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News of the Unions.

F’LEASE NOTE' I. Every Union should report ? Reports must be short Must be in by Bth of month 4. Don’t report what you are going in do. 5. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. NEW PLYMOUTH. Nov. 2&th. The President, Mrs X. Jones, occupied the chair. Election of officers: — Pres, Mis X. Jones; Vice-Pres., Mrs (iriffin; for Sec., Mrs Craig; Recording Sec., Mrs W. Hughes; Treasurer, Mrs Whithuni. The for. Sec., Mrs Craig. presented a full and Interesting report upon the year's work, prompting words of high commendation from an ex-Prvsident of the Union. regarding the work being carried on at present b\ the W.i’.T.U A report was read from the Superintendent of each ilepprtment. The favouratile progress of the ‘Sailors’ Hest' fund wits commented upon, due greatly to the hearty response of our townspeople to the call of the worthy object. A donation of £3 7s. was gratefully received for the fund from the Ashburton, and £1 Ills, from the Waitara fmons. Reference was made to the remarks of ippreciation passed by visitors to the Rest noom in Devon Street Central, over 7006 women and children having taken advantage of the rooms during the year. One new member initiated. W AIM ATE. U-r, 9th. Mrs Roy presided; good attendance. Two members volunteered to visit the sick in Hospitals fo» trie coming month. Vfestlames (•’ Rrien and Reid. A short talk re the “Rest Room" proposed followed. A lonation of £3 to District Union funds. A very successful Harden Party was held hist month to raise funds for our Union, and ealised a clear balance of £l6. letters of Hympatli> to two sick members. Afternoon tea. CHEVIOT. 1 >e«\ sth. Annual meeting; attendance fair. Motion of sympathy with Miss Hayes in her bereavement. Annual rei »rt read and onttrined; Treasurer's report found satisfactory. Election of officers, all of whom esumed office with the exception of tlie Treasurer. Iteeided not to coininence our meetings till March. Afternoon tea served. TAURANOA. Per. IXth. Very fair attendance; Mrs Carlton Smith in chair. Is-tters from Miss Earnshaw and Miss Henderson read. A mas.of circulars calling for attention, our President kindly said she would deal with them, la-cided we re-open again In March. I>et ided that the post of President and Con Sec. he held open until our next meeting, the holders of other positions to remain as before Afternoon tea was partaken of. MART IN HO ROUGH. The President s|a*ke feelingly of the departure of Mrs McGregor from our Union. Mrs McGregor suitably replied, and ho|s*d she would he of use to the work at Stratford. and that she would always remember the opening of our local branch. Dee. 16th. Annua! 'meeting. The old officers were re-elected nainelv, Mrs Martin, President; W.R. Agetit and Treasurer. Mrs T>ler; Secretary M Tyler. The meeting again expressed regret at losing our VicePresident. Mrs McGregor It was mentioned "Hand of Hope” was going on very nicely. • 'losing social was held on l»eeeniber 4th. with Tea. ami evening was devoted to Songs. Recitations, and Dialogues; all parents being present.

