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News of the Unions.

BRANCH REPORTS. Please take note: 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don’t report routine business. Do report all new plans and elforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the paper. HAVELOCK NORTH. Nov. 25. Usual meeting. Mrs Speight presided. Subject taken for devotions, “Finding and following the Christ.“ Correspondence received, including letter from Mr Coates re telegram sent. Scientific fact given, "Alcohol is a depressant rather than a Stimulant.” Discussion on Licensing Amendment Dili. Afternoon tea. Benediction. \VA I MATE. Nov. 10.« Annual meeting, good attendance. Tii«* year’s report was very grat.r., i g. li;o number of new members and work accomplished for the year reflected great re.i t upon the President and officers. Each report as read allowed the progress, also the great interest taken by those in charge of each branch of work. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers. Mrs Clark w-as voted to the chair, and the election of officers for the ensuing year took place:—Mrs lloy, re-elected President unanimously; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Cocks. Mrs Niehol, Mrs llaslain; Secretary, Mrs O’Brien; Treasurer, Mrs Simpson; Cradle Hull, Mrs Johns, Mrs Vigers; Hospital Visitor, Mrs Hoarv. A pleasant and profitable afternoon was brought to a close by a dainty afternoon tea. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Nov. 15. Annual meeting, good attendance. Bail weather. A very enjoyable musical ami elocutionary programme rendered by Misses And.-rson, Ball, W’anvii k and Spil. Inn. A Stall for the sale of cakes and needlework. The President s|»oke feelingly of the loss sustained by the Union in the sudden deaf A of Mrs Cnughley. A vote of sympathy to Mr Caughley and family passed by members standing in silence. Mrs Helyer presented the balance-sheet. Annual report read and adopted; showed how r much the Union owed to the valued Leadership of the retiring President, Miss C. E. Kirk. J.T\ Tin* Cradle Roll hail been splendidly managed by Mi:s Anderson, 300 children on the roll. Warm welcome to the new President. Mrs Harry, with Mrs Priestly as (’or. Secretary’: Miss Thompson. Rec. Secretary; and Mrs Helyer, Treasurer. Twelve new subscribers obtained by White Ribbon Agent, who had been indefatigable in her lalours for the paper. Vote of tluinks to Baptist Church Authorities for use of room. The Christmas Cradle Roll Party of the Central Union was held on Wednesday afternoon, hut nevertheless there was a good attendance of happy children and mothers. There were several long tables set for the mothers and children, so that they' oft. li enjoyed their tea by themselves. Afterwards mothers watched very happy children who played games under Mrs J. C. Anderson's direction, assisted by Union members. Miss Kirk gave a little talk to the children, saying that children should never make fun of that sad sight—a drunken man. and she also pointed out the bad effects of alcohol on people. The Party forwarded a message of sympathy and thanks to the Superintendent, Miss Anderson, who was ill. DARGAVILLE. Nov. 22. Mrs Hodge presided over a fallattendance. Crusade Psalm read and pledge recited. Mrs Hodge read a paper on. “Moderate Drinking.” Decided to meet again 3rd Tuesday hi February.

RICHMOND (NELSON). Oct. IS. Pay-Up Social, It present; Mrs Cropp in the chair. Mrs Field, District President, introduced Miss McLay, V. Organiser, who addressed the meeting, basing her remarks ujnm Eph. 6. Hearty vote of thanks to speaker, and a vote of sympathy to sick member. Mrs Field spoke about the Library. JOHNSON VILLE. Nov. 17. Mrs Evans, M.A., of Mirinuir, presided and gave a short address on the importance of "Thoughts,” which was much appreciated. Election ot officers resulted: — President, Mrs Halkday; Secretary, Mias Mihlcnhall, Treasurer, Mrs R. Cooke; Wta U Ribbon Agent Mis Mcßride; Cradle Roll Superintendent. Mrs Embury. Afternoon tea was then served. Votes of thunks to all workers for the year, also to Mrs Evans for her kindness In coming out to help us, were unanimously passed. There was an average attendan-e. Decided to hold a meeting in Dec* mlicr. A vote o« sympathy was passed (ail members standing) to Mrs Embury in the loss of her mother, who had quite recently passed away. GORE. Nov. 22. Annual meeting; attendance fair considering waather. President, Mrs E. •' Smith; Vice-Presidents all re-elected; Secretary (min.) Mrs J. Harper; Cor. Secretary, Mrs L. A. Day; Treasurer, Mrs M Askill. Prc “on tat ions made to Mrs Donald and Mrs Price, two departing members. Mrs Denton Leech gave nn address on "The League of Nations.” LEIGH. Meeting at Mrs J. C. Wyatt's residence; President in the chair; fair attendance. Officers elected for the coming year:— Mrs Grigg, President; Mrs Gozar, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs 1). Mnthcnm. Vice-Presi-dent; Mrs J. Torkington, Reporter; Mrs Woodcock, “W.R.” Agent; Mis It. M'tthe«on, Cradle Roll Superintendent. Miss Matheson reported on her Cradle Roll work. Arrangements were made to hold the Annual Cradle Roll Picnic on Mr (knar’s beach early fu January. Afternoon tea was served. HAMILTON. Dec. l. Annual meeting well-attended by members and friends. Mrs Jones led the devotional part, after which the minutes of last annual meeting were read. The Secretary read the 28th Annual Report; the number on tlie roll is increasing. The year ha~s been an interesting one. We began work in earnest, *vith the launching of the “Women's Petition to Members of Parliament,” urging a two-issue ballot paper and no extension of time between the polls. In the Hamilton Electorate. 2070 women signed the Petition. At the March meeting we had pleasure in listening to an address from Miss Baugh an, of the Howard league for Penal Reform. White Ribbon Day was observed in June, the claims of tin* paper were urged, anil copies to be placed in Public Library, Rest Room, and Plunket Room. In September, a Concert was arranged, the proceeds to be for Willard Home. Cradle Roll Superintendent reports 248 children on the roll. Dr. Rogers gave an interesting lecture oti “Alcohol from tlie Medical Standpoint, ’’ the “Feeding of Children from two to six years of age.” Mrs Craig attended the Dominion Conference as delegate and gave a full report, touching on the subjects of Women Police, Domestic Courts, Military Training. Bible-in-Schools, and the proposed Headquarters Building at Wellington. In October the District Convention was held in Hamilton; much enthusiasm and instruction gained by those who heard the different discussions and addresses by able speakers. During the year ten ordinary meetings have been held, all having a devotional character. The Treasurer’s statement showed an infinancially, consequently we have been able to increase our donations to worthy objects. During the interval, afternoon tea was served and social intercourse enjoyed. Two new- members were initiated and two

