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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Evvry Union should report. 2. Reports mpst be short. 3. Must be in by Kth of month. 4. Don’t report what you are goiiui to do. F>. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. WANGANUI EAST. April, Good attendance, Mrs Eccersnll, Vire-Pre»ident, in the chair. Vote of symputhy with our President in her double bereavement, was i<assed, the members standing. Regret w«« felt at Mrs Frethey's rontinued ill-health, ard earnest hopes for her speedy recovery. The Treasurer's report and balance sheet were read and adopted. Twmty-*ix new members had joined, bringing the total to 88. General satisfaction was expressed at the year's work. Mrs Bath (rate. Superintendent of the L.T.L. Department, gave a fine account of her visit to the <*bnventlon, and of the wonderful reports from all quarters of differivit brunches of the work, particularly the Maori work and the Young People's Department. A helpful and inspiring meeting. OREYTOWN April. 27th. President occupied the chair, fair attendance. Resolved to assist "Bible in State School League” by seven members obtaining signatures of seven adults who are in favour of Hible reading in State Schools. Two new members joined the I’uion, and one resignation received with regret. Mrs D. McKenzie anil Miss Oates appointed visitors to siek for May and June. Mrs A. M. Hnigh gave am entertaining report of all Items of imijortance at Dominion Convention, for which she was accorded a heart.' vote of thanks. CARTERTON. May sth. Mrs R. H. Every presided over tiie meeting, m the unavoidable absence of the President, Mrs Tylen Decided by members to keep In touch with the new country members who recently linked up with the Union, and letters to be sent concerning the momthly meetings, m*»' o copies of the Convention number the White Ribbon. Decided to send a lettei of appreciation to Mrs Don. who was the iHmitnion President for so lonj. Mrs Wilton gave the remainder of the paper dealing with some Interesting subjects, from her visit to Convention, at Christchurch, where she went as n Delegate from this branch. The speaker was thanked for the paper. Afternoon tea was served, the Hostesses being Mrs Jones and Miss Edwards. M ANA I A. April 13th. Mrs Bcott presiding. The main business was her report of the Convention and discussion mi points raised. Cradle Roll work was reported well started for the year, and the Cnior’s offer of an essay prize to the Public School has been gratefully received. A White Ribbon agent was appointed, And at once received reveral requests for the paper, the Union also deciding to send out six copies for the next quarter, to attract new subscribers. Afternoon tea was served hv Miss Mary Hansen. MABTERTON May Kth Very good attendance. Mrs Cocker presiding. Decided to secure litersture on Social and Moral Hygiene and give an afternoon to its study; to ask superintendents of depts. to give short reports quarterly: to send copy of Bec'ys Annual Report to Miuisters with the request that they refer to It and the work of the W c T U. <m Temperance Sunday; that at all future meetings the pledge be re (tea ted ! after the devotional exercises; that Mat \

17th be kept as W.C.T.U. Peace Day with special meeting and address; suggested th At Hornes might be given by members each month in order to get into touch with women likely to link up with Scattered Members Dept. la>yal Temperance Legion formed under leadership of Miss Jacksotx Opening meeting May 21st, two children from each Sunday School to contribute items.

