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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Every Union should report. 2. Reports must be short. Must be in by Bth of month. i. Don’t report what you are going to do. 5. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. MORRINKVILLE. June. Mm I. M. Jones, of Hamilton. presided, and gave a very intovMmK address <ift “How the W I’T.l'. Got It's Name atid How It Originated." Mm Jones then ini - tiated three new members, anil inducted Mr* St arm* a* President of the Morrins-

vllle Branch. Mia* Elder, of Peru, addressed the memliers, and spoke of Teni|»emnce work out hi Bolivia, ami the good work the missionaries are doing there. Afternoon tea was tluni served, during which the President. Mrs Starnes, presented Mrs Jones, with a small memento from the members, thanking tier for her help and k mid ness. A sale of flower plants at the close of the meeting brought in the sum of lfi/-. BLUFF. May 7. Goodly number present. Mrs McGregor, Acting-President, presided. Mrs Pairhuirn had come from Invert argil I to give us a report of Convention, ami everyone enjoyed every minute of it. Afternoon tea was Nerved. May 21. The 25th Anniversary of our Band of Hope was celebrated hy a I 'onoeiV am) Stall. The Hev. K. Francis was in the chair. Although there were several counter attractions, we hail a nice full hall, mid the Concert, arranged hy Mrs J. Walker. junr., Band of lfo|»e Hu|»erintrlideiu. was a success. The first part of the pin gramme was given hy present inemls-rs ami the second l»y ex-members, some of whom travelled from Invercargill to assist. The Lollie Stall was run by elder Kiri members, and proved a big draw. GERALDINE. May 14. Sixteen member* present. M:n Neutxe presided. Reported that ns i« -uit of Garden Party and Gift Afternoon i -no* k of clothes hud l*een forwarded to Willard Home. Miss Patrick gave an interest iliK report of Convention. Mrs Wn I Inch's solo was much appreciated. Afternoon ten served. June 1. Twenty-four present. Mrs Neut/.e welcomed Rev. Ford and Mi W. Mackesv, ami both spoke a few word*. Mrs Cnwlc and Rev. Ford's solos much enjoyed. Afternoon tea served. Two new incmliers. RICHMOND. June 15. Eleven members. Mrs L. Hutton led devotions. Pledge re|ieated. Cm - rcNpondence read and disciissed, also District Convention. Paper on “Objects and Aim* of W.C.T.U,** read, also “White Ribbon" 1 K».v observed by appealing for more readers, also paper by Mrs Peryman on “White Ribbon" read. Cloned with Hisi**d iction. BIRKENHEAD. April 15. Mra Jory in the chair. Ik»cided to procure six copies of the Handbook. Correspondence from Rvcretao of Rihle-in-Hi bools' Movement was discussed, and seven ladies promised to obtain seven signatures each. May 20. MeeVng at the home of Mrs Chape He. Although an exceedingly wet afternoon, several members attended, ami some of Mrs ChApelle’s friends were present. Mrs Taylor, from Auckland, gave a helpful address. June 17. Mrs Jory, President, in the • hair. Mrs Jory commented on what the W.C.T.U. stands for. Mrs Perynuan’s hint* re the circulation of the "White Ribbon" were discussed. As our July meeting is to l»e held at the residence of Mr* Jory, P was decided that the August meeting shall be our annual meeting. TAI'M ARUNUI. April. We had the privilege of an address from I>r. K. Howard on the “Functions of the Human Body, and Elementary NuixinK.*’ The thanks of the Branch an’ due to him for a most instructive ami interesting address

May. The meeting wits mainly for the transaction of routine business, while this month (June) a large number of members attended, and in response to the Secretary's appeal, six new subscribers were se- « uivd for the “White Ribbon,*' and a new member was initiated tit the close of the service. A short talk was given by a member on the booklet—“ Alcohol: a Cell Poison.” and comparisons were made between the up-to-date scientific knowledge imparted bv the l>ook, and the methods of an earlier nge when none but religious workers wenin the field against the drink evil. Next meeting will take the form of a social to celebrate the Branch’s First Anniversary.

