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News of the Unions.

UIiANCH KEIDKTB. Please take note: 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each mouth. 2. They should be short. Don’t report routine business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink. and write only on one side of the paper.

WANGANUI CENTRAL*. .lull*- 2. Mrs Stewart presided. Miss Sanson gave a talk on A Call to Service. Report of tile Two-Issue Ballot Petition waa ver> satisfactory. Decided we send a delegate to District <invention. A letter was received from Mrs Peryman. After a talk, it was decided that Wanganui Hast Branch and Wanganui Central visit Aramoho Branch. •Ith Tucs«lay in July, and hold a "White Kihhnti Day.” Mrs Christie, one of our valued and esteemed workers, lias been called to higher service. A vote of sympathy was passed with the bereaved family. A letter was received from Mrs Goody, saying; that owing to sickness, she was obliged to hand in her resignation as President; the resignation was accepted with very deep regret. Mrs Stewart, of Gonville, was unanimously elected to that office. July meeting is to be a Gift Afternoon. I Melded that the ufterwxm in aid of Headquarters Fund be held on Thursday, June 9th, at Mis Emmett's, 17 Spier Street. ONE HUNG A. May 12. A most successful "Bring and Buy” Social was held from 1 to 5 pm. I Hiring the afternoon, the Rev. Jackson gavu an encouraging address, offering suggesthms for obtaining signatures for tlie Petition. NQAERE. May 5. Eleven members present; President. Mrs Gtlliver, presided. Oorresponden* r read’ re Petition f *mis, etc., asking members of Parliament to support Two-Issue Ballot. Decided that members of our Union canvas district and help in any way possible in this great work. Special meeting arranged for the 12tli. when onr District President, Mrs Phillips, will be present, and give us an account of Dominion Convention, etc., also decided that donation be sent to Willard Home. lunc 2. Ten members iwosent and <*i«* visitor- President in eliair. Correspondence was read from Mrs Phillips, stating that she was trying to arrange an afternoon, when combined Unions could present Petitions to out M l*.. Mr Walter. As District Convention is this month. Union will not hold meeting on White Ribbon Day. but papers be read at next meeting Delegates wen* elected for Convention. One new member initiated.

INVKR<'A RGILL CENTRAL May 10. A very satisfactory att«mdn»ce. Miss MeLay. the Y. Organiser, gave a very inspiring address, which was followed by a comprehensive and ‘astructive report on the liominion Convention, by Mrs Gilmour. Much interest was taken in the work that had been accomplished, ami a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the speakers. PLEASANT POINT May 31 Miss Neilson presiding over small atteiulanoe. Vote of sympathy with President. Miss Bishop, in the loss of Iter father carried in silence, members standing Resignation of Miss Bishop, owing to leav'ng the district received with regret. -Report of Executive meeting read by acting Secretary. Mrs Felton. Paper on White Ribbon l»ay Decided to write Christchurch Union re establishment of "Temperance Column" in a dftdv paper of that city.

NORTH BRIGHTON May 17. Celebrated Its first Birthday as a Union. The Sec retary's report showed an increase of twenty members for the year, the establishment of a "Y.” Branch with 1° members, and n Cradle Roll of 40. The following Officers w ere elected Pres., Miss

B. M. liar band; Vice-Pres.. Mrs A. M. Beaver; Bec., Mrs Parker; Treas., Mrs Eaiues; Cradle Roll Hupt., Mrs McGillivray; W.R. Agent, Mrs Henry and Evangelistic Nupt., Mrs C. Dixon. Progress reports received front canvassers re Two-lasue Ballot Paper. Two members of Union elected on l*ocal School Committee, and help given in obtaining Parents' Plebiscite for Religious Exercises Bill. (Jongrutulatory greeting* received from Mrs T. E. Taylor ami Mrs Per>man, while Christchurch, Sydenham. Riccarton, Spreydon, Central Brighton and South Brighton Unions all sent si*eeially-appoluted delegates to offer their cordial good wishes to their little one-year-old Sister. Two special features of the afternoon were the cutting of the Birthday Cake, which had been made by the Secretary of the Union, and most artistically iced and decorated by Miss Isabel Thompson, Secretary of the "Y.” Branch, and the dedication to White Ribbon service of the infant daughter of Mrs Baines, and the baby boy of Mrs Creaswell. The babies were placed in the White Ribbon Cot. by their young mothers, and the dedication service was read by the President. A special feature at the annual meeting and first Birthday Anniversary, was the dedication of two new members .f the Cradle Roll, Frances Isabel Raines and Itouglas Cresswell, aged respectively 24 months and 6 months. They were placed side-by-side In the snow-white Plui'ket cot. with its beautiful coverlet lined in pale blue *.nd large white satin bow at foot. Our President, Miss Harhund, in well-chosen words, with Biblical References and Prayer, dedicated these two young lives to the service of God, Home and Humanity of Peace, Purity and Prohibition. During the service, wee l>ouglas touched Frances' face, and she. in lier baby way, said: “Ah." It seemed they knew it was an important occasion for them. Seeing those two innocent babes lying amidst snow-white draperies, caused one to long that their lives might be surrounded in such Purity, hut we realise that as they grow older, they must come into contact with temptations, but we pra> that God will gu« their mothers tin* wisdom to train them to fight always for the Right, that they may grow up to lie His faithful servants and ardent workers for our great Temperance Oause. Nine months ago. wc starte 1 our Cradle Roll with eleven members: it now numbers 32.

