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News of the Unions.

CHEVIOT. September 1. A small but enthusiastic meeting, Mrs Walmaley, the new President, in tiie chair. Arrangements made for President's \ ipit to Convention at Now Brighton. Some interesting discussions took place on matters of general welfare. Decided to hold « "Bring and buy" afternoon towards the end of the year. The Benediction and afternoon tea brought a very helpful meeting to a close STRATFORD. September 15. The President, Mrs Phillips. presided. After the opening devotions, the President gave a very helpful and interesting address on Consecration. Afternoon tea was handed round, after which the meeting closed with the Benediction There was a fair attendance. PALMERSTON NORTH. October 1. Mm Young presided over a good gathering of members; after the disposal of the usual business, Mrs Wakeham, our Hupei intendent for Soc ial Work. ga\e a very comprehensive report of the District Convention held in Masterton. An interesting discussion followed, when the following resolution was carried unanimously: "That this meetmg affirms the desirability of the establishment of a 'domestic court,* where rases concerning women and girls might be tried with less publicity than In the ordinary courts." A hearty vote of tnanks wns accorded Mrs Wakeham for the very able manner in which she had carried out her duties as our delegate to Convention. NEW PLYMOUTH. September 29. There was a very good attendance The business was chiefly to discuss tiie Mart, which is to be held early in November, in aid of the Building Fund for the Taranaki Seamen's Rest. Stall holders were appointed and various arrangements made, also for the concert in the evening. The minutes of the previous meeting showed that during the month, four drawing-room meetings had been held, at which gifts for the Mart and donations of money had been given, the amount guaranteed now being over £4OO, Waitara's effort resulting In £5 12s. 6d. It Is also encoiii aging to know that the various Unions In tiie Taranaki-Wanganui district are assisting in this work, as money raised in many ways Is constantly coming to hand. Decided to hold a special meeting on Oct. 13th. that Mrs Tuffrey the Maori Superintendent. may give an account of her work which she has carried on so successfully for the last year. It will also take the form of ;i Pay Up social. Decided to send a lettei of congratulation to a new Union formed at Matangi. In response to the President’s appeal, three ladies volunteered to assist in canvassing for funds for Seamen's Rest. BLENHEIM. September 7. Mts McCallum. President, presided over a large attendance of members, when tiie resolutions, which were to be brought before Convent'on were studied, and Anal arrangements were made for the District Convention. October 5. A large gathering of members and friends met at the residence of Mi's Wilson, where a "Home Meeting** was held. Mrs Grigg spoke of the splendid work which is being done by Miss Bur’s, In organising new Unions in the Marlborough District. Mrs Grigg also gave an interesting short fact on Alcohol. Musical items and competitions were enjoyed by those present, and delicious afternoon tea was dispensed by tiie hostess, to whom a hearty vote of thanks was given. PETONE. September 7. Mrs '*ole presiding Mrs Piper said, through the wearing of the White Ribbon at the hospital, she was much respected, and a lady seeing Mrs Crowther’s White Ribbon, asked her for directions Mrs I’rowther. who with Mrs Doneghue was our delegate to tiie recent Alliance Convention. gave a good report of the meetings. A vote of thanks was given her. The Pledge was repeated and Doxoiogv sw g.

