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News of the Union.

Write 111 iak; vm anm vide of p»|mt IWTt s»'ii«| n«*\vsi»oi>< r rrvort*. Dso't m*ml n-pirtu 'i months old; they utily f« In wa«»tr pM|M*r bMhaSi \l < Kl \\l> ■ tig from \; Itiit ■ 11 e ■ e would be t"«■ 11 In our fu AKA I \l I I I KOFI Kl M • l-'uinl, mi.l. \\ oi Id ' and the N.Z. Fund, t i Hill i<. n 11.11 sll • : \ ■>: \ iMUBI RTON. throti ■ that ment would not ■ a them S i . Confer* Robinson. 1 . ant • \ niUi i ont A p.1 1.. : •»i. "W hite Ribbon I »:i> ma n. ifternoon d< -mei II s oi 'John i i ird to Proh Progi ItllMII IH I Bpl< m! M \ I ii on tli» ■ubje* I o« jii k i«' tolutlon to ihi i ■ ■ poit - iho Trainod Nursi ati mi^ : i■i .\. iI. too v. int tr month Ri II B. 1 a hit I; '•■ appreciated and enjoyed bj ;i!l pre • i.i Ho .i biarh tribute to * ;i n«i .-.i Id thai often a in-i. . i . i i • 1D a lolling our I i.,.-.i «\. hoped • • ■ when would be united la an endeavoui t" .i• > with wedding n young con fe toget h. r und< i idou of t \ i < .i n, held the mot our Hall ...•■. tuttuna Bowi M M McLaj a vei . ■ ~ii.i and • ' i Rights Home Proti i lu< ation upon gj the mod Important

era helm .. i know ledgt and Ich ahou - t he I, Influi i nent In i Ing ' Nil:, nen men • BAOOMU N Well atUnded •i (who ■ i <i pit t ui ■ thai land. Items ■■' 'i ■ It \l I \\< 1.. i Mr I! i attend ■ i • i Mrs. • I tnaru \ : part of . <i: in Headquaj tei i Pund R hymn bo ■ i;\l I HI It. at pri M toon ga>' pi ' t hanks rded .■ ■ ■ M Thomson in the \ I"" Hi \ ui i I \~ I i ■ kwell on thi • women to the School Cotnn . Mi Qoldman ; \ ed and \v i t 11 facts given b) I »i I i on in vote id 11. i \n I I •: I hv June I • lit \ from by dioi i ( winitiiN.i anal] attendance Lei tor from \; Harband re n p i>«».-*t . \\ lllard i on North i n < II I !M.\\OOl>. M D | i on hi t he < hair I i. tftenioon on 17th Jut* I ill.. I. . ! .. tu i "} oung ut," and thom < llui- i< lit la 11. \t , M Render • ha uked members foi t heir i<>\ ■ enl i' orted i hat (6 i had b< en < t»i ■ I.- on Pop] pi opom I i hat a letl • in be to tin !;• \ 1.. I '• 1 ' U I I I i l; I I i i : i I I • i ■ nil tll«' .1 i pa ii. i which i She having : t foi Peat,-, and In a • i and Ii boo the* ed t<> in othei nationtt, « here ti ould i.i ,i | in a way helped to be solv< \! . - 1 ' p Sim i.i ! . fcfUM I ' : ■ ' . • ■ nl; her I work that the drug habit had growti ii> i. ing i ifii, a ho onl) lived tw< ) e habit J Itema ■upper w.t- dispensed b) the Boclal i mittee. in vtiM'iilti H lira Will it in f. !;• i nil Ruth i »a> and \'.i Nl •• SVyatl plave<l D Mil ll |J>. endale; Mi i ■ i mi < '<m\ i nl lon i oi t hoee mei a he ■ ble to attend I 11 Ing i •. i • \' Temperance lecturetti Bring and Buj held, amount b< it

