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N.Z.W.C.T.U. Literature.

General: Mr* Horace Chisholm, 9 I‘aim Giove, Berhampore, Wellington. Badges and Tie pins. f>/- per doz., Star of Honor. 2/- each; Hymnals (music), 3/- each; Hymn Hooks, 2/8 per doz ; Writing Puds, 1/- and 1/9 each; Knveiopes, Cd packet; Constitutions, 4d each, or 3/(5 doz.; Handy Booklet, 4U each, 3/6 doz.; Membership Pledge Tanks and “Facts About W.t’.T.U.',” 6<i doz.; Treasurer and Transfer Slips, 6ddoz.; Pledge Hooks, 6d each; Treasurers Receipt Hook, 1/6 each; Promise Box, 1/3 each; “How YVe Won the Franchise," 6d doz., or 3/- per 100; “White-Robed Vestal," 6d doz., or 3/- per 100; “What We Have Done with the Franchise,” 6d doz., or .V- per 100; “Torchboarers,” 7/6 each; “Appeal to Mothers,” 6d doz.; “Frauds,’ 6d doz.; “Emergency,” 9d doz., or Id each; "Young; People’s Leaflet on - per doz.; “Noontide Hymn” (words), for sticking in Hymnal, 6d doz.; ‘Three Reasons Why a Young Woman and a Young Man Should Abstain.” 6d doz.; Service and Prayer Hook, 6d each; Social Invitation Cards, 6d doz. These prices include postage. L.T.L. and Rand of Mercy: Mrs Bathgate, 106 Somme Parade, Wanganui. Charts (with Manual of Lessons), showing effects of alcohol and tobacco on the human body, 7/6 per set; Marching Songs for Young Crusaders.. 1/each; A Handful of Hints, 1/.; Temperance Tales, 1/-; About Ourselves, 1/-; About. Our Country, 1/-; It Is Written (Bible stories), 1/-; Shakespeare Manual, 1/3; Pledge Cards, 1/- per dozen; Programmes, from 3d each; L.T L. Badges, 4d each; L.T.L, Buttons, 3d each; The Young Crusader, 2/- per annum (in advance); L.T.L. Hand Books. BAND OF MERCY. Literature, 6d per packet; Pledges, 6d per dozen; “The Little Animal’*. Friend,” 1/6 per year (on order). BAND OF HOPE. Dialogues. 3d each; Leaflets, 9d per packet; Pledges (artistic), 2/- per dozen; Reciters, from 3d. Also Pledges at 1/per dozen. Cradle Roll: Mrs Phillips, Brecon Road, Stratford. Cradle Roll Pledge Cards, 1/- per doz. Cradle Roll Rirthday Cards. 2/- per doz. Eighth Year Certificates, 2/- per doz Social and Moral Hygiene: Mrs Wilson, P.O. Box 273, Hastings. Men, Women and God, 4/6 —A discussion of Sex Questions from the Christian standpoint; Maternity without Suffering, 3/-; Way Book of Youth. !/-; How I Was Born, 9d; The Story of Life, 1/6; In Her Teens, 2/-; The Changing Girl, 2/-; Answers to Tiny Tots, 2/-. Medical Temperance: Mrs Clara Neal, 5 Park Crescent. Parnell Auckland. Medical Temperance Leaflets at prices ranging from one penny up to sixpence per dozen. Sample Packets, l/» each. Anti-Narcotic Iveaflets: Sample Packed, 8d each. Ml Free,

WANGANU EAST. Oct. President in « huir. Arrangements were made for Garden Party, in aid of Willard Home. Headquarters and Campaign Fund. Miss Sutton, Cradle Roll Superintendent, reported about forty new names in six months. V. Branch also is active and growing steadily in numbers. They propose running a stall at Garden Party. Pay-Up Social Pay. Members took the opportunity of puling their yearly dues, thereby saving our Treasurer much unnecessary work and worry. A cup of tea and social items, brought a bright and profitable meeting to a close. OXFORD. Oct. 2t>. lie-solution expressing sympathy with tho President in her bereavement. Sympathy was expressed with Mrs E. Magrath arc! Mrs Nelson; Meadumes Co my ns and Fenwick, 11/s. sent on to the Maori Fund. Ti e next meeting will be the annual meeting and the election of officers, November loth, so do come along and let us ha\e a real good meeting. Decided to hold the final Hand of Hope meeting on a suitable night in November. Mrs Bcarfife gave a very excellent report on the Convention at Ashburton, for which she was heartily thanked. Made arrangement for the W.C.T.U. Afternoon Tea, to be held November 3rd. GOES. Nov. 1. "Bring and Buy” Kale held at the residence of our President, Mrs E. C. Smith. The attendance waa very good, and the financial results ex<*e|lent. exceed* ing our expectations amounting to close on £6. l&rtter* relative to the District Convention were dealt with. During afternoon tea, vocal Items, to everyone's enjoyment, were rendered by Mrs Beatties, Hazlett and Burton. PAPANUI. Oct. Fair attendance, Mrs F. Chit presided. Maori Day, a collection taken up for Maori Fund. Decided to offer the usual prizes for essays, to tin* four schools of the District, Harewood, i’apanui, Waimairi. and tho Seventh Ihiy Adventists, the subject being, The Effect of Alcohol oil the Human Body. It was stated that this whs now a compulsory subject ini the schools. In connection with the Carnival, for the two parks, the meeting decided that their Union would supp.y afternoon tea and supper for one day. Mrs Merrin gave a very interesting report osi the recent Convention held at Ashburton. Decided that next meeting would he a*a afternoon for the Cradle Roll members, when the children will be entertained with afternoon tea and sweets. