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News of the Unions.

BRANCH HE PORTS. Please take note: — 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don’t report routine business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the paper. COLLINGWOOD. July 29. Poor attendance. Mrs Peryman'a paper on “Power of the Press,” and the article “Good Cltiienship" by Miss Tahart in the White Ribbon were rend. Replies In the affirmative were received from the majority of the School Committees' (local), regarding our request to hang Temi>erame Wall Sheet?) In the schools. Two new honorary mem hers were gained by our President. A pleasant time was spent over a welcome cup of tea. A I JCKLAND. Aug. 9. Mrs Cook presided; Mrs Rrunson. * from Christchurch, v .doomed to the meeting Whit* Ribbon Day was celebrated, the paper wrltte by Mrs Peryman was read by Mrs Dowll x, and an appeal was made to members to ’HC their influence with their friends to subscribe to the paper. Some new subscribers were gained in the meeting. Mrs Fulljames gave a very graphic account of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations at the Thames, which was most interesting Congratulations were passed to the Thames Pioneers on reaching their Diamond Jubilee. Mesdnmes Cook ."end Taylor delegates to the Child Welfare Longue, gave reports of the meeting. Mrs Ferguson gave a recitation in a pleasing manner. Mrs Cook earnestly urged all present to give their practical support to the Movement to restore the Bible to the schools. One new member was Initiated.

HABTINGB. Aug, 26. Good attendaiwe; Mrs Banks occupied the chair. Scientific fact quoted and pledge repeated. Arrangements made for recept on in connection with Hawke’s Bay Distr ct Convention, to be held In Hastings, freptember Ist. Committees set up to arrange for social functions. Motions of condolence witli Mesdames Graham, Heaton and Warn n. in their bereavements carried in silence tnd prayer. Apologies for absence received from Mesdames Kidd, Bllchford. Anderson, Ricketts. Paul, Fawcett, and Bennison. The paper on Anti-Gambling was read, and proved instructive and helpful. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Smith, Kae, and McArthur. RAKAIA. Aug. 11. Good attendance presided over by President. Mrs England and Miss E. M. Oakley api>ointed de egates to Convention. Decided to send remit to Convention to urge “Scientific Temperance Instiuction to be made compulsory in the Public Schools."' President reported last Executive Meeting held in Tiiaaru. Letter re*-eived and read from Mrs Hopwood, written on board ship, also one from Mrs Merry, Christchurch, asking supiairt for Cake and Produce Stall in aid of the British Seamen's Society. Sent subscription of 7/G. Decided to ask Mrs Harold, of Tinwald, to address our next meeting, and to invite the Mothers' Union members to be present. Resolutions passed at Convention were read. LOWER HUTT. Aug. 24. 17 members present; the President in the hair. Reported that the “At Home'' at Mrs Shearer's, despite the very lied weather and the few present, resulted in the sum of £2 Os. fid. for the fund for the Willard Home Sales value of 12s. 3d. voted also for the Willard Home. One delegate appointed, an 1 another to be found for District Convention. Letter of sympathy to be sent to Mrs Heyes. Mrs Raigent was appointed Whit? Ribbon Agent. Mrs Spencer was thanked for her work during the past )fiir, A letter re Two-Issue Ballot Paper, from our Meml»er for the Hutt was read, and decided to send the letter on to Miss Henderson, to bt dealt with. Afternoon tea was then served, after which Mrs Aldersle.v rend a splendid paper on Eugenics, which was much nppr'ciated hy those present. OAMARIT. In July the Union had a visit from the Organiser. Miss A. M. McL&y, who visited a number of women in eompany with local officers, and for thorn a special Social Evening was arranged—23 new members was the result of her visit. The Union provided a sit-down tea for the Conference, held by the New Zealand Alliance Aren Council Hi St. Luke's Hall, on August 3rd. At the monthly meeting, held on August 9th. delegates were appointed to the District Convention, and nominations for Dlstr'ct Officers were:—President, Mrs Don (subject to her consent); Secretary - , Miss A. Gray; Treasurer, Mrs Macartney. OPAWA-WOOLBTON. Aug. A Bring a Friend Social, proved quite a success; Mrs Jenkins presided. The Mayoi and Mayoress, Rev. J. K. and Mrs Archer, paid a short visit, the Mayor addressing the meeting on the subject of “Women," saying during the address that women did not yet realise their power. They did not use their vote as they might, they relied to much on the opinion of their men folk, if they only handed together they could carry Prohibition or anything else that they wished; they should think and read more for themselves; they would then he s real force and help to their country. Musical items were given. Thanas expressed to the Mayor, Mayoress, and also to tin* ladles. Fnncy and useful goods, also flowers and cakes were sold, the sum of fl 13s. Rd. being taken. Tea was served. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Aug. 17. The question of meeting the need of additional revenue for the Willard Home funds was brought before the meeting. Also means of raising money for D'strlct Headquarters was discussed. The suggestion that a large Union Fair he organised in the