June 2. Officers of the Union and a few members visited the home of one of the members to initiate her mother as a White Rihhoner. Mrs War nock has passed her four score years, and because of her daughters' interest in Union work, greatly desired to don the White Bow also.

CA RTERTON. May 2f>. Mrs Every presided over a good attendance of members A letter was read thanking the Carterton Branch for the money which had been sent for the Head quarters Fund. A letter was also read from the Secretary of the Blind in Heathen Lands, re the annual donation. There was also read an "In Memoriain” to Mr Byers, the Founder, who has passed away. A collection was taken up for the blind, which amounted to 14a Decided to bold a Special Day on June 17th, and to make it "White Ribbon Day.” Miss Kirk is he Wig asked to he the speaker for that day. The Rev. W. Ralne, who whs the speaker for the afternoon. was ther called upon. He spoke upon “Bible-ln-Hcho via.” and was heartily t hanked.

HAVELOCK SoITH April 11. All members present. Owing t<> indisposition of Mrs Brown (President), Me Mitchell presided and led devotions. The Two-Issue-Ballot was fully discussed, and it was unanimously decide?! to canvas district for supporters it was resolved to personally invite mothers in the district to attend a Social to celebrate Mothers’ Day. to be held on the 10th May. Mrs Mitchell, delegate to Convention, gave an account of the good work done there.

May 10. Mothers' meeting was held to celebrate "Mothers' Day.” Mrs Brown presiding. and Mrs Mitchell led devotions Mrs D Reader read a beautiful paper on "Motherhood.” which was greatly appreciated ami applauded. Mrs Mitchell gave a brief talk on the origin of "Mother s Day " A competition was held and supper served.

A successful meeting was closed w ilh a hymn and prayer.


July 26. President, Officers, and 8 members present. Decided to hold next meeting as "White Ribbon Day,” each trying to find a new subscriber, and to bring at least one friend to the meeting, which would take the ioriu of a Social Afternoon. Much encouraging discussion followed re the Petition, all agreeing to do their utmost to secure more t igiint urea. Gcod reports were handed m from the workers. M A U NG AT U KOTO. May 18. Pay-Up meetings held; fair attendance. Decided to make annual appeal for left-off clothing for Maoris in North. Effort to be made to revive Band of Mope, first meeting to be held June 10th. Petitimis for the Two-Issue Bnilot in circulation, canvassers report great success so far. Secretary read short paper. Mrs 11. Flower to read pa|>er next meeting. TAKAPUNA. June 2. Mrs Richards was in the chair. Arrangements were made for a Bring and Buy Social, to be held the next meeting day, in aid of the Willard Home, and the Secretary waa instructed to invite a lady who knew about the Willard Home to come and address the meeting. One new member. A letter from Mrs Peryman was read, usking the Union to get new subscribers to the White Ribbon. It being White Ribbon Day, a paper was read by Mrs Winston**. Mrs McLeod, the delegate to < '©nventlon, rend her report which was well received; a very interesting meeting concluded with prayer. GERALDINE. May 10. Mrs Neutse presiding, ltcv. 11. Ford conducted devotions, and Mi's lioig, of Ashburton, gave an interesting address on the work accomplished by the Union, and spoke also of its I'onteinplated work. During the afternoon songs were contribute I by Mrs Madill and Mrs Dow ie, and a pianoforte solo by Miss 11. Smith. Afternoon tea was served, and hearty thanks accorded ah who helped.

DUNEDIN. May 11. Peace Prayer meeting. Although the day was rough and stormy, several member-- met in an upper room to pray. Mrs DWlhnin, Evangelistic Supci inten l« t. took charge, and aftei a Scripture rs*a ling and some very earnest words on Prayer, a hallowed time was spent around tin* Mercy Seat. Prayer was made for the la-ague of Nations, for all Mission -ires ]>i• • claiming the Gospel of jieace, for rulers, and parliaments, and for White Ribhoncrs everywhere to l*e ever Peace niak* rs. Workers weary with |s*titiou work ware refreshed and strengthened to go forth and do more for God, for home and for humanity.

