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News of the Unions.

MORRTNSVILLE. July; Seven members present. New members are attending well. Mrs Starnes presided. Mrs Crowe r»*ad a very interest - iuk paper on "Help to Smaller Unions." This paper should prove very helpful to our Union. August 10. Mrs Starnes presided over a fair attendants of members. Our President grave us a beautiful reading on the Sermon on the Mount. The Convention, which is to ho held at Morrinsville on October 4th and sth, was then discussed. BALCLITTHA. September 7. Mrs Cations presided; failattendance. One visitor welcomed. Appeal on behalf of Willard Home received to he continued later. Piotest forwarded by CnJon to our 'oca I M.P. against the IdcensinK- Bill in .ts present form, and requesting his support of the inclusion of a two-issue ballot paper. Very favourable reply was received from Mr Waite. Mrs Stephens, delegate to District Convention, gave an interesting report of the same. Miss Tosh and Mrs Geggie reported on Hospital visitation during last month, and are to ca»-ry on for the current month. Grateful acknowledgments of motions of sympathy were received from Hon. D. T. and Mrs Fleming and family, and front Mr and Mrs C. Wyber, the latter expressing also their appreciation of the wreath sent by the Union for their little son. a member of our t'radle Roll, accidentally drowned in the Molyneux River. Decided that the closing of the Band of Hope session in November, should take the form of a picnic. Cradle Itoll members and parents to he invited. FENCOTTRT. During the visit of Miss McLay to Cambridge, a im-etinig was held in the Fcin-mui Church, with a view to forming a branch of the Union. A number of Fencourt ladies and members of the Cum bridge branch wei—present. Miss gave an ex< client and helpful address, after which a branch of the Union was formed. Officers elected: President. Mrs G. Simpson; Secretary, Miss Norman; Treasurer, Mrs \V. U Beer; “White Ribbon" Agent, Mrs Turner. A dainty afternoon tea was served.

August 12. Chair taken by the President. Mrs G. Simpson. There was a fAir attendance; Mrs Leaning w»s elected Vice-Presi dent. Resolved that we take up a collection at each meeting for the Organising Fund. We hope to build up a good and enthusiasti • branch of the W.C.T.U. at Fencourt. The meeting ended pleasantly with afternoon tea. Bit 'H MOND-NELSON. August 2S». A united Bibls Class meeting was conducted by Miss Burls. There was a splendid attendance of young people, who listened attentively to a very convincing address on "Bible Wmes." The following evening, Miss Burls gave her famous lantern lecture, "Prohibition at Work," in the Baptist Church. There was a fair attend nine, and all present appreciated her interesting lecture. MAORI UNIONS. OTURFI. The Organising of the Oturei Branch of the Maori Women's Christian Temperance Union, took place on Wednesday, August Ith, lilt, at Mrs Paki’t place. Sister Nicholls took the chair. Miss Bradshaw, the Organiser of the W.C.T.U., then spoke on the aims and objects of this Society, and we were all one band of sisters, striving to uplift our race, and to make the part better for our children by working and praying for Temperance. A short discussion then took place, and the ladies decided to form a brunch of this Society. Sister Nicholls and Miss Bradshaw were then welcomed by Mrs Paki and Mrs J. Walters; both gave very inspiring addresses. The election of Officers: —Mrs Walters. President; Mrs Walters (Senior) Vice-President; Mrs P. Simons, Secretary; Mrs Paki, Treasurer, Mrs Welsh, White Ribbon Agent. Proposed Sister Nicholls he Maori Superintendent, this was heartily carried. Three new members were initiated. 1 lecided that we hold our monthly meeting the last Wednesday of the month Sister Nicholls closed the meeting with a hymn and the Benediction. On Wednesday, August 25th, at 3 o’clock p.rc., the meeting of Oturei District of Aratapu, was opened by the European Women's Christian Temperance Union of Te Koj ru. The preacher of the Oturei Church, Mr 11. Walters (Sinior) gave out the hymns and pronounced the Benediction, and all members Joined in singing hymns in the Maori Wesleyan llvnin Book. No. 71, "Eagerly." Thus Convention opened, and speeches, congratulations, etc., continued Mrs F. Wordsworth member of Tc Kopuru. gave a very friendly speech on behalf of the Maori sisters for proposing their I’mion to take part in the opening of the meeting this afternoon. She further says that it is her desire to prevent all disreputable actions from this meeting, especially the presence of intoxicating liquor, etc., because this is one of the main objects why the WCT.U. is formed to run liquor traffic down to the end. She also read the 17th chapter of St John amongst the Maori Sisters an«l heartily thanking for tlie w’arm