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News of the Unions.

BRANCH REPORTS. Please take note: 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don’t report routine business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the pai»er. BRIGHTON. May 16. Special meeting wan held to celebrate Peace Day. when appropriate hymns were sung and prayers offered. An excellent address on the ' League of Nations, was given by Mrs (\ A. Finer, who appealed for members for the longue of Nation* Union. A number of the ladle* present joined up. The Solo given by Miss T. Buxton. was much appreciated. May 18 Well-attended meeting, Mrs H. Hall was In the chair. In her ten-minute talk, Mis* H. M. Harbaud tcld us that 60 per cent, of the cases of insanity are due to alcoholism. The Secretary was instructed to write to several sick members. Decided to have both afternoon and evening (unctions at our Annual Pay-U|> in June. Mrs Hull reported that a number of the members hail attended the North Beach Ist Birthday Meeting. A Solo was given by Mrs F. Sprosen. ami one new member was initiated. June 16. The member* turned out in good numbers to the monthly meeting, and Mrs H. Hall presided. The half-yearly report and statement of account#, the latter showing a good ere lit balance, were adopted. Mr* Hall reported that the deputation which had waited upon Mr D. G. Sullivan, M.P., with the Two-Issue Ballot Paper Petition signed by 2,700 Avon women electors, had met with an encouraging reception, Mr Sullivan promising his earnest support of the proposed measure. Mrs A. Richards was the speaker for the afternoon, and was heard with Interest, her address on "Women's Work - ' being very tine. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. During the afternoon. items were contributed by Mesdames Beilby and Mitchel. Tin- Annual Pay-Up Social was held in the evening, when ail enjoyable programme was submitted by Mesdames W. Herrick and F. Sprosen; Misses IV Nelson, O. Gibb, J. Buckley, <5. Sherlock and Mrs Hull’s pupils. Nine new members were enrolled. LAWRENCE (OTAGO). June 22. At a meeting held in the Presbyterian Sunday School Hall, Miss A. M. KcLay, Organi«er, formed a new Union. After the reading of the Crusade Psalm and prayer, Miss McLay gave a brief account of the events which led to the formation of the W.0.T.U., of the growth of the work and its aims and objects, emphasising its w’orld-wide importance and mission. A deep interest was shown in tho work. Thirteen •numbers were initiated, and the following ofUcers elected: —President, Mrs John Edie. Hill Street; Secretary. Mr* Hugh Marshall, l’eei Street; Treasurer, Mrs J. IV McKinley, Oban Street; W.R. Agent. Mrs J. McKinlay. Lancaster Street. Meetings will be held in Presbyterian Sunday School Hall, third Tuesday, at 3.15 p.m. OWAKA (OTAGO). June 14. Miss A. M. McLay, Domhihm Organiser, addressed a gathering of ladies at the Baptist Church, over which Mrs Weston presided. Mi*s McLay explained the origin and various organisations connected with the Movement, and formed a Branch, fourteen members being initiated. The Union will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 2.15 p.m., at the Baptist Church. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss McLay for her Interesting address. At the conclusion of the meeting. Mrs Weston entertained all present to afternoon tea. The following officers were appointed:—President. Mrs Ryley; Vioe-l’resident, Mrs Weston; Secretary', Mrs Miller; Treasurer, Mrs Buchanan: A’hlte Ribbon Agent, Mrs Pritchard.

NORTH BRIGHTON. Mis* B M. Harband presided over a good attendance. A challenge from the New Brighton Union for a Membership Campaign was accepted. Resolved to obtain Convention Number of the White Kibhou for distribution to intending members. The Secretary’ reported on the deputation to Mr D. G. Sihvan. M.P., when a petition praying for a Two-Issue Hallot Paper and signed by 2,700 women electors of Avon was presented. Miss Harband gave a report of the New Zealand Alliance Conference, and of the deputation to the Prune Minister. Mrs Dixon thanked the members for electing her Evangelistic Superintendent. At her suggestion, it was decided to hold monthly prayer meetings In members’ houses. One new member was Initiated, and the President reported that two ladies, both over 80 '-ears of age, were desirous of Joining tho Branch. An instructive address on Scientific Temperance was delivered by the President. Mesdames Henry and Thompson were deputed to act as hostesses for the next meeting. Afternoon tea was served. M ASTERTON. June 23. Special At Home tc observe “White Ribbon Day" meeting st the -esidome of Mrs Rovvse, laindsdowne. Wea her very wet. but 26 members and friends braved it, and were rewarded by a very happy and helpful afternoon. The President explained that the object of the meeting was to create interest m the Union's official Organ, the White Ribbon, and urged members to obtain new subscribers and to use their paper as source of information and counsel A paper written by Business Manager was read, showing the three-fold influence of the personal touch, the spoken word and the written word, and the power of such a strong combination. Much appreciation wa* expressed at the beautiful way the paper dealt with the subject and the points of interest referred to. A report showed that tho Petition for Two-Issue Ballot Paper recently presented to Mr Sykes, had been signed by about 1,800 voters. Musical items were rendered by Mesdames Wilkinson. Smith, and Miss Jnsies A dainty afternoon tea was served by Mesdames Rouse, Carter and Thomas, and a very hearty vote of thanks passed to those ladies for their hospitality. Two new* members initiated, and four new White Ribbon subscriber? obtained in the meeting, Temperance Doxnlogy brought very successful meeting to a close. RANGIORA. June 24. Mrs Thwaltee presided over good attendance. Scientific Tetn|*erance reading was an extract from an address, given by I*r. O’Brien on “The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Body.” Secretary reported that a deputation had waited on the Hon. D Buddo at Kaiapoi, to present to him a Petition dealing with a request for a Two-Issue Ballot Paper. This was signed by 1,174 women of the Kaiapoi Electorate. Mrs James reported 19 subscribers to "White Ribbon.” «Vipies are also placed in the local Reading Room and Rest Room. A paper for “White Ribbon Day” was read by Secretary. STRATFORD. June 15. 60 members and friend* present. This was our special “White Ribbon Day." and we took advantage of this, and handed our nigned Petitions over to our Member. Mr Walter, M l’., who reminded u- of his saying from the platform at the General Election, how he favoured the Two-Lssue Ballot Paper and no extension of time between the polls. He said he waa still of the same opinion, and that he would give us all the help he could when It came before Parliament. Mrs Phillips, District President, opened the meeting with Devotions, pointing out how God used most humble instrument* in the carrying out of His work, n*id urged member* to he up and doing. In handing over the Petitions to Mr Walter, the Rev, G. C;*ok. Methodist Minister, gave a short, inspiring address. Musical and elocutionary items wen* rendered and very much enjoyed. Afternoon tea wr-s handed round. Four new member* were initiated. Meeting closed with the Temperance Doxology. Juno 24. Good attendance. Letter from the Superintendent of Anti-Gambling. De-