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. Oct. Though somewhat windy and cold, mothers and children ("it was Mothers' Day") were present in large r.umhers, and enjoyed to the full the delightful and varied programme arranged by members. Mrs Pasley extended a warm welcome to mothers and visitors, and proposed to submit the social part of the programme first. Those responsible for this pleasure were:—Mrs Ritchie. Mrs Parker (by whose hands the programme was arranged) and Miss C. Bailey. Mrs Stanley Brown followed with an address on Kipling’s Poem, "The Glory of a Garden,” and Mrs Brown’s neat and «x-------planatory exposition of these verses was a sumptuous treat. Afternoon tea was served to adults, and fruit, biscuits and a gift to each child. It was made known that the Southland Annual Convention would be held m tlu .1 1 Street Sunday S< dnxd. on November 9th. A happy afternoon was brought to a close with the Benediction. OTAHUHU. Oct. 13. Good attendance, Mrs Greenwood occupied the chair. Mrs Wheeler, the delegate to Convention at Whangarei. gave a report of the w'ork done, also Mrs Fulljames, from Auckland, gave a splendid address on Maoris and other work. A collection was taken up for Maori work. One new member. Afternoon tea was handed round. ONE HUNG a. Oct. 13. A splendid attendance, 70 being present at our Pay-Up Social. Article re

Dominion Stocking League road from the White Ribbon, President offering to receive and forward any stocking legs sent to her to Mrs Don. 1 >eelded to hold a Bring and Buy Afternoon in December, In aid of the Palmerston On hanage. letters of sympathy to be written to two members who are laid aside. Programme arranged by our Treasurer, of songs, piano and violin solos. As Mrs Keith Klnuner was not well and unable to come, Mr HI turner, who came in her stead, told ua of the “Diuka Tribe” in Sudan, and of their Missionary work amongst these people to whom they were returning soon, closing his interesting talk with an appeal for our prayers on their behalf. Votes of thanks to speaker and artists. A plate at the door for voluntary contributions, resulted in our being able to hand 355. to Mr Plmmer towards the Mission. Invitation given to \ isitors to join. One new member gained. Tea was handed round. CHEVIOT. Oct. 7. Mrs Walmsley presiding, attcMdance good. A donation to the Willard Home was voted by the meeting. Borne questions were asked on Gambling in its numerous forms, which gave rise to a brisk dismission. Arrangements were made for a •'Bring and Buy” Afternoon in aid of funds, after which the meeting was closed and afternoon tea dispensed. DANNEVIRKE Oct. 13. Twelve members present. Social Afternoon, and Musical Evening unavoidahl) postponed until next month. Letter received from New Zealand Alliance re Temperance Self-Denial Week; resolved to send for four dozen envelopes. Paper read about Dominion Stoc king League, much appreciated by members. WAIPUKURAU. Oct. 15. Mrs Smales presided over a fair attendanc e. Correspondence was read re the proposed visit of Miss Mr Lay and Heaton. Decided to hold two meetings next month on that account; annual meeting not to be held until our Secretary returns. Finances were discussed. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. Oct. 12. Home meeting at Broad Bay. About 14 of our members live there; they invited friends to come to the meeting. Mrs Hiett gave a very interesting talk about our work; at the ‘dose. Mr Moore, the Methodist Missionary, thanked our President for her interesting address. Four new members Joined our ranks. Afternoon tea was nerved before leaving for town. Oct. 19. Mrs Hutton gave an American Tea at her home, “Highgate,” in aid of the Organising Fund, about forty ladies were present. Mrs W. R. Don gave a very interesting talk about her Trip Through America, which was very much enjoyed. Musical items, recitations and violin solos were given. The collection was close on £7. TAKAKA. Nov. 1. Annual meeting. In the absence of the President, Miss C. M. Me Lay, Y. Organiser, presided. Mias Me Lay told the story of the "Women’s Crusade in Hillsboro." and gave a brief c,inline of the aims and activities of the W.C.T.U. She referred to some of the great reforms which men and women of vision had brought about in tlie past, and pointed out the great task of our day is the