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News of the Unions.

RR LMH REPORTS. Please take note: 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of each month. 2. They should be short. Don t report routine business. Do report all new' plans and efforts. 3. Use pen and ink, and write only on one side of the paper. HENDERSON. November. Annua, mettlng, .vim Platt in the chair, rather small attendance owing to Koyal Show in Auckland and sickness. Much satisfaction was expressed at the effort which hat* been made to educate the children "h. the effect of Alcohol on the Human Body” by giving prize* to Standard VI. boy* and girls for l»eat essay on the subject. (Mrs presented prizes when on her tour). Resolved that Tret surer obtain pledge cards that can be . y our young folk, and then hung up in their rooms, to keep their pledge in sight. President reported date of Convention to be held in Auckland. March 23rd to 31st, 11)27. Reported that funds are get t mg low, us we have spent more than our income during the last two years. We are to make a special effort during the coming year. Election of officers was as follows:—Mrs Platt, Pres, (re-elected); Mrs Forsen Stuart. Miss Duncan, Vice-Presidents; Mrs McKay. Secretary (re-elected); Mrs Williams, Treasurer (re-elected); Outlook Member, Mrs Forsen Stuart; W.R. Agent. Miss Duncan (reelected); W.R. Reporter. Mrs W. Williams (re-eiected). A Syllabus Committee to consist of three ladies was elected, Mrs Mi Kay, Mrs Forsen Stuart, Mrs Ashton, to have syllabus ready for each member before March. President read a pamphlet on Gambling, not only on horse racing, but pointing out the danger of beaus in the Ivottle, guessing dolls names, etc.. In the effect and influence it lias on our young people. All were urged to think seriously about It. Our Mothers’ \fternocn was fixed for December Kth, when Mrs Cook, from Auckland, will give an address on Bible-,n-8« Moot*. Collection was taken towards Maori Fund, betters of sympathy to be sent to our Secretary and Mrs Usher, as both are far from well. Next ordinary meeting to be held 3rd Wednesday in March in Presbyterian Church. TAT'RANGa. November. «ro«*d attendance. President ill chair. Business, election of officers. An animated d‘scuaaian was held, resulting in the decision of each offit e r agreeing to carry on as before to the unanimous approval of all present. Various matters of correspondence were dealt with, and afternoon tea was handed round. Derided to meet again in February of next year. PAPAROA. November 16. Good attendance, the President, Mrs J. Haines, presided. A hearty welcome was accorded to Mrs Pulljames. of Takapuna W.C.T.U., who gave an inspiring address on the work and aims of our Union, also drawing a vivid picture of the disastrous effects of drink amongst the young jieople. Many suggestions were givcm to branch, as observing Special Days-—" White Ribbon Day.” "Frauds Willard Dhy,” “Franchise Day," also having a quarterly Executive meeting, sending reports to neurest Local Paper of W.O.T.U. meetings. Increasing our memnership. and to <«onipete for the honour of *e. uring p Banner. The President thanked Mrs Fulljames "on behalf of the members'* for her very helpful address Mrs Fulljames then held the Initiatory’; three new members. Mr Lrit'.es appointed Auditor. MASTER TON. November 4 Annual Subscription Sm-ial. Mrs <’o<ker presiding over e good attendance of members and friends. The Secretary’s report showed that nine monthly meetings and three spe-ial "At Home" meetings had

been held durmg the year, am l Interest «ai steadily increasing. A visit from Mix* Hurl* early in the year had proved stimulating and encouraging to members. Political action had been taken in regard to several measures:—Religious Exercises In School Bill, Proposed Amendment to Licensing Bill, Employment of Women Police, Appointment of Women Justices of the Peace, Inclusion of Women upon Juries. The Mother of a Family having Equal right of Jurisdiction with the Father, Amendment of Police Offences Act, Institute Persona' Act. Representation had been made at the Dominion Convention held in Christ'-hun-h. and the Wellington District Convention had been entertained in Masterton The Union is also represented on the Plunket Society and the New Zealand Alliance. The various departments Superintended by members of the Union, all reported good work done, especially the Loyal Temperance I**gion. under the leadership of Miss Jackson, she having now about 100 names on the roll. Revs. Beckett, King. avid Weymouth brought greetings from their Churches, and briefly addressed the meeting. Musical items were rendered, and afternoon tea served by the Social Committee. NORMANBY. October 27. The 15th annual meeting of the W.C.T.U. held at the residence of Mrs W. Gane. Miss I>. Hates presided, 18 members present. Reports of the year’s work were read and adopted Election of officers for the ensuing year are as follows: —President. Mrs Scott; Vice-Presidents, Mcsdainex Revan, Clement and Fletcher; Secretary. Mrs Gone; Press Correspondent, Mrs E Harrison: Treasurer, Mrs Meuli; W It. Agent. Mrs Esmond; Cradle Roll. Mrs Beaton; Maori Superintendent. Mrs Poldpl. Mrs Thrush appointed to arrange list for afternoon tea. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Scott in her Illness, and congratulations on the completion of her 13th year as PresUbsit of our Union. Miss Rates gave an Interesting address on the good work being done by the Alliance. Two new members Joined. Vocal Items by Mrs M< Ewnr. and elooutleaiary Items by Miss Hates I>eelded to hold Hospital Day, November 4th. Afternoon tea being partaken of, brought a pleasant afternoon to a close. MANAIA. October. Mrs Robinson, the Vice-Presi-dent. took the chair. The Secretary's account was passed. Mrs Kemtail made Parliamentary Secretary, Mrs Hansen. Pick Visitor. Several amounts were received for the Willard Hon.e donation. letters of congratulation or of condolence to several members were to be written by the Secretary, hi whose recommendation It was also decided that members should bring their contributions to the forthcoming Plunket Sale, to he taken together. Instead of separately, to emphasise the Sympathy of the Vnion as a body, as well of its members individually, with the work of that Society. Tt was decided to make careful enquiry as to the itossihility of starting a branch at Auroa. Members are reminded that special nitemdance Is desirable for the annual election of officers at the next meeting November. The n. ting of the Union was postponed, owing to n« death of its Presi-dt-nt. Mrs P. E Scott. The attendance was small, Mrs Robinson, the Vice-President, taking the chair. After standing In respect to our late Leader, business was proceeded with, the reports of the year in every branch being handed In, discussed and passed The ’Membership has l>een reduced through the removal of a good many, including several bridea Number on roll 59. including 4 honorary'. Number paid up. 38 New members this year. 5 Cradle Roll membership number* 50. new names 12. number left at age limit, 3. The ikilon is free from all debt, though owing to the number of suhscrlptUiiia not yet paid, the balance in hand Is small. f 3 7s Rd. The officers for next 'ear appointed were:—President. Mr* Robin - •on: Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Orchard and Smith. Miss Kennlngton: Secretary, Mr* H inson; Treasurer, Mrs Robinson; Parliamentary Recorder. Mrs Fendall: Corresopndire Secretary. Miss Myrtle Young: Cradle R”ll Superintendent. Miss Hanson: Pres* Reporter and White Ribbon Agent, Mr* Mercer. A vote of thanks to Rev. Mr r h“’ hard and the Methodist Church Off dais for the use of the rhunh was passed. A motlnm asking Rev. Mr Smith for permission