elded to read the paper on Gambling and its Evils, which came enclosed with the letter, at a later meeting. letter read from our District Secretary, asking for more help towards the Sailor’s Rest Fund. Decided to hold another Shop Day at a convenient date. Ladies again volunteered to take the monthly afternoon tea to the Public Hospital. Mrs Phillips kindly gave an invitation to nil the ladies present to an afternoon at her house on June Ist, and asked that each try to bring a newr White Ribbon subscriber. Mrs McAllister wa* elected Evangelical Superintendent, and will take the devotions at the quarter-of-*an-liour Prayer meeting. IAiWER HUTT. June 22. 20 members present and two visitors; President in the chair. "White Ribbon Day;” the paper written by Mrs Peryman was read, and acting on the sug gestion in it, five of our member* offered to look up those of our members near them, and to try and induce them to take our paper if th*y are not already doing so. and also to get those who are not members to take a paper if possible. The report of the Quarterly Executive, which wa* neld at Foxton, was read by our Secretary. Mr* Anderson read u* a Scientific fact about alcohol. Reported that Petoue and Hutt cad been successful In gettmg 1.794 signatures for the Two-Issue Hallot. about 1,200 of the*e being in the Hutt itself. A letter of thanks sent to Mr Findlay and Mr Kersley, for their help in giving some days and the use of their motor cars to enable our ladie* ♦o do the outlying districts. Mrs I»pdell to take the chair on Memorial Pay. Decided to take the subject of Anti-Gambling for one of our future meetings. Re forming a Maori meeting here; w"> do not think there are enough Maoris around the district, but enquiries are to be made In the meantime. MOUNT ALBERT. June 9. Mrs Benfell presided. The attendance was fair. Mrs Peryman’s paper for White Ribbon Day was read by Mrs Williams, and Mr* R. J. Sims wa* appointed White Ribbon Agent. Mrs Wilton, and old White Ribboner from Wanganui, was welcomed. Mr* Kasper gave an account of her visit to England. AUCKLAND June 14. Annual Pay-Up Social. Mr* Cook presided; large attendance. Mrs Ful 1 James, in a happy little speech, congratulated Mrs (Took on toe great honour which had been conferred upon her In being appointc l a Justice of the Peace. Ur Buckley Turkington gave a most interesting address on Worn sr.'s place in the World, She *poke of the privileges they enjoyed in those days, and the great responsibility which rested •jpon them in their duty to the future race. It wits their duty to make the world a better place for tho children, and by life and example to tram them to have a high standard in life. Song* were rendered by MeKdame* Rossor and Simpson, and Recitation and Monologne by Miss Cowling. Afternoon tea was served. W ANGANUI EAST. June. Mrs Duxfleld presided. Mbs Sansom led the Devotional Exercise*. Apology for absence was read from Mr* ilopkirk. and Miss Hutton rex>orted 41 name* on the Cradle Roll, an advance of seven since last meeting. Report* from canvassers were very encouraging. It was decided to attend with the Central Union, a meeting at Ar&moho on 4th July, to celebrate White Ribbon Day. Mi** Black was welcomed a* a member from M&sterton, and Mesdames Duxfleld, McLeod and Rrown, with Mis* Black, were appointed delegates to attend the Convention at Hawera. on 21st June. It was decided to hold a Jumble Rale and Pood Pair in Rt. Alban's Hall, on Saturday, July 9th, commencing at 2 o’clock. Letteij of sympathy were to be written to Mrs Marshall, Senior, in her Illness, °nd to Pastor an 1 Mrs Marshall In illness of their *on. The Seeretary reported not having yet had a reply to her communication with Mr V. Glenn. M l’, re deputation. BPREYDON. June 14. Attendance very good. A leaflet letter was read, asking for a wider clrcula-

turn of the Official Paper. Agreed to tnake aw effort. Two-Lsaue Ha Hot Paper largely signed aud closed. Mrs J. Richards gave an inspiring address to mother* emphasising their great responsibility in the training of young life. Hymn and Hewediction closed a very profitable meeting. HENDERSON. Juue 15. Annual Pay-Up Social. Mrs Platt presided and conducted usual Devotional Exorcise* A Scientific fact with regard tc alcohol was read. Owing to our Secretary being absent, vve could not deal with correspondence. Proposed to send letter of congratulation to Mrs Cook on attaining the position of J.P. Decided to ask Mrs Hen fell to address our July meeting In Preib.vterian Church. Question of Bible-in-Schools was then discussed. Mr lsitt's form of service was made very clear, and after some discussion a few prayers were offered, asking Cod's help in the effort to be made with regard to canvas of district. President’s report of the deputation to our M l*, with Petitions lor the Two-Issue Ballot Papers. Meeting closed w itti Benedict iow. Afternoon tea was served, and all members present paid their fees. MABTERTON. June 2. Excellent attendance, Mrs Cocker presiding. Motion of sympathy passed to family of the late Mr* Burton, who was one of the Union s first Presidents. In response to request from Business Manager, *i>ecial attention given to observance of White Ribbon Day. Date arranged, 23rd June; meeting to Ik* held at Dansdowne. Secretary reported that District Executive Meeting had approved ot suggestion to enlist 21 members of Ekctuhuna Union, now disbanded, as members of liastcrton Union. Decided to ask Mrs Hansen, of Eketaliuna. to be a Vice-President, and Mrs N. Miller appointed Reporter and Correspoii lent. President and Hecretary to go as dep nation to Mi Sykes to present Petition. A paper was read by Mrs 8. J. Smith on the “Effect of Alcohol on tlie Mind.” Afternocn tea served by Mis Jamieson, and vote of ihanks passed. SOUTH DUNEDIN. May 12 Mrs Macartney pr< sided; largo attendance* of members. Plemure was expressed nt ha\ i*ag Miss Pow .11, a former President, and now Vice- Pres .dent w ith us. Our President v oiced the reg *et we all feel that Mrs Hendeley has resigned from the position she so ably hied for some time. Petition Forms were distributed to those agreehig to canvas. A very full and comprehensive report was then read by our delegate to Convention, Miss Ford, for which she was duly thanked. Mrs Williamson rendered a solo, after which afternoon tea was served. June 9. Fair attendance, presided over by Mrs Macartney. As our White Ribbon Agent was unavoidably absent, it was decided to postpone dealing with White ltibbon business until next meeting. Our President expressed pleasure at tlie larg** number of signatures which had been obtamed In South Dunedin Electorate, and asked as many as could come to be present on the following Monday, to present the Petition to the Members of Parliament then in Dunedin. The Scientific fact which Mrs Macartney brought to the notice of the meeting was to the effect, “that there is no foundation for the popular belief that alcohol has a protective value in case* of exposure to infection.” Afternoon tea was s«rv3d, after which we had the pleasure of having Mrs Ik»n speak to us, her subject being Radio, and she had our undivided interest an she narrated some of her experiences in America. At tin* close* of her speech she stressed tile fart that we are living in a wonderful age. and that surely the God of All can hear and answer our prayers. The Bendlctlon wits then pronounced. « MAN A 1 A. June 14. Mis Robinson presiding. A vote of sympathy with Mrs Bridge and Mrs Murray, on the death of their mother, was passed in silence. Miss Robinson and Miss Hansen were chosen as delegates for the District Convention. Decided to try camv&s*n g for a contribution towards the Huilor’s Rest at New Plymouth, also to ask the

