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News of the Union.

K«*|M>rt promptly—write in ink—oil one side of |M|)t*r. Alt K I.AN I>. -July ll*. Mn* Cook presided A resolution of sympathy to tlio relatives of Mesdames llarluitt, Knight and McMillan, three old and honoured members of tlie fnUrn, who paaned away. A tribute wan paid to the life and work of the late Mrs Gankin, of Greymoutll. Mrs Cook read a rep°rt «»f the success of Open-Air Schools in t 'liristi liureh. An ex-tea*Ter wlio was prvaent at the meeting, advocated the aupi>ort of open-air schools in Atiekland, and graphically recalled the close atmosphere of tin* schoolroom and the detrlnusital effect on the children. Miss MfLay, Dominion organiser, gave a most interestinK and inspiring address, ami ui trod the women to eonaecrate their lives and servhv to tlie cause of Prohibition.

ARAMOIIO. July 25. Decided to send circular re Gambling Kvil to the Ministers’ Association. Mrs liuxtield reported that the “WanKanui ChronlcH'” would give a column in Saturday morning's paper for news of Women’s Temperance and Social Reform work, and asked for news of various activities to he sent to her for that column. (A hint for other I’nious to adopt.—Ed.) Members urged to attend District * onvsiition on Heptendter 12th. !le|>orted our in a very health) condition, under Mrs Good. 1 *e« ided to purchase charts for schools. At'y-iiioon tea. iVIRhKMIKAD July lh Annual meeting. We welcomed Miss ,\l< Ray, a surprise visit. Her address m\ ‘•Personal Oontact” was very iielpful. Afternoon tea served. Our iieloved PreMident, Mrs Jorv. felt sin* must resign, ami we had to accept her resigiuttion with regret. Officers elccteil were:— Preaident, Mrs Todd; Vice-Presidents, Mrs .lory and Miss Dayman; Secretary, Mrs Itrodic; Cor. Sec., Miss Towser; Treasurer, Miss Rcßoy (re-elected). 11l I MIM M uly 17. held at Mrs Mill's home; splendid ntteudr.m-e of members snd friends. Mrs Madill wvicomed. Mrs Evan* invited to District Convention, which is fixed for sth September. Arrangements nmdv for Miss McCorkindale's visit. Part of a most interesting paper on “The Rife of the Lott Mr T. K. Tiylsr," was read by Mrs Goslin. Four new members. Afternoon ten served, and musical items rendered by Mesdames c. Parker, W. Jackson. Misses Randoml.ane and Hroarihent. CAMIMF.KR.—JuIy IK. Mrs Lowry presid ed. Mrs C. J. Thornton read a paper on “The Rife of the Rate T. K. Taylor’’ (contributed by Hon. R. M. Isitt). A leaflet war read containing ar. account, given by Evangeline Booth. on "The Ifc-nettts of Prohibition in *'HA." 1 Redded to make next meeting Campaign Day. and to take up a collection for the funds. All meetinga in future will Is* held on the third Tuesday of the month, instead of the third Monday, as hitherto. Mrs Lowry kindly provided afternoon ten. CHEVIOT. .!illv lloMi, meeting. held at Mrs Morgan's residence. Miss Menderson delivered a nn>st interesting address to an appreciative audience. The next meeting will take the form of a ‘Drum and Buy’* Afteriussn D V \ N El IKKI Ing t»oßtponed till future date. Miss Heaton. President, gave an InterestinK account of the District Union meeting. hehl at Waipawa, and was listened to with very great interest and thanked. KDKNDAI.K. July 13. I’nion orKanised hy Miss M el.av. Miss Mcßay and Mrs Renfell spoke on “The Work and Aims of the W.f’.T .IT.” Attendance of IK. Two new members w ; cre enrolled. Membership now 12. Mrs Pearce President; Mrs Mearns, Vice-President; Mrs May, Treasurer: and Mrs Kiff Acting-Se* retnrv till end of year. Agreed to meet on Ist Tuesday of every month. FAIRI.IE. —Julv Ik Good meetiiiKl Mi- 4 Wlleox [•residing over a moderate attendance. President gave us a full and inspiring re|>ort of the New Zealand Alliance annual meetinK. Two new members. Afternoon tea dispensed.

FENC'D! KT. July Ittendam e fair; Mrs Simpson in the chair. Decided that a set of Scientific Charts be houKht for a school near here. Bible-in-Schools, an extract by President, read from the “White Ribbon,” proved very Interesting. Several of the members bn»UKht parcels for a distressed family. Letter of greet ings sent to the newly-formed branch of the W.C.T.I’. in W bakatane.

(•KKAI.DOK.—JuIy 1(1. Mrs N’eut/.e (President) in the chair. Pay-up day for 'White Ribbon.” Solo, Miss Mom ur. Pais-r read by President (Early Crusaders). Afternoon tea. Attendant e, 2d members.