RAW ENT?. June. Meeting at Mrs line's. Miss Ash worth spoke of the work of the East Street Mission. One new member, making sivtli for tills year A discussion on “Alcohol n a Medicine" followed, and cur visitor gave us the names of various substitutes uj%*l instead ».r alcohol. Initiatory service ami Itoxologi closed the meeting. CANVAHTOWN. May 7. First meeting to celebrate “Whit. Ribbon" Day. Mrs Murray presided over a fair attendance. Apologies were made foi Miss Brown, Mrs In wood and Miss Flower, who were absent through sickness. Greetings were received from Rai Valley and Blenheim. Three now members were initiated. Afternoon tea wan dispensed hy Me»ilanies Lawson mid Pimanti. TAPRANGA June I*. Mrs Jordan presided. A very good attendance. Decided that a Treasurer’s report la* submitted once a quarter. Mrs Horn, the Hnptiat Pastor's wife, gave n very good address on all that our “White llit>lkwi” paper Htamls for, giving us a vision of Wonderful opportunities ahead. Vote of thanks for the address was carried by acclamation. Ten was handed round, PAPANUI. Tile President, Mrs Simpson, presided over a goc.l attendance of members, and as it was "White Ribbon'* Day, Mrs Richards wits the speaker and gave a beautiful and helpful address, taking for her subject “For God. and Home, and Humanity." A hearty \ot • of thanks to the speaker was carried. Mrs (’handler sang feelingly “Hr Wi|m*s the Tear from Every Eve.” Afternoon tea was dispensed hy the Social Committee, and one new member initiated. The Jumble Sab- realised £ll, RANGIOUA. June 25. Mrs Thwaites presided over good attendance. The Secretar> was directed to bring under the notice of the Member for tlie District various legislative denutnds of the I’tiion. A paper for “White Ribbon" Day was read. The B|>enker was Mclay, Organiser for the Union, who took as her subject “Rome of the Infirmities of the Nation." She referred particularly to the drink evil nti I to ignorance of God. The address wan both encouraging and inspiring, and was listened to with marked attention. (IP AW A-WOOLRTON. June 15. Attendance good Mrs A. D. Jenkins presided. A paper for “White Ribbon" Day was read, urging tlie members to do all they can to the circulation of the “White Ribbon" paper. The Rev. J. Carlisle gave asi excellent addle**, stressing tin need for continued activity In the work to which the members were pledger*. Prohibition he considered is not only I *o l it Kill but spirtual; we must be prepared to tight- to take the gloves off and fight; we may hurt, hut we hurt to lieal. The The members showed their appreciation hy spontaneous applause Afternoon tea was served. HENDERSON. June. No meet in g In May, owing to very heavy rain on the 3rd Wednesday. Our meeting this month in Forester's Hall. Mrs Platt in the chair and a good number of member* ami fri«<nd* present. Vote of sympathy was panned to Mrs Fountain on the death of her only little girl, also to Mrs Pratt on the lon* of her sister, who wn* accidentally killed. Prayers ami sympathy wen- ashen on behalf of Mrs Fenne.v, our Cradle Roll Superintendent, who has just undergone a severe oj»erntlon. Mrs Peryman then gave a very fine inspiring address, and urged the need for subscribing, l ead ini g. and studying the White Ribbon paper Eight new subscribers gained. Mrs Peryman then presented prizes for best essays written by s* nior scholars of Headerson School. The two l*est prize* were read aloud, and we all thought them very good indeed. Afternoon tea was served. Next month to he our Pay Up social at Methodist Church.

SUMNER July 7. Tli»* niartlDf wax well-attended, Mrs McCombii presided, and read an interesting hii<l for* iful statement regarding injurious results from tin* use of alcohol. A fine a Id res* wax then given by Mrs* \V. .1 Williams, on the need for inspiration in our meet bigs the interval between I nils. Reviewing i lie many actlvit ics of t It** rnion, Mm Williams showed how interest mill H< tl\ ft> eouid be consistently maintain• «• l. Vote-wnum ;*g i'Arda were nrM|»te«l by iiternberH. Afternoon tea and a beautiful sm|o by Min F. Kerr, made our not ial halfhour most enjoyable. A vote of thanks to Mrs Williams was curried. PUKEKOH E. Ma\ a. Our President, Mrs (’reside, pre<ii.led over a very fair attendance. Hible Study of various passages of Scripture dealing with the ‘Women of the Hihle” was ver> Intereating, a paper sent by our late Secretary (Mrs I lodged) on the subject was read, ami mu* h appreciated by all present. June 2. Only seven mendters present. Ilecbled our next meeting to be our Aimual Pay Up Social, to la* liebl on the first Tuesday in July, that being the month our l>mn<li was opened. LOWER HI TT. June 22. special afternoon nrmnged in conjunction with Pet on** Union. t«> w ehome Mrs Peryman. There were forty women present, and all llst*<ie*l with much appreciation to a splendid address; it is Imped that all memhen* will take to heart, the urgent need for Individual work. A heart) vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs rervnmn, also IVtonr Umnsi for joining us. Afternoon tea was s**rve«l. FMf’f'Ara«»N. tun. 17. Mrs Harrell presided. Being White Ribbon Day, Presi,lent urge*l all who were not already taking the paper to become subscribers, stressing the benefits to l*e received thereby. Letter from Miss Hailmml rea*l re attending Women's meeting to support Hihle-in-S< bools Hill, Some of our members making garments for Mission Hox. Mrs Met Viiuhs gave an interesting address on the Children's Character outlining the advancement in recent >ears of everything pertalning’to the welfare of the * hi hi on** new subscriber to White Ribbon. II AW ERA. June 25. Mrs Kxley presided over a good attendance. White Ribbon Day was celebrated Mrs Young road a paper showing tin* advantage* gained by subscribing to the Union paper, and urging all to try and obtain more subscribers. Miss Kelly wrote resigning her office as Secretary, owing to removal from Haw-era. The President spoke of Miss Kelly's good and faithful work as Secretary. Resignation was received with regret. Mrs Ashton gave « very good re|M>rt on the recent Convention, held at Inglewood. An invitation has been extended to have the next l>istrtot Convention at Hawera. A very interesting report was received from Mrs Shs* k let on relating to tin* reforming of the L.T.L hnaneh, the first meeting being a social one when 75 children Were present. also a few n f the parents. Songs recitations ami violin solos were given by the children. Ten. sandwiches and buns were enjoyed by nil. At the next meeting. 2*; children were enrolled as members ot the LT.l* Mrs flharkleton and Mrs Hayward are pleased with the success of the first meetings, and lio|ie tli**)' will increase in interest Children to meet alternate Thursdays. after school hours. TIMARU. June 29. White Ribbon Day celebrated; good attendance, enthusiastic meeting. Silent vote of sympathy was panned with Mrs Adkins and Miss Avlson. Hospital has Ih-.*u visited; also several sick ami elderly in**inl»ers In their homes. Mrs Brook**r made an honorary member. Mrs Cave read K very interesting paper on the “White Ribbon, ami appealed for new member* Miss Acutt, fh'gaitlxer in New Zealand for Pr. barn;t*ln s Homes, and a White Uibboner. delighted th« meeting with a solo, and In returning thanks for the welcome accorded her. gave a short briery talk on her views of the temperance outlook in New Zealasid and in the Home land -she stated that dm always