TEMUKA. 9th April. The President presided, Good attendance. Pinal arrangements for L.T.L. Mrs Hewson, delegate to N.Z. convention gave a most interesting report which was very attentively listened to and enjoyed by all present. Mrs Hewson was accorded a hearty vote of thank* Our President stressed upnvi all present to pray for and to help our young people to resist the temptations of strong drink STRATFORD. April 23rd. The took the chair. Mrs Phillips gave a very interesting report of Convention. Mr Dixon, of the N.Z. Alliance was also present iwid who was previously welcomed gave an interesting and educational account of tiie work of the Prohibition Movement. Votes of thanks were gi\i«n to the speakers, after which the meeting closed with prayer. There was a fair attendance. KEFTON. April 28th. Fair attendance of members, President in chain Delegate gave interesting rejMirt of work of Conventioni. I*ecided, after discussion, to form an LT.L. branch. Collection taken for Willard Home. Arranged to have special Peace address for May meeting. Afternoon tea was dispensed. OPOTIKI. April 15th. Special meeting; Mall prettily decorated to receive President’s Convention address. Good number present. Mrs Letts and Miss Elliott sang; Mrs Hamhly accoiiiiMinriedl Afternoon tea provided by Mrs Hughes tind the Officers. Interesting and profitable meeting terminated with doxology. OTAHUHU. May 6th. flood attendance, Mrs Greenwood, our President took tiie chair; also Mrs Finch, President of IV von port, kindly came to our meeting and gave us a most interesting talk on Peace, which we all appreciated. Our President had the pleasure of initiating two new members. Atternoon tea was then handed round. MOBOJEL. Ap. <i 20th. Mrs Hiett presided and gave a repoit of part of the Conference, as time wouldn't permit the hearing of it all. so what she did tell us was most interesting anil very helpful, and we are looking forward to Mrs Hiett's return, when she will give us the remainder. A vote of thanks carried by acclamation was accorded Mrs Hiett for her most educative address. WANGANUI CENTRAL. May oth A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Emmett and family on the death of Mr Emmett. Special prayer was offered for her anil for members who were sick. Arrangements were made for Peace meetings on May the 17th. Two visitors were welcomed. Miss Well wood from Dargaville, and Mrs Pole from Otaki. The President read the report of the Seamen's Department, and spoke of the effort New Plymouth was making to start a Seamen’s Hostel there. A circular was read re Hible in Schools Organisation.

DUNEDIN CENTRAL April 6th. Meeting very small, probably because of Easter holida>s and Exhibition visitors. Reply from Minister of Internal Affairs re protest at continued permit for Art Union was received and deemed satisyfactory. May 4th. Meeting fairly attended, Mrs Didham conducted devotions, and urged the need of continued and earnest prayer. The Pledge was leeited by all members standing . he main business was the report of the Ivlegates to Convention, that by Miss Weld* being read by Miss Powell, Mrs I Miff spoke

on the social aspect of the Convention. Mrs at Hiett's report whs held over till the June meeting, at which it is hoped that the complete report and balance sheet of the Creche Committee will also be given. OXTORP. April 21st. President in the chair. A resolution was passed expressing sympathy with Mrs J. Wetherwpoon and Miss \ Waterman in their illness and Mrs D. Clai„ in the illness oi hoi little hoy. Miss Caverhill. Delegate, lead a very Instructive and inspiring report of Convention, for which she was most heartily thanked. A resolution was passed thanking all those who had assisted by goods, money, or personal help towards the success of the refreshment booth ut the Show. A letter was received from the Secretary of the County Council regarding Anzae Day. Decided to provide a wreath, and that as many members as possible attend the service. After the meeting adjourned, member, heard with deep so mm of the death of their first, and lieloved President, Mrs R. 11. GaJnaford, to whose enthusiasm and able leadership the Ox font Union owed so much. She hath done what she could while she could. PONBONBY. April 15th. Present. 28 members. Business. Final arrangements for the Knife and Fork tea, to he given in the Unity Hall, to farewell Min Lee-Cowie and party and Mrs Kasper. Mrs Ijoe-Cnwie strongly pro tested against the ndvt. for spirits on tie stamp booklets purchased at the Govt. P. 0., a matter w hich, since then, the New Zealand Alliance is taking up; also Mrs Cowie spoke about tiie small boys selling papers on tin streets till Ift o'clock. Mrs Olliver, Conven tion Delegate, then gave a short resume ot the doings at Convention. There were a good many things arising out of the report that will lie brought up again. May 6th. Mrs Cowie presided over a good gathering of members. Prayers of sympatic were offered for Mrs Jackson, one of our members in the serious illness of her bus hand. Mrs Hayr was appointed Acting President during the absence of Mrs Cowie. who is leaving for six months holiday in Honolulu Decided to do all In our power to assist the Bible-in-Schools League, and

e'ght members voluntered to take slips and membership cards. Afternoon tea wnserved. TAKAPITNA. April Ist. Vote of sympathy passed with the Rev. and Mrs Nichols, on the death of their dear little son. Mrs Dowling gave us a very interesting report of the Convention, she was very heartily thanked. Miss Piper, who has just returned from a trip to England and who was much Impressed by the penny lea’s and morning coffee stalls, was welcomed back by Mrs Penning. May 6th. Mrs Penning in the chair. A letter from the 8*1.8,0.C. re Bible-in-Schools was read, and all in the room promised to help. Mr Hinton gave a talk on To in iterance work in England. He spoke of the P oneer. Clifford Roundtree, and the great work he had done at West Ham and w hen one can see 2,000 faces eagerly looking up. men and women, young and old, life is worth while. Miss Piper also rend a paper on Temperance in England.