<>OKK.—July 24. Social Afternoon In Gaiety llall. An address by Miss McCorklndale was enjoyed by all, after which Mrs Harper (Minute .Secretary) presented tlie speaker with a posey of flowers, also speaking a few words of thanks and appreciation. II \*»TlMi>. —July 2d. Good attendance; Mrs Hanks in the chair. Two members reI sorted “An Afternoon," 2Ks. was collected. Mrs Ilickmott read a very inspiring devotional paper on 'lane ami Service." Mrs Smith, who was present after a long illness was welcomed bu< k, also Mrs T. Thompson, who had been away on a trip to Honolulu. Mrs Thompson gave a very pleasiiiK account of her impressions of tin* trip and tlie conditions; she specially mentioned the popularity of water as a beverage at all meals. Mr 11. M, Milner (New Zealand Alliance) gave a short rddress, and asked for assistance in receptlou to Miss Mc.<’orkilldale. DuriiiK the afternoou, special prayer was offered for Mrs T. K. Taylor, and reference made to the life and work of her late husband.

GKEYMOI Til. July 17. Special meeting for Miss Bradshaw, whose very hue address was an inspiration to all. The Girls' Bible (’lass Rally, held on July 15th, and addressed by Miss Bradshaw, was very well-attended, over sixty being present. A Visiting Committee for the Hospital and (*ld People's Home was appointed. Some of tlie members and friends are to give musical items to the (dtl people. HEN DKKHIN July. Social. President read a pamphlet oil “What Women had done in New Zealand since getting the Vote,” and tried to give ammunition for discussion. We are no longer in a No-Llcense area, the boundaries having been altered; we are out of Kden. Mrs Klcoat recited. Afternoon tea. Kl MKI . —July 10. Fair attendance; Mrs Wilson in the chair. Dominion President's ie*ter in the White Ribbon read. Five new members and three Hon. membere have been enrolled. Five new members to the Cradle Roll. Afternoon tea.

Jul •7. A Bring and Huy was held, in aid of the Willard Home; bad weather, fair attendance; proceeds, £3 7s. LAW 111 M l Jul) 17 chair. Mrs Edie read Mrs T .E. Taylor’s letter In White Ribbon of July. Paper written by Mrs Howie on "F'olling Day." Mrs Kdie thanked memlivrs for their expressions of sympathy, and also for the manner in which the meetings had ls*esi carried on during her absence. Heartv vote *.f thanks to Mrs Bowie for her interesting and up-to-date paper. 11X4 Ol n iPKINGSTON. July 17. 11l Kime presided; good att<*ndaiiee. Mrs Fow les read a lovely* poem entitled, “The Gospel of Mother,” w hich was much enjoyed. President read a splendid paper on "The Rife of T. K. Taylor,” which was also enjoyed. Afternoon tea.

I.KVIN. Jul' 13. Mrs Crocket presided; good attendance. Mrs Peryman gave a very interesting and inspiring address, “May we [tress on with a stronger determination t•» wipe this awful evil from our land.” Two new members, one transfer from Petone. MAKGTt'KI . July lh. Mrs FVtliergdl. President, in the chair; seven members present. 1 (iscussion as to Home meetings. Resolved to hold a special Home meeting when the weather is better. Members reported trying to get others to Join or to attend meetings. Afternoon tea.

M AsTKKTON. —July 5. Mrs ‘Nicker presided; good attendance. The Secretary reported having secured a supply of literature for distribution, and asked members to assist in having same circulated. Mrs T. E. Taylor would he visiting Mast art on »n 27th July. Derided to hold a public meeting in the Municipal Social Hall, at 2.30 pin. on

that day, and to Invite other I'nions in th< district. An address was given by Mr» Blamires front Isaiah 40:31, and her me* sage was one of stimulation for continues service Resolution with regard to Bible in-He bools Bill was passed. \IT. AI.ItKKT. July 12. Mrs Itndu r. had held a Drawing-room meeting, at whirl 2 4 were present, and a sum of over (1 lia<i been raised towards the funds. Mrs Hru<> presided. Mr White stressed tin* need for the early, proper organisation of worker* in each district. Mrs Rarlsen sang. A motion of sympathy to Mr Clarke on the death of his wife. Seventeen present; on* new member.

MIRAMAR.—JuIy 12. Attendance fail ls*tter from Secretary, stating, that ns sin would In unavoidably away from Wellington for a few weeks, she must temporarily give up her Secretarial duties, but would meantime work bard for the Union in other ways. Short talk on “Moral and Social Hygiene," m connection with work of Mrs Josephine Butler. The s|w< ini scheme for raising funds, inaugurated by Treasurer, bad been taken up well, and bid fair to prove a sueceod. Treasurer’s statement showed fair balam c. Packets of leaflets handed to members for distribution.