visitors welcomed. Officers elected as follows:—Mrs Jones, President; Mrs Craig. Secretary; Mrs Johnstone, Assistant Secretary; Mrs Davey, Treasurer; Mrs Watson, White Ribbon Agent; Miss Ambury, Cradle Roll Superintendent, with Mesdaines Mitchell and Brown assistant.". Votes of tha/nks were passed to all officers for the good solid work they have accomplished in the post year, and we look forward to great results this New Year. FENCOURT. Nov. Mrs Simpson presided over a fair attendance. Delegate read a report of the District Convention. Duriug October we held a “Tennis Afternoon" at the residence of Mrs It. Flesst, in aid of the Palmerston North Willard Home. It proved a great success, both financially and otherwise. The Rev. Parker, Methodist Minister was present, and addressed the gathering. He spoke of the efforts of the W.C.T.U. in supporting the Willard Home, Independent of the Macarthy Trust. MT. ALBERT. Nov. 10. First annual meeting. Good attendance. t'Jood progressive spirit after onl\ five months work. Mrs R-uce was elected President; Mrs Young. Secretary; Mrs Kiff, Treasurer; Mrs Sims, White Ribbon Agent. Decided to hold a Bring and Buy Social after Xnins. to raise funds for the work. The Treasurer reported a good sum in hand, considering the short time we had been in operation. An enjoyable afternoon was spent. PICTON. Nov. 22. Their annual meeting. A fair number of merit be rs present, also Miss*’. M. McLay. Two new members weie a*ln tted. Election of officers:—President, Miss Harris; Vice-Presidents, Mesdaines Brewer Jackson and Usher; Rec. Secretary, Mrs Tobhell; Cor. Secretary, Miss Smith; Treasurer, Mrs Wells; W.R. Agent, Mrs Fowler; Cradle Roll Sujierintendent. Miss N. Powick; L.T.L. l.e ulers, Mesdames Wells, Brewer and Powell; W.R. nnd Press Reporter. Miss S nith, Hex 39, Picton. Miss McLay then gave a short and inspiring address ou “Prayer,”' especially stressing the need cf more earnest prayer in our work. Two members. Mrs Wells and Miss Smith, were appointed to attend tin* Conference, to be held in Blenheim on December 7th. Afternoon tea was tlt«<n dispensed, when Mr Osborne, Alliance Organiser, was present. The L.T.L. Leaders decided to give a Christmas Tree to the children, all members of W.C.T.U. assisting. WAIT AHA. Nov. 18. Annual meeting, Mrs Clayton i*u the chair; very good attendance. Reports read, showing a fair year’s work. Balancesheet adopted, balance in hand of £4 18s. Cradle Roll, 15 children started in August. Officers elected as follows:—Vice-President, Mrs Clayton; Secretary, Miss A. Bicheno; Treasurer, Mrs Hugh son; Cradle Rob, Mrs r'arrick; Band of Hope, Mesdaines B. C. Carrick, ami Miss Bailey; W.R. Agent, Miss E. Jole; Organist, Mrs Blair; Press Correspondent, A. Bicheno; President left over until New Year. Decided to meet again on February 17th, 1928. NORM ANBY. Nov. 2nd. Home meeting held at the residence of Mrs Revan. Mrs Irvine presided over good attendance of members. Vote of sympathy was passed with Miss Dickson, w nose mother had passed away. Decided to bold Hospital Day November 10th. Mesdames Be van and Gane to collect for same. The gathering was very interested in an address given by the Organiser. Miss Bradshaw. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss Bradshaw and hostess. RAI VALLEY. Nov 16. At the invitation of Mr and Mrs A. M. Neal, a number of members and friends assembled at their residence, for the purpose of meeting Miss McLay. Mrs Leov introduced the guest to those'present, after which a most interesting and instructive address was listened to, and at the conclusion, two young

