we visit Wellington Hospital. CAMBRIDGE. —ApriI. Good attendance. Mrs Craig gave n very interesting address, und a reading, "Talks to Mothers,” very helpful. A letter from Mrs .Jones (Hamilton) re raising 2s per member for Headquarters second mortgage. Decided to raise the amount. Collection for cradle Roll. IH NKhlX.—Apr I 15. Mrs Alexander appointed corresponding Se« retnry. Literature supplied for teaching. Derided to hold Birthday Party in May in aid of Headquarters Fund; to invite as guests of honour piono* r members of the Cnion. Report of Convention by delegate. SvHaims for year's work adopted. DALEI'II.I ,l>,—April 16. Home meeting at Mrs Linton’*. New branch organised by Miss r. M. M'Lay, composed of Ikilefhdd members of Carterton branch. Officers: Pres., Mrs Ed. Ordish; Vice-Pres., Mrs Hadir; Sec.. Mrs A M. B<ott; Treaa., Mrs Hughes; ”\V R ” Agent, Mrs Lintou. Address ).v Miss Midway, "Magic Initials.” DEVON PORT.— April 16. Aft ernoon pay-uji social. Good attendance. Items contributed by Miss Fyfe songs, Mrs Burnett recitation, Misses Porrmau and Thompson a duet. Misses I.), Wyatt and R, Day pianoforte duets and solos. Mrs C. Burnett song. Competition won by Miss England. Hostesses, Mesdnme* OJassey and Svevison.

lIAIIGAYII.I.E. —ApriI 21. Very good attendance, and a very good meeting. Band of Hope meeting arranged. Next meeting of W.C.T.U, to be a Bring and Buy afternoon. Pledge repeated. I>t NKDI.V—Mav 5. Good attendance. Enthusiastic re raising funds towards our quota for Million Shilling Fund. Vote of sympathy with Mrs Whiten, whose husband was drowned in the wreck of the Progress. Mrs Hiett reported blotters distributed at George Street School, and a visit to Broad Bay. Strong protest against brewery license. Wreath for Anzac Iray. Mrs Hiett usked appeal to Christian women to he read at all possible meetings. EPSOAL—ApriI 30. Draw Wig-room meeting at the home of Mrs Hemus. Mrs Neai presided. Unusually wet afternoon. All enjoyed the fine report of Nelson Convention glve*.i by Mrs Kasper. Ever>one was cheered by the uplifting tone of the report, and resolved to face the work of Increasing our membership. Ways and means of doing this were well discussed. Next meeting in the home of Mrs Hemus, and a large gathering is looked for. IT'! DOING.—May 7. Good attendance, Mrs Spence in chair. A stall in aid of Headquarters Fund brought in a satisfactory amount. Mrs Spence reported on District Executive meeting. Resolved that letters of protest re brewery license be written at once to the Minister of Custom* and our local M.P., Mr J. C. Uobbe. Mrs Terry gave a helpful address on using our talents. GORE.—April 29. Dominion Convomion report given, and ‘‘White Ribbons" sold. Band of Hope discussed. Regret expressed at the departure of a willing worker from our district. Some household articles were prest-nted to our Treasurer in token of sympathy in the loss of her home by fire. Two solos sung. GERALDINE.—May 6. Nineteen present. Captain Avenell in the chair. Pledge and short Temperance fact. Captawi Avenell gave an a< count of the Alliance Area Council. Mrs Borrell finished her report of Conventio».i, giving us the resolutions passed, and received a very hearty vote of thanks. Decided to provide afternoon tea one day at the District Conxentlon m Temuka; also to hold a social gathering for all Bbud of Hope hoy- and girls end V members. GEE YMOITII.—-April 21. Fifteen present. Miss M* gave a very interesting address on cur work in New Zealand, particularly Sister Jessie’s amongst the* Maoris. Three new members. Miss MofTntt, from Christchurch, elected Secretary. April 2". At Cobden. Miss McLay gave a splendid address. Iwo new members initiated. Two home meeting* held by our Organising Secretary. Her visit has given us much help and encouragement. April 24. A very interesting and enjoyable meeting at Mrs Truman's, Karoro. Mias McLay spoke on our work and the courage needed for it. A delicious afternoon tea was dispensed, and the posMihllities of forming a young people's branch were discussed. HENDERSON.—ApriI 15. Annual mothers' afternoon. Mrs F’latt in the chair. Good attendance. Mrs Johnston gave a talk on some of the items that had hew sent as remits to our recent Conference, which gave material for a short discussion. Mrs Hutchinson. Mrs H. Wright, ami Mrs F. Wright were the soloists. Mrs H. Wright and Mrs Kennedy were accompanists, Mrs Allely organist. Mrs Kennedy gave a very beautiful reading on "The Hunu’.M Touch.” enjoyed by all, and fitting In s*> well with mothers' work. Hostesses, Mrs Barton and Mrs Ashton. HASTINGS.—ApriI 23. Mrs Lee-Cow'.e addressed meeting. Good attendance, and inspiring gathering. Contributions received from Oanmru and Honolulu for earthquake sufferers. Tetters of sympathy received from many Branches and World’s Union. HAVELOCK NORTH.—April 2U Good meeting. Gratitude was expressed ut donations received for earthquake relief. Convention numbers of "VV'.R." paper and blotters were taken by members to distribute. One new member. A devotional meeting arranged for "Peace Day.” Interesting extracts were read from Iknninlon President’# address. INGLEWOOD.—ApriI 29. Mrs Mackinder presided. Attendance 20. Mrs Phillips, District Pres*ilent, gave us a full report of Nelson Convention, which was interesting,