TAUMARPNUI. This lias recently lost its President, Mrs WainwTight, through her removal to Auckland. Captain Smith. Vice-President, occupied the chair at Isst meeting, ltcv. L. A. Brooks addressed the members m "The v'lluc of the Trivial,” emphasising the diversity of work undertaken by tin* Union, the scope of its enterirlie, and the accomplishment of great results Convention handb»»oks wer* distributed, and arrangements made to meet the Area Organiser of the New Zealand \iliance.

HENDERSON May 18. Peace Day. Mrs Platt presided over a good number of members and friends. A scientifi' fact on the drinking of beer, to quench thirst and the effect on the laxly was read. Our President then Introduced R**v. Wrigley. who based some of Ins talk on the first two verses. James 4th. pointing out the spirit of greed, which in nearly every case prompts War. snd urged verv strongly a more loving and tolerant spirit towards each other and our neighbour, w hoever lie may Is*. Some of his remarks were taken up and questions led to a very "live" discussion, several ladies taking part and expressing their views. It was a most interesting afternoons, and at the close a vote of thanks was passed to Mr Wrigley for his address, and the kind way he answer**:! questions,

and gave hi* view* on tlie different aspecta of the case* that were discuaaed. A new member wan initiated, and member* reported on their work of canvassing with Petition. \V»* were glad to welcome our Secretary t.Mrs MeKa.v) nmonK u« again. Thank* to Mia* K. inmean for relieving her for three montha. Rev. Wrtgley closed meeting with pniyer and Benediction. Pay-Up Social next month in Methodist Church.

WANGANUI BAST. May. <’orresjtondence was received from the Area Headquarter* of the New Zealand Alliance, and from Mim Joll, and an apology for absence wan read from Mr* Brown. Satisfactory report* were received from Mi*a Sutton (Cradle Roll), and from the ennvunen with the Petition. Mrs I»uxIteld reported the holding of enthusiastic meetings at Marton, Turaklna and Pordell. One new member was Initiated, and the Benediction brought a bright and encouraging meeting to a close. WAIMATK. May 11. Mrs J. Clarke presided, and apologised for the absence of the Organiser. Miss Bradshaw, who i* doing good work in the Tlinaru District, ami who may visit Walmate later. A sliort musical programme was proceeded with. Miss Elliott *ang “Sunshine and Rain;” Miss Buchanan ••Harvesters Night Song;” Miss Lewis sang “invitation” and took part also with Mis* McCarthy In a duet, “Ivory Palaces;” Robert and Ruthie Hurst contributed a piano duet “The Palm*;” Miss H. Dohrmann sang “Queen of Heaven.” Mm Clarke, VicePres., explained the Two Issue Ballot Paper. It was announced that Mrs Vlgers had secured SO signature*, other members having filled petitions. The Churches of Waimate and outlying districts also are rendering valuable help. Miss Kippenberger then read the resolutions passed at Convention. Two ladies were received as members.

THAMES. May 10. Seven members present, presided over by our President, Mrs Heard. Arrangements were made for the obtaining of signatures to the Petition for the TwoIssue Ballot Paper. Mrs Cocks, wife of our Area Organiser for the Alliance, gave a nice little talk on Prohibition.

PORT ALBERT. We have had three meeting* since last report, which have all proved both helpful and enjoyable. Our Prefidont, Mrs Orindlay. has been pres*-at at each meeting, also all other officers. A week ago we travelled out to Wharehine. four miles distant, and held our meeting there, there ladng (gulte a number of Wharehine ladies present, several becoming members. We are still gaining new members in our own district, our roll numbering over thirty now.

SPREYDON. May 10. Attendance good. Mrs Nairn welcomed Mrs Llversedge and other friends present. A motion of sympathy was panned with Mrs Burley In the Illness of her husband. The resignation of the Secretary was inferred to the Executive of the I’nion. Mrs Harrell, of Rlrr&rton Union. gave an interesting and comprehensive re|x»rt of Convention, which was much enjoyed. One new member. AUCKLAND. May 10. Mrs Cook presided. a good attendance of members. Arrangements were made t«» canvas the Auckland City Electorat e wlt-> the Petition for the TwoIssue Hal’ >t Paper. the members undertaking the street*. T.te President announced that the stnt . : undertaken by the Auckland Union on Pop >y Day, had received the highest amount. Willard I>ay was celebrated, and a collection taken up for tbe World’s Missionary Fund. Mrs Hutchinson gnvo a most interesting paper on the Life of Frances Willard It was decided to bold the Pav-Up Social in June.


Mar. Padded to buy 100 leaflets at J/for Hand of Hope. Two new White Ribbon subscribers. IVdded to support Two-Issin Ballot Paper.

Apr. Mrs Jones, of Hamilton, presided

i*ne new member initiated. Decided to get 12 Petition forms, also some Han*t-l»ooks and White Ribbon Radges. Mrs Oole thanked Mrs Jones for her very able report of Convention. A very interesting and instructive afternoon was spent. Mrs Bowick provided afternoon tea.

