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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! t. Every Union Bltould report 1 Reports muj-t be sho:t. be in by Bth of month. 4. Don't report what you are going to do. a. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. CARTERTON. Sept. 11. A very good attendance to heat Mrs Lee-Fowle. in conducting a lightniiifc campaign throughout the I dominion, and ha* a world-wide reputation for her knowledge coins* ruing tin- Proh.bition question. Mrs It. 11. Every presided, ami introduced t lie a pea Iter. Mrs Lee-Cowie ended a splendid address with an appeal to all members, and to the I’nion as a whole, and as citizens of a great Empire, to do the ls-st we could. The speaker was accorded a very hearty vote of tliunk*. Afternoon tea servrnt. M< sdames \A'elch, Vonell, and Pepperell assisting. BPREYDON. Sept. 8. Weather very wet. P real dent presided. Small attendance. Mrs Richard* spoke for a short t ine on “Persoi al Influence.*' On*.* new member. Oct. 1.1. Attendance good. Mrs Voss (Vice-President > presided. Votes of sympathy wen* passed with Mrs Nairn, and Mrs Whitclaw Mrs Vo. s gave a splendid report on the doim's of Convent on. for which she was heartily thanked. Arrangements were made to invde t*» > Rbcrirton Branch to comh'ne w'th Rnrevdon t<> ho>d an open meeting on October 2*th Mrs R'chards gave a mo«t helpful »»nd inspirin'' address on “Onr Motto." One new member Afternoon tea.

AITC7KI, \NP. Oct. fi. Franchise T>av was relehr**tpd. Mrs Cook pres Med. The bistorv of the gaining of the Frnneh'se was reviewed, s”d the hunmirtar'an \<ts passed shoe were noted. Mrs K. Ferner, a inemher of t*ie Hoard of Fduc'.fon. g«ve a r»n*»t ir**-«»«»*tc account of her re ' lit tr 1 p to the Homeland .■•ml the ('o'itirn>t. Siie si'o* , t* *n v* rv h*"*! terms of the mem doc women vs’*** and of tin* evrei|«>nt work thev are do’oir for t*>e welfare of the miumpn't* l/Hilv Aberdeen. I ink Astor M ; ss >p‘",t Rovden. and im«nv others were «• **,* i '«ii-- | Mrs Kill Ms •>«c**h • a d a letter po*** V’enMor. in which she sa‘d soother Maori l’” : on had Is'cn fnnn**d < 11 t’*«< <H«tr’cf and renorleil fi'v««r , lilv on D’e pera iw c work among tile Msor's A oni'ect on w htaken for the New Zealand Treasury. IXV FRO ARCS! 1,1, BOVTH. Oct. 11. Quite a gratifying number of mothers and children were present by invitation. the day he'ng set aside as ‘Vhlldreti's Day.** Mrs E. Kalrba rn < President) presided and extended a warm welcome to the mothers, guests and fr ends. Tin* gem of tin • Pernoon’s work was the illutnlnat>v«* ' >rofltahle address given bv Mrs St n' on “f’hild's Boc | olo ,r v." Mrs .1 h (' ontiell sang a solo most art'sHcal'v, ’ ' ’ Tr x e Pride rendered ‘‘You’ve Rot Yov Mother's Eyes ” At the Invitation of ♦ ' »• President, the oldest children moved to *’<> front. and were 'hr of a small " “t and frit't, v h’te *’■ <• hollies in arms I'ecoin'ngl' en .fed on the ‘‘Cradie T ' M.” A hearts v.' t » of then’ s v os ac- '• d |b«> Moto ; *ts, »** *| t< Mrs Stanley for her educative address T AVR V NO A. Oct It Very good attendance. Pr»*«ide"i •" ,'Vioi,. i »,.«•!,t,..» that we renexv nor srb°'T lr >t'on to ♦*’*> T V'.s V, and n»-*n t , ’ , *t we continue supplying a copy of the White

