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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! t. Every Union should report. i Reports must be short. Mlist be In by Bth of month. 4. Don’t report what you are going to do. a. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. K AIAPOI. August lltli. Mrs Jackson in the chair. Betters of sympathy to be sent to Mrs Mcl’herson, Mrs Brandon. Mr I/ewis, and Mr Kendell. Building ( 'ommittee:—Mesdanies Barnard, Keetley, K. Baker and Chapman. Mrs Jackson resigned her office owing to leaving the district (for Auckland). It whs agreed to carry on the business with the assistance of the Vice-Presidents until tie annual meeing. Mrs T. E. Taylor spoke on business methods and plans for the poll. Social Committee for next meeting:—Mesdames Keetley, Clements and Kctialdi. EDEN. August 19th. Pay up social presided o\er by ttie President. Miss Wilson. A vme of sympathy was passed with Mrs Gaulten in her illness. It was reported that four of the number who Joined the W.C.T.U. as a result of Mrs Don’s meetings are to come to our Union. An account of the meeting held at Edendale Baptist Church was also * given, reporting three new members. Several members promised to contribute homemade cakes for an effort taking place (hi aid of the itamabai Mission) at Mrs Is-c Cowie’s Hall this month. Afternoon tea was served, and songs much enjoyed by the audience wen* contributor! by Mrs Htevenson and Miss Bisset. ami n recitation by Mrs Clark. Final arrangements were made concerning a sale of work and (lowers to be held at the next regular meeting in aid of campaign expenses. ASHBURTON. September Ist. Mrs W. T. Lilt presided. Fair attendance. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mr and Mrs Jos. Watson and family, in their recent bereavement. Mrs A. flight was elected delegate to District Uonventlon. It was I* ft in the bauds of Mrs Li*l to draw up a resolution re “more effective working of the District i'nions,’’ to forward to Convention. Greetings were conveyed from Melbourne Branch of W.C.T.U. hv Miss E. J. Corbett, recently returned from Australia. A copy of the child \\ el fare Bill was received from N.Z. L. and I*. Superintendent. Decided to w rit» to local member asking him to support the clauses referred to. Mrs B. 11. l.ow, M.A., delivered a most instructive address on "The work of the la-ague of Nations." A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Bow. GERA B 1 (INK. September ist. 25 members present. Miss Patrick presided. Mrs Wallnch read an interesting paper—Aims and Obje< ts of W.C.T.F. Suggestions were made for most practical help in one town for W.C.T.U. members, arrangements to be made at next meeting. Miss Neut/.e’s solo was much enjoyed. Afternoon tea served by Vice-Presi-dents. Arrangements made for delegate and members for Convention in Timnru. <>nc new member initiated. RAETIHI. May 22nd. A few Indies gathered to hear an address by Mrs Duxfield, of Wanganui, on tile nature and purpose of the W.C.T.U. After which it was decided to form a Branch. Stormy weather and attendance small. Agreed to convene u meeting later to elect officers. At the following meeting. Mrs Bandford elected President; Mrs Ayrton, Secretary and Treasurer (pro. tem.); Mrs Hr arrow and Mrs Houghton, Vice-Presidents. Resolved to meet the first Friday in the month. Also to ask for further assistance by an organiser. Mr Doiielly. No-License

Organiser, invited to give an address oil the Silent Voting Campaign. Also a hearty vote of thanks given to Mr Ashwell for free use ot' the hall for two meetings. July 3rd. Rev. Ayrton gave a short explanatory address on the Bilent Vote Winning Campaign, the members agreeing to carry out tin* recommendation of the Alliance. Miss Earnshaw was appointed to visit us. During her stay ;ihe lias been very active, and the branch will have benefited greatly.

