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News of the Union.

Import promptly—write in ink—on <me side of |*»per.

Al CKUtKI). —Ort. 8. Maori Da>; Mr* Cook raided, a K«>o<l number present; rollectlon for Maori work. Mrs Fulljamen gavi- an interemrtiK report of the work; the Maori women had appreciated the clothing sent b> the Union. and aiao copies of White Ribbon>|n* Paisley, President of Invercargill South, was wtlinmtd to the meeting. Mid gave a very interesting account of the work at Invei' argill. Shu said Victory w.m aure. though It may come slowly and gradually; die urged each one to keep the vision of a drj New Zealand before them, and to pray and do tnelr part to help to make the vision a reality. A very nice assortment of garments were brought to the meeting by members, to be went to the Willard Children's Home; donation also sent, Grants wenpassed to tiie various departments of work. Mr* Harris, of Christchurch, was welcomed to the meeting. AI’ITI. —■Oct. 2. Fourth annual meeting at Miss Leslie's. The afternoon wo* very wet; eight members and six visitors present; ITesldent presided. After the singing of a hymn, Miss Leslie led in prayer. A letter of appreciation anti sympathy to be *nt to Mrs Oil I, whom W* have lost by removal. The following officers were fleeted;—President. Mrs Murray; VicePresidents, Miss Leslie and Mrs E. Miller; Secretary. Mrs Wilson; Treasurer. Mrs L. (Jould; W.R. Agent. Miss K. McKenzie. A dainty afternoon tea was served, after which Mrs Robertson, of Falmerston, recited two me. e*. An Interesting competition brought an enjoyable afternoon to a dost*. One new member HALFOIK —Oct. 26. The atniuai meeting; the President, Mrs Orr. presided over a fair attendance. The annual report, presented b> the He*-rotary. Mrs I>. M<T>onald. shewed that the branch had had a busy year The attendance at the monthly meetings had been satisfactory. The President atid Secretary attended the annual District Convention in November, and gave a full And interesting report of their visit. The branch was also represented at Miss M<('orklndale’s Lecture in July, and the Quarterly District Convention in August. Mrs Fair bairn. President Southland District Union, visited the bran: h In May, and gave an interesting report of the Dominion Convention. Miss McLay, Organiser for the W.0.T.U., gave a most lloquent address at the September meeting. The present financial membership of the branch is 22. and we have aiao 10 scattered members. Right meetings have been held, fl donated -.lie Willard Home, and fl Is. to Um <*radle Roll Superintendent for birthday etc., leaving a small amount for woiKing expenses. The Cradle Roll Superintendent reports 78 aiames on the Roll. The "Bring and Buy* S*!ee at the meeting helped the funds consideiably. In July, the branch organised a "Pound” Afternoon for the Victoria Home. Invercargill, when Matron Niven gave an address. This was a greet success, and it Is Intended to make it an tunual afTaJr. Off lew-bearers elected:— President. Mrs Orr; Vice-President, Mr* Marshall; Cradle Roll Superintendent. Miss Uddell; Notable Iwy Superintendent, Mrs A. Liddell; W.R. Agent. Mrs D. Ildronald; fk-cretary and Treasurer, Mrs D. McDonald. <‘ur next meeting and last of the year will be a "Pay-Up” Boc<al. Dainty afternoon tea provided by Mrs A. Liddell. IH.KNHKIM.—<Oct. 8. A successful and well-attended evening Social to welcome Miss M* I,h> . Mrs W. M Smith t President) presided, and Mi** McLay gave n splendid address on the ’’Origin of the W.C.T.U.." and "Alcohol as a Racial Poison." Songs w>re contributed by Mesdaniea Wilson and Underhill and Mrs Hroadbent. which were much appreciated. Oct. I®. Wall-attended "Hume" meeting at the residence of Mrs Underhill. Miaa McLay gave an Interesting talk on "Home Protection." Songs wen* contributed by Me-d allies Craig. Mrs Underhill and Miss

I*angilon-Lane. Five new members Joined our I'nion. The Blenheim W.C.T.I . an* organising concert parties, and with Mias M« Isiy as our speak, r. are visiting the country districts, and hope in this any to gain a few votes. DISTRICT REPORT. Oct. 8. The District Officers and Miss Me lAy visit#*! Tua Marina and formed a branch of the W.f.T.U. Mrs l nderhill. District President, presided over a fair attendance. Miss McLay ga\e a very interesting and instructive address on the "Story of the Crusads” and the "Early History of the W.C.T.U." The following officers wen* elected: —Mrs It. Ford y re, Presi«|ent; Mrs Smith, He*-retarv; Miss Botham. TreasurerMrs H. Whit*. Cradle Roll Hupt . Mrs ltob'timm. \\ ltit-9 Ribbon Agent. BAZAAR. Oct. 18. Tiie members of the Blenheim I’nion field a very successful Novelty Hasanr in the Town Hall. Mr W. J. Girling, M l*., opened it with a few suitable remarks, explaining the objects for which the motie* wus raised. The member* had worked well, and the following stalls were wellstocked: —Mother's Stall, Baby’s Stall, Sweets. Produce. Cakes, Ice Cremn, Jumble and Afternoon Tea. all being well patronised by the public, the proceed* amounting to I 4«. I OI.IJMiVHNNI. —Ort. 2«. Annual me ting Six preset, and Mrs Jamieson In the