Town Hall was not upheld, owing chiefly to the fart that moat of the member* live a busy life and are not able to give the time and money, which so large an undertaking would involve. Many suggestion* were made about way* ot raisii g fund* on a smaller wale. PAPANUI. Aug. 11. Mr* Simpson presiding, good attendHMee. A letter was received from the Papanui 1 tomaiii Board with reference to a proponed Park Improvement Scheme. I>ecidod to support the propoaal, ami Mesdame* Simpson and Neilnon w -rc appointed to represent the Union. Tlie member* agreed to arrange the programme for the next United «'hurdle* Band of Hope, and to secure a speaker. Mr* Kruse wan appointed Hand of Hope Superintendent. Mr* Merrill appointed del gate to District ('onventior.. A discussion took place on the proposed Gaming Bill, tlie opinion expressed being that no extra facilities for gambling should be allowed. M ANA I A. Aug. 9. Mrs I to ten «oi presiding. Miss Kennlngton’s resignation re< eived. Thanks for donation to Seamen’s Rest at New Plymouth. Thanks extended to all who hail helped so liberally with gifts for Willard Home. Manilla i iember«l ip now is «o Mrs Hanson received Star of II >nour for personally gaining ten new members. I*eelded to hold a Uhildren'* Afternoon in October. KUMEU Aug 10. Mrs Davies presided over a good attendance. An extract from a former “White Ribbon" van lead by Mrs Cates, and was much appreciated by those present. I >er|ded to accept an invitation to the Helennville Branch of the W.O.T.U. in a month’s time. Had the pleasure of initiating four new members, making us a total of seventeen. Cradle Roil Superintendent reported six new memhois. Our enjoyable meeting closed with tin* Benediction, after which afternoon tea was dispensed. FENCOI RT Aug. 11. At Mrs Simpson’s residence. President presided over a good attendance. "Pav-Up Social." nil members paying their suhscripUonH. Mrs Simpson read a leaflet on the suhject of Ant I-Gambling, written bv the late Superintendent, Mrs Llll. Betters of sympathy to be ser.t to Mrs farter, and to the relatives of the late Mrs Vnyle All memlwrs subscribed to a pretty wreath, which was sent to Mrs Voyle’s funeral. Secretary instructed to send notice of our meetings to White Bit.bon. "Vie new member was tn't'ated 'nto tin* Un'nn. I>edded to ask the District President to address our next meeting Repeated tlie Pledge, ned sang the Temperance Doxologv. Afternoon tea. All grateful to Mr* Simpson for her hospitality. PI’TONE. Aug. 3. 10 members present. Mrs Murgatroyd presiding. A paper was read from Miss Kirk, relating to hold’ng a Bazaar for District Headquarters, at a future date. Arrangements were made for a Give and Buy Afternoon in aid of Willard Home, on August 17th. Aug. 17. A Give and Buv Afternoon, the proceed* to he given to Willard Orphanage. There were a variety of goods, also handmade bread and scones, etc., which found a ready sale. The made-up goods that were not disposed of. were sent to Palmerston (along with other clothing), and a letter notifying them that they were s-ent In for sale for the Orphanage. Mrs Carter, one of the Promoters, i xplnlned to us a little of the workH'.gs of the Home, and Impressed upon us that whatever we did for the Home, was greatly appreciated. Mr* Jensen gave us a nice talk, which was great!v enjoved. Afternoon tea was served. WORTH BRIGHTON. Aug. Miss R. M. Harbnnd presided. A letter was received from the Area Organiser of the New Zealand Allnnce. thanking the Y. Brain h for assisting with the programme at the Area Convention. This letter was handed to the Y. Superintendent. Mr* Felton delegate to the District Convention. The matter of philanthropic work Hi the district was discussed, and Mrs Parker was deputed to take charge of the department of work, it being decided to hold sewing meetings on

the first Tuesday in each month. Decided to offer prizes for an Kssay Competition among the pupils of the North Brighton School, amt the Secretary was deputed to interview tlie HejubuHSter with reference to tin matter. Tin* President suggested the formation ot a Victory Club in the district, and the matter of convening a meeting of men for this purpose was left in tlie hands of the Executive. Four n< w members were initiated Mis* Harband delivered a shoi i Temperance talk. It being Cradle Roll Day, Mrs Gillespie, of the Karitane Hospital, was present, and gave a most interesting anil helpful address to the mothers. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs Vfiiic.-iMc for her address. Afternoon tea was served, the hostesses for the afternoon being Mesdamcs Felton and Leaver. TI'KA K IN A. Aug. IX. A visit from Miss Bradshaw. She has also been visiting around the district and secured a number of new members. Four new members were initiated, and Miss Bradshaw gave a very interesting address on the History of the W.U.T.U. Miss Bradshaw ivlho sang a solo, accompanied on the organ by Miss B. Knox. _______ i OXFORD. Aug. 17. Mrs Hyde presided; fair attendance. A resolution was passed, expressing sympathy with Mrs A. A Funtham and family In the illness of her son. Decided that Mrs A. Scarff be delegate to Convention An interesting address on "Co-workers with God," was given by Mrs Turner. The President thanked Mrs Turner for her very flue address, and welcomed her on behalf ■ rd W.C.T.U. I i* ci the New Zealand Alliance Area Convention was read by Mrs Tritt. Decided to send a letter of thanks to the delegate, Miss Caverhill, for her very fine report. WELLINGTON. Sept. Mrs Mowlem presided. Arrangements were made to hold a "Cradle Roll” meeting next month, when the mothers and the babies enrolled will receive special attention. This department of our work is one of the most Important, as we want our children to have a better chance in life than ever before, and to grow up men and women physically, mentally and spiritually • *pc K ami good. Mrs Mowlem and Mrs Webb were elected Representatives to the New Zealand Alliance Convention, and the members present were formed into a Committee to supervise the arrangements for the Tea. '»rs Murray was elected as delegate to the Palmerston North Convention. Mr R. Ik*nton then gave an interesting account of his visit to England and the meetings he attended in connection with Prohibition. Mr Denton gave Temperance addresses whenever possible, and discovered old friends and made new ones in the most unlikely places. A silent vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Keene, whose husband had passed away sin* e the last meeting. PALMERSTON NORTH. Aug. 19. Special meeting to cope with arrears of work. Mrs Young presided over a g**>d number of members. Much correspondence was read and discussed. Some arrangements were made for the coming Convention. Mrs Chittenden and Mrs Singh ** *»re elected delegates. A paper re White R'hbon was read by Mrs Young. Sept. 2. Mrs Young presided over a fair attendance. Letters of sympathy were to he sent to four members, Mrs I>oreen, Mrs K'tch'e. Mrs A. Aiken, and Mrs Olds, who were away through sickness. Many details In connection with the Convention were discussed. Decided to observe October 21st as Maori Day. A Committee to he formed to go into wavs and means of raising money for the Willard Home. OTA HUH U. Sept. 1. Mrs Greenw'ood in the chair; there was a fair attendance. Mrs Pirritt u*ndtv came -nd rend a paper n n Gambling and the evil of It; she urged all White Ribboners to do all m their power to stop tlie spirit of gambling, especialy amongst the young. A letter has been sent to the Member for Franklin. Mr McLennan, urging him to do all in his pow-»r to prevent any increase In horse racing and gambling.

