News of the Unions.
BRANCH REPORTS. Please take note: 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don't report routine business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the paper. TAI’M ARUNUI. July 12. Annual meeting. A fair attendance, Captain Smith presided. The Insjiector of Factories replied to the Union'* letter re heating upplumecs in shops. aa>ins that the requirements of the law would |*- enforced in Taumarunui. Officers appointed: Vice-President, Captain Smith, Sister Alison; Secretary, Mrs Heed, Taupo Hoad; Treasurer. Mrs \V. Donnelly; W.R. Agent, Mrs Lawrence. The delegate to Convention Rnua resume of Miss Henderson’s address on Women Police. PAPANTTT. July 14. Mrs Simpson presiding; good attendance. Miss Maugham gave nn Interest ing address on the care of the "Feebleminded." Resolved that this Branch of the W.C.T.IT. invites the attention of its Local U.l\ to the recent claim, of the Medical Prison Commission in England, that the operation of the Mental Deficiency Art ot 1913. dealing solely with the feeble-minded, is responsible for some 200 fewer inmate* dally in the English prisons, and deplores •he continued lack of legislation in New Zealand, with regard to this whole question c»f the •■Feeble-minded." Mosdaines Rimnvon, Smith and Merrin, also spoke, a*rd a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mis* Maugham An invitation to members of the Society to a Luncheon and afternoon chat, received from North Canterbury District Executive. MABTERTON. July 7. Very good attendance; Mr* Cocker presiding. W.R, Agent reported having received the names of eight new subscribers. Decided to draw sperinl nttent on to t't«* Mission to the DPtid in Northern lands . t next two meetings, and to asl; member- to make small donations to the work Mrs Loss gave happy account of her \ sit to Levin and District Executive meeting held at Foxton. An interesting given hy l»r. Prior on Medical Tempi ranee. Me referred chiefly to the action of . icohol on the cells mid tissues of the body •i lid showed how continued use destroyed (lie finer ••oils and replaced them by ••oars* cells. Tin* Liquor Traffic Board had rec*«nth Im-ch set up in England and Its findings h:*d Leon:— (1 ’ Alcohol is narcotic in action rather than stimulant; (2) Its food value i> strictly limited; (3) Its habitual use as ;“ii aid to work is unsound, it proving a linid rame to Dot Vi physical and mental activityHearty \otc of thanks was passed to the Doctor. Hostess for the afternoon. Mrs Freeman. SOUTH DUNEDIN. July 14. Mrs Macartney presided over good attendance. Re the Gambling P' l ' decided to send protest to our M.P. Pal"'' on Anti-Gambling to lie read at next nice' Miss Ford was appointed delegate '■* the United Temperance Reform Coikv The following District Officers were non"nated:— President. Mrs lllett; Secretary. M 1 ** Smyth: Treasurer, Mrs MacartneyMacartney then gave a resume of the Ann*!* Alliance meetings m Wellington. Mrs Bha< * !,. ! our White Ribbon Agent, read a I*l* on White Ribbon by Mrs Peryman. was appreciated. Each member promised to do their best to get a""* 1 { subscriber before the next meeting. > ' White Ribbon has l»een left at ' Benevolent" for some time, and It decided to have one sent to tit** P> un ' Rooms at our expense. One member initiated Afternoon tea woe dispensed
LINCOLN ANI) SPRINGSTON. Our Branch is still very much alive. T. E. Tuyloi Day was commemorated this month, when a pa|*er on his life was read by the President. Three new members were enrolled. The meetings are well-attended by members. ‘ Y's." and friends. Next month we hope to hold our 2nd Annual Bring and Buy Afternoon to augment our funds. We have been very busy with the “Bible-ln-Schools league” and the 'Tw -Issue Ballot Paper,” many signatures being obtained. Last month our Branch sustained a loss, la the marriage of our organist, who has left the district. Short extracts on the "Evils of Alcohol” are read at each meeting by the President. WHANOAREI. Aug. 5. Memorial Day held at residence of Mrs Stuart Wright; fair attendance of ladies. Mrs Gooda'.l made reference to those warriors now departed. Musical items; afternoon tea. Aug. 2. Meeting in Methodist Schoolroom; fair attendance. Decided to assist at Salvation Army Anniversary Tea. Making preparations for District Convention in September, to be held at Whnngarel. WANGANUI. Aug. 4. Mrs Stew'art presided. Miss J. Bradshaw, Dominion Organiser, addressed the meeting on Educative work for W.O.T.U. members. Mrs Exley, President of the Hawera Union, was welcomed. Mias Mara was elected as Cradle Ftoll Superintendent. A letter was received from Mrs Perrett on Anti-Gambling. Announced that the Rev. Charles Wickham will speak in St. Paul's Hall, on August 9th, on Psychology, and on August 10th he is holding a Children's Hally, to which adults are invited. At our next meeting. White Ribbon will be on sale at the small charge of 2d. each. HAWERA. July 29. Mrs Exley presided; a very whitry day, eleven members present, y 1 * of sympathy passed to the relatives »f late Sister. Mrs G. Hurrell. all stamlrtg m dlcnei Mrs Bouchar mi T I t h ©T|> owing to the small attendance postponed to meeting. Afternoon ten was serw-<l. STYX. Wf July 13. Mrs R. Donald presided over a good attendance. The Superintendents of Departments accepted the invitation of the Executive to be present ai the annual gathering. Reference was made to the life work of Mr T. E. Taylor. Mrs Mulcock delivered an Interesting and Instructive address on her past work In connection with Prison Reform. Musical items were rendered by Misses Hill and Johnson. Votes of thanks were passed to the above. Afternoon ten was dispensed. ASHBURTON. July 21. A very successful Drnwing-Room gathering held in honour of "Remembrance Day." A very warm welcome was extended to members and friends from the Tinwald Union, also to Mrs Verco, the wife of the newly-appointed Minister of Church of Christ. Much appreciated m usual items were contributed. Miss McLay, “Y." Organiser, was present, and delivered a very helpful and inspiring address. A very hearty vote of thanks to speaker and performers A cup of tea was served. Aug. 2. Mra Robinson presided over a fair attendance. The Pledge was recited, and an interesting extract was read. Hon. W. Nosworthy w’rote acknowledging with thanks receipt of Women's Petition, containing 1136 signatures. Attention was drawn to the Gaming Bill before Parliament. In connection therewith, strongly-worded resolutions protesting against any further increase in Totalisator Penults, were forwarded by the Anti-Gambling Superintendent. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Lill for same. A special vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Glassey for kind hospitality extended W.C.T.U. Organisers while visiting Ashburtom Decided that President represent the Union at South Canterbury District Executive in Timaru, on August Bth. Mrs Glassev was appointed Convenor of "Homes” Committee. r*cM.Kl that Convention meet in Baring bqu School Hall. “Social,”
