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News of the Unions.

BRANCH REPORTS. Mease take note: — 1. Reports should reach Editor by Ith of each month. 2. They should be short. Don’t eport routine business. Do report II new plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only dd one side of the paper. O AMARU. Dor. Annual Social meeting’ well-attended. Ur.; Clarice in the chair. Mrs Edgar read a ier line paper by Mrs Lee-Cow ie, which a instructive and interesting. A vote of Sympathy was passed to Mr Cunningham and ■anrly in their bereavement. Votes of ■hanks were passed to Mr R. Hill, as Auditor if our balance sheet; to Mrs Smith for her Lbour of love In making wreaths; to Mips h(. Milligan for arranging room for meetings, bended to send no delegate to Convention; lo go into recess till the 2nd Monday in February, and that the Baptist Hall be still mr meeting place. Mrs I). Simpson, the M;- cs Farr and Genge, were the soloists of Ithe evening, their songs were much appreciated. Flection of officers resulted as follows: —President, Mrs J. J. Clarke; Secretory, Miss A. Webb; Cor. Secretary, Mrs W. Uott; Treasurer, Mrs McKenzie; Vice-Presl-Irent.s, Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs Reid and Hall, M- Smyth, Miss M. Milligan; Press Reporter. Miss A. Webb; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs A. Corlett; Band of Hope Supt., Miss HilIker; Sick Visitor, Miss M. Milligan; EvanLvl tic Supt., Mrs Williamson; Organist, Miss I* Fro ter; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Twos*? with Mr- Edgar to assist; Social Convenor, Miss ■ Hill ker, with Mrs Twose, Mrs Omnet, Mrs Edger. Miss Johnstone to assist. Supper was ! The Silent Campaign was discussed, »ml cards given out, as was also Bible-In-n-hool* Slips. NEW BRIGHTON. I Pec. 9. Annual meeting held in conjunchon with a “Bring and Buy” Social; the attendance was good, and the meeting was hr* ded ov**r by Mrs if. Hall. Derided to U>nd letters of Xmas cheer to many members who are on the sick list. A picnic for the children on the Cradle Roll will be held ■i intiary. A resume of tho year's activities was submitted by the Secretary. The Import showed that the membership Is 102; th» are 41 "White Ribbon” subscribers and 131 babies on the Cradle Roll. The Treasurer reported a good credit balance. Tho election of officers-for the ensuing year resulted as follows: —President, Mrs 11. Hall; Vice Preslietits, Mesdamea J. 8. Young, It. Raine, J. Bellamy, F. H. Good, and Miss B. M. Harl'ind; S*-cretary, Mrs M. Moses; Treasurer, Mi N Fraser; “VVliite Ribbon” Agent, Mrs H Mcllroy; Press Reporter. Mrs F. M Mit hell; Notable Days Supt., Mrs R. Campbell; (k>od Citizenship and Scientific Ten iterance Instruction, Miss B. M. Harlmnd; Pea and Arh’triition, Mrs Duncan; Cradle kol Mrs F. 11. Good; Ijeg&l and Parliamentary, Mrs M. Moses. An excellent programme of character songs, recitations, violin solos and pianoforte solos, was given bv M-sses Shirley Cook, Owen Sherlock, and Km ;i B|>ed<llng, and Master Billy Cook. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the berfomiem. I T nd«*r the supervision of Mrs Pn-er, a well-filled table of gifts’ found ready buyers, and the Union’s funds will he aiic u men ted to the amount of £2 12s 6d. by thss effort. Supper was serve<| by tin* members. HAWERA. I- . 7. Members of the Executive met at the residence of Mrs Curtis to say farewell to Mrs Parkinson, one of our members, who w I*-tying Hawera to eare for her brother’s oiothcrless children In Christchurch. Mrs Exlev presided, and at the conclusion of Mtepnoon tea. said how sorry we were to *iy good-bye to Mrs Parkinson, who had