School Board if Temperance Wall Sheet* can be obtained and used, the Union offering a prize for essays osi the subject. The Uni>n will also offer small prises at the local Mower Show. There was discussion over a lesson approving tiie use of beer, in a local school. Decided to ask if Mrs Penman could address an evening meeting after the Hawera Convention. One new member initiated, liotli membership and financial affairs art* steadily improving, so that the Union hopes to be ready for work in good tune before tlie Election. LEIGH. Meeting at Mrs Gozar's house, fair attendance, two visitors present. The Union received an invitation from the Warkworth Union, to meet them at the New Zealand Alliance Convention, to be held in Warkworth, on May 14th. Discussion was held ou the necessity of shop girls having seats to rest on, while not employed in serving customer* tlie same as they have in Bsn Francisco, Sydney, Melbourne, und many other towns. Reading by Mrs Gozar, entitled “Total Abstinence and Alcoholism,” which was much appreciated. Mrs Uozar kindly dispensed afternoon tea. May 26. The President presided over a meeting at Mrs 1 •. Matheaon’s house; good attendance. A letter from Mrs Peryinan, re getting more subs* ribers to the “White Ribbon.” Mrs Matheson read an extract entitled “Using Alcohol as a Medicine. The members of tiie Union did good work, going around with Petition Papers for the TwoIssue Ballot, and were very successful in their campaign. A large bale of clothing was collected and sent to Major Gordon loi distribution amongst her poor families. The L.T.L. is making good progress, and has a fairly large membership. Afternoon tea closed a very interesting meeting OXFORD. April £B. President in the chair Mrs Ryde reminded us of the number of homes cornu**-ted with the Union where there was illness, and it was decided that a letter be sent expressing tiie sympathy of the Union in each case. As this was tiie first meeting after tiie Show, the greatest part of tiie meeting was spent on discussion and receiving tiie reports. Mr* Ityde, the delegate to the recent Convention, held in Auckland, w us only üble to give an introduction of tiie report, and it was decided that we devote one afternoon (later) to the report. Tim initiation service was held, und Mrs Brown was welcomed as a member.' of the Union. NORMAN BY. June 8. Mrs Fletcher presided. Owing to members being a''ay on holiday, attendance fair. Report of the Two-Issue Ballot Petition was very satisfactory. A circular and letter was received from New Plymouth W.C.T.U., asking for funds towards the building of a new Stamen s Rest. A very interesting paper for White Ribbon Day was read, making an urgent appeal for more subscribers to tiie White Ribbon. Meeting closed with the Benediction. Mr* Fletcher kindly provided afternoon tea. HASTINGS. June 23. Good attendance. Mrs Speight, Vice-President, occupied the chair. Devotions were conducted by Mr* Wilson., Personal Service. Report of canvas with Petition showed over 545 signatures. The deputation who waited <*n tiie member had received a courteous and sympathetic hearing. The Secretary gave report of New Zealand Alliance Conference. Paper for White Ribbon Day read, and members urged to get new subscribers. White ltiblmn Agent reported six members had given up the paper smoe last re|>ort. Afternoon t**a ser\ed by McsdaincH Hanks, Smith and Use. WAIMATE. June 8. Mrs Roy presided, being welcomed back after a brief absence. We desire to congratulate ourselves on tiie appointment of Mr* lloare (who took Mrs O'Brien's place) ns Hospital Visitor. We hear appreciative comment* on he r work there. Members have little idea of the good work done. —lonely, unvisited patients cheered, and others also, who will always think kindly of the Vr.C.TU. Mrs Roy reported on the Timaru

Alliance Conference. Tiie mam business of the afternoon was tiie presentation to Mr Bitchener, Member for Waitaki, of our ‘Two-Issue" Petition, signed by 835 women. Mr Bitchener spoke hopefully of the present outlook as regards Licensing Reform, commended tiie women who had grasped their present opportunity, spoke of the value of such petitions—uttered a warning lest NoLicense advocates slacken the reins—result would bo a set back for many years. Mr and Mrs Bitchener were thanked for granting u* this audience, and shared with us the usual afternoon social cup of tea. CHEVOIT. June 3. A very encouraging meeting; another new member enrolled. A very intere sting letter received from Miss Harband. The President, Mrs WalmsJey, read a paper ou “White Ribbon Day,” and a new subscriber was gained. After the initiatory service and the Pledge had been read, tho meeting closed. In honour of the King's Birthday, the National Anthem was sung. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. June 7. l*n spite of the inclement weather, an enthusiastic band of women gathered. Two aaw member* were enrolled. Deputations were arranged to present Petitions for “Two-Issue Ballot Paper” on the Licensing Question to tiie local Members of Parliament. The President (Mrs Hiett) spoke in eulogistic terms of the late Mr A. C. Broad, who was ever a staunch supporter of all Temperance work, the members standing a* a mark ot' sympathy with the relatives. Jlalf-an-hour was spent in definite prayer for the success of Temperance work. “White Ilibbou Day” was postponed till July meeting. KUMEU. Fair attendance. Meeting presided over by Mrs Neal, who gave a very instructive and interesting address, and various discussions took place with regard to other treatments for ailments in place of Alcohol, wtaich is being recognised to-day to do more harm than good. Our Union has done its best to secure as many signatures as possible for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper, which we sincerely trust will be passed by Parliament. PAPANUI June 9. Mrs Simpson presiding over a large attendance. Reported that the -uccess of the canvas for names for humkhl of the Two-issue Ballot Paper had been most successful. An address was given •">’ Mr* Rowntree on "Service,” the lecturer pointing out that service is at tiie disposal of all, and that there is no joy like that which service give*. The speaker was accorded a vote of thank*. Tiie resignation was received of tiie Reporting Secretary, Mrr C Smith, aud a motion putting on record her many valuable year* of work for the Society was pass* d. le ported that the first meeting of the Bund cf Hope which the Union had restarted, had boon most successful. WELLINGTON. June 15. “White Ribbon Day” observed. This meeting was held in the evening, and the number of member* and friends present wa* very errouraging. Mrs Peryman’s "Pamphlet jii tiie Power of the Pr«***“ was read, and FI .vere urged to secure more subscribers .'or the White Ribbon. Mr* T. E. Taylor, Lkmiinusn President, then gave an address, deal ng particularly with the words. “Freely ye ’vave received, freely give," and mentioned many of the advantages wo have at the present time, such as education, books. White Ribbon, Superintendents of Departments, and niar*> other opportunities for improvement which have been freely given. Mrs Taylor then asked if we hud used our talent*, and if not. why not? There were tremendous po**ibllitles if we go forth consecrated to work alongside Him. Mr* Taylor » losed her address, by advising all to read Maud Royden s “Prayer as .t Force." Two members were added to our Union, and supper closed a very enjoyable evening. CAMBRIDGE. May. Fair attendance, Mrs Martin presided. Mrs Parker was welcomed (wife of Methodttft Minister). 16 Petition Forms were distributed. Rej»ort of Convention read.