reception bestowed by every member this afternoon. It shows that we are all trying to uplift to bring our children up to avoid liquor, etc. The President of the Natives W.C.T.U., Mrs J. Walters (Jnr ), expressed her deep appreciation on behalf of the Maori Sister* for their coming and the honour in the opening of our meeting this afternoon. She too w'ould he only pleased to do what she can to avoid intoxicating liquor. There were at least fourteen persons present this afternoon and was brought to n Hose b\ all the members Joining in singing Hymn No. 117, "What a friend we have in Jesus." NO BRANCH NAME? President opened meeting hv announcing the letters (1) President. Mrs Tautuhi, (2) Treasurer. Mrs Ariari, (3) Secretary, Mrs Ken a (4) Reporter, Miss K. Kena, <5) Members present; Mrs Kemp. Mrs Thompson. Miss Kapa. Miss L. Thompson. Miss M Thompson. Miss Tautuhi. Absent; Mrs lVvok. Vice-Pres., Mrs M. Kena. Subscriptioi fe« f. Amount 5/-. Meeting Closed RRIGHTON. \ ::gust IJi T E. Tavlor Day A good attendance, end the President, Mrs H. Hall, in the i hair Excellent reports of the recent Area Council of the New Zaa'and Allium <• were given hv the delegates, Mcsdatnes Gco<t

and Parmer. Tlie sum of 10/- wan donated to the Willard Home in answer to their appeal. All arrangements for Convention* reported to he well in hand. A very fine paper wan given by the President, "Reminisceuses of the life of Prohibition Header*,” T K. Taylor, Prance* Willard and other*. August 20. A novel evening's entertainment wa* given by the member* of the W.O.T.U. Musical and elocutionary item* effieifsitly filled the first half of the evening's programme, and this wa* followed by a "Saveloy Supper” and then competition*, etc., a choir contest causing much merriment. Song* were given by Mesdames Hewitt, Mitchell and Campbell; Pianoforte holos hy Miss B. Nelson, and Elocutionary item* by Mrs u i'mo.i a*n.i Mnwi w «b*rlock god R. Campbell. Proceed* were in aid of W.f'.T U funds INVERCARGILL CENTRAL. Augu*t Ift. Social afternoon, the attendatice was not as large as we had hoped for owing to sicknews. An interesting and inspiring paper hy Sister Janet was read and appreciated. Afternoon tea and a pleasant chat were enjoyed. Arrangements were made for the Jumble Snle on the following day. which turned out satisfactory. Decided to send letters of sympathy to Mrs O. Cuthhertson and Mr Black, also letter of thanks to Mrs Wakelin who. we regret, is leaving for Christchurch. TIMARU. * August 31. Mrs Seward presided. Vote of loving sympathy with Mrs Trott and Mrs Sliortus. Correspondence rmd as follow*: (1) From the Secretary of Timaru Women Citizen's Association, inviting member* to be present at a lecture on Public Health and Notifiable Diseases hv Dr. Parr, of Timaru Hospital; (2) From District Secretary, and New Zealand Alliance B.C. Area President, re the provision for a two-issue ballot paper in * lie Licensing Bill; 13) From the Tinwabl W.C.T.U., enclosing donation for Sailor’s Rest Funus. Vote of thanks accorded Hearty welcome extended to Mrs Thompson, who iias come from Wanganui to live in Timaru, and to Mrs Miller, a visitor from Masterton. Greetings were exchanged, the visitors giving interesting reports of work in their respective Unions. Mr Woodward reported that four oversea* ships had visited the port during the month. 116 visitors pay jng about 155 cisits. the coastalmen visiting more regularly than in the past. Annual donations to different funds passed for |»y - memt. Final arrangements made for Daffodil iHvv, September 24th. Miss McKay sang "Jesus, Trover of my Soul. RAKAIA August 12. Mrs Morrison presided over a good attendance An apology for absence was received from Miss Gates, Ashburton, was was expecting to address us on ‘•Child Welfare.” A letter received from the Wdlard Home was left to be discussed at the next meeting. Mrs Bong and Mrs llopwood w ere appointed delegates to the I list i n t < on vent ion. A report of the recent Executive Meeting Timaru was given bv Mrs Hopwood . tter of sympathy was to he sent t, ' , 11 nett, Morven, in the death of her Mrs Hopwood then read the report ie Pan-Pacific Conference, held in Hone lulu, and was accorded a vote of thanks. Afternoon tea. PAPAROA. August 13. President. Mis* J. Haines in the chair, and gave a very helpful talk which was much appreciated. A very enjoyvib <• reading bv Mrs King on the hynm Abide with Me.” and at its close, the members a sang this hvmn- Two new members. Ai mngements for next meeting wen- made RICHMOND (NELSON). August 17. 10 members present. President in chair, and leading devotions. Correspondence rtvul and dismissed Collection for \\ ib lard Home to be taken in October. Babies postponed until February. Mrs Rouse lead report of work among Seamen District Convention arranged for. Meeting 1 os* 1 with Benediction.