Ribbon to the Public Library. Owing to a press of business, relating in part to the coming poll, it was found necessary to ask Mr Sheffield to defer his address until out next meeting Refreshments served. OXFORD. Sept. 23. Mall well filled. 14tli birthday social. Resolution passed expressing appreciation of the service rendered by the late Rev. J. Dawson, and sympathy with his widow and family in their bereavement. The Rev. J. F. f’oursey, of Christchurch, gave an address on Prohibition. Vocal boms w*«re contributed by Miss Ayers, of Rnngioia, and instrumental musie by Mrs *». Johnson and Messrs R. and <\ Johnson. Mr L. Watson, in n fell* itous sjieecn, congratulated the Union on attaining its fourteenth birthday, and wished its members ninnv years of successful work. Refreshments were handed round. Oct'. 21. President in the chair. Resolution o’ sympathy with Mrs Menu and hr Mary Armour (U.8.A.). Decided to aend letters of sympathy to sick members. Mr O. \V. Forbes, M I’, wrote stating Ids wilI ill guess to sig.port the Child's Welfare Bdl A most successful home meeting was held at Mrs Jo ties' residence. West Oxford. I »«* - elded to hold a meeting at View llill School A discussion took place as to the best method of increasing the funds Mrs Fox gave a report of the District Convention. Arrangement* made for PolPng Day. WH ANG \REI. Nov. 2. Annual meet big. 22 members and friends present. Mrs Goodsll preceded. Cradle Roll picnic to be held in *i W C A I N ranged to provide lunch and tea for rr"!;l----bh ion v orkers on polling dav. Report of year’s work presented, and declared "verv good” Income showed f2l 14s Id: 40 member l 1 White H'l'bnn nibs riV*rs. Vote of thank) pi d to all officer* for past services. Autmoon tea. and a delightful -ydo bv Mrs Megson. P< iNBONBY. CM. 15. Mrs Is-c-Cow'e presided over a Is rge attendance of i* embers and friends. Arranged that Tuesday. November 3rd. he devoted to praver entirely nt Mrs LeeCoxvie's Hall. East Street. The first part of our meeting was spent in prayer. Ik* chh'd to help Wiilarrl Home with clothes, ft* Letter and report of Sister Esther's v ork among the poor of Auckland. Bister Ksther savs th*»t after fourteen years her work is harder to-day than ever. She tells •if some homes In beautiful Audila <1 where some noor Mttle children she found sleeping

<u Vre stretchers without mattresses, and <•111 v rags to cover them— no blankets. One d**ar liov k’ssed a blanket when it whs t:ik«-n to the»n; it was tin* first hv had ever hail Miss Hammond passed on some very intcr- • t i g information regarding tlx* grand success of Prohibition in Awerca. Roll call and afternoon ten.