people joined the recently-formed Y. Branch. Bongs w ere rendered by Mrs Proctor and Mrs Schroder. and a pleaaant time wits spent by all. Supper was served, and Mr and Mrs Neal were heartily thanked for giving members an opj>ortunity of meeting Mis Mi-Bay, whose visit to the district was much appreciated. MIRAMAR. Nov. 10. Fair attendance of members, and apologies from several others. Reference was made to the tragic death of Mrs Ca ugh ley, and the following resolution was pnaged, members standing in silence: “The members of the Miramar W.C.T.U. desire to express their heartfelt sympathy with Mr J. Caughley and his family in the heavy bereavement occasioned by the death of his wife. They w’ish also to place on record their deep respect for the late Mrs Gaughley’s earnest (’hristlan character and their affectionate appreciation of the kindness r .own by her when opening their Sale of Work on the afternoon of Saturday, the sth of November.” Mrs Chatflolil then gave a most interesting balk on the work of the Borstal, the types of girls met there, the methods of dealing with them, the provision made for uplifting them send helping them individually. She dw’eft especially on the necessity for educating public opinion as to the attitude towards the work, that its object was not to punish, but to help raise the girls in character and teach them how to become decent citizens and worthy wives and mothers. The members heartily thanked Mrs Chat field for her talk, promised to remember the girls in prayer, and to give any assistance possible when called upon, if opportunity offered. Afternoon tea was handed round and the remainder of the business transacted. Carried that a sum of five guineas should be sent to the Palmerston North Willard Home, the remaining funds to be definitely allocated at the next meeting after consideration by the Executive. A letter was read from Mrs H. A. Wright, regretting her inability to carry out her promise of opening the Sale of Work and enclosing a donation to the funds of the Union. The following resolution was uuanimously passed: "The Miramar W.C.T.U. desires to thank most warmly Mrs It. A. Wright for her handsome gift to the funds of the Union, and for the kindly interest thus manifested in its success." Address of Secretary: Mrs G. Berry. HO Tauhinu Road, Miramar. WAIPUKURAU. Nov. 9. Annual meeting at 7.30 p.m.; Mrs Bmales, President, presided. A vote of sympathy with Miss Caughley, who lost her sister-in-law- on Sunday, under tragic circumstances, members stood in silence. We had with us. Miss Heator.. I *;»•:.i.• our District President, also Miss Me Ray, Dominion Organiser. Balance-sheet adopted. Miss Heaton addressed the meeting on the Departmental Work of the W.C.T.U,, and emphasized the need of Departmental Superintendents. even in snwill Unions; her address was most helpful. Miss Me Lay then explained fully the work of the Cradle Roll Department, urging us to take up this most important work among young children. Miss Heaton then took the chair and conducted the election of officers, which resulted m the following ladies being elected for the ensuing year:—President, Miss Burdett; Vice-Presi-dent, Mendaines Harding, Taylor and Gore; Recording Secretary, Mrs Reid; Corresponding Secretary, to be filled later; Treasurer, Mrs Robinson; Evangelical Superintendent, Oaptain Cauty; Notable Days Superintendent, Mrs Srnales; Cradle Roll Superintendent. Mr* Duckworth; W.R. Agent, Mrs Gilchrist; Social Convenor, Mrs Streeter. It was decided to alter the day of meeting to second Monday, at 7.30 p.m., to enable our Evangelical Superintendent to be present. The sum of ss. was voted to Mrs Duckworth to purchase the necessary roll and birthday card for the Cradle Roll. Resolved to make an effort to give some financial help to Napier, to meet expenses in eomiection with the Dominion Convention to be held there next year. A hearty vot-3 of thanks was passed to Miss Heaton and Miss Mclay for their assistance.