July 2K. In Memorium lhiy celebrated; good Mis Brigadier Walls, Salvation Army, dealing with necessity for strong self-sacrificing men like Mr T. K. Taylor, when any reform to he carried, and giving details of his life and work. Several members gave reminiscences of their own acquaintance with Mr Taylor, MIR AM Alt.—Aug. Good attendance; two new members receive*l, one by transfer, one I \ initiation. Address by Mrs Peryman oi, Cradle Roll work, and rtlrring appeal for earnest, constant and prayerful training of the young. Hy generosity of a member, a set of Temperance Charts to he offered to the local school. Library Superintendent (.Mrs Reid) appointed for newly-established library*. Arrangements made for carrying out canvass of district for the poll. Bring and BUy Sale of produce 3/9

M\l NGATI ROTO. July 31 Meet the M tine; good attendance. Secretary read paper on “Gambling.” members expressing approval of Anti-Gambling laws. Next Band of Hope meeting to be held rm August 21th. President read paper on "Work for Small Unions." Discussion followed re holding social meeting to increase interest and welcome newcomer*. One new member initiated

N'.K. \ XI.I.KY.—JuIy. Fair attendance: Mrs Peart presided; Mrs Tavloi from Green Island, and Mrs Brown from Mataurn, welcomed. District officers nominated: — President, Mrs Hiett; See.. Miss Gray; Treas.. Mrs Hutton. Decided to send letter of appreciation to Mrs Roberts, who has left district. Decided to purchase charts. One new member. Mrs Peart read interest ing extract from "Life of Mother Thompson.”

NAPIER NOITH.— JuIy 19. Mrs Dunstall presided; eight members present. Post-cards to he sent to all members before the next meeting. Letter of sympathy to Mrs Met son. who Is 111 In Sister Guffies* Hospital. A vote of thanks to Miss Heaton for a donation of 15s. towards buying hooks. Mrs Wilkinson visits the hospital twice a week. ( *ne shilling was made from the Bring Buy Table. GTAKI.—JuIy IS. Home meeting at President’s. Miss Lee presided, and referred to important Bills to come before Parliament, and reminded memlsTs of the power of ‘N'orporate Prayer.” Vote of sympathy to Mrs Stephenson and Mrs J. Best Derided to obtain set of Scientific lessons. 12 ts. 9d proceeds of Bring and Huy effort, forwarded to Organising Fund. Home meeting arranged for Mrs G. Taylor's. August meeting, subject to be "Child Welfare Work.” Miss (Jn»nfleld read a pa|»er on “T. E. Taylor.” The inspiration of such a life ia still with us. <"Mie new White Ribbon subscriber; one new memher. Afternoon tea.

July 2K. Held our evening Home meeting (Social) at Mrs G. Taylor's. Small attendance, but happy time spent together The Rev. H. S|»en«er gave a much appreciated talk. Miss W. Granfleld gave a very suitable recitation, “For the Right.” Severn) competitions were enjoyed, and a most acceptable supper served.

ON I. 111 N<«.\. —July 12. Good attendance, tedded we put a plate on a table for contribution* and aim* any gifts for wile at t»rh of our meeting- this year for (..’hiiijiaign Fund. Major Gordon gave us an ii t.-resting. though "ad, account of her work, pleading with us to leave no atone unturned to gain prohibition, especially ta the in crests of the young. Hearty vote of thanks to speaker. Sale of gifts and donation for t’ampalgn Fund, realised Ds. <>d. I’APAM I. — July 13. Mrs Himpson prefiidvd over a good attendance. An address *nft given by Miss Gainsford <.» “The Life of Mr T. K. Taylor.” Invitation from the riiristoliurch Union to attend a Farewell to Mrs T. E. Taylor, I Nuuiimin President, a lio m leaving to attend the Pan-Pacific Conference at Honolulu. Letters of sympathy to Mesdames Wright, Kruse and Armstrong, in their illness. Reported that a Home meeting had been held during the month at Mrs Hawker's, Belvue Avenue. Four new ineiiib-*rs were initiated. A eollecthm was taken up f»r the unemployed, and 10*. was received. IjtKKO.V July 11. Fifteen members pri.nU Address by Rev. W R. Pirkering on "What 1 *o«-s the White Ribbon Stand For?” vs is miicli appreciated. Next meeting will In- a ( up and Saucer Social. Decided to present sets of Krientitle Temperance (’harts to I’uen>a and Ngata schools. A large proportion of our members an* now using W.C.T.U. stationery. We mourn the loss of oar olden! mem her, Mrs A. E. Wilson, aged 77 years. A letter of sympathy to be sent to the relatives. Mrs Searle transferred t«* < Jre.v mouth. I*ETONK.- July 3. Mrs Murgatroyd presiding. Proposed that quarter of an hour he spent hi prayer at our monthly meeting, for victory at the forthcoming poll. July 18. A Bring and Huy Afternoon proved very satisfactory. Novelty Afternoon, insomuch that as many members as l*ossible earn a certain amourtt of money ito he given to the funds) and tell how they had earned it. There wen* some very interesting details. Adjutant lirown gave some accounts of Ids travels In America. He had visited a city called “Zion City." where all believed that Jesus was the Great Physician and trusted in God to keep one whole. Many told him what a blessing it was, when l T nc!e Sam got mi the water waggon. RANCH OR A. —July 27. Mrs Tli waites presided over good attendance. Scientific Temperance reading by Mrs H. Taylor, and dealt with the disuse of alcohol by athletes T. E. Taylor Memorial Day; a long and interesting paper on “Tin* Life and Work of that Great leader.” was read by the Secretary. In order to increase the membership. It was decided to obtain a s|*eaket for next meeting, and to ask each member to bring a friend who might he willing to join the Union. KAKTIHI. —July 8. Mrs Griffin in the chair. Mrs W. H. S< arrow read an article entitled. “Everyday Things.” Ensign Lillii'gstone gave interesting extracts from Commissioner Mapp’s address on Prohibition.” also account of work done on Rotoroa Island.

