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News of the Union.

lU‘|K»|l promptly—write in ink—on on** of |Ntper.

%s||||( 1(1 ON.— Se-pt. IH. A very su< « esn f U i social Afternoon, in recognition of Fra mli in* Day;” Siater Mildred presided over a fair attendance Apologies for absence received. Mrs Trott, from Timaru. wan preNeiit, and received » warn, welcome, which nhe greatfuli.v aekuowledge*!, and save an InterestKia talk on the work connected with the Sailor'* Kent Several musical item* wvie contributed. A dainty afternoon tea uhs served, after which Mrs H. Hopwood. of Itakaia, gave a graphic 1 description of h« r r,-, im( trip to the Homeland, and the plac es of interest visited during her stay in LngImici. Th«* methods u**d in imparting Temperance instruction in sc hool* were outlined, and generally approved by all proa .at. A v.-rv hearty vote of thanks was accorded K|sctkera and performers, and the nMetißß AKATAI't'-TE Ktll'l HI .—Sept. 11. Annual Pay-Up Social at the residence of Mrs Wordsworth. Hnr. Good attendance; Miss Cullen presided. Two excellent papers were given, one on "Prayer" by Mrs Dewberry, and one on "Our Motto" (For God. Home und Humanity) written by Mia* Blakey Solos were rendered by Mi** I**ll ®nd Miss Churchward. Four new members initiated, and afternoon tea served. A**ltltt KTON. —Oct. 2. Ensign Mrs Moore presided; largv attendance. Maori l»»V observed. A warm welcome was extended to Mrs ParkWison. of Lyttelton Branch, now President in Ashburton. Kev. l\ 8. Matthews gave an addnoa* on "Civil and lteligious Liberty." emphasising the great necessity of wife-guarding those liberties won for uh by our fore-fat hern at nurh ous cost, hi recognizing - Maori Day. reference was made to the clause in the recent Licensing Bill, providing for Liquor Licenses In the King Country, in defiance of the promise made to the luitive chiefs. Much-appreciated solos were contributed, and a collection taken in aid of the Maori Fund. Votes of thanks were accorded sneaker and performers. One new nieinbei enrolled. Tea was served. Decided that contributions of clothing, etc., to ” lllard Home be handed in at November meeting, or left with the Superintendent. Decided to hold a Temperance Sunday prior to the Poll, and to arrange for a display in the Procession on Labour l>ay. A Committee was set up to make final arrangements for the "Quick Lunch Counter" (with assistance of Y. Branch) at the Gala, under supervision of Convenor of Refreshnn nt Committee, Mrs W. H. Robinson. BLENHEIM. —Oct. 2. Mis \V. Smith. Pi' sldent. In chair; big attendance. Mrs Underhill. Secretary. resigned. Mrs Jackson appointed. Full discussion re Miss McLay s visit; visiting Y. Branch on Thursday eve ning. W.t’.T.U. having a social gathering on Monday Bth. Filial arrangements for Hazaar. to be held *1 fortnight s time m Town Hall. lill.FOl K Sept. 21. Fair atte ndanc e The* President briefly introduced Miss McLay. avid assured her we were very pleased to have her with us. Miss M. Lay. In her quie t impressive manner, gave us a most eloquent address, which was listened to with great attention and appreciated by all. ( hi»* new member. Afternoon tea provided by two of tlie members Vote of thanks to the 1 resident. Mrs Orr. for her g*ft of table cover, embroidered with our Badges, was carried b\ a< c Initiation. BROOKLYN. Sept. 2a. New Union organ ised by Miss C. M M< i-av. when follow ing officers were elected: —Pres.. Mrs Rawden. Sec.. Mrs Thomson; Tress. Mrs Olttlng*: W.R. Agent. Mrs Pepmon. Seventeen member*. BIRKENHEAD. Sept. 20. At the r**udenee of Mrs Jorv. Mention was made <d the help Mrs .Tory had been during her long yeara of ITesidency, and as a small token of their love and appreciation, the members presented to her a hook, "The Golden Mile stone." Mrs Kasper gave a very interesting