Nov. a. Thirty-seven members present Mrs Is e-Covvie prea de I. At tin- request roni Willnnl Home, members premised to bring to our next meeting clothing and dona Pons. Tin* Dixieland <’ahar»*t was dis< ussed fully. Strong feeing was «‘X;>reased hv the lrahes. an<l it was dectdeil hat a letter l*e sent to the City Council isk ng them tc take action, alvo to have letters in the pr-'ss calling attention to the ondition <»f tilings at Pt. Chevalier, where >"r vfliii'K people nr** being rmned for Dft* through tli* wine cup and what follows, i hir President was asked to empi re re the liquor chocolate* which are helrg sold Pi some co’ifsotioners' shops at 6s i • r lh . anti to hav» the matter dealt with nt once. Three new members. Afternoon t<*n. MOSOIEL. hct. 20. Mrs Macartney gave a most lnt* resting talk on the temperance work gen- • rallv. Tin* Presidem nio*.ed i vote of thant-s on behalf of the •• K .»..p ( . r , to Mrs Nfacartney for her helpful talk, and she hoped w«* would have tin* pleasure of hear rig her again in the near future. BPMNER. Oct. 6. Mrs Mci'«»nibs presided Reported that two ‘‘Home” meetings had been

arranged for o<-tober. A very interest li r r**i>ort of Titnaru Convention was read by <*ur <lelegate, Mrs Fitz Henry. Mrs M . Combs read over and explained the resolutions passed by Convention. A hearty vc** of thanks was accorded Mrs FitxHenrv. Appreciative reference was made to Mrs Ogler’s »*fforts in securing n«*w subscrlh* s t•• \Yhlt«* Ribbon, and nlso in I*h*hl Hand c.f Hope x\<»rk. Nov. 3. Mrs McCombs presided over i good attendance. A report of u "Honie” meeting in Mrs Mo<'omlw' residence <n Clifton was considered very encouraging Most of the afternoon was devoted to arrangements for Polling Day, including morning and afieinoon t**s f«*r workers, ca - for conveying voters to the polling-booth, ©tc. Decided to place the services <f members at the disposal of the local Proh - |,|tion Committee, to further the work in any capacity. TE KUITI. Oct. 14 Mrs Edgar presided over u g<»< d attendance. Mrs J. Nicholls, delegate to Ciiinbridg** Convention, gave a very good r* port of the meetings. A letter of appreciation was read from Mrs Dawson in reply to a telegram of sympathy we sent. A gemrad discussion took place on ways and meat s of helping on Election Day. Afternoon tea was Mini I > served by Mrs J. and Mrs AN Ni<'h ol Is BIRKENHEAD. Oct. 15. Mrs Jury presided over a good meeting. District convention report wan r«>a*l Arrangeim uts w<*r** made for polhiu,' day. Afemhers t<» r.'Oct for a prayer meeting at lh* residence of Mrs Jor> on Tliurs day, 22tir1. Tea was provhled by Mrs Ding ley. rTKKKOHE. Sept. 2k. The Rev. T. Coatsworth was our speak**r for the afternoon. The following week we held a meeting, and went through the rolls. Oct. 27. Final arrangements made for refreshments to he served to workers on Fiction Day. R**ci<U**| to hold a prayer meeting on the Monday afternoon before election day. Mrs Horne, our delegate, read the report from Convention. PLEASANT POINT. o< t. 7. Fair attendance. Miss R shop l>:* sided Treasurer reported £2 lt»« 3*l In hand Miss Ivy Saunders and Miss Ma Smith took charge* of L.T.L. meeting foi this month. Dnulle Roll Super..ntendent reported *il names .»» roll. Severn! mem bets had attended a me**ting on the pr**vious evening of the Alliance league, and made arrangements for Scrutineers for Polling Day, also cars for voter*. We lost on** mem Ist durng the month by death Vr* Davison, a Indy V ho was Irglily esteem <>d, and who did good work during tlu* in huen/.a epidemic. Member* sent a wreath M ss Amy Neilson and Miss <»1 i\ ** llalstea* reported having attended District Con veil tion. M ; s» Ne.lson r**nd a full and Interesting report of t he. pr«s oedings, f«*r w hich sh* was heartily thanked. Afternoon tea wa.r.erved. GREYTOWN. (b* t. 27 Mss Oates preside*!, In present Mr - Collier brought part of a letter received from a friend in America, giving glowing account of w hat Prohibition is doing there, lh* *h*d for IV.C.T.I’. lailies to give tea to workers at the election. IVcided to u.