HAWERA. April 3ftth. Eighteen members present Mrs Oxlev presided. Miss Kelly, Secretary, read pamphlet re Bible-in-Schools; a discussion followed, all members being strongly in fa%our of Mr Isitt's bill being passed, and pledging themselves to support it. Mrs Curtis, Delegate to Convention, gave n ver\ inspiring and interesting report, avid was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks Mrs Bischoff avid Mrs Squire were appointed Parliamentary Su|*erintendent and Vice President respectively. SPREYDON. April 13th. Opening meetvig of the year held at the reel deuce of President. Mrs Nairn: record attendance. Afternoon mostly nodal. Mrs Nairn gave a splendid report of Convention. Solos were suvig by Mrr Ell and Miss Pudnev. A trio was also sung by Miss Pudnev and Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Ancell. Mrs Raverstron and Mrs Broughton con sented to net as Superintendents of the Cradle Roll. Mrs Taylor, Dominion Pre«i-

dent spoke briefly on »he need of knowledge regarding Alcohol and its effects in the human body. Pin new member* weninitiated. ASHBURTON. April 13th. Small attendant e, Mr* W. H. Robinson, Presiding. Letter* of sympathy were directed to be *ent to the following in their recent bereavement: —Mr and Mr* D. Swanson, Kiccarton; Mr and Mrs J. Moore, Mr O. W. Andrews and family, and Mr J. Gamble and family. New Brighton. The President very feelingly referred to the passing away of Mrs Andrews and Mr* Gamble, who did valiant work for the Master In every good cause, while health permitted. Sympathy was also expressed with Mesdames Norrie, Lill, and Watson. A communication was received from the “Bible in State Schools'’ League. Decided to assist as requested. Owing to the absence of both Delegates from Ashburton, a sphnnlid report of Convention was submitted by the President, who was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Letters of appreciation to be sent to the Station-Master at Itnknia, and tc the Chairman of the Lnghmor School Committee, for good work done In beautifying their surroundings. May 4th. Mrs W. H. Robinson presided over a fair attendance. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs D. Jones in the loss of her father, also with several members in sickness. A warm welcome was extend is I to Mrs J. Murdoch, Secretary Mayfield Union, also to Mrs Bennett, Winrhmore. M W kle wrote sions of her first Convention, which was much enjoyed. President reported on n meeting of S.C. District Executive, held in Timaru, on April 12th. A brief and encouraging report on Annual Meeting of Ashliurton branch of New Zealand Alliance wn* also submitted. Mrs F. llockmg uml Mrs Corbett appointed to represent Union on NoIncense Council. I>e«dded to hold a Draw-ing-room gathering on May lsth, to he addressed by Mrs Hoag. Rakaia, and social afternoon on White Ribbon Day, inviting Miss Cook, Missionary, from China as speaker. Vote of thanks passed to the three ladies who made wreaths for the I'iiion on A<nzae Day. An extract on “Ideas ami Ideals" inculcating world peace and hui pier relations between nations, in the training of hoys was read, and heartily approved of.

