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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Every Union should report. i lit ports must be short. *. Must be In by Sth of month 4. Don’t report what you are going i« do. If 5. l>on’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. CHKVIOT. June (itii, Meeting well uttetnleU. Mrx Ferguson prexnleil. Huximxx mainly the arrungmg of meeting* in the dixtrict in about a fortniglit’x time, whin Mix W. J. Wtlltumx will deliver a aeriea of addreaHM at afternoon and iveiung meeting*. Socrotary attended North Canterbury Iditrtd Executive In Ittngiora.' Mia* Hemlerxon. General Secretary for N» Zealand, appointed representative for « iieviot on the National Council of Women in Chrlatchurt h. After tbe benediction. afternoon tea wax served. OXFORD June 17th. The President said it wax White ttlbbon Pay. Owing to ill-health Mrx I'erymaii wua not able to axxiat ux by an addrexx. .Nlrx llawke read an article on "Growth and extension of our paper.” Hexolution In favour of Mr laitt'a Hill for Bible Heading in H« lioolw, and our M.l\ to be written to. One drawing-room meeting reported. Two new member*, on* new xubm Tiber to Collection for Maori fund. June Pth. Afternoon tea in aid of W.C.T.tT. fuiaix wax most xu« <cx*ful. Thank* to generous and will help given by member x and frieuds. MOHO IK 1,. June lCtli. Meeting at Mrx Logan’* Fair attemlnnce. Several articles ware read from the White Ribbon, and a free «|lh> uxsion look place, Afternoon tea wax Landed round. June 19th. Meeting held at Or* en Island. Presdent and Secretary of Moxgiel Union w cie there, alxo Mix lliett. District President. Twelve Indies from Green Island were present. Mrs Hiett spoke on the "Aims and Objects of the W.C.T.U.,” and explained how to organis*- a branch. After dlxruxrion, it wax decided to form a group of members to act with Mosgiel Unon. rathci than xeparate Union ax at present. Mrx Kilpatrick n.oved a vote of thanks to Mrx Hiett. Mrx Smellte provided afternoon tea.

June 9th. A hoc la I evening for the young people of Vtaxg iel ami Taieri district*. In spite of inclement weather 10ft young men and women assembled Instrumental items and soloe and games contributed to a pleasant evening. Mr Paterson enlixted the

vounif people In the vote winning campaign. The W.C.T.U, provided supper. HAWKRA. tune Isth. Twcntv-four mcml«rf present. Mr- Pinny, (Treasurer) resigned owing to h, i removal to New Plymouth. Ko'gnntion i, i ve. I with much regret. Mrs Ashton Mit: appointed in tier stead. Mrs lion <l>.ni.mion President) gave a very helpful t ils to members, nil feeling much eticouraKeil by her brief *t:»V In Haweia. One meiidier enrolled. STRATFORD. June. A splendid meeting <io members )H>ing present. It being "White Ribbon ,lay, ’ we took the opportunity of making tins meeting a gift aerial, the collection, ;1 ft. i giving our usual amount to the Maori fund, to l»e handed over to the organizing fund A most enjoyable afternoon was l«i;t. aiul an excellent programme pro - did of songs and recitation*. Afternoon tci wis nerved. (Sained one new subscriber to “White Hibbon.” RAKAIA. Mi\ Sth. Mi a McCombs gave an address ■,n ial Hygiene." Hhe was listened to itt* ntively l»> ;« large number of iiiemher* and mends, and at the close was accorded a ver\ hearty vote of thanks. All business hi held ovet till the next meeting. After* ii 111 tea dispensed. June 12th. A combined meeting of the Mother s Union and W.C.T.U. was liehl in St M irk’a .vhoolrooni, and was very largely xttei. i d h> members and friends. Mrs I Mir (I ann in ion President) and Mrs Nome, nf Tnnaru, were present, and Mrs lion delivered a very powerful and inspiring adil:i di aling with t lie history ami the work r the W.C.T.U. In New Zealand. Hefore (••nil lulling, she urged all members to wear then vi bite rihhlon badges on all occasions, i I thus advertise the good work lie'ng don. bv the Union. Seven new members. Vot. of thanks to Mrs I kin. Afternoon tea dispensed. FOXTt >N. June Ifcth. White It bbon I>ay. Mrs Pe.-v• tiresided over a good attendance. An hitci< -:ting paper on the Maori work was mven by Mrs Downs; urrnb gements made fer Mi' lion’s visit. One new member enrolled. Colli turn in a d of Maori fund. June 21st. An after Church Rally was a the T'>v, ii Halt, in is M itgi k) tlie Mayor, sii gitig by eomhined choirs. Mi I *oi, gave a most interesting address. Mon lay afternoon meeting for ladies, when Mi I ion gave us a heart to heart talk on the work of the I’nion which was listened to with great interest. A vote of thanks * s paused to Mrs I»nn for her splendid :i i one new member enrolled.

