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News of the Union.

Write in ink; on one side <»f paper. Don't send newspaper report*. IXun't *md report* | months old, they only go in waste p*M>er basket. AKA AKA. .In !i. SBSt M Vtiihrson pnsiduiK. It* I" .unit M|iiar»-s, ami 7s. Mi l"i \ .nuku .mil form mm strong branch. \K\l \ll IK KOFI »<l Jul Morgan pii-si.ifii. splendid meeting, tw< member* present B for. T! B. W. H apeka "ii K >n<i wm iked foi i in address. < ana sou ■ niniMi • i geea v\ v. oi >i» a orth i n.I w Iddup. At CKI.A.ND. .1 u I is illnow* Ml I :. II IlleS. al,. -lit Illustrated i I been pre ented bj the Union to tl i • in tii- tiieupplied bj the \iii hi • in replj to tin- resolution* forwarded t>> Mi I \i p., he expresssd bis ssppon R< expressed that Government had hit.-.i the ..n Ait I'liion.* kfra Cook - Dterestaaaj repei t sf I the ■ mil i !oun< ii of Women h*i • »«\ lew MiK ? i < \ 11 m•■in i.f the Union ted *l the stall in Winter Show, erhich s/ss under the r i he I »istri< t Bx< ■ Btli i lt\l.n>l It. July. Mrs m Donald is the hair I: it loss of \ President by resasral R< ts held Ponnd a ftlmoos for \ Home EHrss ts speak oi from "White Ribbon" rend b) sssn ItKOOKI ¥N.—M ■ rtft« en in* n • ii b) t he i'i< Mrs i H.ii men ■ most int 'ilk. .'ii.l Mi - Man.l.ii* t. ..i l the mernbera spoke «.n bsr wmk fsi <^<«i n in.La Pi • pi <>\ i.i' a! til imcKti • CHBI KrT. Jul n..- small. Mrs. < 'llfford in the ■ liair. ■ ollecttos boi spenod, showing content • l ir.s. . ..!!.■■ ted for Mm lon thilllni I pnin N*\t msstlsi t<> Im snd I' u\ Afternoon OABO Will K. Jul) II Me. Mn | Ife'a Mn Reynold! presided, vei . present. I'sual in provided b) Mr- Ral llffe snd hei dauarhter, Mr* Rlin| DANNBVIBBJC. Jul) II Mrs Wslker, President, presided; four meml>ei and Berretsr) T Dg ws* a.i«lresssd I Mutant Maraden ss bsr "Work in I Th«- ii..mi., i - arsr* Intoosel) in '.•<i mi bsr rsmarhn a boaity rati thank- w ..I Afternoon tea handed round. DKXIM'OKT. - July 17 A happy tint* was SBSSd With the t'radU- Roll chlldrsa hop, Cradle Roll Bupsiintendeut, prossnted ■ good precrsmine, n<nd sarh rhild ysd h »rift an.i boa <>f swssts Rei Hoskm nddrssssd the meeting; Mrs Wll liains. President, thnaked Sternberg ami friends for . imlng ss ssrk i srsl aftsrnasan. ThS handinir around of refreshments rlosed a \*t\ slsnsnnt nfternoon. KDKNDAI K (Aseksssal) I presided, gwsu attendnnce Nomlnntlona Dt*tr t RXI at ds of Mi i. I ed, ' n on forming L.T L deferred VolUl iksd for Is li* 1|» at the Stall at tin- Winter Ihon I" led our nt'xt meettaaj Pny-Up s<»,iai Aftornoos t.a 00KB. Jnlv tl Ptesldsnl m the i hnlr. Membership Reporter appointed, Arrai ments for quarterly Executive made -iRT> Dngvnn exptnlned ths Bjrtlnbns fsr ths Y Pmn h iiiiMlili: (Wsaejassri). ii v ii Meet ing held Is Knox Presbyterian Chnrrh to 'onsiiU-r tlio formation of a I<>. al of ths W.O.T 0 Mrs iMixii.dd i»istri. t r aVBBt, presidtd pent a Rood ntMii-lan.■••. Miss