RAWENE-HOKIANGA. Bee. lfith. Ulosinß meeting of Session at the residence of Mrs Johnaon. Interest has been well maintained tnroughout the year. Our Membership has been doubled, and others have promised to Join. Resolved that Mrs Johnson he appointed Library Superintendent, also sußßested that the same lady give us a Lei tuiette on Frances Willard at our opening meeting in February, to whieli she kimllx consented. Resolved that we en- ■ leavour to form a Vouhr People’s meeting tor Temperance training, to meet alternate!) with “Happy Hour” times In doing this, our training ground will be more fully equipped, for grow ing our own W.C.T.U. members, and voters for future elections. t»l*t >T IKI. In-c. 1 fdh. Annual meetliiK; Mrs Thompson presided. The Secretary presented the report of the year’s work. Treasurer show - ed a credit balance of 131, notwithstanding a year of heavy ex pen sea White Rildioti Supennteiident gave her report, and showed Rood work done, and fully paid up 30 subscribers. Cradle Roll Superintendent read an excellent report and a* counted for TO members. All the officers W efe re-elect-ed. (hie new member enrolled; afternoon tea served by officers. A lady member welcomed to tbe I’nion from South A fries. Union donated £3 to “Willard" Home. It A K AIA. Nov. 20th. President in chair; Good attend.nice. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Hoag; Vice-Pres., Mrs Morrison; Sec., Mrs II op wood; Treas., Mrs Kviaon; Cradle Roll, .Mrs K. Hoag and Miss G. Hoax; Literature, Mn Hunt, w R Reporter, Mra R Boaj and .Miss <l. Hour; W.R. Agent, Miss A. t>ak>ey. Mr Mackesy K»ve a brief address. Tin* follow iug resolet ion passed and forwaided to Mr Tucker, owner of Town Hall; "This Union desires to place on record a resolution of appreciation of Mr Caleb Tucker, for the way in whieli lie lias kept his hall such a safe place for the young people of the district to attend amusements, |»y the forbidding of liquor to he taken in or about the hall, and we tender him our grateful thanks." Signed by 27 members. Nov. 27th. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at Mrs Hour's resilience, 'Hatfield.' ft being the occasion of the annual Cradle Roll Garden Party. About ISO Mothers and children assembled, and the time passed pleasantly with tennis, bowls, swings, and other games for the snialle;* ones. Each child received a present from the Christmas tree. A dainty afternoon tea was served l»y the members. Before dispersing. a vote of thanks was passed to Mr and Mrs Hour, fur the use of their grounds, and all who had helped to make the function a success. I sc. nth. The Dual nicftiiiß for the year was presided over l»> Mrs Hour; attendance very fair. President and Sei retary reported a visit to Mayfield W.C.T.U. Cradle Roll Garden Party. Retrospect of year's work. Treasurer re|anted credit balance in hand. 2a Id. Two new members were initiated. Afternoon tea was served. M AfITKRTt »N. I lee. 3rd. Pay Up Social; Rood attendance. Mrs Cocker presided, and welcomed all old friends and new. expreMsiiiß sympathy with those who had recently suffered lie - reavena tit; also expressed the hope of developing the work of the Union in comiiiß year, along new lines with the co-operation of the vnunger members. Secretary's and Treasurer's reports showed substantial increase in membership and finances and Rood work accomplished. W.R. ARent reported 46 subscribers. Cradle Roll Superintendent recently appointed, re|s»rted IS meiidrers. Superintendent of Home nieetinßs and Back Block Literature departments reported Rood work done. Addresses were Riven by Rev. K. W. Weymouth and W. Beckett, which were much appreciated. Musical Items rendered by Mrs Garwitch and Mrs S. J Smith. Votes of thanks were passed to the nianngcr* of Knox Hall, for use of buddiiißs throußlf the year, to tin* Press, the Auditor of accounts, ami to all who had assisted in a»v wav. Two new members Joined up Aftermoon tea served.