been a faithful member, but hoped she would link up with the Union in Christchurch and feel at home there. Mrs Exley then presented the guest of the afternoon with a black purse and autograph book. In which each one present wrote a verse and their name. Mrs Parkinson thanked all for their gifts and kind wishes. Mrs Squire returned thanks to Mrs Curtis for her kind hospitality. Mrs Hayward also added a few words of appreciation. Lawn Croquet was then indulged hi. FENCOURT. Nov. 11. Mrs Simpson presided, attendance small. President made reference to "Armistice Day.” Read literature telling of Women’s privilege in New Zealand since 1893. Miss C. Jamieson was appointed to assist Mrs Rickard with Cradle Roll, so as to have ail the mantes in by the 31st December. Mrs Rickard donated an account book for the Cradle Roll work, and was duly thanked. Afternoon tea was served. Dec. 9. President presided; fair attendance. Decided to hold a “Tennis Day” early in January, to raise money for Organising Fund. Decided to omit January meeting, and commence our “New Year” second Thursday in February. All officers re-elected. Mrs Simpson was appointed delegate to Convention, and Miss Norman as substitute. Collection was taken up for Organising Fund, and afternoon tea served. PAPANUI Dee. Annual meeting, Mrs Simp-on presided over n good attendance of members. The Secretary’s report was read, and the Treasurer presented the annual balance sheet, which showed a satisfactory credit. Mrs Carr was then asked to take the chair during the election of officers, which resulted:—President, Mrs Simpson: Recording Secretary, Mrs Mcrrin; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs Wright; Cradle Roll Superintendent of Flower Mission. Mrs Kruse; Evangelistic Superintendent, Mrs Bond; Organist, Mrs Mackle; Press Reiwrter, Mrs C. Smith; Social Commit tee, Mesdnmes Baxter, Marshall, Kruse, and Tillman. Afternoon tea sdrved. THAMES. Sept. 21. Rev. W. A. Burley, M.A., presided over a gathering of 15 ladies, when it was unanimously agreed that a Union be formed. Miss C. M\ McLay, Dominion Organiser, organised branch, eight members being initiated. The following officers were elected: —President, Mrs E Miller; VicePresident*, Mrs Langford and Mrs Heard; Oor. Secretary, Miss Smith; Rec. Secretary, Mrs Oleeson; Treasurer. Mrs Gleeson. Miss Mi-Lay addressed the meeting in a very interesting talk of how I lie first members worked through much hardships for the cause of Temperance and the I<onl Jesus Christ. Dec. 4, The President. Mrs Miller, preside*! over an attendance of nine ladies. Miss C. M. Mel,ay welcomed to the meeting. Plans of work for next year were discussed. Agreed that the subjects of Medical Temperance and “Alcohol, a Cell Poison,” be studied; that Notable Days be observed and papers thereon obtained; and that efforts be made to form n “Y" branch early in the New Year. Mi«s McLav gave a brief address on tiie text, "If ye abide In Me and my words abide in you. ye shall ask what ye will and it shall ho done unto von," emphasising prayer-less-ness as one of the greatest hindrances to our work, and the need for complying with the condition Intd down by Christ. “If ye abide in Me.” On Sunday sth. a Bible Class Rally was held, addressed by Miss Mcl.ay on “The Social Relationships of Life." and setting forth the claims of the Y.P.CT.U. RICHMOND Oct. 19. Although small attendance, the Pay-Up Social was very enjoyable. Two Items, a recitation and a dialogue, were given by L.T.T* members, showing us how well they are l*eing taught. Afternoon tea and general discussion closed the gathering. Nov. 16. Attendance again small. Reports were read, and one realizes that the work Is going on, slowly but surely. The election of officers resulted in some officers