S'JDDON. Nov. 25. Annual meeting; Miss M<l«ay, Dominion Organiser, presided, and gave an instructive address. Two new members were initiated and three old members rejoined. A Cradle Roll was formed and the officers re-elected There are thirteen subscribers to the "White Ribbon " Miss Mclay closed the meat mg with the Benediction, and Mrs Kimberley, local President, dispensed afternoon tea. AUCKLAND. Nov. 29. Annual meeting, Mrs Cook presided. Helpful message given by Miss Paul, Evangelistic Superintendent. Telegrams had beem sent to the Premier and the M.P. for Auckland Central, in connection with the Licensing Bill. A strong protest was made by the meeting against the introduction of Tin Hare Racing into Auckland. A vote of sympathy was passed to the Treasurer in her continued illness. The members took part in the Drive for the unemployed, and the Station taken by the Union **n St. John Ambulance Day’ caine second on the list for amount collected. The Secretary's report showed a year of steady wo»-k. The Treasurer’s statement showed the finances to be in a healthy condition. In response to Mrs Peryman's appeal for each Union to secure two new subscribers to the White Ribbon, two ladies became subscribers. Mrs Fulljames read an interesting letter from a Niue lady, telling of the keen interest of the women in the White Ribbon work and the organizing of a Young People’s Branch. Ln connection with the War Memorial L'brary, 1600 magazines and 650 books had been sent to the Backblocks, and much-appreciated parcels of toys are to be sent to the children for Xmas. Practical help was gi\<-n by the members for this object. Reports were given by the various Superinttvidents of Departments. In course of her Presidential Address. Mrs Cook paid a tribute to the work of the Hawera Penal Reform League, explaining its aims and objects. The present ikxuinion Officers were nominated by the Union. Delegates were appointed to the Dominion Convention at Napier. f2O was passed to the Dominion Headquarters. The election of officers resulted in the former officers being re-elected:—President, Mrs (look; Rec. Secretary. Mrs Taylor; Cor. Secretary, Miss N. Dewar; Treasurer, Mrs P. Dowling; Vice-Presidents, Mosdames Fulljames, Hutchinson, Ready and Pierce. The Union goes into recess till March. WAIHI. Nov. 29. Annual meeting. We were pleased to have a visit from our District President, Mrs Jones. About fourteen members and ft .ends were present, and much enjoyed Mrs Jones' address, Mrs Jones spoke on the Organizing Fund, Willard Home. New Zealand Headquarters I>oniinion Fund, Maori Work, and the District Fund, [minting out that money’ was needed to carry forward these schemes. As Mrs Jones had to leave to catch her train, afternoon tea was dispensed, after which we proceeded with the business of election of officers and payment of dues. TAURANGA. Nov. 25. President in chair; fair attendance. It was the unanimous wish of the meeting, that all officers be re-elected for this coming year. We are happy to have gained Mrs Jordan as Evangelistic Superintendent. Our President read a short resume of our year’s work, and the Treasurer’s report w’as read. We are also happy to report a most successful year's work with the Band of Hope, in which we take a warm interest. Afternoon tea was handed round. KAIAPOI. Oct. 26. Mrs Vickery in the chair. A very successful Social gtven to the Band of Hope, about 180 attending the tea and afterwards the Concert and Prize-giving. Miss Haughan addressed the meeting, taking as her subject, "The care of the Feebleminded." She said that New Zeaand was far behind the times in safe-guardi«ng the community. The following resolution was passed to be sent to the Hon. D. Buddo: "The Kaiapoi Branch of the W.C.T.U. desires to bring before your not*ce the urgent need

for provision for adult feeble-minded persons, and will be grateful If you can inform them when the report of Dr. Gray on this subject will be forthcoming.” Nov. 20. Annual meeting. The rejiortH of the various olTcers were read and adopted, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to all retiring officers. Mrs Vickery thanked all members for supporting her so faithfully throughout the year. The following are the officers for the forthcoming year:—President, Mrs Vickery; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Brighting, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Slade, Mrs Martin, Mrs Stewart; Soore-tary, Mrs Rinaldi; Assistant Secretary, Mrs Blackwell: Treasurer, Miss Evans; Supt. Band of Hope, Mrs Stewart; Supt. Hall Conunittee, Mrs Stewart; Supt. (’radio Roll, Mrs Warren; Supt. Peace and Arbitration, Mrs White; Supt. White Ribbon, Mrs Phillips. A letter was received from the t’oum.l re Creche and Rest Room. STRATFORD. Annual meeting. a fair attendance. Different departmental reports were re-'.d. The Treasurer’s rejxirt showed our Union f units to he very satisfactory. Our thanks arc due to our retiring President. Mrs Fawcett, who has carried out her duties during the year at groat sacrifice to herself. A Birthday League is a new department for our Umion, being started last year as a means to raise funds for the Union. Members joining this paw Is. each birthday, thus helping the Union financially. Votes of thanks to the various helpers other than our Union members v ere passed. GRANITY. Nov. 10. A special meeting: a visit from Mrs Lynn. Mrs Marr introduced the speaker, who gave a splendid address on "Why we should vote prohibition, giving many illustmtions of the evils drink was causing, especially, In the number of defective*. Mrs Marr thanked the speaker. Mrs Brown gave u beautiful rendering of "My Task." Good attendance. Nov. 24. Mrs Marr presided. Mrs Nelson re|M>rted on the visit of Mrs Marr and herself to Millerton (Mrs Lynn visited there last week and got fourteen probable names) where they formed a branch of the W.C.T.U. Mrs Nelson gave a review of all the branches of the W.C.T.U. work, also advised officers if in need of advice, to write to their District President, but above all to first read their ' <’onstitution," and get thoroughly conversant with the contents, also to take White Ribbon, which Is full of interesting matter; the officers are as follows: —President. Mrs Prosser Millerton: Vice-President, Mrs Jones; Secretary, Mrs Brown, Bchoolhouse. Millerton; Treasurer, Mrs McDonald. Literature was handed out, then afternoon tea. Mrs Marr closed the meeting. A Dradle Roll Social was held, nrd was a great success. The Children’s Hymn was sung. Bible reading and prayers. Mrs Nelson resigned her position as Secretary. Mrs Man expressed her regret, also the regret of the members. Mrs Nelson is leaving the District. A letter was read from Denniston, stating that they w’ere readv to try and form a branch. If we would help them. Decided Mesdames Marr and Nelson go to Denniston as soon as members gathered together. Mrs Lynn visited this place Thursday and Friday last, and got fourteen names. We hope a branch will lie formed. Mrs Henderson trained children to give an Entertainment, and it was very good indeed; the children were also entertained at tea, and they appeared to enjoy that; a most enjoyable time was spent. One new member gained. SOUTH DUNEDIN. Nov. 10. Annual meeting, Mrs Hinton presided. Secretary read the annual report and the Treasurer the lialanoe-sheet, and both were thanked for their services. Election of officers as follows: —President, Mrs Hinton; Mrs Williams, Treasurer; Mrs Williamson, Secretary (re-elected); Vice-Presidents, Miss Ford amd Mrs Williamson. Passed for payment Secretary’s account, and fl for rent of hall. Mrs Williams then sang very feelingly the solo, "My Task." Afternoon tea served. Mrs William*on read Scientific Fact, which stressed the fact that alcohol was unnecessary in faint *ng turns, etc., and that there were safer and simpler means of restoring the patient to consciousness. Decided to have first meeting of next year in February.