and Impressive talk about the good work going on in the L.T.L., and a hearty vote of tliavik* was accorded her. Afternoon tea was served by the hostess. < IK TEUTON.—Sept. 12. A public meeting. about forty present. The speaker was Hon. Crawford Vaughan, a former Premier of South Australia, who gave a very fine address. Mr Vaughan said it was Prohibition with Conipt«usation which had been defeated in New South Wales, and the* Prohibition Party had come out of the fight feeling that they had won something of a moral victory, for they liad done away for ever with any pod with compensation. UOI.I.INt.W (MID. Sept. 2V Mrs Jamieson in the chair. Correspondence rv contribution to Willard Home. Resolved that each member present solicit small subscription, also second-hand clothing. Disru**iom rv obtaining literature for distribution; resolved to send for a few dozen. Date annual meeting. October 26th, 1928. < AKTEHTGN.—Oct. 2. Fourteen |>re*nt. Mrs Every presiding. Greetings rec eived and sympathy extended in illness. The "Danger of Alcohol in Emergency” was read for the scientific* fact. A letter of welcome s«*nt to Mrs Dryden. transferred from Martinhorough. Copies of the “White Ribbon" are sent to the Buchanan Home, resolved to also place copies in the Dentist’s waiting room. Mrs Jansen guve a very comprehensive and interesting re|K)rt of Convention, and was

accorded a very hearty vote of thank*. Afternoon tea wa* served by the hostesses, Memlaines D. T. King and Madden. DAKt.WILI E. -Kept. 18. Meeting held at the Presbyterian Masse; fifteen ladle* present, Mr* Page presided. A helpful talk 00 “The Life of I >r. Grenfell" wtu given by Mr* H 1 «-Taylor. Penny* received from Primary School, show the result* of Basul of Hope teaching. Prize* for esnay* to be presented at school by Mrs Page «ng Miss Andrew*, on a date arranged by Headmaster. Afternoon tea served by Mrs White. All ladies present decided to make a garment in* h for Willard Home. DANNEVIKKK.—Sept. 13. Eight present. Franchise Day. Mrs Bassett read "How We Won the Franchise," and wa* heartily thanked. Oollectidh for N.Z. Fund, 17*. KPMM6. —Kept. 27. Mrs \\ orsley presided. To Willard Home, decided to srtitl our usual contribution. Helpful extrac t* given by Mrs Benfell from recent address of Miss McCorkindaie. also reports of Distric t Convention given by delegates. The Secretary rvan selections from "What We Have 1 kmc With the Franchise." Collection taken. EDEN.—Kept 19. Mrs Hnyr presided ou r a fair attendance. Decided to procure n set of chart* to be presented to the Mt. Eden school. Mr* o’l>oniiell gave report of District Convention. Arrangements were put in hand for a Bring and 3uy Hah*, combined

with a Social Afternoon for th»* thtolser meet iUK. Afternoon tea aerved. Oct. 2. Kdtxi Union has held two very well-attended meetings in Mt. Eden Hoad since last report. Stirring addresses were Riven by Mr White, of the Alliance, and Mr a Lee-Cowl* re«i**« lively. Three more* members Rained. Afternoon tea served. I'KNCOI KT.—|»t. Mrs Bimpstm, Ptwsident, occupied the chair. Visitors were present from Matiuigi and ('ambridge. Rev. .1. W. Parker. President of the Prohibition League, wot a very interesting address, advising all to “Ret busy.” Mrs Holton, Matasigi, same a solo in a very pleasing style. Three new member* were initiated, and three men were enrolled as honorary members &rs Sinipson and Mias Khennen e lectori delegate* to District C-on ventlon. Afternoon tea served. KEII.IHNG.—Oct. 4. Pay-Up Social, Mr* Pack in chair; email attendance. A paper on "The Humbling Evil,” went by Mrs Pirrett, read and dls< ussed All present agreed on the groat evil* of ganiblhig, ami pledged themselves to refuse to take part in any form whatever of it. Mra Pack give a report of the District Convention held at PahlAtun last month, letter of sympathy sent to Mir Grass who in Rertouidy ill. bOKK.—Sept. 25. Mr* Smith presided nd introduced Mies .M<Lny avid Sister Kutli Fawcett. Miss M< I<ay apoke of the nrivilegeß and responaihilities of women in »he fight against the liquor trade. Kist» r Fawcett spoke on “Slum Life in Liverpool." 