*k Mrs Every, from Darterton. t»» help our Fnioti on 24tli. when new officer* will !>** **hs*te<! f<*r **onillig year. l>**eld»*<l to have a ciotlus drive for Willard Home. OP( *TIKI. O' t. k. Mrs Doll addressed crowded meetings. In th*» afternoon sh** deli\vi*ed a powerful heart to heart address t<* women; t'*«. InII x*"is fin!, and was prettily decorated with How-ora, etc., by Mrs If Ini. Mrs ami Ai ss i>teele sang a due*. Aft«*rtwoon t**a was jnder the supervision of Mrs Hamble*-, M ! ases Young and Vaustone. At night the Hon. J. B. Gow presided over a full lions** in the The:, t re, ami was supported hv the Mayor, minister* of tin* town, and officer* of the AV.C’.T.P., when Mrs Don spoke fnr-

,ibl>- on the Prohibition question. On risag to address her audience, she wig presented with a handsome bouquet by a little firl named Gwenda Barlett. Tho speaker, n oncludlng a very earnest and forceful ,jx-. <• h, made a strong plea to all present to \oV "dry” at the coming election. She resumed her seat amidst prolonged aptdause. V number of questions were asked and satsfa'torily answered, and a vote of thanks •o the speaker. LOWER HUTT. t»> t. 2*. Twenty-six present, our President in the chair. Since last month, our l. L. has started, the first two meetings : held at Mrs Aldersley’s house, as we ,re mm-hle to get a room at present. There «f|.- IS and IS members present, and an enj 'vable time was spent by the young folk |h*. led to hold the meetings fortnightly. (1 was voted for L.T.L. requisites. A meeting of some of our members and others *,i' held at Belmont, 15 l*eing present, ami the m> ihers present seemed to enjoy It. It h iKip* :l lafer on to be able to start a regular meeting there. At Koro Koro some of the mothers gathered for a meeting, and the result was eight workers for Prohibition, and four members for the Union. Aftermum tea was served. RAKAI A. <5. pt. 12. The President presided. Good Htt*-ndan«-e. Mrs Hopwood read an interest :ng report of the Timaru Convention, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs A Ol \er and Mr Cooke. Arrangements were mafor a Cradle Rob. Garden Party, to he held at Mrs Boag’s residence nt the end of November. The collection for the nieet,nir which amounted to 15s, is to be donated to the W.C.T IT. Creche nt the Dunedin F.xhibition. Afternoon tea was served. HAWERA. Ort 52. Mrs Reed presided Correspond erce Included reply to letter of symptuby from Mrs Dawson. A church parade wm> arranged for Sunday. Mrs Exlev reported business at Patea. Mrs Exley rpad s taper. ‘No-License Areas.” giving a *k. t<-h of each of the 12 districts, their population, thrift, and general conduct and np.sperftv, showing that they have not gone hack under No-License. A committee was formed to take charge of produce stall at Bird’s Bazaar on Saturday, October 21st. Oct. 25 The members and friends of tl>. W.C.T U. met at the Memorial Arch, an.i marched along High Street to the Preshvterian Church. Rev. R. E. Evans preached about Prayer and Prohibition BASTINGS Oi t. 29 Good attendance of members. Pi .lent in the chair. Mrs Htckmott gave •din t address on “Faith.” basing her ren.:,"k* upon the healing of the Syroplioene . i woman’s daughter. Mesdame* W dson an, Kidd welcomed hack, after absence.. Th. latter having been to Scotland, attended the World’s W.C.T U. Triennial Conventioi in Edinburgh. Derided to hold prayer m, ti„g on polling day. also to supply tea to rutineem Congratulations were tender d Miss Harper on her success in White R bon Prize Essay. Mrs Darby was ho less for the afternoon. ASH BURTON. ( t i Mrs W. T. Lill presided Good att, ndance. A vote of sympathy with Mrs Ruddock and with members in sickness. »• etary of New Plymouth Branch wrote irr 'efuliy acknowledging donation to Si ops’ Rest Funds Th* question of tnkir. charge of luncheon at the Labour Day (J a was discussed, and a committee appo >itod to make arrangements Mrs A. H liV, delegate to SC*. District Convention, gj e a very Interesting rpport of proceed - incs, and wan accorded a very hearty vote of 'harks. < -t. 27. Mrs W. H. Robinson. VP. pre*l d. Votes of sympathy were passed * i Mrs C. Reid, Mrs W. Dellow and illy, and Mrs S Thompson; also with on President and Treasurer, in ngsin belt laid aside. A hearty vote of thunks