carried a book of pledges wherever she went. Mr Mackesy, Aren Organiser for New Zealand Alliance also gave a short a* I*l less. Mrs Norrie, who has not been well enough to attend the meetings for the last eight ntont*t\ pai*l a surprise visit and was accorded a warm welcome. Mrs Trott ral'nl on the n , e , *tinK to stiind and sing the Ten-perait* »• l to logy, utter which she offered *, p ) . rever of thanksgiving. Mrs Norrie, v ho has gtill to Is* very carsful, thanked the members for her welcome, a*nd Mrs Trott for so ably filling the chair for h**r. and expressed her great pleasure at being present. W AIM ATE. June. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather, we liad no May meeting An acknowledgment for 11 Is. from the Mayor (Mr Hash) for the purpose of obtaining literature concerning “The League of Nations'' for one year. Mrs Roy und Miss McCarthy attended the \llian* e Conference at Tirnsru. being “White Ribbon Day," Mrs Graham handed in her report re sales of White Ribbon. Mrs Elder then read a paper sent by the Editor, dealing with the aims Mid objects of the “White Ribbon Movement,” which was very interesting and much enjoyed hy ill present. I'uptnin Armstrong, of tin* Salvation Ami), gave an address w» the four letters of our badge, dealing at length with • Women.'' “i ‘brist '.-ins Temperance," ami “Unions," in a very attractive way. A note of regret was expressed at the Inability of Mrs Kipp**nberger to continue in office with tlie Y. Branch of our Union. Miss Smart has been appointed in her stead. A vote of thanks to Captain Armstrong; aftertu»*ai tea served. N E. VALLEY. June. Mrs Miller presiding. It being White Ribbon I'ay, a large number of members were present. The papers rend hy members were suitable to the day. ami wetv much appreciated by all present and should gain many subscribers to our brave little paper, “Tb.* White Ribbon." Mrs Saunders gave a ver; Interesting account of the meeting of *t**legutes at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Alliance. PAIRLIE. June 8. Good attendance. Mrs Wilcox elected President till end of )«*nr, Mrs Chisholm having left district. Union secured money box for extra collections. After usual business, Mrs Songster read a glowing paper on the life of Frances Willard, enjoyed by all. Afternoon tea. WANGANUI EAST. May 12. Mrs Duxfletd in the chair. Regret expressed, Mrs Siddalls was unable to continue Superintendency of L.T.L. A record to be placed in the minutes in appreciation of past services. Fxiion decided to hold a combined meet Ini* with Central Union in *-e|ehrat«ig ‘Peace Day.' Mrs Siddalls to I*** delegate to Inglewood Convention. A donation f £<* 7s. (s*l was made to the Organising Fu d. and members agreed to render all assistance m increasing tli** roll of "scattered members.'' Number of members expressed their wlltngneaa to become ‘active’ members of the ‘People's Organisation of Bibb* In Schools.’ A silent \ote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Emmett amt family. Secretary to write to Mrs Brown, expressing sympathy >n her illness Mrs Brown read extracts from Otago Witness, from Ijtdy Fergusson and others, expressing appreciation of the work of the W.C.T.U (’re. lie at the Uunedin Exhibit ion; also others of the success of a “Urv Exhibition.”

June 10. Mrs Dux field preaided, ami welcomed Mrs Hopkirk, late of Invercargill. Mrs Goo*la* re, transferred from New Plymouth, Mrs Fran*-is Mills from Auckland, and Miss Sutton. England Three members received into membership. Union celebrated Whit** Ribbon I»ay,’ Secretary read pig Mn* Per.\man's excellent little paper; a collection was taken hi aid of Maori work. Mrs Binn i la*legate) ga>'« an excellent rejsirt of the Convention, w ih*h proved very helpful and inspiring. At July meeting. Mrs Puxfiebl has promised to repeat her ‘Convention’ address, “Past. Present, and Future.” Mrs Puxfield spoke a few appropriate words of fare*ell to Mrs Williams, who has since left for Auckland, wishing her improved henlth and Cod-speed to her new home