BELFAST. Sept. I. Good attendance; President presided. Mrs Mcla*an and Mrs Spencer with the President, to be delegates to Convention. Mrs Matterson appointed Superintendent <>f Cradle Rod. Mrs Goring gave a talk on her experiences on the Hospital Board, and some of the sad canes that came under her not i* caused by drink, and she urged every woman present to vote it out and use her influence to get others to the poll when that time comes A vote of thanks w&e passed to the speaker Mrs McArthur sang a lovely solo, "t 'ome Unto M** " Afternoon tea was served. COLLI NC. WOOI >. Aug 2f. Poor attendance, but more cheering than usual, owing to a new member coming forward for initiation. We hope to he represented at Convention by two members, and the Secretary was instructed to write a report to be presented. N E. VALLEY. Aug. 25. In spite of the wet day there was a fair attendance. Final arrangements were made for the coming Convention. Short articles from the White Ribbon on some of our late workers were read by members. The Life of A. C. Hroad was read by Mrs Gihbson; Mrs Ogg. by Miss Begg; Miss Atkinson, by Mrs Saunders; and Mrs Pearson, by Miss Gray. Mrs Peart paid a special tribute to Mr A. C. Broad. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Reekie, Mrs Martin, and Mrs Beath, in the death of Mr B. Benth, Senr.. their beloved father. FEILDINO. Sept. 1. Hodal Afternoon and sale of goods in aid of Willard Home. Large attendance of members and friends, excellent business being done at the Stall. Over £6 was taken in money, and a good supply of produce to be sent to the Home. During the afternoon. Miss Walton sang and Joan Cade gave a recitation. Mrs Mclntyre appointed delegate to District Convention Next meeting to be Cradle Roll Social. NORMANBY. Aug 10. Mrs Bevan presided. Owing to wet afternoon, attendance fair. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Pohipi in tlie Illnass of her little boy. Paper read entitled, “Against the Use of Alcoholic Liquor." For the purpose of increasing the membership of our Union, it was decided that each member should endeavour to bring a friend to an Vt Hoot*/’ to l>c held next month. Aftrnoon tea served by Mesdames Thrush and Harris< ti. TEMPLETON. Aug. 31. Fair attendance; Mrs Mander took the chair. A letter of sympathy was sent to our President In her Illness, and Imp** she would soon be with us again. Our next meeting will be held the last Tuesday in September. Afternoon tea then handed round. RAETTHI. Sept. 2. Our new President, Mrs Griffin. In the chair. Mrs Stanley read a pamphlet on “Wnat we have dime with the Franchise," and Mrs McGowan a pamphlet on ‘How we won the Franchise In New Zealand," which were very interesting ami appropriate, as this was our nearest meeting to ’’Franchise •Day.” There jvrk a good attendance, and one new member who will be joining next month. NEW PLYMOUTH. Aug. 24. Pay-Up Social; large attendance. The meeting was rendered very enjoyable with songs, duets, ichiio so’o*. and recit - tions Miss Drew, M.A., spoke on the subject of Reform ami Mission work in various parts of the world. A vote of thank* was passed to Miss Drew and the performers. Afternoon tea was served by a Committee of members. Decided to Hivite Miss Bradshaw for a few days. After some discussion, it was proposed to »-ead article on AntiGambling at the next monthly meeting Proposed that Franchise Bay meeting be held In Victoria league Rooms, and that all arrangements he left to the Superintendent for Notable I'ays. The President notified th t the Rea men’" Rest ** now coniple'ed ami the question of caretaker is under consideration.