August 12th. A gathering of members, old and new, the President In the chair. New officers elected; twu vocal items rendered. by Mrs Fagg and Mrs Turner, after which afternoon tea waa dispensed. Miss Earnshaw gave a very interesting address, and then read initiatory service, after which the meeting closed with the benediction. Membership roll is about 40 women. Mrs W. H. Sandford, President; Mrs Ayrton, Secretory; Mrs Hou;rhton, Vice-President (Raetihi); Mrs Scar row ami Mrs Captain Barker, Vice-Presidents; Mrs McGowan, Treasurer; Mrs Ford, White Hibbnn Agent; Mrs Parkas, Organist. FEATH ERKTON. September 2nd. Meeting held at the residence of Mrs Holdcroft. Mrs Clark presided. Pleasure was expressed at the improvement in the health of Mrs Holdcroft. Mrs Beeson and Mrs Sadler were appointed to represent the W.C.T.U. on the Feathorston Prohibition Committee. At the close of the meeting afternoon tea was dispensed. KANGIORA. August 2Sth. Mrs Thwaites presided over a good attendance. Several apologies for absence were received. Mrs Bane appointed delegate to attend tin* meetings of the local branch of the No-Bicense I.caguc. Replies from Sir James Parr and Hon. D. Buddo to letter referring to the Bible in Schools question. The President appealed on behalf of Miss Bovell-Smith for old magazines and hooks for back block work. The speaker for the afternoon was Miss M&rhand who gave an .d dress on her experiences on her trip to England. She was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. OXFORD. August 19th. President in the chair. A resolution was passed expressing sympathy with Mrs Gainswo'th in her bereavement. Miss Gainsford and Mcsdames Tritt and Roliinson were appointed to make arrangements for a meeting to he held in the Baptist Church, the church officers I living kindly given permission. Mrs Fox delegate to tl»e District Convention. Decided to borrow lantern slides for use at Band of Hope meetings in Septemliei. The President reminded members Hint the (ixford Union would celebrate its 14th Anniversary next month, when an evening meeting will he held. SUM NEK. September 2nd. Barge attendance. Miss Henderson presiding. Ik-legate to Convention at Timnru, Mrs Booth appointed. Correspondence in regard to Child Welfare legislation was received and motion unanimously passed approving W.C.T.U. Executive’s proposals. Afternoon tea was dispensed, and Mr Plggott, Alliance Organiser for Canterbury Aren, gave an address dealing chiefly with the lies made and circulated through tin- newspapers by the Blquor Party. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr Piggott. TIM ARC. 25th. August. Well attended. Replies read from Hon. Sir J;is. Parr and Mr Kolleaton, Ml’, re Mr Isitt's Bill, and instructions given for Secretary to write to member re Child Welfare Bill. Interesting report on visits to the children at tlie hospital given by Mrs Steward. 1 Jecided to associate Mrs (J. Fraser with her in this work. Delegates appointed to Convention and details arranged. Final arrangements made for annual Daffodil Day in aid of Sailors’ Rest Funds. The Rest report is inteieating In view of the fact that while the S.S. Wiliest on was In port the cook refused duty, and the captain asked Mrs Woodword as a favour if she would cook the meals for the crew so t! at they need not go iii town Twont Iva non had ttiotr meals in the Rest for two days, tine Sunday

tea was given, and two services were held. EKETHUNA. July 28tli. Business meeting, fair attendance. Mrs Terry. Vice-President, took the chair. Re the Physical Culture Class held under the auspices of this Union, it wan decided to dispose of Funds to Methodist Church. Heathen Blind In Foreign lainds. and Willard Home. Greetings were sent to Convention, also a report of the year’s work. A letter was sent to Mr Sykes, M.P.. asking him to support Mr Isitt’s Bill oi. Bible Reading in Schools. Our next special meeting is to be held In October, also Pay Up Social, Mr Jackson to be asked to address both meetings. TAICAPUNA. August Ist. Mrs Penning presided, and Mrs Fulljames gave a most interesting account of her work among tin* Maoris in North Auckland. Attendance good. Afternoon tea dispensed. ONEHUNGA. August 13th. There was a good attendance in spite of much sickness an angst members. Votes of condolence were passed with Mrs Moor, Mrs Skinner, and Mrs Smith in their recent loss of loved ones. Delegates were appointed to District Convention. Mrs Barton was speaker, and all present enjoyed the interesting, spirited address which followed, and all felt encouraged to gird on their armour and do their best In the coming fight. Mr Greenwood, Alliance Organiser, for Matiakau. also spoke, explaining plans of campaign and requesting voluntary workers from amongst our members. Two new members. SYDENHAM. August 6th. Mrs Hirett presided over a good attendance. A letter was received from Mr Marks thanking members for their expressions of sympathy with him in the loss of ills wife. Mrs Gil lard was appointed delegate to the Timaru Convention. One new member was enrolled. It was cup anti saucer afternoon. Items were given by Miss Watt and Mrs Smith, and afternoon tea served. September 3rd. Very good attendance of members Mrs Sirett reported on the visit of three of our members to the 21st birthday of the Ashburton Union, and the pleasant time they gave us. Ensign Tonge of the Salvation Army, gave a very interesting address on his work amongst the drink victims he came In contact with, and stressed the great need of prohibition to combat this gigantic evil. One new member was enrolled. Reported that a well-attended Home meeting had been held at Mrs Archer’s, addressed hv Sister Annie Tocker. PUKEKOHE. July 7th. Annual Pay Up social. Solos were rendered by Mesdftines Waddell, Richards, Baker, Begg and Curnon, and a recitation by Miss Parkins. An Initiatory Service was held. Afternoon tea. July 29th. We had the very great privilege- of having our Dominion President with us and getting to know her. We had a very fair attendance. The collection amounted to £1 17s. 4d. Our President en- ♦ c-rtaim-d Mrs lion, and we are deeply grateful that Mrs Don was able to come. August 4th. Bible study on the wines of the Hihle. Our Secretary being absent owing to having influenza. September Ist. Not a big meeting, as so many were ill with had colds. A piece from January White Ribbon "How we gained the Franchise” was read as the 15th of the month is Anniversary Day. Mrs Horne was appointed our deb-gate to District Convention. TAUMARANUI. September Hth. After devotional service, the Secretary reported on the enthusiastic work of the children in the L.T.L., who are proposing soon to give an evening entertainment. Mrs William's proposed visit was discussed, members promising to support her work In every way. The Union also heartily supported the proposed plan for a children’s play-ground, provided the site was wellchosen and safe-gun riled. The recent visit of Mrs Bee-Uowie was much appreciated by members. Her account of her world tour, and the encouraging report of temperance activity throughout the world was very heartening to those who nre Just beginning in a new ami difficult place.