HAMILTON July ). A good attendance of ntemliers present. The President read correspondence re the Pistrirt Convention to be held at Moriinsvllle on September sth. The inemU*rs of the Executive were invited to meet the new ly-appointed Organiser at Mrs Jones's residence, mi Tuesday afternoon, to talk over plU| «>f work Mis H Q .lolms«m road in a most pleasing manner. “The life of Frances Willard.” 1 decided to make tlie August meeting a pay up socinl afternoon. Our members have been working for tlie Rihle-in-Bchools lv Organisation, and Mrs Johnson secured fifty signatures. NORTH BRIGHTON. June 15. Tlie second meeting of this Ucwly-formed Union was addressed by Mrs T. E. Taylor, who outlined the various forms of activity o|>en to ardent members of the W.C.T.U. Tlie President spoke U|stii the value of the “White Ribbon" as an educative factor m the life of busy women with not overmuch time to study the Prohibition question. Sev*si subscribers were Obtained, and two members were Initiated. W ARK WORTH Rather small meeting owing to sickness, and stress of work in connection with Baby Carnival* lor Piunket wnrk. Tw«. non members initiated. Members looking forward to Miss Bradshaw’s visit shortly. Meeting unanimously in favour of legislatirai reform, to he urged according to Miss Henderson's circular. Regret that nothing *:in lie done to prevent the smokmg of cigarettes by girls. Mrs Taylor, New Zealand President, urged prayer and education. Arrangements made for forwarding of parcels of warm clothing to Sister Esther for distribution Hinmig tin* poor. Ik*ep sympathy was expressed with Mrs M< Kinney and her family, in their tragi* loss, by accident, of son and brother. MAUNOATUROTO. June 22. Meeting held, small attendance. Correspondence re Miss Bradshaw visiting our district, wits read. Decided to try nnd hold a spec in I meeting on that occasion. INVERCARGILL CENTRAL. Jmu* 8. Good attendance. Mrs Stanley Brown gave a very interesting and instructive address on “The care of the mentally unfit " The Pres lent spoke of the sterling qualities and excellent work achieve*! by the late Mrs Johnston Wright. Evangelistic Superintendent. Members then standing In silence as a token of respect. The President and He* retarv were appointed as delegates to the Annual Conference of the Southland Area of the New- Zealand Alliance. After«v*on tea was served. BELT'A *5 T. June 9. Mrs Ro bin -f\: presided over a small attendance. I*?t * r >*f sympathy sent to Mj-n Clarke (8. .ilor) In the loss of her husband. Member* repoated Pledge, and a sentence on the effects of Alcohol on the Human mind was read hy a member and discussed by all. wrhi*h proved very interesting. Some piec<*s were then read from our paper, and also a leaflet on “What is tin* White Ribbon?” An ap|>eal was made to members to talk more about it to their friends. Decided to start s ('radio Roll, Hint also a Band of Hope. Afternoon t**a was served. FOXTON. Tune 17. White Ribbon I>av; Mrs McDonald presided over fair attendance. A very interesting paper on the "White Kiblstn," was read by Mrs Chrvstnll. Mrs Mcl >«>nald also read an interesting article on the “Little White Bow.” IVclded that each meml*er try to secure another subscriber for the “White Ribbon" pn|»er. A very pleasant afternoon was brought to n close with the Benediction. RAI VALLEY. June I*s. Eight members present; Mrs Leov gave a short address on White Ribbon Day. Decided to write and ask Mrs Penman. in tile event of her visiting Nesnn <n July, to give an address at Ral Valley also. A ietler of appreciation to he s«sit to the Prime Minister for his statements regarding Art Unions Resolved that the next meeting take the form of a social afternoon

TKMt'JCA. Miy 14. Fair attendance, President in cnsir. A very fin* rw -Ration on "Tin* fruits of the first glass of wlm," whd given by Mrs La wry. June 21. Fair dtfndHnf'c, cold night; Vreiidrnt in chair. A paper uan read on tlie "White Ribbon.*' an<l members asked to get as many new subscribers as possible. Mrs H lark more gave a very Interesting Ini per on "ller rerent visit to Huva." Ho much was it enjoyed, that she was requested, and luis kindly consented to give it again. Decided to hold our July meeting in the afternoon to enable some country friends, who camiot attend at night, to be Initiated. AUCKLAND. June 14. A isigely at t ended meeting. Mrs Peryman. Editor of the ofTiclal pa|*er of the l moil. "The White Ribbon," was present, and gave » powerful address on the possibilities of lielping the Cauie of Temperance, by means of circulating the paper. A short report of the Peace Day meeting was given by Mrs Judaon; and Mrs Neal briefly reports the work of meeting Immigrants on arrival at Auckland A motion of appreciation of the action of the Oity Council in objecting to the Government erecting more hoard mgs in the city, was passed. The President. Mrs Henfeil, announced that the District Convention would lie held at Dominion Road. m\ September 15th, when the National President. Mrs T. E Taylor, would l*e present. SOFT!! CA NTERRFRY. Jure 14. rVsid-H President. Vice-Presi-dent, and S» < i *tary, representatives irom Timaru, Ashburton, Rakaia. Fairlie. Pleasant Point., Walinate. and Totara Valley were present. Itocidvd to se< ure a number of invitation cards for free distribution from North Canterbury. Several members reported on the Area Convention of Alliance held in Timaru on 3rd June. The President reported on her visit to Ashburton. Pleasant Point and To»am Valley, at the latter plate an exceptionally good meeting had been held. Tin- VicePresident. Mrs Low, reporved that she had visited WaJmate and had given an address on the League of Nations. In connection with this, a splendid report was put in the \N aimate Daily Advertiser, an l also a very able lending article dealing with the various activities of the W.c.T r . greatly appreciated. Reported that the Timaru Y. Branch had heexi revived under the Lcn.h rship of Mrs Gordon. Miss Smart, the latelyappointed Superintendent of the Wnimate Y’s, sent a very Interesting paper oi work among the Youi People, whi< h was read by Mrs Roy. ..range merits made for President to visit Geraldine and Waimai'*. christciiitrch. June 2H Miss Henderson presided over a good attendance. Mrs Wicks, our Medical Temperance Hu|a*rlnt«sid«*nt. gave a few Interesting facts on tin* question of alcohol and its relation to insanity. Its effect on morals, and how it lessens capacity for work Miss Henderson welcomed to the Cn'on. Mrs Odell (late of Timaru I Miss Bishop and Mis" Mel .ay, the latter being lately appointed one of the Dominion Organisers Arrangements were made for Miss Henderson and Mrs Richards to speak at the Guilds of Addington. Sydenham, St. Andrew's, and. Richmond A number of Convention Resolutions were discussed, and fully explained bv M<hs Henderson, a*.ul It v' ns revolted to urge u|*on the memlteie of Parliament, the necessity of amending casting legislation so as to provide for (1) The of Women Police: 42> Tlie appointment of Women Juat'<*es of the Peace; (3) The inclusion of Women upon Juries; (4) The mother of a family having equal right of guardianship with the father: <sl An amendment of the Poll e Offemce* Act in the direction of making it an offence for a |>crson to Is* found In a residence at any time during day or night without lawful excuse; <(>) An amendment of the Institute Persons' A»-t. in the direction of fa) placing the onus of proving inability to pay upon the defendants; fb> making provision whereby men committed to gaol for no’n-roinpllnnce with maintenance orders, shall he’ employed upon remunerative work, and their earn trigs