Al*olitlon of the Licensed Liquor Traffic. The effect of Alcohol on the Brain was demonstrated by chart. The following officers were elected: —President, Mrs Scott; Vice-President, Mrs Harwood and Mrs R. W. Kirk; Secretary. Mrs A. Taylor; Treasurer, Mrs Ed. Hitchcock; W.R. Agent, Mrs Like Two new members were obtained, and four White Ribbon subscribers. Miss Mcljiy also addressed public meetings in Kotinga and Takaka. STRATFORD. Oct. Pay-Up Social. Splendid attendance of visitors and members; over 50 subscriptions were paid in. Mrs Phillips extended a hearty welcome to the visitors, and Invited them to Join with us in the work of trying to make New Zealand what we were so proud to call it, "God's Own Country." Miss Bradshaw, Dominion Organiser, gave

us an inspiring talk, pointing out two or three reasons why we women should always wear our "White Ribbon Badge.” Bongs unit recitations were given during the afternoon Mrs Phillips made an appeal for the Willard Hume. Afternoon tea was handed round. Five new mem hers were initiated. FEILDING. Nov. 3. Annual meeting. Good attendance. presided over by Mrs Pack. Resolved that ten shillings he sent to the Missionary Fund. Secretary’ instructed to write a letter of sympathy to Mrs llubner who is ill. Reports showed a slight increase in membership, also in subscribers to White Ribbon. All former officers re-elected, with the exception of Meadames Hughes and Burnley, who replace Meadames Darragh und Gibson as Vice-Presidents. RICCARTON. Oct. 20. Cradle Roll Day; attendance good. Pledge repeated. Temperance fact entitled, "Alcohol is a Cell Poison,” given by President, wlio explained the effect of Alcohol on young life. Correspondence read relating to a prisoner whom the Union had assisted, and members were pleased to know that he was still making good and living in England; another prisoner who had been assisted by one of our members was now living in Australia, still keeping straight, and wrote to say that lie was going to be married. Nurse Allen, of Christchurch Plunket Bociety, addressed the meeting, and gnve an interesting talk to the mothers present, on the Cart and Feeding of Babies. One new member joined. HAWERA. Oct. 17. Very enjoyable Concert gi\en by local friends to celebrate Maori Day. Good audience; Mrs Kxley presided, and said that one day during the year the Union made an effort to raiNc funds to assist tin- work among the Maoris. Ite\. H. .1. Fleti her gave a very Interesting talk on "Maoris and Liquor in the King Country."’ The following ladies and gentlemen contributed Items: — Mesdainea Carter. Hartman, Halstead. Toper, Yearbury. Dryman, Robb; Misses Johnston. Spurdle and Bissett; Messrs. Me Fad gen Jones. Kade, Taylor and Piper. Mrs Hayway and Mrs Olllrenshaw deserve great credit for organising the concert, also Mrs L. A. Taylor for playing the accompaniments. Oct. 2S. Good number present. Mrs Exley presided. Letter read from Mr Burge, expressing his thanks to members for tlieir kindness to his late wife and for letters or sympathy, thanking the President for her service nt the graveside, which lie very much appieciated. One new member c*nrolled. A very successful rale of produce; proceeds in aid of Willard Home. HAVELOCK NORTH. Oct. 28. Ten ladles present Mrs Speig’’? presided. Welcome to Miss M- Lay, who gave tiie devotional address, taking as her subject, Christ’s Precepts and Example of Loving Service. Letter of sympathy to Mrs Gilbertson In serious illness of her son. Mrs Speight siHike briefly cm Maori work done by the Union. Nov. 4. A combined meeting of Hastings and Havelock North Vmlons. to welcome our new District President. Miss Heaton, of Dannevirlce; Mrs Bpeiglit presided. Mrs Wilson took the devotional address, dealing w'ith the spiritual value of loneliness, Instanced hy the lives of Elijah, Isaiah, Joint Baptist, and Jesus. Miss Heaton’s address dealt oh!- ny w ith the Evangelistic aspect of our wor*. Mire Mcljiy, our I>ominion organiser .q>oke on Cradle Roll work and a mothers high calling. Verily, a feast of good things were in there three addresses. Mrs \\ :-t»b sing delightfully, the song. "Mv Pcm foul.” Afternoon tea was provided, and a collection taken to help the funds of this new Union. The following resolutto” was ’mried:—"This meeting of Hastings and Havelock members of tho W.C.T U. met at Havelock, desires to place on record its appreciation and warm support of the attitude which the local Press have adopted towards tile picture ‘Darmtiged Goods.’ a«nd would urge upon the Hastings Borough Council, the need for n better supervision of the class of picture screened in our Municipal Theatre.”