WELLINGTON SOUTH. Sept. S. A letter was read from the M.P. f jr Wellington South In response to a reueat for hie opinion on the proposed Child Welfare Bill, of which he expreseed hie eup.l()rt with reference to the main provisions. The l>ominion Secretary sent a copy of this drawing attention to its principal iKjints. and asking for approval by the Branch. Some copies of a good poster, preired by the W.C.T.U. of Tasmania, were jjplayed, and offered for sale. Mrs Moore, delegate to the recent District Convention, a detailed and interesting report, and *it.i heartily thanked for her services in this connection. Mrs Moodie, a former member 0 ( the South Wellington Union, was warmly welcomed on a visit, and gave a short adjr ci« on three of the Divine promises, which likened to precious Jewels in a necklace. Attention was drawn to a letter In the June issue of the "White Ribbon” in jnaection with the “Ministry of Friendsh.p.' by which members of the N.Z. W’.C. T.U, were Invited to enter into a corres(Kjndence with members resident in foreign ,*niis. It was explained how these could t« brought in touch with each other, and ttw President, Mrs J. Wright, urged that many should thus work for peace by forgag links of sympathy and friendship between New Zealand and distant lands. A letter of condolence was directed to be sent to a sister who had Just lost her husband. At the (‘lose of the meeting one name was given in for taking up the suggestion of the "Ministry of Friendship.” Afternoon tea was dispensed as usual, and two member* recently from the Old Land were wellomed. WAIPUKURAU. Sept. 8. Good attendance. Mrs Bnuiles <x upied the chair. Recent District Convention held here wus talked over, and everyone felt thut it had been a time of bleatng and refreshment. The Public Meett.g was well attended, und a splendid addresi was given by Rev. F. J. Parker on Prohibition and the Young Voter,” and all the business sessions were keeuly followed. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded our President for her kindness in allowing her uine to be used for luncheon on both (lays of Convention. Our Secretary also was especially thanked for her untiring efforts to make Convention a success, which it was. After various Accounts had been passtd for payment, supper was served, and the meetn* closed. PONSONBY. Aug. Mrs C. W. Taylor presided. A large attendance of members and friends. Decided that the first half-hour before each meeting -liould be devoted to earnest prayer. Quite a number of our members took part, und *•- had a most uplifting time, ltamahi Sale of Work to be held in our East Street Hall Bt tember 29-M and Ist Oetnker was brought before us. All members were urged to talk Prohibition, and try to win voters. A ' ussion took place regarding the transfer of the license from the Thames Hotel. Queen Street to a building in Quay Street. near the wharves, where it would be a greater danger to the sailors and men. It *aa decided to write letters to the Press and to the Licensing Committee asking them to receive a deputation. Mrs Farrard toad an article on "Liquor in Chocolates,” *here a man was fined £IOO and £25 expenses for selling them, and we find that ,v «i here in our own town the same thing " happening. The work among the poor 'mnks at Mrs Lee-Cowie’s hall was brought ’*fore us, and earnest prayer requested. *'*• new members. Afternoon tea. CHEVIOT. Sept. Attendance fair. Mrs Ferguson W'wnded over a brisk and animated meetr President appointed delegate to attend 'he Bible Class annual banquet and social. 0 tie held shortly. Cheviot being now repented by Miss Henderson on the Christhurep Hranch of the National Council of "omen, remits to the coming Conference *ere forwarded to this Union for perusal, »nd rave rise to many Interesting dlscus- ' f, na. and caused much Interest. A most * n Joyah|e afternoon. Afternoon tea provided,