"Flower," and "Entertainment” Committees were apiHMiited Mrs « . «. Matthews was unanimously appointed "Y." Superintendent. The monthly letter from the Area Organiser was read, which proved interesting and instructive. Tea was handed round. NORMAN BY. July 13. Mrs F'letcher presided. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, uY.endance small. A report of the Wang&uui-Taranaki Convention was read. Decided to make a big effort to increase our membership. Meeting closed with the Benediction. Mrs F'letcher kindly invited members to the Manse to afternoon tea. CHRISTCHURCH. July 13. Miss Henderson presided, and referred to the passing of Mrs Kldndge, paying a tribute to her great willingness to help in any work for the good of the Union. The subject of Christchurch being provided with a Crematorium, the Union’s opinion lieing asked by the National Council. The delegates from the Union were instructed to vote for a Crematorium, to he establish* d in Christchurch. July 7. T. E. Taylor Memorial Day; Sirs Adkins presided. Miss Harband wrote thanking members for the great help given at the Luncheon, given by the District Union on July Mtk Tin- I Va< *■ OMBU i*p*-ii A.i Demonstration wrote asking for a representative to attend their Demonstration on Sunday, the 31st Inst. Miss Henderson appointed. In honour of the eighty-sixth Birthday of Mrs lsraels*sn, an esteemed and valued member, Mrs T. E. Taylor, on behalf of the members of the Union, presented her with a |>osy of violets, and during afternoon tea Mrs Israelson cut a beautiful iced and decorated cake, made and presented to liei by Mrs Prior. Mrs Isnelson returned thanks. Miss Gainsford then gave ail inter estmg account of some of her work while n Missionary teacher in India. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. July 12. Two distinguished speakers were present. Miss McLay, Dominion Orl? .Mis* r of the “Y’s” and the Rev. C. J. Tocker, of St. Paul's Church. Invercargill. Mrs Pasloy, President, extended a warm welcome to both visitors. Mr Tocker spoke on the "League of Nations,” and made special reference to some of the exemplary torch-bearers, chief among them being the late T. E. Taylor, who the speaker said had he still been living would assuredly have been an advocate in the "League of Nations.” Mr Tocker gave a brief, hut explicit explanation on the origin, machinery, and workings of tile League, which was educative awl enjoyed. A henrty vote of thanks to Mr Tocker; to Miss McLay the gathering's best wishes for blessings on her praiseworthy work. DANNEVIRKE. July i2. Miss Heaton, President, presided; nine members and Secretary pres*-nt. Tin* Petition for Two-Issue Ballot Paper s b**'«»g extensively signed in our district, tine new member received. White Ribbon Day celebrated by reading of paper. Decided to have a F'und-Raising Afternoon in August. MANAIA. July Efijoved Miss Robinson’s report of the Hnwrra Convention. Derided to offer a ropy of tin* Ten Commandments to the school, also for 'the President to **■• tin* Chairman pf the School Board re the Temperance Wall Sheets. Decided to double the annual subscription to the Willard Home in recognition of its being in future carried on independently of the Macarthy Trust, and to put In work during the month collecting clothing, etc., for the box usually sent to the Home. A Bring and Buy Afternoon for tiie same purpose. Decided that an effort should be made io recusitate the Okaiawa Branch. Auroa sympathisers, Mrs Robin • son report®*!, number enough to think of becoming a Branch, if Manaia can give enough help in organising. Mrs Robinson and another officer also arranged to pay visits together to the nearest Pa. with n view to interesting the Maori women In giving better education on Temperance matters to their children, thasi that provided to the young men by public-houses and their environments. lAeclded to offer afternoon entertainment to the Boy Scouts and
the Girl Guides later hi the seuaon. One new member was initiated. Owing to heavy ram attendance was small, so will all members not present note that gifts for the Willard Home box may lie left during the month, either with Mra Robinson, with Mrs orchard at the Mctlmdist Parsonage, or in tiie Methodist Vestry. Afternoon tea given by Miss K« lining ton. WA I M ATE July 13. Mrs Roy presiding. The new Gaming Bill discussed, and the Secretary asked to write to the Member for the District in connection therewith. Mrs Hayman and Miss Susie Dohrmann sang a duet, lea was served, and an address given by Miss Bradshaw, who spoke very earnestly to those present; the room was crowded, several non-members attending, whom we hope very shortly will link up with us. Tracing the work of the W.C.T.U. back to its splendid beginnings in Cleveland, speaking of the difficulties overcome by pioneer workers in New Zealand and dealing very faithfully with the evils of drink among young people, Miss Bradshaw closed with an earnest appeal to members to be up and doing, to win someone to share the burdens and the victories of this Organisation of women. Mrs J. I. Clark entertained an Executive meeting and Mrs R B. Hurst. Mrs McLure, and others gave Home Meetings, and following the address came the initiation of members. RI( OA RTON. July 21. Attendance small; Mrs C Barrel I presided Temperance Fact given by President. Correspondence reed from (1) Mrs Herbert, ihanking members for gifts and monetary assistance for t lie unemployed. More parcels, etc., promised; (2) Miss Henderson re Gambling Question. urging members to us** every facility to put down the evil. Mrs Newth gave brief report of Executive Meeting, held In Christchurch the previous day. Report of “White Ribbon" Agent read and proved satisfactory, having 48 subscribers. Miss Harband gave an interesting address on "Alcohol and Its relation to the human body.” Resolved to have a "Question Hox" Afternoon next meeting, questions to roach the President as early as possible. Ore new subscriber to “White Ribbon.’’ HABTINC JB. July 28. Fair attendance; Mrs Speight. Vice-President, in the chair. Resignation of Mrs Paul as President received with r« gret. Mrs Banks elected to the vacancy. Motion of sympathy with Mrs K. Fawcett, '’icePresident, and with Mrs E. Duckworth, District Secretary, in their Illness in hospital carried, the Secretary to writ** to them. T E. Taylor Day was observed. The Rev. F. Copeland gave a helpful and inspiring address on Memorials. The best memorial we can raise to our beloved dead was live i of devoted service to our fellowmen, and the l*«*st memorial to ourselves was to live so that others would be reminded of flu* Christ. No new subscribers reported, but a few papers sold. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mrs Smith. Decided to take Anti-Gambling paper next month. PALMERSTON (OTAGO DISTRICT.) July 14. At a meeting held in the Town Hall, Miss A. M. McLay. Organiser, formed a new Union. After the reading of the Crusade Psalm and Prayer, Miss McLay gave a brief account of the founding of the Union, and dealt with the growth of the work and its o'ms and objects, emphasising the need for a Temperance Organisation in this district, particularly In view* of next year being Campaign Year. Eight members were initiated, and the following officers appointed: —President, Miss Prater; Vice-President. Mrs Chisholm; Secretary ami Treasurer, Vrs Forrest; W.R. Agent, Miss Austin. Meetings will he held ;<n the Athenaeum, or. the first Thursday, at 3 p.m. GORE. July 2<l. Prodded over by Mrs E. P. Smith, President, whom w*- were glad to welcome back after several months’ onset)* e. On account of the wintry night and small attendance, decided to postpone the Presi dert’s address, “Convention Echo**:?,” until tlv following ’Meeting A song from Mis Ph istie. a reading by Mrs Smith, u piano
duet by the Misses Gresham, and the usual enjoyable supper brought a bright little meeting to a close. TIIAMKH. July 12. Six ladies were present; Mrs Heard m the « hair, lierirled to write to Mr Ithodes, Member for this Kleetorate. asking him to strongly oppose the Gaming Hill. A paper on White Ribbon Day was u- d, held over from Inst mon'th. AItAT A PU—TK K< >PI ItU. July 12. Thirteen Indies present. Mrs Hodges gave an address on the words, “Women's Christian Temperance Union,” which was enjoyed by all. During the afternoon, Mrs Stubbs sang two solos which were much appreciated. One new member was initiated. Three new subscribers to the “White Ribbon." our tfuota thus being reached. Afternoon tea was dispensed. LAW RENCE. July 19. First meeting. Mrs Edie, President, presided over n good attendance of members. Three new members were welcomed. Mrs llaworth was elected Librarian, and Mrs lion and Mrs Clark consented to act ns Pianists. Organising a Band of Hope was left over until next meeting. The following resolution was passed, "That the Lawrence Hrameh of W.C’.T.U, enters its strong protest against the present restrictions being removed from the Gaming Hill, as suggested by Sir George Hunter." July 27th In ing one of the Red Letter Days, Mrs Edie read extracts from tin- Life of T. E. Taylor TAUT! ANGA. Fair attendance, president in chair. Correspondence dealt with. Resolved we urge our Member to use Ins influence lo oppose Gaming Hill. Had unfortunately to refuse Captain Knight's invitation to attend a women’s meeting, held by Commandant l/ord. of Christchurch (*ur President spoke for a while of Mr T. E. Taylor, and also read an article about a Conference held in llawera lately. Refreshments were dispensed. TEMPLETON. Aug. 2. Mrs Clark presided over good attendance. Passed that Hand of Hope he post ponied this month. A letter of sympath> was sent to Mrs Draper, in the loss of her dear mother. Afternoon tea served. N.E. VALLEY. July 28. Mrs Peart presided; attendance not good, rough weather. Mrs Peart spoke of the leading Items of Interest to us as a W.C'.T.U. in the daily papers at the present time, principally the questions of “Bible-ln-Sdiools," Samoa Licensing and Gaming Hills, Slu* said there was no need to fear for the controversy in the paper on Bihle-iu-Schools, for the Bible a ways came out on top. There was no human aid that could overthrow the liquor traffic. Without God’s help all Will fail When the IkpW tfftfl • dies it dies hard. For verses of encouragement she read 11. Chron. 14:11; 11. Cor. 12:Ui. and Psa. 33. Tile Secretary read r letter from Mr Bollard, M.P., in reply to a protest that had been sent against the CAming Bill. The reply was the usual "Protest received and placed on record.” Plans for the coining District Convention were made and delegates appointed. BRIGHTON. July 21. The attendance at the monthly meeting was very good, and Mrs Hall firesided. I H'cidcd to hold a Cake and Produce Stall in the Ptunket Rooms on the 30th, the proceeds to be used in helping distress cases hi the Borough Members were naked to assist our South Brighton Union at a Jumble Sale; a goodly number promised. The "White Ribbon” Day paper, written b\ Mrs Peryinan was very fue. This showed that the "|>ersonal touch," the “written word" and the ‘spoken word" comb ned. could be a wonderful power for good. Miss R&ughan was extremely interesting h. hei address dealing with her work -’.niong the feeble-minded and the Inmates of the Women’s Prisons. A very hearty vote <f thanks was accorded her. Afternoon ten wan served.