May 11. Trti members present. I>edded lo have Day on June llth. One new White Ribbon subscriber. Several Petition forms were distributed for signatures. Sister dittoes is starting a Union among the Maoris. Afternoon ten provided by Mrs firtinett.

PA PA HO A. May 12. Mrs H antes, President, presided; fair attendance. The President ga\e a very interesting talk on the “Hook of Esther.” A splendid report of the Convention was given by our delegate, Mrs J. Haines We felt inspired by the wonderful events that happened each day durnig Convention. Mrs Hanies said the Convention was a time of education, and expounding ideas, one became conscious of the power we held. In the company of 127 delegates “all fine working women.’* A hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Haines 1 NVER<’AR<JILL SOUTH. Quite a pleasant afternoon was spent among old member* and new fri«m*ls on Tuesday afternoon at a ** Ph.v-Up" Social, at which Mrs Pasley, President, presided, extending a warm welcome, particularly to old members, who, through the beautiful weather, attended in large numbers. Tbe social part of the programme was taken first. This Included a competition won by Mrs Rain, and a sweetly-sung solo by Miss Blakie, Miss Parker (Pianist > accompanying. Afternoon tea was served, and the meeting settled down to the (ask of appointing w’orkers and supervisors for the Tea Rooms at the Winter Show —the public to be catered for in tbe best manner possible. The Union appreciates the courtesy and patronage shown them by the Association hi approachmg them to carry out this work Mis Pasley s|>oke a few words on the Two-Issue Ballot Paper. OPAWA-WOOLBTON. Mar. Vice-President, Mrs tflmpaon, presiding over a fair attendance. Mrs Simpson w’fts elected as representative to fill the vacant seat on the Natioma 1 Council of Women. A donation of half-a-guinea was given towards our funds. Mrs Rountree ga\> a splendid address on the Duties of Women, both hi the. Monte and to the Nation, specially stressing the need for our hearty co-operation. Mrs Rountree was accorded a hearty vote of thanks.

Apr. Vice-President. Mrs Simpson, presiding. Two members were appointed to visit the sick and absent members for the month; two new members to be appointed each month. Moved a letter of nympnthv he sent tbe President in her prolonged illness. Moved that a roll be called at each meeting to mark the attendance of member?: during tin* year—carried. One new member initiated

May. The President. Mrs Jenkins, presiding; a good attendance. Miss Harhand told of tbe great enthusiasm among the delegates at the Convention in Auckland, then proceeded to explain the need for the Two-Issue Ballot at next election This was the first our Union heard of the proponed house-to-house canvas; it caused much discussion on how to get nil the ennvasslng done in so abort a time, each member present offering to do all possible in the time. Miss Hsrhand was thanked for her address. Invitations ware given to all members to attend the First Anniversary of the North Brighton Union. Two new members Joined us. OTAHITHTT. June 2. Mrs Greenwood presided over a good attendance. Our President Introduced Mrs Wakelin. v. ho bad come to speak to us. also the paper which you sent on the White Ribbon I>ay was read, also those that bad been house-to-house with the Two-Issue Ballot Paper brought tfc 'in In; If there had been more time, 1 feel sure we should ha\e got more forms filled. We managed to get IS forms filled with a handful of workers for Otahuhu township. Mrs Oreenwood had the pit a sure at the end of Die

meeting of initiating two new members; this brought a very pleasant afternoon to a close. (JOKE. May. Mrs Rhodes preaided. Good attendance to hear an a< I dress by Miss C. M Me Lay, "Y.” Organiser for the Dominion, who pressed the claims of the Y’a, and there is every prospect of her forme.ig a Bran* 1 1 ill Gore. Miss Me Lay was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks, ami we are looking forward to this extension of W.c.T.U. work in our midst. PALMERSTON NORTH. June 2. Mrs Young presided over e very good attendance. Ml'S Collin* read the correspondence, which was discussed A full report of District Executive, held at Foxton. was given by Mrs Young, to whom a hearty vote of thanks was given. Decided to hold the next meeting on White Ribbon Day, June 24th. One new member was admitted Supper was handed round. BELFAST. June 2. Mrs Roxburgh presided over a very good attendance of members. After members bad repeated Pledge, President read a paper on Well-lugging, showing bow the Wells which our fathers digged were being filled in wdth all kinds of rubbish. Those who had Petition forms, handed them mi, telling of some of their experiences while canvassing for signatures. Decided to change place of meeting to Presbyterian end Methodist Vestries, if pel mission could be got. Resignation of our Treasurer, Mrs Barnes, received with regret, owing to her leaving tbe district. Mrs Wilson elected in her plnre. PONfIONBY. May 19. Mrs Hayr presided over a good attendance. After some discussion upon more education of the young on the evils of the Liquor Traffic <Mrs Kasper having spoken of a special moving-picture film she had seen used in England during her relent visit) it was moved and seconded that she write and get Information, and see if it would be possible for us to obtain it for use here in the Band* of Hope and Y. meetings. Mrs W&kelXi rend some letters of appreciation from men whom she had visited when in goal, she being Prisons and Reformatory Superintendent. June 2 This meetilife took the form of n Pay-Up Social Mrs llnyr presided over a fair attendance, a great number of apologies being sent for absence. A pleasant an* I sociable afternoon was spent, w ith songs and afternoon tea. Mrs Kasjs-r reported having takt n about £ft in subscriptions, 22 having paid up. Mr* Bragg was made Notable Day Superintendent in place of Mrs Watt, who wa* unable to act. Four new members were added to the Social Committee.