OPAWA-WOOLST( *N Sept. 7. Public meeting, preaided over by Mrß Jenkins; excellent attendance. Mias Ranghau gave an Instructive talk on lulled Prison Reform, especially in the care of feeble-minuiod persons, for whom special homes were needed. Uua C. M. Me Lay follt*we«l with a description of Homes in Scotland for feeble-minded persons. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded loth speakers. Following resolution was passed: "That the mods of the feeble-minded adults in New Zealand should be urged uptm its Parliamentary representative, ami the Government, ami that their attention should also l*t* invited to the latest New Zealand Prison report, and the figures therein which will appear to show that many offenders arc unnecessarily in prison instead of being put upon probation or otherwise cared for.” Sept. 14. Small attendance; Mrs Jenkins presided. Matters were dls ussed in connection with the formation of .< now Branch at Woolston, the Minister of St Peter’s offering a room connected with the Church. and would help in every way possible; after a lengthy discussion, it was decided to leave it over until February next. A Y. Branch w is also discussed and deferred until a later date. A Cradle ltoll was proposed with Joint Superintendents, Mrs Tulloek and Mrs Handeock. Report of District Convention In Ashburton was given by Miss Atkins, items of interest being afterwards dis< ussed. A \ote of thanks was passed. Afternoon tea. RANGIORA. October 28. Mrs Thwaites presided over fair attendance. Letters of sympathy m cases of illness to he sent to three members. A small "Bring and Buy” Sale held during the afternoon, realised the sum of £1 10s. An article from the "White Ribbon" on “Leadership” was read. As Maori iHiy is observed in October, tlie President read a report on the work among the Maoris in the North Island, and a collection was taken up for the Maori Fund. EDKNDALE SOUTH. »vt. ii. Annual meeting; Mrs Malcolm. President, m the chair. Treasurer read balance-sheet, which showed credit of Ifts. 10d. Our Branch numbers 21 members. At next meeting in November, a collection to be taken ill aid of Willard Home. Mrs Niven was Appointed delegate to Distri t Convention. The following officers were appointed for the year:—President, Mia .1. Finlay; Vice-President, Mrs Malcolm and Mias Cr&nstoun; Secretary, Miss N. Hall; Treasurer and W.R. Agent, Mrs Horace Niven. WAITARA. < >< t. 21. Good attendance; Miss Bradshaw. I ►ominion Organiser, conducted the devotions, and also gave a very interesting address on ’The Need of Educating Women and Young People against the Dangers of Drinking Habits,” urging members to get in personal touch with people, and try and induce them to think on the Prohibition question. £2 sent to Organising Fund; various accounts passed for payment. Decided to send for envelopes for the New Zealand Alliance Self-Denial Appeal. Notice given of annual meeting on November 18th. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sept. Franchise Day observed by a Social in the Victoria League Rooms; large attendance. Address by Mrs Burgess, President of the league. Several musical items and afternoon tea. Oct. 16. Maori Day; address by Mrs Tuffrey, Maori Superintendent, and Miss Bradshaw. Afternoon tea. Oct. 17. Young People's Evening. About 20 young people net in the Baptist Schoolroom, to heac an address by Miss Bradshaw. Musical programme, supper provided. Early In October, a Street Collection and Sale was held for the Seamen’s Rest funds, which, with proceeds of afternoon tea in the Victoria League, amounted to over £5 ss. On October litli, the Rest was opened to the public, on the occasion ef the visit of the first passenger boat. Boxes on the wharf and in the Rest Rooms, brought in the helpful sum of £2O. The monthly meeting was held on October 25th, when the chief business was to discuss plans for paying off the balance of f6O on the Seamen's Rest.