CARTERTON. Aug. 3. Mrs R. 11. Every presided; good attendance. Mrs Every reported that Mrs Symons, the Maori Organiser, was already working in Greytown, and after going to Martinborough was coining to work the Carterton District. Decided to write to Hon. M< land, and emphatically protest against the passage of the Gaming Hill through the House. Request from Mrs Porter for flowers or produce for Violet Day. Resolved that we send as many flowers as possible. A letter was received from Miss Kirk, stating that the District Officers had accepted a generous offer to arrange a week's entertainment in about eight or ten months' time, th*- proceeds to be in aid of a Wellington District Headquarters. Decided we co-operate with Greytown and Masterton and work for a Wairarapa stall. Mrs Raine was authorised to pun base material. Decided that a Snowball Supper be held on October »dli. the proceeds to hi in aid of the Willard Home. Mrs Pepperoll's resignation, owing to her removal from the district, received with much regret. lh*olded to farewell Mrs Peppered at an afternoon, to be held ai Mrs Kainc s residence, on August 18th. Members were pleased to learn that the recent petition contained in all about 88.190 names of women throughout the Dominion. An appeal for more magazines for the* men working on the main highway. The Treasurer reported balance of i’s fis. sd. ki hand. NAPIER. July. Mrs Dunstall. Hetir., presided Mrs Lcask. we are pleased to learn, is doing a lot of work in America booming New Zealand, especially Napier. Greetings received from USA. sisters. Letters of sympathy to be sent, our Correspond lug Secretary has recovered. Mrs Hrocklehurst delegate to District ! 'onvoiition. A paper by Mrs Li 11 on Anti-Gambling, was read by Mrs Brocklehurdl; a deal of discussion IY!lowed. In order to endeavour to raise a little enthusiasm in our Hand of Hope work, we have arranged to exchange visits with Wesley Hall Halid of Hope, visiting Hand to supply programme. P< ».\S4INHY. July 21. Mrs llayr presided over a large attendance. Teleram sent to Mr Savage, M !*., asking him to oppose the passage of the new Gambling Hill giving further facilities to gambling on racecourses. Reported £*’• *>s. lid. raised at the Jumble Sale, held to obtain funds for advertising Mrs Finch gave an Interesting address on "What * "iristianity has done for Women.” Afternoon tea. Aug. 4. Mrs llayr presided over a good attendance. Miss Cunningham and Mrs Bragg delegates to the District Convention. Mis Williams reported 1,374 having signed the Temperance Pledge at the W.C.T.U. Stall at the Winter Show. Mrs Neal gn . e an interesting address on the Life of Mr T. E. Taylor, which was very inspiring. EPSOM. July 2S. Mrs Neal presided; nine members present. A stro: g letter of protest against Sir George Hunt, i s Gaming Hill had l»eeii sent to Mr Dickson, Member for Parnell, urging him to use his influence against it. Paper on "Anti-Gambling" read, also portions from "Why is Gambling Wrong?," both papers giving much valuable information on the subject. Mrs Pirrett, Dominion Superin tendent for Gambling, and one of our valued members, then gave us nr Interesting account of tlic Deputation from the Alliance, which waited upmi the Premier recently In Wellington. A self-denial effort is to be made in September for Alliance funds. Decided to liave a Ju nble Sale in August for funds to sind delegates to Whan gar* Convention, i’Tie new uiciiihcr joined. M AI'NGATI ROTO. July 21. Seven members present; Mrs J. Ilatres presided. Decided to continue Hand of f!o|»e meetings; last meeting a gnat su», ■ es. Letter i. reived from Miss Jiobbie nek* .alc'.f'ng receipt of clothing for her end expressing thanks for same. M r s b' read a very Interesting repo,* (1. (\ n* .ji.tton. Miss Healey res'kited post tior n\ "W.R." Agent. Mrs 11. Flower agreed to .i c In her place.