June. Fair attendance, Mrs Martin presided. Over 200 signatures obtained for petitions. Decided our next meeting be in tlte evening, and invite the Y'a. and Rechabite Lodge. Mrs Simpson, President of Fencourt I'xdon, rend remainder ot Convention report. NEW PLYMOUTH. July 29. Good attendance; Mrs X. Jones I >reaided. The report of District Convention was road uid commented upon. A vote of thanks passed to the delegate. Suggestions were made for literature to the liark Blocks, the Superintendent sa.,!?'ir she found the traiuqwrt difficult. Several of the members offered Vanguards., and White Kibltons for distribution. Mrs Craig read a paper on the White Ribbon, which had been postponed from White Ribbon Day. Plans were discussed for increasinf subscribers, arrangements to be made at the next meeting. Gratification was expressed at the knowledge that the funds for a Hostel Wi connection with the Girl’s High School have been raised, with practically no gambling connected with their effort. SKFTOV May. Mrs Thome presided over small attendance of members. Reported that lollecting of signatures for Petition was still I iogressing. Article road In connection with Scientific Temperance Instruction. Reported that parcel of clothing had been collected, and was ready to be sent on for distribution. Vfumoou tea was handed round. June 22. Wet day. good attendance; Mrs Thome in chair. Reported that Petition had been sent on to Member for District, and reply received read. Paper on “White ltibbon” by Mrs Peiyman read and appreciated. Article from “White Ribbon,” "Effect of Alcohol on Brain” by Dr. O’Brien, was ulso read. Decided that for July meeting, T. E. Taylor Day, members each bring short reading and a suggestion fomakinff meetings more interesting and useiul. Afternoon tea was handed round. TE KUITI. June. Very good attendance. Mothers’ Day. t?oh»s were rendered by Mrs Owens, Mrs iKibson, Sister Glltes, and a reading by Mrs Cole. About 160 signatures wen* obtained for the Two-Issue Ballot taper. Afternoon tea was jirovided by the ladies. A wreath wits made by Mrs Oole, and went to the relatives of the late Mrs Robertson, an old White Ittbboner. PAiiMEHBTON NORTH June 24. A large attendance of members, to celebrate White Ribbon Day and welcome Mrs T. E Taylor, Dominion President. Afternoon tea v as handed round, then the President. Mrs Young. Introduced the visitor. After initiating two view members, Mrs T.iylor gave a mokt interesting address. She congratulated the Branch on the number of ■cgnaturas obtained for the Two-Issue Ba lot Paper, and stressed the need of I'Oiitkiual work to keep our objects and aims before the public. A hearty \ .Me of th inks vns •even Mrs Taylor. CARTERTON. June. “White Ribbon Day.” Mrs Every presided over a good attendance, anti wel- < timed Mis K. Smith, of Masterton. who addressed the gat lie ring, her subject being. "Am I fitted to do Educative Work.” The speaker pointed out that the brightest and best work is achieved In the Union where the White Ribbon was read. The greatest need 1* for members to be up-to-date, nml to know what is doing, and to be done. Someone had likened the W.U.T.I . to a skilled musician playing upon the keys of e-ntlment. therefore members should rorre< t unskilled players, and see that the measure s one of harmony. It has been said that « operation was the soul of business; therefor** much more effective working could he obtained if every memher trtea to ur.der"tand, ami was ready to step in and tal.e harge. Each member must educate h< rself. Then the Union would he ab.e to ovorvoii.e difficulties Mrs Smith was heartily thas ked for hor able and instructive address. Mim-U-ra were pleased lo hear tha* the 'Vairarapa Petition asking for the Two-Issue