applied to the maintenance of their dependents. Mrs R< wxitree was appointed to represent the Christchurch Pnions on the Band of Ho|*e Fnlon Committee. Mrs T. I'. Taylor spoke foi a short time on the Bible in-Bchools Movement.

Jmic 30. Pay Up social. Owing to the wet evening, there was not a la -ge attendance. Miss Henderson presided, and a number of musical items, solos and duets were given, also a recitation. Mr Paterson. Alliance Organiser, spoke for a si ort time oil the activities and plans of work, of the New Zealand Alliance. He also tou hed on Child Welfare and the in-rease in mental defective children, the problems ana great expense it was proving to the State. Miss Henderson read a letter of thanks ant appreciation from the Matron of the <'hilares'* Air Rmm Her Pamela of clothing received from the Union. Supper was

served. May 12. Peace Day observed. Mrs MilHams gave* am interesting address upon the subject. Several members helped in street collection on Poppy l>ay. Miss Henderson gave brief account of New Zealand Alliance Annual meeting.

April 2*. Soc ial in honour of three retiring officers. Musical items and songs were rendered. Mow Henderson in a few words of appreciation, presented Mrs T. K. Taylor, Retiring President, with a gold bow badge studded with pearls, and a handsome handbag. A number of member* testified to their regret at Mrs Taylor’s resignation, but they felt honoured that she had been elected I>oiiiinion President. Miss l#ovellHmith, our faithful Treasurer for so many years, and Miss Bishop, our xaalous Recording Secretary, had ls»th found It necessary to retire*, and Miss Henderson presented each with hand-hags. Mims la>vell-Bndth presented a hand-bag to Miss Gordon as a small token of the Union's love and esteem for her long year*, of faithful service, she having Joined the Union when it was organised by Mrs la*avitt, in IHKS. Kupper was served i.ud Temp* ran<*e Doxology sung. May 2t». Miss Henderson presided, "'lie Pledge was .repeated and Medical Temper-ari'-e fm ts vive-i. i>y Mrs Wicks. Delegates nnpotntei. to Hthle-iti Schools Conference; Sc- retarv of wl .rh is to be notified that Union will give all possible help Convention resolutions explained l*v Miss liciiderNon Defer consideration of "Gambling** until District Convention, and Superintendent of Anti-Gambling to be uppo nted. Members to vis.t Woman’s and Church organisations. and if possible, arruige for a speaker to put before them aims and objects of W.C.T.I*. Vote of sympathy with Miss Eacnsliaw in lier recent Mines*. June 9 Vlisu Henderson presided. Several liters premised to asMist in street collection for Society for Protection of Women and Children. Arrangements made for .speakers to address several guilds who had asked for speakers Miss llendcreon re ported on Creche at Kxlilliit'on Rev J t Viursev, gave iwi address on the work ami Influence* of the W.C.T I'. DUNEDIN June 4. Social for workers who hel|ted at the Exhibition Creche, also a* a farewell to Miaa A. Webb, Secretary of Creche Committee, who is leaving to make her home in Oamaru. July 6. Good attendance. Mrs Iktnaldson, a recent arrival from the Glasgow Union wo* warmly welcomed, when responding, gave sohie tateresting fac ts ah*>ut a World’s Convention held recently In Edinburgh. Mrs Denton Leech briefly explained the representation on the la-ague of Nations, and '•as heartily thanked. Miss Rex-ant was appointed Cradle Roll Bu|terintendent. Rel*orts were received from Mrs Hutton about women'* meetings ta Churches and concert parties on behalf of the Union In various I net it ut ions, and representative upon the Women'* Rest Room snd Creche, which the citizen* propose* building. As Parliament is now in cssion, it was ni-ain decided to urge upon Members of Parliament the necessity of amending existing legislation. BLENHEIM. July c. Mrs McCallum, President, presided over h well-attended meeting Decided to hold a Home mooting, and have a Scientific address at our next meeting. Tlie Pledge is also repeated at our meetings A letter has been sent to our Member, urging