KAIAPOI. Juim 21th. White Ribbon I»av. Mrs Ja< k«on presided. A fair attendance. It was greed to hold a business meeting on Jul\ trd. Mrs Richards gave an address, and urged every member to subecritie to tlic White Ribbon." She spoke of its iml*ort iM i*. arid outlined Its history. She also poke of her work In the Temperance ui'i ii Melbourne. A collection was taken f"i t),c Maori fund. Social (’oiuinlttee for n> m ueeting Mcsdamer Warren, Chapman, •it.<l Rrain. V successful home meeting has n held at Mrs B. Kan’s, at which Mrs •l ids gave the address, CHRIBTCHITRC7H. Jii’e ifltli. Mrs Taylor presided over « attendance. Mrs Taylor gave a very ■it* i, .ting report of the Alliance Annuiil •’onfcrcnce. which was one of the best she had attended. A number of young men •t there as representatives from niftry I'.Tts of the Hondnlons, which showed in- ' ft -i,| interest. Mrs l»ay gave h short reof the North Canterbury Histrlct Execute. Meeting on Msv 29tb at Rangiora. ' I'irons were repres»*nted. Mrs R Nairn Welcomed as President of the Hpreydon I'n n, where home meetings have already been held an 1 others arranged for. Mrs Will im n reported holding meetings at B|>r* >don. dpawa. Heathcote, Redcliffe (21,

Tai Tnpu, Oreendale, Hnrfleld, Homebush, Sheffield, and Kuiapoi; also, had formed Rands of Hope st Heathcote,, Pleasant Point, and Red< liffe. Riecartoul reported three successful meetings, addressed by Mrs Taylor and Miss Henderson, who had also been to Kefton, Salt-Water Creek, and Papanul. Miss Harband address*-,! a meeting at Templeton; also the Mother's Union at New Brighton. A large Union meeting had been held at New Brighton, addressed by Mr 1). G. Sullivan, M.P. Five now member* were initiated. Sydenham reported home meetings addressed by Mrs Taylor, and Mrs McCombs. Mrs Richards spoke at s home meeting at Heathcote on ••personal Influence." Two new members were iuitbited HICCARTON. June 18th. Attendance good. Opening day of Cradle Roll. President expressed a desire to see more mothers and children at the meet lug. 1 Melded to approach candidates at the forthcoming election asking them If the> intend supporting Mr Isitt’s "Bible In Schools Bill.” la-tter received from Wharenul School Committee, Informing I'nion that one minister bad resigned, and asking what was to be done in the matter. After interviewing the headmaster and two ministers, it was decided to work with the two available ministers, hoping something better could In* arranged. Resolved to collect outstanding subscriptions Every member was asked to make special effort to gain subscribers to “White Ribbon." Nurse Wilson gave an Interesting address to mothers on the formation of the anti-natal clinic. TURAKINA. July 3rd. Mrs Hon (lkiminion President), visited our village. Rov. Wilson (Presbyterian), presided over a public meeting held in the hail. Although we were sorry more did not corns to hear her, those who were there were well pleased with the address, and went away thinking how they could get Others to help kill the giant "alcohol." Two new members were gamed for our I'nion. PETONE June 17th. Social afternoon held at Mrs Corner’s. Fair attendance of members Mrs Murgatroyd presided. Mrs »'ole gave a recitation; much appreciated. Mrs Itattersby then read an extract from the "White Ribbon," afterwards speaking of tingreat number of tragedies connected with the drink traffic. Other members spoke briefly of the economic point of view-, and of the danger of the increase of drinking amongst young people. Miss Avlsoti made an appeal for workers to get new subscribers to the ’White Ribbon." Afternoon tea was served, and Mrs Comer received a heartyvote of thanks. WANOANPI EAST. June. Mrs Duxfleld, (President) In the chair. Correspondence was read from Mr A.ltken and Mrs Penman; from Sir Maui Pom a re. In response to a telegram of pro test against proposals in the VI). Act; and from Mrs Massey, In reply to a message of sympathy. L.T.L reorganised, and expenses of delegates to Convention were passed for IMiymont. Mrs Codd was welcomed from the Pox ton Colon The President reported on her \ isit to Taumarunul and Raetlhi. where Unions were formed and officers elected; also an L.T.L. organised at Goavtlle. Two new members. QORE. June. “Pay Up Social" in Milne’s tea rooms An excellent attendance. A resolution was passed In favour of Bible reading In schools, copies to be sent to the Prime Minister and Hon. G. J. Anderson. That future meetings be social evenings in Milne’s tea rooms In place of afternoon meetings. Rev. N. Burgess gave a splendid address which was cjuite an inspiration. Five new members enrolled. A vocal solo was rendered by Mrs N G. Hhrimpton, a dud by Mesdamea L. A. Hav, and O. F. Mirams, and an instrumental trio by Misses O. a',l J. Ferguson and E Taxi is. the accompanists being Memlames O. Johnstone and Mirams. Mrs K. C. ftniith. (President), presided. Meeting opened and closed with prayer. A pleasunt and pmfHalde evening.