SJJTON.—Mrs Thorn presided; good attendance. White Ribbon Ikiv; a paper on the subject was read, and an interesting article on “Frances Willard.” Decided to purchase Scientific Temperance Chai*ts for schools. Home meeting for early in August, arranged at Mrs Thome's. STYX.— JuIy 8. Sunoay Temperance Rally. Good attendance of L.T.L., Rand of Ho|*c and W.C.T.U. members. Rev. Tennant gave the address from Isaiah 28:vl. July 11. Mrs Rlair presided. Delight expressed that Mrs Ixmald wan recovering. Ninety-two children reported on Cradle Roll. Home meetings arranged. Paper on Life and Work of T. E. Taylor.*’

SOI TH DUNEDIN. —July 12. Mrs Hinton presided. Mrs Hiett gave a very stirring and instructive address on “The Fight is On” Mrs A derm an. from Australia, welcomed by Mrs Hiett. A duet was sung by Mrs Smith and the Secretary. Some prayers were offered up. Afternoon tea. TK l\t I I I.—July HU Very good attendance. Reference was made to the loss of Mrs Wilton, and a record be made in tin* Minute Rook of her noble character. A very comprehensive and Instructive address

was given us by Mrs Jones, of Hamilton, our District President. She urged os to have a Cradle Roll, and to get literature for distribution. Afternoon tea supplied r>> Mrs Hall and Mrs 1 tobsoii. I\l HAIG Ml. July II Annual meeting, twenty-four present. Tin- Cradle Roll showed a membership of twenty, under the charge of Mrs Oowem. The District Pi-chi dent, Mrs J. M. Jones. Hamilton, gave an inspiring address on “The Abstinence of tlnHebrew Princes at the C-ourt of l-tabylon. .and the effect of their early training on their Characters.” Six new members initiated. Officer* elected: —Pres., Sister Alison; Vioe-Pivs., Mrs Briefly; See., Mr* Heed. Tau|s» Road; Treats., Mrs Drown; W.K. Agent, Mrs Lawrence; Cradle Roll, Mrs t'owem; Supt. L.T.L., Mrs Reed. During the evening, the I. T.L met at the Pivsident** home, where Mrs Jones gave them a most interesting talk, and game* and competitions were carried oil for an hour or two. The visit of our District President has been greatly appreciated, and much interest has been aroused in our work. I \ 1 K \ V<■ A. July M i chair. Decided to semi a wine of appreciation to our Member rv his attitude on the WUestion of the Bible-in-S< hools, looking also for his further support. A vote of sympathy with Mrs Ferguson in her serious illm-ss. Afternoon tea. WAIHARA. July l I

sided; fair attendance. IVcided to offer a set of charts for Scientific Tempenuu-e Teaching. Secretary read her report, to be presented at the District Convention, showing a fair half-year’s work. Cradle Roll Increasing. M \I( KI . Jti A \< r\ meeting. The Rev. Neal took tlu* chair. One new member was enrolled. A most interesting ad drew* was given by the Rev. Neal on “The Life of T. K. Taylor.” Visitors from the Aka Aka branch were prwwnt. At the close of the meeting, a dainty afternoon tea was handed round, being supplied by Miss A. West. W > NDHAM Jul> 17. Blew n pn Cine new member. Mrs Adams read a |>aper on “Temperan«**\” and an article on “Membership Campaign” from White Ribbon was read by Mrs Wilson. Gorre*j*ondence read by Mrs Hopkins. WANGANUI BAST. July 1 1 Mn i tax tic Id in lhe chair. One new member reported. Decided to send Wall charts to the Wanganui Fast, Ford el I, Dune Hill and I'fstkangaro Schools. Tla* sum of eight pounds was voted to the Organising Fund. The President gave an interesting report of the meetings held during Miss MeCoi kindale’s vis’t, speaking of the fresh zeal given to tin- members l*y the addresses given. Afternoon tea was served, and a Bring and Huy Stall realised fl 4s. (Id., which amount will assist the District Fund. Our inem-

l>et'« have attended the meeting* convened by Distri« t Union, to consider propos’d site of new Women'll Rest Room, and are welirejnefnnted on (kimmittee formed. WKLLDfGTON. Jn ICn T ■ lor, Dominion President. and Mrs iVryman, Editor of the “White Ribbon,'* were the speakers when “In Metnoriam I>ay” was observed. Mrs Peryman spoke of many of the pioneers who have passed on, -referring briefly to Frances Willard, Mrs Cole, Mrs Atkinson, Rev. F. Isitt, Mr T. K. Taylor aud others, who had done so much for the Temperance Cause in New Zealand. Mrs T. K. Taylor spoke on the “Women’s PauPaciflc Conference,” which is to be held in ilotiolulu in August, when she will be one of the twvnty-flve delegates which each country is entitled to rend,. Miss Kirk thanked both ladies for their excellent addresses, and on behalf of the Unions wished Mrs Taylor a pleasant trip, an inspiring time at Conference, and a safe aud speedy return. Mrs Muwlem (President) presented Mrs Taylor with a bunch of violets and a casket of promises from the members. Miss Harris sang. “There is a Green Hill” very pleasingly, and tlie meeting closed in the usual way.