chair. Diw* UHMinn re more subscriber* to White Ribbon ami distributing literature Article out of White Ribbon read re Prohibition. Our President read the order of Count it ut ion of W.C.T.U. Three new members initiated. Afternoon tea nerved. I lIKl'Tt 111 IU l».—<>ct 10. Vim* Hender*nn presided. Mm Norrie, President of the Timuru Union, was welcomed an N.Z. Superintendent of Work Among Seamen an*l Sailor*. e*id waa congratulated on gaining Mrs William Thacker’* prize* offered in that department *ome three year* ago A donation of £*. la. wn* received from Mr* Wicks, and * .ote of Appreciation pured to Mlw H'nderaoa Mesdaine* Glen ami oilpla, fur the work they had d«*ie at the I'mi.-nloyed Depot for over t lir«-a» mouth*. Member* were asked to aaaiat Mr* Rojrd * Committee in the distribution of literature, and to buy ticket* for the ('onversa r. lone, to be held In Jelllcoe Hall, orgatii*e<l by tiie National Co ism ll to welcome their repreaontAtl vck back from tiie Pan - Pa«-ifVc * ’onference at Honolulu. Congratulation* were pnosed to Mi** Henderson «*n her election of President to the North Canterbury District I'nion. al*o to Mr* W. J. William* a* Vice-President. Report* of tin- recent District Convention were given by the delegnte*. who were accorded a la-arty vote of thank* A resolution wa* pa**ed. thanking tiie Railway Department for granting free passage of liternture to the Men’s Camp

Ht Parnaaaua. Members v i re urged to bring in suitable papers ami magazines tor tin* Hack Hlork Department. Oct. 21. Mrs Richard* presiding. Vo ten of sympathv won l passed with Mrs Brownlee and Mrs I*. Mi Kcc in bereuv anient. Ihm i<le«l to liohl a prayer meeting on Pulling Day, also a Home meeting on Novotnlx*!' Ist. at Mrs lloddhiotr*, to In addressed h> Mi Lowry. Miss lltnckwell explained tin* method of I'ostai VotinK. mat uncial mem* hers to ilo all ill their power to gain \otes ill this way. Maori I»;»> was observed. Mrs W. J. Willlaiiis brought two Maori v i Is, in train Wig at the Methodist 1 >eacun**ss’ Home, who performed a Poi dance, and Miss Kirk wood made an earnest aptn-al to members to do all In their power to gain Prohibition at the coining eleetlon. Mis \V. J. \\ i II in in s spol'.e on the frreat valu* of hold nig Home meeting* wlieiever pn.>alhle, statimc her willingness to speiiK it not alread> engaged. Afternoon tea was served and provided hv five or six of the nieiul**rs, and a collectitai was taken up for the Maori Fund. ( V - 11 Ml 1(1 liik. held at resilience of Mrs laiwry. Annual report, read by retiring Secretary, showed that all the special days’ had been duly observed. Addresnes were gives! by Misses Henderson and Rauglmn, and papers contributed by Mesdaines Lowry, Thornton, Kidson and Maeleod. Temperance charts have been presented t<» the local school, and essay prizes offered. Contribution* have been made to Willard Home and Caiupuign Fund during the year. Mrs Gilmore addressed us upoM “Maori Work," and congratulated the Union upon a creditable year’s work. Officers were elected ns follows: —President, Mrs laiwry; VicePresidents, Memlaiiies r*ra»Toft, Wilson. Holland, Taylor and Mowron; l!sc. Secretary, Mrs Kidson; For. Secretary, Mrs Maeleod; Treasurer, Mrs Hodges, < ill \ lor \ Mrs Clifford in tlm chair. A Home meeting arranged for October 26th, when a visiting speaker would l<e present. President read an account of Convention In Christ hun-h; received with great Interest and a vote of thanks. Reported £2 donated to IN illard Home. A motion was passed that contents of collect ion box be lists! for c impugn purposes. Afternoon ten IdNMMIIKI merit; Miss Heaton presiding. only five members and Secretary being present. Miss Heaton gave a very Interesting ac ount of the District Convention. A wile of cakes realised fl, to be sent to Wdlard Home. I HI \ I) \ I I chair; good attendance. Mrs K: - per addressed the meeting, and gaw a verv able talk on the ‘‘L.T.L.. Methods and Work." As a result. It was agreed to carry on the present Hand of Hope till after election, and then to try and organise an L.T.L. branch In connection with the W.CT I KDKMHI.F. (*»« it Ido ml) tit. II \nnnl meeting; Mrs Malcolm preshied • several members took part in special lira vers. A wpwtal col Iwt i on to I taken up for Willard Home at the November meeting. Several numbers agreed to attend the avinuul District ('or. vent loti, to t>e he’d in Invercargill on hth and 7th November. It was agreed that the smn equal to 1/6 per member, be our contribution to Organising Fund. Mrs H. E. Niven read the balance-sheet, which showed a credit balance of fl IHs. 'id. Following office-bearers were appointed:—President, Mrs Malcolm; VicePresidents, Mrs Flnlav and Miss Cmnstown; Secretary. Miss Helen Hall, and Treasurer and W H. Agent, Mrs Horace Niven. I I \< oi It I shlent) presided ovi r :i good attendance. We were \em fortunate in havng Mrs Peryman, White Ribbon Editor, and Mrs Jones. District President. with us. The evangelistic put of the meeting was conducted by Mrs Jones Ir a verv able manner. \v. t iv \. i \ grateful ■ c Mi Pm her excellent address. Tin* subject of "Chihl and Money Waste" was dealt with In a very convincing way. Visits from such talented ladles arc most encouraging to us. Mrs Hollinahead. v ho was initiated at this meeting, sang, in a very pleasing style, "The Burden Bearer." Afternoon tea was served at the close. Mrs Robinson presiding. ntti-Mdam-c nine. Regret unhide to send a delegate to District