N.E. VALLI-; T. June 25th. A good attendance. A number of bereavements had or, -un-d u,-c i»t meeting, so the President took for her leading Jno. 14:15 to the end, Mrs Miller foi lowed with uu impressive prayci on behall of the bereaved. The Rev. I tames spoke on "How to w.n the Poll,’’ laying special stress on the inilueme of the young people, and the importance of knowing just how to vote on election tluv. Mis Poison, who has been seriously ill, was welcomed back, and an ex-member of the Women's iimisit Union was enrolled. NELSON V s. June 22nd. Large number pi e-scut. An enjoyable evening tufas spent a- social in Church of Christ school room, and at the end of evening six new members joined. AUCKLAND Vs. June 4th. A concert was given in aid of the funds of this branch. Mrs la-c-Cowie presided, and there was a large attendance. A splendid programme of musical dm, - .■ n<i readings was rendered, and was much appreciated. Mrs Lee-('owie also gav* mi interesting and Instructive temperance address. July 2nd. Mrs la-e Cotvie presided Good attendance. Papers on the life and v.oil ei Frances Ridley Havergal were read, and selections from her poems and hymns wonreau and sung. Mrs Judson spoil* on tin "Ministry of Friendship" Movement, and enlisted several volunteers in the work. An Electoral Committee to deal with politics! matters in the interests of Prohibition was set up, with Mr Lcckie as Convenor. Eleven new members. HASTINGS. June. A very pleasant social evening was spent in the Methodist Young Mcu’s Hull, when a large gathering of the n-cinla-n- of the Y.M.C.A. and the Vs. vs*i«- present. Many games were played, and a dainty supper was dispensed at the conclusion. CARTERTON Y s. June Kith. A very enjoyable social. Games and competitions kept the young people ill good fettle, and items were pbvisingly rendered by Mrs Peppered and Mieses Kcall and Ratliboiie. The President (Miss Tyler), introduced the Rev. (leu. Jackson (Young People’s Organiser), ami Mr Harper (Prohibition Organiser), and instructive addresses were given by these gentlemen, each In his own way, detailing the important work mapped out for the young people in the approaching campaign. CHRISTCHURCH. June 30th. White Ribbon 1 *ay was held on tune 24th, Mrs Taylor presiding. A circular letter was read from Mrs Peryniau, the White Ribbon Editor, for a lightening campaign to endeavour to put the paper in ninny homes, and enable it to wiu votes for our cause Mrs Taylor dwelt in the great need theic w s for every in- a ber to take the White Ribbon, asking ii • m to get as iiu>nV subscribers us possible. The Superintendent pave a brief report on the position of the paper in the Union, pointing out that *•»'h mi iw.ih subscribers were lost by death, removals, and those that discontinue to take the paper, and the great necessity there was for i-ieh to do more to gam subscribers Two ra w members were initiated. Sister Annie Tucker then gave an address on the subject of drinking among women in Christchurch. Hister Annie, in paying a tribute to (he life vm.i k of the lita Mr T If Taylor, stated tbut in the poorest of hor.ii s in Christchurch, e\en though the pa| *r was dropping off the %\alls, there were oftoi two pictures to l*»- seen on these walls. ' hie was a portrait of Nurse Maude and the other of Mr T. K. Taylor. The speaker sa I that during six months she had investigated the matter of drinking among wome.i in GUI city, and bad tabulated lit I expel ien< ■ -s. dhe was amazed at the result. The report stated that there were forty eight hotels in Christchurch, and in many of these special provision was made for wot • i customers, a room being provided, oft* n several rooms. Nearly 400 women weie • *-u taking alcoholic liquors in tin «• noon s in one hour, and from one oclock to five o’i-Im k

