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News of the Union.

Write in ink; ua one aide or paper, non't •.end newspaper report*. Ihm't veud repurtt < months old- they only to In w**tr paper banket, m MI | ifn i loaaldaoa in tii. hair; fair attendant a. R< porta i lof Hopa work Di* ■ i-«'tter of condoienca I ,miiy ie liit.- Mi-s. Morriaon, of Ttmaru, . in.mi.., ol the Union. Bo la] \(\ tha nuthera and mem Roll or Ma. j ist lilt *okl.l N. \, i ( ,tir bera ara unabla to attend tha uaual ' c bold .1 ' win. h give* ; ,!i a chance of being preaant. Thlrtj ither w< t Miaa McLean •' i U a/oi k b> au< ti in. !i i ii.l a onian aa w ■ Ltvtngatone, Floret* •■ Nlgl V oU i ~i t heir fallow Thai a a ara mneb ■ i Itenu and n 1. (.1it rounding of tha w < J.T V and d together .i must anjoyabla evening RAI i \n« l \, i ,„, . xtt. i- prayi i and > rip tun llan i. Maucl ini \ ■ ■ • (1. BKLFABT. \|... i" Prat ant Mi h, praaldad. 12 member*, l v." and I Reporl to Convention, rapon Mi>f .5... and x Convent which ara I P a ,■• | ,n Bi Ina Buy Bala araa ii.i.l. 15 \I.HM It A i-i || Pi. -.lint in flu : atta on f Al ahol ai Human Body, (*on Honolulu xx > ! T M< La•. m . noa in. ■ i i I lll:iv|< mK( II \,., I pathy a t h family of and ol >ouni killed In n alia ij \ bouquet • tha i<>\»- and af tha Chi 'nlou. Repot ta ol Convention b. Bui I-1-- n •■ Id ol i Mr«. Taylor and kftai Hen leraon enokt md ll'llion Bhillii IH,\(»M'o|{l. i.ll ■ii tha Dominion Convention \ hearts ■ it IRG xvii.l i:. \|.: i"• aful n*j held ■ II \\ hlta i.i • • boat her 1.-, .nt tour thi ougb i' s \ v papai on "Fran ird." Two nea membera and nea names for 'radta Roll. Twantj Hva preaonl ndala thanked for hei hospitality. lINIM. Xw U led: ncouraging attendance Xn excellent reporl .i\ an i>\ M n> nfall, <>t" ii • ixt aha received ■ h irtj vot< ol thanka >.. i.t.-. i to • onatdi i ■. t ii. \ t meeting, all utions pnaaed ;it the I Mi t udaon, aho had recent i\ Blrthda \ ad with a bonnnx I \ hlta and aold fl>> ■ of i<«\ •• .ti.! eeteeni. Mr*. Judaon feelinnl) replied x .• ri three of our a ho 1.1 been returned on Behool Commltb and Blood* <>i tii • n.- p.." men I ited ri:ii.l>i\<.. Mav i Pn • i ti nni l x.i'iiii o* President. In t k Tavlar, annealing for heln to arda Headquarter* Fund The • pointed '»>it that, na to i mlnent phi* ohol la 11 ■■ n the world ' .i...—■ even pari af tha human e«ataui welcome aa* • • ven to Mlaa I! k. ;> ■ from Ballance, Mr* Pratt -ih at lon \ri.