ota nr nr. Aug. 4. There was a very good attendance. Our President, Mrs Greenwood, in the chair. Mrs Redsliaw gave a paper on "The League of Nations and Its Work," which was very interesting, and in discussion of which most of the members took advantage, making the meeting most int -resting. MiKedshuw urged the members to take lioim ami read the literature *>f the league of NatiuMH, so as to And out for theiimi’lv what the League of Nations was doing n the different countries. CAMHRMKJE. Aug 4. United with the Y's and held concert in Presbyterian Hall. There was ;<n excellent programme, * ontributed by \ s i.M.I Methodist Bible Class and other geiiei ous helpers. Special thanks accorded Hen thee Mot van for her untiring assistance. Proceeds of concert divided between Cain bridge Union ami V Branch. PALMERSTON NORTH. Aug. 5. Mrs Young presided over a fair attendance. Two visitors were welcomed: Mrs ll,li. a former Secretary, and Mis,Lindsay. < »ne new nicinher was intuited. ,\ resolution, protesting against the light sen tctice pus-cd on the two men ciaiecriied in th<- recent llutt Road motor cur accident, when life was lost, was passed. Decided lo cal' a special meeting on August 19th to make ararngemelits for the District Con veil tioii, to In- held here next month. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. July. Mrs llcitt presided. Votes of y\input by wile paused to Vlix.- Nicol and Mrs A listing, 'll their recent Iwreavemeiit*. MrDmican's resignation as Assist! at Treasur'-i was ni-cepted with regret. PI. is made l>\ the N.E. Valley Union for the omiiig C«nivcntioti vv«-re endorsed. and Md Hiett and Mr- I’c.irl were nominated as President and Vice-President of the District t'nioli. \ paper mi "Aiiti-Gainbling" was received imm Mrs I'irret. National Superintendent As no Censor is acting in connection with the Hoard of Films, it was decided lo ask that two Women he appointed to act with him w hen the new apiiointiiient is made. In South Africa there are four women th is employed; they share w ith live nitsi the ei nsorship duties t >r the Cape Province, and the work they no is much appreciated Miss Solomon, of South Africa, who is thWorld's Vic® Prosldeal ho f C.T.U., u one of the first two w mien to be Hppointed. BELFAST. Aug. 4. Tvvil.c Members present, letter sent to Member of Parllaimuit ask ng Id i to oppose Gaming Hill, and a reply had been reoe've I, stating lie would give it h-s careful consideration. A paper was read on "Gambling"' by Mrs Lill, and was much appreciated by all present. Mrs M- Lean was unanimously elected Superintendent of Band of Hope, and also Good Citizenship. A letter of sympathy to be sent to Mis Dunlop in tin* illness of her husband Att* , rn , " , n tea OP AW A - tV«*< ILBTON. July 27 Good attendance. Mrs Joul presided. in Inteventlim acmnat of Convention held in Aueklanrt was glv«'ii >»>• Mrs Barrell, of Ricearton. murli helpful information being gained. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the speaker. M rs Simpson, who is our representative on the National Council of Women, reported their desire of our Union concerning a Crematorium for Christchurch. The suggestion was not favourably received. An Invitation was received from the District Executive to officers and superintendents to their next meet ! ».ig. Tin* officers incepted. One new member initiated. MIRAMAR. July 13. Fair number of members attended. Mrs Foo»iiead gave the usual fart about alcohol. Follow inn resolution was passed miaiiii ously: "That the members of the Miramar Branch of tD W.C.T.U. desire to enter an emphatic prate-' against the Homing Amendment Bill now before Parliament, believing that the m<a-
sure. providing ns it doe* through its three main provision* for incretWHl facilities for gambling. is :i serious monace to the lushest •aterests of tin* community, and therefore unworthy of the Inst tr.utUtins of Parliament. ” Literature for ilistrib.itlon whs oi .loro.l to bo obtained, and tin' advantages and opportunities offorod by t ho I loininimi Library wore pointed out to tho l'lthsi. Tin* I’rosidont load an extract from out* of Miss Maud Royden’s Is»ok*, showing from ample-: of businesses within tin* last tun v.-him that it is «|U'.to possible? to run a businoss in cordance w ith the precepts of tho Now Testament wit limp tho business being ruined. Cadbury I trot hem, Mr .1. Simpson, of the Ma> field Mills of I terhyshirc. and Mr Thomson, of Huddersfield, all sot the eximp'e of considering tho welfare of their employees before business profits, and made a sueeosM of their business, at a time wln'i I it 1 1 ’ I i > - opinion absolutely against them; iti.l intrndueed tin* eight horns' day. t!io abolition of overtime and ensunl Inhour. the living of prio«‘S. pensions and Nieknemt kisuranee. and sharin'.' «if profits, though their fellovv-nianufaeturer* ridiculed the Ideas and deolaie.l that they simply eouhl not run their business siieeesttfully with such disregard of “eeonomie laws.” Afternoon tea handed round. WELLINGTt *N. Aim. I. “Bring and Huy” Soeial ooinhiu id with an ordinary meeting. Fair attendance. and the sum of over £2 was realised. \ silent vote of sympathy was passed with the relatives of a member. Miss Hood, of Island llav, who had pass* I away ury SlldileillV not a Week ago. Reference was made to the yeoman service that M is Hood bad done lately in eonnertion with the getting of signatures for tho petition. A I tier was t"td from Mr R M< Keen. Ml'., acknowledging the receipt of the resolution of pro ago r ast the flaming Act Amendment ilill, and assuring the members that lie was <iuite opposed to providing any further fneili tics for gandding. and would gladly see the present "acilitics curtailed. SPRBI DON. July I - Mrs Nairn presided. The n eet mg was Mir ini? devotional. some useful suggestions were made re future meetings. I icided to ask ihe Member for the District to oppose any legislation which would give greater facilities for gouddiug. «>T Mll * 11 IT. .Inlv 7. Our Piesident, Mrs tiri't'iiwno.l. in the chair. We