JOHN NON VILLK. —April 16. Thirteen present. Recording Secretary to report special meetings to "White Ribbon.” Attention drawn to preliminary notice re Headquarters effort to be held in June. This to be more fully discussed at next meeting Reports were read from Convention and Y Conference. Vote of thanks for full reports. KAIAPOI.—The delegate read her report of Convention, and after an interesting discussion, it was decided to hold a cake sale on Fric.av, June 12th, to raise 2s per member requ.ied for Headquarters Fund. Decided ',o buy posters to be displayed In the hall, omd to ask permission from the churches to erect a board just within the church gate to display Temperance posters on. LEVIN. —April 10. Address from the President. A very Interesting report of Conference was read by Mrs Young. Dee ded to start the L.T.L. with a tea on April 17th, at 3.30 p.m. Next meeting a Bring and Buy. May 1. Bring and Buy afternoon. Attendance good. Songs given by Mrs Mew, Mrs Devine, ami a recitation by Mrs Nye, £2 Iks 9d realised, to augment the Headquarters Fund. LOB ER HITT. —April 22. One new member received. Mrs Lopdell presided. Fair attendance. A report of Convention read by Mrs Heyes, and osie almost felt they were present themselves, such a comprehensive report it was, A copper trail started, to go towards a general fund tor our work. A plea was put in for the Headquarters and White Ribbon work. A social is to be held shortly for Headquarters. Tea. MOTI EKA —March 27. Ten present. Twelve new members, but only tw r o present. Mrs Wratt appointed Treasurer. April 29. Nk.e present. Nurse Parker gave interesting address on "Nursing.” MAI Nt.ATI ROTO.—April 16. Small attendance. Pastor Flower reported that Bible in Schools movement had reached voting stage. Temperance fact read. IVcided to have pay-up social hi Mav. NEW PLYMOUTH*—ApriI 29. Sixty present. A minute of silent remembrance as a tribute to an old member. Miss Flight. Report was given by Mrs Malcolm, delegate to Convention. Much interest shown in work and doings of the Unions. Miss Drew gave an interesthig report of the Women’s Council to which she hail acted as delegate. President spoke of our Headquarters, and the meeting decided on a "Bing and Buy” to he held on our next month’s day, to raise funds for the same. Agreed that the Peace Day be held for prayer on Monday, April lkth. Members were urged to attend the next School Board election to uphold our nomination. 1080 visits to Seamen’s Rest reported. Collection, £1 18s. NAPIER.—May 7. Mrs Hrockleliurst (President) in the chair. Matters dealing with the leasing of section considered. Letter of thanks to be sent to Honolulu White Ribhoners for their gift of money and dot lies. Mrs Thorpe appointed Corresponding Secretary. President reported the finding of piano and other things taken from the ha.V, after the earthquake. I*etter of sympatr y from N.Z Alliance Executive received. Members appreciate very much the kindly feelings which prompt these letters, it is somewhat difficult to get things In working order, and we feel (lie need of your prayers. White Ribbon sisters. Please pray for us. (A hearty welcome hack to our columns for our brave sisters. Mav quietness rule in your land.—Ed. "W.R”) NEW BRIGHTON.—ApriI 16. Attendance good. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mr. Patten and the Misses Harband, who had suffered bereavement recently. Arranged to hold a social meeting on April 29th; a speaker and a musical programme lias been arranged. Mrs M. Moses ve.s elected i’ President. Mrs Duncan wave an excellent report of Convention, much appreciated by all. April. Very successful social meting. Miss K. Lovell-Smith, who attended the National Council of Women’s Conference in Vienna, told in an Interesting way of her travels on tlie Continent, and gave glimpsea of the great work done by the Conference. *'h ch was attended by over 500 delegates from all parts of the world. An excellent programme of vocal and elocutionary Items was greatly appreciated. Votes of thanks were accorded the speaker and the artists. N.E. 1 ALLEY.—ApriI. Good attendance. Sympathy to Mr Rhodes in death of Mrs