Convention 14s. sent to Willard Home. Officers elected:—President, Mrs Robinson; Secretary, Mrs Bolitlio; Treasurer. Mrs Olicw ; Cradle Roll Supt., Mia Jones; W.R. Agent. Mrs Kcnnard. Votes ol thanks were tendered to Mrs Samllliolme for her services as Organist and M r s Bolitlio as Secretary during the past year. Supper was served by Mesdames Kobinson and Jfolitho. III.N HI IKON. (Ht i Th( in • ftfteen Minutes, devotional exercises. Mrs Platt m tiie elixir, gixwi attendance. lk*ci«led to mention Armistice Day to our H.S. Muperintendent, a*nd do all we can to talk Peace. 1 »ecidcd to arrange an evening meeting with a speaker from town If possible, to present prises to school children for best essay on Temperance. Committee formed to carry out details. Annual meeting to be held in November as usual, and Mothers’ Day early in December. KjUAfOL Ocl -’i Mi- Vlckerj < I dent) in the chair. < Jood attendance to hear an address by Mrs Goring, of Christchurch. The Secretary reported a very successful Concert, in aid of Rest Room funds, and votes of thanks were passed to Mr Pearce and Party for their services, also Mr and Mrs Fuhlscth and the Methodist Orchestra. (Hie new member initiated. Officers reminded that reports of the year’s work were to he given at next meeting. UIVKF.M E.—Oct. 17. Mrs Haworth in the chair. Correspondence from Mis: Powell, of Dunedin. Mrs Barton and Mrs Kdie, received. Mrs Howie and Mrs Kdie drew attention to Interesting clippings from other pn|*TM, illustrating to what extent the White Ribbon Organisation is growing. Paper read by Miss Hendry on "What the W.C.T.U. is lk>ing for the Maoris in the North Island." Vote of thanks moved by Mrs Stoke and Mrs Hav. i i \ i n i j Mi Cummins (Pn dent) presided; good attendance, twelve members present. President gave a very good rejK»rt of the Convention held at Pnhiatua; a vote of thanks was accorded her. Resolved that the Union pay Id. per member Capitation and supply flowers, also, if possible to get them. It being Maori Day, sjMcial prayers were offered for the Maoris and their work. LOW Kit HI TT.- <»<t. Mrs Spencer took the devotional meeting. Mrs Tait acting as Secretary. In the absence of Mrs Alderslc.v through Illness. Apologies were received from live members. Letters received from the Moera Union, thanking us for hooks ami music, from Mrs T. K. Taylor, congratulating us on gaining 21 new members, and from Mrs Perytnan, urging all members to trv and gain new subscribers for the White Ribbon. As it was Maori Day, a collection was taken up for that Fund. Mrs Crawford read the report of District Convention. and Mrs Spencer also spoke on some of the things w hich claimed her attention. Arrangements were made for providing our workers wfth meals on Polling Day. Annual meeting next m mth. to take the form of a Social meeting; members asked t<» bring parcels or money to the next meeting, to be sent to Willard Home. \ public meeting also, was held In St. Stephen's Church, when there were about fifty present. Mr Lopdvll was In the chair and Mrs Peryman was the speaker, and (poke on what the W.C.T.U. stands for. Ml thirteen, Miss Taylor and Miss K. Noble contributed songs. Supper was served by the ladies of our Union. MIRAMAR.—Oct. 11. Maori Day; Mrs Evans took the chair; attendance fair. Mrs Reid gave a good report of District Convention. The Treasurer’s report was rend amd adopted. At the close of the meeting, the President informally read extracts from an Australian paper, explaining the objects of the Pan-Pacific Conference, and describing tlie dclightf'd entertainments offered to the delegates. Flowers were sold in aid of Union funds. MAKOTI Kl'.- <v*t. 9. Good attendance, presided over by Mrs Fothergill. Mrs (Jolley (Secretary) read an interesting report of the recent Convention held at W&ipawn. Resolved to try and form branch of the L.T.L. next year, as several will he old enough to he transferred from the Cradle Roll. Afternoon tea was dispensed. (Glad to henr of L.T.L. Can't afford to lose our Cradle Poll babies. —Ed., W.R.). M AI NG \TI KOTO. --Oct. 11. Special meeting <o meet Mrs Lec-Cowle. District