for following year. No meeting to be held in December. Next meeting in January as usual to arrange about Babies’ I»ay. OPAWA-WOOLBTON. Oct. 20. A well-attended meeting conducted by the Secretary, Mrs W. T. Kelly, in the unavoidable absence of the President and Vice-Presidents. The Rev. M: Fee spoke on "Prohibition;" his speech was much appreciated. Nov. 16. Pleasant social, a large number of member* and their friends being present. Tin- President, Mrs Jenkins, presiding, member* expressing their delight at having her hack again, and glad to see her looking so well after her much-needed holiday. Songs and recitations were given hy members and visitors, which were much appreciated. The address was then given by Mrs Richards, of the Christchurch branch, on How to live, not only How to live, but How to live “Well.” A wonderful address, although in such a quiet way, it was truly a message from God. She also reminded us of our pledge. For God, Home, and Humanity. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Richards for such an excellent address. Two new members initiated. Bumptious afternoon tea served. Dec. 14. Annual meeting, fair attendance, Mrs Jenkins presiding. The balance sheet received and adopted. Mrs Simpson, late President of the Templeton branch was welcomed to the Ojuiwa-Woolston branch. The* following officers were then elected: — President, Mrs Jenkins; Vice-Presidents, Mrs O. Scott, Mrs Fee, and Mrs Simpson; (Mrs Tullock retiring); Secretary, Mrs Kelly; Treasurer, Mrs Pedlar; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Turner; Press Re;>orter, Miss Atkins. The Retiring Treasurer, Mrs West, kindly offered to continue to be responsible for the preparation of the room and afternoon tea. for which we were all very grateful. A vote of thanks was accorded the retiring officers, also to the re-elected ones for work done during the past year. It was proposed that a letter of tlianks be sent *o the Trustees of tlie Church for the use of the premises, etc\, for our meetings. Afternoon tea dosed a busy but happy meeting. PETONE. r ter, 7. Annual meeting, Mrs Hole In the chair. A letter of thanks was read from Mr Armstrong, for the help our Union gave In providing tea for tlie delegates to the Alliance Convention at the Hutt. The Secretary rend a report of this Convention. •The report for the year was read, and Mrs Doneghue (Treasurer) report «xl a small balance in hand. Mrs Griffiths reported 35 on Cradle Roil, 5 of whom were old enough to come off, but we have 5 more to take their place. Mrs Jones (Sick Visitor) hns done good work, and during the year had made 200 visits. Mrs Bradbury, White Ribbon Agent, has been able to sell a nice number of paper*. Following officers were elected: —Mrs Murgatrovd. President; Mrs iwmeghue, Treasurer; Mrs Cole, Secretary; Mrs Lilbcry, Asst. Secretary; Mrs Woolford, Asst. Treasurer; Mrs Griffiths, Supt of Cradle Roll; Mrs Bradbury, Agent for White Ribbon; Mrs Woolford, Librarian; Mrs «’o|e. Battersley, Corner. ntul Collins, VicePresidents. Mrs Woolford. Lilbcry, and Jensen In charge of tlie afternoon Socials. A lieartv clap was given to those who had worked last year. Dee. 8. Mrs Griffiths gave a nice afternoon Social for the members of tlie Cradle Roll anil their mothers. Mrs McAlpfcie sung for us. and nice pieces from thf pathephone entertained us further. A dainty afternoon tea was served and the birthday rake handed round, and sweets for the children. We thank Mrs Griffiths for tlie happy time spent hy all. W ATM ATE Dec. 8. Closing meeting. Mrs Roy presiding. Cradle Roll Rally. A short musical programme in which Rona atul Avis Johns Mrs Excell (song, Fairy Pipers); Miss McCarthy (Piano Solo, Goblin's Parade), took part—followed. The Rev. Nieholl (Presbyterian) gave an address to the mothers present, stressing the responsibility and the privilege of parenthood. Back of the Cradle Roll, lay tlie Woman’s Movement, and back of this tin* power* of Christianity. A good

mother wai able to Influence the child for tfood, even if the father were profligate, while a Rood father was helpless if the mother lacked moral stamina. We had to f.a<'t* the fact that Prohibition was not attained, and that for lack of education ami knowledge. We must seek to capture the child for the Kingdom of Christ, for only by Implanting the germ of that Khigdom in the mind and heart of the child, can the ideals and principles of the Kingdom of Christ be realised. BLENHEIM. Pec. 7. Annual meeting, Mrs R McCallum presiding. A motion of sympathy passed for Mrs James Hay, in the loss of her husband. Mrs Hay has been a member of the Union for many years, and attends every meeting. Motion passed expressing regret at Miss Hurl’s resignation from Dominion Union, her work in Blenheim appreciated. Mrs R. M< - Calluin’s resignation from Presidency accepted with regret. Election of officers resulted: President, Mrs W. M. Smith; Secretary, Mrs V. Underhill; Treasurer, Mrs T. Pike; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs W. Pike; Evangelistic Steward, Mrs Stewart; Cradle Roll Bupt., Mrs Lacey; Libraries, Mosdames I.nne ami McCallum. Decided to hold meetings for ensuing half-year in Presbyterian Hall. HENDERSON. Dec. 8. Last meeting for the year, Mothers’ Afternoon; good attendance. Mrs Platt presided. Mrs Cook, Auckland President, gave an address on Hible-in-Schools. Mrs Cook was so earnest and full of her subject, that she made us all feel how very essential it is for children to know their Itihh**., and urged members to do all they could by work and prayer to get the Bible into the schools again. A few questions were asked, and answered. Mrs Cook told of more than one instance in our own city of children who did not know the Name of Jesus, and we all felt how wrong it is that we send missionaries to our Back-Blocks ami to Foreign lands, yet children on our own streets have npt learned of Jesus ami His love for them. It is not mentioned in day school or some homes, ami children are not sent to Sunday School. Afternoon tea was served. Next meeting in Presbyterian Church, 3rd Wednesday In March. PAPAROA. I tec. 10. Mrs Hanes presided, very good attendance. An interesting paper was read by Miss Blackw’ell. written by her brother, Mr Downs, whilst travelling in America, stating his personal experiences n*n the effects of Prohibition in America, dealing with the social aspect, also, from a business man’s point of view. Tlie writer contended that the effect of Prohibition in America was a success, very much improving the conditions in the social and business life, also not so much poverty and distress. Many eating houses and shelter homes that were f orim»rly necessary, were now elosed. A duet was rendered by Mrs Kings an 1 Mrs Evans. A "hearty welcome" was given to Miss Iris Haines, Missionary Teacher of “Fiji" (who is home on furlough >. M>ss Haines gave a very interesting address on "The effects of Alcohol on the Fijian Native.” Reference was made to the disastrous effect of the liquor on the natives, who are able to procure the drhik, owing to the laxness of the liquor laws in Fiji. Many people in Fiji would like to see total prohibition of alcoholic liquor in Fiji. Thev feel that the Fijian natives should be prohibited, as the Government of Samoa lias protected the natives there. A Prohibition League has been formed in Fiji, with a European, Fijian, and Indian membership. One Mission Station lias a branch of this lengue, with a Fijian membership of over a hundred. It is Interesting that the young Fijian Society, formed hv Fijians, for the promotion of the Interests of the Fijians eivmomieally. politically, and educationally, has recently de«’ared Itself unanimously in favour of total Prohibition in Fiji. Miss Hamas spoke of Samoa under New Zealand laws, having more effective measures of checking the Drink evil amongst natives. These laws did New Zealand great credit. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Miss Hamas and Miss Blnekwell. also Mrs Kings and Mrs Evans. Mrs Hames appointed delegate to Convent ion. Resolved to close down until February.