GRANITY. Auk 25. A imctinK WHS held m the Presbyterian Church, when a new Branch was funned by the dominion Organiser. Miss A. M. McLay, who addressed tlie meeting, giving an excellent insight into the work of tlie W.0.T.U., aao telling of the good results which have been attained by won en of the Organisation. Eight ladies were initiated, and the following officers were appointed:—President, Mrs Marr, the Parsonage, Granity; Vice-President, Mcsdames Poole and Moore; Secretary, Mrs E. Nelson, Treasurer ami Agent, Mrs Itolltho, Post Office, Granity. Meetings will he held 3rd Thursday at 3 Afternoon tea was served at the close of the meeting. LAWRENCE. Aug. 1 ti. Mrs Edie, President, presided; good attendance. Four new members were initiated. Decided to hold the next meeting in the evening, to enable those who were at business during the day, to be present. Our new Union now has, on its membership roll, an ex-member of the Hospital Hoard and President of Plunket Society; a member of the Hospital Board, and our President is the wife of an ex-M.P.. one of our Executive an ex-Mayoress. Members feel very grateful to these ladies, who, in their busy life, can find time to help in our Union. BIRKENHEAD. July. Annual meeting. Officers wire reelected. Resolved that a letter be sent from our Union to our Member, Mr Harris, asking his support against the Gambling Bill. Aiso members to write to him personally. Afternoon tea. Aug. 18. Mrs Todd presided. Mrs Mackay and Miss Le Roy were appointed delegates to the District Convention. Mrs Pirrett gave an interesting paper on Anti-Gambling winch was much appreciated. Afternoon tea was kindly dispensed by Mrs A. Wilson. TAURANGA. Aug. 26. Very good attendance. Mrs Smith and Mrs Jordan derl ted to try and arrange a Membership Afternoon, before next meeting. We are very glad t n • eport a very tine outlook for the Band of Hope in this place, the interest is decidedly growing. Our President read several important items of interest from the latest White Ribbon. Rev. Mr Jordan read a most Interesting paper on the Unemployment Problem, which called forth a spirited discussion. A pleasant cup of tea was partaken of. INGLEWOOD. Cradle Roll started; Mrs Simpson as Superintendent. Sunday School has held Harvest Festival; about four sacks of produce given to New Plymouth District Nurse, and distributed to 12 needy families. Also held annual Picnic in Mr Mundt's paddock, a good muster of children, parents and friends. OXFORD. July 20. T. E. Taylor Day. Mrs Jones read an Inspiring paper on lives of T. F. Taylor, Mrs Cole, Miss Roberta, and othcr». President gave .nteresting report of Convention. Decided to make a grant to Y. Branch for help willingly given on Show !*iv. fl donated to Willard Home. ST. ALBAN’S. Aug. 3. President. Mrs Rowutree, conducted the meeting and drew attention to Gaming Bill. Resolved “That the President write to our M.P., urging him to use his influence against any further increase in totalisator permits.” Mrs Richards gave an inspiring address on “Woman’s Work,” and urged those present to use the personal touch to put down the drink tnffi?. CHEVIOT. Aug. 5. Mrs Anderson. Vice-President presiding In the unavoidable absence of Mrs Walmslev. A paper was read on A*ntlGai.ihling and afterwards discussed. Resolved to sin port this department, especially by personal example. OW AKA (Otago). Aug. 10. Meeting in Presbyterian Chur* li Vestry. Four new members since Initiation meeting M.P. written to to oppose Gaming

Bill. Mrs Stenhouse read a most interesting paper on ”Women.” MASTERT* >N. Aug. -I. Mrs Cocker presided over a good attendance. Two new members initiated and welcomed. Miss Jackson expressed her personal thanks to M'ssos Sutherland and Wingate and Mrs Miller for prizes donated >n connection with L.T.L Essay Competition on "Uses of Water. ' The Secretary reported having written to Mr Sykes. M.P., urging him to oppose the pass.,go of the Gaming BUI Amendment. At the request of the Masterton Prohibition League, it was decided to provide ufternoon tea at the meeting arranged to welcome Rev. Harr, M.A. Letter from Miss Oates in regard to the visit expected shortly from Mrs Symons, Maori Organiser, whom it is hoped will Interest the Maoris of the settlements round Masterton in our work. The Secretary read letters written to the newspapers regarding the ridiculously inadequate sentences imposed on two men who were the cause, through being in a state of intoxication, of a young man losing his life and a young girl being disfigured, and In all probability a sufferer for Mfe. It was decided to send a strong letter of protest to the Minister of Justice, pointing out that such sent ernes are incompatible with the principles of Justice. HENDERSON. Aug. 17. Mrs Platt presided, fair attendance. Mrs Platt, Mrs Freeman, and Miss Duncan our delegates to District Convention. Decided to write to Mr Mason, M.P., and nsk him to support the Religious Exercises Bill when brought up in the House. A protest against the new Gaming Hill also to be forwarded to Mr Mason. The Headmaster of our local school to be consulted on the annual prizes presented to Standard V and VI. by our Union for best essays on "The Effect of Alcohol on th* Human Body.” Next meeting to be Maori Day, and Mrs Fulljanies to be Invited to tin* meeting. Mrs Wardle read a paper, "What Next,” which was very Interesting. Our meeting was very interesting and helpful, and the members took a lively Interest in the business of the meeting. WAIiKWORTfL Aug 4. The paper on “Anti-Gambling” by Clara Kill was read. The President propose*! that our Member should la* approached on the matter of Sir G. Hunter’s Bill. This warn carried unanimously. DANNEVI RKE. Aug. A Fund Raising Afternoon with the result that our Society will benefit by between fS and £4. for which we thank all pr-amt. Wo bad »i small Utah and sold cakes, etc., and had two or three amussrg competitions. During the afternoon. Mrs Aueliff sang and was much appreciated. As the day was very cold, afternoon tea was a welcome item. RUN ANO A (West Const). Aug. 9. Miss A M. McLay, Dominion Organiser, addressed a gathering of Indies at the Methodist Church, over w'hich Mrs Mason of Oreyrnouth, presided Miss McLav explained llie origin of the Movement, and gave a brief account of some of tlie department! of work. A Branch was formed, eighteen members being Initiated. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7.30 p in.. In the Presbyterian Church. Afternoon ten was served, and two solos were sung. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Th** following officers were appointed:—President, Mrs W. Robertson. Seddon Street; Vice-President, Mrs Rafferty, Ward Street; Secretary. Miss Storie, Carol Street; Treasurer. Mrs Ral. itunanva; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Downes, Pitt Street; Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs l-oig, Kllgour Street, and Mrs Finer. BLACKBALL fWest Coast). Aug 10. A meeting of ladles was held in the Presbyterian Church. when Mrs Mason, of Orevmouth, presided and conducted the devotions. Miss A. M. McLay, Dominion Organiser, addressed the meeting on the Alms and Activities of the W.C T T\,