It was decided to hold a Mart on the 9th December, with the usual stalls and afternoon tea. Stall holders were appointed. The Ikmiiuion Treasurer’s letter re Organising Fund was read, and it was decided to writo saying that, as New Plymouth bad undertaken the erection of the Seamen's Rest, and expenditure in connection with it is liea,y at present, we cannot see our way to the payment of more than Is. per member for this year. KUMEIT. Oct. 12. Fair attendance, presided ever by the President, who read an interesting article dealing with the New Zealand Government and Samoa, and the Liquor Traffic there. We decided to keep our meetings going, and not close down for the summer vacation. Vot** of sympathy passed to those members who wen* unable to attend through sickness. Decided to invite the Helensville Branch to pay us a return visit to our meeting in November. Afternoon tea. DARGAVILLE. Oct. 18. Fair attendance; the President, Mrs Hodge, presided. A letter read from Alliamce, asking for co-operation In SelfDenial Week. Decided to get envelopes optional whether paid through Churches or W.C.T.U. Mrs Wordworth, the Cradle Roll Agent, very keen on working up a good <'nolle Roll. Mrs White undertook to make list of children's names, Mrs Reynolds to l>e asked to help with list names also. President read paper, “What Alcohol is and What it Does.” Members brought garments to be sent to Willard Home. A very Interesting rejs»rt of District Convention given by our delegate, Miss Andrews, and was much enjoyed, and a very hearty vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Ml«* Andrews. N’i tRMANRY. Annual meeting held at the residence of Mrs Gam*. Good attendance of members; Mrs Re van presided. Correspondence re rtelf-Denlsl Week and organising levy was read and discussed. Reports of the year’s work were read and adopted. The election of officers for the ensuing year are as follows:—■President, Mrs Irvine; VicePresidents. Mesdames Bevan, Fletcher and Clement; Secretary, Mrs (Jane; Treasurer and Press' Correspondent, Mrs Meuli; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Bevan; Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs Heaton. Afternoon tea, GRANITY. Oct. 20. Owing to excessive rain, the attendance was poor; Mrs Mnrr presided. A devotional meeting was held. Decided to have Cradle Roll Afternoon, November 17th. We secured two White Ribltoti members, also two Cradle Roll. Hopng to have Maori paper read at the above meeting. TAI RANG A. Very good attendance; President in chair. One new member. Farewell to Mrs Horm, wife of the Baptist Pastor, to whom our I'nion had much pleasure In presenting a band bag, a very Hup specimen of work made by the returned Soldiers. Mrs Horn grave all addreas. Afternoon tea was partaken of, and the meeting dosed w itli singing "God be with you till we meet again.” BIRKENHEAD. October 20. Mrs Jorv presided over a fair attendance. Sent a donation of £1 to the Willard Home. A letter was read from the New Zealand Alliance, asking us to help in their Self-Denial effort. After some discussion, we decided to send for envelopes. Mrs Fulljamea gave a most interesting account of our W.C.T.U. work among the Maoris. It was cheering to hear how It is growing and the good it is doing. Afternoon tea was served. HENDERSON. Oct. 17. Mrs Platt presided. The delegates from the Whangarei Convention gave interesting and glowing reports, which were wreath appreciated. Final arrangements for Social Evening for the reading of Essays and presentation of prises were made. A scientific fact was read, and our Pledge repeated together. Oct. 19. Our Social Evening to the boys and girls of Standard VI., Henderson School, with Headmaster and parents was held this