In tin* afternoon 1588 ware counted, 80 to per rent of whom were from nln'tnn to forty-live years of age. Tlie liquors mostly conn’ nie«t were whisky himl b, er. wine and g ? n coming next. Some of the women drunk ns niudi ns four or five glasses, while ninny took liquor home w*tli thr..i. In one hotel live small rooms were provided where men n»d women eould drink togctlie. - . Children were taken into hotels, and wee also nerved at bottle stores. Not much evideme of drinking was to he seen In the streetH, hut visits to Hagley l’ark at six o’elock In the morning revealed a terrible state of things. In conclusion the speaker urged that In the Interests of the rising generation, all present should «lo their best to work for the prohibition of the liquor traffic. ONEHUNGA. White l(il»l»oii lh»y, Arrangements for this meeting were left entirely in the hands of mir capable W.K agent. Mrs Ashliy, who « ir« ularised all members, notifying them of date of meeting and amount of subscription das for WhKs RlM mm <if ntailien). (Result, almost without exception all subscript ions paid). Also, enclosed with notice was a small cretonne sack, and poetical Information about the meeting and what the sack was for. Tldr. innovation, no doubt, added considerably to collection for Maori Fund. There was a large attendance. Report of last month’s H. and R social read, showing a credit balance of f 5 12s. tid. fni the effort. Business concluded. Mrs Ashhv read articles calculated to enthuse members to obtain newt subscribers foi “White Ribbon.” If we do not do well ir. this matter It is certainly not our energetl • agent’s fault. Gladys Parson recited “Wear it." holding aloft a large W.K. bow. Our President then railed on Mrs Lee Fowl*, whose talk on the "Wines of the ltihle" was very much enjoyed, many little facts, which we as temperance workers need to know, he’ng plain to us. SOUTH WELLINGTON. (>n May 18th, the sjieclal Peace meeting for prayer was held, when the attendance was rather small. Rev. F. de Lisle gave a beautiful address on “Ten years After," the latest book by Sir Phillip Gibbs The lecturer showed that in spite of tlie fact that present conditions of the world were disappointing after ten years of so-called peace, yet throughout the hook there breathed a deep spirit of optimism, especially to those who looked at the Inner spiritual meaning of events rather than on their material significance. I luring the afternoon Mrs Fauvel contributed appropriate vocal Items that were greatfully enjoyed by all present.

June 4th Good attendance, lie National Council of Women. Union endorsed action of Executive In withdrawing affiliation, owing to dissatisfaction with the methods employed n the conduct of business hv the Council's Executive. Mrs Chisholm gave a vivid account of the recaption and social functions that hail been held during the recent Convention In Ikinedln, especially mentioning the welcome *o the returning officers after their American tour, tlie wonderful Jubilee celebrations in the States at which Mrs lmn had been present, and the capital reproduction o f the history of the W.C.T.U., given In "hong and Story” by the Lulled in V. girls. A handsome framed copy of the Convention photograph was presented to the I'nlon h.v Mrs Chisholm on behalf of herself and Mrs Catchpole, the two delegates to Convention.

July 2nd. Fair attendance. Vttes of sympathy for bereavement suffered recently by two families In the Union. Resolved that the weekly prayer meeting decided on at the last monthly meeting should he held on Thursday, at 2 p.m., to he followed by the ordinary meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Two members reported having begun collecting for the Had: plucks Campaign Fund. The I‘unedin Colon wrote appealing for help in aid of the Creche It proposed to establish In connection with the Exhibition. A "Bring and Buy” social was arranged for the evening of the 30th Inst. Mrs Lon was to he asked to address a Hunclav School Rally In the afternoon and nn After Church Temperance