.it tin- tliw I 'onipuil Ol M lompulmirj |>h''*i<al trailing I DARti Willi. \ w< II ittended M I •In i Itrni . .. or which m .1- h-..> t hanked. Pli l>l m DIN and i epoi ted ha ting dra mm 11 n of the M able hoarding R< iwlng the attention ol the Mayor to the to enter 111 .us. ,i note] • lllng ng n ai ould !.•■ done to pr< vent this, rommi <ht a< tion o gh Council on |lt of a ■ The folio* Ing reeolutlon \\. not( Kllda Borough Council with regard to di ing in dam <• Italia and ' heir Hbrough, ami we tru they will be unanlmoua h prevent thla || ■ Mi Don drew mii hotels in th C.l ' deplon - ihe habll "t i drinklni In hotel* ai reported la the 'Ttvening Star" "i June Ird, nad would ursjs the habit be . ,i Tins r< solution t" be tent to th* •• ■ full report of the Annua port of th.' I Rand "i" Hope Union, the n i ham I outh, Temi • ~i Hop? i nioi to .mi.i a< >• -ill N outli \i,, i r..i ..ii the annual Mil <'..uii. il I PHOM. Ma) It. I |r ' l • " » l '" mother* and rhlldren Beaid-* th. : ,tt. ndatu eof members, w< had four mot! and • hlldren, and otl a polo ilk from the word "Alcohi and ' '" ' "'" ls '" the I. 'l' i.. Depai tmenl Two young friend* \, Ik. i ame with h< word." and also a re« Ration. Refreeln 1 eai li . inl.i i ■ ' ' n * a i" l i"' r . ap, * i.i. n i aueed ai I vol H> ni| late \ii~ r.ii kmt. < r our nu n .-uii had o hi red suddenly I would I-' "Wh !>■ Rlbl»on" RUll followed hj 'ii- i a the "I *owei ol th< I RDBN. M | ' I Mi a Feotog pn - in-' it, owini ihi I '..iniiii.'ii Pr« M' ■ Tn> loi l i. i. i and il. scheme se| out fot *"' l >- was i- ■ < ived M ''"" ''"" impri the "Need i"i ital Control and I ilng." the «>ni> found I ,t the top "i the lull, 'i- 1 ' "• " ! ■>■ :, " 1,,ul mice ;»i the bottom. Afternoon '•

PKBN CM It l . Maj I. Pa) Up I" • Mi ■ ahort and li valu* ..i Prayei ' M wj appo • in. in I> a y\ t ,i in make < fforl foi m Shll • hi, i vei > buaj i oik ii....n teat

II II IHN(. .lun. itti lid i. at in . hair. The B lentifk fa< t. "Is \i. ohol a Tonic," was proved n ledl> not Mi Spent i I Bum i nti nd< i pin.-.I having formed ■ branch, and two i tings have been held will be ii. re on the 111 h Inel , to inaugi ihe Union Mi i Pai k reported on «' • utive meeting held In Palmeraton Mi pei nt a papei. ai iai "- '" do "Ui utmoat to increase th. ■ rt-ulatlou ol Ribbon " Mi i." take . mi . copies foi »n t.oiti-:. M !7. President In the - hair; goud atti sdan< • Mi - T Btet ena >n a appointed VV Int. Ribbon" kg* Bl Ml - Johnston appointed < * gaa .in: i nun t! . M