him to support the resolutions, on the social questions, safe-guarding women and children. Mrs A. M Mills read a very xit«re«ting and instructive paper on "Gambling'’ in its many forms; a short discussion followed, ana a hearty vote of thank* w u accorded to Mrs Mills. Afternoon tea was handed rout.d. WAVERI.EY. June- July. Both these meetings were w *d attended. At the June meeting, it was decided to allow the Plunket Society the u - of part of the Rest Room. Mrs Wall wax chosen as delegate to the Inglewood Conference, and at the July meeting presented a very Interesting report thereof. ThGirl's Club held an afternoon and collected enough for three easy chairs for the lien Room and the IMiion decided to instal * heater which will he a great blessing on cold days. It is with great regret that I have to record the death of Mrs A. J. Adlam. at one time President of our Union The deceased lady gave willingly her capable services m sickness and trouble; her helpful sympathy will be sadly missed. TAKAPUNA July 1. Mrs Penning presided. Mr* Cook, Dominion Secretary of the Bible-ill-Schools league gave a ver l- good address on that subject. The platform of Blblo-in-School league contains four planks: Recitation of lord's Prayer; Staging a Hymn; Reading a passage of Scripture without comment; Conscience Clause* for Teacher, Parent and Child. A very hearty vote of thanks to the speaker, and all promised to help in this good work. GRKYTOWN. June 29 Twenty members and friends preseut; one new memlter Joined. Derided to give afternoon tea to inmate* of Buchanan Home on July 14th. Mrs I*. McKenzie to buy prizes for competition Collection (1 Xs. 4 d , hi If for Issal Fund, and half to New Zealand Fund. Miss Hurls gave an interesting talk on teiii|terunee amt social work, and was heartily applauded ASHBURTON. July <i "Pay Up" social largely attended said very successful. Mrs W H Robinson occupied tlie chair. la*ttci> of sympathy sent 10 several memlter* who were sick oi suffering, including Mr and Mrs R. Hurt on and Rev. R. B. Tinsley, the victims of an unfortunate motor accident. Gratitude was expressed that results were Mot more sen tills Greetings were received frotn Mrs \t T I.ill. though still unnbic „«# be |«resent A request was received from Headquarter* urg ng mcmlters to link up with the Bible In-School* League at on«-e Mias Render son wrote, drawing attrition to resolutions passed at Convention, also, that amendments proponed to exiting Legislation re Women Police, Justices of Peace, and Women tri Juries, Is* placed liefore the local M.l’ without «lelay. Mrs ls*e. of Rakaia Union was transferred to Ashburton branch. Three new members were enrolled. Superintendent of "Antl-(lambllng" reported that the Prime Minister'* attitude to Art Unions laid been noted, and a letter of thanks and appreciation sent him An Interest *ig report «'f tinArea Convention of the N.Z. Alliance submitted bv Mrs C. J. Oorhett Miss (kites. (Officer of "Child Welfare" Department addressed the meeting The President heartily congratulated Miss Gates on her recent apt mint inert as a Government Official, ami assured her of the interest, and prayerful co-operaton of the members of the Union in her work. A very wijoyahlc programme was contributed, and a <up of ten h ssuled round, during which an opportunity was given members to discharge their obligation* to the Treasurer. BTYX June 19 Social afternoon at Mrs Blain’s to meet the children w ho Intended to become members of the L.T.L. Miss M<'l-ay ad dressed the children. 1 decided to meet at 2.30 p m. every Sunday at the home of their leader. Mrs Tlthertdge June 2<5. Mr* Blnta led exercises. Siorv relating to tobacco poisoning; recitation* by the boys. July 13. Fourteen children signed the Pledge, and received their L.T.1,. Badge Children are studying a dialogue to assist at r Band of Hope concert. Mr* Blain read Y.l* Supplement (June number) which was much enjoyed. Closing exercises.