RAWENE. April 29th. A very enjoyable gathering held at Mrs Johnson’s house. We were pleased to welcome a visitor in the person of Mrs Goodall who brought to us greetings itvm the Whnngarei Union, which we most heartily reciprocate. Mrs Goodall gave us an interesting report of the Convention. Another visitor, Mrs Bailley, who lu»s since, promised to Join us in memliershlp, gave ii- a very good solo. HENDERSON. \pril 21st. Presided over by Mrs Platt, Mrs McLeod, of Epsom, gave an interesting report of the Convention and the time ‘ >ent there Decided to attend the tea giv« n to farewell Mrs Lee-Cowie and friends. Our meeting ini May is to he held in Forester’s Hall, when we hope to have Mrs Perynian with us. Every member urged to attend and make the meeting as widely known as possible. Afternoon tea was served. DEVONPORT. April 14th was our Annual meeting. Twenty members present. The various reports were read showing ail improvement on the last year’s figures and work. The following Officers were elected: —Mrs Florrie Pinch, President; Mrs Burnett. Mrs Intinont, V <■-President; Mrs Trevuraa, Ree. Sec; Mrs Fraser, Treasurer; Mrs Watson, White Kii'hom Agent; Miss Bishop, Cradle Roll Superintendent. Arrangements were made for our share in the District Tea to he held m tlie end of the month. A social was ;, n >nged for May. Various ladies arranged to provide items and afternoon tea each month for the year. One new member initiated. LEIGH. March. Small attendance. President in the chair. Mrs Hamilton of Warkwortli, Wrote disking the Leigh Union to join in an attempt to get a Plunket Nurse to visit the district at regular intervals; interesting

discussion followed. Mrs Gozar read a paper entitled “A husband and happiness," which was fully enjoyed. April 29th. Mrs Grigg presided over a fair attendance, one visitor present. Mrs Hamilton’s letters re Plunket Nurse work wee again read and further discussed. Proposed that Mrs Matheson call a public meeting to ascertain the opinion* of the residents mi the subject. Resolved to send a parcel of clothing to Major Annie Gordon for her poor families Mrs Gri"g read a paper entitled, “A pair of old shoes," which was much appreciated. NORTH EAST VALLEY. April 29tli. A good attendance of members. The President, Mrs Peart, referred to Anzae Day. speaking sympathetically of those who hail lost relative* ill the war. Several ladies agreed to obtain signatures and distribute cards in connection with the Bible-in-Bchools Movement. Mrs Hlamires gave a very interesting address entitled, "The Wings of Life," and shoved how people could be helped ami uniifted by using the wings of "Faith, Hope, Low. and Imagination," and gave some very interesting experiences from her own life. A hearty vote of thanks was given to tin- Lecturer. RAI VALLEY, April 7th. Meeting held in Carluke Church, 9 members present. Mr* Woodward, Convention Delegate, gave an Interesting account of her visit to the Convention. Miss F. Woodward, who has l>e«<ii So<retar> of the branch since its inception tendered her resignation as she is leaving the district. Mrs Leov, President, spoke in appreciation of Miss Woodward's services as Secretary. Ik--cicled that all members who were aide should journey to Cunvastown during tin- month, and assist in forming a branch there. NEW BRIGHTON. April 29th. Meeting at Mrs C. Dixon’s residence with the object in view of forming a branch of the W.C.T.U. in North Brighton. Mrs H. Hall outlined the work of the Union, and Miss B. Harhand also spoke and moved that: Tin- time had arrived when a branch of the W.C.T.U. should bo formed in North Brighton. Decided to hold meetings on the 2nd Thursday in the month, and the following are the Officers elected: —President, Miss B M. Harband; Secretary, Mrs R. Parker; Treasurer, Mrs J. F. Eames. April 15th. The President, Mrs H. Hall,

hi the chair, and the attendance poor. Miss llarhatid's talk on Scientific Temperance Instruction again proving interesting ami 1 helpful. Members repeated the Temperance Pledge. Motions of sympathy were passed to Mr J. Gamble and Mrs Patchett. Decided to assist the Bible-hi-Schools Peoples’ Organisation. Reports of tin* Annual Convention were very good, and a hearty vote .of thanks was accorded the Delegates, one new member was initiated. GORE. April. The President. Mrs E. <Smith, presided over a good attendance. Tinevening was most interesting in consequence of Mrs Fairburo’s comprehensive report of the late Dominion Conference. The particular interest to the Gore branch was the presentation of the banner for gaining the largest proportion of new members during the year. This is the second time »he honour has been conferred upon us, and wo trust it will act as a stimulus to greater effort. Several very acceptable vocal solos were rendered by Mrs Hazlett, the evening closing with supper. W AIM ATE. April. Mrs Roy presiding over twenty-two members. The Union has lost three members since last meeting, two by death, viz., Mrs Hayes and Mrs Archer; the members showed their sympathy by standing in silence. Mrs Nind has left the district. Nine ladies responded to an ap|>eal from the B. 1.5.P.0. to each canvass for seven others. The same ladis are willing to carry on with Hospital visiting for anothei month. Mrs D'Brien. our Delegate to ('(invention, brought hack a splendid report which was much appreciated by everyone prsent. Our President suggested that we might see our wav to help with tile Band of Hope which is really the starting point of the W.C.T.P. A few members who have l>een absent for some time through sickness were welcomed