Ballot Paper was presented to the Hon. A. I). McLeod, and contained 1124 women’s signatures; Carterton s quota being 674. An Item was sweetly rendered b\ two small “White Itlbbonsra," Poppie and Hilary Stone. NAPIER. Jirne 1. Mrs Venables presided over first part of meeting, Mrs Wilson (Hastings) the latter part- A discussion on the District Fund took place. Mrs Wilkinson very kltully invited the members to an afternoon at Nelson Park Tea Rooms, a oollection to be taken up for the Fund. Decided to hold a Jumble Kale on the 29th. Bind of Hope reopened on May 27th; children a* keen as ever. June 14. Fifteen ladies met at Nelson Park Tea Rooms. A unique con,petition was tiie making of the ‘•Bow" with needie aut cotton on white paper (without drawl: g it t, Mrs Dunntall souring first prise, Mis Brocklehurst, 2*nd. Collection amount'.ir to fl 3s. was sent to Mrs Wilson toward Ihstrict Fund. Votes of thanks to Mrs Wilkinson were passed. We were delighted to have with us our former President, Mrs Speight, who had come for tin* afternoon. July 6. A letter received from Mrs Leash, who we were pleased to learn expects to be with us about the end of August. “White Ribbon” Day celebrated, aiul Mrs Beryllium's paper was read, and members have promised to each try and get at least one new subscriber. Anti-Gambling. Decided to read paper at August meeting, the Rev. Mr de Lisle to be asked to speak on the subject. We regret that ,»ur (Toiresjsmdlng Secretary, Mrs Hull, has hud to go into hospital, where she was yesterday operated o<n. Please pray for her with us. EDEN. May 14. Mrs Kenton presi led over a fair attendance. Dr. Staley gave i very interesting address on the League of Actions Union, as a result of which, most of those prestsnt. Joined up with that Unlom Two member* asked for transfer to the new W.C.T.U. being formed at Mt. Albert, being resident in that district, and while for the same renaom. we anticipate losing others from our list of membership, we rejoice to know that another Union has been started in this gn at city, where there is plenty of scope for still more Unions. The Petition work then in full awing was reviewed, and afternoon tea was si rve 1. June 16. Mrs Fentom in the clmii ; small attendance. The President read tilt paper for White Ribbon Day. It was sacertained tlu.t all present subscribed to the i tper. Decided to send a letter of congratulation to Mrs Cook, on the occasion of her aipokitment as “Justice of the Peace.” Mrs ‘•’enton reported on the presenting of the deskill Petition for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper to the Member for the District. PICTON. June 14. Farewell Social in honour of Mrs Wilkes. Reoonlimg Secretary, who h&.< left Picton for Wellington. The President took tlie chair, and short speeches were made by Rev. F. J. Usher, Mrs Brewer and the President, ♦ stifying to the good work done by Mrs Wilkes, and wishing her all good uck, and an enlarged sphere of action for the good cause. She whs presented with a tMke Stand and the meeting concluded by all singing. “Till We Meet Again.” KAIAPOI. June 29. Mrs Vickery presiding ove • a good attendance. Flral arrangements were made for the Uoncart in aid of the fund? of the Rest Room. Afternoon ten; the meet ng was thrown open to hear the reading of scraps selected by each member that was of interest or instruction, and Captain Jackson and Mrs Rinaldi gave musical items. ASHBURTON June 16. Mrs W. H. Robinson preside!, rather a small attendance. Votes of ayn - pathv were passed with Mrs F. Hocking ami Mrs W. Prebble. Miss L. Dent was unanimously elected Treasurer. The Pres - dent reported that 19 new members had heel enrolled during Mas Bradshaw's visit to Ashburton Letters of greeting and expressions of goodwill for a pleasant trip to England ami a safe return, were fonvarded O

i Mrs W. Robeitson, of Peter Street, and Mrs 11. Hopwood, of Knkata. Mrs C. J. Oorbetl, tic legato to the Dominion Convention, submitted a very interesting report of proceedings. Special reference was made to the resignation of Mrs Bemleley, as Dominion Treasurer, the erection of Headquarters at Wellington, ami work among the Maoris. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Corbett for her comprehensive and nstrurtive report. The members of the Union l*asscd a resolution protestinc most en. • phaticaliy against the suggestiiA s made by the Boundary Commissioners to eliminate the Ashburton Electorate, by placing half of it in the flelwyn Electorate, and half in Temuka. July 6. •’Pay-Up" Social; Mrs Robinron preaided over a large attendance of members, letters of sympathy to he sent to Mr and Mrs \V. T. Lilt and family, Mrs 8. Thompson and family, Mrs D. McKenzie, in their recent bereavements. The Pledge was recited, and an Educational Extract read. Decided to arreed to request of No-License Council to supervise arrangements for a Worker's Tea on July 19th, Mrs J. Moore to tuke charge*. Letters of thanks and Appreciation were directed to he sent to Mias Bradshaw, I dominion Organiser, for splendid work done during her visit to Ashburton, to Mrs Dcffg, for collecting W.C.T.U. donation to Winter Show Prize Fund, to all who assisted in obtaining signatures to Women’s Petition, and to Mrs J. Moore for the able manner In which she has carried out her duties as Convenor of Social Committee. Much appreciated musical items were contributed, and Mrs Billington, of Taluga M. salon, South India, gave a very interesting talk on Missionary work among the villagers in the province of Nysam, concluding with a sweetly-pathetic little solo, callkig for helpers In that land of teeming millions. A cup of tea was served, and members were given an opportunity to pav their dues. With a hearty vote of thanks to speaker and performers, the meeting closed. W INTON. June 21. About forty attended this Mother's meeting The President. Mrs J. It. Hamilton, occupied the chair, and after the oui nu&fl of the Union had been disposed of. expended a cordial welcome to the mothers, i r» 8. Smith. Cradle Roll Secretary, who lias ooeu engaged preparing a Cradle Roll, reinr’eo the enrolment of forty-one children, and Mrs Wildley related Incidents in connection with her Bocial work In Melbourne. Afternoon tea was dispensed and a short time spent In social Intercourse. A very enjoyable meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. CHRISTCHURCH. June ft. Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance. A report showed good work had been done in the Back Block Department, parcels of books, papers, and magazines being sent regularly every month to o’»t!yir.g {■ttricti, and a mining camp at Millerton. Ik»cided iu organise a drive for gifts of clothing and provisions f nr the Unemployed Depot Circulars to members were sent out to all the members by the Secretary, which resulted in a motor car full of parcels of clothing and groceries and £4 In donations being taken round to the Depot on the 15th trst. Miss Blackwell and Mr» (tenge were appointed Superintendents of this work in conjunction with Mrs Suckling, and a Sewing Circle has been formed to make up women’s and children's clothes from newmaterial supplied by drapers, and also from clothing sent by members and friends. A number of Petition Forms wire brought toi. and arrangements were made to meet Mr H. Holland, M.P for Christchurch North, and other Members of Pariament. June 22. Miss Henderson presided. Mrs Herbert wrote thanking the Union for the large number of parcels of clothing and provisions received, as the result of the drive to help >lie unemployed. Miss Blackwell reported splendid success in the work, and had arranged the Rooms to l>e open on Wednesdays and Fridays for members and anyone Interested who w-ished to help to make garments, particularly for children. Members were asked to help sell tickets for the Rugby Union Charity Day Football