MAUNGATUROTO. August 28th. Mrs Wright presided. It was a red letter day for us, as we had the honour and pleasure of Mrs Barton of Scotland addressing us. A donation of two guineas was voted to the creche at the South Sea Exhibition. Mrs Haines asked to represent us at the District Convention at lh*von|»ort in September. The Secretary reported that the Prime Minister had acknowledged our letter re Mr laitt’s Hill, but uur own member, Mr Murdoch, bad not replied, as is usual with him when we write to him regarding anything. Mrs Grice reported a letter of tlmnks from Sister Eleanor for clothing sent by our Union for the Maoris in the North. Mrs Hatton next addressed us on Temperance lines. She has the true Scotch wit, and knows her subject from A to Z. She spoke to us of work done iu Scotland and America. We heartily thanked her and gave her our best wishes. RAKAIA. August 13th. President presided. Good attendance. Letter of sympathy sent to Mrs Street in her recent bereavement. 1 tedded to support the finances of the W.C.T.U. creche at the Dunedin Exhibition. The Rev. A. H. Morrison gave an Interesting report of the Alliance Conference held in Christchurch in July, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The Treasurer, Mrs Evison, reported a credit balance of £5. Decided to ask Sister Annie Tocker. of Christchurch, to address our next meeting. Afternoon tea d ispenstsl. SOUTH INVERCARGILL. August Uth. Attendance good. A few members of the North Brunch present, received a hearty welcome. Mrs Fairbairn (President) In chair. That day also worthy President’s birthday. Presented with a lovely pot plant by her esteemed and appreciative fellow workers. The meeting mode the following important announcement, —That they (the South Branch) lias entered as co-partners on equal sliares with the Kachahite Order and purchased a section in Grace street, and will erect a Temperance llall thereon. Jumble Sale Committee busy for sale to he held on August 19th. Mrs Piu*ley ably represented the Alliance at Convention in Oamaru and Timaru, giving spicy and pleasing accounts of her mission Ten and lovely sandwh lies were served, and deinonst ration and examples of economy given at this juncture. PAPANUI. August. Mrs Ryan occupied the chair. Decided to have our next meeting at Mrs Donald’s (Cradle Roll Superintendent). Mrs McKee then read the 2411 i Chapter of Prow, taking for her text verse 11; "If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn into death, and those that are ready to be slain.” At the close, Mrs Ryan thanked the s|ieaker for her helpful and inspiring message. TAURANGA. August 21st. Fair attendance. Mrs Carlton Smith In the chair, and several visitors present, among whom was Miss L. E. Humphreys, Warden of the Young Helpers’ Is*ague (in connection with Dr. Hanumlo’s Homes). Principal business discussing the nppaivnt deadlock in the question relating to the Bilde in Schools. Refreshments wen* dispensed. W AIM ATE. August. Mrs Kippenherger presiding. Over 24 members were present. The President gave a few notes from her Convention Report dealing with "Prayer.” Mrs Roy attended the Alliance meeting at Timaru, and gave us her impressions of tlie various speakers, emphasising the need of personal effort in the work and showing the great social benefit derived from Prohibition in America. A scheme for collecting inonyy (wai discussed and carried) towards a Womans’ roc be at the Dunedin Exhibition. A delegate was appoi uteri for the 'onference at Timaru in Septeinlier, viz., Mrs Elder. WESTPORT. A branch of the Union has been organised at Westport by Mrs W. J. Williams. The following are the officers: —President. Mrs Parfltt: Vice-Presidents, Mesdaines Pickering, Miller and Taylor; Secretary, (pro.