to use the Vestry of the Presbyterian Church for next quarters meeting*, to point out the undenominational nature of the Union's work, was then discussed, and it was agreed that a deputation should wait upon him (This report has beer heid over to be able to add that Mr Huuth saw the Officials of the Church, ajtd was able to gi»e not only permission for use of the Vestry, but his promise to open next meeting on the 2nd Tuesday in February. Armed with this, the President and another Officer have since be - gun a Visiting Campaign, looking for new members and better attendance, so far with promise* of decided success ) Correspondence received was then read, consisting of a letter of thanks for help sent to the Willard Home, and a request for reading matter, from the New Plymouth Prison Department. I tedded to anul copies of the White Ribbon and the Vanguard monthly, members to bring them to the meeting* to b? forwarded. A suggestion re educational work in the neighliouring Pah was heid over, but it was agreed that it) accordance with the last message of our late l*resid«it. sent within a few days of her death, the Union would spend renewed energy in a stronger effort to “carry on.” BIRKENHEAD. November 18. Meeting at the home of Mrs Bmelley, Mrs .lory presided. Mrs Neal gave a very Interesting account of how the ’Travellers’ Aid” help the Immigrant* bv meeting the boats, finding their friends, and taking them to where they can get refreshment and be guided to their destination. Tea was dispensed t»y our hostess. A very pleasant and profitable meeting closed with the Temperance Doxologv and the Benediction HASTINGS. November 25. Annual meeting. Mr* Ranks In the chair; 24 members present. Fourteen apologies for absence. Ite|>orts from Heere* tar.v, Treasurer, Evangelistic Supt., Cradle Rill Supt.. Literature Supt., Y. Supt., and Social Supt , were read and adopted. These all showed another year of work, and in soinf instance*, sacrifice. Miss Robson, of the Y.P.T.C.T7. attended, and read their report which was a very comprehensive and satisfactory' one. White Ribbon report snowed 87 subscribers on the roll, a decrease of 13. Election of officer* for 1927 were:President. Mrs Paul; Vice-Presidents Mi*dame* Ranks and Darby: Secretary, Mrs Wilson; Treasurer. Mrs Boshier; Fu|*ertntendents:—Young People’s Work, Mrs Wilson; Evangelistic, Mrs Fawcett- Literature, Mrs Harper; Social. Mrs Smith; '’radle Roll, Mrs Collinge; White Ribbon Agents. Me*<lanies Paul and Murtagh. HAV'KRA November 22. A very enjovahie "Pay-Up” Social, Mrs Eriey presided. Solos were given bv Mr* Carter. Mrs Curtis, and a duet by Misses Smith and Hmlenott. recitations by Mir.* Brough, all items tvdng encored. Refreshements were handed around. Mrs Spavin reported progress In getting In subs, for the White Ribbon November 28. Igirge number present: annual meeting, Mrs Exlev presided. All present repeated the Pledge Feeling reference was made to the lons to the Union by the death of Mrs D. E Scott, all standing in silence. Mrs Exley thanked all members for the loyal support tbev find given to her. and trusted each one would still continue to work together in harmony and do *th more for the Temperance Ouse The Sup* rlntendents of the various departments the* give their reports, showing good work done during the year. Successful functions had held. Ikmatfon* bad been sent to sv Ml worthy object*:—l steal Maori Work, Sail* Rest, New Plymouth, Willard Home. Palmerston, etc. Election of officer* then took place, Mrs Exlev wa* anointed President; all others holding office were reelected with the addition of Mrs Melville.. Superiutenden' of Literature, and Mr* Curtis. Organist Next meeting of the Union to l*c the last Friday in January'. Afternoon tea WANGANUI EAST November 4. Mrs Duxfleld presided, fair attendance. Correspondence from Mrs Perymar. in ’.he interests of the ’’White Ribbon” l>aper was list«ne.i to with interest Several member* expressed willingness ,o canvas for new subscriber*. Some interesting extracts sent by Miss J. Walker, at present visiting

San Francisco. weie read, reports of National W.C.T I Convention then sitting, being of *i"M-i*i interest As this wa* the date of our annual “Pay-Up” Social, the meeting was closed and al! gathered for a social chat and c up of tea Mrs Wight delighted all with her solo, ’’Eventidu,” and Mi** Elaine- Gill gave several recitations. November 20. A very successful- “Afternoon" wa* held In St. Alban’s Hall, ami sale* of cake*, sweets, produce, flower*, afternoon tea, realited £7 14*. *7l aid of organising Fund A donation of f) ha* been received to this Fund. During the a ft e me on Mrs t’o«ld sang a solo, ami also took pari in » duet with Mins Gill. Mt**e* Stella M ight and Klori* Ellis played pianof >rt« solos. CAMBRIDGE. November 10. President. Mrs Martki m the chair, a small attendance. Annual meeting, and the various ret»orts were r« e/1 and adopt* d President, He<-retar>*, ami Treasurer were re-elected; Supt. of »’nolle Roll, Mrs Easter: Evangelistic, Mesdnme* Tate and Boulton Mr* Tate was in tinted, amt the meeting decided to send a parcel of clothing to ’'Willard Home’* immed'ntely. Love and Season* greeting* to the Editor. HAMILTON. December 2 A record fittendnnee for the annua' meeting, mul one new member initiated. Mr* Jones presided. The Secretary gave : report of ti e vein's work, and thanks are due to nil the Indie* for addresses and papers given which have been of great educational value. aa,d maintained the 'ntcrest In the Union throughout the year, iieporta were given on «t!i«r department* of work, the Cradle Roll with Mis* Ambuiy a* Sujterintendent and Mr* Mitchell a* her assistant are worthy of praise, for they have enrolled 173 babies Hi a little over a year. Rfterm*nn ten was served. Protests re the recent Beauty Competition and the running of Sunday* Trains to be sent for diucusslon at Oon\«*ntion Decided to send delegate to Convention. Officer* elected were:—Mrs .1 M Jones, President; Mr* Cra g Secretary; Mi* !>avey. Treasurer; Vi e-Presldents. Mesdames Gilbert, Pari*, and Gilmour. A hearty \-ote of thanks and confidence In our officers and Superintendents of departments was enthusiastically carried. Mrs Watson was elected "White Ribbon*’ Agent in place of Miss Alexander, who ha* left the district. MABTFRTON. December 2. Mrs Cocker presided over a good attendance of member*. General business meeting and election of officers:— President, Mrs .1 Cocker. Albert Street; Vice-Presidents, Mcsdatn* Rutter Reid, Weymouth, and Ross; Secret”ry, Mr* S J. Smith. High Street; Treasurer. Mrs R. Jamieson. Lincoln Road; White R'bhon Igent, Mr* Weston; Assistant. Mins T’iu,»erslev: Istval Temperance Legion. Mis* Jackson; Committee, Mrs Kitchener and Mis* Sutherland; Home and Mothers’ Meetings, Miss F Jones; Committee, Mesdame* M»Tv**r, White, and Trevorm ; Cradle Roll, Mrs Re’d; Committee, Mesdamea Freeman and Hov *e; Scattered Member*, Mesdames Miller and iVnald: Host tal Visitor, Mrs Willoughby; Organist, M'*s Jones. WANGANUI CENTRA I. December. Annual meeting. Mrs Goodey presided The annual report read by Mr* Union was encouraging. much good work having been accomplish#*| this year. The election of officer* re*ul ed as follows: — President, Mrs Goodey; Oo”. Sec., Mrs Upton; Rec. Be<\, Mrs Irw in; Tr >asurvr. Mrs Warwick; Assistant Treasurei, Mrs Mara The mother* of the Cradle Roll children were present, and were entertained to afternoon tea Mrs Copeland, Superintend* t of the Crwdic Roll, reported that 18 Cradle Roll member* hail been passed on to the I,oyal Temperance Lesion Three new names were added to the Roll during the meeting There are now 134 members on the Roll. Mr* Goodie gave an Interesting talk on Children's Work. The following contributed Items: —Mr* Harney, Miss V. Smith and Miss D. Cuthbertson, Mis* Piper was the accompanist Our next meeting will tie held the first Thursday In February. N.E. VALLEY. November. Owing to an accident to Mrs Peart, President. Mr* Don presided, and