Match. IXi'idtxl to read the paper on the "White Ribbon” on the next meeting day. Mem hern were urged to get n« \\ subscribers, and to get a *tiutuber of free copies from the Kditor. .A collection whs taken for Fresh Air Fund. Miss Ht-nderxnn gave a concise and interesting report of the New Zealand Alliance Annual Meeting, recently held in Weii ngtoil. Slie spoke of the large deputation that waited on the Prime Minister, and of the splendid way Mrw T. E. Taylor spoke on behalf of the women and children, and deserved hearty congratulation oa her election a* Vice President of the New Zealand Alliance, an honour *not usually conferred on women. The Secretary was asked to write a letter of appreciation anil congratulation to Mr* Taylor. A hearty vote of thanks was Recorded Miss Henderson for her address. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the Social Committee. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Itlackwell, Kaiapoi, in her recent bereavement. TEMPLETON. May .11. Meeting held at Mrs Parke’s, (local attendance. After a little discussion, a dainty afternoon tea was served. Jum 28. Meeting held in Library; Mrs Clark presided over a fair attendance. The usual business was gone through, correspomdence read, and yearly subs. collected. Afternoon tea was served. ROXBURGH. June 21 Mi's Vernon presiding, eight members present. A special meeting arranged to welcome the Organiser, Miss A. M. M< Lay, who conducted the meeting. As the work of this I’nion has been at a standstill for the past six months, and the Secretary arid Treasurer having resigned, the meeting decided to appoint new officers. Mrs Henderson was appointed Secretary and Treasurer, and Miss T. Watson. White Ribbon Agent Decided that the President, l cretary and Organiser, look into the Treasurer’s hooks and have them nrougli! up-to-date, and the Treasurer was Instructed to pay up the Palpitation Fees on the subscriptions collected last year. Thereafter. Miss Mi Lay gave some interesting details of the last Convention, and made many useful suggestions as to how the work might lie advanced in the district, in particular the desirability of undertaking Hand of Hope w irk. After some discussion, it was decided to arrange . meeting for the Organiser, on M >nda> evening, at Coal Preek, anil one at Roxburgh for Thursday evening. Two new members were initiated. BLENHEIM. June 16. Adjourned meeting. Mrs Smith presided over a good attendance of members. We were pleased to have Mrs Tilb»'ok, of Temuka. with us Also we are '.eased to welcome Mrs Ford.vce as a member to our Union. A resoution of sympathy passed to Nelson Da ion in the loss of their President, the late Miss Vtki’ son. An invitation from Mrs R. Watson, Itenwiek, to visit and hold a meeting at her residence, w is accepted. Decided to hold ordinary meeting there on 2nd August. Mrs Grigg spoke briefly on Mr L. M. Isitt’s recent lecture on "Blble-in-Hchools," which was much appreciated. It beirg “White Ribbon" Day, the special paper was read by the Secretary, and proved very interesting and enjoyable. Mrs Peryman’s letter was read and the matter discussed. Decided that each member will do what she can to make the paper more widely known, and get new subscribers. Mrs Tilbrook spoke briefly on work in the Souis. Afternoon tea was dispensed July f> Mi Smith presided over 17 members. Vote of sympathy passed to the family of tin* late Mrs Pinfold. of Karori, Wellington. Syllabus for remaining months of the year compiled. The canvassing for signatures to the Petition for Two-Issue Ballot Paper has been well worth while. Just on D*Oft signatures having been obtained. Decided that an effort to raise funds for Local I’nion he held in November, the form ami date to he arranged Utter. Mrs (irigg read a very interesting and instructive paper on the "V ark of Miss Maude Hoyden.” which was much enjoyed. The President expressed thanks to Mrs Grigg

HA I VALLEY. June Ift. Being White Ribbon Day, our meeting was held on that date; eight mem hers being present. The White Ribbon prayer was read, and an appeal made for new subscribers; two subscriptions were paid it: then, •and several renewals were asked for. The Union decided to send the paper to four young girls in the diatrict for six months. Among the correspondence was a letter from Mm Massey, thanking the I’nion for their letter of sympathy on the anniversary of Mr Massey’s death. The Petition for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper was reported on, the total of names being very satisfactory. August 11th being the date of the Union's inception, it was decided to have the next meeting then. DUNEDIN. July 4. Instead of the usual afternoon meeting, the Adult Union united with the V. Branch with a Social Evening. The President, Mrs Hiett, occupied the chair. Devotional exercises were led by Mrs Did uni, Miss Arndt ssnging a Consecration hymn. Miss Nicol's resignation as White Ribbon Agent, was accepted with regret, and in appreciation of the long years of service given by her to the Union, sue was elected a Life-Member, and a resolution to that effect was placed osi the records. Mrs Lyons and Mrs Elizabeth Campbell-Pearson have died since the last meeting. A sileni vote of sympathy was passed to the bereaved relations. Itei>orts of the recent Conferenci, held in Wellington by the New Zealard Alliance, were given by Mrs Alexander and Mrs Don. the salient points ls?ing the representative delegation, the plans made for the coming campaign, the deputation to the Prime Minister, and the aimual meeting which wa< held in the Town Hall. Miss Ayson gave a recitation entitled, “A Shopping Experience.’ Miss McLay, the Organiser, reported having formed Branches at Green island. Owaka, and Lawrence, and she had visited various existing Unions. Three new members were initiated FENOOURT. June S. Chair taken by Mrs Simpson; fair attendance. A paper on “White Riblsm’’ lmy was read by Mrs Turner and much enjoyed by all. Decided to make the next meeting a "Pay-Up” Social. Through the efforts of the President and members of the Brunch, ninety signatures were obtained for the Petition Forms. We are very grateful to two ladies of our district who gave their assistance, and use of their cars in obtaining signatures. A Social Rally was arranged for combined Temperance Unions, to be held in Cambridge early hi July. Our “White Ribbon" Superintendent reported two new subscribers to tb«> Union paper. RICCAKTON. June in. Attendance large, Mrs C. Harrell presided. White Rifihosi Day; a paper from the Editor rend, and an appeal made for n w subscribers. Owing to illness of Mi's McLean, White Ribbon Agent, her report was held over till July meeting. Resolved to send a donation and clothing to the Unemployment Fund. Flannel ami flannelette to the value of 12 had been purchased and made into children’s garments and sent to the Citizens’ Relief Depot. Mrs C. Harrell and Miss Henderson had waited on Mr Kyle, M P. for Rtccarton, and presented to him from the women of his Electorate, the Petition praying for a Two-Issue Ballot Paper, and no extension of time between polls. This was signed by 171 k women Mr Kyle assured them of his support in this direction. Miss B. E. Baitghan gave an address dealing principally with feebleminded delinquents, and reported that tiie cases which the* Rlccnrton W.C.T.U. had helped in the past were still making good, and responded well to the help and attention given. In response to Miss Baughan’s appeal, members are interesting themselves in a fresh caae. The address concluded with the following resolution to be forwarded to Mr Kyle, M P.: “That this meeting deplores the lack of legislation in New Zealand, dealing with the adult feeble-minded, and resolves to bring It under the notice of the Member for the District.” Two new members joined, and two new subscribers for “White Ribbon’” gained.