KL'MEU. Kov. 10. Only fair attendance; the President in the chair. Annual meeting, the election of officers took place, and the President, Secretary and Treasurer, who were iu office were re-elected. Mrs Williams, Auckland District Secretary, was present, and gave a very concise account of the late District Convention at Whangarei, and was quite interesting. The lack of flnavice tit our branch was discussed, but decided to wait until we re-open to find means of raising funds. One new member was initiated. ONEHUNGA. Nov. 10. Fair attendance, annual meeting. Mrs Hunter’s resignation from office of Cor. Secretary caused deep regret. Reports were read. Membership now 89; we have four of our members on the Benevolent Society, two on School Committee, and one helping in the Y.W.C.A. Classes and In the Play Association. Treasurer's report satisfactory. L.T.L. reports read by Mrs Shepherd: Junior membership, 38; Senior L.T.L. members, 2o; the latter have formed n Sunshine Committee and take books and flowers to tlie ChildrenTs Wurd n the Hospital. \V» believe this i; lot* first Senior L.T.L. in tin Dominion (No! Oltoia.—Ed, W.R.) A speed vote of thi'.ivk.- was passed *o the two Superintendents, and also tc Mrs Campbell, who is such a help with the piano and singing. Superintendent of Cradle Roll reported new names added, many had received 8-year Certificates, homes visited, and 183 on the roll. W.R. Agent: 55 subscribers, 9 of whom are not members of the I’nion. and she appealed to those present to help her further increase the sale of our paper. Hearty vote of thanks passed for work done, and the interest taken by these officers ami Superintendents. President spoke on Licensing Bill; the value of the work done byladies on School Committees, and thanked the officers and members for loyal support during her term of office, urging that we endeavour to increase our attendance at the meetings. Several amounts passed for payment. Next meeting a "Bring and Buy" for the Orphanage. Miss Begg. of Y.W.C.A. will be the speaker, and will tell of her work among the girls of our city. The election of officers resulted its follows: — President, Mrs Leadley; Secretary. Mrs Htaccv; Treasurer, Mrs Musht; L.T.L. Supts., Mrs Hunter and Mrs Shepherd; Cradle 801 l Supt., Mrs T. Gilbert; W.R. Agent, Mrs Ashby. Mrs Firdyce, Junr. and Mrs Lamond volunteered to help the Cradle Roll Superintend! nt with the vis ting. A solo sung byMrs Leadley was much appreciated, and one new member was added to our roll. During the year, six members have been transferred to other I'nions, and one called to higher service. RANGIORA. Nov. 25. Th annual meeting. Mrs Thwaites presided over a fair attendance. The reports of the Treasurer and the Secretary Indicated that the work is going on satisfactorily. The reports of the various Superintendents showed 30 subscribers to the “White Ribbon," 60 tiameo on the Cradle Roll, 83 members in the Band of Hope, 31 "Y.” members, and 27 L.T.L. members. The ITesident expressed her thanks to all w-ho had assisted with the work during the year, and on the motion of Mrs, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the retiring office-bearers, all of whom were re-elected, with the addition of Mrs McKeohnie, as Evangelistic Superintendent, and Mrs H. Taylor as Superintendent of the Scientific Temperance I’lepartment. Two new members w-ere initiated. Several members of the Belfast Union attended the meeting, and on their behalf, Mrs Roxburgh expressed thanks for the invitation to be present. 14AHOTUKU. Our district was visited by Miss McLay, Dominion Organiser, this month, but owing to the very wet weather she was not able to do much visiting. We held our usual meeting on September 15th, most of our members being present in spite of the bad weather. One new member was initiated. Miss Mrl.«ay gave us a very interesting and helpful address on, “Ways in which our Union could help" Afternoon tea was dispensed by Mesdames Bayte and Smith.