back. Miss MoCartney gave a nolo, "My Task." WARKWORTH April 29th. Correspondence w'as read from Mrs Taylor concerning girls’ cigarette smoking. She said that although no legislation had so far been passed to prevent girls’ smoking it could he done, quite consistently. A number of letters and telegrams were read concerning the Plunket Nurse work. Mrs Philip* gtve som interesting information concerning Sir Henry Lunn. HASTINGS. March 24th. Mrs Banks in chair; Cadet Hivare, of the Salvation Army, conducted devotions. Mrs Wilson reported doings of Convention, and gave a brief suininarv of the resolutions passed. Mrs Paul reported Cradle Roll afternoon held, thirty mothers’ present. Eight new members on the Cradle Roll. The Secretary reported that the Garden Party held at Mrs Nh-oll’s had been very successful when £7 10s. had been raised b.v sale of sweets, takes, afternoon tea, etc. April 22nd. Good attendance, President, Mrs Banks, in the chair. Devotional address given by Mrs Sutherland, "In touch with Jesus." Every member brought a magazine for Barkhlock distribution, uml an old pair of stockings to make singicts for Mrs Ikm’s contribution for sick Indian children. Pledge was related. Paper read on “Alcohol in Patent Medcines ’’ INVERCARGILL CENTRAL. April 13th. The President gave an interesting and comprehensive report of Convention. Re-Membership Campaign. Decided to give a trophy in fonn of a gold how on the "Life of Frances Willard” to the member securing the most new members in the time specified. The branch also decided to take part in the Poppy Day Collections. The sum of one quinea was donated as an Easter Gift to the Women and children in the Southland Hospital. Arrangements were made fpr a Jumble Sale on f»th May. Letters of condolence were scot to three of our members on the death of their Mother. M AUNG ATI TROTO. April 22*11(1. Seven member* present; decided to hold our meetings third Wednesday in month instead of fourth Thursday, a* that day suits most members best. < >ui next meeting will be a "Pay Up" social afternoon on 19th May. as that is the month our brunch was opened. All members asked to collect article* of clothing to he forwarded to Sister Eleanor at an early date, TEMPLETON. April 27tli. President presiditl over n fair attendance. In-ruled to give irelp to those who ai t- >ii trouble in the district. Afternoon tea was handed round by tin- ladies. A very pleasant afternoon was then brought to a clone with tlie benediction. Members ot the Templeton W.C.T U. have arranged to provide afternoon tea for tlie Templeton football players. Have already provided for two matched We received a letter from the Secretary of the Football Club, thanking us for our kind offer. We held our first Band of Hope on April Ist, it being a grant success although it was a wet night. RANGIORA. March 3flth. Mrs Thvvaites presided over a fair attendance. An address on "The effects of alcohol on the human body" given by Dr. O’Brien at the Convention was read. The President announed that the Southbrook branch of the la>yal Temperance Legion had held its first meeting for the year. JH*cided to bold Peace Day on tin- day of the usual monthly meeting ill May. Mrs Tliwaites read the report of the Annual Convention, closing with a brief extract from tlie presidential address. NEW PLYMOUTH. April 14th. SjK-cial meeting. Delegate's report from Convention. The President. Mrs X. Jones, occupied the chair. Mrs Chapman, after thanking the Union for electing her as Delegate, gave a most comprehensive and faithful account of the work carried on from day to day at Convention. At tin* conclusion. a very hearty voti of thanks was