Pres id is it whose address was much enjoyed I Public meeting held evening, at which! we had a good attendance of tenipcrauct| people, hut very few of the other side. Mol Patterson, who accompanied Mrs Lee-Cowi*. I sang several solos, which were much enjoyed I After defraying expenses, we were able send His. to District Fund. Mrs Lce-Ci>wi» u addressed school children next morning, and I departed for l’aparoa at noon. I Oct. 19 Good attendance. Decided to I send parcel of clothing to Willard lloiue I As Armistice Day falls on Sunday, resolved I that Minister he asked to make special I mention. Mothers' Day to be held or I November 21st. Much regret expressed at | our President's departure, and hope expressed for her future health and happiness. MANAIA. -Oct. Reported that the money raised by the organisation several years slno for shelter sheds for the school children, ha? boiai definitely handed over to the School Committee. Decided to hold a special meeting in the Methodist Vestry, on tin afternoon of Tuesday, 20th. Bu*inc.*.electlon of officers, and to make arrangement* for Election Day. Correspondence included a letter from Miss Henderson about the chart for the school, and one from Miw Lovoll-Smlth, pointing out how much help Is needed for the Organising Fund and educational work. A vote of sympathy with Mrs S. Bcnm-tt, formerly an active worker, at prt sent ill in hospital, was passed. Attendance was small, one visitor present, and apologies for absence received from several member*. MT. AI.RKRT. —Oct. 11. Annual meeting Mrs Bruce In tin* chair. Reports from Convention were given. Election of officer*. Mrs Williams, District Superintendent of Methods, supervised this part of the meeting. Mr* Bruce, Miss Fife and Mm Sutherland were unanimously appointed President. Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. Mrs Broadv and Mrs Kiff jointly Cradle Roll Sutwrintendents. Mrs Kims, White Ribbon There wan a good attendance, and refreshments were handed round. NORMANBV. o< t. 1". Annual meeting at Mrs (lane’s; good attendance of members. President in the chair. A protest to be sent to the Minister of Railways, condemning the Railway 1 ►epartment for the deaeration of the Sabbath Day. in the running of pleasure trains’ on Sundays. Reports of the year’s work were read and adopted. Election of officers:--President, Mrs W lb-van; VicePresidents. Mesdaihes 1 rvine, Fletcher and t'leimxit; Secretary, Mrs \V. (Jane. Box J. Nonnanby; Treasurer, Mrs J. Mueli; W.R. Agent. Miss Dickson; Cradle Roll Supt., Mr* D Frel; Press Correspondence, Mrs Irvine. Afternoon tea served. ONKIIUNGA. Oct. 4. As the result of personal and special efforts on the part of our officers and members, the Methodist Hall was full on this afternoon, about lf> ft ladles being prese*it, among them several young mother* with their babies or little ones, to hear Miss McCorkindale. (Nothing like personal effort; all try It- Ed., W.R.). Mr* Benfell occupied the chair and introduced Mi** McCorkindale, who, in a few words, took u* hack about 100, years ago when the first pledges were taken to "abstain from drinking spirits." Then came the pledge to "abstain from all Intoxicating liquors as beverages;" those who first took this stand were considered crH’.ik* and faddists. Mrs Benfell thanked Miss M*’Corkindale for her helpful talk; a hearty vote of thanks was carried by acclamation. Collection, £3. An invitation was given to ladies to Join the W.C.T.U. Afternorm ten followed. Cakes left over from the Tea given by our members, were sent to Sister Nicholls, who whs giving a party to the Maori Mission children and their mothers that evening. Collection divided between our Organising Fund avid the Alliance Fund. I* IPANI I. Ocl 11 M siding, good attendance. Maori Day; Mr* Glhnour read a palter, written on behalf of tlie Maoris by the Rev. A. J. Seamer. Mrs Paora also spoke on behalf of her people, and Miss Wilcox sang a song In the Maori t»mgue. Reported that there had been one Home meeting, and four new members enrolled. Next meetlng will he Cradle Roll Day. when all the members of the Roll, anil their mothers, will he entertained at afternoon tea. It wan decided that two prizes he given to each of the four local school a