BELFAST. —August 2. Presided over by Mrs Roxburgh; fair attendance. Report of Hand of Hope very satisfactory. Decided to hold Hand of Hoj*e at Ouruhia during school holiday. Resolved to get Scientific Temperanco Charts for two schools. A paper on “What the W.C.T.U. Stands foi ’ was read by Mrs and was much appreciated; extracts from “White Ribbon ” dealing with this subject were also read. Delegate elected for District Convention. BLACKBALL. —July 19 Special meeting; Miss Bradshaw gave an interesting address on “Service Rendered.” Good attendance of members ami visitors, letter in evening combined with Hand of Hope and spent a social hour. Miss Hradshaw addressing the children. A sumptuous supper was handed round. July ?0. Very enjoyable “Home meeting'' at the residence of the Secretary, Mrs J. Sneddon. Eight members present. Miss Ifradshaw gave a most interesting address. Three new members initiated. Afternoon tea dispensed by Secretary. CAMBRIDGE.—JuIy 11. Mrr Martin presided over a good attendance. Mrs Waterhouse gavo an encouraging address on "The Progress of Temj)erHnce in the Minds of Young People through Education,” ami th** subject of Scientific Temperance and charts for public schools was urged. Arrangements discussed for Miss McCorklmlale’s \isit. July It*. Mrs Lee-Cowie addressed the United Ratal of Hope, and everyone was delighted to hear her. July 17. Sj*ecial meeting. The Mayoress, Mrs T. F. Richards, presided, and Mrs ls*eCowie addressed a large gatliering. Fencourt Union was present, and many others came to hear our much loved Mrs Lee-Oowie. Little Miss Grace Martin presented the speaker with a sweet bosuet of Wattle. A very enjoyable afternoon tea was served. CARTERTON. Juh 17 To enable mem hers to meet Miss McLay, a very ph-asant afternoon was held at Mrs Every* residence; 25 present, including several from Masterton. Afternoon ter. was dispensed bv the hostess, and after a pleasant social hour Miss M< Lav told her hearers of her work, and urged each one present to do her part in winning this land for prohibition. A heart y vote of thanks was accorded the speaker for heist irring address.

Aug. 1. Fifteen members present. Mrs Every, who i*residod, feelingly referred to the death of Mrs Liddell, and j*aid tribute to her interest and work in the Union. A vote of sympathy was passed with Hvv. Liddell and family. Sympathy was expressed with Mrs Tyler In her serious illm-ss. and also with Mrs Welch In the Illness of her daughter. Mrs Every reported a very good response to the appeal for flowers for Violet Day. Resolved that a box of clothes be sent to the Willard Home. Our President gave a very Instructive and Interesting address on ‘The Effect of Alcohol on the Nervous System.” Afternoon tea was served by the hostesses for the afternoon, MesdiMllvs Slnrlev and Hurley.

DUNEDIN. -July 20. Reception In the Assembly Hall, Y.M.C.A., to Miss Isolsd McCorkiiulale; 2uo ladi u s were present. The Mayoress, Mrs W. B. Taverner, on behalf of the women of Dunedin and Mrs Hiett, President of our Union, welcomed her to our eity. Miss McCorklndale was received with great ai*plause; she said that she had come amongst them to re-emplotsise tin- educational part of the work that was neceaaaij by women in connection with all reform. Afternoon tea was served. bcovt sang very effectively. DAKGAYII.I.K. —JuIy 17. At Mrs Cl'fTs; good attendance. Mrs Page presided. Resolved to give set of charts to school. Address by Captain Thompson. canvassers appointed in connection with coming election. Afternoon tea served.

EPSOM. —JuIy 26. Very good attendance; several visitors present. Miss C. M< Lay. iKiminitm Organiser, gave a lielpful talk or “Meeting with Jesus in the Common By-waya of Life," and later on interested us with an aclount of her work in different places, and finished her address with a reference to the life work of the late Mr T. K. Taylor. Next meeting will be held in another part of and we hope in this way to haw more present, and so Increase membership. < »ne new member.

I 'F.II.DING.—Aug. 2. Mrs Hughes in chair; large attendance of members. Resolved to present a set of charts to each of the local schisils. A sale of produce and work was held. In aid of Willard Home, also a charge was made for afternoon tea. With a generous donation from one of our members, we sent lie 10s. to the Home, also a case of jam. GRKYTOWN. chair. Paper on “Gambling' read, and subject discussed. Literature to be purchased, and Miss Oates thanked for donating same. Mrs H. Morrison api>ointcd delegate to District Convention. Miss Dates explained some of resolutions of <'on\ention.

HAM ER V. 7. At Mrs I!urn ll’s; Mrs Exley presided, eighteen present. Two new members. Arrangements made for Miss McLay’s visit on 10th and 12th of August. Mrs Hill returned thanks for letter of birthday greetings on her 70th birthday. Mrs Hurrell was thanked for her kindness in providing afternoon tea. A further supplv of clothing was r«-< eived for the Willard Home. Mrs Squire was appointed jo work in the interests of the Seamen's Rest. New Plymouth.