RIVERTON. l>ec. 7th. Annual meeting, President in chair. Mrs Gray gave a brief address on an Alliance meet ini; she attended in < arglll. Although once more defeated, there is reason for encouragement for the futun The need for a two-Issue ballot f»apttr wn* also stressed. Miss M ('Gregor presented a full report of the year's work, which showed that interest had been taken in different brandies of the work. Membership of t'nion 37; subscribers to the White Kitihon, 20. The Balance sheet presented by the Treasurer was very satisfactory, showing a creditable balance. Votes of thanks were passed to all office-bearers. The Band of Hope report, presented by Mrs (tassels, show ed interest amongst the children had hem maintained, (election of officers:—President, Mrs Gray, re-elected; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Fordyre and Mrs Phllp; Secretary, Mrs Hoi land; Treasurer, Mrs t'assels, re-elected; W.H. Agents, Miss Birch and Miss Me Gregor; Flower Supt., Mrs ('assets. Flowers for the following months for the hospital, were arranged for. Next meeting, first Monday in Mnnh. ABHHPKTON. Iks*. Ist. Our annual meeting; Mrs V 11. Hubert son, VP., pivsiding over a good attendance of members. Though disappointed over the results of the recent Poll, wc yet felt that we bail much left to praise God for. and fifteen minutes s|s*nt in communion with Him was time well s|ieiit. Letters of sympathy were directed to be sent to Mr W. It. Msckesy (Organiser) in ttie lass of his father, and with members m sickness. Owing to continued illhesltli, tlie resignation of Mrs \V. T. Lilt. President, and Mrs I > F. Keir, Treasurer, was received With deep regret. decided that ill view of bet long years of service to the l'niott, that Mrs bill retain the position as Kx-Pre>i-<lent A comprehensive report of the years work was submitted by the Secretary. The Treasurer's report and balance sheet revealed a satisfactory creilit balance. Superintendent’s reports were also received. The reports were adopted, decided that heart) congraulations he sent Hon. L. M. Isitt, on liis ap|>ointnient to a seat in the legislative Assembly, and appreciations of the gr. at services rendered by him in the jMist. to the Temperance cause. Also, to Mr (*. H. Bellringer, on his election as M.P., and to Mr Ferriinan for li is generous support at all times to the uplift of mankind. The “Peace" resolutions published in the White It lihoti were unanimously endorsed by the Futon, decided to support a two-issue ballot paper. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:—President. Mrs W. 11. Robinson; Secretary, Miss K. Trevurxa; Treasurer, Mrs A. Amos. A number of panels for the Willard Home was received. Tin* appointment of Superm tendents and Vice-Presidents was held o\»*r till the next meeting in February. With a vote of thanks to the out-going offieem, and to tin* “Press," and the compliment* of the season to all, tin* meeting dosed. M A RTON. Through some mistake our W.t’.T F. Branch, re-formed during June has never sent particulars for you to insert in tin* White Uihhon. We should like to reined) this with the New Year. Our meetings ire held on the fourth Friday in every month, alternately in tin* Methodist and Presbyterian Kundav schools, at 3 We li iv♦* at present a membership of 16 active and 2 hon members, our officers are:—President, Mrs Mclvor, The Manse. Bond Street. Mart on; Secretary, Mrs I*. H. Hull, 2 Bouea Street. Mai ton; Treasurer, Mrs Verry, (’alioo Line. Marton: W.H. Agent, Mrs Ooldslam Itell Street. Marton. We hud two V <s* Presidents at the time of re-forndiig. ~ut one has left and gone to Australia, the other is Mrs Jefferson, The Parson. K*' Marton NEW BRIGHTON. Pec 11th. A social combined with the “Y.“ Branch was held, and the school pupils of Standards ft and 6 were also in vited. Items and games were much on Joyed, and Mrs 11. Ilall presided over * verv large gathering. Tlie opportunity wa-* 1 taken to present the for the Temperance Essays, Mrs Ilall presenting prize* to the following pupils;- Standard ii (O'*' ts 1