for the best essays written on the Temperan<e question. A Brin*? and Buy effort resulted in a donation being Rent to the ~1 Home. I'AI'AUOA. —Oct. 12. Mrs J. Hamt*njn< sided A hearty weii onic to Mr* Le«-Oowic mil Mrs Pattlson. Our District President * iVe a very imiwessivo address, with realistic ui. lures of the suffering caused by alcohol. Llii.h she had witnessed duriDß bar work the Aucklniid District. Mrs Lee-Oowie s on behalf of our weaker brethren, ‘ k j nK us to do our utmost to abolish the ink traffic, was very touching. Mrs Puttison favoured us with threw solos, which we re thoroughy enjoyed. Afternoon tea was served. Many thanks were given to Mrs Lee-Cowle and Mrs Pattlson for visiting the Paparoa Union and giving such an enjoyable afternoon. A public meeting was held in U,e Garrison Hall at night, when Mrs L«eOowie gave a stirring address on the Temperance question, and in answering miestlons. gave conclusive figures, showing the increase of crime in Ohinwinurl shn’e So-License had been repealed. Mrs Pattlson. id Auckland, sang very effectively, and her songs were very much appreciated. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs I-ee-Cowie and Mrs Pattison. PETONK Oct. 2 Mesdaines farter ami Crow-ther were elected to try and arrange a meeting at Eastbourne. Mrs Annett gave report of District Convention. Mrs Crow t her reported re wall sheets and essay compet t on for schools. Schoolmasters were very willing to help as much as possible. Essay subject, The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Body. Three scholars; two prizes for each school Oct. 17. Red I etter Day for Union, when our Banner was carried to Eastbourne; a good number of our members made the trip. Mrs Peryman was the speaker, and explained tlio meaning of Women's Christian Temperance Union, for the benefit of those who had not heard or read of It. How there is an immense waste of child life through liquor. Why not. in New Zealand, such a beautiful country, build up the finest white tare in the world? Rid the country of alcohol, and give the children a chance. A programme of reel tat km and song was gone through bv the following artists:--Miss Nancy Play tor, Mesdaines Hayward. Press and Jensen. A hearty vote of thanK * ' VI accorded all who helped to make the afternoon such a success; thanks also extended to Trustees of Church. Afternoon tea was KAMA I A.—Oct. 11. President presided over good attendance. Devotions, minutes, roll call Gift Afternoon for Willard Home Mrs Hopwood read very interesting report „t Christchurch Convention. \ "te of thanks. Two new members joined the Union. I • elded to send a letter to Mrs England a member, ill in hospital. On October 16th. the President. Secretary and three men bers of the Union held a meeting at Te 1 n ti . where two new members and three m* subscribers to the White Ribbon were gained. The meeting closed wit., tn Benediction. . .« •*<H I II BRIGHTON. Oct. 2. Mrs Weaveis presided. Betters of sympathy to si« k mciubers. A donation of 10s sent to \\ 1 lard Home A Temperance fact was gi\en. dealing with alcohol In Mental Being Maori Pay. a paper was read, and a collection was taken up for the Maori work. Mesdaines Good and \\ a comprehensive report on the 1 ro\ inclai Convention. „ ... MH Til INVEKt AIU.II I - Oct. !» A" impressive address, given |'> 1 le u ,V, = *’ Gardiner on "What Have T See. in Tl ine House." It set forth the greatness of a mother's influence and power in a home. Throughout the whole address. there breathed a spirit of real earnestness and true sincerity, and ft vote of , carried bv acclamation. Mrs hairbaii presided and warmly welcomed the mothers. Miss M' l.ay. Dominion Org.miser, and Mrs Garrett, who has. for a time, been laid as d. through Illness, it was announced that District Convention would eonirneiui Tuesday evening, in Jed Street Hall, by . reception to Mrs Don and the representative delegates, continuing on Mi lncsday. MiThomson ami Mrs Hair sang a solo. Mrs u-e made an efficient pianist. Votes or thanks to the soloists and Po lal ( omir tee. SOUTH IH NEDIN. Oct. 11 G°°J tendance, presided over by Mrs Hintern.

Invitation from Y’s to their monthly meet ing, when the Maori correspondence would be read, ami a Dutch Auction held In aid of funds. The President reported hei visit to Green Island W.C.T.U., and asked any member who could spare time to g<> out and help them. Afternoon tea was wived. Mrs Williams rendered a solo very leelrimly. The report of Convention w.t: read 1»> Mrs McEarUine (delegate). In moving the '<*(< of thanks, Mrs W ili ams said wlmt a good one it was. The question of buying and presenting of Temperance charts to schools was again brought forward, and it was again decided to wait for further information. Annual meeting in Non ember, SANA I ICN ID! . —Very pleasant social Pay-Up Evening held at the hi me of the President. Mrs Poison; twenty members and friends present. Mrs Allen read i very fine report of the District Convention held at Mosgiel. Mrs Don addressed the meeting, and took for her subject the "Welfare of the Child.” Mrs 1 Maids and Miss Poison sang a duet. A very dainty supper was served. A discussion carried on re stemming the tide of drinking among our young folk, and only the personal touch < ould do this. Three new members enrolled. SKIIIHIN. — An "At Home was held recently. There was a splendid attendance of mothers and babies. Miss Me Lay, Dominion Y. Organser, was present and addressed the meeting. Seven new members were gained for the Union, and eighteen babies enrolled on the > rati I* 1 RollAfternoon tea was served, and a pleasant time was spent by all pres* nt. TA LUANDA Two visitors, ow a transfer and one new member. Mrs Christian gave a most interesting report of District Convention, and a vote of thanks was given to Mrs Christian for her report and for her many acts of hospitality. Decided we do not hold a refreshment booth on Polling Day this time. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Tobin, whose daughter is being held for ransom by bandits in China, with hopes for her speedy release. Afternoon tea was handed round, and the meeting closed with prayer (The sympathy of all White Ribboners is with Mrs Tobin In her time of anxiety.—Ed., W.R.). \\ | (CUM OR I H. twenty women were present. Two members w erv Initiated. Arrangen ents v ere made to receive Miss MeCorklndale. Mrs W. Hamilton gave an account of her visit to tin Plunket Convention. Afternoon tea was then served. * iff \ Clayton In the chair. Mrs llincley handed In £3 12s. <>d., collected from members for the Sailor’s Rest Refreshment I mi l. A hearty vote of thanks was ae< or Ird her. Work was arranged for Polling D. y. Aiinuil meet ng < elk 1 foi Ne eml WANGANUI EAH field presided over a fair attond.ui. " Regret wns expressed at the continued illness or our esteemed Secretary. Mrs Andrew We celebrated Maori Day. when a paper etitit •<!, "Ourselves .and Our Maori Fellow .Citizens, bv Rev. A. J. ffeamer, was read and «>lscuswd Collet tion amounting to 13s. 4d was taken towards Maori Organl.-ing Fund. k. branch announced October 27th for » om c: towards funds. Society of Friends invited i Talon to part P*t< i DRV next month (D V ). Two new members were enrolled, also one new subs niter for White Rihlon. A Pay-lip Social brought an Interesting and helpful meeting to a close. late retorts. Mill in it sow i" Cullen presided, sixteen present. Mrs < Tavlor. of Tangiteroria. gave the address on "Social Work." "Purity" being the • kl«* item dealt with. A collection was akj. ut>, £1 2s. being donate 1 to the '' ,u 1 Home. Afternoon tea served Oct 29. Special meeting. Mrs Lee < <»wi* (District President) visiting the district Miss Cullen presided, twenty-nine I"*'""The address of Mrs vvas very Instructive and touch appreciated. 1-ive new ."embers were initiated. A public meet ng was also held in the evening, umler the auspices of the branch; Mr Hill Taylor presided Mrs Lee-Cow e gave a splendid address to a very attentive audience, dealing