expressed the Borrow of all present at the unfortunate cause of Mr* Peart'i absence. A message of sympathy was went to Mrs Peart, amt also to Mnw Regg, Secretary, who u'as absent owing to illness Mrs Hiett. District President, gave a short address. There was a «ood attendance of members and friends, also of visitors from the City, Mornington, Kaikorai, aiul South Dmiedin Villons, who were heartily welcomed hy Mrs I>on. The ■election of officers for the ensuing year, resulted In the re-election of Mrs Peart. President; Mrs Sanders, Treasurer; and Miss Begg, Secretary. A very enjoyable programme of music, both vocal and instrumental was given, also a dialogue and two recitations (one from a very small girl from Mornington), all of which were muph enjoyed hy all present. Supper was then served. CARTERTON. November 24. Cradle Roll Aternoon for Mothers’ and Babies in Carrington Park. The attendance whh small owing to other attraction" A competition was held and an adci.-ss wt.y given by Mrs Every which was Kfipful Through the afternoon cakes and sweets were for sale, and £1 14s. added to the Fund through the effort. An enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. Heoember 1. Annual meeting, Mrs R. H. Every presided over a small attendance. The annual report stated that during the year 21 meetings have been held, including home, public, and Executive meetings, Mrs Wilton, who was our delegate, gave us a very inspiring nnd Interesting report on Convention. The District Convention was held in Maaterton, and was attended hy two delegates and several officers, who each reported the different sessions Several letters of appreciation of their services have been written to officers who have resigned. The sincere thanks of the Vnlon are due to thp Press, and also to the Officials of the Salvation Army ami Presbyterian Church for the use of their halls in which to hold the meetings. The present oil now stands at a membership of 99 In November, the District Executive met here, and members entertained them during their stay. The following reports were also given:—Treasurer’s. Evangelistic, Press, Cradle Roll, Y.P.C.T.U., ami White Ribbon. They were all very encouraging, anil showed a good year’s work. Mrs Every then asked Miss Oates to Aildri-ss the meeting Miss Oates said: "It is a great privilege to be aide to help this cause which we stand for. There is work for every woman to do, and no amount of personal work is too much for humanity's sake. The real wealth of a Nation Is in its children, in their physical well-being, their intellectual powers, and their characters. These must he developed to the highest standard, and so help to maintain our future citizens and leaders of our Empire. We pride ourselves on being :i Christian Nation, and so let us be loyal and helpful to our professing, and we must offer our best service.” The speaker was accorded a hearty votp of thanks. M's* Oates conducted the election of officers;.— President, Mrs Every; Secretary, Mrs Kennerley; Treasurer, Mrs Tappin; VicePresident, Mrs Welch; Evangelistic Supersn tendent. Mrs Tvler; Press Reporter, Mrs Peppcrell. One new officer was Mrs Paine, who was elected Cor. Sec. Afternoon tea was dispensed, and the meeting was brought to a dose. LOWER HI’TT November 24. Annual meeting: Mrs Mowlem presided over the meeting. The last annual report w-as read ami adopted Our Cradle Roll report was very encouraging, and very good work is being done by Mrs Heyea Senr.. in this department. We have 27 subscribers to our White Ribbon. The number of members on our roll is 76 with an average attendance of 19 Our Visiting Committee make an efTort to see, every few months, those connected with us unable to attend, n'so tl.ose who are sick Our 1,.T. work Is progressing slowly, we hope to do much better next year. After the election of officers, Mrs Mowlem gave us a few ideas for new work we could do in the future Bite spoke of our Influence among the voting mothers of the district, also I stinted out to us, that our township was growing rapidly, and that wo needed to get out and about; to get new members and others, interested in the great work for God, for Home ami for Humanity Election of officer*:—President. Mrs Anderson: Vice-

Presidents, Mrs Garlick, Mrs Rout ley, Mrs He>es, *'rs Jackson; Secretary, Mrs Aldersley; Treasurer, Mrs H. Heyes, Junr.; While Ribbon Agent, Mrs Spencer; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Heyes, Hear.; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs Jackson; Visiting Convenor, Mrs Tait; Pianist, Mrs Spencer; Librarian and Reporter to White Ribbon, Mr* Crawford. OTA HUH U. I>ecenil»er 2. Annual meet mg, good attendance. Temperance pledge reptated; President gave a short address. Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were read and adopted. 5 new names added to Cradle Roll Evangelistic Superintendent gave good report. Election of offeers:—Preaident, Mrs Greenwood; Secretary, Mrs \V. Taylor; Treasurei, Mrs M» Nar\ ; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs West; CraJle Roll, Mrs Handy's s,de. Mrs Pain and Mrs Hall were elected Vice-President*, and Mrs Pain, Mrs Bennett, and Mrs Hill, Evangelistic Supts. <ki the whole our meetings are profitable and helpful, and the members take an increasing interest in them. Our membership is Increased by six. NEW PLYMOUTH. November 17. Special meeting, largely attended to hear the Superintendents’ reports of their year s work. Letters were received from various parts of Taranaki enclosing donations for Seamen's Rest. The rcjiorts included Home meetings, si* of which have been held during the vear in the interests of the Seaman's Rest, and substasitial gifts of cash Hinl goods for Mart, were received, and several new members enrolled. Mrs Dickson reported lil subscribers to White Ribbon, an Increase of 10 this year. Bands of Hope are ‘'arrled on in town and country. Man gore i. H».rw ,rth, and Korn have a members hi» o* 110. Visits have been exchanged with to* Waitara Band of Hope. 200 adults and •hildrtm attended the last meeting. Resolved to send a letter of appreciation to Mrs Oliver, the Superintendent. Mrs Crajg ro|x»rts increased attendance at the meeting in town, which s held on alternate Saturday*. The children are taking a keen Interest in the meetings. The Rest Room Superintendent reports a successful year. Over 8000 ladies have visited the room during the year, and many from distant parts of the Dominion and some from other countries; whilst new members have been gained for the Union A vote of thanks was passed to the Superintendent. Work amongst th“ Maoris lias been carried on for 18 months. Mrs Tuffrey, the Superintendent. being most enthusiastic. The average attendance of adults Is *>o to 70, and a Sunday School of 30 to 40 children. 300 pamphlets ott hygiene have been distributed. 4 cloxen Bibles in Maori. 2 dozen In English, ami over 1.000 text cards. Parcels of literature and Vanguards have been sent to Back Blocks and rallwaynten. The Legal and Parliamentary Superintendent reported several important amendments and hills that had been passed during the session. Cradle Roll reports showed 309 members. Many letters of appreciation have been received from parents of member*. The remainder of the reports were deferred until next meeting. November 24. Annual meeting, a good attendance. Report of Seamen’s Rest Fund. Isolations recently received:- —Waver ley, £5; Stratford Mart. Day. f 9 Is.; Hawera, £1; Inglewood, 10s. ; Anon Spotswood. 10s. The amount In hand and promises including Mart. Day and Concert, is well over £SOO. The Treasurer’s report of the year shows a credit balance which was welcome new* The Cor. Secretary’s report showed that the year has been a very husy one. 11 ordinary meetings, five Notable Ixivs and seven Home meet mgs have been held. Much ground has been covered In collecting for the Seamen’* Re*. The sick and aged have been visited, and many letters of sympathy sent to relatives of members who have passed away. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Craig for her apltmdld rcjs>rt. Decided to hold a Band of Hope Concert and Sale <jf P.xnluce on December lltli. Grants were made to Superintendents, and the election of officer* was proceeded with: —President, Mrs X. Jones; Cor. Sec., Mrs Craig: Rec. See., Mrs Knight: Treasurer. Mrs Whlteham; Miss Drew, pro. tern.; WR. Agent, Mrs Dickson. Mrs Cnnnell proposed a vote of thanks to the Retiring Officers.