TIMARIT. May 16. Peace Day Prayer meeting Devotions. Motions of sympathy with relative* of late Mr Gilchrist and Mrs Peake one of the oldest members of the I’nion: wreath with large white bow sent. Mrs Isiw. P i;ce and Arbitration Superintendent gave a most Instructive address on disarmament, and as tile attendance was not ven good, consented to repeat it at a later meeting. Miss Is»w. National Secretary v W.C.A., spoke briefly <*n her work, and Mi Macke*y. Area Organiser N.Z. Alliance, out lined a plan for obtaining signatures for th* Two-Issue Ballot Petition. May 21. Bring and Huy FUxial Afternoon and Evening, ami was attended by a very large number of im*ni><era ami friends. Those in charge kept busy receiving, marking, and then disposing of gifts. Beautiful must* enlivened the proceedings. Afternoon tea and supper supplied at nominal fee. and day’s takings resulted in very satisfactory sum of £l9 Id*, being raised for delegates’ expenscto Convention and other needy objects During the evening, the Y’s. were presented with the banner, brought for them from Convention. Business transacted when opportunity offered Motion of syni|>atliy with Miss Bishop. Pleasant Point. Decided that Union would give morning ami afternoon tea to delegates at Alllnnce Area Conven ti*<n on June 2rd, am) that Mr- lint' lo t Union's delegate. Verv busy month at Rest: six overseas tamt*. 16R \ isitors paying about 280 visits. Three Sunday Teas and service*.

iiiil three Social Evenings »eri all wellattended. Secretary staled that a deputation lukl awaited on the member for the district, and had been very well received. ARATAPU-TE KOPIRIJ. May IU. Mrs Webb presided. The Petition forniH re Two-Issue Ballot l'aper were distributed. A \ote of congratulation was passed to Mrs Stallworth)'. Kenr., oa the occasion of her non (Mr Arthur Stallworthy’a) election on the Auckland City Council. The President proposed that earh ineinher should make a garment each month ior the poor children in the North and on the gum-fields—Carried. The Secretary then read the remainder of her report ns delegate to Convention, and the President proposed a vote of thauka upon the way m which she had carried out her duties —Carried. May H*. Peace I>«y. A pleasant afternoon was held at the resides ice «»f Mrs Morgan. Aratapu. Miss Cullen presided in the absence of the President. After tile reading and prayer for "World* Harmony." a splendid paper on "Peace” was read by Miss Cullen, who said: "We do not realize the power of prayer, our desires should he expressed simply and in faith In order to l.ring results." The Secretary also read an extract from an address delivered by I>r. F. W. Norwood, on "War.” appearing in the February number of the "White Ribbon" A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Morgan for her kind invitation and hospitality. NE VALLEY. Apr. 2b. The President, Mrs Peart, gave a short Anzac address, after which Miss Benfell gave a recitation. The delegate to the Auckland Convention gave her report, 11 an Mrs lliett, fmin the Dunedin I'nton, spoko more fully on the Petition to i.e presented to our M.P’s. It was agreed to o on with the Petition. Motions of sympathy with the member* who had lost relative* during the last month were passed. Mrs Peart ami Mrs (i. B. Elliott were congratulated on their re-elect ioSi to the School Committee. A letter of congratulation was M*nt to Mre Ross on her election to the Hospital Board, ami satisfaction was also expressed that Miss Runeiinan too, had secured a scat on the Hospital Hoard. May 2«. The meeting was presided over l»y Mrs Peart. After the opening exercises and the reading of the minutes, correspondence was read from Mrs Ross, thanking the l’nloii for Its congratulations, from Mr (lain, asking for volunteers to join tin* Temperance Choir, which is being started under the leadership of Mr Davidson, from Mrs Peryman, re White Ribbon. Then the matter of the new beverage on the menu of some restaurant*, ‘‘Coffee flavoured with Rum" was discussed, and of course condemned. The President stated that a small Committee had been set up to Investigate the matter, and see If anything could Ik* done. Tin* rent of the meeting took the form of a nentorial to the late Mrs Ogg Mrs Peart gave an impressive address from H*b. 9:27. peaking of the different aspect* of death, nd referring to the work Mrs Dgg had always been so willing to do, Mrs Ogg died while performing her duty In getting signature* for the Petition.