with various arguments put forward by the liquor interests against prohibition, such as unemployment and the revenue question, which was ably dvalt with. A vote of thanks to the speaker was carried |»y acclun. it ion. AKA AKA. <>it. 2.V Small attendance. Decided to change meeting day to the last Wednesday ; 12. v . iUiiihlol to District Campaign Fund. BIRKENHEAD. Oct. is. Small attendance, boisterous and wet weather. Delegate ga\e a report of Distriet Conwntioii. Dechlcd to donate £1 to Willard Home. Afternoon tea was handed round, then prayers were offered for prohibition. Special meeting for prayer on November Ist. i IKTEB rON. N Hn Bverj pn sided, twenty-two present. Fancy needlework from Mrs Peppered, Napier, received, and vote of appreciation to Mrs Peppered passed, also to Mr Haste for typing copies of district report sent to country members. Members Attention called to Postal Voting, etc., etc. Prayer meeting arranged for November 12th, all present promising to attend. Arrangements made for refreshments and workers for Polling Pay. Article on "Our Dominion's Drink Hill" rend ami appreciated. One new White Ribbon *uhscriber. Donation of £4 10s. to Willard Home passed for payment. Afternoon tea served bv the hostesses. Mrs Edge and Miss Waterson. ( \ MBRIDOE. Oct. I i addressed a good number of members. We were all pleased to have Mrs Peryman present. Her very earnest talk on "Ravages of Drink,” ami the scientific points touched on were very helpful. A vote of thanks was passed, and an enjoyable afternoon tea served, then we hade farewell to the speaker, who was on her way to fV>nv*"ntion. DAKftAYII I.K. —Oct. in. Mrs Page presided, fair attendance. Mrs Reynolds gave a very Interesting rej*»rt of the Convention, which nil present enjoyed. One new member. Oct. 27. Mrs Lee-Cowle held a street meeting, all who listened to her being much impressed. Oct. 30. Mrs Page presided; a large gathering of women and children. Mrs Lee-Oowle spoke to tin* mothers mostly, and urged them to remember tin* great privilege and responsibility that was theirs in training the men and women of the future. She received a very hearty vote of thanks Social chat and afternoon ten, all feeling greatly uplifted for the time spent with such a dear woman as Mrs Lee-Oowie. EDEN. -Oct. 17 Mrs Hayr presided over a Tood attendance; thirty-four present. Most inspiring addresses by- Mis Lee-Oow'c nnd Miss MeCorklndale, for which both were warmly thanked. \ Bring nnd Buv Sale, conducted in aid of Union funds, nnd afternoon tea was served. Nov. (J. Mrs Hayr presided over n good attendance. Mrs Fenton led the devotions, and members p raved for success at the coming Poll nnd the Pledge was repeated. A hrigthv discussion took place regarding tin* necessity of supporting a candidate for Parliament, who will stand bv the Temperance vote, and much was said in fnvour of sacrificing party for the candidate upholding sornid Christian Temperance views. EPROM. ( • • || ' * l• i Mr* Worslev presided. fair attendance. Much sympathy was expressed for Mrs Neal, our President, nnd her husband in the sad loss of their only daughter, and a letter has been sent to Mr Neal during his wife's absence in Toronto, conveying deepest sympathy from our Union. Letter read from Secretary of Tangiteroria Union, thanking us for adopting them as “country cousins.” also for papers sent to l*e read at meetings. Paper on "Gambling” read. Mrs Eulljanies gave a most interesting account of the Maori work, and later made reference to Nule Island and the flue \V P work being done there. Afternoon tea nnd collection brought the meeting to a close. Annual meeting tn be on 22nd November. II Votings 0.-t. jr,. Fair attendance; President i Mrs Banks) In the chair Maori Da\ observed, collection taken. Mrs Tkirhy conducted devotions, reading a paper on the "Friendship of Jesus.” The Secretary wan instructed to prepare all nmuml reports. Resolutions of sympathy’ accorded Mrs (’nilintro ftn d Mrs Ramsnv in their bereavement,