BTRATFORD. June 25. “White Ribbon Day” celebrated; there were about thirty present. Mr* Phillip*, the President, made an appeal to the ladle* prenent to In* up and doing; also on behalf of "White Ribbon" which she explained is edited by ladle*, ami contain* information for Prohibition work era Mia* Royer* iptve several violin holob, accotnlianied by Mr* Carter, which a ere mu< li appreciated. A dainty afternoon tea wu* .served. MANAIA. turve. The weather wan bad, but attendanve wa* good. Mrs Robinson. the VicePresident. taking the chair, and giving a report of the Convention. The membership roll wa* gone over, se.wtal names to be . rossed out owing to members having gone a*ay and It was arranged thrt the Secretary write to the various Union* near to whoa* headquarters bride* had settled. Three new members were promised; the present membership numbers 41. Several members volunteered for visiting work in their own localities, to try to increase membership and activity. WANGANUI CENTRAL. July 1. Mrs Goody presided. Mrs Bathgate gave a report of Devotional addresses given during Dominion Convention, which was exceptionally interesting. A|»ologie* sere received from several absent members. Mrs Bathgate reported ail offer of women * tiling to work up the Union. A list of name* of emigrants was handed In with a request for the W.C.T.U. ladles to get In touch with them. Mrs Goody, Delegate to the District Convention, gave a very good report. Mr* Upton gave n talk at Convention on *• Responsibilities.’ Mrs Irwin yuve a reading on the *'V\ hit* 4 Ribboa l«per,‘* the Official Organ of the W.C.T.U. Ylie next District Convention to »*• held at Ha went. NEW PLYMOUTH. June 17. "White Rlbl'on" Day observed. Mrs X. Jones presiding A very interesting ami instructive pa|»er was read by Mr* Craig, from Mr* Peryman. Editor of the "White Ribbon." bongs were tendered by Mrs Scott and Miss Hodder. Afternomi tea was dispensed by Mm Lynn. June 30. Report of the M angadu i District Convention be the delegate Mrs Chapman was rompllim«ted by the President and others U|s»n her interesting and concise account of the business fans acted, and at the conclusion, a hearty vote •f tlianks was a* -corded our delegate Arraiigements were mad* 1 lor the forthcoming Bell-birds concert, to Is* given under tlie management of Mrs J. * raig. in aid of I la* Hen mem's Rest lune 23. A Home meeting wa* held nt tin* Fltxroy Parsonage Mrs X. Jones Wive nn interesting talk upon VI hat our 1 nion stand* for" Mr* Craig also informed those present of some of the duties mi.l goo work being curried on by the menilie:.- at tli. present time. M.= Chapman spoke about the Cradle Poll Departniimt. of wlmli Mis Oliver I* Huperinten*lent. Two song* and a pianoforte solo. Hearty vote of thanks to Mrs Coasum. MOTUEKA. Juno 30 Bight present; the chair was occupied by the President. I Vented that at each meeting, a membor bring h»o»‘K » "Pact." relating to the effect of Alcohol on the body. The branch here is looking forward to a promised visit from tin* Editor of the “White Ribbon.” A pa|**r entitled "Whst is the White Ribbon, was read and much enjoyed A collection was taken for White Ribbon Dw>.

OAMAItU. June 14. Quarterly social evening and Waist line supper; good attendance. Mrs I’larke, President, occupier tne chair. Mis Corlett. White Ribbon Agent, read a very fln- paper (Sent by Mrs Peryman) ‘n which was urged the value of the ttt.ite Ribbon from an educational at and point. ami the need of increased Hrcula'ion A vote or sytnimthy was passed to Mrs < athcart. m the death of her husband It was n* solved that tlie Usiion enil a protest to the Minister of Internal Affairs against an' more iterniits being granted for Art l mons our £560 According to promise, and It w ,ih resolved to send a letter of appreciation to the Prime Minister re the stand

he nas taken against gambling. A vote of tlianks was accorded to Mrs Pygall and Miss A ,iist<>n, tlie soloists of the evening, and to Miss Aikenhcad for her excellent tccita lion. One new member. CHEVIOT. June 15. An enthusiastic home meeting held at Mrs Clifford's. Mrs Hwinord, VicePresident, gave a short and helpful address Mrs Walmsley, of Hpotswood. was elected as President. The next meeting was arranged for August, after which Mrs gwinerd pronounced the Benediction, and a dainty after neon tea was served. TAKA PUNA. June Mrs Penning in the chair, and attendance was good. Mrs Retiful, District President, and Miss Bradshaw, Organiser, were present. Miss Bradshaw gave a very nice address, urging the need for aa« b to do their part to increase our membership and tlie circulation of our paper. A protest was made against the grantdig of a license on the waterfront. Ke*eral new subscribers gained. Afternoon tea served A solo by Miss Mills much enjoyed. BRIGHT! IN June 17. A we 11-arranged Con versa xione. both afternoon and evening. President, Mr* Hail presided at both functions, in the afternoon songs were given by Meadame* Hewitt, F Spruscn. and K Campbell, and the Rev. J. S. Young gave a very tine address Afternoon tea was served, and several tievv members were inflated. In the • evening an excellent programme was arranged those contributing Items lieing Mesdames Campbell and Hewitt, Misses Rains. Langley, Gibb and Nelson, and Mr U. Campbell A dialogue, written by Miss B. .d llarband, explaining tlie work of tlie W.C. T.U., was given by tlie officers of til* Branch. During tlie dialogue a duet was sung by Mcwdames Campbell and Mitchell, and a solo by Mrs Farmer. A total of eight new members were initiated at tlie two meeting* including two honorary (male) members. RIVERTON June 23. A most successful "White RibIm»ii" afternoon was held l*y our President at lier home. There were twenty present, and a very pleasant ime was spent Mrs Rowe and Mrn Prosser sang two solo* en*h. Mrs Ciu*sell* accotnpony ing them. »»ur He* - rotary road a !W|ht on "White Riblton" Day. Two new siitis* rhier* were gained. On Is-lialf of the members. Mrs Fordyce thank *.l Mrs Gray for her kind hospitality, and nvlted tlie Union to hold the next Notable IWy at her residence. HASTINGS. June 21. Mrs Banks, President, in the chair. Twenty -one member* and visitor present. “White Ribbon" Itiiv celebrated by the paner on "White Ribbon” ls*aig read by Mrs Paul, "White Riblton” Agent, who also gave lo*r experiences a* a "White lUbtx n" Agent during her five years* office. Her service.* were greatly appreciated, also those of tlie newly -appointed Assistant. Mrs Murtagh. The subscribers roll now stand at »>•* (lieing more than our membership). —(Well done. Ed. W.R.). Reports of Young People's work for the month received, also Literature Bupt. and Sick Visiting Committee, also that the Union had been ropre sented on tlie District Nursing Association. Mrs Sutherland was hostess for the afternoon Collection 14/5. 1 hiring Devotions, Mrs Darby gave a paper, entitled “Jesus Our Guide." and Mrs Rank* gave a solo, which was greatly appreciated. INVERCARGILL SOUTH June 5 Quite a large gathering «*f members anti friends. President, Mrs Garrvtt. occupied the cha'r. Mr* Pryde followed devotion* w ith a suitable sa< rod solo. Nurse Griffiths and Miss McCallttm will attend AlHance Convention "* iwlegates for the Southern Union. The aitemoon was set aside for information a..u riuw-usMoti on "Maori Work." ami Mrs Garrett, who was favoured by a paper from Sister Niohol mi Maori Work in the North Island, interested her hearers for quite a long time, and Mrs Aiteheson here kindly asid sweetly sane a solo. Mrs Parker noted as accompanist.