HAVELOCK NORTH. July 27. Twelve members present; Mrs Speight in chair. A helpful paper was read or. the subject, "Call for the Women that they may come" (Jeremiah 9.) Memorial Day, speulal references were made, and tribute paid to the noble charm ter and life work of Mr T E. Taylor, M l'., former Mayor of Christchurch. IVrided « letter of loving remembrance be sent to Mrs Taylor. Arrangements were discussed in regard to Miss McOorkitidale's loming visit. August 19th to 21st. Mrs Speight urged every member to use her influence in regard to first voters, also to ensure that every woman records her vote. Afternoon tea was provided by a member. II Will lov \ Ml L) dressed the Union. Record attendance of members and intending members. Miss MiIsiy spoke on "Personal Effort" for Campaign Year, and tier text. “1 expect to puss through tills world once,” illustrated we were to give our very best In the casual contacts in life. Truly. "We come to uplift.” are we in deadly earnest, Mrs Jones presided. Home meeting was held last month, and one arranged for the Xth. Three new members initiated.

HAMILTON EA*T. Jul\ Mrs Stephenson Craig in the chair. Deep regret expressed at removal of our President to Met liven Rej*orted that members had met Mrs R. Morgan, and voiced our deep regret at losing her, and presented a small memento with loving wishes for every blessing in her new sphere of labour. HOKITIKA. -July. Good attendance of visitors and members; the President in the • hair. Miss Hradshaw addressed the meeting on “Service and Prohibition,” and a vote of thanks was accorded. Afternoon tea was served.

Aug. President presided; attendance fair. A “First Voters' Banquet” is being held In September. INGLEWOOD. July. After the spiritual Inspiration of tin* Stratford Convention, M

was very good to have Miss McLay with us for four days. Her programme was: Sunday morning, Methodist service; Monday afternoon, Home meeting at home of an invalid, fltteeii were present; Monday night. Miss McLay addressed the Presbyterian Ribh Class; Tuesday afternoon. Home meeting at Mrs Marinder’*, and evening. Methodist Bible Class social; Wednesday afternoon a special meeting was held. We are all grateful Tot tile help and inspiration received from out Organiser’s visit.

KAROKI.—Aug. Mrs Wood. President, In the chair for first time. Thanks expressed to .Mrs Evans, who had been Acting - President. Decided to present Bcicntilo Temperance Charts for school. One new member. Rev. Dennis gave an interesting address. Afternoon lea provided, LOWER HITT, lulv N present. Apologies were received from several absent members, la-tiers of sympatiiv to Mrs Aldersley and Mr Strand ami tr Mrs Wakelin. Decided to purchase wall sheets for the seven public schools in the Butt. "Memorial Day,” Mrs Lopdell s|H*ke of those who had gone from us, but who had worked so nobly to help humanity. Report given of Area Convention. MASTERTON. -July 27. Public meeting in Municipal Social Hall, when a large aii-l representative gathering (Eketahunu. Greytown. Martlnhorougii, Carterton all being represented) met ill honour of the occasion of our Dominion President's visit. A welcome, on behalf of the women of the town was extended by the Mayoress, ami Mrs Cocker expressed the pleasure of the Unions in the district. Mrs Taylor addressed the meeting on “The Responsibility of Women’s Cltizenshlp.” dealing particularly with the contributions women can make to civic and national life, not only by training their children in the home, but by endeavouring to remove evils tliat would injure them in after life, ami by making the world safe for them. A' hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Taylor, and we are deeply grateful to her for her visit.

August 2. Mrs Corker presiding. Decided to send 11 to N.Z. Treasurer. Mrs Weston delegate to District Convention. In regard to wall sheets for schools, decided to order ten. Secretary advised having distributed literature iv-eived. and that a further supply would l*e to hand shortly. A paper written by Lmniinion Superintendent of AntiGambling Ik-partmem was reed and freeI > discussed. Hostesses for the afternoon were: Mi's T. Upston and Mrs Russell. MONftIKI The P’-eshlent gave a nice little talk, which was much enjoyed. Aug. 1. I miw ing-room meeting was held at Miss Muir#; seventeen ladies present; tin s*' meetings are causing great Interest and proving to be very lielpful. Mrs X. Johnston presided, and Miss Hegg, of Dunedin, sang two solos with great feeling. Mrs Hiett, District President, g-nve a most interesting talk to the mothers, on “What we should do from now on till the election, and to make sure that we record our vote.” A vote of thanks vas |XUMed to the speaker, the soloist, and also to Miss Muir for her kind hotqdtalitv in providing afternoon tea. NAPIER. \ \i - i.. .- . well-attended meeting. Mrs Rupreeht reported the formation of a I/oyal Tempers ore Legion at Taradale, with some thirty members. Decided to form a branch in connection with our Union. Mrs Pepperell. assisted l>\ Mrs Sounders as I solders. Letters of sympathy to be s«*nt to friends of the Union lately bereaved, also to Mrs Chisholm. Wellington. A Home meeting, held Ht Mrs Hull's resulted in the gaining of nine new members. Papers on (hui l l*ling and Alcohol and Moral Progress were dealt with. "T. E. Thvlor Day;” this Union places on record their deepest appreciation of his work und help In the interest of Prohibition fn New Zealand, and of his friendship to the W.C.T.U. ns a whole. Two ladies wen* initiated These, with Convention and Home meetings, swell our membership by 24. added to the lift Maori mein here which are now formed into a Y. brunch, l-ooku as if we are going for the liannt-r. NORM XN HX . Jttl) 11 I chair; small attendance. President made in urgent appeal for all officers and as many members as |>ot**ible to attend the Convention at Stratford. Afternoon tea serve*l !>*• Mrs i lane.