NEW PLYMOUTH. August 25. Small attendance. President welcomed back after illness. Letters were read from Mr Bellringer, M P., re Bible*in-Schools, ami from Miss Henderson re Gaming Bill. A pamphlet wa* rereived from Mr* Judson, asking for comflrniation of recommendation* to Education Hoard for peace tuition in schools. Passed unanimously, lao-ided to write a letter of appreciation to the late Secretary, also a letter of loving wishes to a member on her 91st birthday. Account wa* given of an afternoon held in Waitara. assisted hy N.P. members, by which the Seamen's Rest Funds benefit hy about 13. A very sympathetic note, hu losing 15 for same purpose. Decided that gift afternoons for Seamen’s Rest, shall he quite distinctive from "Home Meetings.” A grant was made to the C.R. Superintendent for cards, etc., and thanks expressed to several ladies who have assisted this work by gift* of envelopes, literature, etc. Mr* Hawkins to be Hospital Visitor until the end of the year. Extracts were read from a letter written hy a lady who i* working amongst the Maori* in Kawhia, asking for cards or pictures for the children. Mrs Wilson transferred from Wanganui was welcomed by the President. ■ ■ - ■ A AUCKLAND. August 10. Mrs Cook presided. Letters sent to the Premier and M. P. for District, urging them to wupport Hon L. M. Isitt’s Religous Exercises in Schools Bill. In connection wit’- the liquor at the Dixieland Cabaret, the following resolution was passed: "In view of tne recent reports regarding the Dixieland Cabaret, the members of the Auckland Womens Christian Temperance Union consider that it is a menace to the morality of the community, and that the license should Ik- withdrawn; they heartily commended the courageous stand taken byMr Brinsden in the city Council Meeting. Mrs Finch, of Devonport, gave a most inspiring address on “What Christianity lias done for Women." Ilenrty vote of thanks. Delegates appointed to District Convention. SPREYDON. August lft. Mrs Nairn presided over a good attendance. Decided to take up collection for Wilanl Children's Home at future meeting. Next meeting to be held in the evening of September 13th. Mrs Aneall elected delegate to Provincial Convention at Brighton. Miss Dudney and Mrs McKenzie delighted meeting with their • 'nging. Mrs Williams gave heirful and uplifting address W AIM ATE August 11 32 members Dimed out in spite of a bitterly cold day. The delegates to tN* District Convention were then elected, viz.. Mrs Scott and Miss McCarthy. Being “PayUp Subscription Day,” the aTterroon wa* interspersed vitli music; Miss Stewart giving a song, and Mr* Excell "Down the Vale,” and Mis* Pitt humourous recitation. “The Cook of the Period." Mr* Boag. B.C.D. President, gave an address on the early days of the W.C.T.U., and the work right up to the present time, urging the necessity for mid-d*v prayer on behalf of Temperance work, e'.id the wearing of our W.R- Badge at all Line*, and the circulating of Temperance Literature, also the encouraging of our Y. Branches. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the speaker. ONEHUNGA May 13. Annual Bring and Buy Social. Our President was in the chair, while Mrs Ben fell. District President, led the Devotions Rev. Dalby gave a very forceful address, which was enjoyed by all present. The socinl was concluded In the evening by a splendid conceit. June 10 Annual White Ribbon Day. There was a good attendance of members Mrs Ashby. White Ribbon Agent, gave a good report of her year’s work. Four new subscribers were added to lier list. Our W.R. Editor, Mrs Peryman, was present, and she gave an inspiring address, explaining the difference between “Pessimists,” “Optimists.” and “Pcptom ists,” we each felt we must lathe latter in our fight against the Drink Traffic

July 8. Mrs Stacey presided over a fair attendance. Decided to procure slips of our Pledge to be repeated at each meeting. Rev. Uook gave a most interesting account of hi* visit to Honolulu, and mentioned that Prohibition In America Is largely due to tinwork of women, and in his opinion was an undoubted success. August 12. Mrs Stacey presided over annual •‘Pay-Up” Social. A splendid short musical programme was followed by u helpful address from Miss McLay. One of our members, Mrs Ormlston. celebrates her 9Hth birthday tins month, so it was agreed to send along a bouquet with loving greetings from our Union. BALCLUTHA. July. Mrs Cations presided over a good attendance. Report read from Otago Union. Proposed to form a Band of Mercy in connection with L T.L. Branch. Mrs Stephens was appointed "Lo<-al Pres* Reporter.” Agreed to form a Hospital Visiting Branch; Mrs Geggie and Miss Tosh are the visitors for August. Mrs Cation, President, is to be delegate at District Convention. I**tter of sympathy sent to Mr and Mrs C. Wyber, on tiie sad drowning of an infant son in Clutha River. PETONE. August 3. Mrs Cole In the chair. Mrs Urowther gave a short report, re the prizes for the best essays on “The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Body." to he presented to school children. Both School