HAMILTON. July 7. Fine, mild weather resulted m a good attendance at the meeting held this afternoon. Mrs Jones, in her usual, able maimer, gave an opening address on “Daniel and His Three Companions.” Mrs Craig, who represents our Union on the “National foum-il of Women," gave an outline ot matters dealt with at last meeting. Miss McLay sent a paper on "Plans of Work,” which Mrs Jones read. Members were urged to keep in mind the Palmerston North Orphanage, and help this work along ail we possibly can. A happy event took place in the Y.M.C.A Rooms, when the officers ot our Union presented to Hon. J. A. Ybung, the Petition for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper, in the presence of a good number of women and it fuir number of men. Rev. H. G Gilbert was in the chair, and commended the workers for having secured over 2.000 signatures in Hamilton. At the close of the meeting, one new member was initiated. GORE. June. Mrs Day, Vice-President, presided over a fair attendance. VUjb Robertson, our delegate to Invercargill Convention, gave an Interesting and helpful report of the meetings. We are glad to lie able to report, that as the result of a further visit from Miss Mclgiy, a Y. Branch lias now been successfully launched. WAITARA. May 20. Mrs Hughson presided; attendance good. l>eeided to write to the Chambei of Commerce for help in obtaining a Women's Rest Room m Waltars. Members in charge of Women’s Petition reported having met with a good response to this appeal. June 17. Mrs Clayton presiding; good attendance. Secretary reported that the Chamber of Commerce had promised assist - uliee m the Women's Rest Room Suggested to enlist tile help of the local bodies and the public generally, by holding publii meetings in three month’s time. The Retailers' Association also having promised financial help, the possibility of the scheme now being in view. Seven large sheets of signatures to the Two-Issue Balloi Petition being obtained, showing good work by the members. White Riblion Ihiy was observed, and tin* prepared paper read, all appreciating the sound advice It gave, anil inspired to fresh endeavour. Mesdames Clayton, Hughson and Hingley, delegated for the District Convention, llnweru, June 22nid. MOKGIEL. May 24. Good attendance of members. The town was cut up into sections, and canvassers appointed to get signatures to Petition. Mrs Kagg sang ”Mv Task.” Mrs Macartney, of Dunedin, gave a most interesting and comprehensive report of Convention, and was heartily thanked. BIRKENHEAD. June Id. Social Afternoon. Mrs Finch, of Devonport. gave us a very interesting and profitable address on “What Christianity lias done for Women.” Mrs Mackay sang the solo, “Still with Thee,” and Mrs Hilton accompanied. Afternoon tea whs kindly dispensed by Mrs Chapman. WAIHI. June 2. Our best attended meeting for this year. A number of friends who had been canvassing for the Petition came to report. Mrs Hollis, our President, deserves great credit for the way in which she has worked in this connection. She gave up a great deal of time to canvassing, and was successful In gaining a large number of signatures. Altogether, we got seven hundred and seventyseven names; we believe in the perfect number, evidently. STRATFORD. July 1. Special Social Afternoon held at the residence of Mrs Phillips, our District President. Ways and means were discussed, bow we can best increase number of subscribers to our “White Ribbon” Paper, also how to secure our 'Qtiotn.’’ Seven members were present, names of three new subscribers

were handed in. Report of District (Vwiventlon was read. Name* of three babies were enrolled on Cradle Roll. NORTH INVERCARGILL. June 21. A most enrourHgiug and enthusiastic meeting, over sixty members and friends hem* present. The President, Mrs Oilmour, expressed her pleasure at seeing such a flue KatherinK. Mrs L. R McKenzie read an interesting and thoughtful paper entitled, “The Heresy of Hurry.” The feverish excitement to be met with on every hand Hr. this a*e of bustle and hurry is a *ign of weakness and inefficiency. Miss Me Lay. Y. Organiser, (rave a brief address, and urged her hearers not to relax their efforts in the cause for which the T’nion stands. Musical items were rendered by Mrs Gregory, Mrs McDonald. Mrs McLean, and a recitation by Miss Murdoch, all of which were much appreciated. Two new members were initiated, and one by transfer was received. Being White Ribbon Day, an appeal was made for subscribers, and seven responded, our Quota thus being reached. Afternoon ten was dispensed. OAMARU. May 16. Peace Day. Special readings on World Peace and prayers for Peace. Mrs McKenzie was asked to recall her resignation as Treasurer, Miss M Milligan agreeing to carry on (luring the months when Mrs McKenzie would he unAble to attend to the work. June 13. White Ribbon Day was observed. A grant of fl Is. was voted to the Women's Rest Room. Miss Smyth gave an interesting rei*ort of Convention held over from previous meeting because of pressure of work arranging for Petition carrying. Mrs Clarke. President, reported having presented the Petition, hearing 1714 signatures, to Mr E. I*. I**e, in company with Mrs Scott and Miss A. Webb. Mr Lee had received the deputation sympathetically, and re-affirmed his l»osition as a staunch supporter of a TwoIssue Ballot P;ii>er. TAPRANGA June. A good attendance. Mrs Carlton Smith in the chair. Various matters of eorrespnndenre were dealt with. W e had been looking forward to a short address from Major Moore on the benefits to be derived from Prohibition Hn the ease of the Native Women, hut unfortunately his health would not allow of it at this time, so we have that pleasure in store Mrs Jordan, however, kindly tilled the gap, by rending a wonderful. Interesting letter from Sister Eleanor Dohble. Invitations were extended to several ladies to Join out meetings. Refreshments were dispensed, and Mrs Horn closed the meeting with prayer—a good tesjsmsc to our work with Petitions. KDBNDALE (SOUTHLAND). June 2. Mrs Malcolm. President, in the elwtlr. and giving a short, helpful address on “Brotherly Love” as the solution for all “world strife.” Members had divided up the district into sections, and each had canvassed diligently with Petition forms for the TwoIssue Ballot. These were handed in and duly posted that evening to Invercargill Headquarters. Miss M< Lay. ”Y” Organiser, paid a visit to our district on 2fitli May. and with the Rev. Ohas. Wickham, spoke to a meeting of young people. Three principal officers were secured for a ") s Branch, and towards the <*nd of June, Miss McLay is to return and inaugurate the '*) M ranch here. Miss N. Hall, Secretary of the W.C.T.U., is to act as Supervisor of the Y’s. in the meantime. The collection was taken up. RAKAIA. May 12. Mrs Boag presided over good attendance. Letter of sympathy to Mrs Turker In her illness. Decided to support Petition urging a Two-Issue Ballot Paper II we could. Members asked to remember “Peace Dnv” on Monday. May 16th. President gave report of last Executive in Tlmaru. and also a visit to Geraldine Pnion. Mrs Hoag appointed Secretary during Mrs Hopwood's absence. The meeting took the form -if a Pav-Up Social, all members paying their subscriptions. Afternoon tea was *err«d.