were pleased to report the amount of signatures for the Franklin Electorate of S9X, which was very good for the time we had to eanvae the districts < >ur President introduced Mrs Finch, from I •• von port. Site spoke for a short time on tie work and life of T. K. Taylor, afterwards die spoke oil Sihhatl. Observance and what 'ntluence Women ha.l in keeping th«; Habhath Hay holy, as the Hand that rocks the Cradle rules the world. She was most interesting, nil present being thoroughly enjoyed. One new member. BKLFABT June Ifi speeial meeting to celebrate White Rltdi'n l>ay. Mrs Carkc. White R »- lon Agent, ga e her report. A paper on he White Ribbon by Mrs lVryman was riad. uml also “Your Quota 1 ” from May A\ aite Uiblsvn. Three new subscribers gained, and .tie new member initiated. July 7. Mrs Roxburgh presided; fourteen members present Mrs Richards gn\e a very lit cresting addiess oii T. K. Taylor an*’ the Purpose of Life. A vote of thanks passed to the speaker. I luring afternoon ten. a ' ussier! took place re Bible-in-ehools. WELLINGTON. July 7. A ’.-uge number of members present. Votes ef sympathy atid condolence were passed for the death ef Mrs Pinfold, kilted in a accident r.nd for that of Mrs T. P. Mills, ex-Matron of the Berhamorc Preshyterlar Orphanage. Several members paid touching tributes to the saintlv diameter and heaut*ful lives of both ladies, and members stood in tok» n of respect to diem. Alt krill on the effect of alcohol was riven, pointirg out the dulling influence on
tho brain. Thanks tendered to all those who had assisted iu thu Street Hay for the Unemployment Fund, by which the sum of over £1» had been raised. Mrs Mowlein, the President, reported on tin* favourable reception of tho Two-Issue Ballot Paper Petition by M P's. of Wellington Elect mates, and recorded her gratitude for the help given so loyally and efficiently by the I'tiion, similar thanks Isung later offered by tin President of tho Suburban Union hi Min*mar. Arrangements were also made for a “pritig and Huy" social for the afternoon of August 4th. Mrs Ryans then spoke on the resolutions passed at the Annual Convention in Auckland. Resolved: "That the members of the Wellington Branch of the W.C.T.IJ, desire to enter an emphatic protest against tin' Gaming Hill now before Parliament. ?*«• lieving that the measure, providing as it does through its three main provisions for increased facilities for gambling, is a serious menace to the highest interests of the community, and therefore wholly unworthy of the best traditions of Parliament.” TAKA PUNA. July. Mrs Richards in the chair. Mrs Neal gave a very interesting talk on the Willard Home, and as a cumber of members had not beard much about it, they were very pleased. Kin? also spoke about her Medical Temperance, and liow other things could bo used just as effectively as brandy or whisky, or more so; she was llstenc 1 to with very great interest. After afternoon tea had been served, a Bring and Huy Sale was lichl in the interests of the Willard Home, when over fit was taken, Miss Lcwins sang and played, and three new nicmhcrs were made. lIIVKKTON. Steady progress. Record monthly meeting on June litli. to meet Miss Mc|,a>, w ho ga\e memorable address. Two new members gained White Ribbon I»ay celebrated at Mrs Borland's on lftth. * «ne new subscriber gained. Mrs Buthie appointed "White Ribbon” Agent, as Miss McGregor is leaving for Auckland. Members wished her <«odspeed, and all happiness in new home. Soeia I Evening for Young People on July Ist, and n bout 50 present- Games. competitions, music, etc., much enjoyed. Miss Melsiy again present, and gave instructive it nd ••atere. ting address. "Y.*" Hrnticli formed, and 17 members Initiated. President, Miss .lean Borland; Vice-President. Miss Prosser; Treasurer, Miss Roy. and Secretary, Miss M. i Itiise. 11 \ LOU'Til A. Juno. „ Large attendance to meet Miss M' lav, who Inis hem with in a week and has gained us 15 new members and two new "White Riblxiii” subscriliers. and we are greatly eneouragcil thereby and hopeful that • «ur l'nioii iu Hab lUtha has received a new impetus. GREEN ISLAND. July 7. Mrs Syder. President, r.i chair; Mrs lliett, Hlst'iet President, gave a report of Ponvention A protest against the ieniox.,l tie restrictions m re the Gaining Amendment Hill was passed. Decided to asMi. t the Hand of Hope. One ir*w ineinlier Joined. On Monday the 11th, a most successful Hand of Hope was commenced under the auspices of the Huncdin Central and Green Island Unions. There were eighty young people present .and their enthusiasm augurs well for a good work being done during the w inter months. Several Y. members with others motored out from Dunedin to assist with the programme. Mr Hllliker, Area Organiser, gave a fine address entitled, "Safety First.” PORT CHALMERS. July 7. The President, Mrs Tait. occupied the chair. Fair attendance; an address by Miss V. M. Mi'lay, Dominion Organiser. This da? was observed as T E. Taylor Day. and Miss Mr Lay read from a "White Hihl.on” of 1915. "The Life of T. E. Taylor.” which was listened to with great attention. She spoke of her doings in Central Otago, and asked for our prayers for the new Unions she had formed. A hearty vote of thanks to