Masters are glad to allow the children to write these essays. Mrs Battersby to!d a story of a wonian who was about to drink a glass of stout, when her son came in from school The boy said: “Mother. If I bad my way, I would j>our it down the sink; 1 will never drink it ” Miss Avison’s resignation on n< - »-ount of her removal to Christchurch was accepted with fegret. Mrs Battersby gave a short report of the deputation which waited on Mr Coates, who expressed himself in sympathy with the movement, and promised that after next month, all art unions will be gone. Pledge repeated and doxology sung August 18. A very pleasant social afternoon was given by Mrs Piper. We were sorry to learn that Sister Bessie, of Wellington, who was to speak to us could not be present on account of illnes*. A very enjoyable programme was given; Mrs Franklin. a solo; Mrs Jensen told a short story; Mrs Williams, a pinnoforie solo; Mr* Piper (Junior) a reading on ‘The Liquor Traffic and Prohibition.” then sirs Pip* r (Senior) and Mrs Williams again delighted us with another pianoforte solo, and Mrs ('ole, vocal sulo. A dainty afternoon tea was -terved A vote of thanks to our hostess and the ladles who contributed the programme carried by a hearty clap. In reply, Mrs Piper said she was pleased to give the social. , The pledge was repeated and doxology sunn FF.ILDINO. September 2. Pay-Up social. President in chair; good attendance* Letter from Miss Kirk re District Convention, to be held at Masterton. resolved that a delegate be sent. A number of visitors from Palmerston were present. Including Mr Kingston, of the New Zealand Alliance, who addressed tinmeeting Mrs Y'oung. President of the Palmerston North Branch, also spoke. Rcngs were given hy Mrs Given and Mr Kingston, and a pianoforte solo by Mrs Kingston. An Invitation to attend the New Zealand Alliance La»>our I>ay Rally was accepted. OTAHUHU. September 2. T 1 ere was a Pood attendance to hear Major Gordon, who had kindl\ come from Auckland to *p*-ak to u* <>n Social work; all present went away enlightened on the good work being done by the Major in uplifting H»e downi and fallen one*. RAETIHI. August 19 Annual meeting at the r< dence of Mrs W. H. Sand ford. The follow in* officers -were elected for the forthcoming y««or: —President, Mrs W. H. Sand ford, Duncan Street; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Houghton. Scnrmw. McCowan Keuche. Onpt Smith. Mrs F Pedersen; Secretary.

Mrs God ley, Ballunce Street; Treasurer, Mrs Griffin, Seddon Street; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Ford; Organist, Mrs Chiochette; Entertainment Superintendent, Mrs L.T.L. Superintendent, Miss Soar row. Three new mem be rs were enrolled, and two other member* from other districts were received. After the business of the meeting, an enjoyable time was spent, when several musical items and a recitation were given. A dainty tea was partaken of. and a vote of thanks to the hostess terminated the meeting, INVERCARGILL SOUTH. August 11. Social evening; Mrs Garrett, President, assisted by Mrs Pasley, opened the meeting with devotions. Miss Kennedy, of Tuatnpere, gave a splendidly wholesome address on “Hands” and her compositions of beautiful thoughts relating to the Divinity were admirable. Two new members enrolled. one of them being a visitor of distinction to New Zealand, viz., Mrs Acott, a British WO.T.U. worker and Organiser for the Young Helpers League of Dr. Bamado's Home. During the evening the following artists rendered acceptable items; —Mrs Ix*a, Pianoforte solo; Mrs Ritchie, song; Miss Mary Glass, recitation; Mrs Acott, song; Mrs Hird, song. Mrs Pasley proi>osod a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Kennedy, the soloists, and those who helped to make the evening such a success. A bounteous supper was partaken of. TAURANGA. August 20. Very good attendant; Mrs (’Arlton Smith in chair. Correspondence disiHttrhed, and various matters relating to local affair* discussed. Report of y ar’s labours submitted. Collection taken u.i for the Willard Home. Refreshments dispensed, meeting dosed with prayer. WANGANUI EAST. August. Well-attended, Mrs Duxfleld In the chair. Correspondence rend and received from Mrs Birdsall, Treasurer Willard Home, and from New Zealand Alliance. Miss Sanson was appointed Recording Secretary. Hilent votes of sympathy were (Kissed with Mrs Chisholm and Mrs McDougall in their bereavements. Mrs Duxfleld rcwul extracts showing. that if England were “dry” the money now spent on drink would feed, clothe, educate, maintain and place out in life the 7,2<h) children cared for In Dr. Barnardo’s Homes. If England went dry for 25 years. I)r. Barnado’s Homes could close their doors. Members were urged to ”f*nowl>air ministers and members of respective districts re Mr Isitt's Hible-in-Bchools Bill. Mrs Duxfleld reported great success of Temperance Club opened in Mnthieson Street. Copies of New Zealand Drink Bill were distributed among mem»*ers. various items coming up for discussion giving much food for serious thought. Decided to hold “Sale of Work and Food Fair” In