v M ni I, Don nion Or| the W.C.T.I l - led to foi h, and twelve nes membi nut i.iti d The following sf) l< i M « ns. . HI <;..i'\ ill.- \ •..•mi. \ I lilotl K • '• \ " M \s | IM.v I k Tnylot Dnj ~ . • , i. M. ho . on "I* ad< r*hi| helpful counsel t<> t 11• - women srho Isssne si < •■< -i, i sen .•ii II \M I <M K NOHTII. luM M Elliott pi • - ' dent inflnsnss kiiss BUletl report <r It'll to t • | nscemi >i \ i ks lust threuffti I t i'i. - dent, it sslnfl Memorisl D appro intlsn of Mr. T. I was rend Voti nk* t.. Elliott, who, assisted b) Mr- Webb, provided ill NDI i(si)\ m piatt in the . hair, sttsndnwce esrj i Gordon spoke on "Tl ■ BJOSd ts Motls sins hsr remnrk* sa Tltne i ■ nl w onitii being I N'i < bsnrtlly themked I r for hei Afternoon te* Kl MKI . .lul\ If. mil .itt.n.l.ui. .. Pre sident in <halr A parcel of rlotl s«-nt to th«' v member added to the "Blrthdnj Lengw " Afternoon KAIAPOI. a rsrj Intei Individual member* reading articles intt-rrst to all Tim Bscrstsr) reported ' ing rocslrsd :i wslcoms donation <>f ii from Mr ,i. Mi- \i, k. n roperl slh» had k'ot •■ L r ht tilt i •• pernm e Kxasy. I.AWRKM K. Jul) tiiK < 'orrt'sponden* e r< Mr. W. A Hod k i Ml' also frmii I U>mHo i rt.aii during afternoon, written b) l >r I Mat fs Mills, on ' \\ Qlft." I.OMKK 111 TT. July Fan at! • ii apslsgdsa ft ass si. k msmbt .nt ts Bsoanen'a R Plymouth. Two dologntss appomted to Blble-ln-hV hoots 1 Mi> Tnl( full and interesting; a< count ol Sf T I Ta\ lor and Work ll of Temperance, whli h ws* m i ay ail (>m efforts this month are te M< qnnrtsra, II 2s Id; sfllllos Ihllllag Pund, Btrthdnj Fund. Sa . whh h also u. Iquartera Fund Decided t«. M. Lny t.. funs g early date. M \t M.ATI Rtrro i ; i attend n *t weal hi t Vei i helpful letter from Miss Harbsnd, * Ith nui t.» mi. i. as,, our I '• i'i''' l te m.minatf prsn ved from R i 'alder for pa i ob re letter te our M P I '<•• ki< d te ask bun to roes, that for minors '.»■ not MsSI than i< :'l v " decided t.. ■itions a* pa*s«*<i b) Osnvsntlon MT. ALBKRT. Jul> 1' Splendid atti an. *•. members belag present ; Brnct ■ i i. t < iff Final arraaup ror t *i«- »p« I.TI. on July 22nd. Aft.rnoon tSS and Milt \>l \lt Jul) ii Meethu attended, Mrs. F\ ded Delegate to District Bxscntlve chosen; aim tsa t*» the Mild.-in s.dioids Bodoty** nueotkag Th,spssksr wna Mrs Perymnn, sa "The I ward M>\..iu.'nt of the ■Jf.O.T.U..*' and address araa sdnentlve and much enj< Hakes to the \ alue of sM NK« PI.YMOITII. July II Mlsi Dfwn ptaaHefl Temperance fact 'That Alcohol •\ Bjnrlsna ts Athlstss. M Urssssl | r J Ward. prot< I i net fa«iiiti...« f<.r punhllnc; asaaaJ reply, Lettsra sf thanks for sympnthjr Moathl) ropori of BsJa I shows l .22*. visits by watiM-n Preotdonl anra aa ad on "LeaffUe «'f Nations ". Tvffrey fnTS int<-r»'stin>r r»-p<>it sf District Four otlmr kadlsa all testified to the Inspiration received, ami voted it the best District Convention \<t thanks to Ms TssTllJ Mrs DsOxflns imvo

in Aug NORTH liltli.llinN ■ ssal to eorthqu Horn i la Mar inns ■ . nt NOMMANBV. Jul) It ghl mem bei - i member Inltistod \ •t" anti ■ W ■hi Tnrnanki Pn - a bj OT AMI HI. Mil 1 M ths and m V OTOBOHAIiOA. July n I mto all those »i Mm M< Adam* hostesses for - I* \ 111 \ i i \ i i • per on t!.. 1'....: ... W.C.T.U In New Zealand ' I■• sr mm ad to th« Hunt< i -« Bill Mr* Marband w Ith thS Maud sf 11 I 1 • VI Kl HI I \ lul) II \n<\ tin* • . k*t-ps ~. ui: * sf u i.i.-. turn afternoi i appointed Orgnmisl I to ■ • new men bei - \ i PONHONBI a \»r .In welcome hom< I \ pap< t on I i! 'i Tw i> in \% men ' POBI MMlIt I 1 ■ M.P ■ Kl I PI MN Wlllard." which * h) RANOIOBA. I lett< is in repl) >• h is •T I Tn) ks M that i ler. «»|Mtl A PON d.-nt i I addn meat wore dlst'i buted promised to . olle* ted for the M ' mir Unlovi Tin. • si \ \ jui\ || Mn B amal ship." and a t lon A hool «'omm'f.-f wfl hool* question Mlsa T Hai two solos. Illll" 1