1 decided to hold Rrlng and Huy Sale r.cxt meeting <•EKAI.IH.NE. Sept 11 Largely attended Mra Trntt. Tinmru, axid Mra Harrell, Ric- • arton, addressed the meeting. One new member Joined up. Mrs McKeown was appointed delegate to attend District Convention. itlttMTY. Srpt. Atten<lan< e seven, disappointing. Mr* Moore read paper entitled "Friendship." Home meeting at the resilience of Mrs Holitlio on 4th October. a*, id collect ion there for the Willard Home. We very much regret losing our President, who Is leaving the district. On behalf of the members, Mrs Robinson wished Mrs Moore a successful and happy term hi her new home. Mrs Stnallbone sang a solo; afternoon tea was served. HKXDKIWW. Sept. 19 flood attendance of member* and friends; Mrs Platt presided. Agreed to allow Ktd. 5. as wvll as Std. fi. write essay on Temperance, for which we give Mrs I.**e-Cowie then addressed the meeting; her chief point was to educate. She stressed very much the need for parents to know the effect of alcohol, and for all men. women and children, to learn how harmful it is, so that public opinion will tie strong enough to carry prohibition and also to keep it. We nil enjoyed her witty humour and schmttflc facts, and a very hearty vote of thanks was carried with acclamation Afternoon tea served. HOKITIKA.—Sept. 25. First Voters' Banquet, fifty first voters present. The Mayoress was Toast Mistress, and following toasts were honoured: —(1) "The King;" <!) “Our fluents, first voters." pro|*osed hy Mr Cvrll Burton, replied to hy Misses G. Musgcove and Pnvldsnn; (2) "K.Z. Alliance." Rev. K P. Blamlres. replied to hy Mr F. W. Osborn and Miss P. W« N ii i V \! AA . ' by Mi - Rassett, replied to by Mr C. P null; (51 "W i' Tl' ' bj Mi P Ib-nton. r« ded to l>\ Misses Potts and Puff; (fi> “Out Guests of Honour," hy Mrs Lynn, replied by Rev. K. P. Blamlres and Cyril Burton. S<*ngs by Miss Puff and Miss Davidson* pianoforte solo by Miss P. Wells. Community singing indulged in. and the beautiful Birthday Cake, illumHiated hy 21 candles, was * ut hv Mr P. Stevenson, the first voter whose birthday was nearest to tl e Banquet Evening ll \\\F.K\. Kept. 2* Mr* Curtis presided. I>eep regret expressed at the resignation of our President owing to continued ill-health, and earnest wishes for her recovery. Votes of sympnthy to Mrs Ollernshayv and Mr* Pyniond in their bereavement* Arrangemeaita for Shop Ibiy on October 12th. HAVE MM K N. Kept. 2 V Hood n t tend once Mrs Kpeiglit presiding. Mrs Mossnian read beautiful passages from "Coine Ye Apart." bv J. R. Miller, P P Arrangements mud* for bolding a combined meeting on Maori Pay at Tomoana. Being Franchise Pav, an Intereating and hi-tru- tlve paper was read on "How the Franchlac Was Won."

Nominatiisns for offeera called for in w’rlting A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Webb for singing to us. niul to Mrs Gilbertson for afternoon tea. HAMILTON.—-Oct. 4. Mrs Jolt** pres. I I. Devotional address by Mra F’eryinan. Mr Thorpe. ChPd Welfare ttfTber, gave a very interesting account of tlie work of Ins department. Mrs Mitchell and .Mrs Itolc >• son appointed delegates to District Convention 10s. fid. voted affiliation fee to National Oouncil; £1 towards Temperance charts. HI MKt Sept t ■ v President in the chair. One new member and one gentleman honorary nieintiei*. VicePresident g.i \c h short talk re benefit of havfcig women on public bodies. Afternoon tea. Kept. 7. Combined afternoon. given by Chur«h and W.C.T.U. members to farewell Mrs Rummins. late Secretary ol the I'nton. Mrs Wilson, Vice-President, spoke of the \ery Hue work done hy Mrs Kunmiins, both for the Church and the Union, Presentation of a cheque wits made. Mr* Ituiumin* suitably replied. Competition won by Mis--Farrand. Kong, Miss Smith Afternoon tea. LEVIN. Kept. 14. Kple.idid meeting; Mrs Cummins, President, presided; seventeen members present. Mr Kingston. Alliance gave a very helpful and instructive address. Since Miss C. M McLav'n visit, good work has lieen done amongst our young |w*ople. • •nr new mem Is* r gained at Home meeting. 