November, in aid of organising Fund. President announced that Nurse Wilson w’ould address the n«xt meeting. and a hearty invitation is given to all mothers. Members agreed to give hearty support to the “Shop’* to be held on September 15th. KAIAPOI. August. The President. Mr* Vickery. In the chair. A vote of .. inpathy was passed, members standing, witi Mrs Jackson. Ponsonbv, an old member of tins Union and Mrs Tr >tt. of Timaru. A most Interesting paper was read by Mrs Vickery on the life of M's* X Weston, the friend of the Blue tuckets. \ vote of thanks wns passed to Mrs Vickery. BET.FAST. August 11. Mr* Roxburgh pnseded over fair attendance. We were delighted to have with us flve members f*om Ourihia; pledge was repeated. Delegate* appointe > to Provincial Convention at New Bright**! Decided to hold Band of Hope on August 2“rd. Mrs Barnes, Treasurer, personally expressed her thanks fer letter of sympathy In the 1 of her mother. OPOTIKT. August 12. Owing to sickness of the President, Mrs Downey ably presided. Very little business was dealt with, the Secretary being on holiday. Two Band of Hope meetings have l*een held in the Theatre, when

excellent programmes consisting of vocal, instrumental and elocutionary items have heon given to large audiences. Rev. Hird, and Rev. Draper (Anglican) gave the addresses. KANGIORA. August 27. Mrs Thwaites presided over a fair attendance. The Itevotional exercises were conducted by Mrs Will. The Scientific Temperance reading was a continuation of "Alcohol, a Cell Poison,” The Secretary was instructed to write to Hon. D. Buddo, asking him to support an amendment providing for a two-issue ballot paper, and to oppose any proposal for extending the time between the Polls, or increasing the number of licenses. A paper on Anti-Gambling was rend by Mrs l^xne. NORTH BRIGHTON. July. A social afternoon to the mothers of the children attending tin local school, fifty present. The officer* of the New Brighton Union were mainly responsible for the afternoon’s programme, which consisted of an educational item in which the ladies discussed between themselves the activities of the W.0.T.1T, Three new members were initiated, and two received on transfer from other Unions It M-CARTON. August 19. A crowded meeting was held at the residence of Mrs MacGuiness, Upper Riccarton. Being about three miles further on than our usual place of meeting, enabled us to get in touch with many who do not attend our meetings. Mrs Bnrrell took the opportunity to describe the different branches of work undertaken by the W.C.T.U., including Peace and Arbitration, and explaining that under this heading, the sneaker for the day would be Mrs Denton Leech, Secretary of the League of Nations Union. The address was followed with interest, causing a lively discussion. Amount of fl 16/- was collected towards W.P.T.U. Funds. BIRKENHEAD. August 19. Mrs .Tory In the chair; annual meeting. A wet afternoon only seven members present. We were cheered by a surprise visit fro mour Dominion reasurerlYPgAsa visit from our Dominion Organisers, M*sses Bradshaw and McLav. Mis* Bradshaw £*ve an inspiring address, impressing us with in * importance of using every little opportunity to get new members and new subscribers to the "White Ribbon.” Miss Mclay promised to speak at our next meeting, which will be a Home meeting In Arawa Street. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs Taylor. Officers were all re-elected. Meeting closed with the Temperance Doxology and the R*nedi<tion PLEASANT POINT. September 1. Correspondence read from Mi's Brown re Gaining Bill. Reported that telegrams bad been despatched to local M l’, re that and Licensing Bill. Miss Bishop read paper from Executive. Treasurer reported credit balance £2/17/4. Letter of sympathy sent to Miss Katie Walker, who is in hospital. Paper on "Women's Franchise" read by Secretary. Thanks sent to Mrs A. Miller for donation. Decided to hold Bring and Buy Sale in October. Two new incinliers welcomed. Afternoon tea dispensed. TEMPLETON. August 31. Fair attendance; President presided The pledge was repeated. A win* was ser.t to M.P. protesting against Licensing Bill. Letters of sympathy sent to people in district. Ikdegates for ('on vent ion an* Mrs Simpson and Mrs Williams. Aftemoou tea. Repteml»er 2. A verv successful Band of Hope was held In Oddfellow**s Hall; over 100 present. We decided to have only one more meeting this year. The young people are taking great interest in these Band of Hope meetings, and are kept busy preparing the programmes. We have to date, 57 signed the pledge, the majority being bovs. Supper was provided by the W.OiT.U. Meeting was closed with the National Anthem. EDEN. August 18. Mrs Fentot. presided over a fair attendance, but somewhat disappointing, being tin occasion wheb subscriptions were