RUBBELL. November 8. Annual meeting, the President in chair. Eleven member* and one visitor. Four belonging to Cradle Roll. The past year's work in review did not make us proud, hut we arc still, and have hop« for the coming year. We re-elected our office-bearers, adding Miss Jump as understudy to the Cradle Roll Superintendent. But our valued Secretary, Mrs Wright, stipu lated that she be relieved from office before the next session opens. Afternoon tea was served. Adjutants Mcßoberts and Hart led our devotions. WA IM ATE. November 10. Annual meeting, Mrs Roy presiding. Year's work “bowed steeply progress in all departments. .* syllabus has been strictly adhered to, arranged by President. While membership has slightly decreased (paid-up members) finances show a distinct advance —an additional sale of produce contributing to this happy result. Election of officer* resulted as follows: President Mrs Roy (re-elected); VicePresident*. Mesdamee Hurst, Armstrong Clarke, Kippern berger; Hospital Bupt., Mrs O. Hrien; Cradle Roll, Mesdames Viger* (Senior and Junior) and John*; Treasurer, Mr* Excel!; Secretary, Miss McCarthy; League of Nations Union Literature, Mrs Excell. Donation* from Mrs Roberts ("Riverslea,” Dargavllle), and Mrs Allen (Hunters) gratefully acknowledged. OPOTIKI. November 12. Mrs Thompson presiding. About 50 members and friends were present Miss McClearv gate a very fine address which was both instructive an l encouraging Our visitor also occupied tile pulpit in Methodist Church on Sunday, and was eaijoved by all. The Union is arranging a Cake and Lollie Stall for Dr. Barnardo’s Home. School essays on ‘‘Alcohol and the Human Body” have been written—judged by Host. J. B. Oow, and prizes given hy Mr Moody (Mayor) am) W.C.T.U. Band of Hope meetings being held and well-attended. Mrs Sinclair and Captain Grice served afternoon t<a TE KUITI. Mr* Strand, new President, presided, 13 present. Mrs Nlcholls, our late Treasurer, has removed to Auckland, and her removal is a great loss to us Mrs Hill read a report of the South Auckland Convention at Morrinsville. Two new subscriber* to White Ribbon. Sympathy with the fiecretary in her illness. Several accounts passed for payment. The member* subscribed to the wreath for our late President, Mrs E lgar. Afternoon tea kindlj provided by Mrs Wilton. Very enthusiastic meeting closed this year’s work. FAPANTI October. Cradle Roll annual meeting Good number of mother* ami ohlldran attended. Mrs Him; son presided, and spoke words of welcome to all Mrs Nellson, Bui>erlntendent. also s|*>ke, nnd much of the success of the meeting was due to her hard work. Mrs Simpson presented Mrs Wilson with a bouquet of Arum lillies, and Miss Thelma Hayton and Master Lindsey Nellson presented one. of beautiful rose* to Mrs Simpson. Solo* and recitation* were given by Mr* Merrill, and the Misses Haberfleld and Merrin. Five new members were enrolled. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the Social Committee, ami fancy sunshades and baskets full of sweets were given to each child. A very pleasant afternoon closed with the poxology. October. At the monthly meeting, Mrs Kruse and Mrs Merrin gave interesting reports of the District Convention recently held at New Brighton. A collection for the Maori Fund was taken. Mrs Simpson (President) In the chair. INVER< ’A KGILL CENTRAL November 9 Agreed that March he fixed for the date of Pay-Up Social, and that fee* be paid then instead of toward* end of vear Matters In connection with the "Bring and Buy*” Rale—the annual meeting—helpers for the forthcoming Show tea and rest room* were discussed. Mrs Rove* having resigned. Mrs Cole, McMaster Street, was appointed to act as Superintendent of Cradle Roll. Reported that all present had been at the District Convention, held November 3rd, and