■ ■ ■ tributloi i m TI.. I to M ling, who Pa< k flniahed hi i over from 11 method* ol * UREI ron N in ;i. meeting; 13 present ned, on int ol montha* and of ' onvent lon I k • ;■'■ d 1 mem be i ■ to Oreytowi HOME. Lpi M the I lulu, tha ■ I: F and B ii n hej and M• -- l>ui Prlngle; Nui each ga | | ■ beld durini tha W ;i ii \ collection w Headquartei H ed t" th< s 111 ■ ■ ■ • ~ |. II \>l INI.V \, , Hickmotl In tha xithur and U I ■ dent, !, and - Ml KDI RMON • \ entlon 1 npoke of hei Ml I ' \ v : :",' • <'iiii.iit'ii in th«■ right v\ followed II \XX llt \. V| i v rted. x! i an addreea on I her home for an a II 1., taken ■■•' lIXXIItMK NtHJIII member* pn F i.l. | ~f than! Pn ■ ; R 1.1. mi" I■■ -. m Mel IN\ I lt< IRGII I i IV! I? \' Bmlth, P • idle Roll D of mother* and ' I!- on "I • riven by Mi Prvdt Ol of impoi • 8008 member Initiated. x itung i.v little Mian K< i Kxi \i«oi. \ |.. •• . \ a nee; km Vlekerj Ii thi Thome ■• I I with T plana roncernlni th» ind C object of • ii 1 • of membera, Dainty nemher K MKOIt \l \; • ■ of Conventloi ■• ly thankad for her Inaplrlng and helpful t I a Temperas that the i of Natloi mi mea on tha «Va x Jumble E to be held al at M MKI . Xi.i aidant, Mr* .1 WUaon, In rha'i P gi\■ aa :i viiv Intere Ina ihla of T F tiiii.ic f «»i i'.i'", and Buy

Roll children on roll. I ladii i ii. I II \ IN. \|,i. 11 <;,,.,. I IIIIIIIIIIIS 1.1.-si,|, ,| 1., ||. |-.ltll\ l- • i.1.-,i to : "Wl i i WWOOII XX inn.-, mill,. \| r. A tU( , lamea W «'..!i aim h aaa won by Ihi 11 foi b nea membera Ineil ini' ingemenl held Maj 11th, wen mad< x letl i lova ••""I " Tin n.t iii hei .! XIOM.I I I «Ith OUI - \|, - XI I \l HI IM \ ■■ 1 'ejlowah ive an addn and ' tioi to hold Ing In thi • ■ XIIIC \X| \|{ \ ;, ||, :. .sun: | the i ration Plana were cliHi II L.T.I The l'i ,-m 1 . i.' i. Ih. : to help a Head quai t. : \ • her rep M \l NGATI ROTO I M< Is \ conduct* foi M nx Fund. Mr* x Cull. \i "iint of her \ lait to Honolulu nui. ! ota of thank* • l t<. lii i x : v - i \ xii : x Mi ■ n tha cl id of t he I ■ m xx i;i;i( ii m»\ \ arranrementi had bt • tl.f ! to hold oui I'tiiil In ti I ■. I. • ■ : 1 \ xim i; ■ due to i ulidi Mi L.T.L B children wei a moi • xi ■ < lldham aent In a 1 Willard II il \ ' t.i Mi ' ddham f»r hla ant Irlni work. Mi Wlleoi H ».iii >m "Norfolk lalond" tin*;. it having 1.-fti whinnered ti tMi Pepi rthday, ao, In I ng of tha Banner, ■ ape< al o and l-' ■ ii ii for lift ■-••it" :i n< i I "i NORTH BRIOHTOM Convention i • May 11th tth Blrthdaj i '.mi' I.T ' • I ■ Home meet -ri' ■ fli • • • f xii-- x t \i unit ■ 1 unanin on