due however, several members brought in “subs” from absentees which tends to relieve the Treasurer of her task. Sympathy was expressed for sick meiniwrs, especially one of the oldest. Mrs Hudson, who has been so ill in Hospital, that it was found ne**essiry to ainputnte a leg; we shall miss her sweet inspiring presence from our meetings. is ever proud to explain the White How she is wearing even In the hospital. Arrangements were put ini hand for District Convention which is to be held under the auspa*-* of this Union, on September 29th and 3<>tli. Members were also reminded to collect fora Jumble Sale, to be held in aid of the Union funds. Two members transferred to Palmerston North and Ponsonhy respect i\ l\. one new member transferred to us from Wnrkwortli. Miss Wilson contributed a song, and Mrs Clark Senior a recitation after which afternoon tea was served. MAN A 1 A. August. Mrs Scott presiding; good attendance. with three visitors, including Miw< Bates, the Alliance Organiser, who cam* to gve an address on Hand if Hope and L.T I. work. Decided to begin collecting for the annual donation and gift box to tin* Willard Home, to send after next month’s meeting. Mrs Bennett's resignation as Vice-President regretfully accepted It was arranged to send telegrams to the members of Parliament, urging the elimination of the third issue, one on behalf of the fifty members of the branch of the Union, and others l>> all members or sympathisers who could Is* approached in time. Three names of sympathisers who wished to join, but could not attend afternoon meetings were handed in. and seventeen names of new meml»ers for Cradle Red. A'ternoon tea was given in tin* vestry* h\ Mrs Kendall. NAPIER. Septemh* r 1. Mister A Rich gave « most interesting tnlk, basing her remarks from Isa 35. showing how prophecy was fulfilled in our days. The waste lands were rajnhing and blossoming. A unanimous vote of thank* was given the speaker. A resolution against the proposed new Licensing Bill w is passed, and tin* action of the President in sending a telegram to the Premier was approved. Franchise Day held over till October 6th, wln-n Mrs T<ro< klehurst would give a paper on that subject. Hrs Hull was appointed delegate. NOAERE. July 1. At Mrs Tarrant's; fair attendance, Mrs Gilliver, Preaid* nt, in *ho cha-i \ paper for White Ribbon Day sent by Mrs Pen nmn was read, and wns much appre* iat ed by those present. Decided to read tin* same |taper at a later meeting, when more members were present, Afternoon tea. August 6. Meeting nt Mrs K. Tarrant's: seven members and one visitor present 1 knot ions led by President; Secretary read cnrrcsit«mdc*nce from Mrs Birdsall. Hecretarv of Willard Home, appealing for left-off clothing, gifts, etc., for Home. Mine Bates, of Hawera. present, and outlined the working of Rand of Hope, and kindly offered to •rive a magic lantern series of pictures. I N*rided to hire hall for evening for same, .end ask Mr McKee, of Stratford, to pres-h* at evening meeting Afemoon ten. September 2. Five members | **nt; President in chair. Mrs Miller wrote (hanking Union for coloured pictures for scrap book-; President previously sent wire to nur Member. Mr W'a'ker. stTGUgly protesting against new Licensing Bill, and against the extension of time between Licensing PollMr Walker wrote acknowledging wire, ami promised it should lie given considemt *n whist opportunity arose. Union to hold a Shop Da\ with Stratford Union on the 2Snl October, when proceeds will bo devoted to New Plymouth Seamen’s Rest. Afternoon tea. Vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs M' Kee, who unfortunately lias broken her leg. STRATFORD. August 11. Special treeting opened by President, who gave a short address on Matthew fith. Ten member* of Ngaere Union were present. Object of meeting was to discuss proposals In reference to nssist in establishing a Sailor's Rest In New Plymouth. Decided to hold a Shop Day in October, combining with Ngaere Union. Mrs

Gilliver, President of Ngnero Union, closed with prayer. August 25. Mrs Phillips presided; fair *ttendanre. Mrs Fawcett’s resignation accepted with regret. and Min McAllum appointed Secretary. Mrs Fawcett appointed Back Block Superintendent, and Mrs Windlehorn. Citadle Roll Superintendent. Telcfrmm sent to Mr Walker, M.P., asking to urge two-issue ballot {taper, and oppose lengthening period between Polls, HAWIRA. August 27. Cradle Roll Day; a large gathering of mothers and children assembled in Wesley Hall. Mrs Exley presided, and urv'd all women present who were not members to Join the Union. Mrs Sharkelton was In charge of the L.T.L., several of the children Rave items hi a very pleasiiiß manner: Recitation, Pepßy Yearbury; Piano Solo, Fnances Shackelton; Violin Solo. Marion Archbold: Sonp, J. Oliver; Recltation, H. Trim. Mrs L. J. Williams pave a very helpful and interestinp address on Motherhood,” urpinp mothers to do all in their power to retain the confidence of their daughters. Our mother was our very first friend on earth. The speaker quoted several srvit men in public life, who testified to the r mothers’ pood influence on their lives. \n enjoyable afternoon tea was provided by members of the Union. Aiipust 27. Members met half an hour earlier than usual, on account of celebrating f nolle Roll Day. Seveml matters of husifless were ilealt with, some