felt inspired by the addresses given by Mrs T. E. Taylor to do their best to carry on the work. SI'MNER December. Annual meeting, pleasing attendaiu-e; considering strong counter-at-tractions. !>evotional exercises led by Mrs jfcComha, gave inspiration. Annual Report and Treasurer’s balance sheet were presented Both satisfactory. Credit balance of IS Hs. 7d. Cradle Roll Is 28 strong, and White Ribbon has a good number of luhseribersi Stirring address from Mrs W. j. Williams on “Woman's place in the Community," for which she was heartily ttiu'.iked. Social half-hour passed pleasantly with afternoon tea and a pianoforte duet by liesdaniea Edwards and Hislop, and a song from Mrs Henley. Election of officers resulted as follows;—President, Mrs McCombs; Vi< < President. Mesdames Wilson, McAra and Shcirord; C. Secretary, Mrs Fife Slater; Rec. A ictary, Miss Dunn; Treasurer, Mrs Hootli; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Ogier; Superintendents: Evangelistic, Mrs McMillan; Cradle Roll, lleiMlauiea Voller and Ogier; AntiGambling. Mian Cock; Peace and Arbitration, Mr> McCombs; Musical, Mrs Hislop. Decided to meet again first Wednesday in February. WAKEFIELD. September. A very encouraging meeting, two new members initiated, and two new sub rihers for White Ribbon. Miss Hurls visited our Union ami gave a very Interesting ami instructive address. October. An interesting meeting. re|»ort given of Nelson District Convention. Short paper read, "Effects of Alcohol on Human System.” Arrangements for Garden Party, to l*e held In October or early in November. November. A small meeting, but some heartfelt talks on the great need to banish the Liquor Traffic. Pledge read. We had advertised and prepared for Garden IHirty on November 6th, hut weather conditions prevented, and we had to put It off. hut we held it on November 15th, and considering it had been postponed, it was very successful. A few showers made it rather a task for an outside function. We added to our Union funds a little over f 9. We are indebted to Mr and Mrs McPherson for their kind entertainment, and to all who so willingly assisted us. OXFORD. 0< tober 20. Maori iHiy. President in the 'hair. A letter from a Den oness among the Maoris in Te Kuitl District '• as rend by Mrs Jones. Collection in aid of Maori Fund. Mrs Roberson gave a very intending r**i»ort of District Convention. She was heartily thanked, and deep regret expressed that she was ieavhig the district. November 7. Annual meeting. Resolutions of sympathy with Mr i Rni and relatives of late Mrs Gains ford. Secretary’s report stated that membership was 42 in spite of loss of valued members by removal from the district. Reports of Superintendents’ showed rood work done under difficulties. Monthly meetings had been held, and five Notable hays observed. Forty In Cradle Roll. Thirty-three Hand of Hope members. The Y.P's. have 37 financial members, and had won the banner for percentage Increase of members. The Union had catered for the A (h P. Show (assisted by Y. Branch); provided afternoon tea on two Sale ivays, and had givvn mid-day cup of tea to cadets in the training camp. Balance sheet adopted, showed small credit. Votes of thanks to the Auditor, to the Newspapers, and to all who had assisted during the year. INVERCARGILL NORTH. November 23rd was a Red Letter Day In the history of the North Union, when a Mothers’ meeting wtis held, ami was pronounced a decided success. Mothers’ with their little ones attended In goodly numbers, also members and friends. Mrs Gilniour, President, occupied the chair, and gave an impressive address on the sanctity and responsibility of motherhood. A fine proitramme of songs and recitations was submitted, and afternoon tea was dispensed. Mrs Fraser, Superintendent of the Cradle Poll, has 38 children’s names enrolled which augurs well for the success of tnat branch °f W.C.T.U. work. The annual meeting was held the previous week, when the following offit «-l)earera were elected: —Mrs Gilniour,

President; Mesdames Holmes and Wilcox, Vice-Presidents; Miss Langskuill, Secretary; Mrs Laytham, Treasurer. STRATFORD. November 26. Annual meeting, Mrs Phillips was in the chair. After the usual devotions the Secretary read report of last meeting, also of last annual meeting, and a summary of years work was given. There was a fair attendance. Meeting closed with prayer by the President. Officers elected were:—President, not filled; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Phillips and Mrs McAlluni; Rec. Sec., Mrs McAllum, Orlando Street; Cor. Sec., Mrs D. M. Clarke, Pembroke Road; Treasurer, Miss Li I ley. Juliet Street; White Ribbon, Mrs Kelly (re-elected); Hack Rlock Literature Superintendent, Mrs Fawcett, Juliet Street, South; (’radle Roll Superintendent, Mrs Wendelborne; Secretary for Birthday League, Mrs Huston. TIMAKU. November 9. A Social Evening held to welcome Mrs T. E. Taylor on her first official visit to the Union. Large and enthusiastic audience, presided over by Mrs lx>w. Mrs Taylor spoke isi "The Relationship of the W.C.T.U. to the modem movements of Women," and also on the Borstal Institute in Invercargill. Three new members were initiated. The proceeds of the Garden lhvrty, £l7, were handed over to Y.W.C.A. Hostel Fund. November 30. Annual meeting. Large amount of correspondence dealt with and Hospital and Entertainment Committee's reports received. Two Sunday Teas and Services besides week-night Socials had been held during the month. After annual report and balance sheet had been rend and adopted, the following officers were appointed for the coining year:—President. Mrs Norrie; Vice-Presidents. Mesdames Trott. I*ow, Seward, Butcher, Wright, Gordon ami Brown; Treasurer. Miss Pearson; Secretary, Mrs M mifle; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs Cave; Cradle Roll Superintndent, Mrs King; Peace and Arbitration Superintendent, Mrs Low; *‘Y.” President, Mrs Gordon. MARTINBO ROUGH. December 1. Annual meeting. Officer* elected: —Mrs W. J. Martin. President; Mrs Tyler, Secretary and Treasurer; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Shirkey, Grey Street. Good reports were received of work done. GREYTOWN. November. Annual meeting, Miss Oates presided, 13 present. Mrs Haigb presented report and balance sheet which was adopted. One guinea was donated to Maori Fund anil one guinea for use of Schoolroom. Mrs Morison read rejsvrt of District Executive. Mrs Anker re|>orted 26 L.T.L. members. Miss Oaten. District President, complimented the t ilon on the work done. Officers elected: — Fresh nt, Mrs H. Morison; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames C. Taylor and Kearney. a*ul Miss Oates; Secretary, Mrs W. A. Allen; Treasurer. Mrs A. Haigh; Evangelistic Superintendent. Mrs J. Allen; L.T.L. Superintendent, Mrs Anker; Cradle Roll, Mrs Roache; Tea Convenor, Mrs Kearney. Votes of thanks to Retiring President and Committee. PLEASANT POINT. December 1. Annual meeting. Treasurer rej>orted a credit balance of £3 Is. sd. Give ami Buy Sale realised £2 18s. 9d. Reported 8 new' niemliers to L.T.L., also to Y.P. Branch. Paper on Maori Work by Rev. Seamer was read. Superintendents' were appointed:—Notable Days, Mrs Crossman; Evangelistic, Miss May Smith; Mr Rorrell apiMiinted Auditor. Hearty votes of thanks were passed to officers and White Ribbon Agent. Derided to send Xmas cheer to poor family. Decided to have Bale on December Uth. Next meeting to be held In February. NEW BRIGHTON November 18. Attendance very good, Mrs H. Hall presided. A welcome whs extended to a member on transfer from another branch. Extracts from the "White Ribbon” re-Doctors’ opinions on the use of Alcohol, was read by the President. Decided that the annual meeting be held in conjunction with a ‘‘Bring and Buy” Social. An excellent reading on World Peace was given by the Treasurer. The annual Tempcmnce Parade was held on Sunday, November 21 *t.