tion, it u a Mlecided thai the font school* . >lng .til .. • a Items al ting, Inati gii Ing the a hole pi u in.- alternately \\ • i t>. linn nlble, tin • ' ope ' 'oiiiinii t< 'i < * ii u r < li to iii t ■ The Temperance i n th< locs I eel being ■ Inly, ; he subjei t - being "Physical i . »hO pel ail' > ■ 11 me." t ive the n poi t of Convi ii.i the Prealdenl thanked her, saying it was rery remprehens II \WI.K \. M M ■ Kniii.itt presided lira fount vj h Insti ik I It a and antet on During the month, Mi v rtained of the Union ta :. a h.ii a ■ ollectlon n up work, and on M \i Stl iH •■ i largi gathering n • the M. thodlal Bible ( to one of t heir oldest memo* • Hi t 'i ' i. ■ • • I, and nu • ..m (in lu'lia if of the Union Mi Phil] work in the Union for ■ number and urged bet t<» carry .>n the | l work had got ssttled In her new home PI) mouth. Mrs BsJi poke . we had a ■.,-,1 from Mi '"i ''"ii presented the gueel ol honour with ■ beautiful bouquet of dowci Bates half <>f the Prohibit on U urue 8 i i elocutionar) Itema were rendered, at sumptuous afternoon I round h) 11 and a ver) pk aa noon T • thai Binda " li v-tim.v m i) 11 • i adle Roll H noon, oi ganlsed h) 11 lent Hi He Art I ui Port) rhlldren pr< M in..tli. r Mi Hlckmo tended :» welcome on behsjl of the v» CT.T.I follow >ng Items i onti lbut< Honga Mr* Rashleigl impbell, indemon; Re< itatlon Hiss > Batt M Helen Lin: I ' Mastei Little Bhlrlt) Howard, I'lutr 8010, M Hrs. W. J iften o* 'li. i in. Hunt mii, ii pleasure to the little aneu \ Birth day i 'hait r as h) iwo of Ihe rhlldren, In turn, while the greeting. "Happ> Birthda) to N<»u.'' wi ' sdh Roll was in reased '-> f.>m Votea of thanks to 111 M |] I Well att.ll.l. ,1 ';• • ' Hi. I'm ildent, in the i hall I i tion* ..>n,in. ted b) Mi i Buthi rland i >.u Ii) w a nted with a Badg* "' Honour for securing t \.v »• 1 \.- neu mem four apo i < me nea membei il meetini was arranged foi wint. Ililihon" l >ay; members • new auba I i n i tee Berved. il w n CM K vokiii M in. in i.i' i' • I ai iriven Pr< dent apoke on aei era] Import ant facta of Convention, Prayer mei U , !'..! w i, te Ribbon" I '.-' Mlai McLa) in .1 nu.' r.i. rred to HBNDKsWOM. Ma) II Mi ■ Pkatl pi • \! i . . . \,\y a- L'..\. a v er) up.hi her Campaign In I w a were ■ law thrilled t.. heai of W • T V work in in.da W* I umu ellad Mi and iri v a hat new v at ) best wlshea foi happiness in her m-u home. Afteruoou tea nerved INVIItt Altl.N I MUTII. Ma) no means ti i\ iaj was the addi n by Mi -i: .• Bmit ii (Gore) et) led Ti ng number were presenl Men from 11"- Hoi t h bran< b were warn I) , onu -I b) Mi i Pklrbaim Mrs Smith showed both and Illustrative]) hou mere trißes, satne small. Berne large, in actions <n w iiad ii«'« n thv meai 1 1 an, i brilliant chanu tore and refer ace and a lahi . - % w ere sent t,» Mi a Ps ii itema •"> Meadaroi - Lee and I ■ ami a aolo b) Mrs Ham att.-in....ii tea ..f thanks, proposed i>\ N ' Iwell to th< apeakers nod the performers, were ■ it .-n. kl \|KI . Mat] H .\tt.«i.,laii, . Of t.-n membera bbmJ bsjo rkaltor; Mrs R Oatss In , in n. Miss i . m i-'.u i and ■•••• ted Secretary and Treasurer. pro tern Mi Bt*ambley*fl isslgnatlon accepteil with reajrei Mis hhil Mlsa Bramble) i i hank.-, i for tbotr raluable woi a

, mii, d to .!".n With 0< ■: I hi,,.i.1l to A \s \l M'OI Mi - Burnett, in tl . k \\. •11 l ~ tha n"ik of !i« i ui"tin i foi tbe • a ai the earl) Bhe then i.\ her moti - :\<■<!, bout IN , mental work, m< i about four • i The I•>\ ot lona I, aa oui i Humanity," tin-, put tn at in our n whip; i: ■ • • nt. K\ikOlt\l M "n i» the a/arm weh onu e<l to Mrs \i i•■ - \i : t.-.i the of Jumble Bale held al her i foi M ,i i .1. ,1 t In' Interest "t the i.< • il) In the Shilling l-'iin,! tu,> - >;.',: noon -•'! IIIWI.K him. June and President nded ti. Moera Union membera who iia\. decided tu , oinbine with us 1 »«-i- • ed foi I ■ uive Mrs. 1 •; ill H wood V t of Mrs Lopdell thanl Miiual t'onvention Report for the benefit ol those \. l ui, i not attend the iftei noon ol \\ iii II h. Benedii I li\ I>. M I. Mi tied. tina in. li • .i \ helpful talk li at , ha] Il llli-llil" : ■ ■ . I. i I ||,Mil) t I'.l Ml M \M I ItlON, - r al i.-i.- I •■ 1 to hold 8 • evening, I 7th June, in 11*1 ■ ton I line Brim mem ry to enquii <■ about - ",il , In'' printed in A ; ■ hal Do Ipful Rttf • M VKllll Kl t roi > antsv. the Wlllard II h) twell. MAI NCi ATI KOTO M -l • M h.-nit- \ 11. I 'ist 1 let i April, at Whangaret, which ahe hail attended. Bhoi 1 programme followed M and Mi>s Edna < ullen - "tit i ibui ii. Plowoi and M- *■> I I I OOOd att. n.l. Ml I A Wiisnti pi Ml ver) ph Hi Bed foi pi • although n<>t in official capacity y< "t I miir,in:. and Instrui tu >■ iddress on "TI •• Lean * NKl>ov r \\ .. Smith in the chair; | i ittend nee; ind another report on < *on> entlon \ vol t hanl passed for i and very interesting report Mn Wai a ,1.1. gate t.i the i'in i>t. hur h, gave an ln( ount ut it. Bhoi t .lis, a-- ■ impulsoi j Militan Ti lining. One aoa member; one welcomed from an Auckland branch \ rorj inten Ifa) II I'- ■■■ • Imi . ' President li . iian Mi - Suit ii and M Ti:, W N Smith also i.. 1,1 Mi per on v • two solos; much . ounti j Pi ."in- ■ Bate and