1.1 MMDRN Si pt . Presbyterian Church, presided over by Miss A. M McLay, Pomiinon Organiser, who briefly outlined tin* commencement and growth of the W.C.T.U. in this and other lands, and emphasised the great need for education amongst, the wonuxi of file Dominion in the principles for which the W.C.T.U. stands. Unanimously agreed to form :» local branch, twelve ladies JoHning. The following officers were appointed:—Acting Pres., Mr* Renwlck, Presbyterian Mans**: Hec., Mrs Thomson, Box S 2, Lumsden; Treaa., Mrs Pey, Luinsrlen. Me*'ting* 2rd Wednesday, at 2 pin., in Presbyterian Church. LAWRENCE. Kept. 10. Mrs Bow i« in the chair. i.» tt. i <ni "prohibition in u.i \ fn.m Pr. Cherriiigtou read, also remit from Mosgiel Convention. Ibn-lded to canvas Willard Home appeal. Paper on "Fran es Willard" by Mrs Hiett read. In connection with Millard Home appeal, this paper was verv appropriate. MA-sTEKTON. Oct. » M r» Cocker presided. good attendance. Decided to i.udoftakv responsibility In connection with Mi** Holder’s vlait to Masterton, ami Committ *,* appointed to arrange various functions, Miss McGregor a* Convenor. Tlie Secretary reported, that owing to bervaveir.ep:, Mrs Weston iiad be«*n unable to attend District Convention. Vote of sympathy to her and Miss Wingate was passed, fl donated to Maori Fund, and £2 to Willard Home. A.rangements for Polling Day luncheons and teas. Secretary to make arrangements for annual Pay-Up Social, to Is* held on November 2rd. Secretary reported literature regularly distributed. and Mrs Walker offered to a»*e that Railway waiting-rooms an* kept supplied. MAI NtiATI ROTO. Kept 2'- Meeting t Mansi*, eight niemlier* present and two visitors; Mrs Bycroft presided. Secretary reported Band of lfo|ie meeting to Is* nr ranged. Social Afternoon to Is- held al*oiit hetolier 2lst ami Mothers' Pay in Novvnilier. Secretary read report of District Convention; thn*e delegates from our I’nion Jrcat dlsappointinent at rejection of Licensing HIM and strong comment passed on action of me mis* r* I'eversing their votes, also tr Mini exit of absent members’ votes. Interesting paper by Mrs Flower entitled, “What Next." MAKOTIKI.- Kept 11. Presided over hy Mrs Fothergill. President. Most of the members present. Mis* Heaton gave a*n encoui - aging and helpful talk, urging us not to be discouraged, but to do our part and lea\e results with God Miss Olsen, of Norsewood. was also prestmt. Afternoon tea v. as served at the close. 'U|{\M\|(. Kept. IS Fairly well attend cd. Mrs Foothead In the chair. Greetings received from President, who is in Nel-on A vote of aympatliy with Mrs P. W. Millar in the loss of her husband was passed. Mrs Reid and Mrs Millar elected delegates to Pistrl t Con.rtitlon. Miss Kirk spoke of the maintaine.ire laws She spoke with approval of the Full la*fore the House concerning the

registration and segregation. of the feeble. niKided. Great emouragciueiit was gi\cn to those cumassing for the poll, and the great need for prayers stressed. Franchise Pa> collection taken. Mill It \ (\%elllngt«Mi) Kept. 2d. N » I’tiiuu formed hy Miss C. M Urlay, 1 ttrganiaer. Offuttn*: Pres, Mrs Reynolds; Vlce-Prvs., Mrs laipdeil; See., Mrs Pat u, Treas., Mrs I'snieion, Cradle Roll Kupts, Mrs Heattie amt Mrs Rogers. Mein tiers <>f Lower Hutt Union assisted and pnoihu-ti afternoon tea. NKII BRIGHTON. Sept i la my presided; attendance good. Motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr J. Gamble, donation of 10*. was made ’o the Willard Home. Annual Teinj*er;ui Parade to lie held on Sunday, No win I* i 4th, and North and South Brighton branch* - lie asked to co-operate in this movement, also Y. branches and Hands of Hope. To commemorate Franchise Pay, Mrs latwn President Cashmere W.C.T.U., gave an •**.«| lent paper on "How the Franchise was V. <*a in >T.Z.," and was accorded a hearty v*»te of thanks. Afternoon tea served. NEB PLYMOt I’ll.— Sept. 2fi. \ *ry w.t and stormy; Mrs X.. Jones presided, very large attendance. Pa.v-Up Stnial, end Mis Drew gave a report of the • isit to the Hurford Road Band of Hope. A duet w:<> given hy Misses Cantiell and latveridgc, amt a violm solo hy Miss I fowling, the items being hi u<'li appreciated. Miss Cdle. K»-- t> tarv Y.W.C.A., i>roUght greeting.