were loft till next meetinp An appeal from New Plymouth re Sailors Rest was received: decided to help In some wav. Mrs Ollerenshaw was appointed Assistant Secretary. Decided to hold a Shop I>ay. date to he fixed later. WANGANUI CENTRAL. September. Attendance pood; Mrs Goodey presiding. Memorial Day, Mrs Irwin read a tribute to Mrs Atkinson, and past workers were mentioned. Including T. E Taylor and Mo Adams of Dunedin. Resolution passed that promoters of peace should have as free ii i **ss to our schools as the Navy League Reported letter sent to car M.P. re Licensing Bill. Fact read. 5.182 children maintained hv State at a cost of 1110.000 per annum; 80 per cent of these result of drinkmr habits of parents representing cost to tax payer of fBB,OOO. Decided to nssist at Shop Day In aid of Alliance Fund Mrs Stewart welcomed. SOI Tll WELI.I NC.TON. September 2. Mrs Evans in the chair, trranigements were made for franchise Da> on the lfith Inst., when a “Pay-Up Social” will he held; the selection of speaker was left in the hands of the Secretary- Resolved that tlie Union should he represented at the forthcoming District Convention by thn-c delegates. Mesdames Keene and Chisholm, ind Miss Anderson, the expenses of two lelepates t>einp borne by the I nion, the third having generously offered to pay her nwn The Union had twice been callc<l upon by tin* Dominion Corresponding rotary luring the past month to appeal to its Member of Parliament, first to urge that the Licensing B'll he introduced this s«*ssion, ifterwaida « orotest against the faiiun' to provide a tw<>- sue ballot paper, this protest to he made to the Prime Minister. Replies from him and from the Member Tor South "'ellinpton were read and received. The speaker for the afternoon was Mr Armitroiig, who aiipeared on behalf of the Alliance. A hearty vote of thanks was Passed to Mr Armstronp for his hopeful »nd inspiring address. CANVABTOWN. Julv 21. Third meeting held; Mrs Murray '•resided. Owing to sickness, the attendance was small. Tw o new members were enrolled Which raised the membership to fourteen. Afternoon tea nerved by Mesdames Murray wad Flower August 28. Attendance pood; Mrs Murray KMided The Willard Heme for children it Palmerston Norh was broupht before the notice of the members. Letter from District was read and discussed. The Treasurer reported a credit balance of 16/*. Afternoon tea provided by Mrs Pike, and M xs Dalton.

NORMANBY. Aug. li. 15 members present; the meeting was presided over by Mrs Fletcher. An extract from tin- Hand Hook explaining good work accomplished in. tin- South tslaxid by tlie late Organiser, Mine Earnshaw, and Mrs W. Williams under extreme difficulties was read by Mrs ltevan The Secretary read paper for \\ bite Ribbon Day, being an urgent appeal for more subscribers to the White Ribbon. Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Thrush, Grant, and Frei. OXFORD June 16. President in the chair. A resolution was carried expressing sympathy with the relatives of tin* late Mrs Johnson Wright, of Wellington; appreciation of her long and faithful service in connection with the W.C.T.U. Letters of sympathy to Mesdanies Graham, Nelson and E. Wells in their illness Mrs llawke, White Ribbon Superintendent gave a report showing that there are 53 subscribers In the Oxford district, ami 7 free copies of the paper distributed. An appeal for more subscribers was backed up by a letter read by Mrs t\ W. Tritt from the Editor, Mrs Perymau; correspondence included a letter from the Bible Reading In Schools Committee, and from Miss Henderson. Members were asked to make a special effort to attend next meeting. August 18. Mrs Ryde presided; a fair attendance. Sympathy with Mrs T. L. Gafosford ami family in their very sad berenxement. Mesdames Hawke and Robertson were appointed delegates to the District Convention. Decided to invite the District Convention to meet at Oxford next year. Decided to hold an evening meeting next month to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the initiation of tin* Oxford W.0.T.U.; Mrs Hawke volunteered to make ;i birthday cake for the occasion, and Mesdames Comyns and Wood were appointed to arrange a short musical programme. Mrs Jo*.ies. Superintendent of Notable Days, read an interesting paper written by Mrs Day. of Christchurch, on the life ned work of tlie late Mr T. E. Taylor. One new member was initiated, and one new subscriber to the White Ribbon. TURAKINA. August 26. At Mrs A. Glasgow’s; sevcni present. Miss Benfell presided and spoke on the need of warning the young folk against the use of nlcoholie drinks. Letter of protest s*xit to Mr Glenn, M.P., against proposed Licensing Bill. GORE. August 25. Mrs W. I> Stewart, VicePresident, in tlie chair. Extracts from the “White RibJjou” were read by several members, as it was “White Ribbon” Day I ab ided to send a parcel to the Willard Home, and to forward a donation to the Distrii t Union.