Rally in the evening of the 9th of August. lk*cided to Mind a letter of loving sympathy to Mrs Catchpole. who had In-on compelled to give up her work for the Alliance, and was lying seriously ill in the Wellington Hospital. BANCiB IRA. June 26tli. Fair attend-mv. Is-cidcd to send a donation of 10/- to the W.C.T.U. Creche at the Dunedin’ Exhibit ion. Mrs Thwaites reported that a very successful meeting ill the interests of no-license had been held at Waikuku Mis ’l’ K Tayloi being the speaker. As White Ribbon I lay is celebrated at the June meeting. Mrs Richards, of Christchurch, gave a stirring address, taking for her theme the Motto of the Union, "For God, Home, and Humanity." A collection was taken up for Maori work. GREYTt >WN. June 30th. Oates presided. Seven present. I >eclde<l to send collecting curds to all members The Secretary was Instructed to write to Hon. A. I>. McLeod, asking him to support the Bible in Schools Bill. BEFTON. July. Mrs Thorne presided over good attendaner. Reports given of special meetings held during May. A successful drawing room meeting was held In June, Miss Henderson, of Christchurch, giving address. Two framed copies of Peace Manifesto placed In lo«vil schools. Reported that Mi 2s. rid. had been collected and forwarder! to Organising Fund, fl voter I to Dunedin W.C.T.U. for Creche at Exhibition. Being White Ribbon Day, President lead article from May’s Issue, ami urged all members to help on tills branch of work. 1 tedded to have regular copy placed in library. Collection for Maori Fund. Recitation by a member. TIM ARC. June HOth. Very wet day. Fair attendance. Comfortable in new Rest. Motions of sympathy with Mr and Mrs Mr-Keown, Miss Pearson, anrl Mrs McKay. De« bled to hold a "Bring and Buy" social afternoon on Wednesday, July 22m1, for purpose of assisting I >uned in Union’s undertaking at Exhibition. Mrs Nome gave a resume of Mrs I ton’s tour of the districts, as a result of which 63 new members wen enrolled. A new member was initiated. WHANOAREI, White Ribbon I>ay was celebrated nt the residence of Mrs Wrack, I Main’s Avenue), (about 20 ladies present. Mrs Good* 11, (President), presided. Musical and elocutionary Items, a cup of tea, a new member, and a collection of 18/- for Maori work. Expecting Mrs I ton on 22nd. GREYMOUTH. June 30th. White Ribbon Lay, Mrs Martin presided. A resolution in support of Mr Isitt’s “Bible in Schools B \” was unanimously carried. Derided to make collection towards Creche in Luncdln, during Exhibition. Arrangements were made for meetings with Mrs W. .1. Williams in August. Mr Martin, in a few words, expressed appreciation of the “White Ribbon" paper, and its great value and usefulness Luring the afternoon songs were sweetly sung by Mrs Martin and Miss It Drake. a vote of thanks being given to Miss Lrake for entertaining us. A social cup of tea was enjoyed. ROXBURGH. June 24tli. Good attendance of members and visitors, and a new member promised; collection taken in connection with "White Kildton Lay," for Maori missions. Our President read a most Interesting report of a delegate's impressions of Conference, which was greatly appreciated, ami a cup of tea was enjoyed. Arrangements for a "Young People's evening made. OPOTIKI. June 11th. Mrs Thompson presided over a large attendance. N’ Z. drink hill was on view, showing the enormous sum of money spent In drink In 1824. The President stressed the need of more Interest and enthusiasm among the members, and urged the vote for prohibition. Band of Hope meeting held, and despite the unfavourable conditions of

the weather, there was a large nttemlaim The Anglican Sunday School rendered a ilia programme, and Mrs Thompson preside Rev Hint ami adjutant Halle led in prayer Community singing was great attraction LEIGH. May 2Hth. A large number of ladies ni» and made up a tine large bale of warn useful garments, to send to Adjutant Gordon for her pour people In Auckland Musical items enlivened the proceedings, amt a sumptuous afternoon tea. Th«ladies of Leigh deserve our best thanks ft-, their ready response to an appeal to work for the poor. July 2nd. Mis Grigg in the chair. Fair attendance, two visitors present. A lott*r was read appealing for help toward th* expenses of a W.C.T.U. Creche at the Luii edin Exhibition. Lis* ussion of “Faith Prayer." Mis \\ vatt gave an an ount of Mrs Lee Cowie's rest-room ami creche ii Auck land. GAM ARIL June Hth. Mrs .1. ,1. Clark in the ehair. Mrs McKenzie gave a helpful address him on tin* P xt, "Jesus saltl I have meat to tat that ye know not of.” Mrs Scott read that very instructive article from the White Rif bon entitled "Am old as’ Adam.” M;*.Smyth nad an article on "Whit** l: i In.: Lay.” Plans of work were discussed, and members were urged to get new subs* iil»*r> Mrs Clark spoke of the need of the Maor work. A collection was taken up for tie Maori Fund. A very excellent report \;e given by our delegate to the Lunedin Convention, Mrs Corlett. A vote of thunks nvhm passed to Mr Corlett. WANGANUI CENTRAL. July 2nd. Mrs Goodey presided. I*Notions led by Mrs Bathgate. Report of District Convention read by Mrs Thompson, and Mrs Piper gave "Impressions of ttie Convention." Four new members. Report* of depts. received. Appeal for W.i’.T I Creche at Dunedin Exhibition reeei\c.| Donations amounted to fl 7s. fid from those present. OTAHUHIJ. June 2nd. Rev. Greenwood gave us a talk on <>ur motto for "God, Home, and Humanity,” which was listened to with Interest by those that were present; also Bible in Schools was discussed, and decided that the Secretary write to the member for <*tahuliu to do all he ran to influence the other member* to pass Mr Isitt's Bill for Bible In School*. FKATHERBTON. July Ist. Meeting held at tlie residence of Mrs Hold* roft. Fair attendance. Mrs Holdcroft was appointed delegate tol District Convention. Final arrangements were luudr for Mrs Don’s visit on July 15th. Mrs Cliuk d'spcnsed afternoon tea. FEILDING. July 2ml. Eighteen members present: presided over by Mrs Pack. At the mst'gation of tlie Bible in Schools Commit tee. Is was resolved that a letter be written to our member in Parliament urging him to support Mr Isitt's Hill. A good d*vil of business was got through iu cttinection w th the forthcoming Convention, Ncvcral committees bemg appointed to attend to advertising. hiring ot' halls, etc. TAKAPUNA. July 2nd. The chair was taken by Mr* Mills. A small hnt Interesting meetingMrs Lewi ns read a paper on "How we won the Franchise.*’ Mrs Stuart Boyd then gave a most interesting account of “How the Franchise was won In England." EDEN. June 17th. 2 p.m., prayer circle conducted by Mrs Ramsay. 2 30, Miss Wilson pr* sided over the regular monthly meeting, 15 present. Report of the Alliance Area Convention. Mrs Fenton gave an address hearing on helpful yxortls. beginning with the initial letters of “White Ribbon,” also stressing the point of attending to the small things, with speciall reference to wealing of the White Ribbon H*>w.