* fn in the Honolulu W.C.T.U., and expressed her pb*a sure at having the opportunity of addreasinc u*. Mrs I *enton Leach. lK»tnln*ou Secretary of the League of Nations, gave a brief nd dress on the "Pan-Pacific Conference *’ Seamen’s Rest report acknowledged; gifts of apples, honks, coal, flowers, him ga/Ries, iiiusk and plants from numerous friends and well winners. A very hearty vote of thanks wnpassed to all who hml helped to make th< meeting a success, also to those who pro vided afternoon tea. NOKH YMB. Sept 12 Owing to hoistcr t»ur weather, attendance -mall, Mrs Fletcher kindly Inviting member* to the Manse. c<»t • re*|M*ndence front Alliance, Willard Home and paper on •’Anti-(»ainhlitig'' wa* read Xfteinoon tea was then serve*l NAPIER. Mrs Leask presided. MtRrocklehurat le<l devotion; seventeen member* present. Glad to welcome Mr* GmyJing after her long illnea*. AVelcotne extended to Miss Kirkwood, Alliance Secretary. Mi>llull gave a rejiort of District Convention, at which Napier was well represented, lieported sixty isi (Tndl<e Roll. L.T.L. to Is formed on October 12th, Mrs Pepperill in charge. Maori Pay to he ob.*erve<l by vbititik Maori Pall at Tomnana on October 12th November meeting to take the form of a Pay-Up Social, when It is hoped that mum hers will either tic present or send sub* along N.E, VALLEY. Sept. Fat attendance Mrs Penrt presided, and received a vote of congratulation on her apimlntment as Pistru ♦ President. Letters of sympathy to sick members. Mrs Coulter read report o. District Convention. Mrs Peart read "Wha* Has Proliihitoti Pone for America.” OTA HI 111. ik t 4 Kpicnii I c.itlier r.-• Mrs West axid Mrs Henderson gave ivport* of District Convention. Mrs M Art hut road a very Hitcresting paper on ’’Prayer,” and wns listened to with great attention. One now member. ONE HI \L\ Kept 1". Good attt*iiiaii<x*. Resolvent to hold s Bring and Buy Kale In December, in aid of the Willard Home. Letter of thanks received from Mrs Ormlston for hiving gTi-vtiiigs. and bouquet presented <*i tn-r IftOth hlrthdajf. Mrs Fortyce. Jnr., appointed Huis*rtnten<lent of the Birthday l**agu<*. President then Introdui'cd Sister Nichnlla, who spoke of the work of the W.C.T.U. among tin* Maoris of North Au< kland, telling of the diffieultio* «»f the work and some of it* *u«*osa. pb*ading for our ti»-lp and prny«ts on their liehalf. A vote of thank* was passed t*i Sister Nuiioll*. t’oll<*ctlon for Maori work realised tl ifts 9d. OTAKI. K«*pt. 1 2. Met at I’residcnt * I'ouie, Miss L»**e presided; seven premxit. Wtllnnl Horne ap|**al received, also TtvaHUtvr’n report of visit to Home and of Plstri« t Committee m<*eting. Hearty thanks t«• Treasurer for comprehensive report. Resolved to ask for proxy at District Convention. Annual report forwarded. Mrs Moves «<*:i-

tribute! un exceptionally line paper on “How Kr;-rw liine *as Won In New Zealand” *ll hwiour to the noble band of men and «tonuil who achieved so much for u*. Ro-t.-.i that Mine C. If. McLay visited Otaki %m l addressed *l»ecia| meeting of member* friend* on 29th August. Good numlnr nt. mod prod table time *l**nt. Appeal f 0 member* to lia\e areatei faith in their Interesting « hart* and poster* ex,,,l,Wrlwiwl «>ur first Maori White KiM*>n*r. rONVIMIII Sept. 20. Mia* Read presided ov. i a k«"mI attendance of member*. Mrn Paterson, delegate to the IMstrlct Convention JU> t rone 1 Uded. fl«\e a flood report of the lire, ledinga. It being Franchise L>a>\ Mis* l;. ,d emphasised the Importance of women m'i girl* makinfl us.* of the flreat privilege. u l,, ii many did not seem to appreciate. \ collection wan taken up amounting to 'ii. 3d. I- v n{o\ Thirty members »nd frnmla present. An address by Miss Mrrorkfcidale was much enjoyed. A stroi.fl ranipaiflu Committee was formed, and we 1„. . , v** that our vision has keen widened to -toiur purpose. Reported that a concert r.irr inflid by the Secretary) wua fliven for ;,ui|K.w of meetinfl tire expenree of the ili Iririte. It was a very ,*>pular event (Ini tiding Tableaus) and after the concert, two ito/ci) copies Of the “White Ribbon** were di- rlhuted, with the object of increasing the u ulat'on of that excellent publication. I* %I*AKt)A. j Harms presided; good attendance. An invitation was extended to Mr* Lee-Cow ie, I*n i«t I*resident, to visit I’apnrna I’nion on the 12th of Octobsr. 1 >ecl<led to hold a public inset fog In the Drill Hall at night. ,H member* to unite In makinfl ilri* meetinfl , success. A reading van fliven by Mr* J. names from the “Life of Ague* Slack, uim ii wan moat inte estlnfl and helpful PI KCIIt I A.