accorded Mrs Chapman, for her able nml interesting report. A pleasing feature of tile afternoon meeting was the initiation of u new member. A letter was also read from the Secretary of the Timaru I'nion, enclosing a donation of £2 towards our Sailor's ltest Find. The DMtlaf closed witii the benediction. April 17th. A very successful Cradle Itoll Tea Party was held in Whiteley schoolroom. Mrs X. Jtales. President, occupied the chan and gave a short, interesting address upon some points in the training of children expressed by Mrs Willard, Mother of Frances Willard. A few musical items were given by the children, after which they and their mothers assembled wi the green in Whiteley grounds for afternoon tea. This wias dispensed by the Superintendent, Mm Oliver and her helpers. Each child also received a small hag of sweets. There was a large attendance, mothers and children appearing to enjoy the outing greatly. April 28th. President, Mrs X. Jones in the chair, an excellent attendance. A «'Olll - mittee was formed to confer with the Herrctar.v of the Charitable Aid Hoard re combining in relief work. Mrs Brash was ap|x)lnted to represent the Union In connection with tlie appointment of a District Nurse. Decided to have a special collection once a year for the District Nurse's Fund. It was decided that a collection he taken up at the ‘Peace Day' meeting for Cradle Itoll work, and special mention was made by the President, of the excellent work being done in this department by the Superintendent. Mrs Oliver. l>elegates to the forthcoming District Convention were chosen. A hearty welcome was extended by the President to Mrs Reed, a former President of the Mawera branch. TAURANOA. April 23rd. Average attendance well sustained. President in chair. One newt member welcomed and two visitors present. Our President, although suffering from a very heavy cold, was able to give us a most interesting account of her experiences in many places share our last meeting, our only regret being that she did not tell us more. Tli** Hand of Hope which recommences next month called forth a good deal of discussion. Mrs Bonthron promised a paper for our next meeting, Mrs Horn an for June, and Mr Bheffieid will give a paper in July. Refreshments We re handed round. PLEASANT POINT. April 21st. .Motion of Sympathy with Secretary on loss of her husband. Mrs It. Felton appointed acting Secretary ; Mrs Doug's Itinerary proposed and discussed; L.T.L. is being carried on montlhy; Mrs Felton reported on Executive Meeting In Timaru. Mrs Falconer’s report of Annual Convention at Christchurch listened to with great interest and various points noted for own particular use. DANNEVIRKE. March Hth Opening meeting; 8 members present. Miss Heaton presiding. Proposed to hold Harden Party to raise* funds for the proposed new Frances Wl'lnrd Home in Palmerston North. April 7th. Meeting largely attended; we had the pleasure of listening to a splendid address by Mrs Wilson, our District President. who kindly came from Hastings to give us her Impressions of th** Convention held in Christchurch. We r« -eived splendid help and hope in the future to do more work for the* Master, and mnl • our me* tings more helpful. NELSON. April 13th. Monthly meeting; Miss Atkinson presiding; Pioton President welcome 1 as a visitor. Very interest inig reports of Christchurch Convention given by Mrs Watson and Miss Cooke. Miss D. Hi llth appointed Cnulb* Roll Superintendent. Arrangements made for holding Home meet bigs 111 various parts of the town. Derided to have Jumble Sale on May Cth. KATAPOT. April 28th. Fair attendance; President in the chair. Ist accordance with the request of Mrs Taylor, the members nil repeated the Pledge. Mrs White, the Delegate for Convention gave a very interesting re port of the business during the days that she was there.