CHRISTCHURCH. Dec. 8. Annual meeting; Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance of members. The annual report was read by the Secretary, it showed good work done In many departments, Back-Rocks and Philanthropic being the most active. The Secretary had collected over £3O by* donations in answers to letters, and by personal Interviews with business men and friends. The Treasurer gave a short financial statement, the balance sheet to be presented at the first meeting of the year. The election of officers was taken, and the following were unanimously returned: —Miss Henderson, T resident; Mrs R. Day, Cor. Sec.; Miss Thomas, Rtf. See.; and Mrs Richards, Treasurer. Vice-Presidents were appointed, Mosdames A. S. Adams, T. E. Taylor, Whetter, Adkins, Richards, Price and Wicks. Superintendents were elected for the following departments:—Mrs Richards, Evangelistic, and Peace and Arbitration; Mrs Suckling and Pedlar, Philanthropic; Miss Henderson. Legal and Parliamentary. and Anti-Oamhllng; Mrs Wicks, Medical Temperance; Miss W. W. Lovell - Smith and Mrs Lishmnn. Bark-Blocks; Mrs Simcox. Cradle Roll; Miss Mackay, Press; Miss Stephens. Literature; Mrs Rowntree, Librarian. A Social and Visiting Committee were also appointed. Afternoon tea was dispensed. and a successful Bring and Huy Sale was held at the close of the business sessions. OPOTIKT. Dec. 9. Annual meeting. Mrs Thompson preshied over a fine muster of members and friends. Captain Grice assisted in thefc Devotional Exercises. Mrs and Miss Steele sang vocal duet. The President gave an animated address, after w’hlch all the retiring ofTi-ers were re-elected with acclamation. Afternoon tea was served by the officers Doxologv closed a fine spiritual meeting. STYX. IVe. 8. Annual meeting, fair attendance. The election of officers:—President, Mrs Donald: Secretary, Mrs Marwick; Treasurer. Mrs Blain; Vice-President, Mesdames Hill Johnstone a*nd Tennet: Band of Hope Supt., Mrs Johnstone; L.T.L. Supt.. Mrs Titherldge; Cradle Roll Supt., Miss iSobbv; Organist, Mesdames Verran and Hill; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Harris: Social Committee. Mesdames Marwick, Johnstone, Tltherhlge, Leadbetter. Munro, Craighead, and Evans. WANGANUI EAST. Dee. Annual meeting. Vote of sympathy with Mrs Roekel, who Is now in hospital, the result of an accident, was passed, also motions of condolence with Mrs Cox, anil the relatives of Mrs Scott, by the members standing in silence. The Sale held on November 20th. realised £7 Us., and this with the one pound donated, will greatly assist In the work. The Secretary's report w'as very satisfactory, showing a membership of 105. an increase of 20. Mrs Ellis reiwried a Cradle Roll of 30, an Increase of 9, five uelng over eight years of age. Mrs Melvin reported 25 White Ribbon subscribers. Mrs E« cersall stated that a hale of clothing had been sent to Willard Home, and another was ready to go The Treasurer’s report and balance sheet, showing a credit balance, were read and adopted. The sum of £2 10s. was donated to the Sailors’ Rest. New Plymouth: £2 to Memorial Headquarters; £? to the New Zealand Alliance Fighting Fund; and £1 to the Trustees of the St. Alban’s Hall. Votes of thanks were passed to the Secretary and the Treasurer for their work during the vear. The election of officers:—President. Mrs Duxfleld: Vice-Presidents. M>sdames Cox. Eocersa.ll, Hopklrk. McLeod, and Miss Wilton; Cor Secretary. Mrs Andrew; Rer. Secretary, Miss Sanson; Treasurer, Mrs F. Brown: White Ribbon Agent. Mrs Melvin; * Cradle Roll. Miss Sutton: Home Meetings, Mrs Ellis: Narcotics, Mrs Duxfleld: Press. White Ribbon Reporter, Mrs Andrew; Evangelistic, Miss Sanson; Notable Days. Mrs Brown- Philanthropic. Mrs Eecersall. It was decided to hold the next meeting on February 12th. when a paper on Miss Frances Willard will he read. MAUNOATtTROTO. Dee. 8. Annual Mothers’ Pay in connection with Cradle Roll. Disappointing attendance of Mothers, owing to measles being prevalent All present had an enjoyable afternoon Solos were rendered by Mrs