September 22. Social afternoon at Mrs <>ovther*s; good attendance of members, Mrs Cole presiding. Mrs Haywood rendered two solos which wen' much appreciated. Rev. Mr Is>an gave an interesting and instructive talk on, "The League of Natlrms," Mrs Anderson gave recitations, Mrs Doughty* a piano solo, and Mrs Cole a very nice reading. Mrs Battersliy said she was glad that women were now able to become J.Ps.. and thought more women should be mi the School Board and hold other such positions. Afternoon tea was served and much rtijoyed. A vote of thanks was given to our hoetess, and also to those who rendered the programme. GORE. September. Held in Milne's Tea Rooms, presided over by Mrs I>ay. The attendance was large, and the Rev. F. M. Beattie gave a most inspiring and practical address on "Woman's Place in the Empire." A piano solo, recitation, instrumental quartette, and vocal solo added to the brightness of the evening, which was brought to a close with a much enjoyed supper. Resolved that a "Bring and Buy" Sale he held In November. OP AW A - W OO LBTON. September. Mrs Jenkins presided over small attendance. Tiie letter written by Mrs Cmbb on the work of the Willard Home was read with a view to foster interest in the work of* the Home In future. The letter was much appreciated. A delegate's report on the Alliance Convention was also read, a vote of thanks being passed to the delegate for her interesting and concise report. Afternoon tea. NORTH EAST VALLEY. September. Mrs Don presided; good attendance of members. A letter read from Miss Powell re the appointment of Women J.P*s. An invitation to visit the South Dunedin branch was received. A donation was voted for the Picnic Fund. One new member was initiated, and anotlier welcomed from another Union. During the afternoon. s«doH were sung by Messrs Oliver. Begg, anil by Mrs Med land; a duet by Mrs J. Ruku and Mrs Altehlson. Afternoon tea. M ANA I A. September 14. Fairly attended, one new member Joining. Correspondence was read, mainly ever the postponement of Parliamentary decision about the third issue. Decided to ask Mrs Bennett to superintend any direction of the Union's attention to Temperance work in Parliament, and she consented to till the re-election of officers. Considerable correspondence and discussion re money collected several years ago for a purpose since found too difficult to manage, it was proposed by Mrs Bennett, seconded by Mrs Mercer, that the matter be held over without further discussion until legal advice made it clearer. A vote of thanks to Mr A G. Bennett, the Solicitor, who lias given his help very generously, wns passed. The chief business of the meeting was receiving gifts to be sent to the Willard Home, but though they were more than had been expected. it was decided to postpone sending until some more promised had come in. Mrs Robinson offered to bring a money-box to be kept on the table for monthly contributions to the Local Fund. The President read an Interesting article on the winning of the Franchise. Decided to alter the date of the meetings from the second Tuesdays to the third. Will all members please note this, anil that the next meeting will be on October 19th. One new White Ribbon subscriber was promised, and an old subscriber had agreed with the Matron of the Loral Hospital to take her copy there regularly. Mrs Orchard kindly gave afternoon tea. Mrs Scott, the President, stressed the need for daily work by individual members, also tiie urgency of attending to other ills beside that of drinking, especially gambling, a l-oint which she Illustrated by the proposed 10s totalisator. as such an Inducement to children to unite in going In for It. MAORI UNION. FRANKTON. August 26. Meeting was held at Mrs Kihl's home. Mrs Jones, of Hamilton, occupied the chair. Sister Nichols also present. September 24. Meeting was held at Mrs Wbatu's; a very amail attendance on account of absence of members from district. Mrs

Jones presided. Appointed Mrs Wliatu dele- ! gate for Morrinsville nonvent lon if well enough. OTUREI. September 29. At 3 o’clock p.m., the I meeting of Oturei Maori W.C.T.U. was held In Mrs J. Walter's (President) home with | success. Mrs Page, President of Dargaville. gave out the hymns and pronounced tin Benediction, and all Joined in singing hymns. This Convention opened, and speeches, etc., continued. Mrs Hodges. VicePresident. gave us a splendid speech about the Temperance Work, which was gratefully appreciated by all members. Mrs Page, President of Dargaville, was heartily welcomed for her efforts in trying to inform the Maori W.C.T.U. about the regulation, etc., and also answered questions. The meeting closed with prayer, and afternoon tea was served. SYDENHAM August 5. Mrs Sirett presided; fair attendance. A vote of sympathy with Mrs Northcott and family In their recent bereavement. Mrs Cartwright Smith and Mrs Gillard were appointed delegates to District Convention. Miss Watt appointed Cradle Roll Superintendent. Miss Harband gnve a very interesting address, which wan greatly enjoyed by those present. Afternoon tea was served. September 2. Mrs Archer presided, fair attendance. Letter of protest sent to Mr Howard, M.P., against proposed Licensing Bill, and a favourable reply received It being "Franchise Day," Miss Henderson, Chrlirtchurch President, spoke of the responsibilities and opportunities of women since obtaining the Franchise, and compared our conditions with the women of India. A hearty vole of thanks was accorded the speaker. October 7. Very good attendance, presided over by the President, Mrs Sirett. Short reports of the District Convisitlon were given by Mrs Cartwright Smith and Mrs Sirett. Ilecided to have p social afternoon at our next meeting for the mothers of the Cradle Roll. Committee appointed to arrange afternoon tea, and a collection. HAWERA September 24. Mrs Exlev presided over a good attendance of members. Preilnikinrv arrangements were made In regard to holding a "Shop Day" earlv In October, In aid of the Sailor’s Rest Building Fund In New Plymouth, the Executive to meet In a few days to go fully In to the matter. Mrs Phillips of Stratford, gave a very Interesting address on "The Women of the New Testament," also speaking of the enfranchisement of Women as being the work of the W.C.T.U., and a very hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs Phillips. One new member. Afternoon tea. September 24 Executive inet. and decided to hold a Concert instead of the Shop Day. PLEASANT POINT October 6 Attendance good; Treasurer’s report showed credit balance of £2 6s. 3d. Decided to have a Bring and Buy Sale at our next meeting Resolved to send a letter of cheer and help to the League of Nations Union. In Timaru. Motions of svmpathv to Mrs 8. Smith and lfrs H Smith in their bereavements. Hearty vote of thanks to delegate for hei tine report of Convention, also thanks to Mrs Wooffinden. for the use of her home for Y. meeting LT.L. meeting to he held on Saturday, prizes to be presented hv Mrs Mackesv. Mr Mackes' - to address the children: members to mwplv afternoon tea. Negt meeting of Y branch to ha held In schoolroom SOUTH WELLINGTON. October 7. Mrs Keene presided over a good attendance of members. After discussion on a request, from the Wellington Branch of the National Council of Women, that the South Wellington W.C.T.U should affiliate with the N.C.W., It wns resolved that the Union should not afTlHate A letter waa read from a gentleman, who had been connected with the Young People’s Branch, and who. sisice the latter ceased to hold meetings, had remained a member of tin* Adult Branch, asking whether the members of the Union could assist him to And work.