HAY KMX k NORTH.—Oct. 2»’.. Twelve present, Mrs Hpeight iu tin* chair. B« ientifli fart given. hotmtion find parrel received for Wiilard Home. 1 *degute was thanked for her interesting report of Wuipawa Convention, Maori Day observed, paper read, ami collection of ss. for Maori Fund. N.YPEHL N ii Pay -Up B tin l.eask presided. Statement from British Medical Journal on “Medicated Wines" was read by Mrs Latchmore. Reported Cradle Roll Part> held and L.T.L. formed. A paper by Mrs Wilson, of Hastings, was read. Mrs Reach and Mrs Cox sung, and Mrs Pepperell paw musical selection. NoveniDer 12th to i>«» a day of prayer. M\\ PLYMOUTH. k\ Seamen’s Rest, a Social Afternoon, the members of the Union being the guests of the Seamen's Rest Committee. Mrs X. Jones presided over a v er> large gathering. Several letters of appreciation of the Rest were read from sailors who Imd visited the Rest. A short ami interesting speech was given by Mrs Brash, ami an appeal for funds to carry on the good work was made by Mrs Iktuglos. in her usual gracious manner, l'inno solo by Mrs Frederic and sours by Mesdames Craig and Davis. Refreshing afternoon tea was handed round. Four new members. MW lIRM.HTON.—Oct. is Mrs 11. llnll presided, good attendance. An interesting talk on ‘‘Helpfulness’’ given by Mrs O. S. Pcarn, and Miss B. M. Hurband was most instructive in her .kdentifU Temperance talk. Final arrangements were made for the annual Temperance Parade. Comprehensive report of District Convention given by Mrs Xavlll. who was heartily thanked for it. Two new members. Oct. 23. Home meeting at Mrs Mellroy’s. when Miss Henderson was the speaker. Two new members were enrolled, and songs sung by Mrs Mitchell. VK. YAI.i.K.Y. Cood attendam Mrs Ansticv presided. and gave short address. Nurse Torrence spoke upon the Maori race, giving account of the manners, customs amt religions of the Maori, illustrated by main stories. Nurse Torrence was heartily thanked. Special meeting on November Nth, and mothers of Cradle Roll babies to he Invited. OHAI (wont lihiml). —Oct. Ik. A meeting was held this evening in the Methodist Church, when Miss A. M. M< Lay, Dominion Organiser, gave a brief account of the Aims and Activities of the W.C.T.U., and explained 'Oine of the Departments id’ the work ■ a tried on in New Zealand. After some ilisI'ussion. it was decided to form a branch, and the follow ing officers were appointed:President. Mrs Ralneaves; Vice-President, Mrs T. McMillan; Secretary, Mrs Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs Morris; Cradle Roll Xupt.. Mrs Rtrmie; WR. Agent. Mrs Lamb. Meetings to l»e held on Ist Wednesday, at 7 p.m. OTA 111 111 . Nov. 1. President in the chair, splendid gathering Mrs Pain gave a most interesting talk on the ”KfTw t of Alcohol upon the Body,” a splendid educative address. As a result of Home meeting, three new members gained OXFORD i Yttei Hawke presiding. Letters of sympathy to President and Mrs B. Magrntli. Letters of thanks from friends of late Miss Neill for many kindnesses shown by members. Miss Caverhill and Mrs Rankin gave inspiring reports of District Convention, and were heartily thanked. Arrangements made for visft of Dominion President. PONHON in Oct. 1 v Mrs Lee-Cowfe presided over a good attendance of members and friends. Maori Day; Mrs Full James. District Superintendent for the Maori work, gave a very interesting address; 'ls. was taken for the work. Nov. 1. Mrs Lee-Towle presided over a large attendance. Miss Braithwaite’s resignation was received with deep regret. A Bring and Buy Sale was held In aid of Willard Home, at which the sum of ffi was raised; the Presld*«nt giving an Interesting account of the origin and useful and Important work ever since. PAKKOA M fifteen present. The President’s report of the District Oonvention at Ngaruawahia was read. Annual reports of Secretary. Treasurer, White Ribbon and Cradle Roll Superintendents, read and confirmed. The branch was asked to arrange for the refreshment" for helpers, etc., on Polling Dnv