Rhodes, first Treasurer of this Union. L>«- , uieil to sene! wreath «n Anxae Day. Miss (lra> kave clear ami full report of Convention. F teolutlon re expenditure on strong drinK reaffirmed. Mrs Green gave a deliklitTu 1 account of her trip to Britain ami t t,r. Continent Both speaker* heartily thanked. N OKI II INYERUAKGILE.—ApriI 21 (iiKxi attendance. Deckled to reopen Band of Hope on April 24th. Mr* Macgiegoi nave report of Dominion Convention, and vras thanked. 8010 by Mrs Hilly. Hostesses, Mrs Walker and Mis* Martin. OAMAlll). —April 13. Boisterous day, poor attendance. Miss Covan, delegate to Contention. read full and very interesting report. One new member. llNKill'NliA. —-April 9. Meuihet reminded of School Committee elections. Collections at home meetings to go to fund for delegates’ expense*. Vote of sympathy with bereaved niendier. Scientific Temperance papers read, discussed, and great interest taken. Two ladies an Onehunga .School Committee, and three on Te Papapa one.

OPOTIKI. —April y. Small attendance. 1 >erid©d to write Sergeant of Police asking for stricter supervis on re drinking among young people. a*nd drinking after in>urs. Deckled to arrange counter-attrac-tion for young folk after football matches. OTAIII IH'. —April lfi. Mr* Ec ersail in the chair. Mrs W. Taylor gave a report of the Ikmiinion Convention, which was listened to with great Interest. One new- member. ONKIIINti.V —April 15. Home meeting at Mrs Enunett's. Mrs Ashby was in charge of the programme. Speaker. Miss Heed. Musical item*, and a song by Mis Craig. Three new members for our Branch is the result of our first home »-i*etmg. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mrs Emmett, gave opportunity for general conversation. OTAUTAH. —April. Deep regret expressed at resignation of Mm Fisher, for Itf years Treasurer, through failing health, and Miss iHmrion, for 15 years Secretary, on account of school duties. Mrs Brooker appointed Secretary and Treasurer PONNONBY. —April 16. Miss Read presided. P.eport* of the recent Ikmiinion Convention were glvtm by Mrs Kasper and Mrs Young. Afternoon tea closed a happy afternoon. PAI ATOETOK. —April 16. The President, Mrs Leonard, In the chair. Ten members present. l>eep sympathy expressed for members bereaved of loved one. Secretary instructed to write letters of sympathy. Two new members initiated. Hostesses. Mrs Brown and Nesbitt. KKMIKKA. —April 21. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs Robinsiai's home. Mrs Kasper presided. Address by Mrs Morgan Richards. Musical items by ’te* dames .1 c-&ig arnl Kasper. Seven nev members. REE 1-TON. —-April. Mr* Thompson presided. Eight present. Arrangements for Mjss Me Lay's visit were made. Afternoon tea served by Mrs Waddell. RH'UAKTON. —April 16. Mrs Vincent Smith entertained a large number of members and friends. Delightful musical Items rendered by Mrs Palk, Misses Gladys Brooks and Eileen Houston. Arranged to hold a Bring u*nd Buy afternoon on April 30th at the home of the President, Mrs C. W. Barrel!. An educative address on Prohibition question was given by Rev. J. Lawson Robinson. Mrs c. W. Barrell voiced the appreciation of all present to the hostess, speaker, and those who so kindly gave musical items. Good collection for Forward Movement. SI’KEYDON.—ApriI 14. Conference report. excellent. Resolution reaffirmed re raising the marriage age for minors. Afternoon tea. Hostesses, Mrs Erikson and Mias White. Closed with Benediction. *El)lM>N.—April. At Mrs Watson's. Pair attendance Mrs Reilly elected President. Decided to Write to local constable congratulating him on successfully bringing 1 barges against local publican for supplying liquor to youths under 21, and supplying liquor on Sunday. The Union holds the District Banner for most new members gained last year. One new ,r W.R.” subscriber. Hand of Hope to be li*ld fortnightly during winter months, commencing on April 28th. ''YUENHAM.—ApriI 2. Fair attendance. Mrs J. K. Archer presided. The members -<tood for one minute in silent sympathy w ith the relative* of the late Mrs Blackmore, and also Miss Harband, who recently h-Ht her sister. Mrs Gllinour gave a very Hear and comprehensive account of the