June 24th. A special meeting wm held i,j Ki|i ti Union at Kdendalo Baptist Church, L.ur president in the elialr. Mrs Cowie I,.liven'd o’le of her Inspiring addresses, resulting in 6 new members. Afternoon tea L-m served. There in t»rifelit prospet t of a , n ion bring organised in this rapidly growruK district In the near future. MAT At It A. June 29th. Very good attendance. Mrs bandeis (President) in the chair. Two new ih enrolled, another welcomed. Miss L; a lt recited a piece entitled “Tin* School L,f Mother's Knee." Mrs Pusley, from lin'd 11Kill. Rave a very Interesting address , n "Temperance Work” and received a \er> hearty vote of tluinks. P< »NH( >N H V. June Mrs Ree t'owiii presided. A splen,ll,l attendance; visitors brought greeting* from New Plymouth. President urged the mpoit nice of voting riprht. I decided' to* ftmnt to W.C.T.U. Creche at I Minim Inhibition, letter sent to Premier urguc importance of Hahhath ohservanee. Heported lit) ou Cradle Roll. Good work at lb t Room reported. Mrs Williams read ni article oil "White Ribbon,” and Miss Kv ;c 'ii Maori work; collection of 20/. Mrs Judson spoke on “Ministry of Frlendalilp.” Mend "is asked to write and urge their M l' to support Bible in Schools Pill. Three Hew members. July 3rd. Mrs Cowle Piesident, a ■'plcti'lid attendance. Special players for .ck nteinberM and those in trouble. ;i nior< babies on Cradle Roll reported. Deilcil to send letter to Miss Preston Stanley, first woman M.P. in Australasia. Mrs Cow is offered use of her hall for visitors fmm I ,S.A. Fleet. A deputation to wait on <’itv Counell to protest against the disgraceful picture* on the hoarding* In our city ml outside the picture theatres. Afterii"'>n tea served. MOURINBVILLK. Meetings are held regularly every mouth. <*n June 9th, we had the pleasure of listenuc to Mrs Jones, of Hamilton, who was a dclcirate to the Convention, Rives a very •■icat ami interesting report of the work lone there. Although we always Ret a tji M, d njmrt for our perusual, a visit from .» delcßate seems to hritiß us some of lln> cntlius asm which we ail need to keep fn ah n"l vigorous. After a hearty vote of than! to the speakers, afternoon tea was handed round. A 811 BURTON. June 9th. Mrs VV. H. Robinson, V.P . I>ii' dial over a fair att* ndunce. Reiters ol vmpathy to he sent to Mesdames Rill. Rail ikher. Robertson, Mel/ean, Baimtow, •'lid M- a 1 lent, in "iikliess. Mrs C. A. Mas- ***>• wrote thank the I'nion for letters in pithy received * n the death of her luxtiioiis husband. IHa uled that arrangements for "Seamen's” I'ay bo left in the hands of Mrs C. 8. Matthews, Superinten d*-nt. Mrs I ion ami Miss liarhand wrote I'ptiiiK invitation to la* present on August 1 «th.. also to write other Unions and kindltd " ieties to lie present. Resolved that Mrs |i. H. Row, Tiniaru, speak at the meeting on the work of the hc.ti of Nations. Mrs Robinson re|M»rted "ii Kxecutlve meetiiiK of B.C. l>i*triet, and Mrs I ton's itinerary. A very helpful address .-n b| Mr W. iL M " kaay, <>n "Bible Twliiur” in re Rani to the li«iu<ir traftic am "thei reforms. A hearty vote of thanks "is corded the speaker. Mrs (I. Mow mail ■ica n undertook to collect donations for the W int. i Hhow Prise Fund, and suggested that ii future a box la* placed at the door to " eiv* contributions for same. Thanks to "•inkers and sym|>athlsers were expressed •r donations to the ‘‘Cliina” fund; also to Mrs j. Moore for her work In collectlnß one I tedded that a request la* made to the proper authorities for permission to ‘"'ak from the pulpit prior to Polling D»> \ collection ill Hid of the Maori Fund •mounted to 12s. litl. M ABTKKTON.