IS Kl iTI. Jul M il \ . I ■< i .ill.) • Mr fm our ro-oporatlea fur I leadOAU It. i - Fund. !> Il>l .ii- foi W Int. Kllttx llMlli'lton !». IdOd | lit bank I Mrs Qrtadhv) thanked Mi I for < < >lli 1111. tO Us tli.i. lu-i ua- \ot,,| to the ' ' vftei noon tea i>i <>\ ided b> lIM \KI . Jul) 11 Rp< •l\ attendant :i»i.l i ,i.~t laapii nik r .luh si. M. n. 1.1 m m m. LA| led devotioaa, :m.| «* on "Mr. T Fran Memorial n>i Law, T.V. li.n.i Secretary. aaMroaeod •ill loft foi ' 11. rMifciitti. Led with M -Ml' in -\ iti |... 111 \ ■rlCll I .'.solution* brOOUjhl forward ».\ I moil i *«.ii\ .lit ion Pi se.t I •■■l. TAI MAKI MI. Julv M eanhnhl | Mrs. Jtni'v e'dreeeed the meeting;, .tn.i . !. .l| pre. rtte.l A It-It.-I i from Mr. M P., prom whole hearted iiupport of the r< pa—!•>l .it i «.iit.-ioat .• i>n .. i - <i>| -<• iiit*-.i tor romlag rani won I'u-." Mn Marrn) Mi- Ih-eil, Tren*., Mrs. Hii.mii. \V | Mi- Lawiem i. <ra.ll. Roll, Mm i -«.u I \l l( \N«. \. QOOd aft, ll.lain . . hall taken i.> Mi- ■myth Decided w. Bead] .i of s) atpath) to oui •. hop nN MM Ma] anna hi bath heM Ai ranajed i in Bkv I raooa t. M \ll Kl . Julj \.-al pr« aided, a \ot, path) w.i- pneaed with Vi - 1-Vnwi. Kit! '..Mi in hei Mi> K.. -p.-r. ■ f An. khuni. nten ting addreoo . . m Motto, Monif. Humanit \ " Alt. rri..oii t. <>t thunks to Mi - Kaapei pi. i I'lilll tfl II llietiihef s W .-I . |n . M UMATB, Juu Mn Rei prat h■ ' M KnsiMti Thou an mtfi i sting talk on "OpportUH Mtre.HMUL- the need ~t evei lieing on tin appertnnltleo oi doing .11. flits tor OOBVetttlOO ad Committee! tet up Reffignatiou oi Beeretar) received on account ol removal to .moth, i ,li>ti i' t lu-i.oit .( Million Bhllliag Fund col loot lan rocelvad, and •uiit to hand forwarded !•• ; toe n.-w member. ? ? * •Ma Haw I, .iui> 11 m i r |« ~, ,i Kuve i splendid addraao, which was taken from the booklet! oa Hygiene, wiil<*h McLo ktfl aai froin the Iral aaaanjjp H 1..1.1 BoU Wright's hook. ••Tlo- Shepherd of the Hills'' Decided to mi..' ■ delei to DlatrUt Convention One n. \% mei WAUhMtIKTII ! Bympath) to \v eta iin-i Mis Hamilton Letten from the Prime laTti ttlag to n solution re removal of han from Ait Uaioni Mi-. Monk -»<nt thinks t..i rlothhag tl rta Inaplrtßg article an *Weaaea la the Hon,. \\:.i ■ Hj y. ul D| Tot.. I ai.-i • . Pledtft! ii l.y Mrs.. Phillip.-. v\ ho a>, oo of iiiemlterH . v in. would ki\«' ohorl papari m t.iiks on aahjarti rahataaf la WOT V. woi k «'..ii. < ti, | l'lyinoutli Seamen'■ Real Mrs Verr) aj. point.-.i White Rlbboo 4saai Pay-T'p -■ in Beptembei Mr.I.UX.TO.N. Au K . 1 Mi- -—'nn prenhi.-.i. goad attondaaco To the babk Schools U'.iku.', Mi-s.laiiics ll rman ami Mm i. appoint. •) ileleawt: - lomlolenoo was puam-.l to th. i. latlroa of the hit.- Mi iw.x.tii ~ M. int.t-i ..t our Union. A ohorl Mo« l. hi on Tin- nev.l oi moi i .in.l .-lit liu.-i:.sin in oui iMM M. ml-. Oampahjav' Baad Mis t k Taylor'* ii t.-i «-v«-i> member to -vii aaja hook ••f Hi k« ■ »n»- new uiemhei. "In Memoriaui ;t raoawtly, an.i took the larai al imi e\.-iiin»r meeting. »n l.> Mn aaolrOWl and an oddrooa b) Mis. Qlovei M. utioii ua.s ma.l. of thom \. i... p to hia~hei aei \i. >• .lui uik tl.. |

I%'YMIaHAM. Jul) ll mi- a4Maai pi. M.iuik'. t«-n aaaaahara praaoad Tiu.- ( - aood read on "Pioneer Tempei Unrki-i.H," h) Mrs. Shav\, Mrs Wilson, an.l Mian Aymm, the lOJHt*fO holag hoartil) thanik»'.l Aft. itioon t.-a h.ui.h.l iouii.l

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Bibliographic details

White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 409, 18 August 1929, Page 11

Word Count

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 409, 18 August 1929, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 409, 18 August 1929, Page 11

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