United prayer meeting to he held on Saturday, 10th, also cm Monday, 12th, followed by an open-air meeting for Prohibition at N p.m.; speaker. Rev. B. P. Blamires. The Honours Star Budge reeived by Secretary for gaining over twelve new members during the year was bunded round, and much admired. The President, Secretary, Treasurer and \N bite Ribbon Superintendents were re-elected; Mrs Ihtrhvshire was elected Cradle Roll Superintendent. Decided to purchase two \lnxeti White Ribbon hynsn books and one music* copy. Three new members. A vote of thanks passed to Rev. W. B. Pickering ami wife for the use of the Hall, also Methodist hymn books. .Afternoon tea was served. PALMBRwIIIN NOKTH. Nov Mrs Ferguson presided over a gis>d attendance. A visitor from Felldimg was welcomed. A letter was received re the White Ribbon paper, and discussed. Ways of increasing Hie sales were brought forward. Mrs T, Young gave an Interesting account of the Alliance Area Convention. Mrs Birdsall gave a report of Willard Home, stating that the grounds had now been put in good order. Decided to donate £5 to the funds of Willard Home. Members to he reminded of tne annual meeting next month. RlC’t ARTOV—Oct. D Attendance good; Mrs Harrell presided. Cradle Roll Day. several mothers and children present. Read iug, "The Sense of Touch,” given by Mrs It. Blighting. Strong exception was taken to an advertisement appearing in the daily paper re "Jesus Turning Water into Wine.” It was resolved to hold a l 'rawing-rooin meeting at Mrs Harrell’s on October 25th. to hear report of District Convention. Resolved to hold Drawing-room meeting at Mrs Prices’ on November 13th. Ministers of tlie three Churches to be asked to hold prayer meeting after service on Simdav previous to Polling Day. Miss Jandesofi gave an interesting address, speaking of bn work among backward elilldren, and emphasised the necessity of smaller class*** in si he«,|s. Vote of thanks passtHl to speaker, and collect ion taken up for Maori Fund. Oct. 2f>. Social Afternoon held at rcsi denne of Mrs C. Harrell, vvlieii report of District Convent lost was given, and mnnv items of interest brought forward were discussed. Letter from Mrs IVtynmn read re White Ribbon subscriptions, and an appeal made for new subscribers. One gained. Vote of thanks passed to hostess. RAKTIIII. Nov Hood ittciulan « Mrs (•riffin. President. In the chair. Mrs W. 11. Scarrow read nil article dealing with the Revenue question. Mrs Hodhv read a papet on Post Natal influence. One new member. Volunteers were asked for to work on Polling Dav; six ladies volunteered. sIRiTKORD Oct I *ay-l’p Social; President, Mrs Phillips, in the chair. Decided that we help with the refreshments on Election Day. A musical programme was much enjoyed; hospital tea was arranged for. Afternoon tea was handed round. One of our new members read a paper on the ’’Economic Situation iu England.” allowing that there was no waste like money spent on intoxicating liquor. Mrs Phillips told us the old story of the three engine*. Moral, I'll Try. Three new mem hern. I I v I \ ICI fair attendance. Vote* of sympathy with Mr and Mrs Woodward, Mrs Tavener. Mrs Weavers and Mrs .1 Smith. Correspondence read about Polling Day, also from Miss Hcmdemon about work Hinong Seamen’s 1 V|iartment; l nlnn delighted with the good news. Decided that the Union as usual, arrange for refreshments for No-License scrutineer* on Polling Day Arrangements were made for Mrs Tax lor’* visit to Timant on November Nth and 9th. A number of annual donations for the Sailor's Rest received. and votes of thanks passed. cm** new member initiated. Report of Convention unavoidably held over. TAKAI’I NA.—Nov. 1. Hood attendance. Our President spoke a few words <m "Hot wisdom, and with all thv getting, get understanding.” Annual meeting. Reports, election of officers Steady progress lias been made this year; sevexity-eight members. 122 on Cradle Roll, 22 paid-up subscribers to White Ribbon; a balance of f 7 17s. Id. In funds. Mrs Lewis, our Secretary, conducts a successful L.T.L. Mrs Fu'lJame* spoke on cradle Roll and Maori work in New Zealand

and Nuie Island. connected \v«th t L*. W.C.T.U. A sum of 12s. 6d. (bn\ colle> lion) w is voted for tin* Maori Fund. Tl ATAPERE.--Oct. 29. Miss M< L:i\ visited Tuatnpere and addressed a meeting iu Presbyterian Hall. A branch was fnrmct and twelve members initiated. Officer* elected (pro. teni) were:—President, Mrs v A. C. Llmi, ’The Manse;” Vice-President Mrs F. Harrison; Secretary, Mrs T. ltdlantyne; Treasurer, Mrs li. Winter Meeting day. 4th Thursday, Presbyterian Church. \\ ANtiAN I I CENTRAL. Nov. \ftci r Executive meeting, the devotional exercisewere led I*> "*N -■ I pton Her subjee t w “Courage.” Mrs Irwin was m the clmii Arrangements were completed for supplying refresliuients to the Polling Booths. \ Street Sale is to be held In Deeeml»er foi tin* Willard Home* fumia. A prayer iae<tim was arranged for the afternoon b4*for tin Election. Special pntver was offered in our Maori sisters. Miss Christie sang an* Mrs Hoodey recited, after which aftcrnodi tea was enjoyed. The Bring and Buy Hint was again n successful feature of the meet m g.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 400, 18 November 1928, Page 9

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 400, 18 November 1928, Page 9

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 400, 18 November 1928, Page 9

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