Members of the Band of Hope and Branch turned out in goodly numbers to assist, and all assembled at the Pier and marched to the Methodist Church, where a very fine service was conducted by the Rev. R. Raine. ONBHUNGA. November 11. Annual meeting, fair attendance. Letter of congratulation sent to Rec. Secretary ujjon the birth of a daughter Letters of sympathy to Mrs Pople and Logan. Secretary’s report showed steady progress. Balance sheet read and adopted. White Ribbon and Fondle Roll Superintendents presented very encouraging reports £2 donated to Maori Fund; £1 to Cradle Roll exes, hjul 10s. to our L.T.L. Fund; £5 to Organising Fund. Off'cers elected: —President. Mrs Stacey; R«c. Sec.. Mrs Fordyce, Junr; for. Sec., Mrs Hunter; Treasurer. Mrs Mttahet; WR Agent, Mrs Ashby Ketir* ment of Mrs Hicklee, Cradle Roll Superintendent, deeply regretted. and hearty appreciation of iter work expressed. Afternoon tea. Song, Mrs Ward; Duet, Mrs Larkins and Ireland; Recitations. Mrs Ashby and Mrs Hutuer. SOUTH WELLINGTON. December 2. Annual meeting. Mrs Evans, MA. presided. The Secretary read the re|K»rt of the year’s work which showed progress. fourteen meetings being held, to which interest had been added hy addresses being given by Rev, A. Armstrong, Dr, PlnttsM ills, Mrs Evans, Mrs (Major) Greene, Miss Kirk, Sister Bessie, Mrs Weston, and the delegates to Conventions Encouraging rel*orts were read from the following departments of work:—Notable Days (Mrs Rowe); (’radio Roll (Mrs Ixigan); Railway Boxes (Mrs Brin ley); Hospital Visitor (Mrs Keene); Scattered Members (Mrs Chisholm); Flow er Mission (Miss E. Boxall) - "White Ribboi/’ (Mrs Mowlem); Peace anil Arbitration (Mrs Evans); Press (Mrs Evans). The balance sheet showed that tl.i year began with a balance of £3 9s. 10d., receipts had been £SO Is. 2d., expenditure, £SO 9s. 4d., leaving •i credit balance of £3 Is. id. The Secretary rend the balance sheet of the Reserve Fund, which showed a credit balance of £2l 12s. 3d. Gratification was expressed that the building was now” free of debt. Sympathy was expressed with the relatives of members who had lately passed away. The election of officers resulted in M-s Mowlem being elected President. Mrs Webb, re-elected Secretary, Miss Boxall. re-elected Treasurer, and Mrs Hirst, re-elected Assistant Treasurer. RICCARTON. November 18. Annual meeting, Mrs O. Barrell presided; attendance good. The following resolutions were passed: (1) letter of sympathy to Mrs Barton on the death of her son; (2) Donation of fl to Miss Bangham for Xmas cheer for prisoners; (3) Donation of £1 to Trustees of Clarence Road Church for use of same during year; (4) Purchase of Hymn Books; (5) Letter to be sent to Rlccarton Borough Council advocating purchase of section for use as a Tennis Oourt. Vote of thanks passed to Mrs Buckley for her interest in the Prison Department. A Superintendent has now been appointed for this work. Reports from various Superintendents of departments read and proved very satisfactory. Arrangements made for Social Afternoon to Miss Russ** 11. Owe new member Initiated. Collection taken up for Maori Fund. Election of officers resulted as follows: —President. Mrs C. Barrell; VicePresidents, Mesdames James, Mounsey, Ferguson, and Miss Jackson; Treasurers, Mesdames Pwanston and White; Recording Secretary, Mrs Newth; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Dempsey; Devotional leader. Mrs Camion; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs McLean; Cradle Roll Supt., Mis Donaldson: Supt.. Prisons Department. Mrs Swallow; Social Committee, Mesdames Gundy, Brlghting. Grr.veston: Misses Russell, Jackson. Stevenson. and Dempsey. November 23. Social Afternoon m conjunction with Clarence Road Methodist Ladies’ Guild, tendered to Miss Russell. Mrs .Tames spoke on behalf of Church, and Mrs C. Barrell on behalf of W.C.T.U. Presents tlon made of Xylonite Toilet Set and Purrw* Miss Russell suitably replied. Competition wmi by Mrs McLean. Items rendered bv Mesdames Brightlng, Reynolds, W. If,

Barrell and Misses Stephenson and Johnstone. waitara. November 19. Mrs Andrews presided. Kood attendance. Annual meeting report and balance sheet presented, showing very satisfactory work done for tlie year. Mrs Andrews was elected Vlce-Presiden*. hlt others In office remaining another year, letter of thanks from Seamen’s Rest Committee, New Plymouth, foi donation, also from Willard Home for tcift of fl. Thanks extended to Managers Knox Church, for use of the Church for monthly meetings. A very favourable rejort to hand of combined Hand of Hope, young people showing much enthusiasm. After the Ikjxologv, a pleasant social half-hour was spent hv nil. AUCKLAND. November 3i> Annual meeting. Mrs Cook presided, good attendance. Sympathy expressed with Mrs Ikiwlmg, Treasurer, in her iI hi ess. The annual report showed a year of activity, good work done in connection with W.C.T.IT. Committee of War Memorial Library, thousands of magazines, books, papers and children's books sent to the Hack Bio. ks. and hail been greatly appreciated. Parcels of clothing sent to the Maoris, and very satisfactory work done by Mrs <Joo*l work had been done in connection with the Bible-in-Schools ('ause. the res|>onsihility to the rising generation much urged. Major (Jordon gave an interesting report of her work among the women prisoners, telling pathetic instances where drink has been the cause of downfall. A donation was passed towards her Christmas ('heel for tin* women. Reports were given hi tlie various dc|»artm«*nts of work. Evangelistic. Social Hygiene, Cradle Roll, Iwgal and Parliamentary, Press. White Ribbon. Peace and Arbitration. Notable Days, tin* Hostel. The officers of the Union were re-elected: President. Mrs Cook; Recording Secretary, mis J. W. Taylor; Corresponding Secretary, Miss N Dewar; Treasurer, Mrs Dowling; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Hutchinson and Fulljanies, re-elected; M**sdames Ready, Pier. •*, and Williams Votes of thanks passed to officers and Superintendents for work during the year. Xfternoon tea was dispensed. The Union goes into recess till * rly in the New Year. MAUNOATUROTO. November 17. At Mrs Pasley’s, 11 members present, Mrs Bycroft presided. Correspondence dealt with. Letter received from Mrs Henderson stressing importance of work among tue Maoris, and announced the hi polntment of a special worker for same. Decided to hold Cradle Roll Duty on December Nth (post|>oned on account of the weather). Mrs Fulljanies gave an interesting address on the work of the Union, and exhorted us to strive for increased membership. Two mew members initiated. Hearty Applause given Mrs Fill Ijnines. Afternoon ten dispensed at close*. CHRIST* 'll UIU'H. November Ift Mrs Richards presided. Correspondence read from National Pea. *• Council, asking for a representative at the “No More War Demonstrations,” on November 14th. Decided to ask Mrs T. E. Taylor, Mrs J M.-Combs, and Mrs W. J. Williams, •nanicl as substitutes. Reports on recent Jumble Sale were received, takings amounting to £8 ss. 7d. Several members read various Medical Temperance facts on the ill-effects of Alcohol on the human body, an interesting discussion following. Further arrangements were made for the annual meeting, to be held on December fttli A general meeting held on November 24th. Miss Henderson presiding. Tlie pledge was repeated as usual after the reading of the minutes. Miss Henderson stressing the importance of the pledge .is tlie first condition of membership to the Union. Miss Henderson and Mrs Richards were n|>|»ointed to represent the Union at a public meeting, to I.*- held on Wednesday, December Ist. at tin* Municipal Buildings, to discuss arrangements for tlie visit of the Duke and Duchess of York. Decided to hold a “Bring anti Buy” sale after the meeting on De<eud**r Bth. members to be asked to bring cakes, sweets, etc., the Secretary to send a notice to each member. It was resolved to dosiato £2 3s. to the New Zealand Union Fund. Recently, :i combined Even nig Social was held, be-