MABTERTON June 17. Social “At Hoii*e’' meeting for tlie observant* of "White Rihi»on" Day. \ ery good attendance of member* and 1 nend*. I »eeui**nt referred to tlie cdu< a tuial wo;* done through tlie medium of Hu* Waite Ribbon.' Agent gave a short report showing that the circulation of the I taper Is Steadily iu* Teasing. A very fine address by Mi** Burl on S«h ial and National improvements, eape< i H ||y to World Peace and National Prohibition. Referring to Prohibition. Mina Burl s|*oke of the effect of alcohol on the human boily, on tin* unborn child, «sul stressed the need for tlie education of parenthood for the protection of the life to come. EE lI.DING July 1. Annua' Gift afternoon for Willard Home. Good at', cndmicc presided over by Mrs ack. A very aatisfactory tivmlN-r of useful nrt fries were brought in also tlie huiii of £1 10s collected in the room. Mrs Beattie *ml Mrs Jones very kindly offered to convey tlie good* to tlie Home in tiled* cars. Hongs and recitations were contributed by various member*, aanl afternoon tea dispensed. Resolved that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs |-b*lflt. a meiiilier who is very seriously ill. A< in ulnr dealing with certain legislative demands of our Union was read and discussed. Resolved that our .M P Is* written to on the subject. OTAHUHU. June 10. Mrs Greenwood presided. Miss Bradshaw spoke, snd urged member* to strive to increase the niemherwhip of the Union and tile circulation of th* "White Ribbon." The address wa* much enjoyed, nnd all premut promised to do ah they could to gain new niemliers and subs< ribers. July 1. President. Mrs Greenwood, «h----eupied tin* cliair; Mrs Pain gave a very hitcprstixig talk on tlie effect of nlcohol on flic body, which was listened to with great interest by all present. OPOTIKL June 15 Mrs Tliompson presided. Mrs and Miss Steele rendered a duet. President gave a stirring address on "The Influence of Women." < 'onweponderue from Mrs IVr> man and Mrs G hhs were read and dealt with. Band of Hope meetings di*< ussed, arid arrangei amts made for tlie winter months. Mcsdatne* (V 11. nnd T. Fleming served afternoon t< i. A Hand of Hope meeting, held in the Theatre on Tuesday, 22nd, over 30« people present. Mr* Thompson presided and tlie meeting opened with Uoinmunity singing and prayer Captain Grl<*e gave a very interesting address. tn excellent program me was rendered by condoned Sunday Schools; accompaniments played by Miss Elliot and Mrs Humbly. WELLINGTON SOUTH. July |. Ml*** Keene. Vice-President, presided. In acmnlanre witli tin recommendation priaacd at Convention, all rose and repeated tile pledge, after wliali a sli<>ri extract was read dealing with the efTe<t of alcohol. The Secretary was instru< ted to write to Members of Parliament asking for legislation in connection with Women Police, the oppointment of Women Justices of the Peace, tile nclusion of Women on .Juries, the mother of a family having equal rights with the fattier, and an amendment ,n the Po!;. t- Offence* Act. making it an offence for a person to be found In n residence at any time during the day or night without lawful excuse. Tlie aims and object* of the Bible-in-Schools League were din ussed. and all promised their support to the Hill which would la* submitted to Parliament The members then dealt with the forthcoming Thanksgiving. to l»e held o;i the 15th of tlie mouth, when the mortgage on the property would be paid. Tlie advertising of liquor on Stamp hook lets and tram tickets was taken exception to. also even the suggestion of Ik»jh playing football on Hun lays was regretted especially as then* Is so much Kahhath desecration abroad, the lifting of

tlie R*-nt Restriction Act was also brought

up. and a majority of those present agreed tlint they considered this Act a* one of tin* most Just and righteous Acts placed on the Statute Books for protecting a portion of tlie community who an* least able to protect themselves, and it wa* hoped that it would i»e conthmed.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 373, 18 July 1926, Page 8

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 373, 18 July 1926, Page 8

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 373, 18 July 1926, Page 8

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