H. Howard, Ist; K. HuriiM, 2nd; (Hoys): I*. • ook, Ist, ainl G. Reverson, 2nd; Standard 5 t Girls): 11. Bright Ist; Koiiih Spcdding, 2nd; • 11«* vs ► R Q«t If, Ist; R. 11« 1 1 1 :’n<l Sup|M*r was served, and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. (Good Ideu. to entertain School children. —Ed. W.K.) SOUTH DUNEDIN. IH»«•. 10th. Annual meeting; Miss Powell presiding. Decided that we, as a Union, Join tlu* "League of Nations” and pay tlit* yearly subscription. Our Treasurer read the balance sheet which was very satisfactory. 1 1 donated to officers of the Cargill lh>a<l Methodist Church for the use of tlie hall. Miss Powell’s resignation from the office of President was received with much regret, ,is she had filled the office in a very aide .«n<t efficient manner for some time. The following officer* were elected: —President Mrs Macartney; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Peat, nd Miss Powell; Secretary, Mrs Williamson; Treasurer, Mrs Williams; I Evangelistic Superintendent, Mrs Qroeott; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Kliacklnck; Flower Mission Superintendent, Mrs Trenwitli. It was de- • ule<l to hold our next meeting on the first instead of the second Thursday of the month of February, to appoint a delegate to the IKiminion Convention. It A I VALLEY. Dec. 9th. Meeting held at Mrs M Neal's residence, Carluke. Seventeen members were present, and several visitors. The President read a report of the Convention in Dunedin. Mrs Woodward, Vice--Presi-dent. read a paper entitled, "Should Women Entered Public Life,” and placed the subject fore the meottii to lie IlmgML Da • ided to have meetings quarterly, and on the Special Days of tlie Union. Six new members were initiated. At the close of the meeting Mrs Neal served afternoon tea. PAPANUI. IH*c. The annual meeting; Mrs Smith preided, and submitted ttie annual report, which showed a year of progress. She spoke a few words of farewell as it was her last ipliearanee as President. M r s Ryan replied on behalf of members, and presented Mrs Smith with a fountain I*oll. and Miss Edna Ryan ami Master Lindsey N«»||son presented it bouquet of roses. Mrs Ryan was then asked to take the chair during the election of officers, which resulted as follows: — President, Mr* Simpson; Secretary, Mrs Merrill; Treasurer. Mrs Bond; Superintendent Cradle Roll. Mrs Donald. Afternoon tea was served by the Social Committee. V Cradle Roll baby, Edna Ryan, was pre•ented |,y the President with a beautiful doll. Nine new members were enrolled. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the Social Committee, and fancy sunshades full «f sweets w ere gi\cn to each child on leaving. fa-o k Cradle Roll annual meeting; good attendance of mothers and children. Mrs Smith presided. Mrs T. E. Taylor, ga\c the address, which was listened to with 1 apt attention, babies included. Mrs Donald, Superintendent, gave a| resume of the year s work. She stated that there were !<•« names on the roll. Misses Joy Ibinald and Melville Jones presented Mrs Taylor with a bouquet of lovely roses, and (iladvs ( '*l- - presented one to tbe President. Solos and recitations were given by Misses Lawrence and Barker, who were also presented with bouquets of roses by Misses Jean Harding and Janie Barnes. DAM ARU. I >«•<•. nth. Annual Social; Mrs Clarke in 1 lu* chair. Fair attendance. Reports ot different department* were read and adopted. and the following officer* were elected:— President. Mrs Clarke; Secretary. Mrs Scott; Treasurer. Mrs McKenzie; Assistant Trea--urcr. Miss M. Milligan. Vice-President*. Meat I (line* Hutchinson and Reid, and Misses Wilson. Smyth, ami M Milligan. Rand of Hois* Superintendent, Miss Hillikor; \N. R \irent. Mrs Uorlett; Press Reporter. Mrs Scott;’ Assistant Reporter. Mis* Hilliker. Votes of thanks were passed to Misses I (esketh ami Birchell the soloists of the evening to the Editors of the Oamaru Mail md North Otago Times, for their kindness n publishing our reports, to the Baptist Church for u«e of Hall, and to Adjutant Lamond. as Auditor of balance sheet. One new member was initiated. Decided to send a protest to A. and P. Association re gambling on Show Ground*.