NORTH LWGKI'ARiiIM July 17. Iter. \S'in. Tanner gave an informative wldress on The Origin and Growth of the Tempera rye Movement.” Be.lng **T. K. Taylor I*ay.” the speaker dealt on the wonderful work a< - . oiniiliclnnl by that notable man, who wo* nrcd with a great moral piuwion and an intense earnestness Mr* Hiuartnev thanked Mr Tanner for hi* stimulating remark*. Solo* were huiik by Mr* Brash Hint Mi** Shaw. One new member. Afternoon tea. MAV BRIGHTON.—JuIy 19. Mr* 11. Hall prealriinjf; KMid attendance. Keferem-e to the death of Mr Q. E. Goodwin, Honorary .Auditor to the branch fo*- many year*. Vote of nymjMthy imumkhl to hi* relative*. Mr* Roberts* and Mia* Jewell* resignation on account of leaving the district wen* accepted with regret. Decided to pun ham- two <2» of the Temperance Charts for the school. A very flue paper, dealing with the Temperance work of that Kreat leader. T. E. Taylor. wh* read by the Secretary. nil Ak.V —July 11. Fair attendance; Mr* Ryley In the chair. A syllabus for the remaining meetings of this year wa* drown up. Mr* Weston to nddree* the next ma-t----iDK -subject. “Why Lhouid I Vote Prohibition?" A Social Afternoon, when we hope •some of our country member* will be present with us. 0\ |I)KI> July 25. "Memorial Pay* A stirring addre*« wa» Riven by the Rev. Turner. The Rev. K. Brown also *i*»ke briefly. A vocal solo by Mr* J. Whyte was much appreciated- A re|«rt of the North Canterbury I)* *rict Executive meeting was given by th« Secretary. Isecided to contribute £5 to tne Nortli Canterbury Campaign Fund. Much regret was expressed at losing Mr ami Mr* Jim Clark from the district Mr Clark has been an honorary member for the last ten yean. Mr.; Clark has Riven loyal service, Imvinß Joined at the first meeting held In Oxford. OTAHI'HII. —Aug. 2. President In chair; good attendance. Mr* Redahaw Rave a mowt interesting paper on “The league of Nations.” and questions followed. Mr* Greenwood *|*>ke of T. E. Taylor’s life and work. PAI.MKRSTON NORTH.— Aug. 3. Pay I*l* Modal; Mrs Ferguson presided over a Rood attendance. Mr* Watson was appointed Hospital Visitor. The District Convention Is to be held at Pahlatua on the 18th and 19th September. Sours and recitations were Riven hy visitor*, which were much enjoyed. A dainty afternoon tea was handed round. I*l RKIlt lA.—July 19. Our second meetitiß. with several new friend* present. After a short addrea* by the President, different ideas were expressed ns to what subject* we should take up for future meetlnßs. Decided for next month to take tlie question: “Is Alcohol safe to Rive as a Medicine.' different members speak.

PAHlATt’A.— Special meeting; resolved that District Convention he held here, and arrangements are well in hand. Very *u<-- • t-ssful ‘‘At Home” at the residence of our President. At our monthly meetiiiß Mr* (Dr.) Paterson reed a splendid pa|s*r on “Gainbllnß.” and an Interesting debate followed. Two new members. Mr* Harland and Miss H. Ross. BA., were hostesses Miss Ed med, our late Secretary. wa* serenadwl at her new home In Mangatainoka. •rul presented with a token of esteem. Mr* J. Will elected Secretary.

roN'OMiv. July L G i atttadUM < • •tuber* and friends. A Mock Convention, at which a resolution was passed. In view of the far A that the morals of our young lieople hate become so lax, we pnopo*e a special effort to be made to Instruct them n the que*tion of Moral ami Social Hygiene. Miss A. M. Melsiy. Dominion Organiser, being present, gave u* the President's address, telling us of the very useful work she had been doing. July 19. A very large attendance wa* presided over by Mrs Lee-Gowie. Decided to get live charts on Scientific Temperance, and send them to different schools. It being T. K. Taylor Day. the President gave a most inspiring address uj»on his wonderful life and influence.

Aug 2. Mr* presided over a good attendance. Mis* Read gave a paper oil “Gambling.” and several members s|»oke on the evils and danger of gambling. A Bring and Huy Sale has been held at each

meeting, and sums of money varying from 7s. fid. to ft have been taken.