May. In spite of the downpour of tain good number was present. Vice-President, Mrs McC&tlum. In the chair. Petition forms were handed In, and anrangenient* were made for several members tu take the usual Monthly afternoon tea *o the patients In the Public Hospital.* At rsngementa were made for a Bring and Buy Foelal, to be held on White Ribbon Day. Delegate was < hosen to represent Union at the District Convention, to be held p.t Hawera. next month. Meeting closed with the Benediction. On May 16th, we held the special Prayer meeting for Peace, the hour from 3 to 4 I cing spent in prayer, and a short, Inspiring address, was given by the Rev. G. Cook, Methodist Minister.

HAWERA. May 15. Peace Day. A large number present. Mrs Exley presided and welcomed v sitors from Matin La and Normnnby. Revs. Outran and Fletcher took pert In the meeting. and Adjutant Brown, of the Salvation Army, gave an address on “Peace.” saying the only lasting peace was the Christianity <*f Jesus Christ. Mr* Exley thanked the

■peakci for hi* encouraging address. Musical item* were given by the following: Bongs. Mrs L. Curti* and Mrs Hartman and Mr Jones; Piano Solo, Miss Haw kens, ami a Violin Solo by her Sister; Recitation by Miss Gunderson. A collection was taken up, and the meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Fletcher. All present stayed for a *up of tea, provided by Union members. May 27. A good number present, although a very wet day. Mrs Exley presided, all repeating the pledge. A vote of sympathy passed to our Bister, Mrs Curtla, who lias just lost her father, all standing for a moment m silence. Letter read from the Editor ot White Ribbon, hoping for an increase of 1000 new subm-rilier* for the Union paper during tho present year. Arrangements were discussed re the forthcoming District Convention, to be held si Hawera, on 21*t and 22nd of June. All looking forward to a most successful time during those two da> s. Report read from Superintendent of the L.T.L., showing a good number on the roll. Several members brought In their well-filled Two-Issue Ballot Patter Petition*. WELLINGTON. June. Mrs Mowlem presided. Decided to observe White ltibt>on Day, when It was expected that one of the Dominion Officer* would be with us. To augment the fund* of the Union, it was resolved to hold a Bring and Buy Social at the August meeting, when it wkjj hoped that all members would assist. All those who had done such good work in canvassing for names for the Petition were heartily thanked, and asked to continue for another fortnight, as the time was extended. Mrs Keen then spoke on Nel.emlah rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem, anu coinimred the work with building up a sob, r people. Enemies, conspiracies, difficulties and opposition, both from within and without, lK*ing applicable to the reformer of to-day. FANVAKTOWN. May l'i. Peace Duty; Mrs Murray presided over a fair attendance. After the usual preliminaries hymns were sung, and prayer. I Kith audible and silent were observed. After the prayer meeting, an earnest discussion took place on Habt atli Observance. On the previous day (the Sabbath) the Bth NZ. Mounted Rifle* Regiment were called to parade into camp, a matter of some 30 or 40 miles. The following motion was brought forward by Mrs Flower, seconded by Mrs Murray, and passed unanimously ‘‘That this Union place* on record its sincere regret that tin* Military Autho-ilies who were responsible for ;he parading of the Bth N.Z M.U. Regiment, should have found it necessary to parade <*n the Babbath Day, May 15th, 1927." Mrs Pike and Miss Lily Mown paid tribute to their President and Secretary *or their efTort* In connection with tlie Ann versary Rally. Doxology mid afternoon tea. KUMEIL Ma> 11. Five members present and three Auckland visitor*. Mr* I*a\is was elected President. Mrs Benfell, Auckland District President, gave a splendid address on Peace, Purity and Prohibition. We decided to form a (‘radle Roll *A’ith Miss llodson as Superintendent. Mrs Kasper, of Auckland, sang a solo. Three new member* were enrolled, and a bright meeting closed with the D* ned let ion. Afternoon tea was served and enjoyed by all. MANAIA. Mrs Phillips, the District President, took th? chair. The Secretary gave a report of a Mothers' Social Afternoon, a successful meeting held during the month. The Presi•lent gave a brief report of the quarter’s work, which had resulted In 12 new meinberw, making the membership roll stand at 53, as did the Cradle Roll. Hick visiting had be«n carried on, literature taken to two local Hospital*, and a Pa, and sent to the