Nelson Convention. l>eep regret expressed at illness of Mrs Gilusour. SUMNER.—ApriI 11. Mis H. Combs pn sided. A motion of sympathy with Mis* B. M. Harband. Arrangements made for the Unirwi’s quota of Headquarters Fund. Mrs Booth, delegate to Nelson Convention, gave a most comprehensive account of the w'ork done, presenting most realistically every aspect, and giving In detail all resolutions passed. It met with the heartiest appreciation, and the meeting was an inspiring one. Next month the resolutions of Confer«*nce are to be discussed. STYX.—April 8. Eleven present. Decided to hold series of Bring and Buy Kales in aid of Headquarters Fund. One new honorary member. Decided to purvlissc posters. Horne* offered for meetings. Mis Marwick >*ead report of Conv«mtion, ami resolutions reaffirmed. SOUTH IM S EDl.V—April ». Prayer meeting first Imlf-hour. Decided to mnke special effort In June for Headquarters Fund. Convention report next meeting. Decided to notify members, and invite non-members. Sale of flowers for funds. Pleasure expiessed at Miss Bruce’s recovery. M4UTH INVERCARGILL.—ApriI 7. Devotional address by Mrs Fairbaim. Feeling reference to the sudden passing of Mrs Bain, an old member. Mrs McGregor gave report of Convention. Derided to manage tea rooms at the Show. SUMNER.—May 5. Devoted to tlxe consideration of the resolutions passed at Nelson Convention. Miss Henderson presided in Mrs McComb’s absence, and gave great impetus to the discussions by her intimate knowledge of all details. A most profit ibl« afternoon was thus spent. Mrs Kerr gave a song in her usual pleasing style. TEMI KA.—April 10. Seventeen presep'. Mrs Hewsoti, delegate to Alliance meeting. Derided to take 50 copies of “Oommonaense” monthly. t’radle Roll afternoon first Friday in May. Mrs Hewson gave an Interesting report on Convention. TAIKANDA.—ApriI 14, Pair attendance Ver> interesting account given by our President on the welcome recently given by the Girl Guides in Auckland to Lord and Lady Baden-Pow ell. TAUKANGA.— Record attendance. Most interesting address given by Miss McDonald, traveller on behalf of Young Helpers' league, on various branches of women’s work, esper lally the Dr. Barnardo work n<nd the Social Progress Movement. Meeting accorded her a hearty vote of acclamation. THAMES.—ApriI 15. Very good attendance at our fourth Birthday Party and Bring and Buy afternoon. Birthday cake was cut ami .-old In small pieces, real is ng 10s. Report of Convention was given by delegate. Three new members were initiated. Tl A MARINA.— April 21. Good mi nting, presided over by Mrs Burroughs. Fourteen present. Mrs Knight submitted a most encouraging and inspiring report o» Convantion. r»nd was heartily thanked for it. Derided to co-operate in clearing second mortgage off Headquarters to the exteent of 2s per member; nl*-o to forward 10s for Dominion Fund * TF. KOPI Kl .—April 14 Mrs Godfreypresided. Very good attendance. The Rev. Mr White gave an able addres* on "Perswial influence as a strong fßctor In Temperance work.” Dainty afternoon tea Hearty thanks to the Rev. Mr White. TIMARI .—April 28. Good attendance. Mrs H. A. Brown reported on visiting the hospital, Mrs King on the Cradle Roll social afternoon, Mrs Norrie on the Sunday teas to seamen, and the Secretary on the afternoon tea given to the delegates attending the annual meeting of the B.C Area of the N.Z. Alliance. Arrangements made for “Bring and Buy” afternoon on Muy 6th. Splendid report of Convention given by Mrs Lew. Need of money for second mortgage stressed. Meeting decided that proceeds of “Bring and Buy” he devoted to that purpose. Decided to send for number of ‘'unemployment” cards. Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Low. TKMIX t, — May 1. Short meeting. Large number present. Devotions. Correspondence. ’Use Butler appointed leader of Band of Hope, to commence May 15th. Drawing-room afternoon arranged at Miss Butler's May 15th. Decided speaker, each member to bring a friend TE AWA.'ilTr— April m Fair attendance. District President (Mrs Jones) chaired the meeting. After the business was deult with, including Headquarters mortgage, Mrs Pftpperell sang the solo "The Dream of Paradise” beautifully'. Mrs Jones