evening with great success and u very good attendance. Addresses were given by Mrs Fonson Stuart, who spoke on W.C.T.U. work, and the reason we gave prizes to the young I>eople on "The Evil Effect of Alcohol hi the Human Body,” and Mr Perkins who complimented the essayists on their grip of the subject, and lie also gave them some good advice. Mrs Platt read the prize essay and presented the four prizes. A musical programme by some young people; Mr Haythomth waite and Mm Fin lay son added to the enjoyment of the evening. A competition for the young people and a good supper, and the meeting closed after a very pleasant, and we hope a profitable time together. WELLINGTON. Nov. There was u good attendance, presided over by Mrs Mowlem. The appeal from the New Zealand Alliance in connection with the Self-Denial Week was discussed, and the members decided to co-operate. Mrs Murray, who was the delegate to the Palmerston North Convention, gave a very compreliensive report, including the reception of delegates, public meeting, Organiser/ reports, plans for furthering the work in the future, and election of officers for the Manawatu and Wellington Districts. CANVASTOWN. Oct. 29. Annual meeting; good attendence, presided over by Mrs Murray. As the following three months are exceptionally busy to most members, it was decided that this meeting be the last held in 1927. Temperance Instruction in Schools was discussed at some length. Secretary instructed to make inquiries re Wall Sheets for same. Decided to offer prizes to school children for essays on Temperance subjects. Mrs Murray and Mrs Flower promised to donate two prizes for same. Secretary instructed to make further inquiries re Organising Fund levy. Decided that the District Secretary be informed that we would be very pleased to meet Miss McLay at Oanvastown, if sufficient notice be given to get the young people. Decided to open a Cradle Roll at once. l»ecldeu to hold some future meetings at Wakamnrina, Deep Creek and C&nvacrtown alternately, to equalise the chances of attendance among far-away members. A report of the year's work and a report of District Convention were read by Mrs Flower. The balance-sheet whs read and adopted. Mrs Murray gave a very pleasing address, which was enjoyed by all. The election of officers:—President, Mrs Murray; Vice-Presi-dents, Mesdames Bailey Mown, Lawson »nd Diamanti; Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs F. H. T. Flower; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs M. Flower and Mrs M. Pike. Miss Lilias Mown, in a kindly little speech, paid tribute to their President and Secretary, for which thanks were returned. PALMERSTON NORTH. <*< t. 14. Maori Day; Mrs T. Young was n the chair. Mrs Simons, Maori Organiser, gave a splendid address, telling of her work. She had started a Union at the Manawatu Heads, under the leadership of the Chleftainess. She was going to start another one at Shannon. She hoped that this Union would help to carry on the work she bad stalled by meeting our Maori sisters on their own ground with love and sympathy and understanding. Mrs Simons was accorded a heart > vote of thanks. A vote of thanks was also given to all members who had helped at the Show* Grounds the previous day. The W.C.T.U. catered for the refreshments at the Stock Sale, held in the Show Grounds. The proceeds were for Willard Home, which benefited to the extent of £lO. Our energetic Secretary, Mrs Ferguson, was Organiser, and under her capable management all went well. WHANGAREI. Helpful and successful Convention (Auckland District) held here; good attendance at all gatherings. Maori Day celebrated at residence of Mrs W. Heather. Otaika Road. Special bus to convey Whangarei ladies; good gathering. Extracts from letters of Sister Heather and Sister Eleanor, both workers among the Maoris. Nov. 1. Good attendance for wet day. I decided to send clothing to Willard Home, also took up Self-Denial collection for Alliance. Welcome extended to new members.