- Vice-President occupied the • hair. Mr* M< Farlane read a lecture fliven t,v a reformed drunkard o* “Hi* Life a* • lirunkarrt.” Mr* Safle then addreseed the nicetknfl. ebowinfl the evil* of alcohol on the human body. *nd flave some of her exfieri-t-nce as n nurse with alcoholic patients Mrs McLean and Mr* Hamson served afternoon tea. _ . P\l N. Oct 5. Good attend Mice. Maori Day. Apologies for absence were received from several member*, ami a teleflram read from the Maori Fnion at Koxton Mr* Ritchie flaw the scientific fact on “Alcohol.** Mr J. R. Stephens «rave a most Interesting talk on “Maori Way* and Legend*'* and rt» eired a hearty vote or thank*. Mr* T. Young flave a brief report of the Convention t visitor, Mr* horkwy, w;»* welcomed, and she spoke of the flood prohibition was d«»infl in America. Vm Hml sail spoke on the Willard Home. Mrs r’hlttendesi delegate to Area Counc 1. One new member initiated. PKTONE. —Sept. 4. Eight niMiibt -* preM' n p Mr* Anmalt presided. Discussion re rorreapondsnee. Secretary to write and ask if Miss McLay could come and speak to us durinfl her stay in the A alley. Mr* Anmalt was appointed delegate to District Convention Mrs Crowther brought literature from Women's Campaign. Meetinfl cloeed with repeatinfl of pledge. Sept 19 Mr* Carter presided. Mis* MrLav. a most flu.wit speaker, addressed us from Ephesians, #tli chapter. 12th to 17th verses: most appropriate subject for our great campaign. Two new’ members. Afternoon tea dispensed. PAP AMI Sept 13. Mrs Simpson presided; flood attendance. Reported that erne Home meetinfl luul been hold, and annngenietits were made to hold another early In October. Ir. conjunction with the Styx branch. Kepoited that Rand of Hope had been very well attended. Rspresfsitatives from Flelfast, Styx and Shirley brunches were present. It Wing Franchise Day. Mr* Mrrrhn read some extract* from the “White Ribbon on the work that had been taken up by the women since the Franchise. Collection for the N Z Fund. Decided to hold a Brinfl and Buy Afternoon at the next meetinfl. PAKROA. —Oct. 4. Fifteen members and friends were present. Three new menilier* were Inducted The President, Mr* P. R. Hubbard. In ttie chair. 5s sent to District Fund. Paper read on ‘Gambling” Statement read on the Drenilnv Bill. Seven

books of 50 Prohibition Btirkers sold. Afternoon tea was served. KICCAKTON. —Sept. 20. Attendance fair; Mrs C. Barrell presided. Rev. B. J James spoke on “The Parable of the Talents.*’ Member* urged to attend Convention Invitations sent out to T. members to attend a Y. Rally on Wednesday evening Heartywelcome extended to Mr* Norik* President of Timaru Union, who feelingly replied. Beimr Franchise I'ay. President read a few of the Art* that haw been passed since women gained the Franchise. Donations of £1 la sent to Willard Home and 10s. to N Z Fund. Interesting address given by Mr* McKenzie on “Alcohol, a Cell Poison.** who spoke of the need to educate, leflislate and co-operate to eliminat e. FAETIMI.—Sept. Wet weather, not a large attendance; Mrs Griffin, President, presided. We celebrated Franchise Day. Mia Kuecke read a pamphlet on “How we Won the Franchise in New Zealand,” a very instructive and interesting pajier. Three new inemtierM. Donation was sent to Willard Home. BAKTIHI. —Oct. 5. Mrs Swndford in the chair. Decided to hold a prayer meeting every Friday afternoon from now until Polling Day. A very instructive paper was read entitled. “Pre-Natal Influences,’’ also an article «iu read by Mrs Scarrow, written by Archbishop Averill. showing the attitude of the <'hur>lt of Bn gland on the liquor question. Two new members initiated SYDENHAM. —Sept. <l. Fair attendance, presided over by Mrs Archer. A silent vote of sympathy with Mrs Webb was passed in her recent liereavement. Mrs John 'n was a; ->mtcd “White Ribbon" Agent, Mrs Oilmour appointed delegate to Convention. Franchise Pay; Mr* Lowry gave an interesting address mi Passed Since Women had been Given the Franchise” Afternoon tea served. Oct. 4. Maori Day. good attendance. For work In conrectlon with the election, several members volunteered. Mr* Oilmour gave »n