HASTINGS. Nov. 24. Good attendance, nine apologies for absence. Mrs Banks in the chair. Reports of Secretary and Treasurer read aj.d adopted, which showed a good year's work. Cradle Roll, Literature, and Evangelistic I*epartments all reported. Officers elected for 1928 were: —President, Mrs Hanks; VicePresidents. Mesdames Thompson, Darby, Paul; Secretary, Mrs Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs Emmett; Superintendents of Departments were: —Evangelistic, Mrs Hickmott; Cradle Roll, Mrs McArthur; Social, Mrs Smith; Literature, Mrs Rue; Visiting, Mrs L>arby. BRIGHTON. Nov. 17. Mrs H. Hall presided; attendance exceptionally good. A motion of sympathy was passed w-ith Mrs Gordon and Mrs Heal. A welcome was extended to tlie many visitors who were present, and the mot tiers and babies of the Cradle Roll Impairment. Final arrangements were made for the Church Parade. The resignation of Mr G. E. Goodwin who has acted as Honorary Auditor to the Union for the past 10 years, was received with regret. Subscription Cards for the Campaign Fund were distributed among the members, and Mrs F. M. Mitchell was elected Treasurer for this Fund. Mrs Hall gave a very fitting talk to the mothers on the training of the children in Temperance work. Much appreciated songs were given by Mesdaines Judge and Hprosen and Miss T. Buxton. Afternoon tea was served. Nov. 27. On Sunday morning the members of the Central, North and South Brighton Branches of the W.C.T.I’., < o. toned m holding their annual Temperance Church Parade. Headed by children of the Bands of Hope and the members of the Young People's Branches, the Parade marched, about 90 strong, from the Pier to the Presbyterian Church, where the Service was conducted by the Rev. J. S. Young. PALMERSTON NORTH. i)ec. 2. Annual meeting. Letters wore received from Mesdames Collins, Burrell. lk»reen. Ritchie and Kingston, saying they were sorry they could not be present. Two new members were initiated. Reports from Superintendents of different activities received. Mrs Birdaall gave an interesting account of Willard Home. The new building has commenced. There is money on hand to pay for the building, but more will be required for furnishing. Mrs T. Young, President, vacated the chair, which was taken by Mrs Hodder. Election of officers then followed. Those elected were:—President, Mrs Ferguson; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Pai-ey, Mrs Hoddpr, Mrs Young, and Mrs Collins; Her. Secretary, Mrs Wakeham; Cor. Secretary, Mrs Singh; Treasurer, Mrs Kingston; Hospital Visitor, Mrs Cobb; Literature Superintendent, Mrs I>oreen; Cradle Roll, Miss Asprey and Mrs White; White Ribbon, Mrs Burreil and Miss Arthur; Pres Correspondent, Mrs Singh; Evangelistic Suj>erintendemt, Mrs Ritchie; Auditor, Mr Hodder. Thanks of the Union were sent to Mrs Burrell and Mrs Kingston for their good work. A letter of sympathy to be forwarded to Mrs Doreen. Miss Moor's resignation was received with regret, and all good wishes of tiie Union were given her for her Journey to and work In Jerusalem, whither she is going early in the New Year. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs T. Young, ami appreciation expressed of her good work as President for a number of years past. A dainty afternoon tea was much enjoyed, and the meeting closed with the Benediction. Votes of thanks were passed to the Press for their courtesy in reporting meetings. RAtTIHt. Pec. 2. 19 members present and 4 visitors. Mrs Griffin. President, in the chair. Four new members proposed, and one honorary member. It being Members’ Day, the roll was called and members answered mostly by verse or quotation. This being the last meeting of the year, it took the florin of a Social Afternoon, and Mrs Reynolds sang a solo and Mrs Keucko gave a recitation. NORTH INVERCARGILL. Nov. 16. Annual meeting presided over by