and g.a\e a brief account of the growth of the work, emphasising its world-wide Itnportanee and mission. A deep interest was shown In the work, and a new Union was formed. Eight members were initiated ami the following officers elected: —President, Mrs \V. iKirward, Domain Road; Vice-Presi-dent, Mrs Colquhoun, Main Road; Secretary, Mrs Sneddon, fcJ tHiT«*i*l Street; Treasurer. Mi> McNaughton, Edwin Street. Meetings will be held in the Presbyterian Church on 3rd Thursday, at 7 p. ni. W AIM ATE. Aug. Mrs Roy presided. Letter read from Mr Bitchener, M.P., expressing willingness to 00-operute in movement towards legislation to lessen facilities for gambling. President reported results of Miss McKay’s (“Y.” Branch Organiser) visit. 70 present at first meeting, and on August 9th, some 25 members present while Miss McLay demonstrated how a “Y.” meeting should be conducted. Votes o ft hanks to ladies who entertained Miss Bradshaw and gave Home meetings. Arrangements made for entertaining Rev. J&niPH Barr on August 24th. Rev. Haslam then read a carefully-prepared address, the subject being "Gambling.” tracing the growth of the evil during the past century, ntul quoting many high authotitles to show extent of the evil. The address was one which would well bear repetition, and was deeply appreciated by the meeting, which was as usual, a full one. BLENHEIM. Aug. 2. Very successful and enjoyable meeting held at Kenwk let own, in the home of Mrs R. Watson There were 23 members present, and Mrs Smith presided. Were very pleased to hoar from our Dominion President, that she will try and visit Blenheim during District Convention next month. A visit from Mrs Taylor will be a good thing for Blenheim Union, and all who may be privileged to hear her. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs A. J. Litchfield, who is very ill. Mrs Litchfield has been an active member for many years. Rev. R. 13. Fordyce addressed the meeting on “Temperance;” helpful and interesting—if we expect “to win,"* we must have faith and we must work, nnd victory must come. A social time was s|»ont, musical an«l vocal Items being rendered by Mrs Mills and Mrs Underhill, and afternoon tea dispensed. TE KUITI. Aug. Good attendance. Mr Kolleston, M.P . wrote that lie would carefully consider *>ur letter* dealing with Gnml ling Bill ami Two-Issue Ballot Paper. Mrs Hall elected President. Dec ided to apply for four dozen copies of White Ribbon for free distribution, and to ask ministers to place before their congregations the need of Increasing its circulation. Resolved, ’ That tilts meeting exi cent I y expressed by the King Country Chronicle. regarding hotels in the King Country nn*l the promise made by tlie Government to the natives. It being quite clear to any unbiased person, ascertaining the true facts that what Wahanui desired and requested, was that no Liquor Bars be opened in the King Country.” An Interesting pnper was read, and afternoon tea kindly provided hv Mrs Bowick. TATTMA.RTTNUI. Aug. Captßo Smith. Vice-President. In the chair and gave a spirited resume of an interview between Lieut. Colonel Taylor and General Dram well Booth, on the result of Prohibition in America. Satisfaction was expressed with th* Union’* action in refusing the McCarthy Trust money, and fl was sent to the Willard Home. MIRAMAR Aug. 10. Fair attendance. The speaker, the President of the Centnd Union, first draw attention to the encouraging fn* t that in a recent case that came before the Police Court where a man was charged with being drunk when In charge of a motor car, all the witnesses but one agreed that the accused, while not "drunk” in the ordinary sense, was enough under the Influence of liquor to have his Judgment impaired ami