I \\ UKh.ll lo\ I I. x I > 1 < (Hi Hi' ' All W.J v. A, I, \ \ I'l IK. Juiu that Mi I • ! . I . to thi M 1111 • : d M La) leaH with !i I thai the ■ i 'hurrhes. .n - w ilk. i M \> I \ HOI I II M ■ \n addi • Mlm I M • ui nea i | »om in lon tint of her a i the law, • - lining Into ■ oin t I leaii \ t lit n I I l,il ' \|. : . i. report* I l • n held t lit'i'in i ii the fund I • ii nhouhl he: To ' • i ■ M \ \l I I % M to tin •' -!'»' .i ti .1 Tr:i ni tt he i • \ ■ ■ from \. • • ' M i tin ■ n of th< of the t T nlon In intrust \ Mrs. V ■ • . • not In I or of I • ral «>f ■ IIMOHI' || I' -ami M Icolm If rt T i ' • l aahlna IV of tillriiip the T'nlnm in I T V\ . ■ ■ Fund ' : ■ th v p i t ' sun* oil \ki M' Ma] r o»i* visitor t>ro«"ont; I Ml M m'x "Whil ■ h*r« resolved to pot now *tib*o, lh*,!« A heart v w* t te our resinvasjl Vrnnoh ipin ft"r rn'"- • • . 1* | "W P "> immoinv(;v M il v ' Mrs I* IVi.p T'i- Mrt T - ■'dlnr of Wai " n»-,i . • •• • ]• Pact \ ill- h

:nUi ii appi • and • II MM lit Mi I • • i ONI 111 NU \ H" ■ 1 ■ N it to ■ I. T I. m ..i h ; ' *>) ■ Mt Ail - it . With ' f the 1 \l N II KEKOHI verj ■ : U i.(-in .. and th< .i.t \\ • all ver) : and I>utt b> Mi " |U : • ,- i addi • - VI IM KEHI I X 1 M( ■ Honolt I to know • who i. you" to Mr . and M I'IiNMiMM M H T B re n Shilling Fund lILMIIr I ■ the ■ I: ed to l ■ . i . ■• . : [ay the . • |> f,ir Hono u Mr I. I ! " ilknei ..ii "Tin •.. . land " \ motion ■ n hy M ins i for Mil \l . • Pvle, whi Honolulu M i turlna. : Thrift Mrs C TV B of ti i • Mil P well f;, r «M- .1! PI i \«* \m POINT Mav il "Mm ■ mothers and i •• Miss M M I Id ren In such an ;tvin*» il never f vs-hii* Mi** McLay sddrensed th# th* children ware n\ r-tr\v nn-1 w*r* •■* snolss lend Thro* pmv mam tiers wore Inlt Stl rl o»>o 1 Musical lt*tn* 1" M ■ Mm B ■ ■ i ved.

PI I <>\l '■ I ■ KM IIMONIi 1.. 11l 111 '•■ I Wl Ml ERA. Ju \ . i ml , iimmlmi I. '!' i ■ .11 t I • lard, KEI I ion. --in 4 V\'( !,- ; • to s\ liipath) to be Hent ti- relal h ■ ■• rnoon u KM « \K ION lUi Ii is - Sw a ilow and I '-* i • ■ vI. uiini on Nen I up WO los i. i". 11. • mai : for m s I l lepari \iiiin. •i i.Mi War Tinu I U • I n mi M ■ • v.l. nli.-iiii I ni-i-.i I i I I .111! I n 1- i. 1 ! lIY SI Dl Ml \M M Ph and ;i T< t Riven hv Mi-1.l thank* Mi ;i -i -1 • • '• ' I Qd it lumhle 1 rtav, Mn v n , - nn a v t ■ \\ M*|{« A, DON. M i Instruct Pat ■«■ t-i Pi : 'a lth M • her •' i HOCTH Dl MHIV it Inslirht Into »i pi -■' r>s*(l >n prohit. • srhat they wars dolns \i the rloss of th* H • Is --I ' .-inrl pi*.«-orl n '-onrtv vote of timt»h* aneaVer Mrs Hleti ied o mam \ • • •rnorrn t*«. ti » MAftflHA. Mai II M ti.o hams of •I '"''lit-' u-i-ii att< Mdlsd >ir->.- ifiir»r,i.e'i -• RHa*' l M - - !>' •;■■".■ OSI ! »-ii , ... esvnl iiini