was accorded the ladies for decorating the car for the labour Day Gala. Decided tlml gifts for Willard Home be handed in at December meeting, or left with the Secretary. Pleasure was expressed In welcoming Mrs Prebble hack to the Union after her long illness. Sujierintendents expressed Iheir willingness to take charge of the Rest Tent at the A. r.n, 1 P. Show. Arranger;„.p.tM were made for catering for the workers on polling day. TEMPLETON Oct. 20. Pleasant afternoon. Members and friends of the W.C.T.V. from Templeton, Weedons, and Rolleston were present. Miss Harband. of New Brighton, gave an interesting address. Two new members reeeived. Afternoon tea was handed round. It is Intended to visit Rolleston at some future date. Ort. 27. President presided over a g»*»d attendance. This being the lasi meeting before the election, special prayers were offered by members. Decided to hold our next meeting on November 2tth. Afternoon tea was then served. The meeting was brought to a dose with the Benediction. t GERALDINE Sept. 18. Special meeting was held, when Miss Henderson, B A., gave an excellent ad dress on her personal observations of Prohibition in America. Mrs Neutze preesided, nnd welcomed our visitors freni Tamuka Branch. Sixty present at meeting. Mrs Cowie sang a solo, ami afternoon tea served. Nov. lb. Mrs Neutze presided, and welcomed Mrs Norrie, Timaru President. 2»’> members present, and three new member-: Initiated. Mrs Neutze thanked Mrs Nor: e for hi r inspiring address for workers in all branches of W.C.T.IT. work. During tin* afternoon Mrs Wallaeh and Mrs Prattler sang sol oh Nov. 28. Mrs J. Scott (Vice-President) was hostess at her home, “Oaklea," for a successful drawing-room meeting. Forty guests were present, nnd were Inspired by Mrs T. E. Taylor’s stirring address Mrs Madill thanked Mrs Taylor for coming specially from Christchurch for the meeting, anil Mrs Neutze thanked Mrs S<-ott for her hospitality. Mrs Wallaeh and M ss Eileen Mcllroy sang solos during afternoon, and afternoon tea was served. GORE. Oct. 27. Well-attended meeting, Mrs Smith (President) in the chair. Social evening, th** programme comprising a piano solo, vocal duet, songs, reading, and temperance comiM-tltion. During the evening the Society was presented by Mrs Rhode* with a handsome banner, and the doi *>r. in making the presentation. Incidentally referred to the 70 women of Ohio who were tlie founders of the W.C T.U. movement. The evening ended with a much appreciated item, 1.e.. supper. HENDERSON Sept. Small attendance ovvlr.g to sickness. Mrs Platt presided. Mrs McKay, Mrs Yearhury. and other members told of Henderson as it was before the hotel was cloned. So nianv new people being in the district. It was the wish of members to make them realise how very important it is to keep it closed. Oct. Much larger meeting In Presbyterian Church. Mrs Platt presided. Meet ing was addressed by Rev Usher on “Women’s Work.” We all enjoyed It very much, anti feel encouraged to do our verv utmost for the coming poll. A nueting to Ih» arranged with tho Henderson Branch of Alliance so that we can work together on November 4th. All urged to pray that (»o.| will give us tlie victory. STRATFORD. Oct. Pay-up social, when a good number of memlier* nnd friends were present. An inspiring address from Mrs Scott. Hawem. our District Presalent. Decided that our Union give £2 towards a business men’s luncheon, at which Mr John T Royds could address the men on the financbil side of Prohibition. Musical Items were rendeivd.