therefore no’. fit to drive a ear. This showed an advance in the moral conscience of the public an to the ill-effei ta of aicoliol. The speaker then pointed out several defects hi the way the Maintenance Laws actually worked out In practice. It was admitted however, that it is very difficult x"' remedy the law and requires far-sighted and clear judgment to be sure that the effects of any change would he in the directicm desired without opening the way to other abuses. Another reform that was urged, was that cases of separation and affiliation should be taken in smaller Courts, where only those that were interested hi them would be allowed to attend nnd others excluded that were actuated only by idle curiosity. A hearty vote of tin nks was passed to the speaker for her instructive address. GORE. Aug. 22. Mrs E. C Smith, President, presided and gave an interesting address, dealing specially with Social Reform work as engaged m by the Auckland W.C.T.U. and particularly that carried on by Mrs Cowie. Two new members were duly enrolled. Much appreciated musical items were interspersed during the evening by Miss K. Johnston (pianoforte solo): Mrs Burt<sn and Miss Perkin.* (vocal solos); and supper brought to an end one of our brightest meetings. WAKEFIELD. In the months of June and Julv, we held two I>rawkig-room meet tigs, one at the home of Mrs Higgins ami the other at the home of Mrs Lawrence. These were Loth helpful to our cause, resulting in several new subscribers to White I ibbon and funds to our I'nion. In August, we had cut meet wig on the first Wednesday and a special on the 11th to hear a report from Mrs Knapp who represented us at Auckland Convention, and to arrang* for coming District Conventiosi which is to be held in Wakrfled .« September 21st. On Koptemher 7th we had our usual meeting, Mrs H ggins lending devotions. We had i visitor from ltai Valley Union A iettei -eceivc'cl from Secretary of Willard Home, ii response to which we donated £ . WARKWOKTH. Sept. 1. Rev. Ruprecht gav« an address or. the “League of Nations,” sketching its histrifv since the t*me of Woodrow Wilson A Tea was arranged for Septen her 15th to assist the Willard Home. MOBGIEL. Aug. 16. Attendant small; President, Mrs Bedford, in the chair. Decl led to send out toiv'tadons to all members t> the effect ♦lint a ”P iv-Pp Social” would be heid on ♦' r. v, or „« 7"o |, _ programme to be composed of one or two speakers n» ' and recitations, left ill the Executive’s hands to complete ar-angi mentn. Oie or two short s»«M«cts were dealt with. DTTNEPTN. Sept. 3. Fair attendance Reports were K it de egate-s to the recent District Convention Mrs Mexarder re?*>rted on the •..n-'th I '’ fp#t'ne of the I T n'ted Temperance Reform Council, and on the Nitlonal Council of Wo n«u‘» meeting. Three leipimtes were appointed to i«s<st with the f nnual Temperance Picede, Decided next ? meting to he a Bring and Buy Sale, to taise monev for Organising Fund. A replv concerning Picture Cp»n>ors from tlie late Mr Bollard was received Mrs Mncartnev read the Temperfence fact. Dr. C. Norris, Chief Medical Examiner of Hee'th N.V.C.. savs: “Alcohol is a poison. and that ore may as well speak of poisoned strvrhnfre as of poisoned alcohol.” On*' new member Joined up. BLENHEIM g.-Mt. *1 Ati-s Bti'lh 'n t’'c chair, avid ten members present. Representative* to the Prob*b*t’on League, Mesdntnes Smith and VV»"r**x otinn : "t cd Vo*es of svmpntliv passed to Mrs A W. Jackson, in the recent snd loss of her husband, and to the relatives of the late Mrs A. Litchfield, who passed a wav on the 2nd Inst. Mrs Litchfield wn* one of the Founders of the ’oca! Un'on. and was a keen worker for many rears, nnd no to the f*'’■>» of her illness. followed with great Interest the doing of the Union i i,..i to h o bl a Puh'*c Rccent'on to Mrs T. E. Taylor on 22nd September, and Con-

vention on the 23rd in Wesley Hall. We are all lookmg forward to a happy and helpful time. TIM A HI I. Aug. 3l». Fair attendance. Apologies for absence received from Miss Pearson and Mrs Bruce, ami a motion of sympathy with Mrs Grant in her sad bereavement was passed. Decided that the October meeting la* held at Higlifle'-t. An interesting report on \isltIng the Hospital was given. Mrs Gordon. Mrs Trott and Mrs Stark, appointed delegates to Provincial Convention. Mrs fiordon gave an out I Hue of Miss McLay’s activities in Tlinaru. Visits paid to Woollen Mills. Bruce's Biscuit Factory and the Steim I.Aundry, and a well-attended Social was held m WMtaj Hall. Annual Htreet Day for Bailor's Rest fixed for Friday, September 23rd. Mr Woodward reported that the latter half of the month bad been very busy at the Rest. 110 visitors paying about 395 visits. Four Home boats hail beesi in port much longer than usual. Two Sunday Teas ami services were given, and were very well utteiided. RICCARTON. Aug. 18. Attendance fair. Temperance Fa< t, “The Blond pressure on the Heart before and after Aeohol.” given by the President. Mrs f\ Harrell. Mosdames Gundy and McLean were appointed delegates to Convention. Question Box Afternoon proved hodi interesting nnd educative. One question referring to the curiosity shown In connection with the recent murder case caused a deal of Interest, with the result that the following remit has been forwarded to the Secretary of District Convention: “This Branch of the W.C.T.U. draws your attention to the painful exhibition of idle rurtositv evinced over the recent murder case. p,i.d ask if It would not he pcss'ble, that at least all preliminaries, in eases such as these he of a private or semi-private nature ?” CASTLECLIFF. This Branch was formed by Miss Bradshaw. Dominion Organiser, on August 10th. Miss Hogg presided. After Mrs Emmett led the devotions. Mies Bradshaw spoke on the “Aims and Objects of W.C.T F. work." Mrs Bathgate, Dominion Superintendent L.T.L., then spoke on the young people’s wor’r. Election of offl« era were as follows: President, Miss Wilson: P-errrtnry. Miss Hogg; Treasurer, Mrs May. ARAMOffO. Good attendance. Mrs Beirg presiding. V‘» ti»r« were nrcs«»! t from Wanganui Central. M»ss Bradshaw spoke on “Women of the B'hle ” Mrs Duxfleld, also Mrs Stewart spoke on various aspects of the work Two members were Initiated. MARTON Another attempt has been made to reorganise th's Unlor.. (too** attendance at the first meeting: a pleasant hour was spent. M ; ss Bradshaw, speaking on the “Aims and Objects of the W.O T F. work.” was listened to with interest. The meeting resulted ill Mrs Wood being elected President. SOFTTI BRIGHTON. Sept. 5. President, Mrs Weavers, presiding over a good attendance The hslfvearlv balance-sheet given bv our Treasurer, Mrs Holme, showing n good credit balance was adopted. A Jumble Stale, held to our fund", whs cerv successful, piecided to send one delegate and two officers to the Prnv'nHal rnnvts:tlon. A verv »ntlsfaetorv letter was read from our Member. Mr Sullivan, he being onnosod to nnv further farlMt'es he'rnr granted for Racecourse Gambling, and would act nccordinglv in Tort'sment A naeer on how we won the PrineiiiQp was read b*' Mrs Pcarr. SPd one new -mhscr'ber for the AVh'te R'hbon and one member w«s moisted. Cradle Rolf Rcner'otendent renorted two new hab'es. APemoon tea was served hv the hostesses. Mrs Armstrong nnd Mrs Fisher. ashtwptov. Sent fi. fWal gathering In aid of • <«3,>amen's Dnv." The room had hern very iio’rtnv arranged for the occasion, nnd our President occupied the chair. Oond attendance. A very enjoyable programme was