and .Mrs Vic aery read the reports from the dally papers for the meetings that Mrs \\ bite could not attend. CANVABTOWN. April 20th. A meeting convened by members of the Ral Valley branch of the W.C.T.U., was held in the Anglican Church, Cauvustown. Object; to inaugurate a branch of the W.C.T.U. In this district. Mrs Lcov. President Kui Valley branch, presided. Explained object of meeting and of the W.C.T.U. generally. Decided to form branch to be known as t anvastow n. Eight members initiated. Mrs Win. Murray, President; Mead Hines Lawson and Dimanti, Joint Vice-Presidents, and Mrs F. Flower, Secretary. Mrs Murray tluuiked the visitors for help and presence. AUCKLAND. April l lth. Mrs Cook presiding. Letter received from the People’s Organisation of the Rible-ln-Hc hoots, Wellington the help of the members rci their Campaign; all present were willing to assist. The I’nion is to take charge of a station on Poppy Day. Arrangements were made to supply a table at the W.CLT.U. Tea, when a farewell is to be tendered to Mesdames Lee-Cow ie and Kaspar. Miss McCaul, a visitor from South Australia and a White Ribboner, was welcomed to the meeting. Mrs Full James re- • for t.tiO badges to be sc«nt to Nuie Island; this was received with applause. Mesdaines Cook and Dowling gave very interesting reports of the Christchurch Convention, and were haartlly thanked. Afternoon tea was dispensed, and a pleasant social time spent. TE KUITI. April 13th. Hood attendance; Mrs Edgar presided. Mr J. Do*nnelly, Area Organiser, addressed the meeting urging the need of helpers for the Band of Hoik'. The President offered to secure the assistance asked for. Derided to procure twelve copies nf Hand hook. Report on Rest Room was given, and several accounts passed for payment. Decided to Interest ourselves in the School 1 *Ollllll ittee Election. HAMILTON. April 15th. Hood attendance; Mrs Jones presided. We had the pleasure of listening to the report of the recent Convention. Mrs Jones first introduced Mrs Whatu, Delegate* of the Maori Union lately formed at Plankton. Mrs Whatu described, in a pleasing manner, the very happy experiences of her first Convention; she was greatly helped and inspired by the do\otional part of Convention. and iMirnestlv hopes with Hod’s help to impress r.sid enlighten her Maori sisters with W.C.T.U. work. Then Sister Nieholls, who represented the Hamilton Union, gave a full and detailed account of the work done at Convention. Miss Ambury (Cradle Roll Superintendent) announced having enrolled the 101st baby. Mesdames Baillie and Moore served afternoon tea. A very hearty vote of thanks and appreciation was passed to the speakers. RAKAIA. April 3th. Mrs Hoag presided over good attendance. A “Bring and Buy’’ afternoon In aid of the funds of the South Canterbury Executive. Arrangements were mAdo for the openings of tin* Rakaia and Rokeliy Jku Is of ll*.p<*. The Kecretnr was asked to forward letters of sympathy to Mrs A. Cliver, Mrs A. Lee, and Mr :eial ’Mrs Field. Decided to ask Mrs Richards, of Clulstehureli, to address our next meeting on “Peace and Arbitration.” An invitation was re eived from the Mothers’ Frrioh to attend •n address b* Sister Clark, of the Red Cross, on April 16th. Mrs Petrie, a visitor from the Sprejrdcm Union was present, and spoke a few words to the meeting. Mrs ilopwood read a very comprehensive report <>r the recent Convention held in Christchurch, and wan accorded n vote of thanks. NORMANBY. April 14th. Mrs flrott, President, in the chair; 14 members present, one new member initiated. Correspondence from Secretary; Bible in School Organisation dealt with. Seven ladies promising to sign membership cards .and each to obtain signatures for seven more. Hearty vote of thanks passed to Mrs Be van for her splendid report of tin*