Interesting report of the Convention. Mis* Kirkwood and. Miss Woo I nock, Maori 'Vacmiesses. spoke of the evil effects that Alcohol had on the Maori race, and urged the white people to do all in their power to rid New Zealand of this great evil. They *anfl an enjoyable duet In their native tongue. Bring and Bcv Sale and special collection for Maori Fund Afternoon tea served. SHIRLEY (St. Alban’s)—Oct. 3 Mrs Day took tlie chair. Mrs Owers and Mrs Pay lead very Interesting rej*>rta on the late Convention. Mrs Climle opened and closed the meeting with prayer. SI’MNT'R. —Oct. 3. Mrs MrAra presided; fair attendance. Arrangement* made for the next Home meeting, to be held at Red’-liff*. Rev. R. A. Penn explained the methods of organising work in connection with the No-Lii'ense Campaign- Members were asked to canvas the Borough; those present offered to do so. Afternoon tea served by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church. STRATFORD.— Sept. Good attendance; Mrs In the chair. A most inspiring address was read by a member. The annual appeal from Willard Home. Decided to again double, if possible, our last year's donation. Afternoon tea for Hospital was arrrnged for. Several home meeting* have been held during the month, the Superintendent reporting that so far t i«*se meeting* had l*een the mean* of our gaining several new’ member*. Quotations were read from several medical men. Including Sir Victor Horsley. M.D.. and Dr. Sturge. showing the harmful effect of ale and stout when taken by nursing mothers. Sept. Social Afternoon to commemorate Franchise I>ay. Good attendance, and a very hAppy afternoon was spent. Impromptv. three-minute speeches were given, four ladiei; competing Our delegate gave an interesting report of work done at the District Convention. Songs were rendered during the afternoon, and were much appreciated. Three new members Initiated. Afternoon tea banded round. SPRRYDON. —Sept. 11. Mrs Naim presided. good attendance. Mrs Woodcock elected delegate to District Convention Miss White and Mrs Bowden to represent Hpreydon in providing afternoon tea at same. Mrs Richards gave an Inspiring address, which

was much Appreciated by all present, and vu followed by a hearty vote of tharik* to her. The social half-hour followed. (St. Alban's) —Sept. Mr* Adkins (President) In chair. Bring and Huy Sale was held, and goods soon disposed of. The coining Oonventioii was the chief topic; we decided to help with tea on tlie 26th. Mrs Adkins, Mrs Uwers (Treasurer) and Mrs M. G. MufT (Hon. Secretary ) premised to represent our meeting. TAI MAKI NI L—Sept. 12. Sister Alison presided. Fair attendance. Resolved that fl be sent to Willard Home. W.C.T.U. members to provide tea for the Alliance Oonventlon. Franchise Day. The leaflets, "How we Won the Franchise in New Zealand, *’ “What we have done with the Franchise.'’ and “What New Zealand Women have gained since 1693,'* were read by each of three members. TIMAKI . —Kept. 25. Franchise Day celebrated. Mrs Low In chair. Frged women to use privilege, and Instanced the large number of women who did not vote at last electk>ii. Apologies received from Mrs No/rle, Mr* Seward. Mrs Don and Mrs Gave. Literature issued and pledge reflated. Hospital and Sailor * Rest report* received. Mr* Gordon appointed I’nion s representative on W.E.A. Council. Campaign work diKunaed, and ranis from Alliance distributed among members. Donation from Asl.ubrton Union received for the SatJor's Rest Vote of thAnk* for this annual evidence cf Inteneat. i \ i r \\ t. \ social tor Miss McCorkindale. Very wet afternoon; pi-e-----------m-nt, representatives of the G'rl Guide Association, tlie PI unset Society, th Alll.inre and Church Guilds. The President welcomed and Introduced Miss McOorkindale, and presented her with a bouquet of spring flower* tied with a White Ribbon Bow from the W.C'.T.U. Representatives of each Society spoke a few words of welcome, then Miss McCorkindale addressed the meeting for nearly an hour, giving u* many new and inspiring Ideas. Afternoon tea wa* sei’ved. Sept 21. Arranged fora delegate to South Auckland Convention. ("Y>rre>-pondenee dealt with. One new member received. Afternoon tea. TE AM AMI Tl'.