June 9. Good attendance, presided over by President. letter read from Mrs Peryman, urging sale of “White Ribbon.” Mrs BoHg read a very Interesting paper on “White Ribbon Day.” Decided to hold liand of Hope next week Hn Methodist Church. Mrs Hopwood, who is leaving on a trip to England, was presented with a beautiful « ushion by Mrs Hunt, several ladies speaking in appreciat ion of her good work in the Union, and wishing her a very pleasant holiday, and a safe return. Mrs Hopwood returned thanks. On May 26th, we had a visit from the Organiser, Miss Bradshaw, and in the afternoon held a combined meeting with the Ladies' Guild in the Methodist Church, and an evening for Young People in the Presbyterian Church. At liotli meetings, Miss Hradsliaw gave very inspiring and helpful addresses. PAPAROA. June 10. Good attendance, the President, Mrs J. Haines, presided, opening with Devotional Exercises. Mrs Singleton guve a very interesting report on the New Zealand Alliance District Convention. held in Whangarei. The address given by Mr Jackson, Auckland Area Organiser, was very instructive and helpful. A survey of the Dominion Position, by Mr Edmond, General Secretary of the Alliance, filled our hearts with hope. The IK>minion President, Mr C. Todd’s address was interesting. A warm welcome was given to Reverend Mitchell, who gave a splendid address, and s|»oko words of inspiration kti the cause of Temperance, alto stating it was very necesaan that a Christian should he a Prohibitionist. A liegrty vote of thanks was extended to Mr Mit-hell, also to Mrs Singleton. M AI’NGAKARAM BA. June 15. At residence of President, Mrs J. T Walker. White Ribbon Day; four members present (also Mrs Yule, who Joined the Union, making our number eleven). Minutes *-eacl and confirmed and discussion as to forming Hand of Hope. An address from Rev. Yule. During the afternoon a duet by Mr and Mrs Yule. Afternoon tea d ispensed. THAMES June 14. Eleven ladies w-ere present. Mr Stallworthy, of Auckland, gave us a very line talk on “Tin* Effect of Alc*ohol on tin* Brain.” using charts to illustrate We, have had a very busy time since our last ’Meeting getting signatures to the Petition for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. We have been successful in getting 959 up to date, some of the forms from the country distrb .s not being in yet. NEW PLYMOUTH. June 25. Fair attendance; Mrs Jones presided for the first time since her illness Mrs Phil lips. District President, led the dev’otions. After the minutes, a letter was read from Mrs Peryman re White Ribbon Day. Plans for White Ribbon Day were discussed and left In the hands of the Superintendent. The Seamen’s Rest business was considered, and decided to hold another meeting on June Ist, to make final arrangements for the house-to-house canvas on June 15th. Miss Drew', Recording Secretary, asked that nil members having Petitions for the Two-Issues should send them to her on Saturday. 2Kth. and stated that the returns so far were very satisfactory. The forthcoming District Convention to he held in Hawera on June 22m1, was discussed, and six delegates elected to be present, in addition to the Local and Distric t Officers. Mrs Jemison reminded tin* meeting that the Dominion Convention specially emphasised the need for Medical Temperance Teaching in our Unions, and was appointed Medical Superintends for tlie Local Brat,eh. Miss Taunt read several letters of thanks from members for sympathy in bereavement. WARKWORTH June 1. White Ribbon Day. Mrs Phillips, our President, thanked all who had helped with the Two-Issue Ballot Paper Petition. Two friends, Mrs Adoph and Mrs Ayres, were to be especially remembered. Bible reading. •The Family at Bethany."’ Three musical items, Mrs Herbert, Organ Selection. Mrs Gillespie, Solo. “Flight of Ages.” Mrs Gree n. •Queen of Angels.” Mrs Civil gave the

history of "The White Ribbon,” and somenew subscribers were enrolled. Mrs Green gave us an outline of the work of Father Matthews, the* great Temperance Preacher, lie commenced work in IH3K, and soon all Ireland was won over. A new member, Mrs M< Dowell, was initiated. OPI >TI KI. June 9. Mrs Thompson presided. Rev. IX llircl gave a very instructive address on “The League- of Nations,” which was much enjoyed. Mrs Thompson ami Mrs t\ Fleming supplied afternoon tea. Rand of Hope meeting was held in the Allambra hall on June 14th; Mr T. Steele presided and a ftaie programme was rendered by the Combined Sunday Schools. Rev. T. Skuse gave the address. GERALDINE. June 14. Mrs Neutze, President, in the chair. Devotional Exercises led by Mrs Brady, a visitor from Wellington. Songs were rendered by Miss Bradshaw and Mrs Wallaeh, and a Pianoforte Solo by Mrs Madill. On behalf of the Union, the President then welcomed Miss Bradshaw, organiser, who gave a most interesting and instructive address on the History and Work of our great Organisation. Afternoon tea was dispensed. ONEHUNGA June 9. Mrs Ashby took charge, and conducted tile DevotionAl Exercises. Apologies were received from Mesdatnes Stacey, T. Smith, and Fordyee, Jimr. Letters of sympathy to be sent to Mesdames Baker and Hewitt, Uradle Roll Mothers, who arc* laid aside. V’ote of sympathy with Mother of little boy killed yesterday. Mrs Parker spoke on the ”Bible-ln-Hc|iools” Movement. It being “White Ribbon" Day Mrs Ashby read items of interest about our Paper, and suggestions for increasing its circulation. Afternoon tea was then handed round, after which the members of the Junior LT L. rendered Items especially prepared for the* purpose of advertising our White Ribbon Paper, which were much appreciated by all present. Mrs Fordyee Se*nr. and Mrs Hunter, offered to assist with the* sale of Madges for the New Zealand Preference League at the* Town Hall on 17th inkt., when the \V.(\T.l\ are In charge of the table’s. £7 4s. 7d. was realised by the "Bring and Buy” Sale last month. Reported that two of our members, Mrs Jameson and Mrs Stacey, (Our President) wen* on the Te Pa pa pa School Uommittec. L.T.L. performers given afternoon tea at c lose of meeting.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 384, 18 July 1927, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 384, 18 July 1927, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 384, 18 July 1927, Page 11

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If you’ve used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don’t already have a username and password, just click Log in and you can choose to create one.

Log in again to continue your work

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Log in again with RealMe®