Dominion Convention. Mrs Poliipi appointed Maori Superintendent. Afternoon tea served by Mrs Meuli. TIMARU. April 27tli. Large attendance. Motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs Mclntyre was passed. Correspondence road from Mrs Nome, President, with the encouraging news that she i*> feeling much better though she still has to keep quiet; from Mrs Birdsall, thanking Union for donation; from Mrs T. E. Taylor, containing thanks for good wishes, etc., and from the Secretary, Bihle-in-Schoola, Peoples’ Organisation. Cradle Roll Superintendent reported enjoyable social afternoon at Rest. Twentyfour children and their mothers and enter* tamers present—Games, Music, Competitions, Afternoon Tea, uiul a short talk by the Reports—Two. Superintendent, filled the afternoon. Mrs Trott appealed to the meeting for a lender for the Y’s, and Mrs Cordon kindly consented to Lake the position. Decided to have a rally on Monday, May 3rd, and get started agmn. Mrs Low, Peace and Arbitration Superintendent, gave an outline of the work of 1110 League of Nations for the last halfyear and explained the present unsatisfactory position. Hospital report given, and Sailors’ Entertainment Commute formed. Two new members were Initiated. JOHNBDNVILLE. April 15th. An average attendance; report of Christchurch Convention was given by Mrs Holliday. All unexpected visit was paid by Mrs Perym.un, who was in the d strict. Hhe spoke on the White Ribbon; the need of more subscribers, also words of encouragement and hope for the future. Her remarks were greatly appreciated, and gave us renewed hope. Afternoon tea was cived. and nti enjoyable meeting brought to a close. BEDDON. March 31st. A branch of the W.C.T.U. was formed. Mesdames McCallum, Smith, and Hrigg. of the Blenheim Union Were present to initiate officers ami members. The afternoon was very wet, so the attisulance was not large. Mrs Hrigg r« ad the rules and duties of officers. She also gave a helpful talk on the work of tin* Union. Tin following officers were elected:—President, Mrs Kimberly, The Vicarage; ViceIVesldeat, Mrs Hainsford; Secretary. Mrs R. Cameron; Treasurer, Mrs F. C. Hammond; White Ribbisi Agent, Miss F. Cameron. CHEVIOT. April 10th. Mrs Ferguson presided, and gave some interesting facts about the recent Convention. A full account wilt be given at the next meeting. Resolved to start .'i Cradle Roll, of which Mrs Williams agreed to he Hyperintcndexit. The syllabus for flic year was discussed, ami it was resolved to hold -sane home meetings during the winter month#* BELFAST. April 11th. President, Mrs Roxburgh, presided, an«l gave a Very helpful t:ilk on "Launch out into the deep and let down vour nets.” Report of Convention was given by the Delegate, Mrs W. Rogers. Decided to ke-op all notable Days. Pea* e Day, to be *>b*.-rvc.j, M»> 17th; attendance only fair. I WI: RC AIICWJ .L , 84TOTH. April 13>1». Desblt* a' drizzly rath the iMotuViu* o*4 w *.s i** 4»'l . Mre Garrett. Presio'Mjr in th*- chain-- and Mrs Fairhairn. D, ti Ut Pf* to,w*nt, . led jcvoti>ps. A letter v."js receive*! fivmi WlffeviO-Kehoola League.' asking foji help to expend* and propaget'e ♦heir Drgfinisation. The Bluff Union's 2. r *th Birthday was attended by some of our me Toilers who told of the success and enjoyment of that function. Much time was taken up hy the Delegate's report on Coiwntion. for which Mrs lteidy received a hearty vote of thanks. < *n<* new member was enrolled. Mrs Fairhairn spoke on the registration of Unions. PETONE. April. Mrs Cole, President, in the chnir. Mr Hl\field gave a report of the “British Sailors’ Society,” and requested the help of the Indies present, in the selling of flags on

joth of this month, to raixe funds to „n tine Rood work. The New Zealand r f! of the “British Red Crosa Society,” 4 for help for their Flag Day. An it! wns made for the blind, and another •lit “All Nations Bataan.” Mr* (’rowther Mrs Harding's thanks for the help a by our Union at a recent social, held •he Y W.C.A. Mrs Murßatroyd hroUßht t a good report of the Convention, and heart ily thanked. Resolved that the he repeated at all our meeting's. ami buy meetinß is to ho held next !**<iay. in aid of our Orphanage Pjimerston North. The Pledge was »Ird. riccarton. jr,lsth. Drawing-room meeting held at resilience of Mrs U. Harrell. About idles present. Miss Haughan was int io speak on “Prison Reform work” l> [o let outsiders know of this departCof our work. Musical items were Knl, and afternoon ten dispensid. Sum collected towards urgerusing Fund p !Btli. Special meeting. Temperance | r\eti on the “Misuse of Alcohol as a U nt Report of Convention concluded. |;..ins of work discussed. Arrangements ir for holding Jumb-e sale at end of h. Parcel of literature brought for k ramps.

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White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 371, 18 May 1926, Page 8

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 371, 18 May 1926, Page 8

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 32, Issue 371, 18 May 1926, Page 8

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