The letter was sympathetically received, and members noted the name ami address, in the hope of hearing of something suitable Any one so desiring, can obtain these on application to the Secretary of the Union. A preliminary notice was sent about a District Executive meeting proposed to he held at Carterton in the first week of November, for v nith arrangements should he made, that the Union may be represented by one or more of its officers. Report of the recent District Convention was given by one of the delegates, Miss Anderson. who recounted the various doings of the Convent ion in an interesting and detailed paper. It had been a very useful and full Convention, ns to the amount of work got through Several good papers had been given, ami most of the resolutions passed at the Annual Convention were endorsed, or in some way brought before the delegates. Several soc ial functions that w'ere interspersed among the more serious business were described, and reference made to the unusual experience of snow storm that had followed immediately on the * 'lose of tin- OOnVOßtlon ICIM Anderson's account was supj lemented by Mrs Keene in several interesting particulars. Before the meeting closed, arrangements wre made for celebrating "Maori Day,” fixed by Annual Convention for the 10th October or thereabouts. After some little discussion, it was decided to hold a special meeting on the 21st inst , when a short paper on Maori Work should he read, followed by personal experiences told by the Organiser, Miss Bradshaw, or failing her, by Miss C, Kirk. It was also resolved that at a futuremeeting an account should he given to membeis of Children's Courts, as a subjert that women should know something about. (Congratulations to Pleasant Point. Ashburton. Wellington South, Otahuhu, Dunedin, and Wanganui, for prompt reporting Meetings held on October sth, 6th. and 7th, had reports In Foxton P.O. on October Bth. —Ed. "White Ribbon.”) NORTH INVERCARGILL. September 22 As the W.C T.U. have lately lost a number of its members through removals to other towns, change of residence, etc., the President. Mrs Homes, suggested a plan to enlist the Interest and co-operation of our near neighbours. Instead of our usual meeting on the afternoon of the third Tuesday in the month, an extended evening meeting was decided upon. Mrs Fairbairn read a very interesting paper on “How we got the Franchise- " She also briefly spoke on tlie apathy that had fallen on so many iirohibitionists. She compared the position of women in the past with their present position, and said, if tin* Women of New Zealand nose to their full power prohibition would soon I)*- mi accomplished fact. Mrs Homes briefly explained what tlie Union stood for. She had the pleasure of enrolling two new members and receiving three transfers. During the* evening sober speeches were interspersed w-lth song. Mies Langskail sang “One Tkiv" ini her usual pleasing style, Miss Handle acting as organist. Miss Jamieson sang “I am Longing for the Rpring" very swe-etly. Little Miss Miller gave a recitation, and Miss Strathearn a song. A nice* supper brought a pleasant evening to a close. TAKAPUNA September 10. Mrs Penning in the chair, good attendance. Mrs Full James gave a very fine address on the work of Mrs Reharell. This has been published in the August White Ribbon. The address was listened to with great attention and much pleasure, and at the c-om-lus on. a very hearty votd of thanks was passed to Mrs Full James. Afternoon tea was served. PAPAROA. September 10. The President, Miss J. Humes, pres-vied. The resolutions passed by W.C. TIT. Convention, 1926. were read bv Secretary. Miss Hames gave an interesting address about the proposed amendments to the Licensing Rill, now before Parliament. A very enjoyable paper was given by Miss Ross, on tlie Life of Frances Ridley Havergnl. The President thf.nked Mrs Ross for her assistance, and expressed great regret at her leaving the district, to which Mrs Ross replied, and wished the Union every suc-c-c-ss with their work. A duet was rendered by