the speaker. Afternoon tea was served ami * borough ly enjoyed. PONKONHY. July i. Mrs llayr presided over a good •'"'■"■l • Mm utkelli gat. ~ repot| 9 \ the recent Alliance Conference, held iu Auckland. A report was given of the deputation who waited on Mr M. J. Ravage. M.l'., for Auckland West, with 221.1 women sigua tures on the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. A syllabus has been ai ranged, and printed for the coming six months. U AVEKLKY. Aug. 2. Rood attendance; Mrs Wall pie hded. A resolution of sympathy with the relatives uf tho !ate Dr. liarvey was passed. I Hiring his life-time, Dr. liarvey took special interest hi oin- work, and It by Ills suggestion that the Girls' Club was formed. He spent much valuable time ungrudgingly in giving the girls lectures and practical lessons on first-aid, and had the satisfaction of seeing every girl pass her examination. Good work has been done in collecting easttiff clothing and sending it where needed. Panels of Looks have also boon sent to the hackblooks. Rev Wickham to give an address; W.C.T. IT. to provide slipper. CANVASTt *\VN July 3i. A good attfunlanco. Mrs Flower presided. A paper, written h\ Mrs Murniy, hiul read by Mrs Oianianti, dealing with the subject of the Hilde in Rchools, was both interesting and instructive, ami enjoyed by all. A number of member* were added to the N.Z. Bible in Schools League. Decided to hold a social evening entertainment shortly, in aid of the PlunKet Queen Garnival. Competitions, sweet stall and supper to he entered for by members of the Union. 1 'ecidod that a Y Branch he inaugurated. The Secretary was instructed to take tlie nc< estuary steps to that cud. PLEASANT POINT July 5. Miss Bradshaw presided over a good attendance, and gave an inspiring address on “Tin* Early History of the W.C. T.U.” Hearty votes of thunks were passed to our late Treasurer, Miss Munroc. for valuable and faithful work, and to Mrs Felton and Miss A. Neilson for so ably carrying on the work luring tho vacancy of officers. Decided to send for medical literature. At Miss Hradshaw's suggest it*: I. a Visiting Mick Committee was formed. Five new members were affiliated Into our Union. A heart y vote of thanks wax accorded Miss Bradshaw for her address and help. Afternoon tea served. PETONK. July I Eighteen present; Mrs .Murgatroyd presiding. The President was thanked for making flannels for nmternitv hag. A into of condolence to Mrs Griffiths. Mrs Jones suggested forming a hand of women to go and visit those who could not get out, and cheer them up. Mrs Annette read a press report, printed In 192t>. regarding tin Willard Home iu Palmerston North. July 20. A most enjoyable afternoon . t Mrs Hope's residence. A good attendance. Mrs MurgatToyd presided. Agreed that Gaming Hill resolution he sent to Mr Wilford, M.P., as follows: "The Pc tone WC. T.U. desires to express its intense regret at the bringing in of the Gaining Hill now before tin* House, and urg's you as tliojr representative to do all in your power to oppose it.” Rev. Ramson read Mrs Lilt's paper on “Anti-Gambling,” and afterwards gave a very interesting address on the evils of gambling, and the amount of money wasted on it. Mrs Annette read a paper for “White Rihlsni" Day. Miss Marion Hope charmed those i>» *ent with pianoforte selections. Afternoon tea. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the hostess for her kindness, and the Rev. Ramson for his very a’uo address. STRATFORD. July. Well attended. Resolved that a litter be sent to the Member for this district asking his support Sir George Hunter's Gaming Bill, whlrh Is to give greater facilities for horse-rneing. Proposals were made for a waist-line tea, to be held later,
to luim tuiitU for the Orgmmuiig Fund. Four iadies volunteered to take the uftvriioon tea to tlie Hospital on the UHUaI da> iu August. Tina afternoon tea once a month ih very mucli appreciated, patients asking d' we could not come more often. July. Special aoclal uiteruoon was held to commemorate T. E. Taylor. \\ eather wet and stormy; good attendance. The paper on "Anti-Gambling, ” written by Mrs Clara E*l!, wan read and diacUMsed. Mrs Pinlliy. Hpoke a few words, and said the gambling situation was a very serious one. Beautiful music was rendered; violin and p.aito, hiiikj and recitations. Afternoon tea. HOKITIKA. For the lirst time our members iu this sninewhut isolated district nave had the privilege ot peiron'.l contact with our l*ominion Organiser, who from now ou will l>e netd m most loving menu ry by us, and .ttwui cd o* - most liearty wekoiue should siu- ever return. Our Ti ousurer, Mrs VN . l’erry, n udl> Icnuerctl to Miss Mi'Lay aval Miss Henderson an "At Home" welcome at her residence. This was well attended, ami gave the opportunity tor gathering much uscti'l Information from our distinguished guests, and after according to them a real West ('oast welcome. Next day a friend motored the President mid «‘rgainwr to Woodstock and lvauleri. I n ultimately the day proved wet and boisterous, ami this militated against the attenuance, but at each place two view members were enrolled and attached to onr Hokitika lhanch, pending the formation tater ot local bru tehea. The next day lound us on our way to Waitaiia, a sottiement some 25 milts out, but uiifortunaiely cm trouble prevented our reaching the destination, and that meeting had to l>e postponed. At Ho.- i. under the Presidency of the Mayorest, Mrs Evan*. a successful meeting was held. Five members were enrolled, with promise ot further additions. Friday was devoted to Hokitika, where again under the Fresidency of our Mayoress, Mrs G. A. Perry, u successful meeting was held in the Town Ilall, four new members being initiated. A visit to Kumuru some 15 miles nearer Greymouth. resulted in the arrangements being made for a public meeting on M'ss MeLaj s return journ* . The invitation 1o the Methodist United Bible Classes, who were holding their annual meeting and social tea on Sundry afternoon was accepted and Miss M-T.n *** earnest and Inspiring talk for the young men and women will he long remembered by those privileged to be present. Although the renditions of our work on the West Toast do not permit of even the Organiser reposing large gatherings and Increases of members, we are sure that in the deeper matters of Inspiration, encouragement and spiritual uplift. Miss Mcl.av’s visit has been an undoubted success and her time well spent. LOWER HITT. •luH. President presided. Reported that no word had been received from our Member In reference In the two-lssue ballot paimr. Decided to write again, requesting a reply. Mrs Hhearer has offered to give an At Horn*’ on the t rd Friday in August, ' ' t"i "• 1 i*\ !• raise funds for the Willard Home In Palmerston. £3 voted for the Organising Fund. Four new* subscribers to tlie "White Ribbon.*” Mrs Ruck agreed to see that literature was placed in the box at the Hutt Station. The need for a rest room and conveniences for women and children In our town was brought up. and It wns decided ♦ o make enquiries about the snine. Afternoon tea served. Mrs Ig>pdell gave us an interesting address on some of the pioneers of the W.C.T.U. Movement Mrs Lopdell was asked to pin the white how on three new members, and k word of welcome was extended to Mis < Klhhlewhlte. Mrs Aldersley then a >okc a few words of appreciation to Mrs .lurkson. who it leaving us for Auckland, thanking her f.»r her ever ready help at all times, and expressing the hope that she will still be useful and happy in her view sphere. KAIAPOT. •Tuly. Mrs Vickery presided over n fair jitlemlan* e. She reported that the ministers* Association had approached the headmaster