July 2nd. Mrs ('ocher. Good attendance. Two n. w mem tiers. Arrangements made for the \j„it of Mrs Don, when we expo t nti •''henstie gathering In the Opera Bouse. Miss Sutherland. M.A., Rave a concise report

from the Prohibition Leaffue, especially Hti'cssiiiß the youiiß people’s work in connection w ith tlie Leagues, and soliciting the help of members of the I nion for canvassiiir duritiß the campaißn. A social Committee was formed to assist the Home • 'ommitte* at social functions. Campaign Fund collecting • aids were taken l»y many of the members. A donation of £lO was received for the work of the Union from a svinpathiser. A collection vv as taken for Maori work, amounting to 17s. 9d. AUCKLAND. June 9th. White Ribbon Day; Mrs Cook presided over a Rood attendance of members. A vote of sympathy was passed to the relatives of Mrs Napier, who recently passed away at a private hospital in Auckland. Mrs Full James gave a short account of the Maori work at llokiatißa, and asked the members to tiring clothes for the parcel which she is sending shortly to Sister Eleanor for the Maoris. A collection was taken for the Maori work. Mrs Cook reported that a farewell party had been given to two young ladies at the W.C.T.U. Hostel, who are leaving for Foreign Mission work. A pleasant evening was spent. Mrs McMillan gave a very interesting account of the work of the W.C.T.U. at Naini T:tl, a mountain Station in India, where the European mothers and children spend the time during tin* very hot season. Welfare exhibitions are held to tea< h the Indian mothers how to care for tln*ir children. Diagrams ami posters are prepared and explained, dealing with food protection, ventilation in the homes, drainage, care for sick children, &c. Temperance literature is distributed and total abstinence taught. Mrs McMillan spoke of the curse of strong drink in India, and urged the meeting to fight for freedom from tit is curse in New Zealand. It would mean a blessing to other lands, and would convince tin* heathen of the reality of Chriatianitv. The British soldiers in the hospitals are also visited, helped, encouraged, anil safe-guarded front the great temptations. The European mothers meet in council for mutual help in training their children amid the great evil influences with which they are surrounded in heathen lands. < >ne new member was initiated. “Day U|> Social” to be held on June 30th. June 30th. “Pay Up Social ; M a large attendance of members. Mrs Cook presided. A resolution in favour of Bible Reading In schools was passed, letters being sent to the Prime Minister, (Hon. .1. (». Coateaß and to Mr Parry, member for Auckland Central. urging them to support Mr Isitt's Religious Exercises in Schools Bill in the interests of the moral welfare of the children. Mrs Pulljames made an appeal for Bibles t not necessarily new ones) for work among the Maori children in the North, and also for clothes.. Sympathy was expressed with Sister Eleanor in her illness. Mrs Bowling pressed the <laiins of the W.R. Paper, and urged the members to secure new subscribers. Mrs Cook announced that Mrs Don would lo* visiting Auckland next month, and arrangements were made for a meeting in connection with our Union. Musical items were contributed, and afternoon 'ea served, and a pleasant social time spent. Members were urged to secure new votes for Prohibition.! TAUKANGA. June 19th. Very good attendance of members and visitor*. Mrs Carlton Smith in the chair. Attended to a fairly heavy correspondence, and had a brisk dismission on matters local and otherwise. New Handbook was laid on the table. Mrs Carlton Smith rend article from May number of White Ribbon nti the starting of that paper. The Rev. Frost came In and distributed a lot of work to aid In the corning poll. A collection was taken up for the Maori Missonis. Refreshments were handed round. BALCLUTHA. May f»t It. 18 ladies present. Five new members were initiated. It was a feature, that mm member of only a few months should bring two of these new members to Join our ranks; may she keep on doing so, so helping on the cause. Resolved that the Secretary write to Mrs Young and arrange for a meeting three weeks from date, and arrange to advertise the date of meeting in local papers, mid have Ham** notified front local pulpits of various churches. Arranged