W.l' T I i•:■ uphold 11 home, views with deepesl regrn tin that tli. Weddlni atti pub! In "Ui opinion, it is making ■ burleeque of ti. • lit of mai rtmen! • entered upon, not volii >. but foi '.n purpooea ordained by «;<><l I ntlng of hotnea, from which shall ■ • ■ . NELSON. of man tlc.n fi«T reading - in the v. dele repoi ■ vention. Congrai Judaon "ii attaining her Itth I i •. '.i to hold r ' tountry Produce Bnd, :» In<> Juml therlck waa appointed "Whit. ban" Reportei I ma neu membei mm. ill \i. \ i attend or Gordon -; i « *• i»ti■ • i and tin ■ dealing wit h the young p< oj and. in rloaing, aaid the influence women ia wanted now aa ne in rep 1 y 11 re not up. but tin to Iki\,• ihem hung In 11 n Tha leaeoa Ii only I dard \ i itru \ e a 111 OftOfl \\l. \ Ml Bell ... during the winter month* II iwd< n w elcomed hito the Union Afternoon m Mil 111 . \i i IT Tl i • • ..;. in tin- < hall ; good ntti ndii memben and friendi d bj nn "Tl • Wlllard." 11 on "He the -ii of l »rink " tfternooi tea Pour neu mem(iMiiitli in the i I who hel| hment Tent ai show i la, donation! or I nit of ' 'onvent • wai warmlv tl PONKONBY. \i •'■■ ■ k <>n "Hei Work ti 11...,,I 1 ...,, and ITnfoi or ,- it\ .ii.i crime Ilia' - ■ t v ipr warm welcome ' londed to 1 fter her vlell I \ lati • gn In Victoria M l our del rt of I *on\ ent n Kl in I \ \\ ICcFai i "The Dee] •mn tli-- "White Ribbon " M Baldock, accompanied bj M M T tk," and Mrs Oodl Sermon " a vei ' Convention w 1 kland Bxerui i.rir • U • tint; \\) i In progree*, oui mei ' ■ ''>'■ Mra l mnn ■ lltth tok< n ol ! >VI would nil tha pi ' '"■ many prett> 11 tro> .'ii by fir.r IPABOA. *pi 11 i' • ittend ••■• ■ \ hearty welcome M mi; ' !oB m of i • •' t ii ■ W.C.T.IJ in H" v lered by Mra M N ikelton; m u < I PI l \> \n l POINT Mra. M Neui i o\ er ■ good Bxpe ' tig afiaa C M M I to hold i publ n 14th Mi' Mi ■■ d three al< K people durh onth.

. R H Little month. igh, our del* . iiik tl lon. . report on all eul of tl PAPANI I. Apr 10 M ttendai ■ Hi \ ery Intel lint of thi vention, and to atari Bai monthi ■ Mi 11. PI rONI i Tinit.. n' m< i rter presided I■• hold a J foi M Bhlll ml; Pund, M porl iition. which was both ■ Jamee, at the Methodist P denl 111 worl t lull-. "Men • • I luring the • t he Hid tlitlll irei \ i" lutiful hou adoi ned with ■ "v handed to 111 ag 11 111 t I:. • .. ■ i b> the 1 • •XIII \ I I \ M ... • V IS prerenl M World W.C.T.I) ... \\ '"'!' ; work In \ arioua ; Ihe world ■ . Med i. Ided to nun I to do n button, v ■ Pal kindly offer* hold npe< lal I'• ■ 2-91 li Pinal ;• ii angemi ni> w• the ■ ement of thi and Mi - W ' RANOIOBA. \,., |4 lira. Thwail I ill: T • that Mr- Philip Snowden B)dam's <MiaiH i-; the E; ileclared, thai dm 11 i • i.. ■ KM C MM ON. n I Report Veil, lillt tli t hrough ! 111-health of 111 • his t-ffl-i • • ' m ■ i,i-a n m Perg ■ • nki >oi THBROOK. Maj I i I: ■ ' ted, and ■ number of membei present 111 Thw aiti ■ prealdi d T< mp< ra n i iddn the u r t ■■ 'int lon ' -1111111 addreaa given by Mi W ' Williams, <d" ath and 1»\ eiop -riti •. iion \ Mi «'onventlon III l>l M l>l\ I " ting for one u,>ii the i leri W« shall niir * li > wenl about • aaed With hi Miaa V I Convent lon, i nd rtllj thai i i \ M \l.l\A. \> -i II at tho hoi Mi - ' loulton Mr - Bui roug he and one rlaitor pi •