Mrs Fairhaim. Southland District President, who gave an impressive and helpful address on the Palsied Man (Mark 2:3) who w:is borne by four to Jesus, showing that our help and unity are required in the Master s work. The Secretary’s report showed a progressive and successful year’s work. Our Branch, having obtained the highest percentage of new members in Southland, gained the handsome table cover which is competed for each year. During the year, we lost two valued members by removal, Mrs Brown, White Ribbon Agent, and Mrs Kennedy, Evangelistic Superintendent. Our capable and enthusiastic President, Mrs Gilmour, has resigned, owing to her departure to Christchurch. At a special meeting held last week to bid her farewell, she was presented w'ith a rose bowl, and many testified to her ardent zeal in the cause, and expressed regret at her removal from our midst. We are most fortunate in having Mrs McCartney, late President of South Dunedin Branch, to step into the breach, which she willingly consented to do. The election of officers resulted in Mrs McCartney being elected President, and Mrs Martin, White Ribbon Agent, all the other officers being re-elected. A letter of sympathy Is to be sent to our former beloved President, Mrs liopkirk (now of Wanganui East) who has been laid aside with sickness for a time. Afternoon tea was dispensed. CHRISTCHURCH. Nov. 9. Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mr John Caughley for his recent sad bereavement. Miss Henderson, in pro|M)sing the resolution, testified to the late Mrs Caughley’« great interest and activity in the Wellington Union. Letters thanking the Union for votes of sympathy were received from Mesdames Jenkins H r .id Mrs G. Burn. As Mrs Pedler, a moat esteemed member, was celebrating her eighty-first birthday, the President offered the hearty congratulations of the Union and presented her with a bouquet of roses. Afternoon tea was served by the Social Committee. Mrs Pedler was presented with a beautifullyiced cake from tlie Union, made by Mrs Hays. Nov. 23. Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance. The Secretary was requested to write letters of sympathy to Miss Thompson nnd Mrs G. H. Nicholls, in their recent bereavements. Misses Allen and Eamshaw in their continued illn«*ss. Miss Henderson welcomed Mrs Chandler, from Baronia. near Melbourne, also Miss Hamilton, from the Wellington Central W.C.T.U. Decided to donate £2 2s. to the Willard Home. Palmerston North. Members promised to take Collecting Cards, to provide funds for the North Canterbury District Campaign next year. Members were reminded of annual meeting on December 9th; a "Bring ami Buy" Sale is to be held after the business has closed. RICCARTON. Nov. 17. Annual meeting, attendance good. Apologies through sickness received fnmn a number of members. Following resolutions passed:—Special donation of fl to Willard Ho.ue; Initiation of £1 to Miss Baughan for

Xrnta Cheer for Prisoners; £1 to Trustees of Clarence liood Church for use of same durtaig year; Prizes donated for Essay for Hand of Hope children. Mrs Beveridge gave d«.uation towards prizes. President appealed for assistance to carry on Band of Hope. Mrs Cannon’s rvsin’nation as Devotional Leader received and accepted with regret. Motion of sympathy passed to Mrs Laycock on the (loath of her husband, Rev. Laycock. Resolved to hold Drawing-room meetings of a si>ecial nature next year. Campaign Cards distr'iuttsl. Arrangenuaits for next year’s Syllabus left in hands of Executive to draw up. Reports of differtid organisations were read and eonsidered very satisfactory. * radle Roll Superintendent reported 53 children on roll. White Ribbon Agent reported 50 sub s. ribers to White Ribbon. Superintendent of Prisons Department retorted a large amount of good work done for prisons «luring the . r e-ele<-ted. Resolved to stud letters of thanks to Mr Graveston for auditing books, also to Revs. B. J. James and H. Nelson Wright, for conducting Bible-in-Schools for past year. Mrs T. E. Taylor. Dominion President, addressed the meeting and read a paper on the “Economic Position of \\ omen, dealing with the evolution of thought in connection with woman’s place in the world. LOWER HITTT. Nov. 23. Annual meeting, the Rev. Lopdell presided. Annual report read, showed average attendance of 16. Honours Badges presented to Mesdames Garlic, ltoutlej, Knight and Ballnntyne. Five new White Ribbon subscribers, total 4a. \ote of thanks to the Trustees for use of Church. Treasurer’s report, a balance in hand of 17s. sd., and 1 Ks. 6d. Headquarters Fund. The Cradle Roll shows 161 members, 29 being new. The “At Home” In' connection with the <'radle Roll was a great success, over 10 mothers being present. Report on visiting witi"factory. Decided to set up a strong Committee, so as absent members can he kept more in touch with our work. Rev. Ijopdell then spoke on the liquor question. During tin* afternoon, Mrs Lopdell and Mrs Tait gave recitations, and Mrs Spencer sang a solo. The following officers were reelected for the coming year:—President, Mrs Anderson; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Knight, Garlic, Routley, Lopdell and Ballant.vne; Secretary, Mrs Aldersley; Treasurer, Mrs H. Heyes; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs R. Heyes; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs Baigent; Librarian and Reporter to Press, Mrs Crawford; Evangelistic, Mrs Visiting Convenor, Mrs Duck; Ten Convenor, Mrs Turner. Decided to send a telegram to Mr Comtes, asking that Parliament have a fair and just opj>ortunity to vote on the two-issue ballot paper during this session. For Area Convention. December 3rd, I‘nion to provide supper. Afternoon tea was served. TURAKINA. Nov. Annual meeting at Mrs Gabites. Reports of Secretary show that we started the year with 11 members and ended with 19. Two members removed from district and n»ne by death during the year. Election of officers resulted:—Mrs Catherwood. President: Mesdams Perry and Govenlock. VioeITesidents; Mrs Gabites, White Ribbon Agent and Cradle Roll Superintendent; Mrs R. J. Glasgow, Secretary and Treasurer. W ARK WORTH. Oct. 2ft. Afternoon tea. Pay-Up. Mrs Kasper read most interesting account of W'hangarei Conference. Another member. Miss Kasper was enrolled. Nov. 3. Mrs K:isi*er’s paper was repeated. Report of work of L.T.L. was rend. Miss McGregor’s able work was much appreciated. Arrangements made for tlie forwarding of parcels of clothing, toys, etc., to Sister Esther. PAPANUI. Nov. Ift. Mrs Merrin presided. Annual Cradle Roll (lav; a good attendance of mothers and children, jwul the room was gay with flowers. Reported letters received from ♦he local schoolmasters with reference to the essays. Decided t<y ask Mr- Patterson, Secretary of the Afliance, if he would judge them. Decided to ask Mr Gates to audit