tern.), Miss Marris; Treasurer, Mrs McWlia; L>evotional Superintendent, Mrs Pickering; Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs Auid. TAL’MARUNUI. The newly formed W.C.T.U. branch was consolidated himl strengthened by Miss Earnshaw’s visit at the end of July. The membership now stands at 35, with Mrs Donnelly President, Mrs Reed Secretary, and Mrs Pickard Treasurer. Miss Kunisliaw did invaluable work in visiting sympathisers, and, at the general meeting which closed her work here, gave a most inspiring address mi tlie origin and progress of the White Ribbon movement and the part it had played in bringing about great reforms, both moral and social. The Union haa Inaugurated a branch of the W.C.T.U., which, under the enthusiastic direction of Mrs Heed, is doing splendid work. Members are practically concentrating at the present time on co-operation with the New Zealand Alliance in the Prohibition Campaign, and are endeavouring to overtake the arrears of work which should have been done ten vears ago. They ho|w* to make this district less "black” Ilian it wits at last poll. HENDERSON. August 19t>i. Not a large attendance, as so much sickness is about. Mrs Piatt presided over a most interesting social. Some of our members are new to the district, and had expressed l lie w ish to hear about Henderson as it was before the railwuy came. Mrs Platt. Mrs McKay, and Miss Duncan gave some amusing and interesting accounts of those days. Afternoon tea was served, and as the meeting was an open one business was left to our next meeting. AUCKLAND. August 25th. A large attendance. A remit was received from the Ladies’ *.'oiii~ inittcc of tlie Young Citizens' League urging the importance of having a woman patrol in the city, and asking tiiat the Union should make representations to the Government on this important matter. The iii.iMing heartily endorsed the proposal. In connection with tl»# Child Welfare Hill, it was decided to write to the M I*, for the district asking him to support the Union in its following request: (1) That the l*epu y Supt. of the Child Welfare Department should be a woman. (2) That women sha! ppolnted to assist tlie Magistrates Pi the Children's Courts, such women to have the status and power of Justices of tlie Peace. Tin* Union aI ho approved of the proposal to give illegitimate children the protection of the «"liiUl Welfare Department. Mrs Fulljnines read u very encouraging account of the two new Maori Unions in the North. The question was asked in the meeting why was the law of the land broken by supplying the young men of the American fleet under 21 years with liquor? Mr Stnllwortliv gave n splendid address. He has recently returned from nil extended visit to America, and spoke iitost optimistically of the success of Prohibition, lie quoted from a report of Hoy Haynes, the Federal Prohibition officer, which showed that Prohibition had accomplished more than the most ardent prohibitionist had ever dreamed of. An appeal was made for cakes for the sale of work in connection with Kamahai’s mission in India.

HASTINGS. August 27th. Mm Harper presided over a fair attendance. Mrs Hanks is to take tin* place of Secretary during Mrs Wilson’s absence. Business matters wen* gone through in connection with Mrs Don’s meetings, ami flower afternoon, letters of sympathy to sick and bereaved members, also a donation to be sent to tlie credit*. Afternoon tea was served. MOT UE It A. August 2'<tli. Eight members present. Mias Urcsswell in tlie chair. A letter was read from Mr Hudson, M P.. for the district, in which he stated that the Union's wish reHible in Schools, would be given due consideration. A short discussion followed on tin* advisability of organising a ”Y” Branch, and the matter deferred until next meeting. Next meeting being "Franchise Day,” it was decided to hold It as i«c|].