and ■ . poi t bj oui i on the good n had made of her time, Ten sin ito 1 k>n Pund. i \K \ri n \.— A] M \ -itoi, who w.i men! in India «me and one now W hite May i i tu.i nt Hiddle t he 8< •• ntifli T< :•.; • ranct U HI oil.. en ai i im UN ■ < oti\ out ion balam ■ noon roi ■■nil.i thi talk on h« Ji• to | : ■ \ nhbui 11,n .- uith beautiful cr nd bouqu* flow ii ■ Tu u new mi I ' Ml l\ \ \|i i i Roll .id. : ' i he ai rai Roll Sui Blaki I Dill t 111' \ H .. !t 11 111. •i: ■ \l ■ I and a elcom ed tl v i . Radl te duet, M N.-iln \ I r'.- rt I t in- children; ea« h child a \\ \i|{»>\ ipi Iven ! ported l"" I i i. \ Mra T.ifoid. \\ \ll*l Kl It \l nd : t Band oi Ho| • \> • nvenl i<»n ■ • d w \im vi i:. \i-i I >eii gal ■• -1 on l lomln ion ' '•■ ue Head quarter* rould be to Bi .\ ho do not li\i \ n made to thi numl wai not ■ ...| : . .1 \\ \\ (• \ M I I \ I on ti Stall on \pni Reci Bee, I • Mr i M and : our Million Shilling Pund, Fleadquarl 1 :.lnl full The P ■ ! memben to "■ ■> fore ard" maki ■ r the best and hu Ml \< ■ ' lojit Headqu ind our Union I* iota i, Hnanclnti ■ame WANOANITI i RNTRAI Mm I Mi\: \l • if from \\ a\ i 11.-- A n niuh [uaton \ lett< i from th • • •■ Pr< alao • 11 >omlti i.. te hold tli*- i • J a'.' Ith It ntf. whin a for tlu- \\ I d. LATE BRANCH REPORTS IMffBI BI 081 of S\ in I with Mr Q W I M vr* of our "W R " aiati r Mra ii Button, In ment, «n» u ith wi nal alcl \

. «.r,i "'• with thai lining plans i ■ le \n I the "White Ribbon," "June"' tnei tint n to Million Shilling Fund, and • A vol o Modi) made th< ■ v Daj T< ■ r.■i ii.. I X Petri*, i Mr. < thnnke to Mi Itl I Mil IM W M Sunt!. members. Impromptu ap< •■ h< \ M M :i,i ludKed the s lnn< r. Ai • i hand for i "Mi Hall r M Mel 1 • 111 N |(»|. M public me< ting "n m . m i. would give an nddn intei• Convention." I ( MICI-K 111 Ki n • ■ on \ • the I the 1.0.0. T held In Christ* h following resolution ' i-:.iu. • - of the H purpo nf alcoholl CARTERTON \i held last month, Tylei .•tii !.\ lo reti, "T v \ r,ir \-'•• mooi T\ ler and i' 1)1 Ml»l N x Ml II." i• • - led 1 • • It of Jumble I ,-,n donated to th< Fund Lettei from M . t ii.i it a everj Mrs. Tayl ind help ng Fund I'm ■■! i to be minion Exe utlve, asking for • \ n ,i-. omprehi n ount of i •n. wli > . making tleadquarl ' M ' M \\ I'IYMOITH Mr M! " ■ tarv of ' ! been held and paid by during the month. havin I n received made for the PradW I ■ ' nion for of the lo il m ioi 1 y our ~i,i 0 f the .-'• ' Dim time In mer mei '.V til" P li ».< the ' n.i. Nor N'. u- •/. Aland • ° r the i Drya eiuo many

humouro B hoa laughabl) la on ti.. v full noon aas b< >ught to dalnl W\ DI'HI llvl i mstetrb .tl appea I to ntly, when Mr. Fee and Rev. Qllberi ■ ■ hold later In & ot :n..ii Headq I on Tl r 1 »nink. England Mra. H oil \l. May ( Mi '< • ■ ball . el of ther, ly in \ hort addi Ford i i I'll lON SO pi hair, and Mi- W laon f"'i repoi onventlon, wl appi • all pi two vivid r< -I I'ikn Ma) i Good T< MilI 111 \MI H, M nded ! o\or I Mi nvention » and much a] I very ( • «lii.h \ our funda Two members, each month, art ell. I \t It \M. \ ' : • ! methods of li rship. < 'ol ed l" I to i heque for Ml Had Mount !••

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White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 418, 18 May 1930, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 418, 18 May 1930, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 418, 18 May 1930, Page 11

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