Miss D. Evans and Mrs E. Hirtles. A rending on the Life of Lady Henry Somerset, v. as given by Miss J. Cliff, and was very riueh appreciated. SEFTON. August 25. Mrs Thome presided over good attendance. Decided to try’ and arrange a special meeting at Balcairn. An article dealing with Cell Poison was read. A letter was received from Wiliurd Home. At close of meeting, afternoon tea was handed round. September ffi. Small attendance, Mrs Thorne in (-liuir. Report of Convention l-ost poned until larger meeting. Article on Cell Poison continued. Decided to write for special paper on Maori Work for next meeting. Afternoon tea dispensed. TIMARIT, September 28. Good attendance, Mrs Low. M.A., presided. Correspondence from Willard Home Secretary, thanking Union for donation, and from Mrs Peryman asking for photographs and particulars about Sailor’s Rest Treasurer's report showed profit of f 55 from Ikiffodi! I>ay. In this connection, votes of thanks were passed to the Press, to Mrs Woodward for providing lunch for workers, and to all who helped to male the day a success. Monthly Bulletin of B.C. Area (New Zealand Allance) proved interesting reading Regular visits have been paid to hospital ami to sick members. Mr Woodward reported five overseas steamer. 1 have called during month, about 152 visitors paying about 200 visits. One Sunday service and social for 8.8. Corinthic was given. Mrs Minifle gave a detailed account of the business conducted at District Convention. Igiter, Mrs Low gave another of her Intel eating periodical talks on the League of Nations, stating that the present outlook in Central Europe Is much brighter than it was a few months ago. OAMARU. September. "Pay Up” Social. A good attendance, Mrs Clarke presided. Miss Smyth gave Bible address based o:i Ephesians 3:20, which was very helpful. A short time was spent In prayer, in which about 20 members took part. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Chase and family in their recent bereavement. Being Franchise Dav, collection was given to New Zealand Fund. A delegate's report read, and a vote of thanks passed to Mrs Scott for her interesting report. Mrs Clarke read a helpful article on Womens’ Fmncnlae. A letter of thanks to Miss Fairhall for parcel of clothing for Willard Hoi ie. The resolutions and recommendations confirmed at the recent Convention re Peiuv and Arbitration, were endorsed by Union. Resolutions re Gambling, Liquor, Liters*-* i’> King Country. and Licensing Bill and other were also endorsed by Union Afternoon tea was served. HASTINGS, September 30. Mrs Banks presided nv< r a crowded attendance, when we celebrated "Franchise Day,*’ by entertaining the old folks at an “At Home." Community singing was led by Mrs Banks, and musical Uenu> were rendered by Merdames Christie McArthur and Raahleigh, and the Misses McArthur, Ford, and Campbell. Devotions were led by the Rev. L. Keith Ewen. and the Rev. D. J. Shaw addressed the old folks on ‘The Glor> of Life.” showing that there was a beauty in "Grandma New Zealand.” He depleted in beautiful language the glory of life as svideneed in nature around ur, In the coming of the tiny helpless babe. In the Htrong young men and beautiful maiden, ini the working middle-age. and most of all in advancing age, and the even tide of life. Each guest received a buttonhole, and Mrs T. J. Thompson, who h.nd l*een n member for 24 years, a bouquet while the oldest lady (over 80) was presented with a small liarui hag: and gentleman (over 70) with a necktie Facts relative to the passing of the Franchise Bill were related dur'rg the afternoon, as also were some scientific fads culled from one of Mrs Martha Aden's leaflets. The pledge was also repeated. Tea nnd votes of tlmnks followed by prayer led by Rev. F, Copeland, closed a happy gathering.