N.E VALLEY. Dec. Final meeting for 1925; Good attendance. Mra I »«<n was on the platform w ith the President, and took tlie eliair while the olfircin for the ensuing year were eleeted Then* are no change* in the office-bearer*, Mr* Peart is President, Mr* Sander*, Treasurer, and Mi*fl Begg, Secretary. The followiiiK were nominated for Itoininioii Officer*; —President, Mrs T. E, Taylor, ChriMtrhureh; Treaaurer, Mik Bendeley. Auckland; ( 'or. See., Mi** Henderson, H. A.. Sumner; Ree. Sec., Mrs W. A. Evans, Wellington. Mrs Don spoke briefly on the present state of affairs, ami told some sail stories of drinking among tin* girls. The meeting cloned with afternoon tea, and a social halfhour. Two new members were i n it luted. GKItALI >INE. Nov. 22nd. Mrs lain. M.A., Timaru, gave an interesting address on "League of Nations.” Kev. Madill, Chairman, a< -corded the speaker a hearty vote of thanks, and Mr* Sharpe and Miss Edio Hinson sang during tlie evening, I*e<\ 11th. Annual meeting; Mrs Neutze presided. An excellent re|»ort made hy Hon. Secretary. Satisfactory halatiee sheet by Mrs \Valla«h. Hon Treasurer, and good White Rihhoti Agent report. Although only heen started 9 months, we have now 5t mctiihers. Had excellent lectures from Mrs lion, T. K. Taylor, and Norrie, oil Prohibition; Miss Henderson, B. A., and Mrs I >on on *'la*ague of Nations.’’ lecldwl to concentrate next year on Orphanage work for Willard Home, Palmerston North, and to make efforts to raise funds. Election of officers: Mrs Neutze, President: Miss A. Patrick, Hon. Secretary; Mrs I*. McDonald. Hon. Treasurer; (Mrs XVallach resignation accepted with regret »; Vice-Presidents, Mosdames Madill, J. Scott, l.oacli. Walla' 11, and Coombes; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs Williamson; Committee, Mrs dale. Mitchelmore, and W Fyfe. Vote of thanks was pcsscd to Managers, Preshyteriati Hall, for free use of Hall for meetings, also Mrs Madill, for being Pianist'*. CAKTEKTt »N. I H*e. 2nd. Annual meeting; Mrs It. 11. Every presided over a fair attendance. The annual r**|s»rts for tin* year wen* moved and and adopted. The Secretary'* report show ed that the membership was now 101. Of all reports, Evangelistic was most important, for rur motto is for <!«*d, Home, and Humanity. Tin* President, in a few wellchosen words, welcomed Kev. kcall, who expressed pleasure at being present and addressed the meeting. Speaking of the re suits of the Prohibit ion Poll, he said that in all New Zealand, there was not to be found a sc in** of disappoint incut ns of failure believing victory will surely come 111 spit * of personal slackness among Prohibition voters and the opposition of Li<iunr Party, and rumours from Anicrh a, etc., we increased our vote by 2(1.000. Must thank Cod that position is so encouraging—and when we do win, may it In* with large majority. Vote of thanks to Rev. Kcall. The election of officers resulted in them being all unanimously re-elected. Owing to lateness of afternoon, the Superintendents’ of I icpartmeiits left over until next meeting. Afternoon tea was dispensed. TIN W A Id*. We are pleased to report good meetings for Oct - Nov. and IVe.; the member* worked hard for the Poll with refreshments for the workers, and also arranging ears to bring voters to and fro; votes increased about «(* for Prohibition. A Draw ing Room afternoon was heal for Sailors' Pay. M.w Hoag. District President, gave a splendid .•♦■port of Convent ion held In Timaru last Kent eni tier. A collection for Sailors’ was taken tip which amounted to 17s It was held in the Manse, and a larg attendance of members and friends. Afternoon tea was provided by the member*. Nov. A Cradle llell afternoon was held at Mrs MeNleol’s residence; a good attendance of children. The Superintendent. Mrs dill, ha* 22 on the roll; she presented each ehlhl with a present and lollies. A very flue address was given by Mrs Koseverc. of Willowby. Afternoon tea was provided by the members. Two new members were In itiated.

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White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 367, 18 January 1926, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 367, 18 January 1926, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 31, Issue 367, 18 January 1926, Page 12

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