tween the Adult Christchurch Union and tin* Young People's Branch. A very enjoyable musical programme was arranged by the Y’s., and a most inspiring and interesting address was given by Mrs Odell, on her work in tin* Methodist Mission in tin* East end of London during tin* war. Supper served. GORE November 23. Annual meeting. All the office-bearers were with tlie addition of Miss Dickie, who was appointed Evangelistic Leader. A “Bring and Buy” sale was held, which was *|Uite a success. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. December 7. Annual meeting Mrs Hiett was re-elected President, Mrs Is.uglas and Miss Powell, Recording and Correspondence Secretary, Mrs Macartney, Treasurer. Two delegates to be sent to the Annual Convention in Auckland. Reports were read from Mrs Hutton Home Meetings and Entertainment Superintendent. Miss Nlchol and Mrs Blakely, "White Ribbon'' Superintendents. Subscribers now number 85. Our paper has been sent to most of the institutions in tlie city. Miss Bryant, Cradle Roll, reported 178 babies on the list. Mrs Elliott, N.E.V., was elected by the Union to act as Supervisor of backward children. Mesdames Hiett and Driver were appointed representatives of our Union on the Bible-ln-Schools League. Mrs Downing reported that Politieiana had been urged to support th<* Bible-in-Schools B*M. Amendments to Destitute Persons' Act, Appointment of Women Police and Women Jurors, and oppose Art Unions, Licensing Bill as presented to the House and Liquor being introduced into the King Country. Mrs (Jain reported on Band of Hope, Executive agreed to assist tin* Committee to draft a syllabus for 1927. and set essays on the evil effects Of Alcohol. Two successful St reel Sales were held during tlie year, and lift was voted to the New Zealand Alliance from the proceeds of these Sales. The flowers which decorated the room were sold at the clone of the meeting for the General Fund, and also several paintings by Mrs H. H. Driver for tlie h«>ncfit of the West Ham Mission in London. WAKKWORTH. December 2. Social Tea; there was a g«*od ami enthusiastic attendance. Mrs Phillips outlined the Life ol Frances Willard, ami gave a brief outline of the W.C.T.U. work. Se\|*ial items were given', and afternoon t*-n was served. Resoluthen passed expressing regret that the Warkworth Tennis Club has decided to open its courts on Sunday, ami urging the Town Board to take action to prevent this. Two new members. The election of officers:—President. Mrs H. I. Philips; Treasurer. Mrs Green; Secretary. Mrs Ham lit mi; It* porting Secretary, Mrs Thompson; While Ribbon Agent. Mrs Roy Civil. Mrs (*ook and Mrs Thompson offered lo forward the clothing parcel to Sister Esther. Our next meeting will be held in February. HASTINGS. December 9. A Cradle Roll Garden Party was held at the residence of Mrs J. Collinge. the new ly-appointed Superintendent Sixty mothers and children partook of afternoon tea, and were entertained with music and games. Mrs Paul, President, welcomed Ho* guests, and short speeches were made l»v Mesdamea Harper ami Wilson. Literature was distributed to the mothers awl homemade sweets to the children. A vote of thanks to Mrs Collinge concluded a linppy afternoon. Ift new names for the Cradle Roll, and thr**e new members. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. I Vceinber 7. Presided over by Mrs Garrett. Election of office-bearers resulting as fallows; —President, Mrs Pasley; VicePresidents. Mesdames Garrett Macgrgor. and Pryde, It***-. See., Miss MacCallum; Cor. See., Mrs Macgivgnr; Treasurer. Nuts** Griffiths; Assist. Treasurer, Mrs Latham; Cradle Roll Hupt.. Mrs Crosier; Notable Days Supt.. Mrs Parker; Social and Hygiene Supt. Mis McLean; Press R|*orter. Mrs llcidv; Pianist. Mrs Parker. Tea and Rest Rooms for Show Day in readinesa—public catered for attentively. As a mark of respect to the memory of tin* late Mrs Baird, members stood m silence. Letter of sympathy to be forwarded to relatives Those Schools competing for prizes in the Temperance Es. ay *

will receive them shortly, when all css*, are in. ASHBURTON. December 7. Annual meeting, Mrs Robin, son presided. An interesting account of t visit paid to Willard Home by Mrs ft Buxton, was given. Contributions of cash or clothing were again solicited. A comprehensive report of the year’s activities wa» submitted by the Secretary. The Superintendent refmrted 9ft subscribers to Whip Ribbon mostly paid up. The Treasurer's report ami balance sheet revealed a satin factory ciedit balance. The reports wen adopt**!, and a hearty vote of thanks wa* accorded Secretary', Treasurer, and Superintendent. liecided to donate £5 to Organizing Fund, also that a letter of thanks and appreciati«»t; be sent Mrs Buxtoni for her work and donation to the Funds. Election of officers resulted as foil* *vs; —President. Mrx W. H. Robinson; Secretary, Miss K Trevurza. A special vote of thanks wa.« accorded Mrs Amos tor the splendid work carried on by her as Treasurer. The SU|*ermtendents of Departments were re-appointed subject to their eonsen*. Look-Out Committees were formed in connection with Unchurches. an effort being made to incrcasthe Attendance of members. Decided that tlie Secretary convey to Mrs W. 1. bill. Ex-President, the continued remembrance of members and Season's greetings A *up of tea was served, and with thanks to all In eluding the President, and an exchange of kind wishes. the meeting closed till February with the special closing service of the W.C.T.U. PORT ALBERT. November 19 Sister Nicho M s, in compan* with Miss ditto and Mrs Hitierangi Simoon, started :» branch of the W.C.T.U. in Port Albert. There Were present several members win had joined tin* Union a year ago. diirina a visit in the district from Mrs Leo -<V* wit No officers had been elected, or meetings held, however. Under the reviving touch of tlie three visiting Sisters re* ally, we held i meeting on November 19th. and the follow ing officers were elected: —President, Mrs Grim I lay; Secretary and Cor. See., Miss K Hartnell; Vice-President. Mrs E. Hartnell: Treasurer. Mrs B Gubb; White Riblton Agent, Mrs Ted Thompson. <*ll NoveniL-r llftth. a meeting was held in tlie afternoon tin 1 ‘resident presiding, anti giving a very interesting and helpful address to tin** present. We have thirteen financial in*, nils rs, anil hope sooni to have more. Tlir meeting closed with the Benediction. (Heart) congratulations and best wishes to th* "voungest member of the family.” Ed W.R.) OAMARI . November. Mrs Clarke occupied tlie 1 hail Miss A. Webb acted as Sc< rotary. Letters <>: tlimks were received from Mrs Chase for sympathy expressed by Union, and froiu Willard Ilona for parcels of < bulling sent The collectimi was taken for the Maori Work Miss A Webb read an article on “The effect of Prohibition on American Youth." Mi* <’larke reported having met Mr Edmond and others Mr Edmond said tlie outlook w o brighter than Inst year, people ware attending Churches more regularly and there was less drinking at dances. A good majority of the Hous* of Representatives pledged to support a two-issue ballot paper. Furthermore, 8X per >1 nf of tin* teaclicis in tinState Schools are willing to give S.ientifl Ten liters nee 1 11st ruction. SKFTON. October 27. Fair attendance of member* Mrs Thorne presiding. Decided to retie* subscription to League of Nations Uniolj Continued reading article on “Cell Poison. President gave interesting report of Convention. Maori Day celebrated. Paper l»y Rev A .1 Senmer, “Ourselves and 1 »ur M <*> Citizens" v**ry much appreciated. Colic* t i>*r 11 aid of Maori Fund. In Scpp*mbcr. * special Home meeting was liehl at tin Mins**. Mrs Richards giving an inlerestiin' address. November 17. Annual meeting. Report* .if work during the your were given •'* various officers. \rtb le eon>. ruing Scieiitifl Temperance Instruction rend. Tin* follow mofficers were elected:--President. Mrs I* -• Thorne; Vice Presidents, Mr Farrar Mr Withers; Secretary, Mrs Ford; Treasurer Miss Dunk; L.T.L., Mrs Thorne-. Social »iv'>