and afternoon ten was served, both mud enjoyed. Two new- metnbeia initiated. WELLINGTON SOUTH Oct. 19. The South Wellington W.C. T.lheld a special meeting on Monday afternoon in the rooms, 35 Constable street, for the purpose of giving Mrs Barton, the famous Scotch lecturer, an opportunity of meeting and addressing tin* members of the Brunch and other friend*. The gathering luoi been arranged at very short notice, nevertheless there was n splendid attendance. the room being practically full. After tin* usual prellniinar es, afternoon tea was handed round, and then. l*efore tlie sp«*< ini business was proceeded with, the Area dr ganiser for the Alliance, Mr Taylor, was allow i d a few minutes to appeal to the members for help in various wavs on Polling Day The President (Mrs J Wright) then introduced tile guest of the afternoon in a few words, r* b-rring to the many campaigns in which Mrs Barton had taken pad. Mrs Keen, on behalf of tin* South Wellington Union, presented Mrs Barton with ft besutifu| little posy. The lecturer, after gracefully acknowledging tin- gift, delivered an eloquent and telling adddres* <»n the progress Prohibition had made of late years throughout the world, at the sains time describing the different campaigns she bad worked in for the Temperance cause. At the close of the address. 11 of those present joined the W.C.T.U , Mrs Barton conducting the initiiition service. She then chatted with one an*l another, renewing acquaintance with old friends and making new ones, until she had to leave to catch the boat Of Nelson

Oct. 29. Tin* attendance was not an numerous ns th** importance of tin* bus ness demanded, but all present threw themselves heartily into tin* work. fn answer to correspondence. it was resolved that the use of the room should is* granted to the South Wellington I<engue for Polling Day. <Mm* I»I *-1 «* arrangements were made for providing refreshments on that day for all who would be working for the licensing poll on the side of Prohibition, nnd two meals would be sent to tii** scrutineers in the Smith Mellinglo polling booths, ineluding Victoria Hall Workers and tlieir friend* desiring a meal at tlie Rooms, 35 Constable Street, will !*• asked to pay at the rate of 1/- per meal, with the exception of all those members who nr** contributing provisions, etc., on tlie day. Gifts or money for this purpose will he received at tlie Rooms on Wednesday morning A sub-committee of four was set up to Ik* In charge of the commlasar'at, nrnl thev will l>e in attendance from 9a m Th* 1 quest ! on of a proposed ‘‘No More Mai tiemonstmtlon wns brought forward by tin* Superintendent of Hie peace Department, alnl it was resolved hv a small majority tint tin* Union diould take part if such a Demonstration is held. Til*- date proposed is the 15th of November, hut definite arrange merits are postponed till after the election*. Members were reminded that the next meeting. at the beginning of December, will b»> the Annuit Meeting, when everv men is should make a speelal effort to Ik* present In response to the ntin-*r\l appeal of the Palmerston North Willard florae, it w-as «b* elded that the February meeting should be a Gift Afternoon for this institution, and *U were aaked to bring on that dav gifts <>• clotlung or money for the purpose. The President announced that a Union member had Just gone into hospital for an operat or and it was asked that others should Vi* t her, and thus express their sympathy. NEW BRIGHTON. Oi t. ■*?. Attendance good, Mrs H. Mall in the chair. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs Saville. Decided to bold the Annual Temperance Parade on Sunday October 25th. The delegates to the T ninru Convention both gave full and interesting rc|»orts. Oct. 25. Ties Sunday was observed as Temperance Sunday. Mis* B Harband being responsible for excellent arrangements for a parade and meeting. Members of the Band of Hope. Methodist .Sunday School. Presbyterian Sunday School. North Beach Sunday School, New Brighton Young