gave a very full report of Convention, diio new member. M AIl hi .—April 24. Mrs Bailantine presided, and 18 ladies were present. Mia Ift-nfell gave a cheer*ng ami inspiring adflresa. WAiMATE.- April 8. Ratlnr small attendance. Report of Dominion Convention given by delegate, for which she was heartily thanked. Resolutions confirmed by the meeting. Arrangements made for visit of District President in May. One new member. Afternoon tea. MARK WORTH.-April 9. From 2to 2.15 p.m. spent .ni pra? er. The Jist of avail..l-!e speakers was read, also the report of the W.C.T.F. Convention. Members were delighted to hear of tin- chain representing the L.T.L. Branch in Nelson. Tin- com-ng electoral campaign was discussed. Members to assemble at the first electoral campaign meeting, and ask their questions. WAIT AKA.—«May 5. Special day address, “lm|in<sliiiin of (ion vent ion,” by Mrs Phillips, District President. Song in Maori, "E Pari Ita," by Mrs Htulflel 1. Mrs McAllum recited "A Meditation.” Resolution against further brewers’ licenses. Appreciation «x----tended to Mrs Lawrence for a happy home meeting recently.


BI.KNHELU.—ApriI 14. Good attendance. Mrs J. Stewart welcomed back, after her illness. The delegate to Convention, Mrs W. M. Smith, gave a most interesting aniri comprehensive report, thoroughly enjoyed by all, and was accorded a liear'y vote of thanks. Arrangements completed for this stall early in May. May 5. Splendid attendance. Mrs NY. M. Smith presided. Following resolution passed:—"That this Union strongly oppose any addit'onai brewery licenses being grafted in the Dominion.” Short speeches were made by four members, and much enjoyed. Miss Igihore gave a most inspiring address on "The Evangelistic Hide of Our Work," much appreciates. Two new members. t.KKYTOW X. — A; . 21. One new member. Miss McLay spoke a great deal on NV.C.T.U. work, and urged Greytown to try and get a Y Branch going, and members are conaidering what can be done in our little town In that way, and will do in that way If possibli . Kl'MEU.—May. Papers were read on the "Life of Frances Willard" and on “Counting Blessings." A letter of acknowledgment fot help given to a family was read. Bring and Buy to be held shortly. MAkOTUKU. —At the residence of Mrs E. Smith. Mrs Foth» rgill presided. Mrs Sinales, Wuipukuruu, to be invited to our next meeting to give report of Convention. Afternoon tea provided by hostess. MilMilEL.—'April. Attendance very good. Mrs Bedford In the chair. Usual repoc** read anil heard by Mrs NVllson. Mrs Bedford gave a very comprehendv« ar*! interesting report of the t .invention, much appreciated. Decided to have a Jumble Sale on or about 2nd of May in aid of Union funds. NLASTERTON.—ApriI 21. Hem-* me ting, 25 present. Miss C. M. Me Lay’s address, appealing to mothers to warn their children against evils existing In the world, especially alcoholic drinks, listened to with much Interest. May 7. Secretary re;>orted having called Executive together to discuss noniinatim of President. Mrs E. O. Hlamires elected President. Miss Jones reported first meeting of Y Branch great success, and Interest keel.. 10/- voted to Ys for literature. Miss Tankersley’s report of Dominion Conference read. I'ETONE.—May 5. Twenty present, “r.i new* member. Decided to hold a street stall and copper trail on Friday. May 29th. Hostesses for next meeting, Mesdames Chalmers and Packwood. Mrs Drury spoke on "Peace and Arbitration.'' letter from our Headquarter* informing us of it social evening to be held in Juuc, and asking us to have a stall there. TAKAPUNA.—May 7. A strong protect wa» made against the issue of a brewery license at Pakuramga, and attention was called to the need of amending the law* providing for the same. A minute of appreciation of the work done by Mrs Rowland Haines as Treasurer was passed. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mcsd&mes Black-

weil nml Miir(iin. Mm W. M Driver, a returned inineionary, a talk on her work In the Indian mission \\ %II*I Kl K.%t Mhj 7. (iimml attend* a nee. IHauwloß on Hand of Ho|»e. IK * titled to coiuiuenee tin* season on May 28th. Mia I.uihh re appointed OrfnmiHer, and Mr* Mt Kaln and Mia Ninnies Joint Superintend* »nt* Report of the Annual t'onvention was Siven l»> the ilelemtli who wan at t orded a hearty vote of thank* for the full and In* terent'iiii report.

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White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 430, 18 May 1931, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 430, 18 May 1931, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 36, Issue 430, 18 May 1931, Page 8

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