EPSOMAugust. Mrs Neal preaided. Our Prim** Minister and M.P.'h. for Knskill and Parnell were written to re Mr isitt's Bill. Mrs Noal repreaent ina tin' District W.C.T.Ik met three Ixoata from overseas. and nave valuable asaiKtarne t«> several families of new comers to our .shores, taking them to Mr* Lee Howie's Hall to lest. Miss McCallUin was appointed Superintendent of our I'inon to keep in touch w itli new comers from oversens. Mem hers reported having given help to the N» w Zealand Alliance in carding the rolls. Meinlters re|wirted helping Mrs L»*«* Cowie to entertain tin* American sailor hoys at her Hail, also in their own homes. Mrs Neal explained article I. in June White Kihhon. (Government hy regulation, ('urrent topics discussed were: Nationality of British Women married to Aliens; alcoholic drinks trlven to American fleet ; and coin Ini? elections. fSREYTt )WN. August 26th. Miss Oates presiding. Five members present. Mrs Williams’ visit to speak on Temperance discussed ns to best places to hold meetings. Mrs \V. Allan and Mrs A. Haigh were appointed sick visitors for September and October. Decided to write a letter of comfort to Mrs Whincop, w lio im very ill. Heceived a nice letter from Mrs Bendely for our donation ft 17s. to Maori Fund. FEILDINCi. September 3rd. Small meeting. 12 present. Mrs Pack in chair. Decided to send donation to creche at Exhibition. Letter from Miss Henderson requesting that our M.P. hf written to urging him to support certain sections of the <'hiLl Welfare Act. Secretary instructed to write accordingly. Invitation to attend Alliance \ivn Convention at Mutton acceptetl. (>P( >TI K 1. August 13tli. Hood attendance. Mrs Thompson preaided. Mrs Cordon and Mrs J. Murray nerved afternoon tea. The meeting was spirited and showed enthusiasm for working the campaign. Mrs Payne’s resignation as Cradle Roll Superintendent was accepted, and Mias Jamieson appointed. Hand of Hope meetings are being regularly held, and the young people present attractive programmes. MASTERT< >N. September 3rd. Hood meeting, 27 members present. Mrs Cocker presided. Atrangements were made regarding .stallholders for the Shop l lav to is* held on October 7th. Decided the I’nioit would entertain Young People's League at a So< ial ilvi tiitik, when suitable speaker was obtained. Mrs Lead was elected Superintendent of Cradle Ito 11 Department. An instructive address was given hy Mr Harper, District Organist i for Prohibition League, who outlined worn of the League for the present campaign. Three new members itiit a***,!. Mi tRItINSYILLK. Argurt II tli. \ record attendance. three Slew member* Mm li pleasures in appointing Mrs (latex as White Ribbon Agent. Letters of acknowledgment were lead from the ‘ Minister for Education*' and our member—re Bible in Schools. The Nelson System is being tried In our local aehools. September Ist. Meeting held a week earlier. Hood attendance of members and tin* visitors present. Decided that a social be held during tin* month for the Young People. Also a “One Get One" Campaign was inaugurated. A very interesting paper was given h> our President—on the beginning or rather origin of “Hands of Hope," and of tin* W.C.T.I’.. showing the marvelloir growth of puhlie interest. CARTE UT< >N. August 12th. Fair attendance. Mrs It. II Every presiiled. Mrs It A. Pepperell, who had been the delegate to Convention, read the report, w liich was listened to with tin* greatest of Interest. Several matters of in terest were afterwards discussed, and Mrs Pepperell was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for bringing hack such an excellent report. Afternoon ten was dispensed; hostesses, .Mrs Smith and Mrs Ketincrley. August 21st. In connection with the Y P.C.T I’, and \V i' T. i T . a (lower da> *110!