People's Christian Temperance Union, anti the W.U.T.U. met at the Bridge, and In-nrie 1 hy the Boys' Drum nml Fife Hand, marched to the Picture Theatre, where the ug-etlng was held. The Mayor of New Bnghton. Mr J, Gamble, presided, and addresses were given t>\ the Mayor of Ulirtatrhurch (Mr J. K. \r«'herl and Mr* T. K. Taylor. A Temperance hymn was given hy a elioir of children, ami a *n*red xnlo hy Mien I »nri* Eaglesome. 0< t. 20 A well-attended meeting was held at Aranul, whieh Mra T K. Tax lor ad■ dressed. The New Brighton mem hem serv•*d afternoon tea. and song* were g vhd by Mesd nines B<urr and F. M t • ■ lie 11. N< JAKKE. Nov. I. Annual meeting. Nine inenil.era present. Mih Gillixt-r ( President) presided All depart meats reported Itax ng hud a quiet hut successful year. Treasurer** re|HU*t very satisfactory. All ofTh-or* XX ere re-elected. Discussion oil rxsUlt of pod took pi are, at.d though all greatly disappointed. member* lift niH'tiDK rero’ved to go to work at one* and Rain new men diets and nibertlNiri to the White Ribbon to further help this Rreat cause -(Oood reaolve. Kd. W It ) WAN* SANI I F. AST. Nov. Pay-up social. Very Rood attendnnee. Mrs Duvfleld occupied the * ha r Replies to letters of sympathy xxere rwtd from Mead arms Irwin, I taw non. ami McLeod. The President welcomed four nexx membora an in r«n*e of 21 for the year. Total memhership up to date, kfi. The Rex*. G F. <V>x, late of Inverraririll, gnve an address on his experience* In a NoLicense area. A hearty vote of appreciation and thanks was passed to Mr I'nx, also to Mrs J Wight and Miss Wallace for verx enjoyable solos. Afternoon tea. WAIM ATE o*l. Mrs Ki|>|»enherger prvs'ded 4 4 inemliers present to hear a most Interestng address ntven bx* Miss Henderson, .vho told us mu* h of what she had seen and heard when on tour through America ami the Pont Incut in tin- interests of Temperance work, showing the prominent part women take in every branch of the management of the afTairs of the country. Txxo musical items bx special request, soiir hv Mrs Wil son. and pianoforte piece hy Misa Fletclier. Afternoon tea. I *rawiiiß-room meeting at the home of Mrs Murray, Studholine .Function, was held on the fnlloxvinß day, addressed by Miss Henderson, who still further carried her audience of some thirty ladies oxer fresh fl.-ids <>f her to*ir. which seems to fum sh matter for many talks of rreat Interest ami educational benefit. Musical items xx ere provided by Mr Kingston and several of the Y Bmneh who xxere present. Six new Members enrolled. Tin- number of new members enrolliiiß is very encouraging to tin- I n***n Afternoon tea xx is scrv*-d. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. 1 1< t. 8. Meeting very well atten*led. I te es to the District Convent ion re|s>rte»l hivii.r had an Inspiring atul helpful time. Tin- < Veche t'oininittee report*-*! that the build 1 ! r was promised f*ir October 20th, ami a 1 st of needful furniture xxits in circulation union? suburban Unions The list was read, and a list of names of voluntarv workers for various times during the |*er od of the Exhibition was prepared. The Uradle Roll Cominittee reported havliur arranged a meeting for mothers and infants on Saturday, October 21. The Adult Union decided to entertain the Y’s at Mrs Hutton's home In Ilißlißate. Decided to take it* t ion to obtain due protection for women 'Ui*i children In Tahnkopa, an«l to s«-n*l a letter of encouragement anil sympathy tn Mrs Ford. *if that district, who Is at present the subject of inu»h abuse and annoyance because of her denunciation of liquor-seders In Tahaknpa. which has led to some prosecutions Mrs Downing* and Mbs Powell reported briefly on their doInßs at llamiltbn. as the Union's representatives on the N.C.W Nox*. 2 Large nml well-attended pra- *>r meeting to ask God's blessing on th' vote