PI.KAN ANT POINT. July 4 Mr* Andrew* prodded, small attendance. A summary of Convention held In Napier was read by Mrs Bishop, and gave us much food for thought. Aug. 1 Mrs McNeur presided over a large gathering Mrs I*ow gave us a most interesting address on “The League of Nations.” Sent £3 to Campaign Fund Solo by Mrs Bishop. Afternoon ten. RIVERTON. July Hi «»nl meeting of the year, when Mrs Parkin, of Invercargill, gave a very full ami interesting report of Convention. Arrangements made for Miss MrCorklndale’s visit. Prayer meeting to be held next fortnight. Two new members initiated.

RAKTIIII.—A good meeting. Mr* F. Pederson In the chair. T. E. Taylor Day. A short paper on ‘‘His Life,” was read by the Secretary. A tribute was paid by silent prayer, and a little talk to our late Pro. Griffin, who was an honorary member and the husband of our beloved President. “Allured to brighter worlds and led the way.” Decided to get a dart of Scientific Temperance to put up in the school. Ensign Lllllngton rend a letter and some verses from Mrs Griffin, thanking the members for their prayerful sympathy ; n her recent bereavement. One new member.

KAI VALLEY. July IR. Home meeting at Mrs Proctor’*, about a dozen present. Reported sixty babies on the Cradle Roll. Decided to procure two charts for the schools. Miss Hade read nn article on ‘‘Tin* Life of Frames Willard,’* and a newspaper cutting was read. “Prohibition Discussed by the American Team,” by Mr* 1/eov. Next meeting fixed 14th August, at Page*' Hall, a Pay-Up Social. The reat of the evening was devoted to music and competitions. Mrs Proctor provided a fllhMy sii| i" t V hSMtI vote of thanks for the host and hostess was given.

Aug 1. Home meeting at the residence of Mrs Woodward, and proved that Home meeting* can be moot enjoyable. A good attend ance. including the men folk and some non-members. The Impersonation of Hepsv Burke and reading by Miss Margaret Galbraith, was much appreciated. Collection and dainty supper.

nt. ALBA VN-HHIRI.KY. July 4 Mt Adkins, newly-elected lTesident. presidod. Mrs MufT elected Secretary Decided to hold Bring and Buy Sale. Mrs Collins and Miss A mot dispense*! afternoon tea. Aug. 1. Mrs Adkins, President, rend n pa|H*r on “The Life of the late T E. Taylor.” and an ‘‘ln Memorlam” by Professor Wall. Afternoon tea was dispensed by Mesdames Cllmte ami MoMeeking. Two new members.

II M MCI i Transfer of Mrs !>>w from Lawrence received. Five new members enrolled. Circular letter on "Anti -Gambling” read, and sentiments endorsed. Hospital report and lfitli report on Aren Convention given. On July 141 th, large meeting of women listened to most Interesting address hy Miss MrCorklndale. On JuJv 25th. Musical Afternoon, in aid of Organising Fund arranged by Executive, resulted in h collection amounting to £9 15s fid. Next meeting to be held at Highfteld. "Memorial Diy” ohserwd by special references to lire Josephine Butler and Mr T E. Taylor. Busy month at Rent. 97 visitors paying about 143 visit*. Annual donations from Westport Coal Co. nnd Tlmaru Gas Co. TAK%ri'NA. —July. Bring and Ruv Sale realised the sum of £2 13* fid. for the Wiilard Home. Fair attendance; President In chair. Mrs I,ewl* s|>oke of the personal work at the W.C.T.U Winter Exhibition Stall. 4V>inment was made in an article, read by Mis* Mills, or ’’The Drink Traffic o|>ened by iSurnpean* In Jerusalem.' A cutting on ‘‘American Affair* under Prohibition.” was read by Mrs Richards. Miss Pi|*er recited ‘‘Vote It Out .” wIN GAN li. Aug 2 Mrs tm ■ chair. Devotional meeting led by Mr* Croodey. who gave an inspiring address on •’Faith.” Decided to provide four town school* with the new Temperance fliart* An article on ‘•Gambling"' was read ami d Ill'll—rl , Delegates elected for District Convention. Mrs Goodev nnd Mrs Belton Bring nnd Huy Stall for local funds.

HAIMATE.—JuIy 11. Good attendant- of members, presided over by Mrs Roy. Decided that August meeting ho a Pay-Up Social, with an address by Mrs Boag, the District President. Volunteers were called for to help with noli work, a number responding. Rev. Nichol gave a wry interesting address on “The League, from a Christian Htand|*oint.” A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr Nichol for his helpful address. One new me ml/e r was initiated. Afternoon tea served. It ELI WOTI >.N. AU| Arrangements partially made for District Convention on Thursday, September 27 1 1 i. in Wellington: further detail* po*t|/oned till next month. Decision to place Education Hoard’s Temperance Wall Sheets in some of the tfriiool*. three seta being promised by members, and voluntary contributions «»jggeeted for procuring others. Satisfactory reply received from the M.P. for the ditrtriet, in acknowledgment of resolutions of Annual Convention forwarded to him. One new member.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 397, 18 August 1928, Page 8

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 397, 18 August 1928, Page 8

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 397, 18 August 1928, Page 8

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