Philanthropic, Miss Quick; Press, Mrs Withers. Decided to try and form Cradle Roll Department Vote of thanks to <i’l nffi*ers was passed. INVERCARGILL CENTRAL. November 23. The President opened with a hymn and the readitiß of 13tli chapter, Ist Tor. "Pink Slips" in connection with the Bihle-m-Srhools League were handed to all present, they signifying their .villingnes* to help that movement. A brief report from Rev Wedderspoon. who kindly judged the Temperance Essay Competition, stated that the work received had been of a very high standard .and that there was no doubt that the <’ompetition was Achieving the end in view The "Bring and Buy" Sale held Ist December, was not tlie auccese we had hoped for Tlte annual report showed that much pood work had been done, and several new members had been gained (our President introducing 25 of the number. The usual Xmas gift for poor children was nude. Afternoon tea was served, and the annual meeting followed, the officers elected for the ominK year being:—President, Mrs Walker; Vice-President, Mrs Mathieson; Hon. Sec.. Miss E. M Smith; Philanthropic Supt., Miss H. Kirns; Evangelistic Supts., Mesdamea Me Bean and Sampson; Cradle Roll Supt.. Mrs Cole; W.R. Agent. Mrs Johnston: Social Committee, Mesdamea Hogan, Johnston, Lillicrap, Mathieson, and Miss Birss; Sick Visitors, Mesdames McGruer and Brass CHEVIOT. Aunval meeting, Mrs Walnisley presiding nver a fair attendance. Treasurer's re|>ort satisfactory. Officers re-elected unanimously. A motion of sympathy passed to Mrs Fraser in her loss. Mr Oshorre, of the Alliance, waited on the meeting with reference to a proposed tour of a Hand of Hope Concert Party during the month of January, and was warmly welcome''. Mr Osborne al«o gave some interesting facts on “License" ami "No-License ’ matters. Reports of the Ciwdle Roll were very satisfactory. After a very brisk meeting, the pledge was repeated, the Benediction pronounced, and afternoon tea was served. KAIAPOI. December 1. Good attendance, annual meeting. The reports of the officers’ and Superintendents' were read and adopted. A vote of appreciation was passed to the Mothers' Union for their generous donation of an electric heater ami kettle for the Rest Room. Decided to postpone tlie Pay-Up Social until March. January meeting to revive Building Superintendent's report, and Mrs Wldte is to read the opering speech of the President at the Peace Conference at Qttieva. Decided to hold a (Mike and Pudding Sale on December 17th The folow ng officers were elected:—President, Mrs Vickery; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Brighting, Mrs Barnnrd. Mrs Slade, Mrs Stewart. Mrs Aiken: Uei Sec., Mrs Rinaldi; Assist. Sec., Mrs Blackwell; Treasurer, Miss Evans; Band of Ho|k- Supt., Mix Stewart; Treasurer. Mrs Keetley; Cradle Roll Supt.. Mrs Warren; Assist Supt., Mrs Attawell; W.R. Agent. Mrs Stanton; Peace and Arbitration Sapt., Mrs White; Building Supt.. Mrs Stewart; Treasurer. Mrs Baker RANOIORA. November 26. Annual meeting, Mrs Thwaites presided over a good attendance The annual report and tsilance sheet showed 'hat satisfactory progress is being made in II departments. The number of subscribers 'o the “White Ribbon" is IK. The Cradle Roll has 28 names, the Band of Hope lias a rn *tnbership of 83. ami the L.T.L. at Soutli'Tooh has 27 member*. The President express, ,1 thanks to all who had contributed 'awards the success of the year's work, 'll the office bearers of the previous year **‘re re-elected with the exrption of the Treasurer, Mrs M< Kechnie, whose resignation 'as accepted with regret. Miss May was tojxdnted Treasurer and the number of Viceliesidpiits was increased l>v the addition of 'lra (', a Ayers ami Mrs H. Taylor. Votes "I thanks to those who held office during the '"«r passed. NAPIER f to. ember 1. Annual meeting. Mix Ven.vMe* spoke of the need of extending the "ork of tlie Union. Reports of the various departments of work were read These re-

ports showed that the interest In all was well maintained, everything is going well under tlie new Managing Committee. Then* are 122 members, 5 honorary members. Mrs Lcask gave a short address, the watchword for next year, "More Prayer, more 'Home' Meetings." The Band of Hope had held 12 meetings; 40 member a 39 pledged member*. At the break-up on the 19th November, Mrs Leask, on behalf of the children, presented Mrs Brocklehurst, Superintendent, and Mrs Wilkinson, Assistant, with an Hversharp Pencil. Mr* McAlister who is leaving shortly on an extended holiday, was elected to represent the Union at the World's ('onvention. The following officers were re-elected. President, Mrs Leask; Rec. Sec., Mrs Brcxklehurst; Cor. Sec.. Mrs Hull; Treasurer, Mrs Wilkinson; White Ribbon. Mrs Mena; Hand of Hope, Mrs Brock lehurst; Flower and Hospital. Mrs Ball; Drawing Room, Mr* Leask; Social and Moral Hygiene, Mrs Is*aak ; Church Not ice, Mrs Cox; Tea Committee. Mesdamea Warren. Stevens, and Miss Ellery; Evangelistic, Mesdames 1 'mills and Venables. New Departments of Work:—Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Saunders; Purity, Mrs Dunatall; Railway Box, Miss Gilchrist. Willard Day, February 1927, to be held in the Botanical Garden*. Mrs Brocklehurst to give a pal*' on Miss Willard's work. Mrs Wilkinson apixunted delegate to Convention. Votes of thanks to all carried by acclamation. EDEN. November 17. Fair attendance. The President presided, introducing Mrs Cook, who gave a very inspiring a* I dress on "Bible-in.-Schools." after which the Secretary and Treasurer presented the annual report and balance sheet respectively, followed by Superintendents’ reports Aftemooai tea was served, ami a solo pleasingly sung by Miss Higgott, prior to the election of officers which was conducted by Mrs Auhl, resulting as follows: —Preaident, Mrs Fenton; Rec. Sec., Mrx Johnston; Cor. Sec., Mrs Clark; Treasurer, Mrs Mersen; Evangelistic Supt.. Mrs Gaulton; W.R. Agent. Mrs Cartwright; Cradle Roll, Mrs Ramsay.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 377, 18 December 1926, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 377, 18 December 1926, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 377, 18 December 1926, Page 10

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