to be taken oil thJ following day. Decided at the meeting of the Executive, held on tin* previous Friday, to defer the business to a special meeting a week later, In order to enable the Union to devote this time to prayer. TAKA PUNA. Nov. 5. Mrs Penning presided over a fair meeting, a ml gave a very interest ns little talk Mesdumes Lew in* ami Wallace mhiir, and Miss Lew inn played during the afternoon. It being the end of the year, nominations were received for the various offices. Afternoon tea was served. ONEHUNOA. <»*t. 8. Mothers' meeting, arranged by our keen Uradle Roll Superintendent. Mrs Rickie. Very good attendance. A splendid musical programme. Miss Moore gave a recitation. Miss Edna Parker a piano solo. Mrs Lnklng and Miss Parker vocal s*dos. and Mrs Stacey a reading, all of w li ch xxere very much enjoyed. Ensign Moore addressed us, taking her text from the words "God has heard the voice of the land, where lb- is.’* Her message of assurance anl comfort carrie*! a blessing to all hearts, especially to those mothers anxious about tb*- moral and spiritual welfare of the r ' *1 Iren. Five new members. RAETIIII. N* v. Mrs Sandford (President) in the chair, twelve members present. Miss Sc arrow (Superintendent LTD gave a brief report on the establishing of branch L.T.L. meetings held alternate Thursday afterroons, attendance good President read "Rules and Constitution" of the Un-on Mrs Axrton (Secretary) gave a paper on "New Zealand Women and Their Vote*. ’* Vote of thanks to the essayist. Afternoon tea dispensed. RIVERTON. Nov. 2. Mth Gray presided. Fa r attendance. Derided to send a donation of 12 In aixl of Willard Home. Letter also received from Anti-Gaiiibling Department Members urged to do ull in the r power to put down the growing evil. Mrs Gray reported answered prayer in Miss Birch's partial recovery. A list of names was drawn up for those requiring cars foe Polling Day. Flowers for hospital for tin* month were promised by various members. Arrangements made for Hand of Hope social on November 13. Annual meeting to be held next month. RANGIORA. O* t. 30. > f .s Will preside*! over a good attendance. ~eply received from Hon. I>. Hu.1.10 to a letter dealing with the Child Welfare Bill. Ib-cided to write to tin* Editor of the ‘‘Record” congratulating him on the stand his paper had taken in connection with the licensing question. Sucretary read a report of the District Convention held at Tiinaru. A good deal of t mo was devoted to prayer in connection with the Prohibition Campaign. BPRINOSTON AND LINCOLN. Oct. 13. A very well-attended draw ing - i(Mini meeting. Mrs Kltne presided. Mrs T. K. Taylor was the speaker, and after touching on the aims and objects of th** W.C.T.U., spoke on the main object of the meeting, namely. Prohibition. Mrs Taylor xvns listened to most attentively, and at the close of her very interesting and Inspiring address wits accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Oct. 20. Mrs Kime presided over a meeting in Lincoln, her subjects being Report of Convention and Biography of Hex J. Dawson. A motion of sympathy was passed with the families of the latter aid also Mrs Gel let ly. one of the first members of the Union. RAT VALLEY. Oct. 8. Twelve members preset t. The President gave an Interesting account of the Nelson -Blenheim Convention. Resolve-1 that the Secretary he instructed to write to the Minister for Public Health asking him If it would not be advisable, in the interests of public health, to see that manufac-

turera of patent medicines showe*l a t. bitof tin- «(>ntents of tlo- medicine they manufacture? Mrs !a-ov asked the member, to send books and magazines to the isoi; tai Inliab tants of l*lt<*airn Island A 1* ter was read from Miss Bradshaw, saying t iat she hoped to be visiting the district *'ui,,ng the foil*.wing week, and plans for a pa gn wer. do- u sc*l. Miss Bradshaxy. been \ isitmg in the district from Ocp ,nr 12-20. Dr. October 2Gb Mrs Helen Barton addressed u meeting in the Kai Va l*Hall.

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White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 365, 18 November 1925, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 365, 18 November 1925, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 365, 18 November 1925, Page 10

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