* FOXTON. August 10. Mrs Peryman presided over good attendance, the meeing taking tlie form of a Pay-Up Social. A very interesting address was given by Mrs Peryman on the money spent In Alcohol rr compared with the amount spent In Education and Public Works, etc by the Government. Decided to appoint a delegate to attend Convention held at Masterton. A very enjoyable afternoon was brought to a close with tlie Benediction. FAIRLIK. July. Mrs Wl»< >x presiding; good attendance Secretary reported on Executive Meeting held in Timaru on June 15th. Decided to get members for Peoples’ Organisation. Held T. E. Taylor Day; splendid paper read, enjoyed by all Afternoon tea handed round. August. Mrs Wilcox presiding over a verygood attendance. Correspondence from Matron of Willard Home received, and each member promised to do something for next meethig. Mrs Whatman read a carefully prepared paper on the life and work of F. R. Havergal, very much enjoyed by all and gi\inig fresh enthusiasm to all member*. A hearty vote of thanks passed to the writer of the splendid paper. Afternoon tea handed round. GRETTOWN. August It. Nine members present. Unanimously decided to resign from the league

of Nations. Mrs J. Allen was elected to represent Qrcytown Brunch at Masterton for the Provincial Convention, to he held 16th •September. An appeal from Willard Home discussed, and decided to send next meeting clothing, etc. CARTERTON. September 1. At Mrs Every’s residence, there being so few at tin meeting on account of tlie bad weather. Letter of thanks from Mrs Birdsail on behalf of the Willard Home, to which two cases of clothing had been forwarded from the Union. Two delegates wci* appointed for the District Convention in Masterton on September 15th and 16th. Resignation of Mrs Tyler as President, received with much regret, and a letter of appreciation to he sent. Mrs Every appointed President lmtil I'tecember. Miss Edwards appointed as Convenor of afternoon tea Motion of sympathy with Mr Whlncop, ini tlie loss of his daughter. Tiuinka due to Mrs Pepperell for pastinig pledges in hymn books. Wind protests re Licensing Bill to Prme Minister and lion. McLeod. Afternoon tea dispensed by tlie hostess. LOWER HTJTT. August 25. Small attendance; pledge was repeated. Our Executive reported arrangements made for hohiinig Home meetings, also for holding a rake stall about September, an appeal being mode at the same time for clot lies for the Willard Home. Arranged for all of those who could go to help on the meetings held at Belmont, by giving them an afternoon and providing the programme for them. Several members offered to visit or write to a number who are on the roll, hut are unable to attend; reports to he given on the visits next month. Letters of sympathy on account of sickness were sent to three of our members. A splendid paper written by Mrs Aldersley on “The Clash of Colour” was much appreciated, several member.* taking part in the discussion following, lieehled to read the paper again at a later meeting, when it is hoped to have a much larger attendance. Afternoon tea was served. CAMBRIDGE. July. Mrs Martin presided over fair attendan* e. Reported result of Miss M< Lay’* return visit. A new branch of 14 members formed at Fcncourt. and a ”Y” Branch of 14 active members at Cambridge. A letter from Miss Henderson read with petitions to Ministers’, closed with Betiedlcton. August. Mrs Martin presided; fair attendance. a reply from Stew-art Reid. M.P.. was read, promising to support all that was asked of him. A motion of sympathy was passed with sick members, and a Committee set up to \ 'sit the sick. Proposed and carried, that Mrs Jones, District President, he invited to tddress next meeting. HASTINGS. August 26. Attendance good; Mrs Banks presiding. Educational fact for the afternoon culled from Mr Adams’ Drink Bill pamphlet. Mrs Banks elected delegate to District Convention. In consequence of this, our usual monthly meeting was postponed for one week. This meeting is to take the form of an aged peopled afternoon, and to celebrate Franchise Dav. Decided to ask Rev. 11. J. Shaw to ml drees the meeting. Committee set up to make further arrangernents. Each member present brought a gift for the V’illard Home, and a goodly-si red panel will Ih* despatched as a result. Reports of various branches of work and the welcoming of Mrs Speight who was present from Havelock, closed the business of tin* meeting. N E. VALLEY. August 26. \ very successful “Brirr nnd Iluv” Sale. Good attendance of member* anil their friends. letter from the Prime MHrster and from Hon. Downle Stewart in reply to ours re the proposed Licensing Bill was read: also reports from the four delegates to the District Convention. Mrs IX>n spoke on the proposed Licensing Bill now befrtrt Parliament A solo was sung bv Mias McDtnald. a duet by Mrs Gibson and Miss Atistl e. and a humorous sketch by the Misses Renfell. Two new members were initiated.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 375, 18 September 1926, Page 8

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 375, 18 September 1926, Page 8

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 375, 18 September 1926, Page 8

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