stifct salt* was lit*ld mi Friday, 2ist August, in aitl of the Willard Home, and the sum of £2 aas realised. Tbit- is an annual appeal, an«l Hit* public responded willingly. The correspondence was tit-alt with, ami a letter was read re Mrs Williams spec a I back-block work, ami meetings have tieeti arranged for her in the surrounding tliatrieta. Also, a letter from Miss Henderson about the t'liihl Welfare Kill. Decided to send a letter to Hon. A. I*. McLeod asking for support to the I'nion in their requeat eon-enting the Hill. Mr Harper, as Organiser for the New '/.t-a-Uiml Alllame, outlined their work, and was listened to with interest. Derided as a I'nion to help the Alliance all we can. Tlie speaker was thankcil. Afternoon tea was served, Mesilames Tyler ami Andernon acting as hostesses. ItAKTIHI. September 4th. The President (Mrs Saintford) occupied the chair. Several interesting readings were contrihuted by memhrrs, and were much appreciated. Wet weather prevented a larger attendance. Afternoon ten was nerved, after which the meeting closed with tilt- benediction. HAW KKA. August 17th. Mrs Read presided; 2fi members. A pay up social, members bringing their subs. After business had been transacted, a social hour was spent, Mrs Dixon's solo being much enjoyed, also Miss Olga I,aitl law's recitation, by which she won the gold medal donated by the Union at the recent competitions. Mrs Henson gave n very Interesting account of her recent trip to England and Scotland. One new member was enrolled. Afternoon tea closed a very pleasant meeting. NKW PLYMOUTH. August 24th. flood attendance. Mrs Jones (President) in the < hair. A greeting was sent to Mrs Handy, an old W.t'.T.l\ "Secretary" of the New Plymouth Union, who had reached her noth birthday. Members had a very busy week in working the Mart, which was held on August 2Sth. tinsum of finti being raised, thanks to nil who worked so bard. OTAIHHU. September Srd. Mrs Uedshaw gave a very interesting paper on the League of Nations, tnd its work ami object, which was listened to with interest. Other work was also discussed. PURIST CHURCH. August 12th. Miss Henderson presided. Mr I’iggott. Alliance Organiser, gave a short sketch on tin- silent vote campaign, asking members to take the cards and do all in tlieir power to gain voters for prohibition. A number of members root; the cards. At 2.3 ft Mrs Airey, Secretary of the la-ague of Nations Union, gave an nddr« ss on "Peace and Arbitration." tracing the many movements for peace tip to the incept on of the ht-aifue of Nations. Ih-fore the close of the inerting tin- following resolutions were carried: "That this Union approves the proposal to bring illegitimate children under tlie operation of tin- Child Welfare Act." 'That provision should be made in the Child Welfare Hill for tiic appointment of women to net with the Magistrate ill the Childrens* Courts, such women to have tlie status of Justices of the Ucn.ce.” Three delegates were appointed to attend the District Convention at Timani beginning on September I.lth. A vote of sympathy was |m mnl with the friends nf the late Mrs Ireland. DUNEDIN CENTRAL. September Ist A well-attended meeting Correspondence from l.adv Stout and the Rev. Fn.ser Hart on re Mrs K. M. Miller was ret}d. Dunedin has sent 111 l»*s. lid. to lie used for Mrs Miller's benefit in her infirmity. The Creche Committee reported satisfactoryprogress Mrs P. Dick remitted an excellent Young Women's Hilde Class Rally, arrU|td l> - her for the last Sunday in August in First Church, oil which occasion Mrs Don gave a magnificent adilress to a large numbers of girls ami women. Mrs Hutton reported having arranged three very good noine meetings, at Rroad Bav, Kaikoial, and Maori Hill, as a result of which in new members had been gained, and a pnver meeting hail been commenced nt

Maori Hill. KewlvtKl to coinniQiice reguy prayer meetings every Monday evening ( 7.30 in Hanover Street Baptist Church. g, Alice Webb reported having forwarded. » ; | the Union’s hearty endorsement, the lowing resolution to Sir (Jeo. Fenwick;. "The Executive of the Otago Women's dj begs to draw the attention of the Kmpj Press Union Conference to the Keneral ia satisfaction felt with the nature of large proportion of the news cabled out) Australasian papers. The major i*ortn consist* of reports of murders suiiij, divorces ami crimes of every kind committ* in all parts of the world, often gi\**n i meat length and in objectionable detail, i the exclusion of news of real interest at value. It earnestly requests an alteratii| in this state of affairs.” The delegetr* i the lhstrict Conventior were appointed, aj remits discussed and passed. Decide to advance the hour of meeting to If pm. PETONE. August 4th. Business meeting. 12 iiiem Imrs present. Mrs Murgatroyd preside Further arrangements were made in «o» neefion with Mrs I ton's meeting. August 19th. A “Give ami Buy” Hoc 4 afternoon was held, in the Salvation Arti’i Hall, when the sum of fl l7s. was raitM This sum has since been increased by t*i donations of 2s. 6d. each. Mrs Wiaeniu gave vocal solos, and recitations ww* given by Mrs Jensen and Master Ken net l Ferguson. 15 members and friends pr* sent. Afternoon tea was served, ami 1 pleasant time spent together. Apologis and gifts for absence were sent by M*-v dames Shardlow, Heyward and Bilberry. WAKKWORTH. August. Meeting small, but very inter***! mg liiscussion on aims and work ef NV.C.T.IT. Two siiort papers on ‘Liquor a th** King Country* were much appreciated Moved that a lettei of sympathy he sen: to |{ev. Ruprecht and family in their at* loss of wife and mother. Mrs Rupcei'lr was an active Riemlier of our Ftiion, an. will be greatly missed, tier quiet, Ohrintlike spirit will dwell long in our heart*, ami many members s|»oke feelingly of tlmr personal loss in her passing. Hecided I* send delegate to district Convention r Auckland on September 23rd. Collective taken up in aid of creche for iHtnedii Exhibit ion. PLEASANT POINT. September 2nd. Miss Bishop preside Relegates wen* chosen for the coming Con fere lice. Miss Halstead and Miss Neilsor to go. Three new White Rihhoners wen gained in Waitohi district. A *’ote of syn pathy was passed to our inem’sr of Pari a ment, T. |). Hunictt, Ks<|.. hi his din***' ami retirement from public work. I.TL picnic to be held ill November. Peace w:t sheets have now been put up in tlire schools. Afternoon tea was served, \V AIM ATE. May 3rd. R> an oversight the account of our Peace meeting whs not sent to Tie White Kihhon earlier. There was a sinitl attendance, but all felt that it was goo*' to be there. Tin* President read a short account of a Postal Conference held in Madrid, when it was decided to issue Petit Stamps. Argentine led tin* way h> at oint adopting a stamp depicting ‘The Christ <> tb< * Andes.” Miss Margaret Smart gave a very fine address on Peace, so excellent that we should like to have broadcast** 1 it. TEMPLETON. Xugust 25th. Mrs Simpson presided «v* r fair attendance. Mrs Williams was •*!***• delegate. One new member was gain*** Mrs lliil presided at the organ. A ver pleasant afternoon was brought to a clw by tile benediction. Next meeting October STHATFOHIL August. Hood attendance. Members wen* addressed b> Mrs McCombs. President " Sumner W.C.T.I’.. Member of Christ* liurch *Tty Council; also, of Christchurch Hospits Hoard. Mis MiComlis gave us some it' stanees. showing how, women are needed 0,1 these hoards as well as men, and sh*' urged t lie women to take their place in th*