of tile Public School, who hail given them permission to give religious instruction for half-an-hour on Wednesday afternoon. The elasses were very well attended. Captain Jackson addressed the meeting on "The True Relation of Higlit and Might.*’ Mrs White read an extract from the “Christian Science Monitor,” and Mrs Stewart brought A tribute to T. E. Taylor. WANGANUI CENTRA!.. July. Mrs Stewart presided over a large gathering. Mrs Davie read a portico of the IbhtrH't t’contention report. The following a a sport extract from it: l£ucli year there is a sum of 18,500.000 paid away annually for nothing Pul to swell the dividends ol the brewers. Tins money could la* well expended ii cioitniig tlie children whose parents were now out of work. Rev. K. Stewart, of Gonville, was present, and made an appeal for tuitabie literature for seamen coming uto the port of \\aiig&nui; this literature noli id be left at Mi Fptou’s Music Shop, or at Ci.inctts Sound Box. Mr Stewart was asked to speak at some future date on pis work amongst seamen. Reported tiiat Mrs Emmett’s Afternoon was very satisfactory. Mrs Stewart spoke at this gathering, on Mrs Lee-Cowie’s work amongst the under-world in Auckland. The Headquarters Fund hencPte.l Py thin effort to tlie amount of il 1 is. 3d. Mrs Copeland's resignation was ex* opted w ith regret. Mrs Copeland luuPern Cradle Roll Superintendent for many years, and luts been a most reliable worker. Three new members were enrolled. Afternoon tea was provided by Mrs McKinnon. The pi ta ceds of tlie afternoon amounted to £2 15s. lid. in aid of Union funds. AUCKLAND. July 12. Mrs Cook presided. A letter was read by Mrs Fulijames from Mr Reliarrell, of Niue Island, telling of the success of the W.C.T.U. there and the good influence it had u*i the lives of the women. A letter was sent to Mr Parry, M.P., urging him to oppose the passage of tlie Gaming liill. Mr Rev. J. F, Martin gave a most interesting address; lie told in a racy manner items of Pis work in the Temperance Cause on tlie West Coast. He gave an account if the Alliance Convention held in Wellington, ami of the Deputation to the Premier re the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. He paid a high tribute to Mrs Taylor, our Fkmiinion President. His address inspired a spirit of optimism n; those present. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Martin. Afternoon tea was served. PAHIATUA. July. Mrs J. D. Wilson, President, in the chair. One of the subjects regretfully commented on at this meeting was the refusal of the Local P.unket Society's Committee to discontinue the use of the claret cup at their Annual Ball. Notwithstanding this refusal, ihe effort of our deputation was not altogether fruitless. The Plunket Committee, In reply, stated that arrangements were too far advanced for alterations to be made, but that the cup would not be of intoxicating strength, a concession for which the well-wrialiers of youth would be thankful. In connection with this matter, the President pointed out that in a "dry” area, at a Returned Soldier’s dance, at which she was present, nothing stronger than orangeade was provided for drinking, and the gathering was unanimously pronounced to be most successful asid thoroughly enjoyable. Decided to hold a Gift Shop at an early date. In aid of the W.C.T.U. and the Willard Home. The Band of Hope here is a really live one, and results are most encouraging. The Hospital is visited, amd flowers taken to patients. WARKWORTH. July 7. Mrs Philips gave a short speech and read Mrs Kasper's paper on State Control. Mrs Thompson made a few remarks about the health of girls and women. Mr? Green gave an organ selection, and Mrs Do mi sang, "Onv.ard and Upward.” Mrs Herbert and Mrs Philips agreed to pack up Sister Kst 's parcel. RANOIORA. Julv 2-Jh Mrv Thwaites presided; fair attendance. letter received from Ixxal Plunket Society, asking for financial support
in their work. Resolved to take up special .. ection .it *i future meeting. A non committal reply was received from lion. I) Buddo, to u request that he should oppose tlie Gaining Bill. The Rex. W. R. Hutchison gave an address on Temperance, dealing with the subject from the economic, political, sock.l, moral and religious points of view. The speaker whs listened to with much interest, and accorded a hearty vote of thanks. In ren|K>nse to a special effort made by members, ten new subscribers to the “White Ribbon" were obtained. It V Al, B 1 Sll. July. S«»*'itl Evening was held at the residence of Mrs Guilt, eight members being present, aso a few visitors. The eleetioM of officers took pair as follows:- Mrs .1. Wilson, Pie ideni: Mrs 11. Hamilton. V'ce- President. Mrs Gaitt, Secretary and Treasurer. Mis.Mel<a>. the V Organiser, being pre.ieiit, «'*'«• a report on I’onvention which was listen* *i to with much interest, and a heart' vote ol thanks was accorded the speaker.
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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 385, 18 August 1927, Page 14
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7,762News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 385, 18 August 1927, Page 14
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