BIRKENHEAD. 8« ptember 16. At the home of Mrs Dayman. Mrs Jory presided over a gc*nl attendance of members ami friends. Two delegates were appoint*-*! for the District Convention on the 27th and 30th. Miss McLay gave a helpful address. Afternoon tea was served. One new member. Meeting closed with the Temperance Doxology ami prayer. PAPANUI. We have celebrated several Notable Days at our recent meetings of W.C.T.U. The last one being Franchise Day, had a helpful address by Mias Henderson. Also had u Bring and Buy afternoon in aid of Frames WiiLard Home. Several new members have recently joined our I'apanui branch of the Ikiion. AUCKLAND. September 14. Mrs Cook presided over a good attendance; several visitors welcomed. Major Gordon gave ».n inspiring address at the Devotional meeting letters of appreciation gent to Hon. Mark Cohen and Hon. Rolleston. Member of the Legislative Council ami Cabinet respectively, for their support In getting the BUI for the appointment of Women J.P*s. passed. A letter of protest against the Licensing Bill was sent to the M.P. for Auckland Central. Arrangements were made to take charge of a stall for St John’s Ambulance collection. Sister Nichols, of Methodist Church, gave a most Interesting account of her work among the Maoris. She thanked the Union for the clothes sent for the Maoris in the North, nnd said howmuch the Mnori women appreciated Unlove and friendship of the white women; the Dominion W.C.T.U. Convention had been a great inspiration and help to those who attended as delegates, Bhe had visited some of the Maori Unions, and stressed the need of an Organiser to visit them and help them in their work. The wannest greetings of the meeting were sent to the Maori women. Mrs Fulljames made an appeal for clothes to be sent to the Maoris. SOUTH DUNEDVN. September 9. Mrs Macartney presiding. Mrs Shack lock read out the following arresting facts in favour of Prohibition. "It is stated by the Federal Census Bureau, U S.A . that in 1910 tlie number of alcoholic patients admitted to the hospital for the Inmne, was practically double what It was In 1922. after two veins of Prohibition. In 1 924 the American people used 2,170,090,000 morn* gallons of milk, than they did In 1915. While the population Increased S per e»-nt, the consumption, of milk Increased 30 p«w rent." Mrs Ing«. one of our delegates to our District Convention, then rend a fine comprehensive report of the day's meetings NORMA NBY. Septoml*er 8 Rev. Fletcher preskied. Attendant fair; vote of sympathy parsed to Mrs Scott in her Illness. Extract read from Dominion, written by Secretary of the Moderate League, the tenor of which was that the Moderate League would do their beat to retain the three Issues on the Licensing ballot papers. The R*-v. Fletcher then gave an address on Drink amongst the Maoris In the King Country. He told how the Maoris wasted their money at an alarming rate. He suggested it would he a wise procedure If it could he arranged, so that the natives, when they sold their land could not draw principal hut only the Interest, and the principal passed on to following generations. Afternoon tea served by Meedames Edwards and Harrison RPREYDON. September 13. Mrs Nairn presided over an evening meeting; good attendance presentat on of Temperance Essay Prizes to Edgar Hartley, John Moor. Maud Hatheilv and Pear Pithle. Mrs Boag addressed the meeting. Musical items bv Mrs McKenzie, Miss TKidney, and Edgar Hartley, nlso a recitation by Mrs Watson were much appreciated. Five new members. FOXTON. Reptember. A fair attendance present. With Mrs Peryman occupying the chair. A

report of the League of Nations Conference held in Wellington, was read by Mrs Rlmmer. Mrs Penman spoke of the fine work done by the District Convention held m Master ton. to hold next meet mu .n form of a socia4 afternoon, in aid of the Wiiiard Home. GREYTOWN September 28. Eight present. Miss Oates presiding. Members congratulated Miss Oates on her < lection as District President. Resolved to gei 1 dozen Pledges and paste in our hymnals. Collection 14s. for Franchise Pay. Mrs Anker, delegate to Alliance Con* vent ion. It was announced that Miss Bradshaw, our Organiser, would visit the District during October, and would be the guest of Mrs H Morrison. Parcels of clothing and Ills, received it. aid of Willard Home. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. September 7. Bring and Buy social; good attendance of members ami friends; musical items, songs and recitations. Decided to make a special effort to help the “Willard Home"' annual Jumble Sale with gifts of clothing. Supper was handed round. Ckie new member initiated. Mrs Macartney was appointed our delegate to attend the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Hope of Dunedin Tent of the Independent Order of Rechabltes. j 3 September 22. Home meetu.g, Broad Bay. Beautiful weather prevailed, the President. Mrs Hiett, and several members Journeyed down the harbour to Mrs New land’s residence. Mrs Hiett Bj>oke on the increase of drunkenness and crime caused by the return of the Licensed houses in Ohinemurl. Mrs Voller sang a solo. A delightful afternoon tea was served; one new baby enrolled. October 5. Good attendance; Mrs Don spoke on the Licensing Bill. The meeting endorsed the resolution recently passed by the New Zealand Alliance, “That the strong and widespread opposition offered to the principal provisions of the Prime Minister’s Licensing Bill by all parties including his own, had induced him to dr« p the measure.” Decided to hold Street Bai»* u**xt month MOSGIEL. September 21. The delegates gave their report of Conference, held in Port Chalmers. Decided to hold our next meeting o*n 19th inst., in tlie evening, instead of the afternoon, and to take the form of a “Pav Up" social, as we are going to try this method of getting in subs, anal adding to our membership. OXFORD. September 22 Ileal weather conditions on our Birthday so dal. The Coronation 11a!' was well filled wit’ members of the W.C.TU. and N PT.C.U. and their friends. The Prescient said she was very pleased to see so nmn gathered to commemorate the fifteenth B'rthdav of the Oxford Union, and also had much pleasure in introducing Mrs Richards, or’ Ohr stchureh. Mrs Rhhnrds gave an Interest ng address, taking ns her tfubject, “The Value of Life, and the use of Ininfluence.” Instrumental trios by Misses E. Aldridge (Ranglora), F Jordan and M. Roi, and vocal solos by Miss Avers (Ranglora), added much to the pleasure of the evening, the ajjdience signifying their appreciation by enthusiastic applause and encores. On behalf of the guests. Mr L. Watson wished the Union “Many Happy Returns,’’ and success in future work. Votes of thanks were passed to Mrs Richards. M ss Ayers, and the musicians, also to Mrs D. Hawke and Miss B Gilmore, who made and decorated the Birthday Cake w hich wins a apt eta 1 feature of the supper * collection wns i i»e up n aid of the W.C.T U. New Zealand Fund. TEMPLETON. September 21. Fair attend-inca; donation of fl xent to Home. Afternoon tea. September 20. Our closing Band of Hope took t!ie form of a Concert The young people supp’led a splendid programme of chanter songs, recitations, dialogues, etc. Rev. Course* gave an interesting address on the ev : " of stro- g drink, and It was much appreciate! Presentation made to Master Man Clarke, who, all through the winter, so v.dllinglv played aM the music, and coached the children In tho'r practice. A dainty supper handed round by the children, who