tii\ it .• Blenheim t.. ht i.. • ■ ol tin- work, b) i ■•■• nlon I 'l' B. T») loi, i ead to In .11 ' MuVi on "EvlU ol \ m.-tru' • Mrs. V • thanked I \l M \KI Ml RolJ Rail] imc.i!. chUdrei II I II: \ I*, June I m \\ I. • i. II \\\ \ Ml II i Mi I tIOU 111,- li, not a;i jit the llquoi ■ ■ ■ pain i • the . • a 11 u* I 111 I InI IM MM ,—Ma ■ Addreaa bj Mra Lou Mi \ J 7 1 ■ • '.mi' i bui y \ \ •iik .lon. ' las the N worl ' ' and \|l - Mil''. i■• ' nth at the I |N\\ \l l> n Rol •ii And Mr*. II- ! V.! niilid Miller and < 'om I Hifthl foi ■ \\ VII \ t<> hold Rlld i T<> ! " I>i op I \\ VHKWOKTII. M < I • • tno> Ing ■ i mutu. Duni • i"> i! :<• klndl> Kupei Inteildt nt L.T.L ia. a bile ■ with tha ■ •« iii for M t to v i on -ii'i \ par el ol button held at of meetini ■■ fund* \\ Ml Kl . Mi \ Tlo' ■hi . xtrad fi 'i i, ~i m, annual \\ \N«. \M I MM R M || of t! P •. I ■ '1 read the circular letl ■ invention the ■ thanka wren •• '" tke th< Mr and the lllneaa of the r wh, mot alth i mot \\ \\«.\M I E a»T. I M Duxfleld n led th< I <e» i tlona I , yloi i i mmlntori Pi eatdent I, ii.-.iu. !:• made to

H lent \ nt'' ■ >l l >u ■ • " new i n "ii "\\ '..•:•: : Ltth. \M ! I IM.IOV '. I : : ' . Mil." na n> l 11. imm of her trip to on t Durban, i ■ \ , |,. • on for t ; i organised during the it ii Will INGTON i I N ll{ \l ■ n. May II W a Home D t haaka from tha alllan< •• for t»i«- ■ • :iml urg .1 ii mal woi i i) in l.i held on June l Ith Irwin, and an addreaa bj I I ill nt 11» be gl\ i'ii H'AIMAI I \i . I, and gave a brief outline • nt, then ■ • : \i • • enl ' • ■ rtHjueot, a vorj tin• addreaa on Th< a huh was much appre< la ted LATE RKPORTB in i i i W m t. Mi- I ■ ■ • I the moth era || ■ ■ Ta '. mot hi inie m» n .in-..- I. Mra D • ■ .it Report k . :,.i le Roll en 11 on, and i , -1 "\\ ii:'.- 1 i:i\ !oth II \ Mil TON. i .'•■'• Ribbon" I ';iv I• ■ fled t" Supplement nther Sunday School. Wt Intend hold! i; i thd "■ Party la July. Tha folloa ln| solut peuaaed unanimoualy, t«> be 11 Borough < Council and l iominlon "That • itmittod In H;i!.. Iton h a Jock< even ■ alarm the number of quite young glrla who an bulla >ut a parent oi i hap. t on, and ..i and the undei 11 •• aai - a ng publli hap* i 'Mi. n bo a II home whan ahe leavea the d Mil M. lut • Qood Ratal iii. ••iini _• and \ Bra I- ad of I fledged • lopt Wi'TT hymn booa \ I E\ i iiiiitr to he held 01 bring along thajr frli ! for fv. I'MIIMI A. June v ' D. W in th< ' from tlio President (Mra Tl ■ .uni from < 'aptaln w eaton. TK. | •

\\ i A\ |MI till' • the ■ fur ' I 1 - \\ and Mi u I IK MM NX II a iddraeu •Hi i' • \ i |»art!ng with \\ Ml'Wt V ■ -mi M ; I he plfHKuro o mil Pepperlll ■ t he JUI • ' I : |.i .

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Bibliographic details

White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 419, 18 June 1930, Page 10

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 419, 18 June 1930, Page 10

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 419, 18 June 1930, Page 10

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