Knighthridge and Miss Edna Cullen, | recitations by Mrs Hulling, who also re*< paper on the Education of Children, sent Mother’s Thought Guild. Papers "Motherhood” were distributed. Four na; added to our Cradle Roll. RAKAIA. Dec. 9. Mrs Hoag presided over good tendance. Meeting took form of "Pay. Social.” Election of officers resulted m following:—President, Mrs Hoag; Vlce-Pn •lent. Mm Morrison; Secretary, Mrs H w'ood; Treasurer, Mrs Evison; Cor. Secret) Miss Saunders; Maori Supt., Mrs Palm Literature Supt., Mrs Hunt; White Ribi Agent, Miss A. Oakley; Cradle Roll .Sup Mrs R. Hoag, anti Miss G. Boag; Wi Ribbon Reporter, Miss G. Boag. Itecitatwere given by Mesdamer Cooke, Mead, i Palmer, and gramaphone items were enjoyed by those present. Our Cradle f Garden Party was postponed until Mar EPSOM. Nov. 25. Annual meeting, held in Rap' Schoolroom. Mrs Lee-Cowie gave an i count of her work in beautifu. llonolt Mrs Bemfell, District President, mi mention of the plans made for the Domin Convention, to he held In Aueklnmi in Mar The l>Allot for officers resulted in the l lowing being elected:—President, Mrs N( Secretary, Mrs Carr; Treasurer, Mrs Pirn “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Hood. MOSGIEL. Oct. 19. Pay-Up Social; an evening nw Ing. A very large gathering despite in< tnent weather. A party from Dunedin, un the management of Mrs Hutton, gave a v< fine programme. Mrs I>on gave a ra instructive address on "The Inauguration the W.C.T.U.” All were deeply imprest and very grateful to Mrs Don. Sutnptw supper provided. Nov. 23. Annual meeting. Balance sh which showed a membership of 90 and credit balance of £l2 16s. 10id., was re and adopted. Secretary’s report adopt Great credit due to Cradle Roll Superint* dent, Miss Me I .cod, who has 146 babies the roll. Band of Hope has meet fortnight average attendance from 70 to 80; grt praise was given to the Leader. Mr Prsnti Gratitude expressed that our President » restored to health. Officers elected President, Mrs Bedford; Vice-Presid.* Mesdames Prentice and Logan; Secret*: Mrs M. H. Wilson; Treasurer. Mrs A. Lenin W.R Agent, Mrs Morton; Cradle Itc 11, M McLeod; Evangelistic, Mrs S. Jolmstoi Decided U> have Cradle Roll Day at M ir meeting. Presiditit spoke words of eh* anil encouragement for the New Year. Tin new members initiated.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 378, 18 January 1927, Page 9

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 378, 18 January 1927, Page 9

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 378, 18 January 1927, Page 9

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