to hold a Hand of Hope meeting in Salvation Army Hall, during winter months mi last Friday of month. Resolved that officers he written to thanking them for use of hall free of charge. Mrs Geggie then read a full account of Convention, which was listened to with interest. Mrs Geggie received a hearty vote of thanks. HENDERSON. June 17th. “Pay Up” Social. Mrs Platt presided; very average attendance. Our Secretary read Mr Isitt's Bill in Brief in favour of Bible teaching in schools, and a short time spent in discussing it. Our President then urged the need for the circulation ,»f our paper. When w e think of w hat a uig thing it has grown to be, and how very small it was to begin with, We know it is a grand little paper, and would like to see it in every house in the district. Every member present was a subscriber save one ami she promised to become one, and each one premised to pass hers on as soon as read, so that we may get it more generally known among our friends. Afternoon tea was served. BPREYDON. A meeting, under the auspices of the W.C.T.U., was held in the Spreydon Baptist Church, on May 19th, 1 925. Mrs T. E. Taylor addressed the meeting, and at the conclusion a motion, "That a branch of the W.C’.T.U, he formed in Spreydon,” was moved and carried. Mrs Taylor conducted the Initiatory Service. The following oft n et's were electsd; - -President, Mrs Nairn; N ioePresldents, Mrs Thompson. Voss, Ray. Petrie, Smith, and Hayward; Cor. Sec., Miss Ruby Ray; Reo. flee.. Mrs Ansel I; Treasurer, Mrs Whitelaw; White Ribbon Kupt.. Mrs Watson. Solos were rendered by Miss Pudney and Mrs Amtell. Afternoon tea was handed around. June 9th. Good attendance of members. President Mrs Nairn in the chair. iK-cided to hold future meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. Miss Henderson gave a very interesting and inspiring address, for which she was heartily thanked. Afternoon tea was provided. Two new members. SMI TH INVEUCARGILR. June 9th. Fair attendance of members and the Executive. Mrs Falrhairn, < President), took the ehalr, and the devotional part of the meeting was conducted hv Mrs Drvde. The visiting Committee, captained by their capable Convenor. (Mrs Pasley), reported visits made with good results, proposed to hold a rally meeting In Winton shortly, a number of delegates to make the journey. The meeting listened attentively to Sister Jane's edifying and interesting discourse on "Our Women's work among the Maoris.” and Miss Hobbs captivated her hearers with two beautiful harmonious solos. Both these ladies received hearty votes of thanks. NEW BRIGHTON. Juno 18th. The President in the < hair. A record attendance. Miss B. M. Bar band, on behalf of the officers find iiicmbers. presented Mrs Hall with a bouquet in appreciation of the splendid service she lias rendered the I’nion. Mrs Oatehpole of the W.C.T.U., Canada, addressed the meeting on her work in Canada and the United States, ami was listened to with great interest by all. Items were given during the afternoon bv Mesdancs C. Smith, A. lioimingtmi, F. M. Mitchell, anil F. H. Good, and Mastei d. Campbell, in the evening the annual “Pay Up” social was held, when members and their friends were ent* .mined with an excellent programme, and six new members were Initiated. The Rev. T. Sarginaon addressed the gathering, and Items were given by Mrs Chapman. Miss Eaglesonie. and Mi Jones; solos, Mesdames Campbell and Hewlett, and Messrs N. Campbell and God man (quartette), and Mr W. H. Moses eloi utlonary. Much amusement wss caused by the impromptu speeches, tills being won by Mr Jones. Mr Cannavagh acting as Judge. PLEASANT POINT. June sth. A very well attended meeting. Miss Hialiop presided, and after tea vv;.s served she introduced Mrs Don. who was re-

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White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 361, 18 July 1925, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 361, 18 July 1925, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 361, 18 July 1925, Page 10

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