then closed the meeting by singing "All Round the World." ARAMOHO. (Owing to sickness of Reporter, and inability to secure a substitute, this Union has been unreported for nearly 12 months. We give brief reports oi meetings held In 1926, but hope in future, scan, member will report promptly, when Kepoitei is not well enough to attend to it. —Ed. W.H.) February. Mrs Begg presided. Letters of sympathy to Mrs Slight and K C. Good, and the latter relieved of her duties as Itess Reporter. Miss Gilmour to act as Treasurer March. Attendance small. Cony of Ten C-ommandment* to be procured, and hung in Local School. April. Attendance good. Letter of con* dolence to Mrs Emmett and Family. Solo by Miss Gilmour; report of Conveution by Mrs Ihivis. Letter to be sent to C.ty Council, re possibility of refusing a permit to build a brewery in Quick Avenue. May. Attendance fair. Mrs Gilmour delegate to District Convention. June. Mrs Beggs reported framed copy of Ten Commandments bung in Aramoho School. Reported that a visit had been paid to Old People’s Home, and inmates entertained witti afternoon tea and a programme of songs and recitations. Letter sent to M I*., re Women Police. Jurors anil J.P’s Report of District Convention read. August. Reply from Mr Veitch, re Btble-in-Schools. Members asked to advertise ami help the Sale to be held in aid of funds on September 29. September. Gift Afternoon in aid of Willard Home, a nice parcel sent to the Home. Mrs Gilmour reported Band of Hope progressing well. An entectaiment to be given in a'd of Union funds. Resolved to pay another visit to Jubilee Home, and entertain Inmates wfth afternoon tea and musical programme. OTAHUHU. October 7. Mrs Fulljames came out and gave us a most interesting talk on her work amongst the Maoris, and the Natives of Niue island. Her address was “One Woman’s Wonderful Work;” also, Mrs Redshaw gave a report of District Convention. Our President, Mrs Greenwood, had the pleasure of initiating one new member, after which afternoon tea was handed round. WANGANUI. October 7. Mrs Irwin presided. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Lid die. and Adjutant Houston in their bereave in' .t. The following fact was read: According to the New Zealand Year Book, the cost of Police anil Prisons for 1 923 was £485.087. It Is estimated that 60 per cent., or £242.544 of this expenditure is Incurred, owing to the diroet or indirect effect of the liquor traffic. Mrs Oobb was welcomed from New Plymouth. Mrs Bathgate reported lac:,- of leaders in her work. Mrs Davis reported on I ir. Gibb's lecture, “The League of Nations “ Mrs Irwin read a paper on Concentration. Our next meeting will be “Maori Day.” a paper will be read on that work. ASHBURTON September 7. A very successful gathering in aid of “Seamen’s Day," Mrs W. H. Robinson presiding. Several apologies for absence were received Mrs F. Hocking to act as delegate with Mrs A. Brown. Decided to arrange a meet'ng on Septem!>er 14th to be addressed by Mrs Denton Leech, on the Work of the League of Nations The meeting them took the form of a social gathering, \vh*».i much appreciated musical Items were given. Miss Oainsford, for 2 4 years a Missionary in India, sp< ) of the work carried on in that country *r. ; ©ng the young people and soldiers in h*.• Military Camps, by the \V C.T.U. Organlsati m. which was most encouraging. Mrs Trott, President of Timaru Union, was also present, and spoke on the work of the Sailor's Rest. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded speakers and performers. A collection was taken up Itii aid of the Sndor’s Rest hi New Ply mouth. October F Mrs W J Brown occupied the chair, presiding over a good attendance of members. Votes of sympathy were passed with the relatives of Mrs M l>oak and Mrs A Smith, deceased. Also, with Mrs C. Frampton. and Miss Gardener. In sickness. Mrs Gallagher was appointed to assist at