given and an address by Mrs Harold, of the Vicarage. Tinw&ld, referred to seamen’s surroundings and the temptations peculiar to sea-faring men. and stressed the necessity of parents and teachers developing cliaracter n those entrusted to their care. Several voiced their warm appreciation of Mrs Harold’s splendid address, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded speaker and performers. Collection in aid of Timaru Sailor’s Rest. A cup of tea. Sister Mildred and M.s* Watson were appointed delegates to Convention. Final arrangements were made for Convention. 1 denied to meet later in the month, to consider plans for Labour l>ay Gala. MAUNGATUROTO. Aug. 18. Six numbers present. Letter received from Mrs Williams, stating we could not use our funds to nmke a demation to New Zealand Albania. Proposed ami seconded that Secretary ask for paiticulars aerti t# which w ma > AwMi ivr IhMn* Decided to hold Hand of Hope meeting on September 23rd, when Mr Burnett, New Zealand Alliance, has promised to assist. District Secretary advised that a Convention will be held at Whangnrei, on October 4th, sth. Oth. 1 N elded to send two delegates. PC INSONHY. Aug. 18. Mrs Hayr presided over a large attendance. Major Gordon, Probation Officer, gave a most interesting address on her work among the poor and needy of the < ity. She had, within the last six months, interviewed 1.243 cases. 951 at her office, paid 100 vis ts to women In prison, and 51 on probation: most of trouble was caused through drlnlc. Sept. 1. Mrs Hayr presided over a g«s>d attendance. Rev. Geo. Jackson of the Now Zealand Alliance, gave an inspiring address on the Objects and Outlook *4 the AntlLfquor Crusade. He said the Temperance Cams* was based on Faith in God. We must not give up the fight; we mu ’ victory comes. CAMBRIDGE. Mrs Martin presided over fair attendance. A vote of sympathy was passed for Mr Voyle, of Feneourt. who recently lost his wife. The Secretary read a report of Willard Home from White Ribbon. Decided to hold a “Bring and Huv’’ Social (in lieu of next meeting> to raise funds for Wlilard Home. A l**tter read from Stewart Reid, M.P., re Gaining Hill. Mr Reid said he would vote in whatever way he Ivelelved would he in best interests of the people, not in favour of gambling. GREYTOWN. Resolved to hold a Shop Day, in aid of tlie Willard Home. Two delegates were appointed to the Annual District Convention. Three memlK*rs of the newly-formed Maori Branch of the W.C.T.U. were welcomed to o»>r meeting. The first meeting of the new Branch was to be held the following day. Afternoon ten was dispensed. WANGANUI. Sept. 1. Eleven present: Mrs Stewart presidod. Reported Miss Bradshaw had formed a Union at CastleolifT. Mrs Maruinaru was elected our Maori Superintendent. Resolved that a Temperance Rally be held in Trinity Church, Sunday, September 11th. Miss Bradshaw speaker. Decided that a letter he sent to the Principal of Christ Churvli College, commending him for the measures he was taking to protect tin* l»oys under his cure from the evils of gamblingReported a L.T.L. had been formed oni Pitrie Hill. HAWERA. Aug. 28. Mrs Exley presided, all repenting the pledge. Cradle Roll Pay. Mrs Exlev welcomed a large number of mothers nnd bah'es. the latter behaving extremely well. Mrs Boucher rend a very Interesting paper on the Life of the late T. F„ Taylor: she also spoke on the “White Ribbon.” our Union paper, all present to try and gain more subscribers. A hearty vote of thankto Mrs Boucher for her paper. Afternoon tea served by the members. WATTARA. Aug. 17. Mrs Clayton in the chair: good attendance. Mrs Cnrrlrk appointed Cradle Roll Superintendent, with Mr* Hughson as-