New Plymouth Gaol. The Union’* financial standing had risen from a credit balance of (2 9s. lid. to £7 15s 4d. The whole report «ai< considered very satisfactory. Mrs Phillips urged tho need of solitary communion with God, Individual gain of strength from (hat, as distinguished from the social power resulting from prayer in fellowship. The Hawera Union having sent an ir vltatlor

to join them in their Prayer meeting Peace Day. It was decided that such members as could would do that, instead of holding a meeting at Mnnaia. Mrs Phillips then gave a vivid account of the Auckland (Vonvention, at which she had acted as delegate for Minima. Vote of thanks was pawed to her, also to Mrs M< Callum and Mm Clarke, who had accompanied her. Two new members were initiated. The pa|K*rs for signatures for the Women's Petition for a Two-Issue Ballot were given out to be filled in. but unfortunately ouly three had arrived. NORTH INVERCARGILL. May 17. An audience of fifty members and friends listened with much interest to a debate, the subject of which was: "Is environment a more potent factor m the moulding of character than heredity?" The affirmative was taken by the President, Mrs Giliuour, supported by Miss Dewar, and the negative by Mrs R. R. Macgregor. *up|H>rted by Mrs lleidy and members of the Bouth Union. Tin* Bar, Wn TMMf ietsi a* judge, and complimented the speakers on the telling arguments brought forward for tlieir respective sides, and at the same time, in a candid way, indicated the defects and technical error* in the conduct of the debate. For the l>eat arrangement of matter, the most point* were awarded to the North 1 iilon. A vote of condolence with Mrs Kennedy in her recent bereavement was passed. A Hale of goods, cakes and produce, was announced to take place on Wednesday, June Ist. A pleasant and profitable afternoon was *|>ent. ARAMOHO May 24. Mis* Sanson nave a very helpful address. Mr* Gllmour iu the chair. A letter was read from Mr* Upton asking that a special appeal might be made for District Funds. Mrs Good reported that the Band of 14o|>e had made a good beginning, and it is hoped that a good number will attend at the next meeting. Delegates were appointed to attend the Conference at Haw-em next month. Miss 8411*011 then read her report on the Convention, held in Auckland last March, and !t was much appreciated. Mrs Duxfleld then gave a short address, dealing with the Two-Issue Ballot question. Afternoon tea was served HABT IN 08. May 2ti. Mrs Banks in the chair; 19 present. Progress of Petit l<m work reported; further work urged Peace Day Prayer meeting reported, also organising of Tempmne* Rally in connection with "Y.s" Sunday. May 29th. District Executive report and letter received. Headquarters Fund Committee elected, also Committee to work ti|Kin ineetsig In Havelock. Pledge and Scientific Temperance fact repeated. Ajmlogies for absence received from 11 members. lH*\otional p*|«*r entlUed "<»od‘* Meddlers." read by Mrs kllckniott. Hostesses for the afternoon, Mrs Darby and Miss M< Keown. KAIAPOI. Apr. 27. Good attendance to hear Convention reports. Mrs Vickery had secured tile report of Miss Lovell-Bmith, of the Christchurch Union, and the Secretary had asked Mrs Cole, of the Petone Union for hers, so between tlie two we had a most interesting rejort of the doings at Convention. Decided to hold a Hi mg and Buy Afternoon next meeting. May 25. An extra good attendance; special invitations being sent out for the Hring ami Buy Afternoon, which resulted in a substantial sum, which was hauled over to the Hall Treasurer. Mrs White gave a very Interesting paper on China and the League of Nations. One new member received. The Petition paper* for the Twoissue Ballot were handed in. almost all being full. RANGIORA. May 27. Mrs Thwaites presided over a gf*od attendance. The Scientific Temperance reading was "Disuse of Alcohol m Hospitals and 111 Huigery.” Two new members were initiated. As "Peace Day" i* celebrated in May, the Secretary read a paper on the League of Nations, written by one of the Kaiapoi members, and published in a recent issue of the local paper.

CH KIBTCHUBCH. May 11. l'ea««* Ib»y. Miw Hrt»dcr»on prv rii«lo«I over a good atteixlaiu'v of mmilwr*. Mi m Richard* kt:%\ e an IntereitißK address on the origin ami work of the longue of Nations, and impressed upon menil>< r® th« importance of joinnig the League of Nations I*nU>n, and urged them to read the literature which the Union waa entitled to, lieing affilia’ed to the local branch Mr* T. E. Taylor. Dominion President, *|*ok«’ a deputation from the League of Nat lona Union, that had waited on the Canterbury Member* of Parliament Committee or. May 11th, which had ponited out the griat »i»« port a m-e of New Zealand l*”ng iully represented at tile lit'HKite meetiiiife it* full quota waa three delegates. A wider knowledge of the work of the League was needed, and that could be gained l*est through the ordinary educational channel* of the schools. Mr* Taylor dntlt with the subject from the humanitarian viewpoint. The la-ague of Nations was supported by all the womens organisation* throughout the world, and the fullest possible representation was favoured at the League Assembly’, and also in the Labour Organisation. Miss H. Harhand, President of the North Brighton Union, wrote asking that the Christchurch Union 1,., represented at their first Anniversary on March 17th. Miss Thomas and Mrs fllen were appointed to attend the meeting. May 26. Miss Hnulerwm presided over good attendance. Reports from the Superlr,tetidents of Department* of work were read. The Fresh Air Home Committee had sent several parrels of children's clothing to tLe Home, and received grateful letters of acknowledgment from the Matron. Mrs Suckling, the Superintendent, asked for more members to attend the sewing meeting, and more material was required. Mrs Pedler reported regular visits to Jubilee Home, the Concert being given early in the year. Miss Bla<kwell’s report on flood Cttlamship and ftllde-ln-H< hools, showed that good work had ln*eti done in the election of Fk-liool Oon»mittees. on Fresh Air Schools League, and the sum of £3 15s. been collected for the Bible-in-Bchools Campaign Mrs Himcox, Superintendent of Cradle Roll, had gained twelve babies for the mil. *Misk Henderson spoke for a short time on the and Parliamentary Department, and impressed members with the necessity of getting signatures to the |s‘tltlons liefore the tsid of the month. A vote of sympathy was passed with the friends of Miss Ruth Atkinson, for many years President of the Nelson \Y r TV., and who had also filled the position of National Vice-President. In moving this vote Mis*. Henderson spoke of the great loss sustained by the Union by the passing of our late comrade and friend. A vote of sympathy wae also passed with Miss Bishop, on the passing of her brother at Pleasant Point. A “Bring and Buy" Sale was held during the afternoon, asid proved very successful. Donations were received from Mrs B Malcolm and Mrs Harris.