Rest Tent, at the A. & P. Show. An hi toresting report of B.C. District Executive was submitted by Mrs H Hopwood. Mrs P. Hocking, delegate to New Brighton • ’onvention, gave an interesting report of proceedings. The Invitation to hold next Convention at Ashburton, was accepted. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Hocking for her report. In commemorating “Maori Day," the appeal made by the Native Chief* to the Government against the sale of Liquor in the King Country - . was read by Mrs Brown, and was heartily approved by ull present. A collection was taken up In aid of the “Maori” Fund. I>ecided that contributions of clothing and momey for Willard Home, be taken up at the November meeting.* Tea was handed round. CHRISTCHURCH. September S. Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance of members. Delegates were appointed to the Provincial Convention. Further arrangements were made for the Jumble Sale, and it was decidod to hold it in St. Johns Si lioolroom early in October Franchise Day was celebrated by several members giving their impressions on what New Zealand has gained by the granting of the Franchise to Women. Our I»omi*iion President, Mrs T. E. Taylor, spoke for a short time, also Mrs I<ovell-Sruith. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the Social Committee, and a collection taken up for the New Zealiuid Unions. September 22. Miss Henderson presiding. Reports were received from delegates who attended the Provincial Convention, which showed that progress had been made. The Secretary was asked to forward a resolution of congratulation to Mr and Mrs Llll, on the attainment of their “Golden Wedding" recently celebrated* Arrangements * «•; «• made for a social evening on October 6th., Mrs Odell to give an address on her work In the East End of London, and the Y. members to take charge of the rest of the programme. It was decided to hold “Maori Day” on October 13th, and Miss L. M« Ker is to give a4i address. RANGIORA. September 24. Mrs Tliwaites presided over a fair attendance Regret was expressed at the loss cf two members. Mr? Herrin and Mrs Carson, through removal from the district. Mrs M' Kechnie read an interesting report of the work done at tbe recent Convention held at New Brighton. The President retorted on various resolutions, also ram! extract from an address on AntiGambling. given by Miss Henderson. BELFAST. September 5». Met by invitation with Styx Union. Mrs Donald presided over a good attendance. Mr Tennant gave a very interest ng address on his personal work in the Plum Area of Glasgow. Afternoon tea was parta' en of, and our Uresiilent, Mrs Roxburgh, thnnked the Styx slaters for their kind hospitality; a ver* profitable time wns spent to ret her. BPRINOSTON. September 10. Our branch is still going on satisfactorily, four new members have recently Joined The attendance is good, and interest keen, especially among the “1 ’a.” The meeting at Springston took the form of a “Bring and Buy" afternoon, when our funds were augmented to a sa*isfactory extent. With competitions, songs, ind business, a very pleasant time was spent. Mrs Klme, ot»r President, presiding over a re<-©rd gathering of members and friends. A Band of Hope evening was also he'd recently, when the young folks excelled themse'ves Mr'* Kirne was appointed our delegate to tbe District Convention, to be held at New Brighton shortly. FEN* 'OI’RT. September 9 Chsir taken by Mrs Jones, D'strlot President. All the members of our little branch were present, also several members from Cambridge. Mrs Jonex gave a very interesting address, much enjoyed by all. Two de'egaies were appointed to attend the District < '.nvention. Mrs G. Simpson, and Miss Norr- <n After the close of tin* meeting, a dainty afternoon tee wns served. SOUTH INVERCARGILL. September 14. A good gathering of mem- * bers and a few interested visitors. The