ttie hooks of the Union. Mrs Beckett was warmly welcomed. Mrs Bhimires ga\c ar. impressive address to the children, utging them always to fight the Dragon, Drink. Master Lindsay Nellson presented the speaker with a bouquet of roses. Items were gi\cn by Mrs Merrin and the Messrs. K. Bond and C. Croper. Afternoon tea was served, and each child was presented with a basket of swef ts. RAKAIA. Nov. i Mrs Doag presided over fair attendance. Votes of sympathy passed to Mrs Robert Oakley and family in ttie loss of Mr Oakley, also to Mr and Miss Tucker, in the death of Mrs Tucker, who was one of our members from the inception of the l nion. Also a letter of sympathy to Mrs Raplev in her illness. Letter received from Mr Boothroyd, inviting our members to attwid his morning service at the Methodist * liurch, when lie would preach his .annual Tempci - ance sermon. The invitation was accepted. President read an article from the “Headway” an the “Refugees of Europe,” and what had been done for them by the League of Nations. Members asked to attend the Y. meeting on November 15th. Resolutions passed at Auckland Convention were read and discussed. B**ne<llction; afternoon tea. MANAIA. An Erecutive meeting was held in the Presbyterian Vestry, on the afternoon of the 2nd Tuesday. Mrs Hansen’s resignation as Secretary, owrng to ill-health, after many years service, was received with regret, the President, Mrs Robinson, offering to take on tin* duties of the office temporarily. Other offices filled as before. Reports: 10 meetings; 1 Social Afternoon; 1 evening address; 16 new members, 56 on roll, 32 paid up; Cl 9s. and box sent to Willard Home, £1 to District President's Fund, ss. to Sailors Rest; help to Plunket Society, sick visiting; magazines to hospital and to New Plymouth gaol; total receipts for the year, £lO 16 ~ expenses, £4 125., which gives a balance hand for election work; Cradle Roll membership, 34, 4 transferred, 6 reached age limit, fund. 13s. fid., cards and literature sent; White Ribbon subscribers, 20, 5 left district, 3 new. It is requested that all members endeavour to send Is. each for the Organising Fund to the Treasurer, Mrs Robinson, so that she can complete her returns. Decided to hold an Executive meeting before commencing the year's work. NORTH BRIGHTON. Nov. Annual meeting, Mrs B. M. Harband presided. To Willard Home it was decided to donate £2 2s. A letter from Mr W. Lee Martin, M.P., thanking the Union for its congratulations on his election. It was reported that Sunday, the 27tli November, would he observed ns Temperance Sunday, and that the various Temperance Organisations in New Brighton would assemble at the Pier at 1ft.40 a.m., and proceed to the Presbyterian Church. The Secretary was asked to extend an invitation! to the North Brighton United Band of Hope to attend this service. Decided to hold a (’radio Roll Afternoon in the Rawliiti Domain on Saturday. the 3rd December, and a Social Evening to ti»e new members during December. The Secretary and Treasurer’s annunl reports were adopted, the membership showing at 42. Votes of thanks were passed to the Secretary and Treasurer. Reports were read front the ('radle Roll, White Ribbon, Press, Legal and Parliamentary, Devotional, Philanthropic and Young People’s Departments. The following were elected officers for the ensuing year:—President. Miss B. M Harbaml; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames leaver and Beaton; Secretary, Mrs R. Parker; Treasurer. Mrs J. F. Eanies; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs N. M'Gillvray; Press Rejstrter, Mrs Leaver; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs A. Henry; Y. Supt., Mrs Leaver; l>»gal and Parliamentary Department, Mrs Thompson; Devotional, Mrs C. Dixon. SPREYDON. Nov. 8. Annual meeting. Mrs Naim presided over fair attendance. Decided to take up a collection for WMlard Home next month. Election of officers as follows:

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 389, 18 December 1927, Page 9

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 389, 18 December 1927, Page 9

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 389, 18 December 1927, Page 9

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