NORMANBY May 11. At the residence of Mrs Fletcher: attendance fair. President in the chair. Correspondence re Two-Issue Ballot Paper read, members takmg petitions to get signed A discussion took place re the upkeep of Willard Home; left over until members receive more information Delegates for the Wunganui-Taranaki Convention to be appointed at June meeting. Hearty vote of t Intuits passed to Mrs Fletcher for her hospitality. ORREN ISLAND (Otago District). May 12 At a meeting held In the Presbyterian Church Hall, Miss A. M M<Lay, Organiser formed a new Union. The meeting was opened with the singing of a, the reading of the Crusade Psalm and Prayer Mrs Hiatt, Otago District President, addressed the meeting, giving a brief account of the events which led to the formation of the W.C.T U . of the growth of the work and Its alms and objects, einphasising Its world-wide importance and mission. A deep Interest was shown in the work, and twelve members were initiated; one was also received by transfer from Grevmouth Afternoon tea was very kindly provided by Mrs Kilpatrick, wife of Ho Presbyterian M mister. The following ©fTi'er* were elected:—Pres.. Mrs Ryder. Miller Street; t Vice-Pres. Mrs Bennett and Mrs Matheson: See., Mrs McAlmn, Runrlman Street. AWwitsfnrd: Tr***s., Mrs Wilden. George Street. Breen Island


May 5. Meeting small, but eaithusiustic. A new member joined. Extracts from Convention were read and discussed Cradle Roll showed satisfactory results, and a few subscribers gained for the White Ribbon. The meeting closed, and afternoon tea was handed round

TAURANQA. A small but enthusiastic meeting Mrs Carlton Smith In the chair. Decided to distribute Teni|*erance leaflets I decided that the Secretary write to Major Moore, asking i.<m to give an address on the work among the Maoris at our June meeting. It was also thought well to ask Miss M<’L«a\'s help, to try and stir up interest in the work for tlie young |»eop|e. among the new - -comers to the town. Refreshments were handed round. PETONK. Mat 3 Mrs Murgatroyd presiding. 17 ladies present. I'ctitlon forms were handed out for members to get signatures for the Two-Issue Ballot Paper, which Is gonig very satisfactorily. May IX. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent at the residence of Mrs Murgatroyd. It was rather unfortunate that the weather was bad. Those who did attend, were rewarded by a splendid lecture given by Rev. I/oc ho re. on "Hospital Work,” winch was much appreciated and enjoyed. Apologies were received from Mrs Doneghue ami Mrs Bradbury, who were both ill. Rev I ashore approached the ladies about helping with supper at "Prohibition laaiguc Social” on Tuesday 31st, agreed. A hearty vote of thanks wa* accorded the hostess and speakers. KENCOURT. May 12. Mrs Simpson presided over an excellent attendance. Three new members were initiated. Resolved to donate 10s. annually from this Branch to the maintenance of the Willard Home. A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs H. Jamieson for her kindness in holding a Tennis Afternoon at her residence on April 2*»th. It proved a great success, and a collection was taken up on that day for W.C.T.U. Headquarters Fund, amounting to fl. Decided to send greetings to Kuineu, a new Union. the Secretary there being a friend and connection of the Feneourt members. At the request of some of our members tliat were absent from the last meeting, the delegate again read her rejiort of the Annual Convention. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and reflects great credit on the delegate. Closed ail interesting meeting with afternoon tea.

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 383, 18 June 1927, Page 15

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 383, 18 June 1927, Page 15

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 383, 18 June 1927, Page 15

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