sistfeig. Mrs Jensen, Retiring Secretary, wax presented with a "Life of Frances Willard, M as a small token of appreciation of her services. Mrs Clayton presented a second copy to the Union. Selections from Life of T. E. Taylor. Afternoon tea. STYX. Aug. Mrs Dosiald presided; good attendance. Mrs Peters gave an address on her Travels in Europe. Mrs Mul<ock read a paper on Anti-Gambling; and a keen discussion followed. Regret that Mrs Tetheridge is unable to carry on L.T.L., asid thanks for her untiring labours. INVERCARGILL NORTH. Aug. 16. A visit from a fine representation of the South Union. The meeting was presided over by the Vice-President, Mrs Wilcox, who welcomed the visitors and th**n placed the meeting in their hands. Mrs J. McKinnon led the devotional exercises, and Mrs R. R. Macgragor gave an interesting address on the |>ower and influence, if put into action, that women may exert. Solos were sweetly sung by Mrs R. N. Porter and Miss Simon, and two recitations by Miss G. Cameron, all of which were mu h appreciated. Afternoon tea whjh dispensed, and votes of thanks passed to the visitors for the fln<* programme carried through by them. BRIGHTON. Aug 18. The President, Mrs Hall, presided over a well-attended “At Home” meeting, and welcomed visiting members from North and South Brighton Branches. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs P. Roudei in the loss of her mother. The Treasurer reported that the recent Cake •Stall, held to obtain funds to help the needy i ases in the Borough, resulted in the sum of £lO being raised. Mrs R. Raine was aj - pointed delegate to the T>istrict Convention. A \erv fine address on “Anti-Gambling" was llvMl by our Dominion Prssidwt, Mrs T. K. Taylor, who also answered several ijuestlons on the subject. Items were given by Mesdames (,/ook and Armstrong and Miss*.* Gwen Sherlock and Roma Spedding. Two new members were Initiated. CHRIBTCHURCH. Aug. 10. Miss Henderson presided. Correspondence was read from a member of a New Jersey Union. U.8.A., testifying to the success of Prohibition. Ikdegates were appointed to District Convention. Decided to discontinue the sewing meetings for tie* Unemployed Depot, hut members promised to continue to help with the sewing for the Freeh Air Home. A vote of thanks was proposed »o Mrs Genge and Miss Blackwell as convenors of the Unemployed Sewing Flnrle. One new member was initiated. Aug. 24. Meeting held; Miss Henderson presided. The Buperinten<lt*nt of Medical Temperance gave a number of interesting facts on this, and urged members to read the leaflet. "Safe Remedies in Ulnees," by Mary Wood Allen Miss Henderson read extracts from a letter from Dr. Mary Armour, U.8.A., to Mrs Don. Miss Henderson spoke for some time on the White Ribbon, and urged members to gain new subscribers and to help in every way possible to Kicrease the circulation. Miss Gordon reported eight new subscribers and the Secretary five since March. A number of members promised to do their best to secure one each. Miss Henderson reported that Mrs T. E. Taylor and Miss Harband had organised a new Bramch at Waikari. A sale of Cakes, Sweets. Flowers and Produce, was 'trranged to be held at Everybody’s foyer, the first Saturday In October. Members were asked to do their utmost to make this a successful venture. The Secretary was asked to forward a letter of sympathy to Nurse Hood in her illness. EPSOM. Aug. 25. Bmall gathering, but interested and enthusiastic. Report givem of recent Jumble Sale for funds. Delegates appointed for Whangarel Convention. Selection rend from August White Ribbon, written by Mrs Taylor. This was followed by a splendid Daper written by one who knew’ him well, in the Life and Work of the late Mr T. E Taylor. It was thoroughly enjoyed.

OPOTIKI. Aug. H. Mrs Thompson presided over a good attendance. Considerable amount of busineas was dealt with, and the meeting approved of ordering five <lox«n extra books for Band of Hope community singing. Mrs C. Fleming rendered a solo. Mrs Gow and Mrs Steele supplied afternoon tea. MABTERTON Sept. 1. Very wet Jay and consequently small attendance. Mrs Rutter presided. Mrs E. Weymouth appointed to attend the District Convention as delegate. Mrs Reid’s resignation as Superintendent of the Cradle Roll Department was received with regret; Mrs Freeman kindly consenting to carry on this work. Mrs Rutter addressed the meeting and referred to the lives of some past stalwarts in the light, and. as she so beautifully put It, asked us to pause and Lay a wreath on their graves. Hhe briefly touched on the work of T. E. Taylor, who gave so much life and vitality to the Prohibition cause; Mrs A. R. Atkinson. ui*on whom it in said the “spirit of the old Crusaders nad descended;” Mrs Johnson Wriglit, faithful In service to the last, and Rev. John Dawson. Leader and Adviser, loved and trusted by everyone. Mrs Rutter. In conclusion, "aid it is for us to keep the flag flying. EDEN. Aug. 17. Pay-Up Social. Mrs Fenton In the ehalr. presided over a good attendance. Several members undertook to get signatures for the Bible-Wi-School* League. Mrs Fenton was appointed delegate to District Convention, to be held at Whangarei next month. Miss Reid gave a talk on Evils of Gambling, and also contributed a recitation. Mrs Clark, Herr., also recited and Mrs Robinson sang. Afternoon tea was served, and one new member Joined. MOUNT AT,BERT. Aug. 11. Mrs Plrret presided; attendance good. Two new members welcomed. Mis Plrret gave a spirited address on the AntiGamblHng Mo\einent. Mrs KiiT was appointed Secretary and Mrs Rruce Treasurer. Mrs Laird and Mrs Brandy were appointed Evangelistie .Superintendents. KOH IMA RAMA Aug. 5. Band of Hope. The President, Miss Simpson, presided; there were over a hundred present. Mr Stallworthy showed us some beautiful movie pictures, also addressed the meeting. The Y’s. gave a good musical programme. Mrs Kasper presented the prizes to the girls who had won the Competition for the best written Minutes of six meetings. The first prize was worn t>> Miss Brenda Thompson; 2nd, M‘ss Molly Claridge; and Miss Mlrle Taylor tied with Miss Marama Rubber for 3rd place. Six Temperance Pledges were taken. Aug. 19-26. Very good meetings; the girl* each gave a reading on Temperance Facts, and Mrs Kasper continued the talks. Bept. 2. Tlie President. Miss Simpson, presided over a good attendance. M’ss Mary McLeod was appointed a delegate to the District Convention. Mrs Kasper gave a short talk. Had chain prayer, every girl taking part. One new member.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 386, 18 September 1927, Page 7

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 386, 18 September 1927, Page 7

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 386, 18 September 1927, Page 7

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