fr jj in tints way. Bhe pointed out how social and drawing room entertain t ntn were to help iu the great work of piprraiK'e. After a moat inspiring ad - pi,., a profitable afternoon wan brought a close by the Hinging of the l-*oxolog>. NEW BRIGHTON. \pgust 20th. Thy President in the chair. Kndance good. Mesdamcs W. Ilerrirk and )fin g gave excellent reports of the recent Alliance Council. Mesdunies. M. and W. Herrick were appointed deletrf to attend the Provincial Convention. E Taylor Day was observed. Mrs Ri«hA v outside, giving a splendid address on •> Life and Work of the late T. K. ulor. Collection was taken up and afternn tea was served. M< It'd I EL. \usust 18th. Attendance fair, Decided t«» , D ,I fl to District Fund, and also tl Is. | the W.O.T.L. Creche Fund. Mrs Bedford bpointed to act on Creche Committee, irried unanimously that we favour relation of district officers. Mrs Haiutn , ve a most coniprelieiisive outline of the the League of Nations Is doing. Her livery and manner was so attractive that ie gripped her hearers and aroused their itliusiasin, and they became interested in ir work of the league. Vote of thanks i Mrs Maun it for lier inspiring and educate address. BELFAST. June Itli. Miss Earnahaw presiding. Mrs lilliams gave a very stirring address. A finch of the Union was formed, 28 women eng initiated as members. Since then a noting lias been held on the first Wedneslijr of each month, Mrs Taylor and Mrs tic hards being the speakers. August 31st. A very successful aocia. idling whs held at which Rev. Ryan prehd anti with Miss Harband gav short n<i instructive addresses. SPREYDON. July 14th. Good attendance of members. Mrs Nairn (President) in the chair. Slater (nnie Tocker gave an address on the drinknit among women in Christchurch. One nieinlier. Afternoon tea. August 11th. Attendance fair. Mrs Naim ,raided. Mrs Voss and Mrs Watson were [■pointed delegates to Convention at Timaru. Mrs Nairn briefly a< Id resiled tin* minding, her remarks being much appreciated by all prruent. Afternoon tea. N.B. VALLEY \ugu»t 27th. A small attendance owing to md weather. Mrs Peart presiding. The following officers were nominated fo« Dlsrrict ('onventlon: —President, Mrs lliett. butted in; Seeretary, Miss Smyth, Oamaru; Treasurer, Mrs Macartney, Dunedin; Dele.ates to the Convention at Balcbitlia: — Mrs Peart. M*ss Begg, ami Mrs Hinkley. Votes of sympathy were panned to two utnilK-rs wlio had lost relatives. Tin- coition for the Maori Fund amounted to i 3 1». tid. A letter was sent to Mr Bollard. MP.. congratulating him on the stand he !).•.* taken in connection with Art Unions.

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White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 363, 18 September 1925, Page 14

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 363, 18 September 1925, Page 14

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 363, 18 September 1925, Page 14

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