chair wan occupied by the President. Mrs Gairatt, and devotions were conducted by Mrs McKinnon. Apologies for absence, correspondence, and a favourable report from the Visiting and Show Committees were received. A refreshing and helpful address by Mr* Mcßoan. whose remark* were based on the 7th Chapter of Ist Kings which, when abbreviated, refer* chiefly to the •'common-place things of life." Mrs Pasley, Mr* McGregor, and Mrs Garratt, voiced the sentiments expressed by Mrs M< Hean, and each extended her quota of thanks to the speaker. Mrs Jnsies received a hearty vote of thanks for her appropriate solo, Mrs Parker acting as accompanist. TAURANOA. September. Our Pay Up social, Mrs Carlton Smith presiding Very flne attendance of members, and several visitors, one of whom being Mrs T. Al'.ely. from Auckland. Resolved that Mrs Allely be asked to convey greetings from our Union to the Union In Birkenhead. A very pleasant afternoon was spent, Mis* Kone Smith very materially contributing thereto, by her rendering of a palnoforf? solo, and two very charming little studies from Grieg. A delightful cup of tea was handed round, Mrs Black closed the meeting with prayer. LOWER HUTT. September 22. Eighteen members present. A letter was read from Mr Hayes in connection with the L.T.L. work which needs Rtimulating Mrs Aldersiey gave us the report from the late Convention, and Mrs Anderson also mentioned a few resolutions In connection with it, Mrs Spencer, who ha* the Ladles’ Guild meeting at Belmont, told us how much thi ladies there appreciated our visit to them, and she thinks it will help to interest them In the Tempers nee work also. Our delegates also spoke «f their visit* to the Willard Home nnd the Whatman Home, and were delighted with both. Members stood while a motion of sympathy wa* passed to Mrs Baigent, who has recently lo*t her husband. Afternoon tea was served, the meeting closing with prayer. W AIM ATE September 8. Mrs Roy presided. The business of the afternoon being the Anal arrangements of delegates for the Convention. to be held at New Brighton on the 14th Inst. A request was made for donations of monev or cast off eloth'ng to be sent to the '•Willard Home for Children” Mm Excell was appointed Agent of the ‘‘League of Nations” Literature, a supply of which i, now in hand. Committee appointed to arrange a “Bring nnd Buy" afternoon, to be held in aid of W.C.T.U. Funds. Mrs Smart delivered an address taking for her subject the “Inspiration of Defeat " The member* expressed sympathy with two fellow-mem-bers who have suffered l>ereavem**nt, by standing in silence for one minute. RAKATA. September 9 The President preshied over good attendance and conducted devotions A vole of sympathy was passed with Mr and Mrs Shannon In the loss of their son. members standing in silence. Secretary asked to write letters of sympathy to I>ean and Mrs Carrington. H*o Mrs Sanders, a member in h< ipltal. The appeal from the Willard Home was discussed. Decided to hold a gift afternoon at our n«xt meeting Mis* Oates, Superintendent of Child Welfare Department In Ashburton, then gßve us a very Interesting address, detailing her w"* 'k and many experiences she has had. i!he was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Afternoon tea was served. WAIHL September 16. Special meeting to meet our Organiser, Miss McLay. There were ten ladies present In spite of Inclement weather. Miss Me Lay gave a very helpful address based on the 4th Chapter of Nehemiah I am sure all present were Inspired and helped, and we hope as a rerult. we will have better meeting* in the davj to come Miss McLav hoped to start a Y. Bram h. but the evening proved wet and cold, and there were not enough to form a branch, but she hopes to be able to coin® to us again "hortlv. when we will make an efTort to get the young people together.

RICCA RTON. September 16. Attendance good. Pledge repeated ami Temperance Fact read, ('nolle Roll Day, owing to bad weather, only one baby present. President stress**! need for family worship while children are young. Delegate to Alliance Convention gave ‘eport of proceeding* Letters read from Mr Kyle, M P., and Willard Home. Resolved to donate £1 to Willard Home, and £1 he spent on material to he made up for Missions and Orphanage. An address of special mterest to young mothers was given by Mrs T. E. Taylor. Dominion President, on “Alcohol and its Effects on the Race.” Vote* of thanks were passed to Mrs Taylor and Mrs I>onaldson. Cradle Roll Superintendent, special mention being made of the flne increase of babies on the roll, making the number thirty-flve. an increase of twentynine. Two new subscribers to White Rihbon. M AUNG ATI ROTO. September 16. At Mrs Paaley’s house; nine members present. Letter of thanks received from Sister Eleanor for clothing sent in aid of her Mission among the Maoris.

Resolved that Mrs Pawley be up|*ointed delegate to District Convention. Secretary’ naked to write and thank Whangarei Union for greetings. Mrs H. Flower read a letter from Mr Jones, M.P., in reply to one written, asking him to voto for a two-issue ballot paper when Licensing Amendment Hill was before the House. Mr Jones assured us. that had the Bill been brought forward, the two-issue clause would have beer, likely to he carried. Afternoon tea was dispensed and enjoyed. OPOTIKI. September 9. Bright and enthusiastic meeting held, Mrs Thompson presided Mrs Downey presented an acknowledgment from Mrs Birdsall, thanking the Union for the handsome donation of £5 to the Willard Home. Mrs Fleming sang. Two new mem hers for White Ribbon listed. Band of Hope meetings are held monthly, attractive programmes and large audiences. There was a further discussion on essays in Public Schools on ‘‘Alcohol.” Miss E. Thompson and Mra Hambly dispensed afternoon tea. Enjoyable meeting closed with Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 376, 18 October 1926, Page 8

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 376, 18 October 1926, Page 8

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 376, 18 October 1926, Page 8

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