—Sept. In spite of had weather. 27 mem bar* And friends attended our first meeting. Mrs Cribh gave a most interesting address on “Life In Shanghai.*’ Mrs Entlcott presided, and Mrs Alexander moved the vote of thanks. Derided to hold our monthly meeting on the second Tht.rwday of eAeh month, at 2 p.m. TE AWAMITI. —Oct. 5. Mrs rcryman addressed the meeting on the subject of “Economic Waste,” “Waste of Cbdd Life,” and tlie "Success of Prohibition in America.” Mr* J. B. Wilson preaided. Musical Item* were given by Meedames E. Wli.te and R. Andrewa During the discussion which followed the address, Mrs Trill quoted Incldmts of American llio and customs which supported the remarks of the lecturer. WAII kl . —Sept 26. Good attendance. Including some new members. The President. Mr* Fenwick, presided, and Introduced Mrs Lee-Cowie to the meetl’.ig. w’lio gave a most eloquent address. Afternoon tea was handed roun.l. WAIT ABA.—Sept. 21. Good attendance; Mr* Clayton read extract* from paper on “Gambling.'* Ml** Bleheno read a paper “What Have We IVine with the Franchtue” fl was voted for Witlnrd Home, and members urged to bring clothe* for a parrel for the Home WAIKOA.- Sept. 11. Captain Laskey In chair. Decided to hold Bring and Buy to raise fund* for Willard Home. Mr* Macdonald *|K>ke on the work of France* Wlllar*. an«l the wonderful thing* accomplished by the praying band of women. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs Alexander. It t'elnfl her birthday. Collection for N.Z. Fvnd. 6*. Se-pt. 25 A meeting for prayer was held In the North Clyde Sunday Schoolroom. Just five came, but we claimed the promise “Where two or three,” and were richly blessed. A beginning; wv hope to hold another next month. WY.NBIIAM.—Sept Sale of e.nkes and produce—over £5 taken; £7 sent to Organising Fund. September 28th, members visited Glenham with Miss McLay. An interesting address given, two new member* and one “White Ribbon” subscriber Went by motor

lorry, ami had to walk when* the lorry could not k« through the mud. H ANUANI I < KNTKAIL— Oct. 4 lidded to join In the Peace Der jnetntlou on Armistice Day. A Garden Party in aid of the Willard Home to he arranged. Two new members for the ('ra«lle Roll. Frarchlae Day meetitiK was addressed by *Uev. J. Paterson, who spoke most inspiringl/ and helpfully on “Oonstructlve Citizenship.’* Votes of thanks passed, and arrangements made for local canvassing. The Hrtng and Huy Stall disposed of all Its goods. WAI.VATK. —Sept. Good attendance, pre sided over by Mrs Roy. Arrangements made for holding f.treet Sale. Decided to order four nets of Temperance charts. Four members appointed to relieve at ltest Room for the month. It being the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the granting of the Franchise to the women of the 1 tom inion. the President read a most interesting paper on "llow We Won the Franchise, and whai We ha\e l**ne with it,” drawing attention to the long list of humanitarian laws that had since l>een placed U|>on the Statute Hook. Two things we have failed to do, and they are. carrying prohibition and Ki tting women into Parliament. Afternoon tea brought to a clone an Interesting and instructive meeting. Copies of "How We Won the Franchise” given to all presen*. Local paper published full report of paper read. W ELLINGTON.— -Oct 3 Cradle Roll After noon, when the mothers and the children on the Cradle Roll were entertained. Mrs Mowlem, President, Welcomed tlie visitors, after which a programme of songs and recitations was given hy a number of the young people present, and thoroughly enjoyed by the adults present. Afternoon tea was handed round, and the small guests were amused with games and the distrP-uGui. ot toys, hooks, sweets and paper caps Three new members were initiated, »ni severs 1 babies were added to the Cm >,e Roll.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 399, 18 October 1928, Page 9

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 399, 18 October 1928, Page 9

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 399, 18 October 1928, Page 9

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