HAMILTON. Uvt. HI. fombiucd with the Y’s. And held iiu evening meeting, Rev. Gilbert gave » stirring address. Derided to hold ;i Cradle ltoll Afternoon on November 4 1 h; the weather wu tine, mo h good attendance «»f adult* and babies. (241> babies on th* Cradle ltoll). The following contributed items: — Miss Jones, piano solo; Mrs I lee be, song; Mrs Dixon, humorous recitations; Kev. Gilbert, violin solo, accompanied •>> Mrs Gilbert. 1 >r. Roger* gaxe a most interesting address on "Alcohol,” and then he spoke to the mothers "On the Feeding of Children from Infamy to six years of age. This was a most enjoyable gathering, anti the t'radio Roll Department should benetlt considerably, socially and financially. ASHBURTON. Nov. 1. Good attendance; Mrs Roblnsosi presiding. Letters of sympathy sent to the foloxving:—Mr \V. T. Kingston and family, Mrs R. Oakley and family, Mrs T. Kerr and family, Air C. and Miss Tucker, and Mr a-.ui Mrs U. Parker, also to Miss Barnshaw, late Organiser for W.C.T.U., in her prolonged Illness, anti Mrs C Hopkins an<l Mrs W. Painter, in sickness. Keeling reference was made to the passing hence ot Mrs W. T. Kingston, a pioneer member of the local Branch, anil until her removal from Ashburton an active and valued member, filling most of the offices available with honour and distinction. A report of the "Quick Lunch Counter" at the Gam on Labour Day was submitted by the Committee, and considering the lnclem«mcy of the weather was very satisfactory. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded all who assisted in any way, and especially to the "Y’s.” Decided that a letter of thanks he sent them for their valuable assistance. Number of parcels for Willard Home was handed in. £9 was voted to Organising Fund. PONB4 *NRY. Nov. 4. Airs Lee-Cow ie presided o\er a good attendance of members and friends. Two resolutions were moved anti passed, namely, <1) That a strong protest be sent to Parliament against the country Racing Clubs holding their meetings in Auckland; (2) That a letter he sesit to Mr Baildon, the Mayor, stressing our disapproval of the Tin Hare Racing being introduced into Auckland, anil of him countenancing it. £6 was realised by a llnng and Buy Sale, in aid of the Willard Home. One new Member. NGAIItE. Nov. 3 Annual meeting held at Mrs K. Tarrant'#. Ten members present. President. Mrs Gillivcr, presided. All department* reported (taxing dime good work during ><*i. r. Bundles of clothing collected for Willard Home. N"xt meeting to be Day-Up Social. Election of officers: —President. Mrs R. Edwards. Mountain Rond; Vice-President. Mrs Gillivcr, Bird Road; Treasurer, Mrs Simpson. Mountain Road; W.R. Agent, Mrs \itktsi. Sole Road. NAPIER. The Hawke'* Ray District Executive met in Napier, November Ist: deegates present from Dannevirke, Watpukurnu, Havelock North ami Hastings. The usual monthly meeting was held the same afternoon, Miss Heaton, District President, presiding over hot 1 1 meetings. Mrs Brock letiurst welcomed tlie visitors. Correspondence dealt with; phased to note that Mrs expects to be In Napier before Christina*. Mrs Cox reported the Mending of clothes for Jumble Stile for Willard Home, Palmerston North. Decided that the next meeting of the Rind of Hope be the last for the year, members to arrange a Social for them. A "Shot* l>ay" Is to be held the fourth Wednesday of November, proceeds to go toward Coi.vemtlon Fund Napier South held it* first meeting on Thursday, the 3rd. when we were faxoured by a visit from Mis* Heaton and Mis* M< Lay; both s|»oke words of encouragement and advice. Mr* Brocklehurst welcomed the visitors, to whom votes of thanks were passed. We are expecting great thing'* from this mew Branch. May God bless this and all new Un'ons. t *A RTERTON. Oct 19. Mr* Every presided over a f:dr attendance. A letter of thank* was received from the Willard Home for the box of

clothing sent. Mr* Every thanked all members for their help in making the Snowball Supper such » great sucrose, the not proceed* \ i'K (f» 3.i. Our President referred to w hat tin* President of the South Island Motor Union said, namely, “Whisky and Motor far* won't Mix; 75 per cent, of accidents were due to Li<|Uor.” Mrs Tyler reported the Allium* meeting, and Mrs Kewnerley gave a '••pvt of tlie iv. nit Annual District f'onvention. Minn Wat* i son w ;t* appointed Hansard Render. Nov. 2. Mrs Every presided, 11 member* present. \ letter xxn* received from Mrs Kirilsall, thanking the Union for their donation ot £4 l*>s. for the Willard Home. Mr* Every offered to liaxe an evening at her home or. Tuesday, 15th. Each member present vas asked to bring two fritmds xx ho were not members. Tin* All '.tut Convention in Masterton on siii.eivic* .9th, wa* commended to member «, ami it «an hoped a* many as possible would go. lieoded to take eight do/cM pamphlets, "What to do in Emergency,” r.nd send a < opy the typed Report of the Annual Distrii t Conxention re all eoutVrv member*. GREY LYNN. Oct. Mrs Hobday presiding; both tlie President and Secretary gave report* of District Convention. Mrs William*, District Secretary, spoke on tlie work of Convention. The next meeting will be held n Bt. Columbia’* Hall. The branch Is making progress, and tlie members are very enthusiastic. MAKOTUKU. Oct. 11. Rather disappointing attendance, Mi** Heaton presided and conducted tin* Initiatory Service. She read a l>ooklet, explaining the Constitution of the W.C.T.U. A xote of sympathy with the President on her indisposition xxas passed. Decided to have afternoon tea at meeting*. Mesdames Smith and Boyle being hostesses for our next meeting, 2nu Tuesday in November, when xx e expect to have Miss Me Lay witli us. Til AMES. Sept. 8. Mrs Heard presided, 13 present. Dr. A. S. Gray gave a very interesting and instructive address. Oct. 5. Attendance seven. Mrs Heard read a very Interesting article from the Whip* Ribbon. A new member received; xve have novx a membership of 14. BTYX. o<t. 12. Mrs Ikmald presiding; very fair attendance. A very inti resting letter wa* rei ** veil from Sister Eleanor Dobby, dealing with her work amongst tlie Maoris. A collection was taken up in aid of the Temperance cause in the Maori work. Mrs Peter* the delegate to Ashburton, gave her report. A hearty xote of thanks to the speaker was passed. PAPAROA. Oct. 11. Fair attendance; Mr* Haines presided. Vote of appreciation to Mi-** Stella Hame* for her past work as Treasurer. Tin* Ke* retai l gave a short report of Convention A splendid report of the Auckland District Convention given by our delegate. Mrs Singleton, and vote of thank* accorded her. Rev. Mitchell gave a very stilting appeal on behalf of our young hoy* anti girls, and the meeting decided to organise and do their beet to carry on with tlie Rand of Hope. Rev. Mitchell was thanked for bringing tlie matter before the Union. MOTUEIIA. Oct. 26. Miss Cre*«x\cll in chair: attendance rather small. White Ribbon account of 30/- passed for payment. Temperance Fact read bv Mrs Chamber*. Decided to extend an invitation for tlie Nelson District Convention to meet here In 1928. Mis* McLay, Organiser, was present. and addressed the meeting. She was listened to xvith interest, and a vote of appreciation was passed at the conclusion of her address. Decided, at the request of the Organiser, tr 'orm a Cradle Roll in connection with our branch. LAWRENCE. October. Well-attended meeting; three liev. members. Resolved to hold annual meeting hi November. Union to meet ncain in March of next year. Mrs Etlic (chair) . x pressed regret at losing one of our mom-

hers through removal to another district. She wished Mr* Livingstone success in her new home. Sum of £1 9*. handed in for Organising Fund. Mrs Kdie then road a paper on The Maoris ami some of their Difficulties especially dealing with the liquor question. LOWER HUTT. Oct. 26. Good attendance. Tlie general appeal was read from the Willard Home, and the Secretary offered to *end a panel of elothing. We were reminded of the SelfDenial Week, in connection with tlie Alliance, ami if xxas decided for each member who wished to give to their Church, but mark tlie envelope W.C.T U.. *o that Headquarter-* would knew xve wen* helping as a Union. Payment was passed for badges, hooks, etc., also £1 for tin* advertisement in the White Ribbon. A scientific fact wa* tht«n read, pointing out that alcohol, was not a stimulant, nntl that aspirins were dangerous to take in any quantity. Absent mem here were to oe looked up by those present. I tedded to luntl our annual meeting next month. Pay-Up Social, the Rev. Lopdell to be asked to take the chair, anti Mrs l.opdell to help with the programme. Tlie President then read a paper on Tlie Effect Emigration had on the Referendum. I>ecidetl to form a Birthday League, the funds to go towards Headquarter* Fund. HASTINGS. Oct. 27. 17 member* present; Mr* llanks presided. Miss Me Lay reported that a new Union had been formed at Wairoa and one at Napier South, and asked for prayers for the new Unions. An invitation was received from Havelock North, to meet with them on tlie 111 1 . on the occasion of Miss Heaton’s visit. Miss Mi bay addressed the members on "The White Man's R«*s|suisibillty to tlie Coloured Race#.” Collection was made for tin* Maori Fund. MANAIA. o-*t. Tlie meeting wa* poorly attended, owing to the sickness of a number of workers, so work was entirely routine. Will all members note that November i* the mil of tlie financial year, and endeavour to attend the meeting on the Bth. for the leclection of officers for 1928. and summary of tlie work of 1927.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 388, 18 November 1927, Page 11

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N.Z.W.C.T.U. Literature. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 388, 18 November 1927, Page 11

N.Z.W.C.T.U. Literature. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 388, 18 November 1927, Page 11

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